Scorpio Lunations of Scrutiny: 2023 spies 2017
by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
Today's New Moon @20Scorpio activates a significant Full Moon which perfected on May 10, 2017, the very day that dictator-wanna-be (who has now crossed a line and used the word "vermin" for his opponents like the old dead Austrian used to do) fired FBI Director James Comey. We couldn't realize it then but this can be considered a foreshadowing of the alleged agenda known as Project 2025, said to be planned for implementation on Day One of a second term of dystopia if Herr T can claw his way back into the White House.
Why? Because he purged James Comey for not swearing allegiance to him, and he wants a much larger purge starting in 2025 of all government officials and workers who understand that their allegiance is to the US Constitution and not to an indivdidual. A personality cult is not how it works in America so obviously, T and his comrades are trying to operate in the wrong country.
Then if we add the Sabian Symbol for the Scorpio New and Full Moons of 2023 and 2017 we get a Derelict Soldier who follows his conscience - which will not be allowed by wanna-be-dictator Herr T (if We the People stupidly allow the felon back into power).
Anyway, below you see a bi-wheel of two "mystery horoscopes". Inner is the natal chart of a past dictator (guess who?); outer chart is that of a dictator-wanne-be with planetary contacts between them circled and penned on.
Added are a few astro-notes and below the bi-wheel image is a list of potentials of past dictator's natal midpoint pictures which happen to conjunct dictator-wanne-be's natal Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope.
And notably in 1990, Ivana said her husband kept a book of past dictator's collected speeches beside their bed. Sooo romannntic!
Now since the two ill-adjusted, bigoted egotists are sympatico in the realms of abuse of power (Pluto-Saturn), group causes (Jupiter-Uranus), plus, their shared character flaws of grievance, revenge, violence, zealotry, and anti-societal moral issues (Mercury-Chiron), a planetary comparison seems appropriate although disagree, if you must. But please see the lower right corner where nestled are the 1917 Eclipse themes which symbolically influence the combination of their natal charts, aka, their relationship horoscope:
Dictator-wanna-be's MC = 1889 Mars-Neptune (weakness, sickness, failure), Venus-Neptune (losing oneself in illusion), Mars-Pluto (ambition; facing overwhelming force; danger through the intervention of a higher power; an operation), and last but not least, Venus-Pluto (a karmic union). Apparently, some loose cannon goomba thinks he's meant to finish a mission to take over the world!
Source: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad
But we mustn't leave out Fascist Number One! So you may wish to check out Benny Mussolini's natal Ascendant @20Scorpio! bwo a previous post concerning The Bundle of Herr Trump. Because Brazen Benito was born with the planetary shape of a Bundle (of a dictator) but Mango Mussolini has had to evolve into it, the poor ole fella.
Edit: If you get a chance, listen to the 'Countdown with Keith Olberman' podcast episode, "The Media Just Figured It Out: Trump Is Hitler" 11.14.23. "We must use the real words."