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Showing posts with label Saturn Station Rx 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn Station Rx 2022. Show all posts

Apr 18, 2022

Summer 2022: Jupiter and Saturn Station

June-July: Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn Regress

April 18, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Because there are multiple July 4, 1776 horoscopes for America there are multiple positions of US natal Moon (We The People). There are other dates that closely apply to the founding of our country as well but since transit Saturn now trods through Aquarius, let's consider US Moons in the 18-28 degrees of Aquarius depending upon the (July 4th) hour used. You'll notice the IC area of the June 4, 2022 chart showing Saturn at Rx Station (lower left chart #1, Saturn Rx highlighted in blue) @25AQ15. So for those who use July 4, 1776 horoscopes for America, the American people are already navigating what constitutes a period of a Saturn-to-Moon transit of restriction, illness (more Covid cases, one imagines, plus, mental conditions), and feelings of privation (emotional, financial, familial, or ?).

For the later degrees of a US Aquarian Moon (28/29AQ), it will be Spring 2023 before the Saturn-to-Moon transit lifts (moves out of orb) although Saturn's depressive or limiting influences will have waned earlier in 2023. However, for some of us who need such lessons, a demanding Saturn transit can time a period of soberness, strategy, and ambition with perhaps an extra amount of studying tossed in:

Then as you see, upper right is the DC Horoscope of the moment that transit Jupiter at Rx Station (in green) is about to move regressively but will turn Direct on or about November 23, 2022 @28Pis48. Obviously, Jupiter's path in 2022 includes crossing the premiere Cardinal World Point of Aries (00Ari00:00; manifestation of world events), and when at 29Pisces, Jupiter activates the star of misfortune, Scheat. My hope is that expansive Jupiter's protective function might kick in and mitigate negative effects of Scheat but we'll have to see.

Of course, the current societal dance between Jupiter and Saturn began with their Great Conjunction (aka, Mutation into an Air sign) at Winter Solstice 2020 on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 conjunct POTUS (Inaugural) Sun which at that time was a role still (haphazardly) played by kleptocrat Tr*mp.

And here's a link to the often debated July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Horoscope of America with Jupiter exalted in Cancer and Saturn exalted in Libra.