By now you've run across some quirky statements from Republicans on the outbreak of Swine Flu and its pandemic possibilities. Why, even Rush Limbaugh is manufacturing what he hopes are GOP-saving theories on this public health issue that requires more thought for the common good than he or other neocon rightwingers can hold within their self-serving peabrains for more than two seconds running.
If you missed it yesterday, check out digby's explanation of the dilemma the GOPers find themselves in.
When we first heard of 'swine flu' in the 70s we weren't ready with vaccines. Now it's 2009 and we're not ready for a pandemic with vaccines (or well-staffed clinics.)
If Rush Limbaugh could manufacture vaccines he'd be useful in a crisis. As it is, what he manufactures is the usual manure and swill from the GOP playbook. Which is not only un-useful - these people don't 'believe' in the common good!
And if the GOP as it stands now had been around for and involved in the founding of America, we wouldn't have a nation or the US Constitution we now cling to.
I also want to assure anyone who thinks I'm torn up about FOX TV choosing not to carry the president's press conference tomorrow night that I would not have watched the presser on FOX anyway.
For me, the only thing the FOX channel is good for is '24' and 'Lie to Me'...and while they'll show the usual episode of 'Lie to Me' at 8:00 pm edt - apologies to the excellent Tim Roth - I'll be watching and listening to Mr. President elsewhere.
Swine Flu Update 11:55 am: Smithfield Farms facility.