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Showing posts with label Uranus in Taurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus in Taurus. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2024

Uranus to Gemini July 2025

Can Uranus Get a Witness?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Our days of Uranus (The Witness) in earthy Taurus, since March 2019, will end soon as transit Uranus lurches into the tropical sign of Mercury-ruled Gemini.

In Gemini, progressive, futuristic planet Uranus sparks such concepts as original, innovative thinking, new or novel ideas in fields such as Technology, communications, electronics, Science, education, travel (air and space), commerce and trade, literature, persuasive oration, and alternative modes of living and healing. Then given our current societal conditions with Election 2024 coming soon, I must add zealous ideas and ideals from radical reactionaries in Politics; plus, mutable, changeable Gemini is the sign of multiplicity and duplicity.

General negatives of Uranus in Gemini periods include eccentricity, impracticality, scattered ideas and energies, radical or erratic ideals, and/or unreliability in relationships.

Uranus First Sighted 1781 by William Herschel and his sister Caroline (horoscope shown)

Now as you know, Gemini is the sign of America's totem planet, Uranus (@9Gemini in 1776: "A Quiver Full of Arrows"), due to its association with the principles of freedom, independence, anarchy, revolt and rebellion (1775/76). So we should add electricity, shocks, separation, disruption, and upheaval. Also add that America has tended toward war engagement when our Uranus Returns have occurred, and these days, cyber war must be included. Significantly, America's next Uranus Return, a three-fer, will arrive twice in 2027 and once in 2028. A future post on the topic is in the planning stage, so stay tuned to SO'W as you wish.

Meanwhile, across the globe there's a coming shift of Uranian energies from fixed Taurus to airy, mutable Gemini so I thought you might want to view the first second (according to my SolarFire v9.27 software) that transit Uranus reaches 00Gem00:00, the position of fixed star Alcyone of the Pleiades Constellation (the 7 sisters; Gemini, sign of twins and siblings).

DC Horoscope: July 7, 2025 1st second at 3:47:16 am edt; ASC 16Gem14 conjunct Rigel and Mars-NN; planets are aligned in a Splay pattern of individualism; after some fancy footwork, erratic Uranus will hit 00Gem00:00 twice more: in early November 2025 (Rx) and April 2026; my study notes are penned on the chart for your consideration:

Now an Alcyone-Uranus conjunction is never to be taken lightly. You'll find a description of its potentials at Astrology King (scroll down to Uranus). Suffice to say that themes of the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in the 9 New North Saros Series @9Aries echo the Alcyone-Uranus contact via physical accidents and possibilities of violence. Take no chances! Of course, these concerns loom much larger if the orange fascist manages to coup the White House in November 2024. If you're curious, using this chart as a transit chart to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope would be informative.

An Additional Note: freedom-loving Uranus also hit 00Gemini in 1942 and conjoined restrictive Saturn which highlights President Biden's natal Saturn-Uranus Conjunction in early Gemini with the duo's links to politics, law, Israel-Palestine, and with old order vs new order implications.

And in case you're wondering, here's a tri-wheel showing when Trump's Guiding Planet Uranus Returns to natal degree with its Sabian Symbol for 18 Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd". (I consider this picture a cosmic peep-eye.)

Then if you're unfamiliar with Charles Carter's perfect description of one of the three types of Uranians, try a previous post Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Nov 13, 2023

Volcano Watch in Iceland

Taurus Uranus-Pisces Saturn: Tectonic Shifts

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the comon good

A variety of news sources are reporting on the potential volcanic eruption expected in Iceland specifically for the small coastal town of Grindavik and a state of emergency was issued November 10, 2023. For more details see Iceland braces for a potential volcanic eruption: what is likely to happen and what are the risks?

Being only mildly versed in Astrometeorology, I'll simply publish here for your consideration the two horoscopes for Iceland which appear in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad), and which may be handy for future reference.

Meanwhile, I shall add the good people of Iceland to my Piscean Moon's list of folks to be concerned about along with the victims of the multiple traumatic events occurring around the globe.

Iceland legal sovereignty 1918 (lower left) and Iceland Republic Proclaimed and Announced 1944 (upper right); a few study notes are penned on including today's positions of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto with earthy Taurus and watery Pisces standing out although Mars in its own intense sign of Scorpio, Neptune in its own oceanic sign of Pisces, and Pluto in earthy Capricorn are worth keeping an eye on:

A Related Post: The Saturn-Neptune Conjunctions of 1989 and 2026; notably, the conjunction of February 20, 2026 occurs upon the Aries Point suggesting significant world events and, according to Reinhold Ebertin, there may be an element of hysteria developing in certain locations.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Aug 24, 2023

Scofflaw Trump to Atlanta: Mars trine Pluto

Atlanta Airport Restricted 6:45 pm--9:00 pm edt; Mars Trump Bows to Pluto's Power

by Jude Cowell

With cooperation in his cards, this evening, August 24, 2023, Mars-rising Trump flies into Atlanta and says he'll surrender for arrest at the Rice Street jail, Atlanta, Georgia a la DA Fani Willis - and he'll do so in "prime time." Naturally, the reality TV guy wants to create a ratings-grabbing media circus out of his current disgraceful arrest.

Well, powering through the shame (he refuses to feel or admit) despite the intervention of a higher power is a potential since at 8:23 pm edt in Atlanta, Georgia, a power-laden Mars-Pluto trine perfects and forms a protective Earth Grand Trine with zealous, radical Uranus the chaos-creator which happens to conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) of Goals and Objectives. A high-flying Kite pattern of success results if we add 1st house Neptune Rx @26Pis56 to the Mars-Pluto-Uranus trine. Yet a caution of a Grand Trine is that mismanaging its energies can turn out more negatively than positively.

Meanwhile, legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @4Pisces, Lord of Karma, is rising at 8:23 pm suggesting to me that Saturnian accountability comes first, then comes Trump's spin of the event (orating Mercury trine Jupiter, the broadcaster), an arrest for which he's said he's "proud." Translation: he expects more donations to pour in from his gullible cult members - and indictment number 4 adds to his "martyr" mystique and fuels the skewed rhetoric he will be employing.

Freedom-Lover Uranus, Planet of Chaos and Fanaticism

Then at 8:23 pm edt, Trump's first natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem55) dragging with it his natal North Node and Gemini Sun. Also along for the ride is his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine which seems to be continuing the lucky breaks that here suggest the villain will be allowed to walk away tonight from the Rice Street jail. No one expects him to be detained, of course, I'm only saying that the Cosmos supports this. For now, at least:

Now several other astro-factors of note are penned upon the above horoscope for those who are curious, yet many factors are not listed.

Therefore, if you read but one or two of my study notes, check out the Earth Grand Trine info, lower right corner highlighted in yellow, and the midpoint picture potentials of Mars-Saturn = MC, upper right corner, while keeping in mind Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture of death, destruction, and fury buried deep within his 12th house of the Unconscious - plus, of note tonight is another potential of this picture--the intervention of a higher power, as noted above.

A related post: America's Mars-Pluto Cycle (conjunct @25Cap35).

And in case you missed it, check out Keith Olbermann's current Countdown podcast episode, Trump is Romping Because DeSantis Is a Hologram with Keith's commentary re: last night's Republican debate.

Also see: Ron DeSantis' Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius.

Aug 15, 2023

Trump-Organized Crime under RICO indictment in Georgia

Aug 14th: Our 13th Colony Steps Up for Law and Order

by Jude Cowell

Saturn, 'Legal Eagle' Planet in Political Astrology; NASA image

After last night's announcement in Georgia of a fourth indictment of Donald Trump and his co-conspirators acting within their self-created criminal organization, I considered writing a fresh post on the subject using astrological principles which could cast a cosmic light upon the circumstances and perhaps make some sense of it all. A cosmic glance under the hood of earthly events, we might say.

That is, I considered it until I realiized that such a post had already been written and published as, America's Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy featuring the organized crime duo's Great Conjunctions of 1891/1892 which landed upon America's 1776 Uranus, planet of revolution, war, anarchy, zealotry, radical/reactionary politics, chaos, upheaval, shocks, assaults, and disruption. Criminal enterprises have resulted, and criminal influences upon society have grown. Trump as criminal figurehead is their 'flowering'. Remember that initially, Trump was purported to helm the US from the White House as a corporate businessman. This he did with profit always his transactional motivation, and corruption no problem. No problem at all.

Plus, in mundane horoscopes there's Cupido, an archetype indicating The Syndicate, Corporatism, The Family, the Mafia, and criminal networks such as Trump and comrades put together thinking they could overthrow our country and negate our votes on behalf of a fascist dictator-wanna-be - and attempted for the benefit of certain global geopolitical take-over endeavors. You know the ones. Yet undoubtedly, the melee that useful tool Trump is causing the US Justice System pleases his handlers, for it keeps the DOJ busy, diverted, and under a potential for future collapse under the weight of Trump's hefty bulk.

You also know that Trump's foreign backers, enemies of America, of democracy, and of the US Constitution, are a major if surreptitious, factor in it all, as are certain other state government officials scooped up in Fani Willis' wide-ranging RICO prosecution announced late last night. Of course, easily recognized is the 1891/1892 era as that of the Robber Barons, the corporatists of their day - now we deal with their spawn, both biological and ideological. For example: Trump's J6 coup attempt was and is supported by many US corporations and CEOs--make that, transnational corporations who hold no allegiance to the United States of America despite the wealth they generated here using America's infrastructure, and the US consumers they profit by. Cash-cow-r-us!

Underneath it all, we're mired within our US Pluto Return with its collapse-rebuild vibrations that were heralded and supported by 2018's The Tower Eclipse, with themes activated in April 2019 by transit Uranus returning to its eclipse degree in early Taurus!

Meanwhile on the astrological level, if you check out the post linked, above, please scroll beneath the horoscope image to Michael Munkasey's Thesis-Antithesis description of the Neptune-Pluto duo if you don't check out anything else!

And for further reading, remember that this October, Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse conjunct his progressed Moon. Will this bring an 'October Surprise' for the amoral orange blighter? Or more like an October Shock?

Aug 1, 2023

August 2023 Horoscope: Uranus turns Rx

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On display in today's post are two DC Horoscopes:

First, the August 28, 2023 Uranus Station @23Tau04, then a view of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 with its angry, powerful 'Mars-Pluto square' influences issuing from 7 South's initial manifestation of June 22, 1248 @8Can03. This is the position of Trump's natal Mercury (spotlighting his irrationality), and you'll notice that 8Can01 also happens to be the position of Astraea ('justice') in the 6th house of the October 2023 Eclipse Horoscope.

So by this and other chart factors we know that the planets in both horoscopes, set for Washington DC, relate to current events in the US, events and conditions that include disruptive Uranus and its association with fanatics, anarchists, rebels, and radical politicians, along with the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus conjunct Uranus with its 'swords vs torches' symbolism which points toward the maga politicians who just barely managed to take over the House of Representatives. Also implicated by rebellious Uranus are the GOP's racist followers, seditionists, and comrades-in-arms.

Then prominent in the Eclipse chart, you'll see the implications of Pluto square the Eclipse (which is also US 1776 Pluto squaring the lunation), and Uranus inconjunct the Eclipse with its radical vibes of disruption, assault, and shock ability.

Please note that all my study notes are penned onto both charts for the curious reader who may find additional factors as well; select any of the labels at the end of this post to discover entries that relate to these topics (see one example linked, below):

August 28, 2023 10:38:49 pm EDT Washington DC

7 South Eclipse October 14, 2023 1:55:07 pm EDT Washington DC

A Related Post: In 2023 Trump Greets the 7 South Eclipse.

Jul 2, 2023

SCOTUS decisions: Law and Domination

by Jude Cowell

When the Supreme Court decided Marbury v. Madison on February 24, 1803 in favor of William Marbury, the legislative branch of government that we now call 'SCOTUS' (Supreme Court of the United States) flexed its muscles and established itself as being above the US Congress as the final judge of constitutionality with the power to overturn acts of Congress. The decision defined the constitutionality of the Judiciary Act of 1789 and, as the dual horoscopes show, reveal an "urge to impose one's will on others" (Sun = Pluto-NN). Intellectual domination is their thing along with "taking over leadership" (Moon-Mars = Ascendant) via Marbury v Madison.

In addition, there are other interesting planetary factors in the two horoscopes, below. Upper right is the decision's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in which the decision took place a mere 3 days later (3 North Saros Series, the PE Series of 9/11/01 and of the CIA), and lower left set for the speculative hour of 10:00 am LMT, a Horoscope of the Marbury v Madison decision with 21Tau14 rising, a degree notable for its appearance later in this post, plus, the Moon-Mars midpoint as mentioned, above:

Saturn: Planet of Law, Government, and Karma

Now back in a very busy 2020, we discussed how the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction landed directly upon the SCOTUS 1st session's Saturn, planet of law, authority, structures, systems, control, lessons, tasks, management, consolidation, and karma. Shown is the 1st session's horoscope of February 1, 1790 with Saturn @20Pis55. So knowing that transit Saturn is now in Pisces, we see that the SCOTUS 1790 Saturn will experience a Saturn Return in early 2025. More about this in a future post.

We also see that nebulous Neptune by transit, the watery planet of erosion, dissolution, deception, inspiration, mysticism, visions, fraud, and disappointment, has spread itself all over the SCOTUS Saturn in Pisces as recently as late 2021, which indicates several possibilities such as disintegrating traditions and/or structures, authority figures (ex: justices) who are not as honest as they should be, the promotion of high ideals and ethics, or strange or misguided notions.

Now you know that we've seen many of these potentials express via "conservative" justices like Thomas and Alito who, as members of a group of Roman Catholic justices, are having a grand old time legislating from the bench. Of course, this is exactly what the Supreme Court is not meant to do but Marbury v Madison seemingly puffed up the entity's self-image to overblown ego status.

Anyway, if you're like me, when SCOTUS repealed Roe in 2022, my first thought was that the Vatican had finally had its anti-abortion way in the US despite what the majority of Americans prefer (never mind us, we just live here). If you wish, check out the Roe v Wade Overturned Horoscope (June 24, 2022) with the repeal's North Node of destiny @21Taurus--conjunct the North Node in the Vatican City State 1929 Horoscope. Seems mighty clear to me: the repeal of Roe was timed by the Vatican City's Nodal Return. A coincidence? Not to me it isn't, considering the church's long-held stance on abortion.

Plus, there's another cosmic time link in play around these issues: radical Uranus, planet of disruption, chaos, separation, and zealotry, hit the very same 21 Taurus degree on June 30, 2023, the day the most recent SCOTUS decisions were "handed down" from on-high.

So let's close this fussy post with a few potentials of the Uranus/North-Node duo quoting from Munkasey's Hegelian Dialectic form of analysis (any, all, or none may apply especially with erratic Uranus involved):

Thesis: The changes which accompany new efforts to alter the direction of events; alliances which follow revolution or unexpected changes in leadership; help from others who assist with modernization activities.

Antithesis: Revolution for the effecting of popular changes; business changes which evolve with society; treaties for modernizing facilities which benefit another more; a society that does not appreciate modernizing (sounds like regressive Republicans, so-called "conservatives," and radical magas).

Well, we may disagree on this, but in the US "conservative" justices on the SCOTUS bench have 'altered the direction of events', all right, with the hierarchy of the Vatican pulling strings from "on-high." After all, one of the many roles powerful Pluto can play is "the pope."

A related post: The Vatican II Horoscope of 1962. Note that Uranus @25Taurus is a bit beyond a Uranus Return to the 1929 chart but the way the planet lurches about, who can say, really.

Uranus-NN info: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad.

Mar 2, 2023

Spring 2023 Planets return to Midterms 2022 Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

When America's testy 2022 Midterm Elections were held on the very day of a Taurus Lunar Eclipse, transit Uranus, erratic planet of revolt, anarchy, chaos, disruption, separation, contrariness, and independence (and America's totem planet of revolution) clocked in at 16Tau56:48 conjunct the eclipsed Moon and opposing the Sun, and many of us felt the karmic implications heavy in the atmosphere. And it didn't take knowledge of Astrology to feel the significance of the day.

Rounded up to "17 Taurus," many folks found that the Sabian Symbol for Uranus described the 'maga' and far-right (aka, far-reich) Republicans and militiamen thugs of vigilantism determined that every 2022 Midterm Election would go their way: "A Symbolical Battle Between 'Swords' and 'Torches'" which conjures images of tiki torches and neo-Nazi marches. In this scenario, The Establishment must be the 'swords' in the democracy vs fascism battle. See the chart, upper right, for US 1776 Saturn rising opposed and thus challenged by the April 3/4 Sun in Aries (opponents in leadership positions, plus, 'sloppy work is unacceptable').

Yet as we know, in November 2022 the House of Representatives somehow did manage to turn Republican although it was not a red wave as they'd hoped. Even so, we now watch 'maga' antics on Capitol Hill as they disrupt, sabotage, and degrade the US Congress with foolish legal situations and a clown car atmosphere of mockery, deception, and incompetence - with all the drama performed on behalf of a despotic, fascist cult of personality, and not for the sake of our democratic Republic at all.

Besides, "own the libs" style news clips must be performed and harvested for far-right TV shows, click bait, and 2024 campaign ads!

Midterms 2022 Chart Hit by Mars and Uranus in 2023

So, remembering the dangerous Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021, and consulting the 2022 Midterms Horoscope of November 8, 2022, it seems significant that both Mars the warrior, arsonist, and/or activist, and Uranus the zealot, anarchist, and/or rebel return to their respective positions in the 2022 Midterm Election Horoscope as you see in the dual chart image, below.

DC Horoscopes: March 14, 2023 Mars Return @25Gem02 (lower left); April 3, 2023 Uranus Return @16Tau56 (upper right); prominent in both return charts is a fantastical midpoint picture of deception, Sun = Mercury-Neptune, as notated on the right side of the chart and highlighted in orange:

Thus, the period between and including March 14 - April 3, give or take a day or so, seems to me to be of particular concern while the 6 South Eclipse is still of influence in society, so mind how you go. Yet significantly, unpredictable Uranus can act early, on time, late - or never.

Meanwhile, for historical context regarding these chaotic, even perilous, Uranian matters affecting US elections, office holders, and the populace, a previous post tells a tale of Taurus Midterm Eclipses 2022 and 1938! because similar cosmic conditions and events are shown between 2022 and 1938 when Republicans made gains in the House and the Senate by promoting their anti-FDR policies and rhetoric. Obviously, fear was a major background influence in society in 1938 and bad faith actors used it much as they do now with debates on "war" topping the political menu, and, as Rachel Maddows's revealing Ultra podcast spotlights, Nazis and their American tools were active in America.

Now as you know, on the financial level, GOP-ers continue to use similar arguments and gaslighting, with the same goal of collapsing our social safety net and heisting the money, but one can always hope that a majority of Americans now realize that the GOP expects them - not only to vote against their own best interests - but to hand control of the helm of state to an autocratic dictator pushing more of the far-reich's hateful, brutal policies and sadistic laws than we've so far seen.

Therefore, We the People must do everything possible to toss such anti-societal traitors into the dustbin of history to wallow with their cruel idols of the 1930s and 1940s.

But tell me: am I being too subtle? Because there's a theme of tragedy herein via a major cosmic signpost which must be noted: that the Lunar Eclipse of 1938 @15Taurus occurred two days prior to the Nazi bloodbath, aka, "the night of broken glass" - Kristallnacht. Are magaites and their vigilantes brewing up another storm? Well, think of the current House of Representatives and its 'maga' gun lovers lurking there as they pretend to "lead" in the legislative branch of government that they and their thugs attempted to overthrow by violent coup on January 6, 2021.

So if the tired old phrases, What's wrong with this picture? and What could possibly go wrong? ever applied to Washington DC politics, this must be the time.

Two Closely Related Posts and Horoscopes: America's Initial Mars-Uranus Cycle; and the Nazi Rally NYC of February 1939 with Uranus backed up to 14Tau12, Mars @13Sag40 conjunct Nemesis and Mercury-Neptune ('dreams of violence'), and Saturn @15Aries opposite and challenging the authority of US 1776 Saturn exalted in Libra.

Jan 11, 2023

The Ruthless Republican House of 2023

Capitol Bldg; Noclip, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Tragic Idea 2023: The 'Big Lie Party' in Control

by Jude Cowell

After keeping up with events in Congress the last several days, and now that we've seen the disfunction in the House of Representatives, I took a look at a previous post, Midterm 2022 Planets to US Congress Horoscope and found reflections of the chaos and danger of far-right Republican anti-governing tactics intended to neuter and hobble, not just congressional Democrats and the Biden administration, but to undermine the authority of the legislative branch of the US government itself. Basically, the Republican take-over of the House, thanks to finagled outcomes of Midterms 2022 elections, is a forwarding of the coup attempt of January 6, 2021, with the orange blighter cheering on the chaos and disruption his Big Lie pretends to justify.

As erratic events proceed, Americans who have missed the importance of the so-called "clown show" now performed by congressional Republicans, may realize that this is not a game. The QAnon anti-democracy crowd, under instructions from abroad by way of Mar-a-Largo, are deadly serious about obeying Russia, China, and perhaps other dictatorships. Because for global take-over of leadership, fascist-style governments need America and democracy to fail.

So if we consider the Midterm 2022 Lunar Eclipse planets as transits to the 1789 Horoscope of the US Congress, we find the November 2022 Eclipse @16Taurus conjunct radical anarchist planet of zealotry, Uranus squaring 1789 Pluto 18AQ32 which reveals ruthless behavior and criminal activities - and this with Midterms 2022 Saturn 18AQ46 directly hitting 1789 Pluto showing abuse of power implications, power and control struggles (supported by the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 with its 'taking control' theme), and past actions and mistakes becoming important to the present (exs: threats of another government shutdown by the GOP; playing fast and loose with raising the debt ceiling limit and America's credit rating coming soon - part of the GOP's 'collapse America' plan to shrink government so it can be drowned in a bathtub, as Grover Norquist said out loud). And of course, farcical Republicans intend to interfere with investigations into their own criminal and treasonous behavior by "investigating" themselves.

Now obviously, much anger and frustration can be seen within the 118th Congress and one expression of these emotions is shown by transit Mars in Gemini conjunct 1789 Moon 10Gem54 and 1789 Ascendant with wounded Chiron rising as well (Mars-Chiron: the 'sacred warrior' achetype, as Republican theocrats imagine themselves to be), but perhaps Chiron's function as a blindspot describes the party's delusional plans more aptly as they gaslight the American public ad nauseum.

Then with 1789 Venus 22AQ04 squared by transit Uranus in Taurus, we find unorthodox alliances, potential relationship break-ups, unanticipated obstacles, erratic financial concerns - all of which have and will turn up as their chaos, anti-societal rules, and wastes of money plans proceed (bogus investigations are expensive in more ways than one). Incendiary possibilities, unpredictable events, more relationship troubles, and even a potential for disruption by a crowd are denoted by transit Uranus square 1789 Mars 29AQ04, and all playing out at the 1789 Midheaven of the US Congress.

For more details, follow the post linked, above, where you'll find mention of other transits such as 2022 Neptune 22Pis49 Rx conjunct 1789 Mercury Rx showing Congress' thought processes and plans subject to confusion, misinformation, disorganization, and the irrational thinking of fantasists and propagandists of the Neptunian kind.

Nov 21, 2022

Radical Uranus in Taurus: More Trouble in 2024

When 1940 Uranus Returns to 26Taurus in 2024-2025

by Jude Cowell

These days, most people would agree that Donald Tr*mp is nothing if not a furiously enraged, malevolent schemer (aka, our orange albatross, as I term him). And perhaps a dear reader or two may remember Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse of January 5, 2019 in the 2 South Saros Series when a variety of folks were inspired to join unusual groups because they would "gain a great deal" from it (B. Brady). The delusional 'QAnon' is certainly one of said 'groups' although the pay-off from joining the off-kilter movement seems dubious at best since its campaign to undermine America and democracy continues apace and, if successful, its gullible members wouldn't fare any better under such a draconian boot than the rest of us.

Yet the so-called 'QAnon' used in the US is only one facet of a fascist-nazi movement of global proportions which has once again reared its barbaric head after decades of fermenting underground with the eventual intention of taking over the US government and destroying democracy - I believe in time for Election 2024, then catapulting its barbarism and theft toward Inauguration 2025 (if the January 20th ceremony can even be called a "presidential inauguration" via a traditional "peaceful transfer of power"). We might wonder what kind of "Oath of Office" would it be? Or, if successfully taken, will the crass authoritarian movement masquerade itself while continuing to rob us blind? I cannot pretend to know but I do know that, as in the 1940s, anti-societal authoritarianism must be stopped. Again.

Eclipses: Uranian 'Cosmic Blinks' and 'Wild Cards'

Now there've been multiple cosmic signals blinking furiously on the road to Fascism in America and many signals have been noted here on SO'W, perhaps most prominently via the repetitions in our era of the Fascism Rising Eclipse (its series to repeat in 2023) and the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse, its series repeating right now, and cycling up conditions that have made it easier for the lamentable GOP take-over of the House through the use of its primary theme of 'forcefully taking power' (B. Brady). In fact, the forceful gerrymandering of districts in red states has much if not everything to do with their long-planned 'success' at Midterms 2022. And it was a compromised SCOTUS that allowed partisan gerrymandering.

However, if you've followed the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcast, which just dropped its final episode today (#8 of 8), you've been filled in concerning German fascists working in the US in the 1930s into 1940s, with episode one opening with the mildly labeled Trip 19 Plane Crash (horoscope shown) which killed (assassinated) Nazi sympathizer-agent, Republican Senator Ernest Lundeen on August 31, 1940, plus, other officials, passengers, and crew unfortunate to be on the flight.

Of cosmic significance to America now is the position of the planet of zealous anarchy and coup attempts, Uranus - on August 31, 1940 @26Tau08:49 - conjunct and therefore intensifying the vicious, malevolent star of fury and rage, Algol - and soon returning to its 1940 position in what I consider to be a horoscope describing an event of sabotage.

Therefore, below is a Horoscope of the second of three Uranus Return/s to this degree (@27Cancer = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon"; ex: Trump's 'Furious Storm' Eclipse, as noted, above), displayed here because the Return of 1940 Uranus occurs on October 25, 2024 just prior to Election 2024 to be held November 5th ('coincidentally' the infamous anniversary date of Britain's anti-government Gunpowder Plot of 1605, as you know).

Uranus Return #2 October 24, 2024 @26Tau08:49 conjunct Algol (#1 and 3 listed on the chart):

Please enlarge or print the chart to read my study notes if you wish; there are many other factors worth mentioning but since this is a post, not an e-book, I shall leave them for you to discover and comment upon, as you may.

Shout-Out: President Biden and Herr Trump

A Hidden Factor Revealed is Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant @26-30Leo (conjunct kingly Regulus) completing a YOD pattern of crisis with the Neptune-Pluto sextile forming its base. And as you know, the Neptune-Pluto pairing can represent several potentials of a spiritual nature, but also signifies the criminal underworld for which Tr*mp acts as figurehead in the US.

Additionally, we should note that their sextile also involves Joe Biden for, as it happens, President Biden's natal Scorpio Sun and Venus rise in the chart with 2024 Neptune trining them which suggests potentials for doors to easily open, spirituality to be promoted, and sources of his success and good fortune to be mysterious or difficult to identify; Neptune trine his Venus indicates cooperation in his endeavors. However, rising in this particular horoscope in relation to the Uranus Return to the planet's 1940 position in an assassination chart, and considering the aid from transit Neptune, Mr. Biden's tendency to see only the ideal in people and situations can cause troubles and reversals that democracy can ill afford. If he experiences a lack of clarity concerning these issues, or falls under the spell of a tragic deception or illusion, America will have to face the authoritarian peril without strong enough leadership from the White House. Therefore, others must step up more firmly than ever.

Also notable is that activist Mars @26Can23 conjuncts Biden's natal Jupiter Rx (25Can08) so the Democratic president's part in events is expansive and can activate improvements during the current fascist vs democracy power struggle which is starkly shown by transit Pluto opposing Biden's natal Jupiter for some time now.

So in closing - and believe me when I type that it pains me as an American with Revolutionary ancestors to feel compelled to mention this - the current 6 South Eclipse which manifested on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 'Nazis Rise to Power' series is a repetition of the very first of three Great American Eclipses from way back in 1878 with #3 arriving in April 2024. So please check out the 1878 eclipse horoscope, if you will, and know that the deadly seriousness of these cosmic and earthly events and threats against democracy are obvious warning signals that no American should ignore, and that such malevolent forces have been stirring for centuries with an evil determination that few folks in our day can easily believe.

Sep 14, 2022

2022 Uranus in Tauru$ to NYSE 1869 Pluto

Taurus the Bull of Wall Street Hosts Disruptive Uranus: Speculation; Unusual Sources of Money; Risking It All

by Jude Cowell

Whenever Uranus and Pluto are in contact, it's a volatile combination of energies. Since June 2022, transit Uranus in Taurus has reached the New York Stock Exchange's Pluto in its reorganization horoscope. The timing of the NYSE 1869 horoscope I tend to use is based on the New Moon that perfected on that day - May 11, 1869 NYC at 11:11:27 am LMT NYC.

The NYSE 1869 Horoscope is shown below, surrounded by a transit chart for the moment on November 16, 2022 that Uranus meets 1869 Pluto @16Tau36 (the degree of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse conjunct extremist Uranus). Is the link apparent? Flush corporatists and mega-monied Wall Street gentry funding US elections and candidates so that the results go their way? Am I over-explaining?

Now November 16th is the second of three such meetings with the first having occurred on June 6, 2022 and the final conjunction coming on March 28, 2023.

As you see, the 'reorganizational' New Moon of May 11, 1869 @20Tau57 awaits the catalyst of transit Uranus as well (rebellion; shared conflicts; upsets) and obviously technology is in the picture, along with new methods and a potential for disruption. Additionally, in 1869 Mars @25Leo31 squares the New Moon (New Moons can behave like Solar Eclipses - and there was an Eclipse @20Taurus in May 2013, a 15 South: 'sense of collective loss or grief' - B. Brady). Plus, warrior Mars hopes to add a measure of fanaticism to the picture on or about September 14 and 15, 2022 - today and tomorrow.

And so I'm posting a few notes concerning the Uranus-to-Pluto transit, their sextile, and a mention of 1869 Saturn (in 4th house of Real Estate - housing crash coming? Some economists say so; or, a crisis involving Mining, metals, etc - for 1869 Saturn Rx is apex planet of a YOD pattern with the Uranus-Pluto sextile at its base, plus, Saturn is handle of a Bucket shape in 1869). As you know, YODs are karmic in nature and signal turning points or crossroads - and/or bring karmic opportunities, and with apex Saturn, karma is boosted to a higher, or deeper, level and what's been sown will be reaped.

Meanwhile, planet Saturn as Handle (which turns a Bowl shape of planets into a Bucket) reveals the Timekeeper planet as having a special capacity and interest in a particular direction (M. E. Jones). Here, and considering current anxieties over recession and/or a collapse of home prices, it appears that the above noted Real Estate and Mining matters (4th house) may be simmering on the economic hob in relation to the NYSE - or, are being put there by the NYSE, aka, the Wall Street Casino which has no care or concern for Main Street where the rest of us live:

Multiple notes are penned upon the bi-wheel which may be of interest to the curious reader so please enlarge or print the chart for easier reading.

Uranus sextile Pluto is quite a rare aspect between the two outer planets. When it formed in the 1940s it activated a war between democracies and dictatorships and light vs dark (aka, good vs evil) - exactly what we're again fighting, along with atomic bomb concerns ('nuclear' now), and goose-stepping Nazis (now it's "neo-Nazis" and "neo-Fascists"). Secret knowledge is also involved with this sextile, an aspect of opportunity, (ex: purloined classified documents), plus, it activates opposition to conformity, control of information issues, and resistence to the suppression of independent thought (A. Epstein) - ex: Republican book banning and burning.

As for the Uranus-to-Pluto transit itself, abrupt changes to social conditions are potentials and can cause serious psychological adjustments in society in relation to our familiar ways and traditions. And if the 4th house Saturn in the 1869 chart counts for anything, domestic conditions may become more difficult once Wall Street harvests our treasures once again and uses the money for its own selfish purposes which for some will include their continued financial support for sedition and sabotage so that America loses democracy and falls beneath a paternalistic authoritarian boot.

So, my friends, whatever you do: Vote Blue in 2022 - and in 2024. Don't let the 'economic royalists' win!

Previously on SO'W: Jupiter-Neptune and Volatile Markets 2022.

And for comparison with the 1869 Horoscope, here's the NYSE 1792 Buttonwood Horoscope with its frothy Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction.

Plus, a brief, related video, Why Home Prices Haven't Crashed Yet may be informative.

Aug 26, 2022

Tri-Wheel: America's Pluto Returns 2022

Our Cosmic Weather As Pluto Creeps Back Around

by Jude Cowell

First off, you may want to watch the Kepler Webinar presented by expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen concerning America's Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 if you've so far missed it. This US chart is set for 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA, the recorded time of the first majority vote for independence, a most significant moment in the founding of our nation.

Now previously on SO'W you may have run across posts concerning America's first-ever Pluto Return/s using one of our nation's several possible (and disputed!) July 4, 1776 horoscopes. But today I'm using the US Powell Horoscope with 1st house Pluto @27Cap37:05, a slightly different position than held by powerful Pluto in the July 4th charts.

Now a tri-wheel of all three Pluto Returns (set for Philadelphia since the Return planets and house cusps resonate more closely with the July 1, 1776 7:09 pm chart) but I'm posting a tri-wheel so that all three dates and times are displayed in case a curious reader wants to set up any or all of them. The Returns may also be relocated to Washington DC which makes very little difference with house cusps except for the December 30th charts which switch Ascendants from late Aries to early Taurus; no planets change house positions with either location:

Please enlarge or print the image for better viewing!

As you see, a few notes are penned on including the applicable Solar Eclipses. Return 1 fell under the auspices of the 5 New South Eclipse (in 2nd house, not highlighted in red) of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with its themes of 'benefits' and 'good news'. Return 2 in July came within the influence of the 6 North Solar Eclipse that perfected on April 20, 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; accepting commitments' - in Taurus, this one has ruffled the actions of disruptive, chaotic Uranus in Taurus (the rebel and zealot) and through earthy Taurus involves finances, development, and environmental issues such as weather disasters.

Return 3 comes under the sway of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00 conjunct Venus (vicious when scorned). Themes include 'being forceful, taking power, manic energy and strength especially in group endeavors; sudden events.' (Paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictgive Astrology #ad).

As noted on the tri-wheel (lower left corner), 6 South is the Saros Series of the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Virgo, and the 6 South repetition on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio makes it the solar eclipse influencing our 2022 Midterms - elections which are all about taking power, as 6 South eclipse themes support. Unfortunately, as in 1932, cheating, deception, baldfaced lies, and barbaric threats could manage to alter and disrupt what should be our election outcomes which is why only a massive Blue Tsunami turnout of women and Millennial voters will save our democracy on November 8, 2022. The barbarians cannot take the field, my friends!

Cosmic Weather: February, July, December 2022 into 2023 and Beyond

Now here are brief notes concerning the Sun-Moon blends for each US Pluto Return, some of which may sound familiar - for me, the third blend's Images stand out due to the anti-democratic barbarians, seditionists, and financiers currently bedeviling America, so hate-filled and desperate to ruin everything as they are, and ruthlessly determined to seize power:

1. Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio (double Water: subjectivism; emotionalism): "The agony and the ecstasy"; strong in adversity; complex emotions; weakness for sensationalism; gaining power through manipulation; Images for Integration: "Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath; Longfellow's poem The Secret of the Sea."

2. Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio (double Water again): secretive, perceptive, self-centered; unafraid of the dark; undaunted by the truth; moody and magnetic; Images for Integration: "Under a full Moon an exorcist performs a life-giving ritual; the possession fades away and a child's life is saved...Whilst preparing his genealogical tree, a young man discovers the lost grave of his great-great-grandmother."

3. Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries (Earth-Fire: volcanoes and bulldozers): "I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do," - J.P. Morgan, Sr; Willful; magnetic; action-oriented; intensely ambitious; rebellious; larger-than-life goals; shrewd and successful but emotionally bankrupt; the zealous entrepreneur; overly materialistic; Images for Integration: "A Roman city-state is attacked by barbarians but its solid walls keep the marauding bandits at bay...An impetuous entrepreneur persuades a conservative banker to back an ambitious project."

(Source: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Apr 5, 2022

Apr 2022 Eclipse: a Cosmic Time Link

Washington's 1802 Syzygy Moon Eclipsed in April 2022

by Jude Cowell

April 5, 2022

Multiple horoscopes exist for the City of Washington DC and, if memory serves, the timing of one chart previously posted here (May 3, 1802: incorporation as a city) may be based on a letter written by Thomas Jefferson or simply on historical record, plus, there's a historically timed 'founded' version set for the events of July 16, 1790, a day when transit Saturn in early Aries was strong at Direct Station, yet transit Nemesis and Phaethon were conjunct @00Gemini (hardly a jolly alignment, if I do say so myself).

Meanwhile, the following bi-wheel of charts displayed below, uses neither of those dates, for the inner horoscope shows the Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) of DC's May 3, 1802 incorporation - the New Moon @10Tau54 of May 1, 1802. The reason to use the May 1st chart in the bi-wheel is because the incorporated city's Syzygy Moon will be precisely 'eclipsed' on April 30, 2022 by the 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 (see 6th house). This eclipsing may be significant or it may be nothing to pay the least bit of attention to these 220 years later!

And yet this synchronicity does time both a Solar and a Lunar Return to the May 1, 1802 Syzygy Moon lunation, suggesting what could be a sort of culmination or fulfillment in relation to Taurean matters (growth, development, valuations, materialism, greed, rigidity, and/or intolerance), that were seeded or planned at the 1802 New Moon. Also involved are relationships and full awareness potentials especially since all eclipses are Uranian and as such tend to uncover hidden factors, disrupt events to the point of causing changes of direction, and/or may activate scandals along with Technology playing its part.

Then considering the abundance of Taurean energies we have here, financial and investment matters are most likely at the top of the cosmic menu, as well as the opposite sign of Scorpio which brings in secrets, spying, control and manipulation, corporatism, plus, death and, hopefully, regeneration:

Even the recent passage in the House of the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Bill is suggested by the April 2022 Eclipse since Taurus rules neck and shoulders - Congress has tried to pass an anti-lynching bill in previous years - so will 2022 bring legislative success? Rascist issues and connections between then and now may also be indicated (for it isn't as if such issues - America's founding flaw - have been adequately dealt with, even at this late date).

And so, if nothing else, a cosmic time link forms between May 1802 and April 2022 (and until the next Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio) so that historical events and conditions of 1802 may be worth considering in light of current political/societal issues and events, along with the themes of the 6 North Eclipse which are penned upon on the image, upper right, such as 'relationship to authority figures, need to take control' and 'accepting commitments due to another's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady). A father's reputation may also be involved.

Eclipse Cycles, Historical Cycles, Cosmic Time Links

The Washington DC Horoscope May 3, 1802 (of incorporation) indicates that transit Saturn in 2023 will conjunct DC's Pluto in Pisces bringing very large events and continuing our government's power and control issues. But first, transit Pluto must creep through the sign of Aquarius which times a period of massive changes and reforms.

Significant 1802 Events include the Judiciary Act of 1802, enacted to reorganize the US federal court system (Judge Ketanji Brown set for SCOTUS bench confirmation by the end of this week! Rascism is involved, of course, because Republican), the opening of West Point Military Academy, the death of Martha Washington, and the discovery of Pallas, asteroid of wisdom, strategy, and the daughter. This probably adds women's issues to the mix, issues you'd think in 2022 we had settled by now.

So in closing, there may be other Cosmic Time Links involved such as:

Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session with its Node Node @1Sag44 was conjoined by the May 1, 1802 Syzygy Moon Ascendant-conjunct-Nemesis-Rx which links the 1802 Midterm Elections to Midterms 2022 and first session's 9:00 am LMT Ascendant @14Tau46, was recently transited off and on, as it will be on April 30, 2022, by radical reformer Uranus shown, above, in 6th house.

Additionally, you've noticed that the present-day transit of Uranus @14Taurus also hits US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office, noon January 20th) which, at its very best, fortunately indicates the ability to cope.

Apr 2, 2022

Modern Humanity's 2022 Birthday Gift: A Solar Eclipse!

April 2, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Another 'Forewarned Is Forearmed' Post: An Eclipse? But You Shouldn't Have!

Not so long ago we discussed the Modern Humanity Horoscope as timed by the Taurus Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 Washington DC (A.E. Meece) along with a transit chart showing radical Uranus @7Taurus in 2021 conjunct that very Eclipse. As we know, radical reformer Uranus has acted as a major troublemaker of late while it lurches through the Fixed, often intolerant sign of Taurus, activating earth changes, financial shifts, turbulence, and more.

Below is a bi-wheel of charts showing, not the April 26, 1892 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, but the actual Neptune-Pluto Conjunction of April 30, 1892 @7Gem41 which is the third of three such conjunctions (August 2, 1891 @8Gem38; November 5, 1891 @8Gem19) in their approximately 492-year cycle. Among other things, The Supernatural, mysticism, drugs, subversive activities, and Organized Crime are astrologically represented by this heavyweight planetary pair.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish; multiple contacts are shown which are not mentioned in the following text.)

Now as you see, the outer horoscope is that of the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 @16Taurus and the reason for displaying this bi-wheel is that Modern Humanity's North Node of future direction (destiny) @16Tau58 will be 'eclipsed' on Election Day 2022 (USA) - including involvement from the radical planet of zealotry, anarchy, Utopianism, chaos, turbulence, and/or rebellion, Uranus (@16Tau56 Rx; aka, the planet of Awakening; Illumination and The Witness). Of course, Utopianism says that man has no need of laws which is poppycock and a recipe for chaos, but you knew that already. And it's an ages-old blueprint for the destruction of civilization.

Much of such things we've discussed previously so I won't repeat myself here but will add another cosmic synchronicity:

That the Solar Return 2022 of Modern Humanity (humanity's 130th "birthday"!) will receive the 'gift' of a cosmic blink, a Solar Eclipse. This adds a larger measure of prominence and a sense of unification of affairs to the themes of the April 30, 2022 Eclipse in the 6 North Series and increases indications of potential Uranian intervention, disruption, separation, and/or rebellion and upheaval to the level of directional changes in society which are always a bi-product of eclipses (along with revelations whether such disruptions are convenient or not.)

Therefore, 6 North themes are definitely on society's 2022 cosmic calendar! However, Taurean bullheadedness and inflexibility tend to cause setbacks when progress and growth are what's needed. As for finances (the 'Bull of Wall Street'?), raids on the US Treasury may be occurring underneath the surface as 6 North Taurean Eclipse themes run 'in the background' of society. Not that such raids haven't been perpetrated against the US previously.

(Please Note that I work with eclipse degrees and am not overly concerned with whether a particular eclipse is visible or whether it cuts a path across America when I type these things. You may, of course, disagree. Thankfully, this manifestation of a 6 North Eclipse is only partial not Total, while the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse is Total and is infused with vibes from electrical planet Uranus which may easily bring on technological issues with our voting machines or ballots, inspired by the anarchy of domestic seditionists - or may even suggest interference from outside hackers and saboteurs.

In closing, here are 6 North Themes to be aware of: 'relationship to father or authority figures; a need to take responsibility or control; acceptance of commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Politically, these indications could be positive or negative.

The initial 6 North Solar Eclipse in the Saros Series occurred @27Tau55 on May 15, 850 (OS) with eroding Neptune Rx @27Cap35 (conjunct US 1776 Pluto 27:33); 6 North Eclipses also occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968 (DNC 1968 Chicago: turbulence), 2004, (2022), and will again in 2040 @21Taurus.

Mar 11, 2022

April 2022 Solar Eclipse is one to watch

March 11, 2022

by Jude Cowell

For my Friday post, this is a rather simple one: an image plus astro-notes of the 6 North Solar Eclipse which perfects on Saturday April 30, 2022 @10Tau28, a degree area of the Zodiac recently catalyzed by transiting Uranus, electrical planet of radical reforms, anarchy, disruption, zealotry, Utopianism, chaos, progress and futurism. Of interest is that the 6 North eclipse opposes what is generally considered to be the natal Venus in Scorpio of Vladimir Putin and suggests a measure of 'karmic responsibility' in the areas of materialism and spiritual demands (R. Lineman).

Additionally, we know that all eclipses are Uranian due to their tendency to cause changes of direction with possibilities of upsets, protests, riots, turmoil, even weather and earth events, and as such, labels such as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' apply with results dependent upon multiple planetary factors, both positive and negative. Plus, the triggering of sensitive or critical degrees and/or fixed star positions can add strength to the influences of a given eclipse.

And as always on Planet Earth, motivation is everything!

Now you'll note that the 6 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2022, shown below, is set for Washington DC, and carries themes of 'relationships with authority/father figures, a need to take responsibility and control, accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady).


Of significance due to current events and the rhyming function of history in tandem with recurring eclipse cycles, a 6 North Eclipse also manifested on March 7, 1932 @17Pisces and this lunation (suggesting similarity of historical events echoing from 1932) may turn out to qualify as a cosmic time link with the culminating Full Moon of September 10, 2022 - also @17Pisces:

General Notes: Solar Eclipses in Taurus and in Pisces

Keywords for Eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus include patience, persistence, stability, endurance, practicality, reliability (countering 6 North's theme of unreliability). Efforts must be well-directed toward the correct needs for best results since not every method adequately solves every problem. For karmic progress, negative Taurean traits should be avoided such as bullheadedness, rigidity, crass materialism, greed, wastefulness, and over extravagance.

Keywords for Eclipses in Jupiter-ruled Pisces (with elusive, eroding Neptune as higher octave influencer) include recognition of the deeper or hidden karmic implications of societal problems, individuals' spiritual preparation for higher consciousness, empathy and compassion. Negatively, avoiding being blinded by illusions and delusions goes a long way toward karmic progress, while carefully rejecting futile efforts is necessary to keep conditions from worsening within the Collective.

Then typical with the shady sign of Pisces (and with eclipses in general), secrecy and subversion are often revealed or leaked, and a correctly motivated search for spiritual awareness is essential (note that Sat*nism does not qualify!) so basically, underhanded actions, malicious schemes, and criminal activities are major no-nos.

Well, there it is. My study notes are squooshed upon the April 2022 Eclipse chart for the curious to read if they wish, and do leave your on-topic, name-tagged observations in a comment with this post, as you wish. Your insights are always welcomed around here! jc

Related Posts include: Moon-Neptune and the Tragedy of Mass Delusion and April-May 2022: Cosmic Shifts and Blinks.

Jan 26, 2022

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of 2024

2024: A Pivotal Year for America

by Jude Cowell

January 26, 2022

For future reference, this is merely a quick posting of the DC Horoscope of the next Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of April 20, 2024 @21Tau 49:48 set for Washington DC. The word picture for "22Taurus" = "A White Dove Over Troubled Waters" which can be either a positive or negative indicator with motive being the deciding factor.

Yet as I type, society is now in the final or third stage of the current Jupiter-Uranus cycle which actually sported an extended three-fer time frame for Jupiter-Uranus issues beginning in June 2010 (conjunct the Cardinal Aries Point), September 2010 @28Pis43, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. Obviously, these conjunctions occurred during the presidency of Barack Obama.

Listed on the chart, lower left, are a few of the potentials for the combined energies of expansive Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and progressive if radical Uranus such as: freedom issues, group causes, and/or activities within the realms of Technology, Finance, (Politics), or Astrology, with possible breakthroughs and discoveries in Science, Medicine, or Exploration as typical outcomes. In money sign Taurus, Jupiter reaches for financial security and can be wasteful, while erratic Uranus there suggests unusual methods of gaining money, risky speculation, and/or a potential for disruptive earth changes:

Also, a few notes are penned on the chart concerning this Conjunction's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE'), the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 which is the third 'Great American Eclipse' with its Path of Totality dividing America from the Southwest to the Northeast this time (last time in August 2017, from Oregon to South Carolina). 'Flashes of genius', 'good ideas', and 'visions' may occur under 8 North eclipses.

Also listed, upper right, is the PE of the 2024 Presidential Election; its PE @10Lib03 falls within the difficult 8 South Series of 'loss and separation' (B. Brady). As you see in this chart, Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus is the only aspect made by chart-ruler Jupiter which also rules the 4th cusp via the watery sign of Pisces. You'll note a difficult Mars-Saturn conjunction at IC along with fixed star Achernar with its keywords suggesting "crisis at the end of the river" and/or "the risk of rapid endings." Meanwhile, the Sun-Pluto square reveals someone with a "might makes right" attitude along with a deep craving for power.

If curious or simply optimistic, why not look ahead toward what is hopefully the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

(Eclipse info from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.)

Jan 18, 2022

February 2022: New Moon @12AQ19

Lunations Spotlight the Leo-Aquarius Self-Will Axis

by Jude Cowell

January 18, 2022

DC Horoscope: New Moon @12AQ19:55 February 1, 2022 12:45:51 am est; Washington DC

Rising is 10Sco44 which brings up asteroid Hygeia (health and cleanliness issues) along with Sigma, the lone wolf - both opposed by radical, disruptive Uranus @10Tau53 ('The Witness'). At Midheaven ('MC') is Cupido Rx signaling objectives that involve Corporatism, The Network (criminal or otherwise), The Family ('religious' or otherwise), and/or Culture, Social Events, and the Arts:

Chart-ruler Mars is buttressed by higher octave planet (or is it lower? certainly deeper, more intense) Pluto, the stealthy and wealthy. There are three applying aspects by warrior-activist, even arsonist, Mars listed, lower left, which suggest how things will proceed from the February 2022 New Moon:

1. Mars sextile 4th house Jupiter @7Pis16 (1A39): a period of opportunities for advancement in areas of political aims, international travel, intellectual endeavors, intel acquiring; physical efforts tend to be successful, and professional status may improve; risks may be taken; plus, military actions and/or troop movements may also be indicated.

2. Mars square 5th house Chiron @9Ari16 (3A40): direct dealing is required concerning aggression and sexuality issues and concerns if progress is to be made.

3. Mars trine Uranus @10Tau53 (5A17) and setting: unpredictable or unexpected outcomes to efforts; unusual actions are taken or new methods and procedures may be implemented, often with favorable results; group organizations may be favored.

Plus, you'll note karmic Saturn @15AQ30 conjuncts IC (Endings? Domestic Security? Real Estate? Mining?) of the chart, and restrictive Saturn, planet of Government, Law, and Business is apex planet of a symbolic T-Square pattern with Uranus-ASC at its base: 'quick responses; upsets; excitement' (R. Ebertin); also at apex is the New Moon herself. Upper right you see listed a few potentials of the T-Square when read as a midpoint picture - and I'd be remiss not to mention that danger may be part of the environment around the time of the New Moon and afterwards (unsurprising, I know).

More lunation details may be gleaned through the Sabian Symbol of the February 2022 New Moon's rounded-up degree of "13Aquarius" = "A Barometer: Keyword = INDICATION; positive expression: unusual keenness of observation and exceptional competence in judgment; negative expression: superficial uncertainty and a continual trimming to passing events" (M.E. Jones).

This reminds me of the June 16, 2015 Gemini New Moon's Sabian Symbol ("A Man Trimming Palms") which perfected on the very morning of Tr*mp's freakish escalator ride downward to announce to a paid-for audience what I tend to call his lamentable, bigoted 'prez bid'.

Then for unconscious information we can check the Illumination Point opposite the New Moon - "13Leo" = "An Old Sea Captain Rocking": Keyword = RETROSPECT; positive: each person's unlimited capacity for calling up afresh the powers he has gained in his struggle for self-fulfillment; negative: insensibility to present reality in a full surrender to the past" (M.E.J.). Perhaps this reminds us both of fantasy-based Herr Tr*mp, put out to pasture and golfing by the sea as he plots a return to power with grudges festering inside - and of a regressive 'Republican Party' venerating bygone days of what they consider "glory" in a racist, hate-filled country the white power structure controlled. And they intend to take control again.

Now let's close with a further look ahead at February 2022 for we know that seeds and plans are laid and tend to take root at a New Moon and culminate with the next Full Moon which in this case perfects on February 16, 2022 @27Leo60 at 11:56 am est - fully revealing the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange menace whose testy Mars happens to oppose US natal Moon (We The People) with apoplectic rage and malevolent aggression toward anyone in the populace who disagrees with him or who stands in his way.

Well, like a huge wad of gum stuck on the bottom of humanity's shoe, we both knew that his orangeness would have to show up somewhere in this post.

Jan 12, 2022

1932 to 1937 Eclipses Repeat 2022 to 2028

Must America's Fight for Democracy Last Into 2028?

by Jude Cowell

January 12, 2022

Our fight continues!

And in the November 24, 2021 broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show Thom expressed what to me, based in part on my studies of eclipse cycles, an interesting idea about something I'd never considered in exactly this way: that the Nazi influence in the United States from 1933 to 1937 was huge. And although I've published multiple SO'W posts concerning conditions and events of those years, both earthly and cosmic, you'll find more of such, below. Notably, previous posts have concerned solar eclipses and their themes which run in the background of society and influence historical events, a well known correlation in the As Above, So Below tradition.

So thanks to Thom's remark about the 'Nazi years' of 1933 to 1937 and how Nazi characters of that era affected the US and how they attempted to overthrow the FDR administration in 1933 (and thus, the US government - as on January 6, 2021), it seems to me that we should look at the themes of the August 31, 1932 6 South Eclipse all the way to the last eclipse of 1937 (and all eclipses in between: 1935 was a very eventful year; ex: Herr Adolf armed Germany in violation of the Versaillais Treaty of 1919) for a look can provide us with hints of similar events and conditions to expect in that 'history rhymes' kind of way as these eclipses repeat in our era.

For me this information falls into the 'forewarned is forearmed' category, and, disagree as you wish, dear reader, there it is. After all, who can deny the negative conditions of current events and faithless actors? Yet as Thom Hartmann always reminds us, Despair is not an option!

Solar Eclipses from February 1933 to December 1937

February 24, 1933 @5Pisces 7 North: 'Deep, long-hidden passions and lust suddenly catch people off-guard' (to this I must add, blood lust because it's a Nazi tactic for grabbing power, and remains an obsession of the predatory destructive spirit that roams the Earth.

December 2, 1937 @10Sagittarius 12 North: 'Opportunities to accept greater responsibilities and make new commitments due to another person's inability to carry on; initial events are difficult but outcomes can be positive'. (Can be. Motive is everything.)

7 North to 12 North (1933 to 1937 and 2023 to 2028)

So the concentrated time frame that Thom mentions begins with the 7 North Eclipse of 1933 @5Pisces, until the 12 North Eclipse of 1937. For us, the 7 North Saros Series recurs on April 20, 2023 @30Aries (Herr Adolf's 134th birthday) and January 26, 2028 (12N Eclipse @6Aquarius conjunct America's South Node of July 4, 1776, a separative, and possibly neurotic indication of past behavior which no longer suffices). See 12 North Eclipse, US South Node, Pluto, and Demeter for a view of 12 North's DC Horoscope.

Although not within Thom's time frame, there is also a 12 South Solar Eclipse in 2028 @'30Cancer' ("A Daughter of the American Revolution"!) on July 22, 2028 with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness' (an end to Covid? Perhaps, yet 12 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series of July 4, 1776 then @00Pis33 - and how synchronous that its Sabian Symbol in 2028 relates to the Revolution, and its themes affected the initial signing of the Declaration of Independence).

2022: Eclipses and a Midterm Elections Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Yet the two most obvious eclipses that form major signposts on the dystopian road to fascist-nazi authoritarianism in the US (and across the globe) must be the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse repeating on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - problematically the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 (held the same day as a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos, zealotry, and anarchy), and the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse.

Yet special mention should be added about one solar eclipse in particular which occurred in 1937 - not the final one in 1937 but the Solar Eclipse of June 8, 1937 @18Gemini in the challenging 11 South Saros Series with its disturbing themes of 'ideas and methods fail, new systems are required in order to deal with events; any blocks could be tragically and violently removed'. And when does an 11 South eclipse repeat? On August 2, 2027 @10Leo - conjunct the orange mussolini's 12th house Pluto which is apex planet of his 'death axis' Mars-Saturn midpoint (R. Ebertin) with Plutonian potentials for 'murder' and 'piled up corpses'. Maybe he'll be the block that's removed!

Yet it seems in 2022 that Herrs Adolf and Tr*mp and their despotic ilk are like wads of nasty gum on the world's shoe that never wants to let go.

Then in closing, it would be remiss not to mention a previous post and horoscope concerning this authoritarian topic: The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC. And which Eclipse Saros series did the rally occur within? The sinister 13 South with thematic potentials for constitutional crisis and/or striving for group endeavors, positively or negatively (B. Brady).

Solar Eclipses themes are paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology (#ad).

Dec 8, 2021

DC Horoscope: Gemini Full Moon Dec 18, 2021

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday December 8, 2021

Just a quick posting of the Gemini Full Moon of December 18, 2021 @27Gem28 in the totally visible 10th house when the chart is set for Washington DC. The Full Moon's Sabian Symbol: "28Gemini" = "Bankruptcy" doesn't have to be taken in a financial sense but perhaps it should be with various TV pundits prognosticating an eventual economic crash. I leave it to you, dear reader, to enlarge the image (if curiosity overtakes you) and check out other financial indications in the horoscope, or read them on whatever level you wish.

Financial potentials include 4th house chart-ruler Mercury (highlighted in blue, lower left), also ruler of the 10th house of Public Status, applying to a trine with technology planet Uranus Rx @11Tau12 (unusual sources of money when in Taurus, also planet of radicals, zealots, and disruption) in the Corporate 8th house of Credit and Debt and denoting potentials for ideas, info, and actions to deal with larger social concerns, air travel, and/or international finance. Of course, Mercury in 4th house suggests Real Estate conditions or possibly Mining, among other issues which may relate to Young People (ex: Home Schooling) and/or Journalism in the US.

Note that Full Moons can behave much as Lunar Eclipses do with the Uranian ability to disrupt, reveal or leak inconvenient facts or secrets which often lead to scandals breaking open with total awareness, a sense of culmination or fulfillment, or involving relationships; in Politics, alliances may be affected.

As you see, in 3rd house is activist and warrior planet Mars @4Sag02 conjunct South Node of the Moon which can signify dangerous or violent conditions (possibly those in the recent past). Then opposite, in 9th house of Foreign Lands, you see gold-loving asteroid Midas Rx @11Gem55; also note that starry Denebola rises, suggesting those who "go against society" with the star squaring Midheaven ('MC', the Goal Point) which holds fixed star Bellatrix ("success through the shadow").

Also Angular and thus prominent is America's problematic, cloudy Mars-Neptune square of July 1776, plus, transit Neptune @20Pis29 still triggers instances of persecution and conflicting ideals while the planet of fraud, deception, contagion, paranoia, and gaslighting continues to oppose US natal Neptune in Virgo, rising here while Neptune in Pisces simultaneously squares US natal Mars in Gemini (actions undermined and/or confused, hidden, or misunderstood; infections, epidemics).

Admittedly, there's a possible mystical quality involved with a Mars-Neptune-with-more-Neptune alignment but such implications are far beyond the scope of this limited post:

That the planetary factors shown in this Gemini Full Moon Horoscope relate to budgetary and financial issues playing out on Capitol Hill as 2021 comes to a close seems a certainty yet hopefully Christmas celebrations and New Year's 2022 will escape being overly affected by the political machinations, manipulations, and underhanded tactics of those who "go against society" and do their worst under cover of the shadows of Bellatrix.

Yet how awesome is it that through the lens of Astrology we can investigate the past, present, and future simultaneously! - such as when we consider the three Great American Eclipses and the historical cycles and events associated with them.

Aug 4, 2021

The Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect Midterms 2022

Wednesday August 4, 2021: One reason to spotlight here the two eclipses that will affect the Midterms 2022 Elections is because of the clues, hints, and the cosmic information that their horoscopes contain. Yes, previous posts have been published concerning them, however, this dual image of the charts can be seen, below, for the purpose of adding the midpoint pictures from both eclipes: the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus (2Sco39: cooperation needed and material values are involved) and rising in Washington DC, and the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00 conjunct radical reformer Uranus Rx (16Tau56) with the Sun @16Scorpio snugged between Mercury (15Sco52) and Venus (20Sco13) - all rising in our nation's capital led by the transiting South Node in Scorpio which emphasizes the karmic implications for Washington DC of the 6 South Eclipse.

So if we round up the eclipse and Venus degree to "3 Scorpio" we have a clue: "A House-Raising" which suggests that the US Congress is understandably involved (or even eviction notices, see below). Furthermore, the degree's Keyword is: "HELPFULNESS - positive expression: an exceptional power of accomplishment through a consistent success in winning the good will and enlisting the services of others; negative expression: a complete inability to fit into any pattern of shared relationships" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones). And the eclipse degree's Illumination Point opposite at "3 Taurus" = HOPEFULNESS! YBut yes, the Exaltation degree of the Moon (3Taurus) and the Fall of the Moon degree (3Scorpio) may be somehow involved but I suspect that few astrologers use such cosmic indicators these days. It is an axis like the Nodal Axis with the Taurus-Scorpio 2/8 polarity as the focus of both eclipses with the Lunar Eclipse describing our reactions to the events brought by the Solar Eclipse. One end of the Solar Eclipse has vanity, conceit, and self-glorification (Mercury-Venus = Sun) while the other end brings the radical reforms, shared experiences, and potential upsets of Uranus-NN. Then, our lunar reactions include common sense on one end (Sun-Mercury) and ideals (Sun-Venus) while the opposite end expresses potentials for emotional excitability or tension, sacrifice, and/or possible anxiety due to nervousness over reforms and political or social changes. Circumstances will become clearer once Campaign 2024 is officially underway.

Now of course with any Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, society must handle events and conditions very carefully for although strength of purpose, seeing to the very root of our problems, and karmic opportunities for progress are involved, astrologer Rose Lineman points out that such an eclipse can also bring out in susceptible people the negative traits of Scorpio such as vengefulness, hatred, jealousy, and cruelty. And you'll agree that modern society already has an overabundance of such traits expressing within the Collective. Hopefully, the Scorpio eclipse of October 2022 will activate the more positive karmic possibilities so we must concentrate on this.

Meanwhile, as you see on the Solar Eclipse chart (lower left), communicating Mercury (dot all Is, cross all Ts when rising just before the Sun = oriental), planet of young people, brings along fixed stars Arcturus (the White House) and Spica (the spike = the Washington Monument, or, the US Presidency). This 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022 and therefore is the PE of the Lunar Eclipse itself which perfects on the very day of the election/s (November 8th), as you see:

'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses Are 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

Now you know that all eclipses are karmic and suggest sudden changes of direction in earthly affairs in similar fashion to the erratic planet Uranus which when active seems to spark external fated events but actually has been acting or catalyzing on an internal level for some period of time. Radical politics and reforms accrue to zealous Uranus but in the earthy sign of Taurus, we've also seen changes (Uranus) within the realms of natural and ecological disasters (with Uranus ruling bolts of lightening and shifts), and in financial matters including a large amount of speculation on Wall Street, plus, stimulus payments of an unusual or novel nature. Even eviction moratoriums fall under the influence of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus expressing as unusual financial aid.

As you can see, penned to the left of the Solar Eclipse Horoscope, is a fretful note about the 6 South Eclipse which occurred on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo expressing as the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse' - another very good reason to spotlight the 6 South manifestation approaching in 2022. (6 North is worrisome, too, on the level of 'authority figures' and 'taking over responsibility because someone is ill or unreliable' - B. Brady.) The themes of both elipses sound sinister, don't they? Well, forewarned is forearmed!

Midpoint Pictures of the October and November 2022 Eclipses

Now here are the Midpoint Pictures potentials, first of the October 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series, then those of the November 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus on Election Day. Note that any, all, or none may apply and can be subject to transits, directions, and/or progressions - except where Uranus is involved for its quirky disruption can manifest early, late, or not at all:

Solar Eclipse October 2022: Sun-Moon = Venus, Sun-Venus = Moon, Moon-Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers (ex: politicians), harmony, attractive personalities, cooperation or teamwork. Mars-Jupiter = North Node ('NN'): good cooperation dynamics. And Saturn-NN = Jupiter: a change of position, a fortunate separation.

Lunar Eclipse November 2022: Saturn-MC = Moon: depression or psychosis; impressionability; suffering from members of the female sex. With Uranus: desire to obtain objectives at all costs, making the greatest effort (as with 6 South themes), an emotional shock or crisis, emotional excitability (possibly due to fear and anxiety within the Moon-Uranus combination), Uranus-NN = Moon: new contacts which are terminated quickly, showing quick enthusiasm for other people. Venus-Uranus = Saturn: awakening from love iillusions, estrangement, separation, a difficult birth. And Moon-Venus (again) = Saturn: suppressed feelings, separation from or loss of the husband, renunciation; sad or sick women, philosophizing.

Midpoint pictures from The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin. #ad. Consult other midpoint directories for additional information.