The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that Fed head Ben Bernanke is a "rising star" who, after a "slow start", is managing the financial crisis quite well, thanks.
Perhaps he is, but knowing that Mr. Bernanke's Fed term is up in January 2010, my suspicious nature is more likely to see the current glowing reports on Mr. Bernanke's performance as propaganda meant to justify the fact that there's little chance President Obama will be replacing Bernanke in January.
And the Wall Street culture continues to rule plutocratic America as numbers reports are fudged and are strategically released to create a 'special effect' - a mirage - of financial improvement.
All in all, I'd have to say that the jury is still out on Mr. Bernanke's performance - at least it is on Main Street USA.
Here's a round-up of stuff I've previously blurbed about Ben Bernanke including his Pre-Natal Eclipse details - his PE manifested its 18.6-year cycle on September 11, 2007 (perhaps you remember that one, it was a doozy) @ '18Virgo' and the Eclipse obviously occurred on the 6th anniversary of 9/11.
'Sept 11, 2007' is well within the 'economy starting to slide' range of foreclosures and debt overburdens of the US consumer as ripples of financial turmoil issued from the WTC attacks, as someone planned.
The 9 New South Series indicates 'responsibilities with paperwork coming home to roost' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) -click above link to find the rest of this Eclipse' flavor - which points to all culprits including Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, whose PE it be.
9 New South is a 'young' are its details and history:
Initial Eclipse July 19, 1917 @ 25Can51 (conj US natal Mercury Rx); Mercury 3Leo13 (conj Pres. Obama's n Mercury 2:20); Venus *18Leo18 (conj Venus on 9/11/01 and the August 11, 1999 'Mother of All Eclipses" of Nostradamus fame); Mars 23Gem54 (just past a US Mars Return); Jupiter 3Gem48 (approaching US n Uranus 8Gem55 Rx); Saturn 3Leo04 (conj Mercury as noted); Uranus Rx 22AQ45 (where transiting Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron have been hanging out recently and triggering the behavior patterns - shown by Uranus' sign - of this Series); Neptune 4Leo16 (conj US n North Node and 1917's Mercury and Saturn as noted); Pluto 4Can28 (conj US natal Venus and Jupiter); NN 9Cap49, so the Eclipse's SN is in the middle of the US natal planets in Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun. Tr SN had already conjoined and left behind US natal Mercury '25Can.'
'July 19, 1917' is manifestation #1. This Series also occurred on the following dates and we may relate them to historical events, if we had the time:
2. July 30, 1935 @ '6Leo' (conj US natal NN);
3. Aug 9, 1953 @ '17Leo' (see '18Leo' above);
4. Aug 20, 1971 @ '27Leo' (opposes US n Moon 27AQ10 in 'Sibly' chart);
5. March 7, 1989 @ '17Pisc'
6. Sept 11, 2007, as above
Next 9 New South Eclipse: Sept 21, 2025 @ '29Vir'...29 degr of any sign is always considered a critical or crisis degree.
Key as always: conj = conjunct; n = natal (birth); NN = North Node of the Moon; SN = Moon's South Node; degr = degree/s; Tr = transiting; Ecl = Eclipse; PE = Pre-Natal Eclipse.
*'18Leo' is also the degree of two of America's natal midpoints and quite an oil/water mix of energies: Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Mc.