Monday October 10, 2022
America Locked Again in a Battle of Wills with Nazism
by Jude Cowell
Although the catastrophe's Wikipedia page labels it as the Lovettsville Air Disaster, many folks know the event as the Trip 19 Plane Crash in which 25 passengers lost their lives during a lightening storm near Short Hill Mountain, Lovettsville, Virginia on August 31, 1940. Among the crash victims were Nazi sympathizer Senator Ernest Lundeen (R-Minn; born August 4, 1878 Dakota Territory) and (reputedly) a couple of FBI agents, along with other passengers and crew members on the ill-fated flight that left that afternoon from Washington DC heading for Detroit.
Nazis in America: FDR 1940 and the 'Trump Era'
So with the current anti-democracy campaign intended to Nazify America (and you know which orange figurehead and faithless political party this involves, as with Republican Senator Lundeen in 1940), Rachel Maddow's new podcast Ultra (which premiered today!) in Episode one, features Senator Lundeen, the plane crash, and more. Episode two, also available today (wherever you get your podcasts - I prefer TuneIn) is titled, The Brooklyn Boys. Now in this post I can't tell you all that ep 2 covers but it brings in religious involvement in the Nazi plot (dare I mention the word, Vatican?) via Father Coughlin, famous for anti-government bomb-making and for his radio broadcasts spewing anti-semitism. Note that Coughlin was for FDR's New Deal policies before he was against them.
Politics and Religion Always a Sinister Mix
So as Rachel Maddow ably reports, the FBI was watching and "decides to move on Coughlin's Christian Front," a group determined to overthrow the US government. 17 members of the Coughlin-founded Christian Front were arrested in New York and charged with sedition but unfortunately, the DOJ lost the case with J. Edgar Hoover, a known blackmailer and power abuser, then director of the FBI. Predictably, Coughlin claimed "patriotism" intended to "save" America. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Now of course, there are more details on such topics provided in the Ultra podcast, too numerous to repeat in a mere post by yours truly but I'd like to display an image of the August 31, 1940 horoscope, exact hour unknown so noon is used to set up the chart.
As the horoscope shows, there's lots of speech-writing Virgo energy contained therein with Mercury in Virgo the final dispositor, and one of the planets associated with air travel. Significantly, 1940 Mars in Virgo conjuncts Lundeen's natal Mercury indicating potentials for chaotic energies, verbal combat, aggressive meetings (a "scuffle" may have broken out on the plane, as Rachel notes), and physical injury. Well, certainly that.
But what really stands way out in the horoscope is Uranus in Taurus, considering that a lightening strike is the "probable" cause of the plane crash that killed Senator Lundeen (who was about to deliver a pro-Nazi speech written by a paid Nazi operative in Berlin, a copy of which was found at the crash site! See where you can read it, and more). Now radical, disruptive Uranus, the planet of lightening and bolts from the blue is prominent for as you see, Uranus @26Tau08 is at Direct Station, turning retrograde 11 hours later at the same degree, minute, and second.
And we know that a Stationing planet, here conjunct malevolent star Algol, binds and strengthens their energies, but there's more, for the pair conjuncts the asteroid of justice Astraea (law enforcement?), and conjuncts FDR's natal Pluto - and the natal Pluto of Senator Lundeen. The Uranus-to-Pluto transit suggests potentials for hidden fears, loss of control, and possible atomic concerns or activities; and as you know, FDR was soon taken out of public service and Harry Truman was installed in the White House with atomic bombing on the presidential agenda. Harry, as the saying of the day went, gave 'em h*ll.
Meanwhile, tenuous as they may or may not be, there are links between Nazi scientists and atomic research in Germany and in the US; one example: Why the US Government Brought Nazi Scientists to America After World War II in a desperate attempt to commandeer Germany's weapons research. But five years earlier, a question: was the 1940 plane crash and the death of Senator Lundeen linked to the creation of the atomic bomb? Perhaps Ultra will expound upon such a topic as its episodes go on. Certainly, the fact is mentioned that before, during, and after 1940, Herr H*tler ran Nazi operations on US soil. As his spawn and wanna-bes do today with many US politicians corrupted and disloyal to our country.
1940 Pluto in Taurus: Great Gain or Loss Influences Destiny
Curiously, a certain midpoint picture full of plutonian power seems significant to me, and in Ultra, Rachel Maddow mentions the FBI having a "tiger by the tail" in relation to the agency's investigation into the Trip 19 Plane Crash, for you see, Noel Tyl once mentioned to me that the Pluto-North-Node duo symbolizes, among other things, "tiger by the tail" conditions, so as many readers might expect, I looked for evidence of this combo in the horoscope. And here it is:
Pluto-NN = Mars: 'violence and brutality; the misfortune to be placed in somebody else's hand or power (ex: Lundeen); making someone amenable to one's wishes' (R. Ebertin); 'tyranny; exhibition of personal power' (N. Tyl); 'an urgent need for meetings; meeting with influential business people' (M. Munkasey). Wonder who Senator Lundeen expected to meet during his trip? Well, if we replace 1940 Mars in the equation with Lundeen's natal Mercury we have: 'feeling a shift of power or direction from others; conversing fluently with influential people' (M.M.); 'an ability to exercise a magnetic influence upon the public' (R.E.); 'thinking big' (N.T.). Add the Virgo Sun to Pluto-NN and we have a cosmic picture of ruthlessness and imposing one's will.
Plus, at its base, clandestine data or intel (Lundeen's speech?) is involved with the Pluto-NN duo as is a shared destiny such as a tragic plane crash. (If sabotage, I wonder if it was Lundeen's delivery of his Nazi-promoting speech that urgently had to be stopped - if so this seemingly does not implicate Nazis). Yet surely the copy of his speech wasn't planted at the scene!
So in closing, I'm interested to read what you think of the Plane Crash Horoscope (which may be an assassination horoscope) for there are multiple chart factors not mentioned in this text, so please leave your on-topic insights and comments here, if you wish (no trolls allowed) and it would be encouraging if you'd dare to share this post! You'll find 14 South solar eclipse info listed below the image:
The Trip 19 Plane Crash occurred during a 14 South manifestation (April 7, 1940 @17Ari51), a series that contains Mercury-Pluto content (secrets, spying, control of intel; and death by air travel?) issuing from its initial eclipse (August 29, 984 OS @10Sco59) with themes of:
'Obsessive ideas and methodologies are finally accepted, then a long-awaited breakthrough via the promised success of Jupiter' (paraphrasing B. Brady).
No Nazi ideas are acceptable in the US! Yet warningly, a 14 South Eclipse @20Taurus occurred in tandem with the Republican take-over of Congress in 1994, thanks to Republican Newt Gingrich who shares the same 'pied piper' personality blend as Herr Trump. Note that a 14 South last manifested on May 20, 2012 @00Gemini conjunct Alcyone; the next 14 South eclipse will occur June 1, 2030 @3Sagittarius.
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