It's December 10, 2017 and Winter Solstice 2017 Approaches!
First, if you wish a gander here's my original post on the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2017 with the chart, as usual, set for our nation's capital.
Second, an astro-note about midpoint pictures: midpoints are the 'average' point in the Zodiac between two planets and/or points that combine the energies of both/all and then synthesizes them into a new, more powerful energy. These points of combined energy can then be activated by transiting planets, progressed planets or points, and so forth. If they are not activated or have no apex planet or point, they may remain dormant for the duration; or, only one potential of the picture may express--or, all of the potentials may express simultaneously or alternately for any given midpoint picture with the third planet or point being the transiting or progressed body. Often when I add midpoint pictures to a post, to cover such cases I'll include that, "any, all, or none may apply." Note that potentials may express positively and negatively at the same time.
The same cautions apply to the following midpoint pictures gleaned from the Winter Solstice 2017 Horoscope set for Washington DC, some of which are paraphrased, some quoted (see sources, below). The list begins with Sun and Moon as apex planets:
Sun-Moon = Pluto: biased attitudes or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development or to separation from others; potential new perspectives in relationships; separation in order to start anew; souls torn by inner conflict; a critical time of development; focusing attention on personal goals; making startling new plans for life enhancement; drastic measures for self-protection; secrecy about the care or concern shown to family.Mercury-Pluto = Sun (00Cap00): enhanced authority or prestige among people who control important information or news; use of force to locate or obtain information; championing an idea that prevails; the need for recognition; communication skill; a persuasive speaker.
Mercury-Pluto = Saturn: exposure to heavy or bitter attacks; a quarrelsome nature; irritability; skepticism; disappointment when releasing info which should be kept secret; added efficiency to the ruthless pursuit of the sources of data or rumors; unrelenting demands; insistence on point of view; driven by fear of failure; needing control.
Saturn-Neptune = Moon: activities which serve no real purpose and seem to come and go; hesitation about replacing that which no longer functions as intended; a low character; pessimism; depression; illness, chronic or otherwise; emotional drain; feeling inhibited.
Saturn-ASC = Moon: depression due to the environment; difficulty being accepted; ill humor and disagreeable moods; separation from females.
Sun-ASC = Moon: fruitful activity with others.
Moon-Jupiter = Venus: increasing value or monetary resources; harmony; pleasant relations.
Moon-Saturn = Pluto: repressed needs; the threat of loss; feeling isolated; rising in life by force and going one's way alone; the need for self-reliance; separation; delays and barriers to progress cause frustration; eliminating support for family or others; a strong desire to control or channel emotions.
Mars-Pluto = Mercury: desire to realize plans fanatically; using foul or abusive language to bring attention to yourself; techniques which transfer energy from others places; discussions or descriptions of powerful weapons of great destruction; battle noises; excessive nervous irritation.
Sun-Mercury = MC: ego awareness; successful communications; standing by one's convictions and speaking up; clarifying ideas and plans for accomplishing goals; clear communications that increase public status; business people and/or intellectual workers.
Mercury-Saturn = MC: wrapped up in one's own ideas; an urge to philosophize; winning through planning; mind over matter.
Saturn-MC = Venus: dryness in relationships; improvement in the job situation; renunciation; sadness or grief; reserve.
Midpoint Directory sources: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; Solar Arcs, N. Tyl.
A related post: Dec 19, 2017: Saturn Enters Capricorn which is totally a cosmic 'winter picture' if there ever was one. But some of us better get out the heating pad for arthritic knees may be aching!