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Mar 14, 2006

On Nuke-Mad Mullahs

Just found an insightful, thoughtful blog you may want to check out when you have some reading time: Astrology of Current Affairs

3.14.06 11:07 am est

Mar 13, 2006

United Arab Emirates created 1971

On July 18, 1971, at noon in Abu Dahbi, the UAE was signed into being.

Wish I had more time to post on the UAE chart, but a couple of details must be mentioned--that the US's secondary progressed Mars Rx Station, July 21, '06, is conjunct this Ascendant..."19Lib" = "a gang of robbers in hiding."

UAE's Ascendant has quite a pile-up of asteroids, too: Minerva, Hebe, and Siva.
These archetypes conjure up some interesting speculations on which groups/nations were represented at the signing, and may still be slinking about!

Sun is parallel Bacchus, god of wine and such--as a way to avoid dealing with emotional issues.

The Ic or Foundation of the chart, "18Cap" = the New World Order degree:
"18Cap" = "the Union Jack flies from a British warship"....POLITICAL POWER, as in "the power of privileged groups...alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving 'law and order.'" (Yeah, we's the "smug and strong-armed paternalism" we fear.)

At the top of the chart, the WHY/Aspiration Point (Mc) is "18Can" which is the Discovery degree of Pluto (1930), and you know of Pluto's connection to atomic and nuclear power. Pluto's heliopcentric North Node, 20Can, a critical or crisis degree, is also at the top of this chart.

Venus, in the 9th house of foreigners, is conjunct the US natal Sun, which is, of course, George Bush's natal Sun.

In the 8th house, is n Moon at "6Gem" = "Drilling for oil"> SPECULATION (I can't make this up), and currently, transiting asteroid, Midas (The Greedy), is conjunct this Moon. Saturn placed in 8th house likes to manage other peoples' money and affairs...many bank accounts are hidden there.

Opposite, in 2nd house, deceptive, delusionary Neptune is at the "Grand army of the republic campfire" degree of "1Sag." Jupiter is out-of-sign but conjunct Neptune, a signature of extreme idealism, oversensitivity, and the possibility of involvement with mystical cults.

The creation of the UAE occurred in the 9 New North Series of Solar Eclipses which began Aug 21, 1664. It concerns sudden physical events, great physical effort, accidents, or possibly violence. This Series will manifest again in 2007.

Images for the shrewd Sun Can/Moon Gem personality blend:

A family plays a game of charades...Young children enacting a play wedding in the garden.

Quite the playland, I've heard, but charades and fake ceremonies hide deep family commitments, suitable for and descriptive of the tribal tendencies which the Solar/Individuality of the West is meeting each day in the Moon-ruled Middle East.

And since we all know that the Bush administration can be deceived through its wishful gullibility and idealism--or at least pretends to be--let's hope Washington has figured out the deeper nature of this billionaire's "playland."

3.13.06 8:52 pm est

Chart details are thanks to Bill Meridian, Mountain Astrologer Magazine, Dec-Jan 2006 issue...excellent issue, if you've missed it.

Visit: Mountain Astrologer Magazine


Update Feb 2015: now using Nicholas Campion's version of the Dec 2, 1971 UAE chart set for Dubai at 12:00 pm, the hour of the proclamation that created the federation: ASC 27AQ44; Sun 9Sag29 conjunct Neptune 3Sag03 (at MC); Moon 9Gem36 conjunct Saturn 2Gem30 Rx (at IC).

Bush Delegates, but not on Iraq

Can you tell by the way things are limping along in Washington, and positively on crutches in the White House?

Oh, this is So-o-o worth your time, if you haven't read it already, from Insight Magazine:

Bush Delegates

3.13.06 6:30 pm est

This Week in Congress

Another week in Congress is upon us, so here's the 9:30 am chart.

Rising we see dualistic and often duplicitous Gemini, with contentious, active Mars in Gemini on the rise.

Mercury is Rx, as we know, through most of March, so much review and reconsideration is on the menu, and Mercury at 19Pis56 is in a difficult relationship with the authority of Saturn at the base of the chart. Transit Saturn is still playing about George Bush's natal Ascendant, which is one of the most lowering of transits which we all must face appr every 28-30 years. At this time, it's Bush's turn.

Confused, veiling Neptune is in the most visible 10th house of Career/Public Status--representing obfuscation, illusions, or possibly sacrifice.

Even closer to Mc is wounded Chiron with Venus conjunct at the Medina Degree. (And, of course, the 9th house is connected with Enemies, esp of the foreign variety.) This Chiron/Venus combo now sits upon Bush's natal Descendant of Others/Partnerships...wounded relationships, it seems, including with the Public (7th house = the public, too), and some disillusion or sacrifice in relationships for old George.

The transiting Saturn/Chiron opposition adds to the difficulties of Bush's Saturn-to-Asc transit ongoing...his sense of authority is definitely 'wounded', at least in the Public's eyes...perhaps he should try gazing into them for a change and forget about Putin's baby blues.

Moon, representing females, or the Public or Populace (or as I descriptively call us, The Sheeple) is at 7Vir56, and the Symbol for "8Vir", MEJ version:

"First dancing instruction"> ASSISTANCE...

positive: achievement through a personal competence and a high gift for cooperation;

negative/shadow side: cheerful acceptance of ineptitude. (Well I'm not so cheerful about Washington's ineptitude, are you?)

Here's the personality blend of Sun Pis/Moon Virgo:

Analysis and synthesis; wide-ranging mind; thoughtful; nervous and fretful; ironic; breadth of outlook but good with detail; lofty visions but with practical implementation.

Greatest Weaknesses: overly critical; prone to confuse feelings with rational thinking; perfectionism; heart and mind can complement OR clash.

Images: Small events bring enormous consequences...Faith and reason shake hands...A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself.

And here are a couple of quotes from people who share this personality blend in their natal charts:

"Without forgiveness life is governed endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." --Roberto Assagioli (You'd think the world would've realized this before now, but forgiveness is hard to come by, isn't it?)

"It is well for people who think to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean." --Luther Burbank

Forgiveness and mind-changing...two tall orders for This Week in Congress--do you think they're up to either one? Without being accused of weakness or of flip-flopping, that is...but then I'd have to change the title of the chart to This Weak in Congress...doable, but I'd rather not...

3.13.06 1:26 pm est

Mar 8, 2006

Peter King: Sun Aries/Moon Virgo

Peter King (R-NY), April 5, 1944, Manhattan, has this Sun/Moon personality blend:

Sun Aries/Moon Virgo: straightforward; analytical and critical; organizational and administrative skills; natural modesty but impatient to be where the action is; duty vs selfishness.

Greatest Weaknesses: bossiness; intolerance of others' weaknesses; impulsive yet orderly; master/slave complex.

Images: A surgeon performs a daring operation...a metalworker forges an intricate masterpiece...a remembrance that the perfect is the enemy of the good...a Willliam Morris design.

Mr King shares this combo natally with William Morris, and with J P Morgan, who so revealingly said:

"I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do."

3.8.06 11:50 am est

Info from: Sun Sign, Moon Sign, by Chas and Suzi Harvey

Mar 7, 2006

So What's Up with Rumsfeld?

You've been listening to Donald Rumsfeld's denials of civil war in Iraq recently--and this from a man who pretended to think there were WMDs in Iraq, and other wacky cakewalk nonsense. But is Rummy in some sort of crisis?

Here I've uploaded his minor progressed chart set for this evening, natal location. I will refer to it as "minor".

The minor chart describes the mental or causal plane--thoughts which are in process of becoming conscious--and is part of the 27:13:1 ratio, for we think 27 times faster than we act, and we feel--or intuit--13 times faster than we act, with the "1" representing the physical plane (physical = the secondary progr'd chart, the feeling or emotional plane is called the tertiary progr'd.)

But here we see his minor chart because of the several 29 degree positions--29 being a crisis/catatrophic degree.

I've circled the 29 degree placements, and highlighted 2 patterns--a YOD, which is a crisis situation in and of itself--and a Minor Grand Trine being currently triggered by the Moon. (The Moon acts as a trigger or timing device in a minor chart just as it can in any other.)

This Moon is at the end of Taurus, and has just crossed the nasty Fixed Stars, Capulus (aggressive male energy, "to lose one's head"), and Algol, the Star of passionate, primal female energy...two sides of the same vicious coin when used vengefully.)

The focal planet in a Minor Grand Trine--in this case, the Moon--facilitates the energy of the trine (Sat/Plu), and brings the trine energy into consciousness with more objectivity (well, it's supposed to anyway.)

So let's see a little sumpin' sumpin' about Rummy's current mental state:

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: frigid feelings; abstemiousness; tragic destiny, esp of a woman.
(Moon, in this case--given his status as America's representative--could represent the public or populace.)

(As you know, Sat/Plu relates to war, violence, cruelty, mass murder--those kinds of things...the two were opposite one another on 9/11/01, plus minor Moon has been emphasizing similar themes with its triggering of Capulus and Algol...and has moved into orb of Sat/Pluto this week.)

YOD (the Finger of God pattern, with its back-against-the-wall influence)>>

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: conceptualizing; planning and strategizing; pursuit of comprehensive plans with tremendous zeal; wielding a powerful influence upon the larger public through writings or speeches.

Mercury as focal planet in a YOD can give an "out of tune" flavor to communications, so while he's certainly been speaking out this week (Mercury), and his "powerful influence" is on view, this particular child-of-the-Revolution just can't trust his stated perspectives, his denials, or his 'vision'--how about you?

March 7 2006 8:03 pm est

ps: This Sun/Moon combo is the same as Barry Goldwater's natal blend, and as you know, he pertinently reminds us:

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

Mar 6, 2006

James Madison Mar 16, 1751

Here's the natal chart of James Madison, Architect of the Constitution.

We see idealistic Sagittarius rising, with Saturn in Sag--he had frail health his whole life, and stood 5'6", yet he lived to a ripe old age, hemorrhoids and all. And, of course, the Virgo/Pisces axis always relates to health issues--Sun in Pisces is not the most vital place for the Sun, is it?

As "the Architect", we expect to see Taurus emphasized, and with Jupiter's placement in Taurus, we see expansion in business on a large scale, love of luxury and indulgence--a gourmet, in fact (leading to hemorhoids?), and a tendency to go on holy crusades.

Chiron in Scorpio brings death crises, and occult interests and talent. Participating in Freemasonry apparently filled the bill, as you might expect, and an early life full of health concerns made Death a familiar companion for contemplation.
Just the era he lived in, and the work he and his colleagues were about, would bring these issues to mind daily. And you see Pluto on Ascendant...if this is his correct birth time, his very birth was an iffy proposition, it would seem--death issues from the start.

Chiron conj Moon places high value on family, and shows an idealizing of the homeland, and on meeting the needs of the public. There's a marked patriotic emphasis, and a tendency toward perfectionism--all of which were obviously used in his writing and editing of the Constitution, and in his public, political life.

His intellectual brilliance with a scientific bent can be seen with Mercury conjunct Uranus, the planet of creative inspiration from On High, and both in Aquarius, sign of the Waterbearer--the Water of Life. Mercury/Uranus is an independent thinker who will not accept ideas simply based on tradition, and so they arrive at original solutions which others have overlooked.

Mars exalted in Capricorn gives him much professional ambition and a desire for high status, while his Taurean Jupiter in 5th house of Romance/Speculations attracts a high status mate...Dolley Todd. Her branch of the Todd family is connected to the Collins family, both of which are known for their centuries-long Freemasonry and/or Illuminati involvement. You go, Jemmy, the Fredrickburg Lodge is just a horse ride away. (But this Lodge with its records destroyed long ago.)

So President Madison will be 255 years old on March 16, yet his soft voice still whispers to us in 2006, for in 1834, although crippled with old age, he penned his last words to America--to you and to me (The Sheeple, it seems):

"The advice nearest my that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetuated."

And yet so many will let him down--if We-the-Sheeple let them.

3.7.06 12:43 pm est