Sunday September 19, 2021
Here's an Odd Question for the Readers of Stars Over Washington
from Jude Cowell
Dear Reader: are you in the mood to check out a video showing the weird Satanic Ceremony held in Switzerland circa 2017 with devilish goat heads and other symbols of evil 'celebrating' the Gotthard Base Tunnel, now the world's longest railway tunnel which opened on June 1, 2016?
(Note that the overly sensitive reader may do better to avoid watching the video.)
Now admitttedly I possess no German or related language skills so should I assume that "gotthard" = goat head? Maybe. But it all seems that an inordinate amount of choreographed dancing, strangely expressive acrobatics, gibberish singing, and zombie-like marching were used for a 'tribute' to a tunnel through the Alps, significant and useful as the tunnel is for the countries thus linked.
Meanwhile, with the entire Earth now locked in a cosmic battle between good and evil, I must also ask: how and where did the organizers of the ceremony find so many people (mostly young folk) willing to particpate, rehearse, and perform a horrific ritual to what appears to be an honoring of satanic forces? For if the ceremony's goal wasn't meant to display worship of 'the dark one' it certainly appears that way. Plus, the complexity of the performances had to have taken hundreds if not thousands of hours to rehearse to reach the level of perfection seen in the video linked, above.
But naturally rehearsals were made easier if students of dance - and/or satanist cult members - were recruited.
A Video Note: To be fair, the video was posted on the BulletBarry YouTube channel and if you watch until the end (18M 49S) you'll find him disclaiming the intentions of the ceremony but to me there is no disclaimer or argument that can make the symbolic ceremony "okay." After all, people who represent symbols know what they're expressing or they'd use other methods and symbols to make their point. So does the ceremony suggest that the tunnel was dug by evil forces? This you must decide for yourself! And as always dear reader, disagree as you wish, but there it is. jc