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Nov 30, 2008

Obama announces appts under Venus-Moon-Jupiter

Barack Obama's cabinet appointments are to be announced tomorrow, Monday, Dec 1, 10:40 am ET, by his nibs himself (I've long called George that, but now the title switches over to Obama.)

With Bill Clinton in a 'your wish in my command' mode toward the Obama White House in order to assure that his wife, Hillary, will be appointed Secretary of State, the president-elect's announcements should begin the week of Dec 1, 2008 with something of a bang...with the previously mentioned triple conjunction of Venus, Moon, and Jupiter - precise at 10:43 am ET Monday - occurring during the president-elect's announcement of additions to his cabinet.

With the ambitious Capricorn Moon joining Venus and Jupiter, Luna may be the significator of Hillary Clinton especially since Capricorn is also the sign of government (and business - we're fixin' to get the business from the Dem side now. Scripts are in process of being written...)

Still, the beauty of Venus-Moon-Jupiter together should bring happy feelings to the day, if not the entire week ahead, at least for those who are not dealing with over-riding, distressing issues.

Is there a possible downside to this celestial menage-a-trois? Of course! Mary Poppins is only a children's story, you know, and Pollyanna moved away years ago.

The Capricorn Moon is at sliver stage which is a symbol of the Middle East. Perhaps an announcement of import will come from that quarter, or a meeting will take place (triple conjunction.) One thinks hopefully of Indian and Pakistani cooperation.

So with Obama's scheduled announcement tomorrow, it makes ya wonder if there's an astrologer on staff or if fortune smiles upon his new administration without even a tweak of celestial advice!


Monday Dec 1: ABC News interrupted my regularly scheduled program for BHO's new cabinet announcements at 10:41 am ET by my watch. Barack Obama began speaking at 10:43 am!


Anonymous said...

The moon, venus, jupiter were so beautiful in the sky last night. I wanted to stay outside with them. Pluto entering Capricorn-conjunct everything in Capricorn? Well sadly I think that tells us what we need to know about who/what is in power although I do believe that many of s have come to suspect this. NWO-bet "they" think that the time is here for all the plans to be unrolled. I think that human nature will win out just as it did in the earlier Pluto in Capricorn transit-we won't long be denied the freedom and resources to take care of our families and to grow rich if we want to. Most of us though will join in the rebellion so thAt we can trust the food we buy and the banks we use.derol

Anonymous said...

I, too, chose to perceive a little beauty - as in the night sky, and the timing of our National Security team.

Though, I thought Hillary Clinton looked liked she had been crying, was going to cry or was furious. I couldn't decide. Her eyes were blazing and narrowed.

Boy, what a job she got. We are in the caldron globally, wars, terrorists, rising Russia-China et al., nuclear options springing up in hotbeds, and she will be doing the bosses' bidding. Sidelined from domestic issues and saddled with a hard light to look good in. I always thought Bush sidelined Colin Powell when he didn't initially tow the going to was line.

A good news - bad news scenario.

And billions are going somewhere. No accounting proffered, just "trust me" smirks.

Our economy on a collision course with someone's agenda. Bush, Paulson, Bernanke - who exactly is getting the money. Even at Target we get a receipt.

Paulson, there's a weird one.
I think criminal charges are justified, not worrying whether the genius boys in banking and on Wall Street will stick around to solve problems. The only good news about that is they probably know what and where and why the problems are. But I'm not waiting to find out what the haves have in store for the have-nots - besides working on the chain gangs.

So, bottom line, the party's over.
It's back to work, learn new skills, get confident in doing a job and be confident of getting rewarded at some point. And thinking of unusual ways to earn money - hang Christmas lights for elderly couples, work for the Census, and consider what skill I have I can barter with. Making lemonade it's called. I'm glad my mom taught me how to do things for myself, how to stretch a nickel and have fun doing it.

We still have the opportunity, I think, to work and earn and provide food. But I'm focusing on local U-Pick farms, local food markets, growing my own tomatoes, oranges, herbs and lettuce. I plan to have fun getting back to my peasant ways. Angel Ministries has affiliations with two churches in my area and they sell food monthly at special lower rates. It's worth checking into. They are nationwide and can be found at

As for banks, I'm being careful. Not keeping a lock box that the government can freeze if they declare marshall law. (Thank you George Bush and company.) If you have any ideas in that department I'm all ears. The thought of the government taking over my IRA and 401k is too much to bear. Pretty intrusive and all so they can invest the money - where? Right.

I believe I found Jude's blogs just in time. Sanity prevails, insight abounds and they are a great read.


Jude Cowell said...

Thanks, Donna, and your insights are, as always, on the 'money'!

Sad to say, US coffers have been pilfered for years.

Ex: perhaps 'entitlement allergy' wasn't the only thing behind Bush's early SS-to-Wall-St push (aka privatizing Social Security). They hoped it would provide a way to hide the fact that the money had been thieved away years ago!

Fussily, jude