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Showing posts with label Peasants Revolt 1381. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peasants Revolt 1381. Show all posts

Nov 27, 2023

The Untold Story Of The 1381 Peasants Revolt | Peasants Revolt | Timeline

Back during the feudal era, in May 1381 English peasants became fed up and thus established the tradition of revolt against their oppressors. The Peasants Revolt of 1381 is aka, Wat Tyler's Rebellion, and millions of people engaged from all over England to march upon London. Time Team's Tony Robinson recounts the story:

In case the Timeline (Time Team) video is removed, here's a link.

As for the Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') that inspired the archetypal revolt of 1381, that's the 14 South which more recently inspired the assassination of Senator Ernest Lundeen in a plane crash on August 31, 1940 ('Trip 19' horoscope shown) after Lundeen began having second thoughts about his involvement in the Nazi plot to take over America, which is ably revealed in Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast series.

Themes of all 14 South eclipses:

'An obsessive idea (Mercury-Pluto) is finally accepted which leads to the promised success of Jupiter; pushing for acceptance of ideas or methodologies may lead to long-awaited success' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad). However, I would add that involvement from gaslighting Neptune suggests that the attained success may involve 'deception, omitting key facts, adjusting data', and/or 'working a situation into one's own format' (N. Tyl).

Just now checking with, I find that Wat (possibly 'Walter') Tyler and I have in-law connections with 26 relatives between us. And eleven of them are Tylers.

So as it turned out, the ultimate fate of Wat Tyler the Rebel was as tragic as any that can be imagined and included his execution by decapitation on June 15, 1381, age 40.