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Mar 20, 2006

Bush Looks Out and Beyond the Shadows

In Cleveland today, President Bush expressed his usual optimism extraordinaire and it seemed 'prudent' to remind ya of the Sabian Symbol for his natal Mars degree, "10Virgo"...Mars, the planet of conflict and war...

"Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows": INTELLIGENCE...

pos: a superb (used to be his favorite word!) capacity for seeing both sides in every given issue and so bringing all the various phases of human enterprise to some unity of common purpose;

neg/shadow or unconscious side: hopeless fragmentation of self within self.

>More unconscious info can be found in the opposite point (a method I have yet to mention here), which would be "10Pisces" = "An aviator in the clouds": OBSERVATION...

pos: special competence in whole judgment and long-range planning (yeah?);

neg: insensate otherworldliness or irresponsible isolationism (and bubble boy should know.)

I thought his choice of words today was >almost amusing< considering his AWOL status back when he COULD have actually been an "aviator in the clouds"...and opposite his Mars, too.

As far as "Two heads...", the keyword "INTELLIGENCE" is interesting since he said today that he'd asked himself, "...where'd we go wrong on intelligence?"...and that he's "...working to improve intelligence gathering because the credibility of our country is essential." He cannot be serious! Has he now realized how his deceptions mar our credibility? Doesn't matter, really, 'cos he only pretends to care.

Now if America's lack of credibilty in the world--directly caused by his nibs--should interfere with something he wants to do, THEN he'll care--he probably pitches hissy fits then! (besides, Mars in Virgo is often frustrated.)

When asked about whether he sees terrorism as a sign of the APOCALYPSE, he said he "never thought of it that way." !!! This from a "christian"--and one who bombs the Holy Land!

Maybe that's one of his primary mistakes...never "thinking" of it that way (puh!)

So yeah, he looks out and beyond the shadows--shadows he helped to create.

But go on and read it for yourself, if you haven't>>>you'll find him, as usual, quite surreal...

AP: Bush Explains Confidence on Iraq Progress

3.20.06 4:32 pm est

Mar 19, 2006

Our Opinions are "background noise"

Thanks, Cheney for clarifying that so descriptively on tee-vee.

We knew the Bush administration was representing the elite bases' interests over the American peoples', but you really have no power or mandate without our approval and consent--which you fudged and circumvented to get where you are.

Must be why I've felt since 1999 that you and George were being installed by your masters against majority wishes.

You're not actually incompetent, imho--you're accomplishing just what you envisioned--now if the collaterally-damaged among us would just shut the ef up so you can proceed...oh, that's right--you're not listening anyway.

Guess the demons in your head drown us out.

3.19.06 5:14 pm est

CENTCOM's Tragic Ruse

Mike Whitney's article explains it well--why the "war on terror" is pure illusion, and what the world can look forward to from our energy barons--it really Is about the oil...

OpEdNews:CENTCOM, the central battlefield in the global resource war by Mike Whitney

3.19.06 3:18 pm est

OR...leaving Iraq would be like...

...facing reality, sobering up, and stopping short of 58,000 notches on your gun, Mr Rumsfeld.

Note from history: In 1839, the British power went into Afghanistan "upon an unrighteous cause. The punishment which Providence, in the natural course of events, brings upon such errors, overtook it toward the close of 1841, and on the 6th of January (1842), it became a necessity that an army of 4,500 men, with 12,000 camp followers, should commence a precipitate retreat from its Cabul cantonements, through a difficult country, under frost and snow, which it was ill-fitted to endure, and harassed by hordes of implacable enemies."

To read more, click on link above to The Book of Days, select>>Wars, and "The Retreat from Cabul, 1842."

3.19.06 9:01 am est

Mar 17, 2006

Springtime '06 at the White House

Here's the Spring Equinox chart--new beginnings and all--set for the White House, with the Sun reaching 00Aries00...the Aries Point, a point of world events.

I'm sure your eagle-eye is arrested by Rx Saturn rising, with President Bush's natal ASC in tow...his 'joy' continues...and sadly, since the leader represents the nation, ours will, too.

Ceres, the Mother, is conjunct Chiron = Wounded Mother. They seem to follow him around, don't they? In this chart, they're opposite tr Saturn/natal ASC...a Monday I wouldn't wish on a dog, unless it were a thieving, sniveling, bully who deserves the world's condemnation. Then, I'd have to think about it for a second.

3.17.06 11:11 pm est

><><>2nd Update>Monday 3.20: Almost forgot this gem...Saturn lately has been in and out of a Quindecile aspect with Neptune. Quindecile (165 deg) is an obsessive-compulsive aspect, and the following will sound very familiar to ya:

Saturn QD Neptune: deception present in societal leadership (whaa-a-a-a...?); old systems may be dissolved by idealisms; rigid structures may dissappear (as in levees, too); dreams can become real under this aspect, and compassion may merge with authority.

That last seems more of "an Appearance of compassion may merge with authority" when you consider "compassionate conservatism"--oh wait!--they've all but abandoned that little ruse, haven't they? Must've left it in a flooded attic somewhere...

Update>Saturday, 3.18.06:

Chart-ruler, Sun in Aries/Moon in Sag blend is the same as previous post of March 16 for the Iraq War's 3rd anniversary. But add this info for the FIRE Grand Trine:

Sun/Moon = Saturn> renunciation: separation; difficulties in relationships; addressing problems; weakened system.

Sun/Saturn = Moon> loneliness; separation from females; feeling inferior; fearful.

Moon/Saturn = Sun> separation; suffering; the separated wife; the widow; self-control; prevailing mood influences the body constantly; feeling of enforced controls; sobering times.

A FIRE Grand Trine is creative and full of inspirational power, and although visionary ability is emphasized, so too is the sense of personal significance and power. This manifests as excessive self-pride and egotism.

There's a natural adventurous streak which allows risks and gambles to be taken with little forethought. (Well, things must be pretty desperate around the White House these days...but it's their habit of causing others so much misery and loss that gets my little pet goat.)

The FIRE Grand Trine person tends to believe he has 'individual privilege' and should be able to express himself without interference from anyone--the environment should be ready at a moment's notice to fulfill his immediate needs without resistance or hesitation.

He demands loyalty (FIRE being the element of royalty), and his faith in himself and his sense of personal protection from harm gives an ingrained eagerness to attempt anything in complete disregard of impossible odds. He expects service and may be emotionally unaffected or even oblivious to others' personal needs.

Well, that's enough o'that.

One midpoint picture of interest since the Sun at Aries Point (AP) is the focal planet:

Uranus/Mc = Sun> unrest; nervous drive; easy to anger; lack of self-control; an excitable man; getting what one deserves (that'd be good); eagerness for achievement.

(The combo of Uranus/Mc can indicate major adjustment in the Career--Tyl, but also the "power of assertion"--Ebertin.)

>>An ongoing midpoint pic these days which is still in force:

Neptune/North Node = Uranus> self-willed motives disrupt group ideas; becoming upset over the anti-social conduct of others; sudden undermining or destruction of relationships.<<

At the base or foundation* of the chart we see "18Lib": "Two men placed under arrest." This is Bush's natal Jupiter degree...CONSEQUENCE>

pos: a heightened challenge to every special talent (Mr Optimism, lover of the Jupiter Mantra--"every day in every way I'm getting better and better);

neg/shadow side: total inappropriateness of impulse and act. (MEJ version.)

The Rudhyar version gives: FACING THE CONSEQUENCES> keynote: a breakdown** in the constructive relationship between the individual and society, and the expectable result.

Or, if you prefer "19Lib": "A gang of robbers in hiding"> GROUP PROTEST> keynote: Protest against disharmonic social privileges. (Rudhyar cites here "the early Bolsheviks in Russia robbing banks to finance the revolution." Sounds familiar.)

With all the protests happening this weekend, "19Lib" seems especially appropriate.

In fact, I'd like to protest the gang of robbers in Washington!

Transit Atlantis (sense of doom; abuse of power), an asteroid often active in mundane/political charts as you might expect, is in 10th house, and conjunct Bush's natal MC.

Atlantis 23Ari23, "24Ari": "An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia"> MUNIFICENCE>

pos: an irrepressible genius for capturing the richer rewards of life and providing a wider distribution for the higher realities;

neg/shadow side: a smug and petty self-importance in dispensing favors to others.
(This may underscore the FIRE Grand Trine cited above.)

Well, it looks like a busy Spring at the White House (and elsewhere, since Bush has no corner on the robbers' market), so let's close with the Sabian Synbol for the Moon--the Public or Populace, and using "6Sag":

"A game of cricket": keynote> The development of skill in group situations testing collective goals. This refers to the "value of making individual-will or ego-will subservient to collective cultural patterns, and to the importance of developing GROUP SOLIDARITY.

They've long-since **united against the individual--our power lies in uniting ourselves against sucky world leaders who care not a crap for us.

So if you can't march--sign a petition today-->sign several, 'cos they're out there!

3.18.06 4:53 pm est

*Also at the foundation of the chart is the Part of Death, which is notoriously difficult to predict, so I'm not...I'm just sayin'.

Mar 16, 2006

The Iraq War 3.19.06

With the Iraq War's 3rd anniversary coming up Sunday (Solar Return>>3.19.06 at 11:01:05 pm, BAT, Baghdad), my plan was to post the Solar Return Chart, but because of recent changes of heart on the part of the American people, I decided to post the War's secondary progressed chart get some idea of how things will "progress" for 2006.

Here you see what I believe best describes the feelings of the populace--Moon/the Public--opposite sec Atlantis, an asteroid whose keywords are: sense of doom; expiation; ethics. More people have lost confidence in our learless feader, and WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. This opposition is exact the evening of March 27.

And conjunct Atlantis is the asteroid, Midas, of gold-loving fame, and we've certainly noticed the depletion of the US Treasury over this War--and the administration can't or won't give an honest accounting of where the money went or of what happened to millions in stolen funds.

(And on another level, the sec Moon in this chart also signifies the Iraqi people, but I'm considering the US at the moment since we stirred the hornet's nest, as jihadists correctly expected George would do.)

Also at the end of March, transit Mars will square the War's natal ASC, and oppose its Pluto. (At the end of this post is a link to the Iraq War Chart.)

9th cusp of enemies = "1Sag" = "Grand army of the republic campfire"...that'd be us.

Sec Moon is conjunct South Node, a separative, Saturnian point:

South Node conj Moon = inability to be in the right place at the right time--bad timing--forced to draw upon own resources...can't depend on others' cooperation which leads to isolation....yet discipline and concentrated effort can bring accomplishment.

This is a karmic situation due to misuse of wealth, power, position, or popularity. (But George isn't so popular now...see polls, or ask your neighbor.)

Now for the Sun/Moon personality blend:

Sun Ari/Moon Sag:

Contagious optimism and an entrepreneurial spirit. (Isn't that why neocon hawks took us there in the 1st place with their preening over-confidence out their yazoos?)

Greatest Weaknesses: grandiose philosophizing; insensitivity to human feelings; impatient; moving around and never landing; daredevil tendencies sabotage material security. (That last pretty well sums it up, imho...feelin' safer, are ya? Think there's a gold penny left in Fort Knox? National Debt Limit was boosted just today.)

Image: A child shoots an arrow toward the enchanted castle in the distance as he follows the road less traveled. (There's much to say about that one, but you do it...sounds like 'The Fool' Tarot card to me. The tragedy is that so many have suffered so that George could learn from experience...the essence of The Fool. And I know His Nibs can't or won't see it this way--in fact, I think things are proceeding quite niftily for him--chaos created = mission accomplished.)

>>>Iraq War's Solar Return Mar 19, 2006 11:01:05 pm BAT Baghdad:

ASC> 00Sag06 (see "1Sag" above); Mc> 10Vir24 (conjunct George Bush's natal Mars), so, Mc> "11Vir" = "A boy molded in his mother's aspirations for him." (That's rich, considering Bar's self-described "pretty mind"...seems she wanted a war-president son. And that's "pretty"???)

Sun 29Pis04 in 4th house; Moon 23Sco17 in 12th house (behind-the-scenes);

Chart-ruler, Jupiter 18Sco30 Rx, also in 12th house, at the "A parrot listening then talking" degree. Remember Jupiter was Rx when the War began = bottomless pit in the money department...we attacked from weakness, not strength...for expansion's sake.

Sabian Symbols for Sun and Moon:

Sun "30Pis" = "The great stone face"> Destiny is character as it most consistently constitutes itself. DISCERNMENT> pos: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events;

neg/shadow side: wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization. (Bush the Dud CEO strikes again?)

Moon "24Sco" = "Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man"> APPEAL>
Any higher realization must be brought to earth.

pos: an almost spectacular ability to enlist the higher potentialities of everyone for some practical need of the moment; (the army wants YOU);

neg: indiscriminate and carefree gullibility. (Where's Chalabi--with Waldo?).

Uranus, the rebel, 11Pis46 conjunct Ic 10Pis24...the foundation of the chart...more chaos, disruption, and rebellion...beginning of the Solar year (March 19), and at the end (Ic).

Checking the applying aspects of the Sun to see how things will go for the year (for, as you know, a Solar Return chart lasts a year until the next Return of the Sun to its original degree):

1. Sun trine ASC;
2. conjunct North Node (an important meeting?);
3. trine Saturn;
4. and trine Solar Return Moon!

These are amazingly decent...that'd be good!

BUT: there's a separating square between the Sun and vicious, power-mad Pluto which will be an exact (partile) square at the end of December, 2007 due to the fact that Pluto moves much more slowly than the Sun seems to move.

And fretfully, this will be part of Pluto's sojourn at the 'crisis or critical' degree of 29 Sag>>just before Pluto enters Capricorn, sign of authority, law, politics, and business.

The personality blend for 2006:

Sun Pis/Moon Sco = tremendous passion; complex, unfathomable emotional nature; acute perceptions; tenacity and courage in the face of adversity; innate ability to understand great mysteries.

Greatest Weaknesses: over-reliance on personal opinions; tendency to be unaware of irrational suspicions and prejudices; manipulation in order to gain power; negative self-absorption.

Images: Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath...Longfellow's poem, The Secret of the Sea.

Wrath, secrets, passions, courage, suspicions...and our boots on their holy sand.

Speak up, People!

3.16.06 7:02 pm est

Link to War's Chart 2003:

Stars Over Washington: Iraq War: The Cakewalk?

Mar 14, 2006

On Nuke-Mad Mullahs

Just found an insightful, thoughtful blog you may want to check out when you have some reading time: Astrology of Current Affairs

3.14.06 11:07 am est

Mar 13, 2006

United Arab Emirates created 1971

On July 18, 1971, at noon in Abu Dahbi, the UAE was signed into being.

Wish I had more time to post on the UAE chart, but a couple of details must be mentioned--that the US's secondary progressed Mars Rx Station, July 21, '06, is conjunct this Ascendant..."19Lib" = "a gang of robbers in hiding."

UAE's Ascendant has quite a pile-up of asteroids, too: Minerva, Hebe, and Siva.
These archetypes conjure up some interesting speculations on which groups/nations were represented at the signing, and may still be slinking about!

Sun is parallel Bacchus, god of wine and such--as a way to avoid dealing with emotional issues.

The Ic or Foundation of the chart, "18Cap" = the New World Order degree:
"18Cap" = "the Union Jack flies from a British warship"....POLITICAL POWER, as in "the power of privileged groups...alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving 'law and order.'" (Yeah, we's the "smug and strong-armed paternalism" we fear.)

At the top of the chart, the WHY/Aspiration Point (Mc) is "18Can" which is the Discovery degree of Pluto (1930), and you know of Pluto's connection to atomic and nuclear power. Pluto's heliopcentric North Node, 20Can, a critical or crisis degree, is also at the top of this chart.

Venus, in the 9th house of foreigners, is conjunct the US natal Sun, which is, of course, George Bush's natal Sun.

In the 8th house, is n Moon at "6Gem" = "Drilling for oil"> SPECULATION (I can't make this up), and currently, transiting asteroid, Midas (The Greedy), is conjunct this Moon. Saturn placed in 8th house likes to manage other peoples' money and affairs...many bank accounts are hidden there.

Opposite, in 2nd house, deceptive, delusionary Neptune is at the "Grand army of the republic campfire" degree of "1Sag." Jupiter is out-of-sign but conjunct Neptune, a signature of extreme idealism, oversensitivity, and the possibility of involvement with mystical cults.

The creation of the UAE occurred in the 9 New North Series of Solar Eclipses which began Aug 21, 1664. It concerns sudden physical events, great physical effort, accidents, or possibly violence. This Series will manifest again in 2007.

Images for the shrewd Sun Can/Moon Gem personality blend:

A family plays a game of charades...Young children enacting a play wedding in the garden.

Quite the playland, I've heard, but charades and fake ceremonies hide deep family commitments, suitable for and descriptive of the tribal tendencies which the Solar/Individuality of the West is meeting each day in the Moon-ruled Middle East.

And since we all know that the Bush administration can be deceived through its wishful gullibility and idealism--or at least pretends to be--let's hope Washington has figured out the deeper nature of this billionaire's "playland."

3.13.06 8:52 pm est

Chart details are thanks to Bill Meridian, Mountain Astrologer Magazine, Dec-Jan 2006 issue...excellent issue, if you've missed it.

Visit: Mountain Astrologer Magazine


Update Feb 2015: now using Nicholas Campion's version of the Dec 2, 1971 UAE chart set for Dubai at 12:00 pm, the hour of the proclamation that created the federation: ASC 27AQ44; Sun 9Sag29 conjunct Neptune 3Sag03 (at MC); Moon 9Gem36 conjunct Saturn 2Gem30 Rx (at IC).