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Nov 24, 2007

Stars Over Washington: Solar Return 2007

Dual charts here--the chart on the left, lower, is the current Solar Return 2007 horoscope of this blog, with the natal chart Oct 16, 2005, 3:30 am edt, upper, right, as per Anne's request.

SO'W is into its 3rd year now and although I've written some midpoints onto both charts, I'll not be spoon feeding you this evening. ;p

Peeking Out! apparently the Redacting Monster has shown up to sex up these charts...chomp chomp. He and his mentors are the best at redaction--or ordering drones to do it. Bonus! self-destructing emails have seemingly been invented by this White House (which is not to excuse any White Houses gone before...)

Now back in October 2005, I did not elect the time for the first post, and was surprised to see how time had flown (to 3:30 am) when I got #1 finally published.
I'm still dumbleheaded about composing while typing, usually with a few notes, so
it takes a while to get anything blogged what with charts to study and all.

Way Back in 2005:

One rather obvious feature in the 2005 natal chart is a YOD (Finger of God; special task or purpose; crisis) pattern between the Sun/Pluto sextile pointing accusingly at Mars 21Tau50 Rx at MC.

Click chart to enlarge and you'll see the Sun/Pluto/Mars midpoint picture spelled out.

There's also a T-square between Saturn/Neptune and Mercury listed.

The SR 2007 chart has a Mutable Kite pattern--see how I've drawn the kite's tail onto the North Node for you? The opposite end of the dragon is of concern with its conj upcoming...separation, older person, father, leader, Democrat...perhaps a certain Senator of the chirping variety? He is pretty ancient, you must agree, and South Node has a separative, Saturnian quality--a double emphasis on Saturn's loss, restriction, separation. Perhaps law and order will go MIA, a la police state.

Nahhh! not in America!

SR 2007 has Mercury, Venus, and Mars all at 7 degrees, perhaps a significator of something fated. (Think back to October because this 7 degree resonation between the three planets lasted quite a while in the Collective...we were steeping in it.)

Then finally tonight, we may want to share together a tidbit which for me sums up the entire why-blog controversy, at least as far as 'Political Astrology' (Mundane Astrology)'s p.o.v. is concerned...'s the shared and inspirational Sun-Moon personality blend of SO'W 's 2005 natal chart which has Sun Libra/Moon does e.e.cummings--and his perfect definition and p.o.v., in my estimation, describes my thinking when birthing this blog:

A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man.

An arse. We've got an infestation of arses.

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