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Showing posts with label the scales of justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the scales of justice. Show all posts

Mar 11, 2021

AG Merrick Garland: Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra

March 11, 2021: Back in the olden days of 2016 a post appeared here concerning President Biden's now-confirmed Attorney General of the United States Merrick Garland. You'll remember that 2016 was a discouraging time for our country with the "former guy" hunkered down in the White House and using AG Bill Barr as his own personal attorney to shield him from answering for his scofflaw actions and crimes.

But now with AG Garland, there's a 'new sheriff in town' and it looks as if the same favors will not be forthcoming.

Merrick Garland, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Astro-Notes on the Personality of AG Merrrick Garland

Here are a few details concerning Merrick Garland and below are a few of my notes on his misty Water-Air Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra personality blend. Even without an accurate birth time for him I can tell you that during the 24-hours of his birth day (November 13, 1952 Chicago, IL) Luna remained in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice (00:01 to 12:21), and the Sun in Scorpio ranged from 20:48 to 21:48.

This blend of conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) energies when well-coordinated decribes someone with a shrewd intellect, a commitment to fairplay, and someone who's poetic and has a keen sense of drama. Furthermore, AG Garland is a cooperative fellow and needs to be liked yet underneath it all he's actually a "tough cookie"! Toughness supplied by intense Scorpio along with a placid Moon in Venus-ruled Libra.

We can also see toughness via the closest applying aspect to his natal Sun, a square with manipulative Pluto (1A55 at noon). This suggests a determination toward power and control, and possibly a volatile temper (probably learned from a plutonian, domineering father). As an adult, one assumes that AG Garland's calming Libra Moon can dial down what could be destructive emotional energy when necessary in spite of his ego (Sun) needs.

Also notable in the solar department is his Mars-Pluto inconjunct (ruler and co-ruler of his Sun sign, from Mars exalted in Capricorn to dramatic Leo) which can lead to a depletion of energy due to taking on too much at one time. Hopefully, he has this tendency under control by now at age 65.

Now in closing, here is one of the blend's 'Images for Integration' which seems more than a little descriptive to me:

"A criminal lawyer auditions for the lead part in a new play about heroes of the second-world-war resistance movement."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Does "resistance movement" remind you at all of current political, legal, and social dramas now playing out in America with AG Merrick Garland snagging "the lead part"?