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Showing posts with label ghosts at Mount Vernon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ghosts at Mount Vernon. Show all posts

Oct 31, 2021

Ghostly Sightings at Washington's Mount Vernon!

Halloween 2021: Doth George Washington Haunt 'Stars Over Washington'?

by Jude Cowell

Sunday October 31, 2021: No, not exactly. But as the closest thing to a Halloween offering we'll get on SO'W, here's a link to a curious report of a ghostly sighting in 1806 which is said to have occurred during a night in the Mount Vernon bedroom of the deceased George Washington who passed away in December 1799!

And here's a view of the natal horoscope of George Washington (RR: AA; Sun Pisces-Moon Capricorn; ASC Taurus) who famously advised us to,

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

- G. Washington.

But for readers who aren't into otherworldly apparitions and prefer reality (as do I because 'The dead are unconscious and know nothing until the moment of their resurrection' - Ecclesiastes 9:5,6) here are three SO'W offerings concerning the Father of Our Country which may be of interest:

Horoscope 1776: Washington Crossing the Delaware.

The Death Horoscope of George Washington December 14, 1799.

Where Is George Washington's Tomb? (video clip).

Stay safe tonight, Everyone! jc

Painting by Jane Stuart; 1888; {public domain}