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Showing posts with label 11 South Solar Eclipse 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 11 South Solar Eclipse 2009. Show all posts

Dec 1, 2009

Afghanistan's natal chart w/ Dec 1, 2009 transits

Natal chart shown: Afghanistan July 17, 1973 12:00 am AFST Kabul, with Dec 1, 2009 transits around outside of chart (highlighted in green.)

Afghanistan as we know it was founded during a Sun Hour with Venus 19Leo59 in 4th house as chart-ruler. The only applying aspect made by Venus is a trine to Chiron 20Ari53 in 12th house, conjunct warrior Mars 16Ari10. There are two separating (waning) aspects to Venus: sextile Uranus 19Lib07 in 6th house (0S52), and a trine to Mars (3S49) so Venus trined Mars then took her considerable influence into a trine with Chiron.

ASC 8Tau45; Mc 24Cap17 (Aspirations and Goals) which will be dearly affected by the Solar Eclipse of Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01 in the 12 North Series: 'opportunities to accept greater responsibilities come suddenly; new commitments as a result of others being unable to carry on; events are difficult but outcomes for self-esteem and harmony are good' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

"Harmony"? In Afghanistan? That would be a first in a long line of contentiousness and squabbling yet would be most welcome by me personally. (Perhaps I should here pre-apologize to the wonderful people of Afghanistan for the war escalation about to occur...see end of this post.)

Tonight, Dec 1, 2009, as President Obama announces to the world the US escalation of war by sending 30,000+ more US troops into the long-contested country, Afghanistan is like the rest of us: under the difficult rays of the current Solar Eclipse of July 21/22, 2009 @ 29Can27, the 11 South Series (11S) which happens to be Afghanistan's own Pre-Natal Eclipse Series. The July Eclipse is conjoined with the country's natal Mercury 29Can42 Rx, all at critical 29th degrees; US n Pluto 27Cap33 Rx opposes.

View the chart-with-details of tonight's presidential announcement with 29 Cancer rising which brings up the July 2009 Eclipse at 8 pm est, West Point, NY, when Pres. Obama will attempt to persuade us that massive troop escalation is a good plan with a chance for 'success' - yet "this is not nation-building," says spokesman Robert Gibbs. No? At the least it's invasion and occupation.

As you see, I've notated the country's PE 8Can32 in n 3rd house with n Nemesis conjunct South Node 7Can40 which indicates that unbeatable foes (Nemesis) from the past (SN) were lurking in the bargain in 1973 when the present form of Afghani government was set up, even though Afghanis gained independence from Britain on Aug 19, 1919.

The horoscope for 1919 resonates with Dec 1, 2009's transits as well, but that's a post of a different length and won't be covered here -- except for a few things: the PE of Aug 19, 1919 (Ecl of May 23, 1919 @ 7Gem06) conjuncts the presidential announcement's Moon and transiting MIDAS - and conjs Afghanistan's n 2nd cusp 8Gem32 which has creator/destroyer Siva upon it @ 7Gem41 - and the 1919 Solar Eclipse is also in Afghanistan's natal 11S Series!

So the fluctuating Moon conjs n Siva conjs n 2nd cusp of Values and Money, and all on the 'nuclear degrees' axis of Gem/Sag - and conj Fixed Star Aldebaran (success through integrity); announcment's Sun 9Sag59 conjs Antares in Afghanistan's n 8th house of Transformations, Shared Resources - and Death. Keyphrase for Antares: obsessed with success.

As you know, the 11S Series indicates 'systems breaking down; new methods, ideas, and reforms are needed; any blocks may be violently and tragically removed' (Brady) so will the US war escalation in Afghanistan qualify as a 'regime change' for the country in order to set up a new order?

Well, there are many more factors to consider in Afghanistan's natal chart even without tonight's presidential announcement and I'd be typing for 3 days trying to mention it all.

You see, for instance, that n Sun (leadership) is conj n Ic, an Ending Point which gives great difficulty in achieving full self-expression, for many material obstacles must be worked through in order to manifest the will in the outer world (Mc.)

Add to that the Grand Cross pattern (highlighted in pink) which provides an outlet of the energies of Sun, Uranus, Mars/Chiron (sacred warrior), at Mc. This gives a sign coloration for the Mc where the outlet is (because it's a point, not a planet) - in this case, Capricorn which is known for being difficult, if not impossible, to mold into someone else's pattern.

Having 4 planets in Cap myself, I can assure you from personal experience that no one 'changes' or molds a Cap into anything it doesn't want to be. So with the Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse at n Mc (and considering its flavor as given above), it may take another leader than Karzai to 'live up to' what the West sees as Afghanistan's ultimate character, direction, and detiny in the world.

Yet please click to enlarge the chart, for you'll see listd the details of the aspects from the tension-filled Grand Cross which to me indicates that an open-ended commitment - whether truthfully admitted tonight or not - is the only chaotic tactic that will satisfy the New World Order's requirements for this pivotal country. Meanwhile, the American people's dire needs (decent health care, etc) will continue to be casualties of war escalation in Afghanistan.

(Congress is gearing up within their ongoing political mummeries to disappoint us now on health insurance reform, for Congress willingly spends massive amounts of fiat monies for waging wars, but not for the American people's needs which "cost too much.")

Now please don't take my prediction to the bank or anything, but if the war in Afghanistan drags on for many years, just remember you read it here as typed by this reluctant astrologer who admittedly and maternally can never see any war as beneficial for the common good. If the war doesn't drag on, I'll love to be wrong. Yet the total of US forces won't be in place until late 2010, reports NPR today, so get ready for a long haul, imho.

The aspects from the Grand Cross explain in part why I think it's a waste of our manpower and financial resources to escalate, yet the power elite will make mega-bucks from Afghani gas by protecting pipelines, etc. Therefore they should be the ones to pay for more war. Set up a military draft for the children of warmongering senators and congressmen and that should tamp down their gung-ho jingoism, if not derail it altogether.

And so my conscience adds:

Dear Afghanis, if you can, please forgive the American people for our tragically misguided leadership headed by neocon Zionists who have hijacked our nation, for the whole world suffers under their ruthless and overbearing hubris of imperialism being fed by visions of world domination.

So once again, Afghanistan plays the role of a domino in their "Great Game" of power.

Nov 25, 2009

Obama escalates war ~ horoscope 12.1.09

Chart shown: Dec 1, 2009 @ 8:00 pm est, West Point, New York. President Obama will give a TV address from West Point to announce his decision on sending thousands more US soldiers to Afghanistan; Hour of Mars @ 8 pm, switching to a Sun Hour by 8:05 pm. Click chart to enlarge.

Moon and Sun apply to opposition as mentioned below, a Full Moon 10Gem15; Sun then applies to a trine with Mars (7A39) and conjunction to Venus (9A49.) Trines are usually considered a positive help or talent, but can set one up for a ride on a slippery slope.

At 8 pm there's a Fire Grand Trine highlighted as you see and indicating an adventuresome, daring, and courageous nature. (Ideally for a planetary pattern, the Mc point should have a planet there. There is, however, a midpoint at Mc...Moon/Jupiter = Mc: recognition for ideas and work in expanding knowledge in foreign affairs.)

Plus, the Moon/Jup pairing of energies has an 'uncertainty, doubt, and vacillation team with expansion, advice and opinions' flavor. Moon symbolizes defensiveness and Jupiter increases that tendency; expounding on goals and ethics is indicated as well. (Munkasey.)

As you see, the current July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse (11 South Series) is rising (ASC 29Can00, a crisis degree) with its flavor of 'systems fail; new ideas and methods are needed to deal with events brought by the eclipse; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Now I know the president probably won't begin speaking at precisely 8:00 pm so chart-ruler Moon (the public; Cancer ASC) will soon morph into chart-ruler Sun (the leader) at 8:05 pm est, ASC 00Leo00. Either way, the president's first natal planet to rise is Mercury, planet of announcements, messages, oration, and thought processes.

The president's thinking and planning - nine meetings these last several weeks concerning war escalation, reports NPR - are described here and his n Mercury 2Leo20/Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx opposition (n Jupiter and Saturn 25Cap20 Rx in the karmic n 12th house of Self-Undoing) means that n Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion, sets in the TV address chart.

I have neglected to highlight Mr. Obama's n Jupiter/Saturn on the chart although his other natal positions are marked in turquoise. Some US n planets/points are marked in pink and US Inaugural Moon 2009 (29Sco45) is added because it conjoins Mr. Obama's n Mc along with transiting Venus 00Sag09 in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling. Venus and tr asteroid Cupido (corporatism; The Family) are conjunct here @ '1 Sag' = the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" Sabian Symbol.

Privatized war for profit, a favorite past time of the tiresomely imperialistic 'industrial military complex', is indicated by this corporate significator at this particular degree along with Venus, planet of values, relationships, and revenge when she's scorned. "A Grand Army" indeed - but misdirected energy ill-used, imho.

Messenger Mercury is in 5th house as well @ 24Sag32, a degree traversed by powerful Pluto in late 2004 and all through 2005 which ropes Obama firmly into the Bush-Cheney war pursuits. This is significant in Dec 2009 because the president is having to come up with new ideas and methods in an attempt to finish the objectives of the US Afghanistan adventure, or misadventure, depending on your viewpoint.

Considering that the Big Money 8th house of this announcement has Jupiter 21AQ04, Chiron 21:45, and oily, gaseous Neptune 23:54 posited within, I'd say that the control of the region's natural resources is still on the agenda of the US government - and the speculator pair, Jupiter/Neptune, are leading our expansion of grand schemes and risk-taking. As you know, the two big 'uns will conjunct for the third and final time this go-round (13-year cycle) on Dec 21, 2009 conjunct US natal Moon(the people) which continues to ensnare us and our children's futures within their power play games toward a dominant world government.

And speaking of 8th house, you see that the 8th cusp conjuncts the president's natal Ascendant 18AQ03 (his natal birth data is given below) which personalizes Jupiter/Neptune in his natal 1st house of Self. So contentious god of war Mars 17Leo37 is conj his n DESC of Partnerships and is rising in the announcement chart, as you see.

Now this chart has ~Sun 176 degr 22 mins Moon~ which is a Gibbous phase just prior to a Full Moon @ 10Gem15:05 which perfects @ 2:30:24 am est on December 2. '10Gem' = "An Airplane Falling" or if you prefer to round up, '11Gem' = "A New Path of Realism in Experience."

Since any prior degree indicates karmic conditions for the next degree (such as the above-mentioned change of ASC degree for the Solar Eclipse), both symbols are pertinent in the wheel of life. And by 'karmic' this Saturnian astrologer means past behaviors and inherited conditions, not 'past lives' or reincarnation. Wars and an economically disabled country were passed down to Mr. Obama from you-know-who.

The "Airplane Falling" degree has CRISIS as its keyword. Positive expression: highly advantageous reorientation of selfhood through every issue; neg/unconscious/shadow side: defeat through disinclination to lift even a finger in decent self-interest.

'11 Gem' = IDENTIFICATION; positive expression: effective mobilization of the self's practical resources for the role it must play in daily living. Neg/unconscious/shadow side: self-delusion through sheer fantasy. (Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Well, with the transiting Saturn/NN midpoint (serious meetings) now upon President Obama's natal Midheaven (the goal) we may wish to consider the picture thus formed...

Sat/NN = n Mc: maturing through the help of others; able assistance through groups or meetings (9 meetings, as noted - jc); using assistance of others to mature and find one's destiny. (Michael Munkasey.)

Noel Tyl gives this mdpt picture as: standing alone in life; little joy from accomplishments; mourning for others.

For the human race, war is mourning, isnt' it?

The first transiting midpoint to rise is Moon/Saturn (4Leo42, just passed Mr. Obama's n Mercury = prudence; maturity; the wise thought; sadness, esp among women - Tyl) indicates an astute awareness of ambition, strategy, and direction. A depressed (Saturn) populace (Moon) is indicated, too.

Since Dec 1 is the day of rebellious Uranus' Direct Station (as seen in this chart @ 22Pis42 in 9th house of Foreign Lands, @ 3:28 pm est West Point, NY), its disruptive and shocking effects are too much indicated for my comfort - the 'shock doctrines' theory of Naomi Klein comes readily to mind.

Uranus' Direct Station is precisely opposing Mr. Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35 and US natal Neptune 22Vir25. We may not want to look at the mdpt picture thus formed for with our national Neptune conj BHO's n Mars, it's not as if his actions (Mars) are clearly seen (Neptune) by the public, so let's have a peek on this momentous occasion, for cloudiness is a bad idea for the future of this war.

Mars/Neptune = Uranus: unusual stamina to speed up the outcome of activities; an unconventional approach to forcing (Mars) idealism (Nep) and socialism (Nep) on others; a noisy rebellion against aggravating dreams or visions forced by others. (Munkasey.)

Tyl adds: energetically following one's personal dream; reaching for 'pie-in-the-sky' which is exactly most of what's bothering me about the whole war escalation.

Plus, tr Uranus opposing the president's natal Mars is a time when the physical urge to act is compelling, yet outcomes are unpredictable. It's been reported today that President Obama and his power elite backers realize that this prescription for war escalation won't be accepted by the American people unless an exit date or plan is touted as well.

Uranus opposite n Mars also indicates stress, strain, head injuries, fevers, and/or headaches - and hostile confrontations will not favor the president, and as our representative, the American people will negatively impacted by the escalation of this war. "Not 8 or 9 years more" in Afghanistan doesn't necessarily mean a short extension of our occupation.

But as you see in 6th house, tr Pluto/Chiron (plutocrats, oppression, racism, corporatism, fascism, class warfare, etc) = Venus/Uranus (erratic with money; broken relationships) = Jupiter/Pluto (big bankers; criminal elements with great influence; self-destructive forces stemming from offical corruption; pacts with foreigners; growth of spying agencies; greater powers for religious leaders; a society which wields much influence; extreme depletion of resources - Munkasey), an equation that sums up much of what we're experiencing with these midpoints conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx.

In the chart shown above is another powerful equation of interest involving the transiting Uranus/NN midpoint...

Uran/NN = Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto/Mc.

(Uran/NN and Jup/Nep are given above.)

Munkasey gives the political and business implications of Pluto/Mc as: pursuit of large social or research projects; studies involving the concept of earth, the solar system, etc, as a living organism; practices concerning the disposal of toxins or waste products (ex: nuclear wastes); inadequate preparation, supplies for emergencies, or similar large disasters; overloaded waste disposal systems ('systems fail' eclipse?); destructive self-centered terrorist actions; focusing on weapons systems for great destruction.

Interestingly, a few minutes after 8 pm, veiling Neptune will be focal planet between the Pluto/Mc midpoint which seems to tell the larger tale...

Plu/Mc = Neptune: Inwardly seeing the need for changes on a larger scale; temporary setbacks due to illusions about how to effect some progress; thinking of using dubious practices to increase reputation or power.

And nebulous Neptune's foggy tendencies? The Fog of War.


Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii ASC 18AQ03; Mc 28Sco54; Sun 12Leo33, 6th house; Moon 3Gem21; 4th house; 1st house Chiron 5Pis19 Rx opposing Pluto 6Vir59; NN 27Leo18 conj Uranus 25Leo16, 7th house. Uranus/NN = 'radical political reformers': Uranus/Pluto = NN: drawn to others with similar ideas about how to change the world through new approaches. (Munkasey.)

Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, by Michael Munkasey.

Jul 29, 2009

California economics and the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse

"The Angels": Los Angeles, California; Sep 4, 1781; 9:11 am LMT; from Horoscopes of the Western Hemisphere by Marc Penfield, as rectified by Penfield; pueblo founded at present site of city of L.A. by orders of King Carlo of Spain to grow food for the King's soldiers.

This chart is being published to show in black and white the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse in the 11 South Series highlighting LA's Midheaven. This is the 'systems fail; new methods are needed to deal with events brought by the Eclipse; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) Series, the difficult rays under which the world now groans and labors.

The Eclipse's 29th crisis/critical degree in Cancer, with all the sign's security-needs baggage, domestic-scene upheavals, and career disappointments which the current California budget crisis now occasions, makes me certain that Mr. Penfield, who brilliantly rectified the precise time of LA's founding (and I'm using it here as a stand-in for a California-founding natal chart, just as Washington DC represents all of America) -- Mr. Penfield was correct with '9:11 am LMT.'

Unless I am mistaken, 'Sept 4, 1781' is from historical record.

So, the fact that July 21's Solar Ecl is at Mc, the Goal/Aspiration Point of any horoscope, tells me that the financial crisis was an aspiration of the CA government. Yet if need be, I am able to accept the idea that you don't agree.

On purpose or haplessly, Californians find themselves in 2009 fending off ravenous wolves from their doors as secretly organized deals are reached and/or talking points on behalf of the New World Order are practiced for the cameras. Take your pick. The damage is being done either way, and it's been a long time coming, so if officials didn't know, they should have known.

Click to enlarge chart and read few scribbly notes such as 'Mars quindecile Uranus' which Ricki Reeves gives as: driven toward stimulation and excitement; sexual expression may be erratic, irresponsible, or unpredictable; may be driven to shock others. This is the 'living on the edge' aspect (165 degr) of obsession-compulsion. (The Quindecile by Ricki Reeves.)

Why, it sounds like Hollywood, doesn't it?

As you see highlighted in green, LA's very creative, yet possibly drunken, Moon/Neptune opposition is intensely involved with an ongoing transit from puppetmaster Pluto in early Capricorn - you see that Uranus 2Can25 in 9th house is being opposed by tr Pluto which triggers LA's natal T-Square and forms with it a Grand Cross with Pluto the fourth point, the actor as transformative catalyst.

Is mighty Pluto showing his secret hand...or as I tend to think of them: secret claws...of the Dragon?

Here are a few *midpoint pictures of note from and affecting LA's birth chart:

Moon/Neptune = n Uranus: shock; change; upheaval; temperamental impulse.

Moon/Nep = tr Pluto: emotional upheaval; high sensitivity and an inclination to be easily influenced by others.

Therefore, another combo is formed...

Uranus/Pluto = Moon: bringing about changes by force; daring and audaciousness; determination; ambition; restlessness.

Uran/Plu = Neptune: insecurity and uncertainty; unfulfilled wishes; sympathy; a knowledge of human nature; fatigue; neuroses; deep study of a specialized subject.

Well, if I had more umph I'd check out the governor's natla chart along with the recent time period that transiting North Node (NN = an associative point of encounter which has the quality of guru Jupiter) was in contact with LA's Pluto 4AQ48 Rx.

But I do not, so I'll only mention that the tail of the Dragon, the South Node, swiped and is swiping LA's natal Midheaven of Public Standing and Career while its head (NN) contacted and points to the city's Ic (End of the Matter; Basis or Foundation.) Loss (SN) of career and public status (Mc.) 'Outstanding in one's field' can be another interpretation on a different level of manifestation.

The Basis of this Eclipse season for CA?

Pluto/NN contacts conjure the 'meetings with the powerful' smoke and mirrors that Politics thrives in...or should I say, 'lurks behind and beneath'?

This pattern gives a few pictures which seem to me to be of significance in the budget crisis...

Plu/NN = Eclipse Sun: the urge to impose one's will on others.

Plu/NN = Eclipse Moon: reaching for the big picture; making the scene emotionally; magnified ambition, or there is too much fear for any action.

The two mdpt pics above show the flavorings of the July 21 Solar Eclipse's Sun and Moon as transits to the previously exact Pluto/NN hook-up of April and early May, 2009 (tr NN 4AQ+.)

So if you, too, intuit that massive amounts of wealth are being transferred hence and piled up for high-handed reasons that we-the-people won't like when they're sprung upon us and our children, you're on my page, Sparkie.

California budget deal punishes the poor say recent headlines, and the anaretic-degreed July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse may be one of many culprits in bringing to public attention (Mc) California's dire financial conditions along with the waywardness of CA government officials.


*any, all, or none may apply; sources: Tyl; Ebertin.

Jun 18, 2009

Venus Occultation June 5, 2012: '16 Gemini'

A SO'W draft from June 8, 2009 has just been completed and published which doesn't move it up in the queue, so here's a link to Next Venus Occultation June 5, 2012 if you're curious about the year 2012.