Stars Over Washington is pleased to present a new Generational Astrology post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes, published here with the author's express permission:
Stoneman Douglas High School Activists - The Epitome Of Pluto in Sagittarius and Neptune in Aquarius:
Emma Gonzalez. David Hogg. Sarah Chadwick. Cameron Kasky. Jaclyn Corin.
These are the names of just five of the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School Massacre on February 14, 2018 who have become gun control activists over the last month. At the start of the year, they were typical teenagers, and we're now at the end of March and it's gotten to the point where they have been featured on national TV, their Twitter accounts are now verified, and they now have their own Wikipedia articles! This basically means that they have become celebrities overnight, while still going through the grind of homework, term papers, school projects, tests, and final exams, while likely going through their first relationships as well!
And to be honest, they're all handling it very well! I couldn't ever picture myself handling all that pressure. Props.
What makes these teenage activists really special is that they AREN'T doing this for the purpose of becoming household names and getting their five minutes of fame. They are doing this because it's the right thing to do, quite simply because nobody should go to school with the thought that this could be their last day on earth in the back of their minds, as well as the fact that many of their friends and teachers died that day, so they want to make sure that nobody else has to go through what they have since that day. What is also quite fascinating is the similarities that these teenagers have with their grandparents.
If you're familiar with generational astrology, everybody born from 1999-2007 has Pluto in Sagittarius and Neptune in Aquarius, along with most people born in 1998 and half of the people born in 2008, meaning that all of these students share these energies. This results in a generation who not only envisions (Neptune) a world that is in the best interests of everyone (Aquarius), but they also desire absolute freedom and have more open minded world views (Pluto in Sagittarius). This is a fire sign/air sign combination, much like their grandparents in the Pluto in Leo and Neptune in Libra generation from 1942-1957. These were the people known for burning their draft cards in protest of the Vietnam War, and were a large portion of the crowd at Woodstock, so both these fire/air generations share activist roots. However, while many of the "hippies" eventually gave in to the status quo during the Neptune in Capricorn era (1984-1998), when materialism, greed, capitalism, and corporatism were glamorized (many of our current politicians, including president Trump, are Pluto Leo/Neptune Libra), Sagittarius isn't nearly as superficial as Leo (Leo's shadow side is showing off and selfishness, which is why they're known as the "me generation"), and Aquarius has an edge that Libra doesn't (Libra's shadow side is refusing to "rock the boat"), so they aren't as likely to give in to the old, outdated ways of doing things.
Another notable fact is that since these students were born before 2003, they also have Uranus in Aquarius, which allows for a tendency to ACT based on their generational vision that the older generations just don't have (similar to how the Uranus and Pluto in Virgo generation were a major reason for the technological expansion in the 90s and 2000s, as Aquarius, which Uranus rules, and Virgo are both associated with technology). And continuing with the pattern shared with their Baby Boomer grandparents, the Pluto Leo/Neptune Libras who were old enough to be drafted in the Vietnam War had Uranus in the air sign of Gemini. None of this is a coincidence.
Why is the status quo changing now, when things like school shootings have been a common occurrence for years now? Simple. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008 (and will be there until 2024), at the start of the Great Recession, signalling the transformation of government and big business, which has become increasingly obvious with the Trump/Russia and Brexit fiascos dominating the airwaves the last 15 months. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was the period of the American Revolution, which is not a coincidence.
When Pluto was in Sagittarius (1995-2008), 9/11 showed the dark side of organized religion, and when Pluto was in Scorpio (1983-1995), HIV/AIDS showed the consequences of "free sex". Neptune has been in the sign of Pisces since 2011, which correlates with the spirituality and compassion culture that is prevalent. Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012) was the technology culture, which is why these teenagers are known for their addiction to technology, most notably cell phones. While everybody is effected by the culture of the times in one way or another, people born under Neptune and Pluto transits carry these energies for the rest of their lives, just like that of their Sun signs, Moon signs, Mercury/Venus/Mars signs, etc. For example, Pluto in Scorpio and Neptune in Capricorn is why "Millennials" are known for their tattoos and piercings (Scorpio), while coming off as "entitled" (Capricorn), when their role is to dissolve (Neptune) the status quo, which can make them come off as entitled to people who aren't aware of the astrological forces that guide people.
And as I've mentioned before, the truth about our political system and how it works is coming to the surface under this Pluto in Capricorn transit, and as shown by their behavior as of late, the GOP politicians and political commentators are very scared. As they should be, because the future of the Republican Party looks very bleak, and not just because of the brave activism of these teenagers, as the Mueller investigation and Stormy Daniels scandal have tainted the already lackluster Trump presidency, which is known for a tax plan that heavily benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor, the passing of steel and aluminum tariffs which will damage free trade (a major part of the GOP platform), as well as consistently threatening war with North Korea, while pushing the idea of a very expensive border wall between the US and Mexico that won't likely come to fruition for obvious reasons. Absolutely nothing positive has happened since Trump took office! With the Republican Party likely to be forever known as traitors in the near future, it's very likely that they will never win another election again unless they completely change their platform to become more compassionate and inclusive, and the Pluto Sagittarius/Neptune Aquarius generation starting to come of age only furthers the need for the GOP to do that. These activists will be eligible to vote in 2020, despite it being highly unlikely that Trump will be in office then.
To put it frankly, these teenage activists are the epitome of the Pluto in Sagittarius/Neptune in Aquarius generation, and are a necessary catalyst for positive change, resulting in a society that's in the best interests of everyone, rather than a wealthy few, which it has been since Reagan's presidency during Neptune in Capricorn, and only lately, with Pluto in Capricorn, have we been suffering the consequences of the greed and materialism that became glamorized in the 80s and 90s during that transit. This greed of GOP politicians has been exposed as a result of their activism, as they are STILL fighting them, solely because they are owned by the NRA, which means they're choosing money and power over children's lives, which is a very unnerving thought, and only adds more fuel to the fire in the midterm elections, which were already in jeopardy before this as a result of Trump's treason and ineptitude.
More info on the influences of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus is here, as well as other astrological info:
Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus sign dates:
Thanks Kevin! And readers be sure to check out Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog for more Millennial and Generational Astrology along with ethics analysis posts. jc
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