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Showing posts with label Impeachment Trial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impeachment Trial. Show all posts

Feb 11, 2021

February 12, 2021: Spotlight on Trump Defense Team

February 11, 2021: Tomorrow, February 12, 2021, the Trump Defense Team of lawyers (such as they are) will present what some call a defense of Trump's indefensible incitement of the January 6, 2021 Mob Attack upon the US Congress with its goal of stopping the vote certification which favored President Joe Biden. As you know the Trump Mob's slogan "stop the steal" featured heavily on that day as our Capitol Building was breached, desicrated, vandalized, and rioters with violent intent searched the halls and chambers for VP Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi in order to - and here I'll use the word 'harm' - them. You've seen the disturbing videos this week or previously, or perhaps you watched the violent insurrection in real time as did I.

Today, House managers of the trial, the Democrats, wrapped up their case even as I typed (400 miles South of the Capitol) and personally I'm feeling about as sparky as a limp dish rag as this week draws to a close. So no horoscope of tomorrow in this post but let's share a few cosmic details concerning February 12, 2021 Capitol Building Washington DC.

February 12th: the Bundle shape of planets continues which is the shape of dictatorship (ex: see Benito Mussolini's natal chart, or this).

Obviously, with the planets gathered these days on one side of all horoscopes, the Bundle relates to Trump's plan for a successful coup on January 6th which could have installed a Trump dictatorship by negating America's traditional 'peaceful transfer of power' via certification of the Electoral College Vote. (As Trump had said in an interview, it would be a continuing (of his regime) rather than a transfer of power to Joe Biden.)

So looking at two horoscopes, one set for 12 noon and one for 1:00 pm est tomorrow, in both charts transiting Icarus @24Cap37 (who flew too high; associated with downfall and assassination) conjuncts saboteur Pluto, quite a cosmic picture of instigator Trump's behavior. He called his violent thugs and other supporters to the Capitol Building on January 6th like the Pied Piper he is!

Now as you know, today at 2:06 pm est, a New Moon perfected @23AQ13 so this week of the Senate Trial has occurred undercover of a Dark of the Moon phase, a good time to discuss and review (Mercury Rx) 'things that go bump in the night', only the January 6th insurrection happened primarily in broad daylight.

Therefore, today's cosmic weather for the Democrats is a reasonable, civilized Sun AQ-Moon AQ double Air blend of conscious and unconscious energies while tomorrow the cosmic picture for Trump and the Republicans changes to an Air-Water Sun AQ-Moon Pisces. So let's not bother expecting substance from an Air-Water combo, for it's misty, unsubstantial, and on the ethereal side. Double Air prefers benefits for society and strives for objectivity. Air-Water is known for an impractical approach that uses the intellect to defend against or deny emotions.

Why, the emotions of senators (even senators!) have been stirred this week - visibly on their faces! So for me it will be a sad and predictable drama tomorrow to watch lawyers for Trump attempt to defend his indefensible words and actions which led to violence on January 6th as the Executive Branch attacked the Legislative Branch of government. Then comes the farce of Republican senators contorting themselves as they try to justify their refusals to hold the culprit accountable by voting for the conviction of the violence-promoting Pied Piper who calls himself Donald Trump.

And then? He'll feel and be emboldened.