August 17, 2018 Update 1:14 am edt: have just seen a headline that Trump's controversial military parade has been "postponed" until 2019 so the following horoscope and details are now moot! This rather makes sense once you look at the chart. Apparently the huge price tag was ill-received!
Original post begins here...
August 16, 2018: News reports say that Trump's military parade set for Saturday November 10, 2018 are now estimated to cost $92 million, $80 million over the original estimate by the Department of Defense. Yes, Americans are always proud of their soldiers yet one wants to believe that the DOD has more important things to do than march showily through DC streets and better ways to spend this extravagant amount of tax payer money on what may certainly be called a vanity parade for Trump's weak ego.
America's last such military display was in 1991 to celebrate Bush41's 'victory' in the Gulf--you know the 'Operation Desert Storm' that Bush Sr characterized as "a triumph of the New World Order." That war he and the Pentagon finagled in time for the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune all through 1993, a cosmic significator for the 'NWO'. One must assume that their engineered 'WWIII' will 'seal the deal' of Global Government against the wills of everyone except the hidden power elite warmongers and profiteers who pull the strings that send young people to fight foreign wars.
Now, to make more palatable to the public Trump's military parade and its wasteful expense and the queasiness of seeing the US military marching through the streets of the nation's capital along with the suggestion of impending war, someone's strategic hindsight has provided the administration with the (apparent) justification of honoring the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I on November 10, 2018 which may salve some folks' consciences but yours truly isn't buying since the date was selected for said justification and has nothing to do with Trump's pathetic and phallic demand for a parade--as if to honor him. And perhaps he imagines that a parade held so soon after the November 6 Midterms will seem to 'celebrate' the expected Republican 'victories' at (hacked) voting booths and election officials' laptops across America with childish Trump playing drum-major-for-a-day. It's Admiral Bone Spurs: cowardly yet 'victorious' by hook or crook!
Of course, there are many other reasons for such extravagant spending on a pompous display of force (Scorpio rising ruled by Mars, sub-ruled by Pluto; proud, showy Leo at Midheaven, The Goal Point), and we can expect that more parade details will come out as November nears. But for now, how about the cosmic synchronicity of November 10, 2018 being a day of a Trump Lunar Return? Below is the Return horoscope with way too many details penned on and color coded for you (mea culpa!).
Even so, it's quite a revealing chart especially if one includes Sabian Symbols, stars, and links to Trump's and America's natal planets, some of which are noted on the chart which has been relocated for Washington DC from his natal Queens, NY; and note that Mr. Trump's natal Moon conjoins his Saturnian South Node, as you know, and is not a natal picture of sustained popularity:
Now as you see, a BOWL shape is in effect for Trump's November 2018 Moon Return with valuable Venus @25Lib58 Rx leading the Bowl's tilt and chaotic quirky Uranus (America's planet of war and revolt), opposite in the 6th house of Military and Civil Service. As we've experienced, Uranus is a zealous Utopian fanatic when in Mars-ruled Aries (Ebertin) and is Trump's guiding planet and 'inner voice' (of chaos and frenzy). Of course, the Aries-Libra axis relates to both war and diplomacy and there's Venus rising in the karmic 12th house of Self-Undoing, Politics, and Large Institutions.
Yet the Venus-Uranus duo is often known only for potential 'separations in relationships' but here it likely relates to the wasteful, extravagant spending of spendthrift Trump (but only with other people's money, not his own) and his enablers. Plus, as you see, the Venus-Uranus opposition forms a T-Square of sorts toward North Node in the 9th house of Foreign Lands--North Node (future direction) at a critical 29th degree of Cancer (patriotism; tribalism; nationalism; protectionism) which, when rounded up to "30Cancer" for its Sabian Symbol, gives a picture of "A Daughter of the American Revolution."
As a midpoint picture we have Venus-Uranus = NN: instincts lead to new associations (Ebertin); disruptive attention-getting methods; presentations of unusual forms of entertainment (Munkasey). Sounds about right.
And actually, if it occurs this parade may turn out to serve as a 'fanatical reform' to our traditions since a temporary YOD (turning point,crossroads, and/or special task) is temporarily formed by the powerful Sun-Pluto sextile at its base pointing toward the Gemini Uranus and North Node of Mr. Trump, a duo of 'radical politics' and such reforms.
Now hopefully you may enlarge the above image for further reading although I shall close this post for now with three significant chart factors--the Sabian Symbol for the degree of Jupiter the General in 1st house: "1Sag": "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire," warrior Mars @26AQ40 angering some, exciting others of the American people (conjunct US natal Moon), and note that Mercury @10Sag42 conjoins warring star Antares with both conjoined by asteroids Hopi (ambush or prejudice) and Icarus who overdid his objective, flew too close to the Sun, and fell into the sea.