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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2023

Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

When we discussed the transit of heavyweight if subversive planet Pluto to 00AQ00 in 2023 and into 2024, midpoint picture potentials were included due to the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of 2020 @00AQ29 and its transformative meeting with transit Pluto. These energies will intensify all through 2024 leading up to Inauguration 2025 as transit Pluto reaches 00AQ29 and a midpoint picture perfects between the karmic trio of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto.

The Plutonian midpoint picture becomes exact on:

1. February 4, 2024; 2. August 8, 2024; and 3. December 11, 2024, with the November 5, 2024 Election sandwiched between numbers 2 and 3. Of course, we can expect that it will be at least December 2024 before elections results are known and there are no certainties about the outcome of the 2024 Electoral College Vote, a tradition that Trump and comrades diluted along with the entire election process itself, as ordered from abroad.

Then as we know, every Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction marks a new social order beginning of approximately 20-years' duration. Actually, the entire election year in the US will be cosmically imprinted by these energies, along with the April 2024 Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, and the third of three Great American Eclipses, also in April (see links, below). (Please note that not all lunations and other cosmic events of 2024 can be listed in one post.)

Meanwhile, here you see a bi-wheel of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (inner) and, because it occurs prior to Election 2024 in November, the chart of the second direct transit of Pluto (August 8, 2024) surrounds the 2020 Conjunction. Plus, here are previously published details if you're curious.

Of note is that the deadline for resolving election disputes is set for December 10, 2024 (one day prior to December 11th!), and the meeting of the electors is scheduled for December 16, 2024; as in 2021, congressional certification of Electors' votes is intended to be held on January 6, 2025:

Potentials of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (M. Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (R. Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (N. Tyl).

Additionally, the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction landed upon US Inaugural Sun (Trump in Dec 2020) with potentials for: 'boasting a lot; increased self-pride; inconstancy; moodiness (disturbed liver function); change of residence; taking destiny in one's own (tiny) hands; major changes according to plan, or if nothing is prepared, having to make the best of things' (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl).

Jupiter Expansion-Saturn Restriction in Politics

Now as you know, Jupiter and Saturn are often used to signify America's two political parties although the symbolism tends to alternate, depending on which party is actng the Santa Claus role of generosity (Jupiter), and which tries to limit, restrict, and hold them back (Saturn) - or simply ends or seeks to end, benefits for regular folk. Generally, it seems to me that these are permanent assignations since the Democratic Party is more motherly and protective (as is democracy!) with a big tent for all, while the economic royalists of the Republican Party are more "fatherly" and conservative - with conditions (as in, conditional love).

The party's 'conditions' these days include a huge taboo for GOP politicians who dare "reach across the aisle." Why, that coud lead to improvements in society - the opposite of what Republicans want for the American people, so cooperation is a no-no. Right now, even the NYSE has its panties in a bunch because employment in the US is way up, thanks to President Biden, and finagling a financial crash is what the GOP needs in time to skew Election 2024 toward the fasc*st GOP.

Because it isn't as if Republicans can win elections by promoting aloud their Saturnian policies of austerity and loss. Yet some folks are catching on and my hope is that all voters will realize that voting for more of the extremist GOP's "trickle down" economics is self-destructive and harmful for our families and our nation.

Of course, by tradition the checks'n'balances of the Jupiter-Saturn duo kept the US government simmering along on a more or less even keel but the GOP is working harder than ever to keep the imbalance going, and worsening. They can't even run the House of Representatives without shutting down the government, leaving the House leaderless, and causing the US a credit downgrade (they hope). Maga-types are not politicians, they're chaos agents parroting their Uranian idol Trump.

Astrologically, this points toward rebellious anarchist Uranus lurching this way and that, ruling on a whim and a notion, with major disruption, even revolution, the goal. To Uranus add the Neptune-Pluto duo of underworld crime and we have precisely the crooks and circumstances we see before our very eyes and in our court rooms.

As for the (purposefully) leaderless House of Representatives, if Trump steps in "temporarily" as Speaker, his 10th house Uranus in chatty Gemini, duplicitous and transactional as it may be, will only cause more chaos which, after all, is Trump's way of doing business. But it's probably all talk though since Trump has endorsed loose cannon Jim Jordan for the Speaker position. Or perhaps Steve Scalise will grab the gavel! We'll have to see how things go next week as the maga/freedom caucus performers continue their clown show. And we'll see if secret-seller Trump, agent orange as I've called him for years, is brave enough to set a toe back in Washington DC without fear of being detained as the traitor he is. So if he shows up, will the District be big enough for agent orange and Jack Smith?

Other Prominent Cosmic Events of 2024 Include:

The Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 (DC Horoscope shown).

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of April 20, 2024.

The New Millennium Horoscope and Its Progressed New Moon May 4, 2024 (both DC Horoscopes shown).

The 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2024 influences Election 2024.

Then on November 1, 2024 comes the predictive New Moon Prior to the 2024 Election @9Sco35 with a belligerent Mars-Pluto opposition at critical 29th degrees across the security-minded Cancer-Capricorn axis.

Related is America's Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in December 1775.

Election Year 2024: Will Pluto Step From The Shadows?

Underworld planet Pluto prefers to manipulate from the shadows, aka, from behind the curtain, from abroad, and/or from his hidden lair where his hoard of gold is secreted. Even a dark alley can suffice! Meanwhile, between 2022's US Pluto Return and transit Pluto leaving Capricorn and creeping into Aquarius, a variety of conditions are shifting across the globe and everyone is feeling it, Earth changes included.

So if the venerable lens of Astrology can add a measure of understanding to the proceedings, then the purpose of writing pro-democracy posts on Stars Over Washington is satisfied. To me it seems to be the very least I can do to honor the sacrifices of my Revolutionary War ancestors - and yours, too, if you have them!

Then if you, dear reader, should find SO'W content useful or informative, please spread the word if not a post or two. Thanks a Bunch! jc

Previously on SO'W: Remember when Jupiter and Uranus were in opposition at Winter Solstice 2016 and formed a major T-Square with Pluto? That's Pluto @16Capricorn, the position of the Sun during Trump's Maga Coup Attempt, with Sun-Pluto relating to a craving for power and the need to take control.

Jul 30, 2023

Pluto in 2024 hits Jupiter-Saturn 2020

Pluto to Jupiter-Saturn Transforms US Inaugural Sun as Election 2024 is Affected by Election 2020

by Jude Cowell

When expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn met on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29, a new 20-year cycle of social ordering began, this time in an Air (mental) sign rather than in the practical Earth sign of Taurus (May 28, 2000 @22Tau43). Also at 00AQ+ every Inauguration Day is US Inaugural Sun (the presidency) which in late 2020 was Trump. Can it be the orange marauder again? Sadly so. But that's a topic for a future post.

Meanwhile, from December 2020 until October 31, 2040, the Sabian Symbol for 0 to 1 degrees of Aquarius is held aloft for the world to see as is the US presidency: "An Old Adobe Mission" which, among other indications, speaks of "building structures of survival with your group" (see lower right corner of the chart, below).

Yet anyone viewing the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction Horoscope of 2020 (inner) can see that transformative manipulator Pluto @23Cap51 will plod on and reach the 2020 Conjunction at some point in time and, as you see in the bi-wheel, below, the first of three exact meetings of Pluto to 00AQ29 occurs on February 4, 2024 (outer).

This also denotes 'transit Pluto to Jupiter' and 'transit Pluto to Saturn' influences which suggest potentials for, seeking greater power and influence but exaggerated plans may backfire, and abuse of authority issues surface involving financial, political, and other societal realms as regaining balance is sought. For example, in government, the Jupiter-Saturn pair = checks'n'balances and although bad actors have disrupted and sought to completely alter this practical tradition in the US, they mustn't be allowed to get away with it! Therefore, accountability is a must:

Now besides February 4, 2024, transit Pluto hits 00AQ29 twice more, on August 8, 2024 and December 11, 2024. Because the August 8th chart shows what seem to me to be the more numerous contacts with the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction chart of 2020, I'm displaying it, below, with prominent contacts circled and way too many of my study notes penned on for the curious.

Potentials within the midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn 2020 = tr Pluto 2024 are listed at the very bottom of the horoscope and suggest societal events and conditions that we've already have been experiencing, primarily thanks to Trump and his inability to accept his election loss in November 2020.

Trump's ongoing legalities and foolish legal situations are straining our judicial system and are, of course, part of this cosmic picture which began with a vengeance around the time of the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, which perfected @23Sag08 on the very day of the Electorial College Vote that chose Joe Biden over Trump, the sore loser.

4 South's themes of 'strong emotions over money and relationships' and a 'sense of frustration' or 'blockage' that feels 'fated' continue tiresomely to play out due to a sore loser who refuses to let go after a loss (paraphrasing B. Brady). And as you know, he hopes to keep himself out of prison by promoting the farce of his Big Lie ad nauseum.

So in closing, the Jupiter-Saturn 2020 chart represents a 20-year cycle of societal shifts, changes, and reforms, my friends, and you know that mundane Pluto brings transformation and regeneration in his wake--once the dust settles.

As an additional note of concern, it saddens me to mention that the natal Moon of President Biden (00-1 Taurus) receives prominent contacts in the August 8, 2024 chart (and before) yet I don't care to say more on the topic in this brief Sunday night post, other than to say that Astrology is all about potentials which may or may not express at all. Of course, not all planetary contacts can be squooshed upon either of the bi-wheels you see, above, so I trust that you will find more factors for yourself if you wish since these (highlighted in blue) are simply the ones that seem prominent to me. jc

Jun 5, 2023

DC Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2023

Here is a fresh copy of the Summer Solstice 2023 Horoscope set for Washington DC, June 21 10:57:48 am edt, the first moment the Sun reached Cardinal World Point 00Can00:00; as you see, events are weighted on the public side:

Of note is the rounded-up degree rising which is "4 Virgo": "A Colored Child Playing with White Children" and as usual, in America this is a weighty word picture heavy with centuries of woeful baggage. You'll draw your own conclusion about what this could mean for Summer Season 2023 but obviously, racism continues to simmer in our country, formerly touted as a 'melting pot' of nationalities before foreign and domestic enemies of America stirred the pot in order to divide-and-conquer We the People against one another.

Then a prominent 10th house Sun shines on the World Stage (10th h) with speedy Mercury the Messenger also prominent @18Gem37 but intercepted since Midheaven ('MC') = 29Tau10. Therefore, there are Mercurial details and information which must be dealt with if karmic progress is to be made, and with Gemini, sign of The Twins involved, duplicity is always a caution, along with the potential for beans to be spilled or leaked, most notably concerning the multiplicitous allegations and crimes of Geminian Trump and his comrades.

Notable solar aspects include a beneficial trine from Saturn (seniors, lawyers, authorities, managers: cooperation among leadership figures) with Saturn conjunct Descendant (possibly a traditional partner or adversary: Saturn in Pisces = 'stuggles with an opponent': campaign 2024 heats up) while a Sun-North-Node sextile suggests opportunities for positive contacts and meetings, some public.

Meanwhile, Summer Solstice 2023 Moon (the public) in Sun-ruled Leo (Sun and Moon in mutual reception: on friendly terms) may feel ready to celebrate the summer but perhaps a bit on the down-low since Luna is in the shy, retiring, political 12th house along with Venus and Mars, also in dramatic, romantic Leo (secret affairs?). Yes, an applying conjunction to Venus from Luna hints that a lighter mood may be in store yet we know that the Moon indicates fluctuations and/or changes, so moodiness may also be a factor. Plus the Moon-Venus duo can refer to expectant mothers, and we know how certain politicians are determined to interfere with pregnancies and force their way into examining rooms - private bedrooms, too, if given a chance.

For as you know, compassion-free, anti-women political agendas enacted in various states have already caused death, suffering, and loss for women and families and here we see loss-leader Neptune in 8th house conjunct its cusp in sad if compassionate Pisces. Unfortunately, an uptick in Covid cases and other infections may also be on our summer menu, so please take care. Meanwhile, transformative Pluto, back at his critical 29th degree of governmental Capricorn, holds sway in the 5th house of Children, Creativity, and Risk-Taking, with the Neptune-Pluto duo a signifier of underworld criminal elements (organized crime) and bizarre religious networks, both of which interfere in political and legal matters.

Now in closing, it would be remiss of me not to mention that Summer Solstice 2023 Mars @18Leo39 hits The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018 with 2018's eclipse Mars @00Aquarius now in progress of being hit repeatedly by transit Pluto, a karmic contact par excellence. The Pluto-to-Mars contacts involve both the US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and the December 21, 2020 Great Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn meeting in airy Aquarius which timed the start of a 20-year cycle of social, financial, religious, and political orders - which relates back to Trump and violence (Mars-Pluto) since he was posing as POTUS in the White House in December 2020 and making plans to forcefully remain in power.

All in all, Sumer Solstice 2023 begins a pivotal season for our nation in need of rebuilding (The Tower Eclipse) yet we don't need Astrology to inform us of this, for we can simply read or watch events in the news with all the karma of reaping what was sown that results, both positive and negative, with motivation a major determining factor.

May 16, 2023

May 16, 2023: Mars-Pluto opposition squares Jupiter

Today transit Jupiter @29Aries conjoins and enlarges the themes of the 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023, Hitler's birthday - themes of (blood) "lust" and "deep passions long-hidden that catch people off-guard" (B. Brady). Take care out there, folks, don't let anyone catch you off-guard, especially for the rest of May into June! The sensitized, critical 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries has long been prominent in the US - it's the position of the Sun in the American Revolution Horoscope, and also the position of hothead Mars on January 6, 2021, Trump's 'maga' coup attempt of sedition. Jupiter to Mars can temporarily expand the active role of combatants in societal affairs and may refer to militia men, and the actual military itself. Even police state actions may be indicated.

Now to make it clear, my personal assertion is that my Revolutionary War ancestors do not approve of the attempted coup for the sake of - of all things! - an economic royalist like gold-lover Trump who holds monarchical delusions of grandeur to become a perpetual despot--exactly the tyranny the Revolution fought against and freed us from! Now naturally, I'm speaking on their behalf knowing something of the sacrifice, loss, even death that they and their families - my families - suffered during that harrowing time.

Now, it's harrowing times once again, and today transit Mars @27Can42 opposes not only transit Pluto (00AQ18 Rx) over our heads but also opposes US progressed Pluto (29Capricorn), a complex opposition that squares transit Jupiter @29Ari55 and, as a midpoint picture, contains potentials for: "wars; rape; mayhem; chaos; attacks" (M. Munkasey). See why I said to take care out there, folks? Of course, these are issues society is already dealing with so the T-square may be simply reflecting them.

Then two more cosmic links are occurring: transit Pluto @00AQ continues its conjunction to US Inaugural Sun, a role of power now inhabited by President Joe Biden. Obviously, a power game and a contest of wills is in progress as the President squares off against a maga GOP holding the US economy hostage - or else economic collapse that, if it results, they hope to blame on Joe Biden. In addition, Pluto @00AQ continues to activate the recent Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 which times the start of a new 20-year economic and social order!

Meanwhile, the global economy is also being held on the edge of collapse by power-mad, sore-loser Republicans with Confederacy sentiments that, as you know, include "a dark vein of intolerance."

So in light of the current Mars-Pluto stand-off of force and control, here's a Horoscope of the first moment that America's Mars-Pluto Cycle began. Check where transit Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter are today in relation to our country's initial cycle, for the clock is ticking:

A closing note: yes, there may a lifting of the T-square energies once transit Jupiter travels into Taurus a few desgrees. The Great Benefic enters Taurus today, May 16, 2023 at 1:20 pm edt. This is, however, the solar position of little Herr Adolf so a measure of ego expansion by nazi-types may occur for some people while others may end a project they began about 12 years ago. Then tomorrow evening, May 17th, a Jupiter-Pluto square becomes exact at 9:11 pm edt which suggests views and plans that are too broad or encompassing to be ultimately successful. jc

Jul 13, 2022

DC Horoscope: the "will be wild" tweet

A Tweet That Called for Violent Assault on Congress

by Jude Cowell

Spotlighted during the July 12, 2022 J6 Hearing was Trump's Will be wild tweet that he sent out to his followers at 1:42 am est on December 19, 2020 not long after the December 18th "unhinged" Oval Office meeting had ended. The tweet activated, and was intended to activate - Trump-idolizing militia groups to meet in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, and although no reader may agree with me - for I have no proof, only intuition - "will be wild" could very well have been a prearranged signal that the "armed revolution" against the US Congress to stop or slow down certification of the Electoral College Votes for Joe Biden was going forward - and weapons would be necessary.

So because his tweet has been accurately time-stamped, I've spent a few hours today messily marking study notes upon a bi-wheel with a DC Horoscope set for December 19, 2020 1:42 am est Washington DC, Trump's "will be wild" tweet (inner). Surrounding the 'tweet' horoscope is the natal chart of Donald Trump so that it's impossible to miss the fact that his Stationary Jupiter @17Lib27 precisely rises the moment he tweeted his "wild" message. This timing places House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter opposite @18Aries. Rising is not simply his Jupiter but also Trump's natal 2nd house trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter, and you'll note that he activated an armed mob to search and destroy the Speaker of the House that day, along with other Democrats, plus, VP Pence, who refused to help him with his coup attempt of the US government:

Now as you see, the tweet's 4 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 (so near Trump's awkward Moon-South-Node conjunction) is penned into the 3rd house of Communications with its 4 South themes listed in the center of the horoscope (although there was no space to add 4 South's fated quality, or its 'end of relationships' potential - B. Brady). You probably remember that this is the December 14, 2020 Eclipse which occurred on the day the Electoral College voted for Joe Biden - and there were strong emotions expressed during the screamfest called the "unhinged" Oval Office meeting which Sidney "Kraken" Powell and other "crazies" attended, for one reason to tell Trump to seize voting machines through an executive order. (See lower left for a few notes on the de-licensed lawyer Powell, pal of Ginni Thomas - Powell's natal midpoint picture describes a fraudster.) If you watched, you know that the "unhinged" meeting was discussed during the July 12th J6 hearing yesterday.

And descriptively enough, for his birthday this year in June, Trump received a Full Moon @23Sag25 which starkly lit up the 4 South Electoral College Eclipse of December 14, 2020 - and of course, June 2022 brought his nibs lots of publicity and stress through multiple J6 Public Hearings! (The first hearing's horoscope is linked, below.) It's all about 2020's Electoral College Vote and Trump's refusal to get over his loss - which now sticks to the Trump brand.

Meanwhile, you'll note that the tweet chart's Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, has difficult star Castor upon it ('sudden loss or fame; murder; crippling of limbs; mental illness' - A. Louis). Also conjunct Midheaven is the Mars-Ascendant midpoint, a picture that R. Ebertin gives as, 'fighters' and 'comrades in arms'. Comrades in arms? Sounds like militia groups and complicit Republican politicians who had parts to play in the "stop the steal" proceedings. An exception was VP Pence, an outlier whose refusal enraged coup-plotter Trump.

Lower right corner you see transit Pluto opposing Trump's natal Saturn denoting his refusal to accept loss and failure, the tweet's Moon @26AQ48 opposing Trump's natal Mars @26Leo46 which echoes the oppositional relationship between his aggressive Mars and US 1776 Moon (for those who use this placement for We The People). For me this is a cosmic picture of his contempt for us including his supporters, his aggression against our country, the assault against the peaceful transfer of power, and his general willingness to do America harm as signified by the Moon-Mars opposition. Plus, it's a Nodal Return for him when new alliances can be formed, and in his case, transit North Node @19Gemini points toward his natal 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio of 'meetings with excited or unusual people' ("crazies"), fanaticism, and radical reactionary politics.

Also notable, is that this time period includes the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 - conjunct the US POTUS Sun (played by Trump, at that time). This forms a midpoint picture of potentials: Jupiter-Saturn = POTUS Sun: "taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (N. Tyl).

Well, he was legally advised to avoid the crazy idea of seizing voting machines and his court challenges had failed, so I can believe that he was gripped by the status quo of his election loss, and with options exhausted, it seems that his tweet calling for armed rebellion must have been his version of taking destiny into his own tweeting hands in an attempt to make the 'best' of things by strong-arming his way back into the presidency.

A Related Post: Horoscope of the First Public J6 Hearing: A Gang of Robbers in Hiding. Synchronistically, the angles of the first J6 public hearing chart of June 9th align with the angles of the "will be wild" tweet chart displayed above.

Apr 18, 2022

Summer 2022: Jupiter and Saturn Station

June-July: Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn Regress

April 18, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Because there are multiple July 4, 1776 horoscopes for America there are multiple positions of US natal Moon (We The People). There are other dates that closely apply to the founding of our country as well but since transit Saturn now trods through Aquarius, let's consider US Moons in the 18-28 degrees of Aquarius depending upon the (July 4th) hour used. You'll notice the IC area of the June 4, 2022 chart showing Saturn at Rx Station (lower left chart #1, Saturn Rx highlighted in blue) @25AQ15. So for those who use July 4, 1776 horoscopes for America, the American people are already navigating what constitutes a period of a Saturn-to-Moon transit of restriction, illness (more Covid cases, one imagines, plus, mental conditions), and feelings of privation (emotional, financial, familial, or ?).

For the later degrees of a US Aquarian Moon (28/29AQ), it will be Spring 2023 before the Saturn-to-Moon transit lifts (moves out of orb) although Saturn's depressive or limiting influences will have waned earlier in 2023. However, for some of us who need such lessons, a demanding Saturn transit can time a period of soberness, strategy, and ambition with perhaps an extra amount of studying tossed in:

Then as you see, upper right is the DC Horoscope of the moment that transit Jupiter at Rx Station (in green) is about to move regressively but will turn Direct on or about November 23, 2022 @28Pis48. Obviously, Jupiter's path in 2022 includes crossing the premiere Cardinal World Point of Aries (00Ari00:00; manifestation of world events), and when at 29Pisces, Jupiter activates the star of misfortune, Scheat. My hope is that expansive Jupiter's protective function might kick in and mitigate negative effects of Scheat but we'll have to see.

Of course, the current societal dance between Jupiter and Saturn began with their Great Conjunction (aka, Mutation into an Air sign) at Winter Solstice 2020 on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 conjunct POTUS (Inaugural) Sun which at that time was a role still (haphazardly) played by kleptocrat Tr*mp.

And here's a link to the often debated July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Horoscope of America with Jupiter exalted in Cancer and Saturn exalted in Libra.

Mar 28, 2022

America, Jupiter-Saturn, Pluto, 00AQ00

Is The Great Eye of Horus Still Watching Over America?

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've noticed that America's July 4, 1776 Jupiter-Saturn Square from Cancer to Libra is a major cosmic condition established during our nation's founding era. So when societal planets Jupiter and Saturn form a prominent aspect by transit, our country's Jupiter-Saturn Square tends to mitigate such temporary transiting influences, positively or negatively.

Clues are contained within the square between the two planets for they indicate potentials for:

Beginning new endeavors before completing previous ones; fluctuation between consolidation (Saturn) of previous achievements and the expansion (Jupiter) of energy into new areas; restlessness. On the intellectual plane, their square implies inner moral conflicts (A. Oken) or a clashing of Jupiterian ideals and ideologies with Saturnian principles and laws which should be an attempt to find balance (expansion vs restriction).

Other possibilities of the square include financial, business, and professional difficulties due to unfortunate circumstances, faulty planning, poor judgment, or through a lack of opportunity. Plus, bad timing and feelings of oppression may occur, especially during times when the square, US Jupiter @6Cancer, or US Saturn @15Libra, are activated by transit and/or progression.

Yet since astrological Jupiter, acting so often in his role as the Great Benefic, can sometimes 'grease the skids' toward negative outcomes, perhaps it isn't always such a negative cosmic condition that Americans have had to deal with since our nation's founding, for the square's blocking function can apply much needed brakes to an overly optimistic proposal or situation!

Jupiter-Saturn Cycle: A New Societal Order

Now as you know, the current (appr 20-year) Jupiter-Saturn Cycle began on December 21, 2020 with their Conjunction @00AQ29 and happened to conjunct US Inaugural Sun, therefore, a midpoint picture formed, as we've previously discussed. This cosmic synchronicity directly 'ties in' the US Presidency to the beginning of this particular new societal order until the next Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on October 31, 2040 @17Lib56.

Coming Soon: April 4, 2022 Mars-Saturn Conjunct in Aquarius

So on April 4, 2022 (in a few days), comes a Mars-Saturn Conjunction @22AQ24. Round up for "23AQ" and we have "A Big Bear Sitting Down And Waving All Its Paws," a cosmic word picture for Russia, and Mars-Saturn noted for its connection to the 'death axis' of destruction (R. Ebertin) - obviously a reflection of Putin's war against Ukraine. Curiously, the previous Mars-Saturn Conjunction perfected on March 31, 2020 - @00AQ39. This is yet another cosmic condition during Year 2020 which was chocked full of great difficulties for America and the world, not the least of which is the fact that the year began with the Great Conjunction of the harsh, compressive, warmongering, health-destroying duo of Saturn-Pluto, a meeting which occurs approximately every 33 years.

The Jupiter-Saturn Duo in Government

Checks and balances; changes in governmental religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; the serious side of law and justice; too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems; and/or pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers' (Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad).

The Tower Tarot Card #16; Enchanted Tarot Deck

Meanwhile, if we look toward a past Solar Eclipse, the one I've termed The Tower Eclipse of 2018 for its 'collapse and rebuild' theme, what do we find but activist malcontent planet Mars, the warrior, @00AQ19! So that's a Mars-to-POTUS-Sun transit with you-know-who, the 'builder of towers', in the Oval Office at that time. This transit represents a surge of machismo along with increased anger and possibly feverish conditions. Temper temper, little man!

Then looking forward, we have little if any option to avoid considering a major Universal shift of energies when transit Pluto Conjuncts 00AQ00 in 2023 and 2024 and the tranformative effects of such a shift, having last occurred in 1777, and possibly relating to the ending of 'The New Order of the Ages' that America's founders set up. However, there's a Caution: The midpoint picture shown in the post contains difficult potentials so only the bravest of daring readers should follow the link.


From Back in the Olden Days Comes a Previously Published Historical Horoscope of The Founding of the Federal City 1791.

Jan 24, 2022

2023 to 2027 and Washington DC

Focusing on June 2023

by Jude Cowell

Since creating Stars Over Washington in 2005, I've always considered transits, progressions, and planetary returns affecting our nation by using one or more of the various 1776 horoscopes for America but the the 12:00 am LMT Washington DC Horoscope of May 3, 1802 reveals a significant transit as an example of upcoming issues and concerns.

Naturally, rather than a mere post, an e-book would have to be written and published in order to contain and discuss all the upcoming transits of note over the next few years, for as the Cosmos would have it, a mixture of both positive and negative transits and contacts are and will be indicated. Well, I can't do this so what you see displayed is a bi-wheel horoscope of one major transit with the outer transit chart set for June 5, 2023 (exact at 12:37:03 pm edt) showing transit Uranus @20Tau27 opposing DC's 1802 Neptune @20Sco27 Rx in 10th house at 12:00 am LMT.

Now as you know, Uranus = Science, and Neptune = Faith and Ideals and these energies may play out in general terms in light of the reciprocal transit in 2026 into 2027 when transit Neptune opposes DC's 1802 Uranus. This reveals a time frame (2023 --2027) and a wider view that we should keep in mind as major shifts, changes, and reforms occur in the USA, or are proposed and rebuffed. Yet we must be aware that a longterm plan by China and Russia is now in pain sight and intends to topple America from global leadership, thus forming a 'new world order' of authoritarianism, as Russia threatens to invade Ukraine territory again.

Astrologically in the US, transit Pluto @00AQ05 Rx on June 5, 2023 has finally reached the January 20th degree of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS Oath of Office) - which is also the December 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn so here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning this topic which may be of a timely interest:

Years 2023 and 2024: Reform and Rebellion

Possibilities for 2020 Jupiter-Saturn = 2023/2024 Pluto include: 'a total reversal of plans; extreme changes; intense business activity; violent changes/reforms; restriction; separation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; fearlessness; control of the situation' (N. Tyl; R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey). Ebertin adds a footnote to this picture that it can lead to "enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered." Oh yes, it certainly does have to be considered.

Reinhold Ebertin also identifies the Jupiter-Saturn duo as possibly representing entities such as, "professors and teachers of law, clergymen, politicians, government officials, civil servants of the administration, relatives, and/or fellow tenants." Biological Correspondences: "organic defects (ex: tuberculosis), a chronic disease; functions of the gall and the liver." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; #ad.)

Related: Horoscope: Putin's First Inauguration of 2000.

Sep 2, 2020

Sept 2020 Pisces Full Moon Echoes the 2016 Eclipse

September 2, 2020 Pisces Full Moon A Cosmic Echo of Campaign 2016 Eclipse

The just culminated September 2, 2020 Full Moon @10Pis12 (1:22 am edt) has inspired this belated post, soggy with Piscean Neptunian vibes, and noting that the current Full Moon is by degree a culmination of the 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse, a New Moon.

That my natal Moon is in Pisces is of no consequence for we're talking politics, that "organized system of hatreds." Add the fact that the more potent Full Moons often act as Lunar Eclipses, revealing secrets and leaking inconvenient facts, with New Moons doing much the same as Solar Eclipses - and all acting as disruptive Uranian cosmic blinks and wild cards of the Universe.

In consideration of all this, we, dear reader, have issues to discuss.

To begin, here's an updated post from 2018 showing the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 which heralded The Prevaricator, the deadbeat playboy who subsequently insinuated himself into the White House with lots of help from both domestic and foreign enablers, aka, saboteurs. Opposing the 2016 Eclipse was transit Neptune @10Pisces, planet of deception, fraud, propaganda, the media, gaslighting, and other subversive activities. Perhaps you agree that America's political scene has tended to be chocked full of Neptunian concerns - now including contagion - since Day One but Trump and his conspiracy party, formerly known as the Republican Party, upped the anti on corruption, deceit, disguises, impractical campaign promises, and grand schemes. For a majority of people it's no surprise that disappointment and distrust soon followed.

Thing is, solar eclipses in the 19 North Saros Series always call for realism and tackling the truth but with nebulous Neptune opposing its themes, the 2016 Eclipse didn't stand a chance with bad faith actors willing to take advantage of the situation by confusing issues and denying any truth that was inconvenient for their power-grabbing purposes. A massive disinformation campaign was waged against the American voter. And it worked with abundant help from the media, mainstream and alternative.

Included in the long-range plan of sabotage now so obviously being implemented was the Neptunian hollowing out of the US government, its systems, offices, and institutions, bwo their long-held goal of decreasing our government's size until it could be "drowned in a bathtub" (as Grover Norquist so poetically phrased it once upon a time--check out his Neptune-infused natal chart and two linked articles therein that use words of Neptune: eerie influence and banishment!). And of course, that's a bath tub filled with Neptunian water. Disguised or not, wearing masks or not, the 'Neptune-in-Pisces political party' is obviously the Republican Party, formed in 1854, the last period when Neptune was traversing Pisces. The party's recent Neptune Return/s (during the 'Trump era') have been previously discussed multiple times here on SO'W and you'll note that the timing is quite suggestive since the 1854 era is the period the Republican Party would like our nation to regress to - and it's no coincidence that Campaign 2020 is again a Neptunian affair full of scandals, corruption, Trump's cries of "hoax" and "fake media", fraud, conspiracies, and constant challenges to the truth.

Yet despite it all, current problems and conditions of failure and loss in the US and in the world cannot be laid only upon Trump's or the Republicans' doorsteps because there are larger forces and cycles of a subversive nature at work. These are, however, beyond the scope of this meager post other than to add a link to a recent effort which partially involves the 'big picture' as social tinkerers and meddlers ready to meet at Davos concerning their global "reset agenda" - rescheduled from January 2021 to
Summer 2021

And this expectably draconian economic reset agenda is most likely the main reason for the global pandemic that has been used as a weapon to sabotage the world, weaken the 'old order', depopulate and 'purify' the masses, and establish a 'new world order' to replace the post-WWII Bretton Woods Treaty while also superseding America's 'New Order of 1776' (now grown stale for the elite class of bossy one-percenters who let no crisis go to waste).

Significantly, it's an 'order' that will be cosmically timed and supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of Societal Planets Jupiter and Saturn @00Aquarius which lands with cosmic precision upon US POTUS Sun. Here's the midpoint picture that forms...

Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things." (Tyl).

Now as you know, where POTUS goes so goes America. And my suspicious nature asserts that the status quo is what's under assault - and yes, something has definitely been planned. Yet hope for the best springs eternal and their plan's ultimate success or failure remains to be seen, with perhaps some mixture of both. So until the world is let in on what's to become of us all, I hope you stay safe, well, and defiant against undermining forces, dear reader!

Above drawing: 'The Two Fishes of Pisces' by yours truly; "--that organized system of hatreds" from a quote by Henry B. Adams.

Jul 24, 2020

Horoscope: Uranus to AQ 1996 = Jupiter-Saturn 2020

DC Horoscope: Uranus to futuristic Aquarius January 12, 1996 2:12:57 am est Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuation) which leads a BOWL shape of planets; 1996 Sun and Neptune @25Cap06 have been 'met' by the 2020 Capricorn trio of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto, here in the 3rd house of Communications (Technology!) which, combined, suggests potentials for dreams come true vs the grim face of reality (Saturn), fanaticism, paranoia, scandal, pretense, bankruptcy (Jupiter), Civil Rights struggles, control issues in the realms of politics, economics, society, and religion (perfect timing for Jupiter-Saturn's game-changing input), and/or the illusion of power, or power that erodes over time (Pluto). It all sounds familiar, yes?

The 1996 Uranus to Aquarius Ingress Horoscope is posted here because of the Winter Solstice 2020 Great Conjunction (or, Great Mutation from Earth to Air, if you prefer) of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn for the pair will also conjunct 1996 Uranus @00AQ+ then and thus create a midpoint picture of potentials (listed on the chart, upper right) for shifts, changes, and reforms. And noted in 3rd house are Jupiter and Saturn 2020, highlighted in blue, and Uranus 1996 highlighted in green.

Additionally, in the center of the horoscope a few potentials are listed for 2020 Neptune in Pisces conjunct 1996 Saturn (@20Pis14, 4th house) which transit Neptune has done off and on of late and will again, plus, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'; highlighted in red) of the 1996 Ingress event is in 12th house @00Sco17 in the 16 North Saros Series with its themes listed, lower right. Basically, 16 North = 'Illumination of ideas' and the Collective rising up of 'unconscious material and insights' (Brady) thanks to the vibes of Uranus-Neptune (with their NWO, Illuminati implications) with The Enlightenment pair of planets moonlighting as 'New World Order' heralds of visionary idealism, awakening, (or, loss of consciousness), higher planes of knowledge, mysticism, the occult including Astrology, illusions, disguises, and/or the possible use of underhanded methods. (As you know, Uranus and Neptune conjoined three times in Capricorn all through 1993 where 2017 Pluto activated their 'Big Picture which must be followed' potential.)

Now prior to January 12, 1996, about 84 years earlier, transit Uranus entered its own sign of Aquarius on January 30, 1912. A busy year, 1912 brought several Uranian-style events of novelty, new beginnings, suddenness, and/or shock such as: the establishment of the Republic of China (January 1), New Mexico (January 6) and Arizona (February 14) becoming 47th and 48th states, a Suffragette Parade in NYC (May 6), US Marines landing in Cuba (June 5), the eruption of Mount Novarupta in Alaska (June 6-8), the RNC nomination of Taft (June 18) and the DNC nomination of Wilson (June 25), US Marines invasion of Nicaragua (August 4), break-away progressive Republicans forming the Bull Moose Party and nominating Teddy Roosevelt (August 5), an attempt on Roosevelt's life while he was making a speech in Milwaukee (October 14), the first novel in the series Tarzan King of the Apes, and quite a bit more.

So will the 2020 activation of rebellious Uranus by the combined energies of Jupiter and Saturn in December 2020 be noticeable or merely an unconscious blip for us all as we fret over the future? Might the planetary trio reflect a 'history rhymes' condition in society or signify absolutely nothing at all? Or, because of the unpredictable nature of planet Uranus can there be reliable answers to such pertinent questions at all?

Well, to me it seems that if Uranian energies are activated in or around December and do express in noticeable ways (echoing any events of 1912 or 1996 - or not), we must wait patiently to see if astrological Uranus follows its usual erratic course and acts early, late - or never. Yet beneath it all, it's possible that the 'new order' or 'reset' implications of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction could combine with 'Age of Aquarius' Uranian vibes and boost the old world into 2021 with something like, say, A 'Great Reset' Agenda manipulated by the World Economic Forum at Davos in January.

If so, my suspicion is that that high-handed agenda (aka, the 'Big Picture which must be followed'?) is what the calamities and purifications of 2020 have been preparing the world for. Whether we like it or not.

Jun 18, 2020

A Total Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020: Fate Steps In

December 14, 2020 Brings a 'Cosmic Blink' from Above: Fate, Destiny, Karma

by Jude Cowell

June 18, 2020: Many events, changed conditions, and tweets have occurred since last I posted the Horoscope of the 4 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 so here's another consideration of the chart with a few hindsight conditions in mind, plus, a nod to the element of fate, aka, destiny:

As you see, the natal placements of Donald Trump are not littering the chart even though his Sun-NN/Moon-SN polarity is involved with the transiting Nodal axis, Mercury (20Sag05), and the Solar Eclipse, primarily because like most people I am truly weary of the blighter. He does figure in, of course, and may be the primary recipient of the 'fate' suggested by the 4 South eclipse themes (see below), plus other cosmic indications in the chart. However, 'wherever Trump goes so goes America' at least for now so mention should be made of the fact that his natal Descendant rises in this chart (Ascendant @29AQ01, a critical-crisis 29th degree). Also rising are two of the eclipse's midpoints: Pluto-Chiron (plutocrats; exploitation; primal violence; racism and other oppressive -isms), and, inventive Mercury-Uranus with little Mercury snugged between the eclipse and the Saturnian South Node (ideas behind or ahead of their time? same old tweeted insults? leaked plans?). Well obviously, technology and communications are suggested by Mercury-Uranus along with a potential for rebellion or riots due to goals not being fully explained or being rejected, plus, accidents via travel are possible, and Trump's past tweets may be spotlighted as they've been before. Yes, tweets (Mercury) from the past (SN) can come back to haunt even the most erstwhile tweeter!

Meanwhile, radical Uranus @7Tau07 lurches through the 2nd house of Earning Ability and the National Treasury and is unaspected (spurt-like energy or intuition from Uranus) and likely seeking 'unusual methods of financing' when in Taurus. This placement also suggests that 'premature action results in failure' (Ebertin) and can result in costly upsets or disruptions of one kind or another such as sudden natural events (exs: tectonic plates shifting--Saturn at a critical 29th degree--storms, hurricanes, and/or tech disruptions). Expect the unexpected.

And yet it's gas-lighting Neptune in her own sign of Pisces that rises in 1st house and denotes potentials for undermining conditions, saboteurs and subversives, events too massive to handle (possibly involving water or other liquids and/or toxins, drugs, oceans) plus, illness, infection, weakness, instability, confusion, fear and paranoia rising. So apparently our current difficulties continue to flow through society while a disinterested fellow with a power-grasping agenda 'mans' the helm of the White House and tweets our country away to the highest bidder.

Then, in 9th house of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, Higher Education, and Legal Affairs is Venus @28Sco44 - a money planet in the business and investment sign of Scorpio. Venus leads the tilt of a BOWL which falls over the 10th cusp of Career and Public Reputation. She's on a mission and is advocating for a cause (BOWL) but is less effective due to her limited experience of the world as shown by the signs outside the BOWL - the realms of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra. To me this indicates missing elements of versatility, nurturance, natural leadership, discrimination, and balance. Unfortunately as 2020 ends, the trio of planets in governmental Capricorn and eroding Neptune in Pisces are outweighing Cancer's natural tendency to nurture and dissolving Virgo's natural function of discrimination - or trying to.

Meanwhile, other karmic or fated conditions are shown by factors such as the interception of the Virgo-Pisces axis across the 1/7 house polarity (including watery Neptune opposing dedicated Vesta). Yes, it's obviously time that America's Virgo-Pisces 'victim-savior' issues be dealt with and these include police brutality, Black Lives Matter, work place ethics (US Neptune in Virgo, sign of work and health), medical matters (exs: Covid-19, hospitals, supplies, testing, death rates), and the current loss of employment, lives, and lifestyles of millions of Americans, under empty vessel Trump.

Heavyweight Planets Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn and US natal Pluto

Naturally a major component in the eclipse chart is the 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, Politics, and Behind-the-Scenes activities and meetings because heavyweights Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn, now Direct in Capricorn, are grouped there across the house cusp which also happens to be conjoined by US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33). As you know, US Pluto always drags along our nation's Mercury-Pluto opposition of surveillance and thought control (propaganda). In fact, the Mercury-Uranus duo includes the interesting potential of 'using propaganda during emergencies'. Ya think? Well, chart-ruler Saturn makes no applying aspects yet Venus does sextile conservative Saturn (a good business sense with a talent for setting priorities) while expansive Jupiter applies to their game-changing Great Conjunction (0A47) @00AQ29 perfecting at Winter Solstice 2020, a cosmic harbinger indicating major changes in society on several levels which we've discussed before (as has every other astrologer!).

Then sneakily, in the 12th house of Secret Deals is karmic Saturn sporting the Sabian Symbol for his rounded-up degree of '30 Capricorn' = OPPORTUNITY: "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" with the word picture's negative expression: "rampant selfishness and rank exploitation" (Jones). Does this sound anything like a group of corporate executives, financiers, political operatives, and bad faith enablers you know? And maybe a selfish Ayn-Rander or two?

So when we look at the transiting midpoint picture with US natal Pluto as apex planet, what possibilities do we see? Tr Jupiter-Saturn = n Pluto: 'a total reversal of plans; intense business activity; extreme changes or reforms; and, wealthy, stealthy puppet master Pluto 'in control of the situation'. Actually, this midpoint picture is penned in the center of the chart and its potentials may very well relate to the objectives of that secret conference. Alternately, it may describe other players, too.

The Times They Really Are a-Changin'

Yes, change is rather the point of a 'cosmic blink'/'wild card' eclipse that affects conditions and events on Earth much as quirky, shocking Uranus tends to do: with disruption, unexpected events, intervention by a higher power, and possibly a total change of direction as a result. Are we listening to the Voice of a higher power? Well, some of us are! Are you?

Such is the Total Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 which contains themes of 'very strong emotional feelings concerning relationships and/or money; a sense of fatedness as individuals are caught up in relationship events beyond personal control; a sudden desire to end relationships or associations; anger; lust; blocked emotions that lead to much frustration. Best advice is to avoid hasty action until issues settle down' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Silent Neptune Undermines and Erodes

In addition, there are squares to the Eclipse/Nodal axis from Neptune - intercepted, as noted - with Neptunian potentials as mentioned, above and below. Foggy conditions, cloudiness, or insecurity may cause eclipse imperatives to seem difficult to understand or manage for the masses, even for the media (Neptune), yet to make karmic progress, clarity and truth must be constantly attempted to the extent that we can, our years of extreme disappointment with Washington politicians notwithstanding. Because feeling Neptunian disappointment in our elected officials is no longer enough to effect the positive changes we need and democracy requires participation.

For Neptunian circumstances squaring the eclipse include delusional leaders, subversives, saboteurs, radical reactionaries, and folks who are out of step with current societal standards and traditions - and all are eager to continue interfering with America's karmic progress for they prefer either the status quo or better yet (they think), the regressive policies of olden days. Why, even Trump's natal fantasy-prone, deceitful Mercury-Neptune square is echoed by this eclipse chart (but from Sagittarius to Pisces instead of Cancer to Libra). This 'square' condition of off-kilter Mercury and Neptune is another way that Trump shows up in the chart along with his natal Sun-Moon-Nodes configuration, and his speculating, transactional Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio in Libra conjunct the 8th cu$p of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Corporatism, among other realms. And as you know, the Nodes of the Moon suggest the fated paths all Earthlings must tread, even scofflaw freeloader Donald Trump.

A Related Post: December 2020 Solar Eclipse a Wild Card for Trump which shows the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope with its 8th house Saturn @23Sag30 - to be eclipsed by the December 14, 2020 Eclipse, plus, it activates Trump's Total Lunar Eclipse (@23Sag)! To me this eclipse pile-up sounds like a whole bunch of fated conditions and events coming due and it may take a huge amount of cheating and bribes to shoehorn his bulk into the Oval Office again. Or am I only wishfully dreaming?

Perhaps so, but it seems to me that this particular eclipse 'begs to differ' with such subversives and radical reactionaries concerning the fate of America because in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, a solar eclipse calls for integrity, honesty, ethical actions and moral standards to be upheld, not disrespected or neglected. Negative expressions such as misguided beliefs, erroneous philosophies, deceit, and fraud will amount to nothing of value under the influence of the December 2020 Eclipse, if karmic progress is to be made by the Collective as we face 2021, and it is extremely important that We The People not scatter our energies. Because as many people have called for lately, Unity is needed - for as everyone knows, there be strength in numbers!

A related opinion: Solidarity Will Turn the Impossible Into the Inevitable.

Feb 13, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020's 2nd House Planetary Pairs

More on Spring Equinox 2020

by Jude Cowell

February 13, 2020: If you've watched Revealing Light Tarot's reading covering the Next 6 Months you've noticed Mary Ann's focus on the month of March which naturally contains Spring Equinox 2020 (March 19 11:49 pm ET), a horoscope that serves for the entire year and marks the moment when the Sun conjuncts the Aries Point of World Events. And if you use the late afternoon US natal chart of July 4, 1776 that I tend most to use, this times the Sun's entrance into America's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland (with its 4/10 Security implications). The following post is my attempt at an additional consideration of Spring Equinox 2020 (the horoscope set for Washington DC) and the emphasis created by the chart's 2nd hou$e planetary pairs opposing the corporate 8th hou$e. Obviously, we must keep in mind other matters of the 8th house which include death, transition, the occult, shared resources, taxes, debt and credit, and/or insurance.

Mars as 2nd-house Trigger conjuncts Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn

In the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (chart shown) we find a full 2nd house (National Treasury; Values; Earning Ability) suggesting a heavy focus on financial matters, if not economic, budgetary, and/or currency concerns. So let's consider the planetary pairs therein for more information in the Realms of Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey and the Hegelian model (creating problems then 'solving' them the way that was already intended).

First, a few basics:

2nd cusp 25Sag19 makes money bags Jupiter the 2nd-house ruler; Jupiter also rules 4th house with its cusp @6Pis46 along with the 'help' of deceptive loss-leader Neptune, planet of fraud and mergers. Transit Jupiter first conjoins Pluto (1A54) suggesting The Fed, then Saturn (7A040) pointing toward a new social, political, and economic order (see the Jupiter-Saturn link, below). Placements in 2nd house include the drain of the Moon's South Node, the tail of the dragon, suggesting a neurotic reliance on past tactics that are no longer effective, and most folks agree that Trump has certainly plopped our National Treasury resources into the red, in large part due to his Tax Cuts for the wealthy (Corporate Socialism for the 1%!). That the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is intercepted across the 2/8 axis in the Spring Equinox 2020 chart denotes karmic conditions which must be addressed via its Moon-Saturn influences of ambition, strategy, and direction. Saturn-ruled Capricorn's involvement implies investments and Wall Street trading with depressive Moon-Saturn vibes. However, taking direct action to solve problems can always mitigate this.

Meanwhile, with 24Scorpio46 rising, 2nd-house Mars is chart-ruler (and activating trigger), plus, the warrior planet also rules the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking (5th cusp 8Ari17). And with Mars @22Cap35, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is thereby activated suggesting potentials for: ruthlessness, violence, and/or 'the necessity to fight for existence' (Ebertin). Munkasey adds 'the need to use whatever means or power available to continue working' and as we know, royalist Trump keeps claiming for himself expansive powers that break the parameters placed in the US Constitution = unconstitutional behavior of the Executive Branch morphing the US government into an imperial monarchy.

Plus, a nod should be made toward the 6th house of Work and Service (Civil, Military, Police, etc), and Health which contains disruptive Uranus @4Tau32 (in Taurus = seeking unusual sources of funding; environmental concerns) and money planet Venus @15Tau56 (conservative in Taurus yet luxury-loving). Together the Venus-Uranus pair relates to money matters such as extravagant spending, waste, eventual bankruptcy, plus, estrangement and relationship break-ups.

So here are some of the potentials of the planetary pairs posited in the 2nd-house with a few comments and a steel industry link included by yours truly:

Mars-Jupiter Thesis: action taken in response to legal judgments (Barr shortening Roger Stone's sentence?); advice which angers or inflames others (ditto); too much legal activity or opinions; religious activities. Anti-thesis: judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battles; misuse of forces; an expansion of military hardware (and funding); legal opinions or judicial cases which affect the military or metal industries.

Mars-Pluto Thesis: security forces allied with the military; conducting clandestine operations; using police or military against criminal elements (oh could we?); attacks using powerful forces and weaponry. Anti-thesis: A police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture as a means of enforcing policy (Trump's dream?); exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, rape, mayhem, chaos.

Mars-Saturn (with Saturn strong in Capricorn at a critical-crisis 29th degree) Thesis: curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist (yep); frustration imposed upon or by criminal elements (Alert: mob boss in the White House!); demands to halt armaments. Anti-thesis: military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force (NATO?) when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of what belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

And if we add health to the planetary pictures in consideration of our concerns over Trump's obese medical condition, bad diet, and what looks to be his continual drug use (sniff sniff!), we find that Mars-Jupiter = hip or liver surgery or a major operation, Mars-Pluto = tumors and/or toxic diseases of the sexual organs (late-stage syphilis?), and Mars-Saturn = high blood pressure, blockages (how could a fatty grub not have these?), weak or withered muscles, and/or hyper followed by hypo (Munkasey).

Biologically, to Mars-Jupiter Ebertin adds 'heart muscle' and 'activity of the organs'; to Mars-Pluto: replacement by 'artificial organs and functions' (including dentures); to Mars-Saturn: 'joints, muscles, bones, tendons, sinews, bone or bone marrow inflammation; atrophy of an organ, and/or muscle paralysis, particularly of the breathing mechanism (includes suffocation)'.

(An additional astro-note: today, February 13, 2020, marks the first of three exact oppositions from transit Pluto to Trump's natal Saturn in clannish Cancer and these challenging energies imprint upon the whole of 2020 for him, and thus for our nation (exact again on July 12th and December 20th). Aptly, Trump's abuse of power issues are front and center in the news this very day via his Roger Stone sentencing interference, as you know, along with rigid demands concerning his authority, accountability, and unreliability, demands which are always required by cosmic taskmaster Saturn - his, spotlighted all through 2020 by oppositions from powerful Pluto, planet of manipulation, control, secrets, criminality, and hidden wealth.)

Well, this post is my second pass at the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress) using a different lens than before. And as always your on-topic comments are welcome (moderated to cull out the ads and trolls!) and my Thanks for any and all Shares which encourage more such SO'W posts! jc

Related 2020 posts include: DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 (tri-wheel charts shown), and the order-shifting Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction which ends 2020 on December 21st @00AQ29 - here are the conjunction's Midpoint Pictures and its DC Horoscope.

Sources: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Above image: 'Abandoned Garden with Peonies', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Oct 25, 2018

Midpoints of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 2020

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun) 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration.

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has "made it happen"; strategy.

Midpoint Picture: Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun: (my bold and italics)

Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others (Munkasey); inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience (Ebertin); taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

Any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2020 and beyond, and any of the midpoints can be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses.

That the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since they are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

We should also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for upsetting events, arrests, or injuries (Ebertin); and/or deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is the conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre.

Now here's an excerpt from a previous post which involves a time link via the 19-year solar eclipse cycle between year 2000 and year 2019:

"The Pre-Natal Eclipse Series ('PE') of the New Millennium is the 2 South Saros Series which manifested on December 25, 2000 @4Cap15. The 2 South Series involves themes of 'becoming involved with unusual groups and feeling that one will gain a great deal through such involvement' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

2 South next manifests on Jan 5, 2019 @15Capricorn25 (in the US) and as you know, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is the sign of government, law, business, and other Saturnian realms."

Here I'll add that the 2 South eclipse of January 5, 2019 manifests upon the Saturnian South Node of the New Millennium Horoscope, a point of separation and possible neurosis when tactics or defenses of the past no longer suffice but are irrationally used anyway. Coupled with the eclipse @15Capricorn, this may suggest long-established groups of the past and separation from rather than the joining of them.

And if we wish to focus on the heavyweight trio of planets in the 10th house of Public Status and Career in the above chart, we can briefly consider potentials of three midpoint pictures between them which will form into year 2021 if not before:

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (Tyl).

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn: delayed plans for advancement; lessens the focus on destruction; hindrances in quests for both fame and privacy (Munkasey); difficulties; separation (Ebertin); strategy becomes necessary; adjusting the big picture to meet with convention (Tyl).

Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: favorable outcomes in the use of large expenditures of resources or energies; people who have leadership and power to dispense; opinions about how to reclaim the use of waste products for other activities (Munkasey); religious and social fanaticism; excessive modesty; self-sacrifice for others (Ebertin); trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left (Tyl).

And yes, that's the 1993 degree of the Utopian Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Capricorn) with its "smug or strong-armed paternalism' implications at The Goal Point (MC) of the Jupiter-Saturn chart. For as activist Max Igan correctly informs us in his recent broadcast How The Matrix Controls You, the Smart Grid Is the New World Order.

For more details see: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; and Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl.