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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn. Show all posts

Jun 13, 2019

Saturn-Pluto and our Social Safety Net Chickens

Year 2020: Karmic Pile-Ups and the Social Order

Listening to C-SPAN Radio this morning my ears perked up when the discussion turned to Social Security issues and mention was made of the social safety net program's crisis of 1982 and into the 1980s. Googling a bit I soon located an archived New York Times op-ed from May 20, 1982 concerning the "recurrent crisis" of funding the program, Social Security in 1982, 1984, and 2020 stating in 1982 that, "The more worrisome crisis is still decades away"..."By about 2020, {} there may be trouble."

Now politicians, economists, and others have been aware of such funding issues all along and "there may be trouble" time is upon us, folks, Baby Boom Bubble and all. And while I don't like typing it, the timing points toward the Great Conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto: on November 8, 1982 @27Libra36 and the upcoming conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Capricorn46 (both charts linked in the next paragraph). Of course, Venus-ruled Libra is an Air sign of thoughts and ideas, while Saturn-ruled Capricorn is a practical Earth sign through which ideas become reality.

Now, as January 2020 approaches, the most popular content here on Stars Over Washington of late is my recent post displaying both DC Horoscopes of the 1982 and 2020 conjunctions of these heavyweight planets: restrictive Saturn, one of the two societal planets along with expansive Jupiter, and transformative planet Pluto, the usual suspect manipulating powerfully from behind the curtain and a favorite planet of exploiting plutocrats the world over. In fact, America's Predatory Capitalism is one of the basic cash cows funding Plutocracy along with outright theft and criminality.

As for Saturn-Pluto, together their energies in the political sphere support such potentials as 'upsets in existing checks and balances', 'turmoil in any rigid or older structure', 'lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction', 'hoarding resources for potential future disasters', 'keeping affairs private or not open to scrutiny' (Trump's tryin'!), and/or 'secret preparations for future restrictions' preparations which I suspect are ongoing. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.)

Additional Note: the Saturn-Pluto cycle is approximately 33-38 years in length and prior to 1982, these particular karmic planets conjoined on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07. And by 'karmic' I mean the natural law of reaping what was sown, not that my granny thought she was Marie Antoinette!

Thus it appears that the troubling chickens that squawk within America's Social Security program are on the verge of coming home to roost just as expected for decades (for politicians chickened out on implementing fixes that would have eased the funding situation while purloining its trust fund monies) and the harsh conditions and constrictive energies of the Saturn-Pluto duo are regretfully implicated as cosmic descriptor and timing agent of our Social Security program's karmic troubles that lurk within.

And so it seems necessary to close this dreary post (sorry, dear reader!) the same way my favorite journalist, muckraker, and "all-around swell fellow" Brad Friedman ends each one of his podcasts...Good Luck, World.

Related Posts include: Saturn-Pluto, Economic Recessions, and Eclipses, and beginning in April 2020, plutocrats and the Federal Reserve System will enjoy three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions in the 22--25 degree range of governmental Capricorn. And of course, 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction of social order planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29 at Winter Solstice 2020--and conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS). Significant to the presidency and to Inauguration 2021? You betcha.

Above fowl: public domain image of a Chicken Silhouette.

Dec 21, 2017

Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised December 25, 1991

Image: Russia - Flag Raised, a symbolic moment for the good people of Russia; it's their "The Evil Empire is dead, long live Mother Russia" moment giving life to the myth and providing an invaluable public relations image for the people to cling to. The chart is set for a Lunar Hour on December 25, 1991 5:45 pm GMT Moscow, Russia; it is two years until the series of Great Conjunctions between 'new world order' planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune (1993) though they are conjunct in this chart, as you see.

In Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, the Flag Raised chart is #280, and is one of twenty horoscopes shown for the country now called, Russia. The book's Russia charts range from the Russia Unification chart of September 20, 0862 (Novgorod) through the Bolshevik era (1917), past the end of the USSR and Russian independence, and on to the Flag Raised chart you see here. Since this horoscope times a symbolic act to support a favorable image for the Russian public to admire, and since approval-seeking Mr. Trump is all about public image along with his love of money and gold, it is here displayed because the chart seems to resonate quite well with Trump's natal planets including his natal Ascendant (29Leo) with Mars rising @26Leo (conjunct this chart's Ascendant) and carrying royal star Regulus with them.

And note that in the Synastry Grid shown below, the two men enjoy a working relationship via a close Mars-Mars trine (0A15), plus, Putin's natal Saturn @17Lib27 precisely conjoins Trump's natal Jupiter @17Lib27 (strong in its Station Direct condition).

To me their Saturn-Jupiter combo supports what some in the US intelligence community have said--that former KGB agent Putin has cultivated Trump as a Russian asset for years and we know the Trump organization has received funding from Russia in the past, or so said Donald Trump, Jr who was born under this chart's Sun Cap-Moon Virgo personality blend. Sympatico? If so, financial arrangements between Putin/Russia and Donald Trump compromised Trump the candidate and made him unfit to play the role of US president--and that's besides Russian interference in our 2016 election/s which may have also benefited certain Republican politicians (and possibly Dems) who don't want "Russia-Gate" investigated for self-protective and political reasons. Mr. Trump's often expressed approval of Mr. Putin's way of doing things has hinted at his compromised condition ever since--and now the two seem to be phone pals (as long as Putin continues to flatter Trump).

And if we compare this Flag Raised chart of Russia with the natal horoscope of Donald Trump we see, among other connections, an interesting double Moon-Mars link between them. In Politics and Business, Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets gives a description of this planetary pair as: 'leaders who show concern about the welfare of others, but who don't necessarily follow through with relief','using or developing metal or mineral resources', 'farming activities which do not receive sufficient support from leadership', 'a military hierarchy which fluctuates in its effectiveness', and/or 'commercial uses of land resources for military or business activities'.

So considering dictator-wanna-be Trump's apparent adoration of dictator Vladimir Putin, is it a cosmic curiosity that Mr. Trump's Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon which perfects on September 16, 2019 @3Vir00 conjoins the rising Moon of Russia (in this chart)? Not to me it isn't. How about you?

Synastry Grid: Trump (across) and Putin (down); trines of benefit and sextiles of opportunity are circled (as is their Moon-Uranus quincunx by mistake); they sure have lots of planetary links between them!

Jul 24, 2017

In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner

On the day that son-in-law-in-chief Jared Kushner was born, January 10, 1981, expansive Jupiter @10Lib04 conjoined restrictive Saturn (9Lib43). His Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (0A20 at noon) is a strong indicator in a natal horoscope but of what? Without an accurate birth time our Jupiter profile must be somewhat out of focus but let's proceed since, as I type, Mr. Kushner is behind closed doors having a chat with politicians whose integrity, I say sorrowfully, is not a given in most cases. Witch hunt, Whitewash, all around the town!

For brief details on why we're looking at astrological Jupiter in relation to Washington DC's current crop of infesting creatures see this.

And here's a video of Jared Kushner delivering a quite brief statement after today's testimony.

Now it is my surmise that a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction denotes the need to temper whatever traits and inclinations natal Jupiter may have in its sign--here, Jupiter relates to others through Venus-ruled Libra, the sign of Justice ("that's not fair!"--same sign as Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter), diplomacy, relationships, values, perspectives, art, good looks, and elegance. And one interesting factor of interest is that Kushner's chart is shaped like a BOWL with the planets following Saturn who tips said BOWL. However, without a birth time we cannot discern the hemispheric focus (he's somehow lacking in the signs opposite the BOWL) but perhaps the BOWL tips toward Career and Public Status unless what appears to be a very private individual (who speaks rarely in public--shy? or sly?) is more about home and family than career ambitions. Hmm.

As for Kushner's natal Jupiter, via conjunction it takes part in the leadership function or tipping of the BOWL and considering how close the conjunction, I would have to credit Jupiter as a focus here, leading the rest along with cautious Saturn although Saturn is slightly dominant. Advocacy of a cause or having a mission to fulfill are suggested, and "his orientation to the world arises from division." (Jones, The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation). Well, that echoes his Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Libra so it seems his relationships are affected on a deep level by this restriction-vs-expansion team of planets.

Jared Kushner's serious minded Jupiter-Saturn conjunction (one of two aspects of Jupiter to other planets and there's than a nice sextile to North Node) indicates a retentive memory (not a talent he's touting today!), fortitude and stamina, and a need to assert himself in the world (opening his mouth and sharing is a good start). A reader of informative books, Kushner is actually quite good at helping others solve their problems thanks to Jupiter-Saturn allowing him a measure of hope blended with realism.

This is supported by the themes of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse series, the 19 North with its vibes of realism, tackling the truth, and seeing old situations for what they really are. You remember that a 19 North Solar Eclipse last and very recently manifested @9Virgo on September 1, 2016 and is, in fact, the PE of Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Inconveniently, transit Neptune directly opposed the eclipse degree adding elements of fakery, corruption, fanaticism, bait-and-switch methods, paranoia, deceitful political spin, propaganda, and scandals to the realism so badly needed in our society. Do you think that this strong 19N eclipse influence remains in effect with the Trump administration's ongoing Russia Gate scandal/s? Then I agree with you.

The second aspect to Kushner's natal Jupiter is a trine from energetic Mars @8AQ28 (1A36, at noon) which suggests expanded ambitions, idealism, a liking for travel, and the possibility of a positive home life. This is a 'lucky' aspect and may provide its owner with success gained with only a minimum of effort. Of course, due to his blended Jupiter-Saturn duo, Mars also trines Saturn which suggests that he does not intend to waste his time (as he said about the June 2016 meeting with Trump Jr and the Russians--he left the meeting once he realized it was a waste of his time--no dirt on Hillary). With the Mars-Saturn trine, efficiently directing all energies toward productive enterprises is all important in similar fashion to Mars exalted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn.

With a Mars-Saturn trine (and natal Saturn direct), we see that Mr. Kushner has no trouble getting along with senior people in charge, and his judgment is valued by those who rely on him for advice and encouragement. Now that surely must be a description of his in-legal-jeopardy father-in-law and it will be interesting to see results from Jared Kushner's testimony today and how much side-scuttling he must do in order to protect Donald Trump and his White House misadventure that they all must careen through for Trump's sake while everything is at America's expense.

Curiously, Jared Kushner shares the Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces blend of conscious-unconscious energies with The First American, Benjamin Franklin, who so aptly for today's Kushner post observed that,

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of."


Note that another description of a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction can be codified religion (Jupiter) meets orthodox Jewish religion (Saturn).

Jul 22, 2017

In the Realms of Jupiter: Sean Spicer

For explanatory details on this series of posts see Donald Trump: In the Realms of Jupiter.

Well, by now you've heard that Sean Spicer resigned on Friday (7.21.17) from his position as White House Press Secretary due to Trump's hiring of Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci as White House Communications Director. Today in a morning interview, Mr. Scaramucci is ready to elevate Breitbart, a newsy right-wing propaganda source that Mr. Spicer had 'trouble' with. (And no, Tony Soprano was not available!)

Now in honor of his attempts to harness the worst job in Washington, let's take a brief yet fond look at Sean Spicer's departing natal Jupiter:

Sean Spicer was born September 23, 1971 during the three Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune (exact on February 1 @2Sag47, May 22 @1Sag44, and September 16 @00Sag37). As you see, Baby Spicer joined the earthly flux one week after the third conjunction--his Jupiter @1Sag43 and Neptune @00Sag46 with the bubbly duo's vibes of religion, speculation, inflation, visions, dream world living, scandals, and political conflicts.

September 23, 1971: Sun-Pluto, Venus-Uranus, Mars-NN, Jupiter-Saturn

Actually, other conjunctions were in effect on his day of birth--a Sun-Pluto conjunction, both @29Virgo unless he was born around 1:00 pm when the Sun reached 00Libra, a World Point of Fame and Recognition. Sun-Pluto folk have powerful egos, like to be known as 'a power to be reckoned with' (Pelletier) and will use pressure tactics and direct confrontation against those who stand in their way--this is a predator combination of energies.

(My thought is that his Sun-Pluto did not 'play well' in the WH press room in spite of boss Trump's original assumption that it would. Note that Spicer's Sun-Pluto midpoint = the midpoint of tech savvy, quick thinking Mercury-Uranus with his communicating Mercury in its own sign of Virgo, the critic and dedicated worker with specialized skills.)

Natal Venus and Uranus in Libra are in wide conjunction, 6-degree orb) but applying and possibly inspiring sudden breaks in relationships, while feisty Mars links to the North Node of public contact @13Aquarius+ which suggests contentious encounters (and press briefings, as it turns out).

Broadcaster Jupiter Happy in Its Own Sign of Sagittarius

As for Spicer's natal Jupiter, the 'star of this show', the Jolly One is well connected to the other planetary energies in the chart which provides Jupiterian uplift and judgment abilities to the other natal planets: Sun sextile Jupiter (1A45; fragile self-confidence), Jupiter sextile Pluto (2S09; self-sabotage through rigid opinions), and here's a bit of a clanker: Jupiter opposite Saturn (4A46) with its tendency to seek 'yes people' in order to bolster a shaky sense of self-esteem. Mr. Trump has the same approval-seeking tendency with a natal trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter conjoined in his 2nd house of Self-Esteem and Values but things didn't work out very well between them.

Well, I naturally want to wish Mr. Spicer a better life once he escapes the White House (in August?) although I will say that if their problems are due to the two Jupiter-Neptune bullsh**ters being too much alike, then We the People must accept the fact that perhaps their bromance just wasn't meant to be!


Related: the Wedding Day Astrology of Sean Spicer and Rebecca Miller.

Mar 8, 2017

DC Horoscope: Saturn-Pluto Conjunction January 2020

Here is the horoscope set for Washington DC of the Great Conjunction of restrictive Saturn and powerful Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020; Moon in Leo and Venus in Aquarius are both unaspected and the Hour belongs to a Capricorn Jupiter strong in its natural 9th house of Philosophy and Foreign Travel:

Saturn conjuncts Pluto in the publicly visible 10th house of Public Status and Career with authoritative Saturn ruling 10th house (MC 18Cap06) and Pluto's Scorpio on the Descendant of Partnerships. The Aries-Libra axis is intercepted suggesting something hidden or karmic in the realms of the 6/12 polarity in relation to alliances, diplomacy, war, police/military forces, and/or health and civil service issues. Chart-ruler Venus makes no applying (or waning) aspects at all so her house and sign positions are emphasized and you see by her degree (28AQ) that US natal Moon in Aquarius has been conjoined recently by Venus which suggests a harmonious period when intuition leads and the cold, hard facts are ignored or bypassed. But with the January meeting of Saturn and Pluto, 2020 will be a year when cold hard facts cannot be ignored or denied and may be forced upon society.

'Facing hard facts' relates to the crisis-ridden 'YOD' (not exactly one since the MC is part of it) that points toward an unaspected Moon @17Leo13 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creative Pursuits, Romance, and Children. Strain (inconjunct) is upon the people (Moon) and issues from the Neptune-MC sextile which indicates those in authority who influence people and public policy in subtle ways in order to gain their acquiescence and avoid opposition (like they've practiced against us for years with varying levels of success). The Saturn-Pluto conjunction may be the catalyst that further solidifies global corporatists' totalitarian power with Pluto in Capricorn as the dictator, according to Reinhold Ebertin, and of course, Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn is extremely strong but times financial difficulties--though not necessarily for the win-win types). And we have America's first-ever Pluto Return coming up in 2022 to cement the Saturn-Pluto deal of 2020.

As for the Moon as Bucket handle this denotes some level of inspiration and zeal coming from the realms of Leo and identifies those who adapt allegiances where they can count for the most (Jones). A Bucket pattern suggests a cause or a mission to fulfill but is the Moon-as-handle advocating the cause or playing a different or an opportunistic tune? Saturn-Pluto likes to use secret police and military agencies to dominate the public and creates turmoil in traditional institutions especially if they're resistant to change. The duo's affairs are not open to public scrutiny as governmental checks and balances are upset (they already are) and secret preparations are being made for more restriction in the future which is underscored by the chart's Aries-Libra interception with its hidden, secret, or karmic (reaping what was sown) quality.

Upper right is a list of Jupiter's conjunctions with Saturn and Pluto, all in 2020; this chart's Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the first of them and denotes bleakness, brutality, and hard hard work. Also in the 9th house is penned the Pre-Natal Eclipse of this conjunction which occurred on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series (see lower left). 3 South themes are: traumatic transformation via news received or a short journey taken; sudden endings of relationships, possibly with a young person; this series is deeply emotional with Pluto involved (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Perhaps you recognize this eclipse from the last time it manifested on December 14, 2001 when 'mastermind' Osama bin Laden was (allegedly) tracked to the Tora Bora Caves by the US military, then pouf! he mysteriously disappeared as if he'd never been.

3 South is the Pre-natal Eclipse series of the Discovery of Pluto (Feb 18, 1930) and of the Republic of China. This chart's Earth-Fire (scorched earth!) Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend is shared natally by China's Mao Tse-tung and America's Dolly Parton so let's close with Mao's famous quote:

"Wherever we go, we must we must unite with the people, take root, and blossom among them."

No thanks.


Bucket info from an old copy of The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation by Marc Edmund Jones.

Dec 12, 2015

2016 Politics: Jupiter-North Node conjoin in Virgo

Money Planet Jupiter and the North Node Connect Three Times in 2016

by Jude Cowell

Having discovered an excellent article by Nina Gryphon concerning 2016's Jupiter-North Node conjunction in Virgo I recommend it highly for a good overview is provided of several areas some of which involve the Federal Reserve. Nina relates the conjunction/s in 2016 to the ending and beginning of a new fiscal era as it did in 1979 when the Fed changed its policy and a period of fluctuating rates and instability occurred. For as you know, Jupiter inflates, the North Node (NN) of the Moon is a Jupiterian point of encounter, contact, association, and direction and Mercury-ruled Virgo is a detail-oriented, discriminating Earth sign closely linked to the very creation of Washington DC.

But what areas are implicated by the Jupiter-NN combination in Politics?

As an actor, Jupiter can play many roles, four of which are politician, banker, guru (mentor, priest), and The General. All of these realms are subject to influence from the Jupiter-NN conjunction/s of 2016. And with 2016 an election year, we naturally think of the 2016 Campaign which is focused on the Republican and Democratic Conventions in July 2016, and the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election with Jupiter often used to signify one of America's two political parties. Which one? Which ever one is acting the Santa Claus role as the other party acts out the austere Grinch role. You know which is which these days based on their behaviors, right? So if I must, I'll gingerly reward the Jupiter-NN title to the Democratic Party for 2016. Actually the Jupiter-Saturn pair of energies is the 'checks and balances' duo, the way the US government is meant to work and be conducted but you know how that's been going lately--under constant threat of paralysis and shutdown thanks to anti-government types aiming for a 'new order' to replace the old order of 1776.

So as Nina Gryphon points out in her article, exact conjunctions of Jupiter and NN in 2016 occur on January 23, January 28, and June 20 @22Virgo in January and again in August--conjunct US natal Neptune @22Virgo making 2016 a year of fanaticism, paranoia, illusions, scandals, big dreams, promotion and pretense--quite descriptive of Campaign 2016. By June 20, transit Jupiter, after turning Direct in May, will reach 15Vir42, then conjoin US natal Neptune again in late July-early August 2016 suggesting that the themes will color the entire year and political campaign, and will necessarily involve the presidency of Barack Obama due to its inflated, fantasy-ridden Jupiter-Neptune imprint in 2009 via their three conjunctions through his first year in office, a major conjunction which conjoined US natal Moon (We the People). Obamacare and Wall Street are implicated as well.

And in Politics, the 'fortunate contacts' Jupiter-NN duo keys potentials in 2016 regarding: legal consequences of treaties (ex: TPP), legal opinions of religious leaders, and/or imports that disrupt trade or business (ex: TPP?). The interference in legal matters by religious leaders may be excessive, closed legal societies may be involved or turn up in the news, and/or our legal system will continue to be hampered and bound by erroneous decisions concerning the status of groups ('corporations are people'?) or parties (which hints at candidates illegally coordinating their campaigns and promotions with groups they shouldn't.)

Expansion of contacts through networking is a given along with successful meetings, and work/job related (Virgo) summits, conferences, and/or seminars which may be held in abundance and be successful as well. Political primaries and caucuses are on the 2016 menu, plus, The Broadcaster is one of Jupiter's roles and since North Node relates to contact with the public, we also think of Summer 2016 which threatens the American public with two political nominating conferences so it will be nearly impossible to escape hearing all about it. Too fast or far expansion is also a possibility for it may lead to future collapse so that would be a caution for anyone this applies to--the traditional caution of 'too much too soon' comes to mind.

During 2016 we must also consider that transiting NN (the head of the dragon) also meets with US natal Neptune (22Virgo) in 2016 and this combination may supply Neptunian glamour and/or falsehoods to our contacts but also such potentials as: a lack of community spirit or teamwork, bad judgment, disappointments in relationships or alliances, strange conduct, plus, it may widen the possibilities for anti-social behavior. Unfortunately, Neptune-NN also suggests scandals via foreign concerns, and spies and/or terrorists entering the country which of course points to the acceptance or non-acceptance of Syrian refugees and to America's ongoing arguments over Washington's neglect of adequate border control.

To close, let's add Ebertin's more pleasant descriptions of the Jupiter-NN combination of energies for he supplies more social and agreeable flavors such as: good fellowship, harmonious relationships, and good fortune in finding a partner (though anti-social conduct cannot be ruled out.) Another curious flavor comes from the 19th century and I wonder if you've ever heard of it: the Odyle force, sometimes referred to as the 'Od force' which sounds oddly quaint these days, doesn't it?

Well, why not check it out some brief details at Secret Moon Art? And here is a view of my Od Collage created in 2009 in honor of the 19th century's 'scientific' notion of the existence of an Odyle force:

Blog Note: in planning stages is my annual post displaying the Spring Equinox 2016 and Summer Solstice 2016 horoscopes set for Washington DC so please check back when you can, or Follow or Subscribe as you may. Thanks!

Aug 22, 2015

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox Sep 23, 2015 (Libra Ingress)

Autumn Equinox 2015: Venus and the Statue of Liberty

by Jude Cowell

With the equinox Sun @00Lib00:00 and Moon @24Cap29 (in 2nd and 5th houses, respectively) we find the moment of Autumn 2015 begins during an Hour of warrior Mars with Mars @28Leo54 rising, Ascendant 27Leo55, royal star Regulus @00Vir in tow. Plus, expansive Jupiter @9Vir15 in 1st house provides what we may hope is protection in what looks to be difficult circumstances this Fall season. For only 10 days earlier, a Solar Eclipse perfected @20Virgo and as most people know, Washington DC is heavily imprinted with the stars of constellation Virgo, the Virgin.

And of course, as the 6th sign, Virgo is naturally identified with the 6th house of Work (employment), Service (military, police, civil, domestic), Health, and our Daily Schedules. Autumn Equinox Sun, North Node (Future Direction), and communicating/trading Mercury @14Lib08 Rx spotlights for the country the National Treasury, owned as it is, by the Federal Reserve System of worldwide central banks. Saturn, in its retrograde process, has turned Direct and again reached 00Sag23--here, in 4th house of Domestic Scene across the Security axis of the 4/10. At "1Sag", Saturn (lawmakers, government, business) keys the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree in the Sabian Symbols, and in the Angular 4th house, hints at Saturnian events or tasks during the first of Autumn 2015 but also at the end of the season as Winter approaches.

Horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC: September 23, 2015 4:20:55 am EDT

Some US natal planets from 1776 are listed around the outside of the chart; please enlarge to read my scribbled notes if you wish since all may not be mentioned in this text.

Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn is an Air-Earth blend of rationality and practical idealism, an androgynous combination of energies which hints on one level at transgender issues (Sun = male principle; Moon = feminine principle) and other relationship concerns. The 90-degree square between Libra and Capricorn denotes blockages or obstacles in the attainment of desires unless major adjustments are made in relation to the opposite sex (GOP's 'war on women'? age-ism haunting Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency--if her campaign is viable by Autumn?) Actually, ego is perhaps the biggest obstacle to success with a Sun-Moon square!

So with Sun in Libra and Moon in Capricorn the cosmic atmosphere of Autumn 2015 into December contains political vibes of conflict, tactful diplomacy efforts surfacing, prominent executive talents emerging, and opportunities appearing as mentioned, below. Blatant self-interest will conflict with a sense of cooperation and sensitive types will take offense too easily as they often will.

One of the Sun Lib-Moon Cap's Images for Integration of the solar consciousness and lunar unconscious is descriptive in relation to the USA:

"The Statue of Liberty". Another Image is apt for the financial implications of the September 23, 2015 horoscope which are mentioned, below: "At the annual company Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationery for everybody." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.) For 'everybody'? Really? Gosh, that'd be swell! And as you know, the Statue of Liberty is an Illuminati symbol of Venus (and goddesses by other names), is constructed of copper, the metal of planet Venus, and was shipped from overseas as a gift from French Freemasons to American Masons.

Chart-Related Astro-Notes Concerning Autumn Equinox 2015

A prime factor in our consideration of Autumn Equinox 2015 is chart-ruler Sun (ASC 27Leo55) (the focus of an equinox horoscope) in the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values. The Sun applies to a sextile (60 degr; 0A23) with 4th house Saturn denoting that opportunities will be presented for maturity and good planning to pay off, productivity to increase, and those with expertise to garner new clients while others are invited to lecture or consult. Though some advantage may be given to careers in 4th-house/Saturnian fields such as mining, real estate, geographical re-location (immigration? deportation?), genealogy, ecology, psychology, history, government, law, and business management or leadership, these opportunities generally apply to all professions and are particularly useful for those who are well prepared to accept such offers as they arise. As you know, authoritative Saturn rewards hard work and perseverance!

America's Natal Horoscope Affected on the World Stage

As you see, activist Mars (the warrior) is rising @28Leo54 and conjoins the natal Mars and Ascendant of real estate mogul Donald Trump, a 2016 candidate. But this article isn't about Donald Trump so let's not discuss his campaign here! Except to say that his popularity may still be in effect for Autumn since the Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon (the public), and Leo Ascendant and Mars are in a beneficial Cardinal Grand Trine which affects Trump's natal Mars-Ascendant-Regulus! A caution for Mr. Trump may be that royal star Regulus @00Virgo has a limitation--a 'success if revenge is avoided' command but what are the chances when he verbally attacks his attackers on a regular basis?

So as you see, Saturn @00Sag23 again triggers the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree in Sabian Symbols but there is warrior Mars with *Regulus square Saturn (1A28) which denotes quite a trio of archetypal energies. Mars square Saturn indicates that lack of preparation and organization will cause delays or setbacks with someone's authority being challenged and links to the 6th house of the Military, Police, Civil Services, and Employment. And with 6th cusp having a critical-crisis 29th degree upon it in Washington DC, (same opposite with the karmic 12th cusp = 29Cancer), we may expect issues of bad timing to be part of a frustrating, stop-and-go Mars-Saturn picture.

Let's include symbols for the 6/12 axis of "30Can" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" and "30Cap" = "A Secret Business Conference" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Still, there is evidence of cheer and pleasant social events displayed in the horoscope with the Venus-Jupiter midpoint rising on the Ascendant--perhaps this echoes back to the two planets' lovely conjunction @22Leo on July 1, 2015!

But on a more karmic note of reaping what's been sown, transit North Node ('NN", the head of the dragon; future direction; fated encounters) @1Lib00 Rx is listed on the chart, bottom left, for it conjoins America's natal Midheaven ('MC' = Goals, Public Status; the most visible point) in the 5:09/10 pm LMT 'Sibly' chart, July 4, 1776), as is transit Sisyphus (determination to succeed), and political asteroid, Juno @2Lib16, also in transit. These degrees are near the US natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint (3 Libra) which highlights the Socialism-Communism-Capitalist debates ongoing in the public discourse along with the elderly, weak, ill population of this country and whether America intends to be compassionate toward her non-rich citizens, or takes more austere measures in order to weed them out of the herd. You know--the Ayn Rand/Darwin model of "survival of the fittest" where "useless eaters" need not apply. This may also be seen with the tail of the dragon (SN) at IC (endings; The Drain), which lends 'support' to current immigration-deportation debates. Perhaps it's obvious that the current political campaign season with its issues and talking points are depicted here. Be that as it may, NN to MC and SN to IC favors the career sector over the domestic scene where restrictive Saturn lends heaviness.

Pisces on 8th Cu$p (Jupiter-Neptune) with a Jupiter-Neptune Opposition

On the financial level, there's the MC with the May 28, 2000 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn (23Taurus) upon it and with their dynamic square phase occurring off and on (Jupiter and Saturn are not actually square in this chart.) However, expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn are intimately involved with Financial Cycles but also with Government concerns--the pair is our exalted 'checks and balances' planets even though the concept has been seriously undermined in recent decades. (I primarily time such dissolution by the Wilson's signing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 but perhaps you time it otherwise for many other events have marked America's downward spiral via sabotage.)

Related: Shemitah Exposed: Financial Crisis Planned for September 2015.

It may be useful to note here that the combined forces of Jupiter and Saturn represent potentials for: changing fortunes, attainment of far-reaching goals, patience, dissatisfaction, changing of employment or residence, irritability, vexation, and/or angry upsets. As for professions, the Jupiter-Saturn combo describes civil servants of the administration, other government officials, bankers, philosophers, law professors, clergymen, fellow tenants, relatives, and politicians. (Ebertin.)

Then there's often shady, always mutable and changeable Pisces on the corporate 8th cusp with Jupiter its ruler, Neptune as co-ruler (or higher octave planet.) For me this triggers unpleasant memories of their three conjunctions all through 2009 at or around 27 Aquarius, the position of US natal Moon (We the People) when the public was ensnared with a glamorous rock star dream of Obamian 'hope' and 'change' we could 'believe in'. Much was fretted about this here on SO'W and elsewhere concerning the dreamy, unrealistic midpoint picture of Jupiter-Neptune = US natal Moon which, I alleged, imprinted its energies upon the entire presidency of Barack Obama with 'speculators, wastrels, spendthrift' vibes as the National Treasury was robbed for the sake of corporate bail outs (TARP, etc), the Fed printed more funny money, and years of Wall Street greed resulted in mortgage defaults, evictions, and pension thefts that beggared many of the American people and undermined the US economy.

Noting that by Winter Solstice 2015 transit Jupiter will conjoin US natal Neptune, a time of illusions, pretense, fanaticism, paranoia, and possible bankruptcies, I'll fret no more for now about the inflationary Jupiter-Neptune duo but if you're concerned about a financial crash many economists and others are predicting for September 2015 (see the link, above), I direct you to financial astrologer Bill Meridian and his article on the Horoscope of the Federal Reserve and the secretive central bank's history. Details include its natal Mars and Neptune rising opposite expansive Jupiter showing unreliability and inflationary Jupiterian-Neptunian tendencies which by natural law must be followed by Saturnian deflation for what goes up must come down.


*Regulus represents the Capitol Building and therefore, the US Congress. For more info see A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington.

Aug 11, 2015

August 2015: EPA Toxic Mining Sludge Spill video, plus EPA Astro-Notes

And then this happened:

Under toxic threat, the Navaho Nation has taken emergency action against the August 5, 2015 accidental release of heavy metal sludge as the Gold King Mine near Silverton, Colorado as it was being 'cleaned up' by the EPA--or, apparently, by contractors hired by the EPA. Perhaps we can thank the movement to privatize government agencies for that.

The King Gold Mine toxic catastrophe will create havoc for several years as the mustard yellow plume flows south toward the Grand Canyon and beyond. Astrologically the toxic release may be identified in part by the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle. When Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency by Executive Order 1102 and the EPA began operating on December 2, 1970, Jupiter (expansion, breaking through boundaries) and Saturn (restriction, also the Earth, boundaries, and soil) had conjoined last on February 19, 1961 @25Cap12--Capricorn, an Earth sign ruled by Saturn, planet of government, law, and business.

So by December 2, 1970, the two societal planets with their checks and balances Yin-Yang qualities were in process of an off-again-on-again phase of opposition with Jupiter @21Scorpio and Saturn @17Taurus, another Earth sign of Environmentalism, conservation, and preservation.

As for the August 5, 2015 toxic spill, Jupiter and Saturn are in process of a square phase issuing from their Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @23Taurus and there's that environmentally aware Taurus again. Squares are aspects of blockage and obstacles but unfortunately, the blockage of soil was removed. Yet another aspect operative on August 5th is Mars in late Cancer squaring its position in 1970 (late Libra) which indicates males (Mars) acting impulsively and with a caution to beware large mechanical equipment--which is what workers were up to as they failed to realize the consequences of their machinery disturbing loose soil which released a heavy metal brew of arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, and more from the King Gold Mine clean-up site.

And with karmic Saturn again to transit the early degrees of Sagittarius, we may consider its conjunction with 1970 Neptune @00Sag58, the grim reality transit when it's easy to misinterpret what one is supposed to be responsible for and there is failure to fully comprehend the reality of a situation which describes the initial reaction of the EPA as the amount of toxins released was underestimated to area residents and the public (as is typical in such disasters).

Then like a computer program running underneath it all, we feel the effects of the planet of toxins, poisons, contamination, and water, Neptune, floating through its own sign of Pisces, sign of fish, bodies of water, and lack of clarity--and the EPA not letting out the news of the catastrophe to area residents until Thursday (Aug 6), a full day after the disastrous event.

You may wish to read President Nixon's message to Congress dated July 9, 1970: Reorganization Plan No. 3 which includes information on the protective mission of the EPA. But if it seems odd that a Republican president would create a regulatory agency like the EPA (which was actually a glopping together of agencies) try Myth: Nixon Created the EPA to Help the Environment which seems more in character with the Richard Nixon who played president when yours truly was a resident of Washington DC.

Aug 10, 2015

Voters Are Rejecting The Ruling Class: The 1% Are Running Scared - video

Should we file this under the category of 'Bout Time?

#Corporatism #BernieSanders #RingofFireRadio #1%

Jupiter = Expansion, Growth, Investment; Saturn = Restriction, Contraction, Austerity

It may be that the current Jupiter-Saturn square marks a phase when those who have been given--or stolen!--much (Jupiter) are being challenged to give back (Saturn) to the Collective and this imperative stems from the Jupiter-Saturn cycle and their conjunction of May 28, 2000 at 23 Taurus. Perhaps the Sabian Symbol for 23 Taurus applies: "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels" which to me sounds like the riches of the world craved by the greedy heist mentality of most corporate and big banker types of scoundrels who hoard gold and resources while calling the rest of us "useless eaters"!

Poor decrepit things! They pretend not to know that their reptilian ways show them to be lower on the evolutionary scale, not higher!

Related: 3-Quote Round-Up, One from Ayn Rand, priestess of the "useless eater" crowd, idol of the Republican Party. And yet in her dotage, Rand applied for and accepted Social Security benefits. Funny how that happens. Even for ideological hypocrites.


corporatism + statism = fascism

Jul 27, 2015

Republican House says No! to Senate Highway Bill--Venus Rx concurs

Late July 2015 Washington DC: Venus Rx and Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn Say No to Funding

by Jude Cowell

11:48 pm Update from The Hill.

Original post begins here...

Well, it had to As above, so below, didn't it? The Republican House refuses to take up the Senate Highway Bill leaving in-progress projects stranded and project starts hanging without funds.

With the fairy dust sparkles of the recent Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Leo fading, we must trudge back to DC for more cantankerous behavior by Washington politicians who think acting "in breach of the public trust" is governing.

Reflecting yet another Republican vs Democrat stalemate of blockages, obstacles, delay and frustration, investing Jupiter and restrictive, austere Saturn now square one and add stubborn behavior to the July 25, 2015 Retrograde Station of Venus, another money planet along with generous Jupiter. The Jupiter-Saturn fuss will continue while evaluating Venus (archetype of the feminine goddesses that America's founders idolized to the point of placing a statue symbolizing 'Columbia' atop the Capitol dome--and Virgo symbols all around the District) won't pass her shadow degree until October 10th (groan.) Plus, the July 25th Rx Station of Venus occurred precisely upon the royal star Regulus @00Vir46 with its keywords: success if revenge is avoided.

And yes, Regulus is representative of the Capitol Building and thus the US Congress in the starry layout of L'Enfant's original Federal Triangle along with the White House as fortuitous Arcturus and the phallic Washington Monument spiking upward toward lovely Spica. But really now, can you imagine Washington politicians taking no revenge upon one another? Why, that would be totally unbelievable!

And though the Direct Station of Venus may bring some improvement in funding, investing, and diplomacy matters (another province of astrological Venus) she won't pass her shadow degree (00Vir46) until October 10, 2015--almost one month after the September 13th Solar Eclipse with its 'high stress level' and 'overtaxing of strength' background influences. Surely by then the public will be spared the Venusian envy, spitefulness, and scorn with which Republicans pretend to govern while acting in the Political Theater of Washington DC.

#PoliticalAstrology #WashingtonDC #JudeCowellAstrology


Now if you'e really concerned about what Lady Venus is up to over the next few months, visit Jessica at Moonkissed for advice on What to Do During Venus Retrograde!

Jul 23, 2015

The Venus Cycle and US Presidential Election 2016

First Vote 2016, Venus, and the Election of a US President

by Jude Cowell

In September 2008 in her Visual Astrology Newsletter, Bernadette Brady published an intriguing article titled Standing in the Radiance of Venus: A Visual Astrology view of the US presidential election and its self-imposed union with Venus using the 8-year cycle of planet Venus as a predictive guide. With the 2016 campaign season already percolating thanks to interested billionaires and an overeager corporate media industry (using it to divert from other matters), let's take a peek at Election Day November 8, 2016 and focus primarily on the position and condition of Venus who radiates the candidate and ruling party she favors with success, or empowers the challenger she favors, while appearing in her cosmic role as either Morning Star or Evening Star.

Venus Must Have Her Way

Now as Morning Star, Venus favors the incumbent candidate or ruling party (even if 2 terms--8 years--have been served by one president)--aka, the "one who wears the crown" as it was termed in the olden days of Mundane Astrology. The Morning Star status of Venus occurs in November (2nd through 8th, when presidential elections are held) when the lady is in the early degrees of Libra, one of the signs Venus rules. Since our elections are on a 4-year cycle, Venus is Evening Star in alternate elections since Venus returns to her same position every 8 years. As Evening Star her position is the mid-to-later degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of the stranger or foreigner---someone different or 'other' who acts as the challenger to the throne -- such as a non-politician, or an Independent (neither Republican nor Democrat).

But in her Evening Star role, Venus bestows favor upon the incumbent party's rival as if she's wielding influence in the court of a king and 'the crown' may be given to the opponent of the king who rules. Yet there have been two notable exceptions to this predictive guide--the successful election of Democrat Franklin Roosevelt in the election of 1932 when he whisked away 'the crown' from the head of one-term Republican Hoover, and the election of Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980 who finagled 'the crown' from one-term Democrat Jimmy Carter. Both elections occurred with Venus as Morning Star yet upsets were somehow allowed due in part to both candidates' tendencies to hastily give favors to others and/or make advantageous backroom deals (Iran hostages for Reagan; for Hoover, his tide of popularity had turned due to economics after 1929.) Let's not use the word 'cheating' though I will say that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing. Plus, a fed up American public makes a difference as well--if we show up and vote.

So setting aside the two exceptions of 1932 and 1980 while remembering that 'dirty tricks' are typically used by power elites to skew election results their way, we look ahead to a horoscope of Election Day 2016 in the form of a symbolic chart of the Dixville Notch, New Hampshire 'first vote' in America which traditionally is cast between 12:00 am and 12:01 am by the small yet representative population of Dixville Notch:

Horoscope: Dixville Notch, NH 'First Vote' November 8, 2016 12:01 am EST; 1st quarter lunar phase = crisis in action

Hour of the Sun; Venus out-of-bounds (OOBs); Venus rules 3rd and 10th houses; ASC 1Vir00 with royal Regulus rising; MC (The Goal) @24Tau08 with golden Midas Rx and trickster Pan Rx in Gemini, 10th h; 3rd house Sun @16Sco13 conjunct voter Mercury which has just crossed the IC (one minute of voting and it's over!); 6th house Moon @20AQ47...'21AQ' = "A Woman Disappointed and Disillusioned" may be significant to our 2016 Venusian election tale.

As you see, Venus @25Sag13 has sashayed past austere (conservative) Saturn in mid-Sagittarius in the 4th house of Domestic Security, the Foundation of the Matter, and she glances back as the Evening Star and radiates her favor upon conservative Saturn, planet of law, government, business--and the US Congress (lawmakers, senators, and such.) Plus, evaluating attracter Venus is disposited by political and banking planet Jupiter in 2nd house of Money and Values. Additionally, Venus and Jupiter are in a Mutual Reception of friendliness with Jupiter prominent as lead planet of a Locomotive pattern (high powered executive ability and a drive to success.) Jupiter approaches US natal Saturn (14Lib48) so we may expect a conservative slant to the proceedings on Election Day 2016 with optimist Jupiter bringing US Saturn hard work structured toward reaching goals, an increase of responsibility, a deeper awareness of needed changes, and a chance to turn ideas and ideals into reality as a long-held ambition is achieved.

For the hidden manipulator, wealthy Pluto @15Cap22 here he's posited in the 5th house of Speculation, Risk-Taking, and Creative Pursuits along with activist Mars, the warrior, @29Cap14, a critical 29th degree which has a revealing Sabian Symbol considering foreign investors set freer than ever by SCOTUS' Citizens United ruling of 2010: "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference." For certain they do! This could easily be seen as a reference to plutocrats, transnational bankers, and even the pope (Pluto) meddling secretly from on high and utilizing testy actor Mars to instigate his schemes to control outcomes in business, law, and government (Capricorn.) Plus, with Mercury in big business Scorpio, we know that Mars and Pluto have a lot to say about what Mercury plans to do.

Mercury: the Voter, the Ballot, and our Thinking Processes

As chart-ruler and planet of voters and ballot-casting, Mercury @23Sco10 is near the Sun (6S56) and may not see issues as objectively as needed. Mercury rises on November 8th with starry Ras Alhague with its imperative to 'create balance' so we may assume that American voters may attempt balance of our political system in our traditional way--but switching parties in the White House lest our country lean too far from 'center' after 8 years of a Democratic White House. Venus in Sagittarius supports a change to someone 'different' though this may describe several of the varied 2016 candidates--even Donald Trump, if his nontraditional campaign style gets him all the way to November 8, 2016 (ed: Senator Bernie Sanders is also 'someone different'.) Plus, one of the asteroids of transition and change, Proserpina, is rising on the Mutable (thus, changeable) Virgoan horizon so a different style and/or political party seems to be exactly what Dixville Notch voters prefer in 2016...and the rest of America as well.

As for chart-ruler Mercury's major applying aspects, there are none but there is a square from the Moon (the public) in 6th house (Military, Police, Civil Service) in America's natal Moon sign, Aquarius. Moon-Mercury square indicates blockage between head (logic) and heart (emotions) which is a time-tested political tactic to confuse the public. This horoscope leans toward Fixed-Earth energies and we think of stubborn, possessive Taurus, sign of the Bull of Wall Street which seems to favor GOP candidates more than progressive Democrats (not that Hillary Clinton is a genuine progressive! That would be Senator Bernie Sanders), and of course, what planet rules greedy Taurus?

Even for all that, it is tempting to say that the cyclical Venus Effect on US Presidential Election 2016 must obviously favor a female victor, unless dirty tricks and arm-twisting backroom deals skew results. But as you see, Venus here plays the role of Evening Star and points toward a change of ruling party in the White House in 2016, a portent which can be satisfied by a Republican victor--and doubly so with one such as former CEO Carly Fiorina, a lady Republican and corporatist.

Yet if a Fiorina victory is too disconcerting for you (and hard to believe), there is at least one other possibility shown for "the other" to be favored by Venus in the person of Senator Marco Rubio for on November 8, 2016 the 'social ladder climber' power asteroid Hidalgo @00AQ03 conjoins the January 20, 2017 US Inaugural Sun, mundane significator of The President. This factor supports the potential for a Republican--perhaps a member of Congress--taking the White House throne in 2016 since the 'king star' Regulus @00Virgo rises and is the starry representative of the Capitol Building in L'Enfant's original plan for the construction of Washington DC's *Federal Triangle (see below.) Regulus may also signify a candidate who has held office on Capitol Hill--even VP Biden fulfills that role.

Actually, the Cycle of Venus timing 'the other' as victor in 2016 possibly may be satisfied by someone like Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist of a democratic persuasion. Is he different enough for Venus with his political views quite apart from establishment politicians--those we may call "the old guard" as denoted by status quo Saturn? Or will it take a change of political party to satisfy Lady Venus?

Update Oct 15th: after watching the Oct 13th Democratic debate, the performance of Hillary Clinton now identifies her as one who could possibly satisfy 'the other' imperative of Venus in Sagittarius as "someone different" (as pundits are saying)--the first female president of the United States. Yet I dread the Clinton baggage she'd carry for the Republicans would never shut up about it and let the issues of the American people take precedence over partisan politics. Republicans are so very very tiresome and Democrats only somewhat better for both have played large roles in the weakening of our democracy and the undermining of our Constitution.

Now if these considerations seem arbitrary or too iffy for you, perhaps it's because you know that many more events will occur between today (July 23, 2015) and Election 2016 and circumstances will change. On the cosmic list are Solar and Lunar Eclipses, and New and Full Moons which can affect matters in similar fashion to 'wild card' eclipses. Or does Astrology have nothing valuable to offer Politics as far as you're concerned?

Be that as it may, Election Day 2016 Astrology and Politics will again be a topic here on Stars Over Washington in the future and my hope is that you'll think to return to SO'W soon in case new information turns up or new perspectives become necessary to discuss. More natal planet info of Republican and Democratic candidates is to be added as well though not all exact birth times are to be found online. Here are a few I've posted so far, in no particular order:

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton here and here (includes her Fist of God or Thor's Hammer pattern), Senator Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump here and here and--uh oh!--he was born with Regulus rising!

Related reading: Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2015--2017.


*Federal Triangle: The White House = Arcturus (a different approach), the Washington Monument = Spica (the spike), and the Capitol Building = Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) for it's As Above, So Below, as the Founders and Builders of Washington DC well knew as their plan for the District reflected the stars above upon the earth below.

A Jupiter-Saturn Astro-Note: in Mundane Astrology Saturn and Jupiter, the societal planets, can handily represent the Democrats and the Republicans in various circumstances since both parties tend to alternate wearing restriction-and-expansion caps at will. Most often it's the Republican Party that insists on austerity measures (miserly Saturn) even though they are members of the Grand (Jupiter) Old (Saturn) Party. Of course, they spend lavishly like Jupiterians when they're in the White House or when the largess is for themselves or for the military, weaponry, and other things that make them mega-bucks via their stock portfolios and bribes from lobbyists and billionaire donors. It's that Saturn urge that wants to 'shrink the US government small enough so we can drown it in a bathtub', said Grover Norquist whose noon Natal Chart with details may be viewed here.

Note that Mr. Norquist is the midst of a Saturn Return and that his natal Jupiter in Virgo (planet of money, corporations, funding, investment, growth, politicians, preachers, teachers, mentors, military generals, etc) conjoins fixed star Denebola, keywords: to go against society.

Yet as the older of the two parties, Democrats also play Saturnian roles in US politics while playing generous Jupiter when it comes to Social Safety Net Programs, and promoting investment, development, and growth. Naturally, humankind needs the concepts of both Jupiter and Saturn to balance one another and thus, moderation is achieved. Too bad restriction and investment are so often used as cynical talking points to stall opponents' advancement while keeping any progress whatsoever from moving ahead which might benefit the American people. jc

Nov 25, 2014

Saturn in Sagittarius 2014--2017: Barbara Goldsmith video

Here is a Special Report from astrologer Barbara Goldsmith (10 min 51 sec) on the collective shift of energy we will experience as structural Saturn moves into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, on December 24, 2014 for a 3-year sojourn.

Tending to think in terms of Political Astrology with expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn as our societal planets--describing political parties and 'checks and balances' in Politics--I shall happily skip adding here the more constricting potentials for governmental Saturn in its role of The Establishment, lawmakers, judges, business managers, and such. Barbara's take is more uplifting for society! jc

Sep 7, 2014

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2014: Jupiter becomes prominent

Set for Washington DC, here is the horoscope for this year's Libra Ingress, or as I usually call it, Autumn Equinox, 2014. If you click the image you may see my scribbles--it's an Hour of Saturn and with all the sober issues bedeviling the world at the moment it's no surprise that Autumn 2014 continues our serious concerns of a Saturnian nature.

In addition, we are at the square phase (90 degrees = blockages; obstacles; 5A15) of the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle (the two societal planets.) The current cycle began with their conjunction on May 28, 2000 and denotes, among other things, financial difficulties and delays plus, governmental (Saturn) blockages (square) along with lingering after-effects from events and conditions of 2000 and 2001 as the New Millennium got underway. You'll remember the Y2K scam, tech bubbles bursting, and other societal concerns at that time--and this wasn't long after the famous 'Nostradamus Solar Eclipse', aka the 'Mother of All Eclipses'. or, the 'King of Terror (or, Alarm) Eclipse.

Plus, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred in money-oriented Taurus, sign of the Bull of Wall Street, and paved the way into Millennial monetary robberies, fraudulent trading, 9/11 attacks and the missing gold from the World Trade Center vault/s... at 23 Taurus = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Valuable Gems" (Rudhyar)--all leading up to the Crash of 2007/2008. Plus, the current Pre-Natal Eclipse degree falls in the 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals (ex: trade pacts the American people oppose), and Karma--also in gold-loving Taurus @8:51 (on April 29, 2014.) This Solar eclipse is in the 16 South Saros Series and denotes 'wasted energy and misdirected motivations especially when dealing with groups--take no real action at this time' (Brady.) Sounds like President Obama is well-advised to be cautious and hold off on committing major numbers of troops to Iraq--for now, but it's coming. After, the Iraq War natal horoscope of 2003 did have its Jupiter (The General) Return recently.

Okay, without further fussing, here's the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope:

Chart-ruler Mercury (26Lib13 in 5th house of Gambling and Creativity) is unaspected so its sign and house position, the houses it rules (1st and 5th), and its dispositor (Venus in 5th house @21Vir34--they're in Mutual Reception so there will be cooperation between Mercury and Venus) is all-important for gleaning details on the character of Autumn 2014. Mercury is, of course, the communicator, messenger, orator, trader, teacher, and young person or student among many other roles for we often consider planets as actors on a stage.

Yet I would be remiss not to mention that Venus conjoins difficult Fixed Star Denebola indicating 'going against society' or, 'against the mainstream' and this to me denotes entities and groups which are doing and will do just that--in Politics at home and abroad, plus, violent actors and usurpers on the march and demanding that more power and control be added to their dubious accomplishments. And yes, this points toward the current crop of psychopaths!

Then there's trickster Pan, retrograde in Gemini (the Mercury-ruled sign of tricksters, traders, and magicians) and rising on the Ascendant (13Gem00) along with America's natal Descendant (Others, Partners, Open enemies) in the 'Sibly natal chart' so we may expect elements of surprise within alliances which the US government forms or has formed and which may now be up for review or revision. Not all is as it seems (propaganda, bait-and-switch) though I can't say that's anything new for a country saddled with a government that lies its people into war based on fraudulent schemes of global domination and control and thievery of natural resources, can you? POTUS apparently wants partners-in-crime for our further misadventures abroad but our cred may be sorely lacking--others may not want to cooperate as Washington thinks they should--or they may promise cooperation then not deliver as they've done before.

Kind of a 'say what they want to hear then do what you want secretly' ploy so typical in Politics and in human nature. Of course America has been guilty of such duplicity as well with US natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini, sign of multiplicity, one of the factors in the Pentagon's insistence that 'of course we can fight more than one war (Mars) at once'. But is it the sane and responsible thing to do?, says our natal Saturn exalted in balanced Libra.

Deceptive Neptune in its own sign of Pisces placed in 10th house shows media propaganda on view as well as contagion issues such as ebola infections continuing across the globe. Astrological Neptune also signifies the masses, scandals, mysticism, spirituality (including Islam), and paranoia, as you know, and Pisces is the sign of The Oceans--will the spreading Fukushima radiation finally be in full view? Will the mismanaged #CDC get its act together? Wounded Healer Chiron, also in 10th h, indicates a definite need for this yet on another level shows infected healthcare workers such as those evacuated to the US from Africa and healed of ebola. Will there be more infected workers to come?

Well, the very moment that the 2014 Sun reaches 00Libra00:00 happens to be during a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase which is the Dark of the Moon prior to a New Moon and indicates shady goings-on, things going bump in the night, a potential for prophetic visions, and/or an endings-partings vibe. Someone may take over where another had to leave off (ex: November 2014 Midterm Elections) and the Stationary Pluto @10Cap59 in the 8th house of Corporatism and Big Business is actually conjunct its transit position in the January 1, 2014 New Moon horoscope--a New Moon conjunct Pluto, a powerful portent for the entire year of 2014 and pointing ahead in the US toward our Midterm Elections, the propaganda campaigns involved, and our changing perspectives. Therefore, transformation in 8th house matters is on top of wealthy Pluto's menu for Autumn 2014.

As you see, US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) falls in the 10th house of the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope thus hinting at the importance placed upon public moods, trends, polls, and perceptions. US natal Sun (POTUS, leadership) @14Cancer (conjunct Dog Star Sirius, one of our nation's many links to Egyptian mysticism, Freemasonry, and goddess Isis worship--yes, 'ISIS', symbolized astrologically and mythologically by planet Venus) falls in the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values. US natal Jupiter @5Can56 conjoins the 2nd cusp and always carries its "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" vibe from July 4, 1776, and of course, wherever the Moon or sign Cancer turns up in a chart we may expect fluctuations and change with a potential for instability.

Here we also find Moon-ruled Cancer on the 3rd cusp of Communications, Early Education, the Lower Mind, and Short Trips with US natal Mercury Rx @24Cancer actually in 2nd house having just left the 3rd. And with transit Pluto stationing mightily in 8th house as previously noted, and America's surveillance-obsessed and secretive Mercury-Pluto opposition affecting both the 2/8 and 3/9 axes, we may expect more secrets revealed concerning financial, trading, corporate and spying, hacking, communication matters. (Wealthy string-puller Pluto begins creeping forward the night of September 22 at 8:36 pm EDT.)

Plus, with the critical-degreed Moon (17 Virgo, sign of The Critic) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate one wonders how such changeableness may affect the US economy though a fluctuation can be more positive than negative given our lackadaisical 'recovery' that so few of us feel. Problems while traveling may also be indicated yet the Moon in its own 4th house is dignified and may also denote people feeling most comfortable when at home and passing around the apple pie!

However, an unsettling placement is warrior Mars in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of Religion, Philosophy, and Foreign Lands, in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (Military, Police, and Civil) denoting military incursions and more actions at home on the weaponized police/Police State front. Mars rules 6th house via the Scorpio cusp and its degree of 00Sco44 points directly toward the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco23. Mars-ruled Aries here is intercepted in the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes and Uranus there in Mars-ruled Aries (Utopians, anarchists, fanatic reformers--Ebertin) may indicate a karmic task has arrived--that the time has come for such infiltrators to be dealt with. Will American voters on November 4, 2014 do just that?

Synchronistically, the transiting South Node (SN)--the 'Tail of the Dragon'--will conjoin disruptive Uranus in January 2015 spotlighting the month that newly elected congress members will take office on Capitol Hill--and possibly be voting for war. Yet along with Uranus-SN's 'war and uprising' connotations, might this conjunction indicate that the Saturnian SN, a point of separation and neurosis (when past ideas no longer suffice to solve present problems and conditions) bring about a release of non-governing, anti-government tea-baggers from the US Congress and from other political positions?

Well, in spite of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square energies of revolt and upheaval 'running in the background' (next exact Square on December 15, 2014, the last on March 17, 2015), this populist common-good blogger certainly hopes so!

Looking Ahead

As Jupiter, generous planet of investment and growth--and possibly representing an expansion of investment in America by the Democratic Party--brightens into prominence and visibility in shiny Leo in mid-November 2014 into 2015 there are several other factors of merit that your eagle eye will notice in the chart above so be on the lookout for transits to the Autumn Equinox 2014 horoscope as you get a chance and hopefully you and I will meet again soon.


Blog Note: though not as constant, my tech troubles continue in an off-and-on-again fashion so my plan if all goes well is to post on the powerful October 8, 2014 Lunar Eclipse asap followed soon after by a look at the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse which conjoins the 6th cusp of the above horoscope so please stay tuned if you may! jc

Feb 25, 2014

"Cultivating the Social Pathogen" --Max Igan (video)

This broadcast from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series opens with a quote from Marianne Williamson, author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher.

Has the economic pathogen affected your mind? Are you alive on planet earth" Then, yes. It has.

The title of this presentation is quite apt for the current transit of Saturn (business, government, status quo, systems, etc) in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Corporatism, Mysteries, and more.

Once austere Saturn leaves Scorpio (at Christmas 2014 for several months, then the Old Man moves back into Scorpio around mid-June 2015 until mid-September 2015), Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius becomes its focus until Saturn enters its own sign of Capricorn in December 2017, initially passing one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation and Prominence (00Cap00:00.)

Saturn in Sagittarius denotes a focus upon legalities and justice, religion, philosophical research, prudence, doubts, and emigration.

In Capricorn, Saturn's focus is on issues that concern industry, economies, diplomacy, self will, ego, endurance, concentrated work, one-sidedness, and partiality (Ebertin.)

Year 2020

One of the watershed moments of Saturn's journey through the Zodiac over the next few years will be its next Great Conjunction with powerful, wealthy Pluto @22Cap46 which occurs once on January 12, 2020. Plus, banker Jupiter joins conjoins Pluto and turns everything into a big deal on: April 5, 2020, June 30, 2020, and November 12, 2020--from 22 to 25 degrees Capricorn (near US natal Pluto and opposite US natal Mercury in Cancer.) Yes, as many astrologers are noting, 2020 is one of the upcoming years to be on guard however we can as America's first-ever Pluto Return nears.

In current news, both abroad and at home, we're in the Saturn-Pluto cycle (about 33 years long) which began with their conjunction @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 (on Reagan's watch.) The March 2, 2014 Mars Rx Station will hit that degree indicating more violence and brutality, assaults, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence.

Oct 8, 2013

Shutdown 1995/96 Solar Eclipse repeats Nov 3, 2013

A Cosmic Time Link Between Government Shutdowns 1995/96 and 2013

by Jude Cowell

In a seemingly curious twist of fate, the Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series in which the Newt Gingrich/Republican shutdown of the US government occurred (and was meant to harm the Clinton presidency), the 16 North, repeats on November 3, 2013 with a Solar Eclipse @11Sco15.

Previously, the Solar Eclipse occurred @00Sco17 on October 24, 1995 and you may recognize the 00/1Scorpio degree as the natal Sun position of the new world order, a position gleaned from the third of three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune on October 24, 1993 @18Cap ("The Union Jack" = 'POLITICAL POWER...smug or strong-armed paternalism'--Jones.)

The unconscious influence of this transpersonal planetary duo is infused within the 16N Series due to its initial eclipse which manifested during a Uranus-Neptune trine back in 1599, and of course, you know that their signature involves The Enlightenment, rationalism, a blend of Science and Religion, and insights from the unconscious where solutions may be found. Plus, the duo's Utopian idealism of No Government continues to bedevil us now. Yes, the chaos-creators are at work and positively giddy at their presumed success in completely undermining America, the big gorilla nation-state that must be vanquished before total Global Government can be fully implemented.

Actually, we've already discussed such topics in my post on the November 2013 Solar Eclipse if you wish to take a peek, horoscope included. Hopefully, this cosmic time link isn't telling us the current shutdown will continue into November but even CFR shills and Trilateral pundits on TV agree that a several-week shutdown is possible. Forget global markets, I guess, because if global meltdown is what they're preparing us for, it will only require a 'quick jump off a short pier' the way the Syndicate has things staged at the moment.

But if the powers-that-be decide the meltdown moment isn't quite here, we'll know because a reprieve will be granted, perhaps around the time of the October 18, 2013 Full Moon in Aries which perfects just after October 17th, the date when Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew predicts the US will be out of cash to pay bills and enter into deadbeat status Full Moons indicate a culmination, a stage of fulfillment so I'm hoping we see resolution of the shutdown around then, if only a temporary one.

Oddly enough, America only recently--on July 22, 2013--enjoyed a Jupiter Return $$! Of course our last Jupiter Return/s occurred in 2001/02 when Bush, Cheney, and Congress were spending like drunken you-know-whats and racking up much of the debt we suffer under now--debt that current deadbeat Republicans want to skip out on! Then, the GOP played the role of Jupiter in mundane charts but with a Democratic president and Senate, they now play the Saturn-in-Scorpio role of austerity. And even their role-switching could provide political balance for our nation's economy if they would work together and compromise, for Jupiter's expansion principle and Saturn's restriction principle are meant to compliment each other in the Universe.

Well, if you wish, scroll down the sidebar a bit to order a printable US Jupiter Return 2013 Report (PDF) via PayPal, for the horoscope is good for approximately 12 years, the duration of a Jupiter Reward Cycle. Baked into our July 4, 1776 Jupiter degree, however, is always the descriptive Sabian Symbol for '6 Cancer': *"Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," an obvious reference to the typical behavior of America's ruling class, for feather they definitely do.

*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Jul 25, 2013

"Social Programming" (Max Igan video), plus, Jupiter-Saturn

Here's the latest presentation from Max Igan, Social Programming:

Since Jupiter and Saturn are known as our societal planets, the protective, ongoing Water Grand Trine configuration which includes them is a great opportunity for society to address its ills, face its monsters, and vanquish them in order to improve the situation!

Yet we remain within the throes of their last Great Conjunction in May 2000 and we now know what outrageous actions followed it--two examples are the attacks of 9/11/01 and the Bush-Cheney Financial Crash of December 2008. When in trine (120 degr) as they are now, Jupiter and Saturn indicate faith in self, development of talents, excellent planning capability, financial ability, and banking interests.

Their conjunction, which opened the new decade with high hopes, denotes driving ambition, determination, assertion, and finding new methods of mounting assaults against the world so that success is achieved.

Perhaps the Sabian Symbol of their Great Conjunction degree describes a basic motivation for much of what global governance operatives have perpetrated upon the American people since the New Millennium--and, in other countries, the thefts and betrayals committed against their own populations:

'23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...which Marc Edmund Jones gives as PRESERVATION: positive expression = "a happy gift for shaping all vision to larger dimensions and directing all aspiration to more than trivial ends"; negative (shadow side--jc) expression = "a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles."

And you know what they say when they can't think of any better way to describe the root of the ruination of society: The love of money is the root of all evil.

Jun 12, 2013

Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 and 1918 (video)

Abuse of power by Washington has been a regular feature of our democracy by those who crave more control. The following 8-minute video-audio presents information on the Espionage Act of 1917, passed by Congress and signed into law the very same day by President Woodrow Wilson who had taken our nation into World War I barely 2 months before (after running on a 'peace' ticket while secretly pledging America to enter the war), and on the Sedition Act of 1918:

Espionage and Sedition Acts: Under the Auspices of Secret Government

Saturn (government; law; control) and Neptune (secret; invisible; spying) met in Great Conjunction once on August 1, 1917 @4Leo45 conjunct US natal North Node. Moon and NN were conjoined at 10Cap33 and 10Cap34 respectively, where underworld Pluto and his Cape of Invisibility now creeps. On August 1, 1917, Pluto @4Can45 was traveling amongst our nation's planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, Sun...Mr. Underworld now opposes them) and was hitting two midpoints of note: Jupiter-Saturn (violent changes; restrictions) and Jupiter-Neptune (unreasonable plans; great losses--Ebertin.)

And of course you don't forget that the Obama administration is imprinted all through 2009 by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-grand-schemer pair with their conjunction/s precisely hitting US natal Moon @27AQ33...We the People.

Dec 6, 2011

Horoscope: Winter Solstice 2011

Winter Solstice 2011: Sun SQ Uranus, Pluto oppo US natal Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

Before Winter Solstice on Thursday December 22, 2011, when the Sun reaches 00 degrees Capricorn, ancient sign of The Mer Goat, there occurs a Lunar Eclipse on December 10, 2011 @ 18Gem11 (horoscope shown.)

By December 22, the Moon will be in Scorpio and approaching its Inaugural 2009 crisis degree of 29Sco45--our financial troubles continue. Here you see the Winter Solstice Moon in 2nd house in the chart set for the White House (fluctuations in finances), and with the Jupiter/Saturn opposition poised upon the 2/8 money axis, we may expect Capitol Hill's ideology-driven expansion v restriction/generosity v austerity arguments to continue during winter season 2011/2012 as certain entities work to dismantle America, and politicians pretend they're unaware of this long term, traitorous project.

As you see (click chart to enlarge), the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag25 sits upon Winter Solstice 2011's 3rd cusp of Communications in DC--this 'peculiar turn of events' eclipse timed the 'Super Committee' which "failed" as most people expected it would. Personally, I think it did what the powers-that-be wanted it to do but that topic is beyond the scope of this post but one reason I say this is that setting up a 'Super Congress' undermined the US Congress and its oversight function.

Here's a post showing both the Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse horoscopes of November 25 and December 10, 2011.

Stumbling Beyond December 16, 2011

Between December 10 and 22, lies December 16, 2011, when another Capitol Hill government shutdown reality show potentially looms for public appreciation (and meant to weaken the US government further.)

Then today, President Obama speaks in Kansas in an attempt to echo a famous and important speech delivered by Teddy Roosevelt. But as you know, present presidents courting comparisons with past presidents is always an iffy political risk!

Horoscope shown: Winter Solstice December 22, 2011 12:30 am est White House, Washington DC; it's an Hour of feisty Mars at crisis degree (17Vir) and working busily in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions.

This may describe President Obama's health care legislation (Virgo) as a continuing target of his martian opponents on either side of the aisle.

No planets are out-of-bounds so all actors (planets) are on the earthly plane and participating in their various ways; it's a Balsamic phase of the Moon (326:01) when things can go bump in the night and often do. It's possible that a hidden Mars in 12th H is up to no good in the house of Politics.

However, Mercury makes no aspects at all to any planets in the chart so its position in one of its natural houses (3rd) emphasizes mercurial pursuits such as messages, speeches, and transport, along with its sign placement--here, in Detriment in expansive, broad-viewing Sagittarius. Hopefully, our soldiers will return from abroad as safely as possible.

The presence of America's natal Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 (conjunct President Obama's natal Mars) snugged around the Solstice 2011 ASC gives a midpoint picture of some concern: Sat/Nep = ASC: limitation of freedom; oppressive circumstances; depression.

Chart-ruler Venus 1AQ48 is in 4th H (Real Estate; the Homeland; Environment; 4/10 is the Security/Career axis) conjunct Fixed Star Altair (the Eagle--the Sun rises with Altair at this time of year) and near US Inaugural Sun 00AQ+--the president.

The midpoint of the Robber Baron planets, Neptune and Pluto, conjoins and veils Venus and the president along with the plutocrats' midpoint, Pluto/Chiron @ 4AQ14. Venus rules 1st H and 8th H of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Taxes, and rules Jupiter Rx, here at a degree of violence--Hitler's 'trigger degree' (his natal Sun.)

Then Jupiter's Direct Station occurs on Christmas Day 2011...will holiday consumer sales pull a large enough rabbit out of America's financial hat?

For a clue about how things will proceed in America from Winter Solstice 2011, we look to any applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus:

1. Venus sesquisquare Mars (0A34; 135 degr, a complex, interlaced square--octile = 8) indicates intense, dynamic interaction between them--between the White House and activist Mars, frustrated in Virgo, and active in the Behind-the-Scenes 12th H.

On one level, the Pentagon and US military are described here by warring Mars in the house of Large Institutions; protesters such as those in the Occupy DC movement may also be denoted and show the complex relationship between the democratic forces of the 99% Movement and the president's political considerations and limitations; secret enemies are also indicated by a 12th H Mars; along with equipment breakdowns.

The Venus/Mars aspect shows that concessions are expected by and from both sides and clever tactics will be used to have one's way; provocation in order to blame others for problems will continue to be part of the tiresome Capitol Hill Theater presentations which supposedly pass for congressional action these days. Simultaneoulsy, America's fabled invisible/secret government is rising (US Sat/Nep = ASC; Saturn = government; Neptune = secret/invisible.)

2. The only other applying aspect made by Venus is a trine (2A57) to the Ascendant 4Lib45 which shows harmony between Venus (and the president) with our secret government entities (US Saturn/Neptune = ASC.)

Plus, wealthy Pluto 6Cap58, planet of secret manipulation, sabotage, foreign bankers and cabalists is at the Foundation of the Solstice 2011 horoscope--it's the closest planet to an angle, in fact, and thus prominent. Pluto's transformation and destructuring of our country continues to undergird the basic problems we face with Mars and Pluto ruling 2nd H of Values and Earning Ability bwo Scorpio on 2nd cusp; the plutonian EU debt crisis affects America's bottom line (4th H) and the world's hopes for recovery.

(This Pluto action opposing US natal Jupiter 5Can56--here, at MC--may indicate a cutting of war costs but so far I've not taken seriously the proposed scaling back of US war expenses by war profiteers who control our government from the Pentagon but are puppeteered from central banks such as the Bank of England. It puts the stand-off between transiting Pluto in Capricorn on display at MC through US natal Jupiter with its power struggle indications and lack of financial progress as bossy 'Mr. Hades', god of the Underworld of Crime stands in the way of our financial success.)

What's Rising in First House? And Where Is Fraudulent Neptune?

Saturn in 1st H (plus, US natal Saturn rising) shows limiting, inhibiting conditions and many delays with a potential for losses; since Saturn here is ruled by Venus, issues of deflation/inflation/stagnation are on our 2011/2012 menu. Plus, as you see, nebulous Neptune remains within orb of US natal Moon with its sense of rootlessness, foreclosure and homeless conditions, and Fraud to The People. Floods, other natural disasters, and water-gas-oil-related matters remain potentials as well.

(Note: Saturn's link to loss is karmic but is only for gains that were garnered through fraudulent means or too-easy efforts such as lucky Jupiter usually brings. Those who honor Saturn's lessons of responsible actions, accountability, honesty, conservation, and caution are usually spared the worst of Saturn's restrictions.)

However, in spite of it all, the star of our Solstice Show, Sun 00Cap00:00, trines fortunate Jupiter, an aspect which may aid matters since such enthusiasm, optimism, and confidence can lead to breakthroughs of good fortune. And everyone knows that the NYSE depends on confidence! However, a Sun/Jupiter trine doesn't seek challenges and may even be lazy yet this energy can provide a boost to those who do seek or work with challenges and may harmoniously improve relationships--and the 1st house Saturn, exalted and strong in Libra, may provide strength for this easy (lazy!) aspect to manifest improvements especially in the action-oriented Cardinal signs of Capricorn and Taurus.

Interestingly, a more wavering Water Sun/Jupiter trine appears in the natal horoscope of 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney (Scorpio/Pisces.) Here's what I previously wrote about this don't-challenge-me aspect in Romney's natal chart:

"Wealth indicator, the Sun/Jupiter trine, helps with public relations as well for optimism always 'sells' in America yet the aspect indicates a certain apathy with a desire for only moderate demands to be made upon his time and freedom. Can a White House schedule provide him this?"

Read more on Mitt Romney if you wish.

Uranus square Pluto's Upheaval Potential Upped by Sun/Uranus

Obviously, the energies of the Sun/Uranus square at Cardinal Points of world manifestation tell a tale of self-willedness, eccentricity, authority issues, and perhaps unprincipled behavior; plus, a strong desire for power is noted--and a Sun/Uranus square is also found in the natal horoscope of Mitt Romney!

Dynamic Planetary Patterns

A major T-Square is set up between societal planets Jupiter and Saturn which points to evaluating Venus (and the presidential Sun) which creates the following midpoint pictures--all, any, or none of these potentials may apply:

Jupiter/Saturn = Venus: discontent; a lack of endurance or tenaciousness (an accusation already heard concerning Obama's lackadaisical 'advocacy' on behalf of America's Middle and Working classes--jc); changing fortunes; a touch of reserve (the Fed? jc); jealousy due to social recognition given to others. (All mdpt pics: Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey.)

Now who do we know that could be jealous of a Democratic presidency? ;p

A second T-Square is visible between Pluto @ IC, MC (conj US n Jupiter), and ASC:

Pluto/MC = ASC: procuring an important position of recognition no matter the conditions; a person of fame.

Substitute US n Jupiter for MC and we have Big Banking boiling on the hob:

Jupiter/Pluto = ASC: far-sightedness; prudence (in DC?!! jc); organizing talent; a desire for power; personal advancement; focusing on how to use and discard other people; added self-importance; ego definition; reading the intentions of others especially if they seek power.

Well, I for one, am an American who does not 'seek power' so if politicians want to 'read my intentions' they have only to consider that America is my only nag in the race--a race that many actors in Washington are determined to handicap until our nation, government, and social safety net are dismantled and we cry out in unison for a 'New World Order' of totalitarianism and feudalism.

The last planetary pattern is a 'Grand Cross' marked by dotted lines--I've placed it in brackets because it only contains two planets with two chart angles at which to manifest--between Sun, Uranus, ASC, and MC. Even if we don't wish to call this a Grand Cross, the pattern sets up several midpoint pictures with which I shall close this post:

Sun/MC = Uranus: revolutionaries, rebels, anarchists; a sudden change of objectives; inner conflicts; on-the-job training.

Pluto/MC = Uranus: indefatigability; endurance; a sudden attainment of aims with irresistible power; unexpected occupational changes (Occupiers? jc)

Sun/MC = ASC: increased need for honesty about how to help the lives of others; associations.

Sun/US n Jupiter = Uranus: speculation; gambling; a sudden turn or success.

Sun/US n Jupiter = ASC: devotion to social aspirations; shared success; meetings.

And the transiting midpoint of Jupiter and Neptune (speculators, wastrels, grand schemers), the planetary duo describing the Obama administration due to their Great Conjunctions all through 2009 which conjoined US natal Moon in Aquarius--continues to point to Uranus at Aries Point ('Utopians'--Ebertin) so I'll add the mdpt picture one more time...

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: imagination v reality; sudden recognition of a difficult situation; coming down to earth with a bump.

And that bump may occur during the Moon's darkened Balsamic phase here denoted in the Horoscope of Winter Solstice 2011. Considering the rampant fraud in Washington DC, on Wall Street, and elsewhere, can new scandals and leaks be very far behind?


As always, you are cordially invited to leave your on-topic opinions and remarks in a Comment!

Be advised that all spam is moderated and deleted.


UPDATE 5:18 pm est: just puiblished, a sister post concerning Winter Solstice 2011's
Sun Cap/Moon Scorpio blend of energies.

Today, December 6, 2011, is a National Day of Action called for by Occupy Wall Street--foreclosed homes will be occupied in attempt to save homeowners and families, including in the suburbs. Thank You, Occupiers! jc

Progressive sites and issues of interest:

Thom Hartmann, Move to Amend (sign the petition refuting the undemocratic Citizens United ruling of the Supreme Court in Jan 2010), Democracy Now!, and Max Igan's The Crow House where you may wish to read about Trust Law...because We-the-People ARE the law!