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Showing posts with label Michael Chertoff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Chertoff. Show all posts

Dec 13, 2008

Chertoff Chronicles 12.13.08

This just in from SO'W's So I'm Told Department:

Michael Chertoff employs illegal workers in his home! Quite a guffaw for the head of the Department of Homeland Security, ya think? Such a big glaring Oops! Or maybe it's more of a law breaking situation.

They give citations for that, don't they? Perhaps Bush will pardon him under the blanket.

Well, here are a few notes on Chertoff's natal chart if you're game.

It's written in English so you don't have to speak Astrologese to find out about the guy. And it's all quite legal. Really.

Jan 16, 2008

Brown and Blair: this town's not big enough...

...for both of ya.

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government Jan 16, 2008

LegitGov Breaking News

'Al-Qa'eda death threat' to Gordon Brown:

Intelligence services are investigating a threat on an 'Islamist' website to kill Gordon Brown, adding credence to warnings by the US security chief about the rising danger from home-grown European terrorists. [LOL.] Mr Chertoff said European visitors to the US face tougher security checks.

Security experts fear the posting in Arabic on, referring to "the creation of the al-Qa'eda organisation in Britain", may be genuine. ['Al-Qa'eda' uses Domains by Proxy. Registrant: Domains by Proxy, Inc, 15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 United States - Registered through: Real Web Host Domain Name: ALEKHLAAS.NET--Created on: 10-Mar-05 Expires on: 10-Mar-08 Last Updated on: 06-Mar-07.]

Legal Agreement

Scepticism greets "Al Qaeda in Britain" founding 16 Jan 2008:

An Internet posting that proclaimed the creation of an 'al Qaeda' branch in Britain is viewed by intelligence officials as typical militant "background noise", a security source said on Wednesday. An unidentified individual posted the claim in Arabic on a password-protected militant forum on January 2, saying the new "al Qaeda in Britain" would carry out major attacks including on political leaders, naming Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his predecessor Tony Blair.#

Guess I'm one of the sceptical but perhaps pardners Brown and Blair should stay outta Scottsdale, just in case...

Dec 16, 2006

Bruce Reed on Chertoff

Until about two years ago, I spent a lot of time reading and commenting on Slate Magazine including in The Fray where I joined in the posting as peacely2. Yes, I just blew my own cover although I've actually done it 'ere this, so what the hey.

Anyway, nowadays I rarely get by there, but when I do, I prefer the writings and musings of Bruce Reed, the Has-Been, as he styles himself.

If you haven't already, read his Inside the Whale in which "Michael Chertoff Takes Over the DHS Branch of "The Office"...try it, for it combines three of my favorites: Bruce Reed, Steve Carell in tv's The Office, and the Departmental Boondoggle I love to despise, mock, and ridicule almost more than anything--Homeland Security, or HoSec, as I prefer to call it.

You know...that Hitler-sounding black hole that Bush created to keep terror in the news, swallow up FEMA which used to work fine until Bush got hold of it, and perform as yet another Bush moneypit for our tax dollars...that black hole.

And you may wish to read my previous post Homeland Security Is Hatched from Nov 2005, or perhaps Michael Chertoff Nov 28, 1953 for a bit info on the natal chart of HoSec's frontman.

False-Flag Ops, anyone?
