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Showing posts with label SOTU 2007. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOTU 2007. Show all posts

Jan 23, 2007

David Petraeus Nov 7, 1952

It's been said that if anyone can improve the situation in Iraq, it's Gen. David Petraeus.
Here's his solar/sunrise chart for Nov 7, 1952. Wikipedia gives him as 'growing up in Cornwall on the Hudson, NY' but doesn't say he was born there. Of Dutch-American parents, his father was a 'sea captain' which may be inferred from Saturn (father) conjunct Neptune (the sea), among other things.
And with the sunrise's Sun/Moon 18Vir11, he will surely be an early mention in tonight's SOTU address by Bush, the man who appointed him with a hail-mary pass. And after wondering several weeks ago here on SO'W just who Jupiter was representing--Jupiter, the General--it is fairly safe to assume--given how things have played out with Bush's isolation and the Iraq War--that Petraeus, on some level, is Jupiter.
This may be supported by his natal Sun/Jupiter opposition--which certainly makes Petraeus a Jupiterian--but unfortunately, a Sun/Jup opposition indicates someone who tends to promise more than he can deliver.
Yet unless he was born a minute or so prior to midnight, his natal Sun-Moon personality blend is Sun Sco/Moon Cancer which may help him rein in his out-of-bounds tendencies (which include having Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars out-of-bounds making him exceptional--perhaps a thinker-out-of-the-box extraordinaire.)
With natal Mars exalted in Capricorn--an efficient and appropriately controlled placement for Mars to be--military authority has been his desire--now satisfied with promotion to General status.
And so we see that the mailed-fist-in-a-velvet glove combo of Sun Sco/Moon Can gives him resilience, courage, and an ability to "feel where things are at" and then to take appropriate action to do something about helping restore harmony.
Sounds great but rescuing Bush's Iraq mess will be the miracle of the century if he can help there--and will Bush take his advice? Will US politics will be more important in Washington?
And it must be the 'velvet glove' people respond to so easily since he seems to be well-liked by all who know him.
Here are the Images for Sun Sco/Moon Can:
A mother eagle defends her babies with immense courage...A mother passionately defends her delinquent child and pleads for a compassionate verdict...A surgeon develops life-saving methods. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas. and Suzy Harvery.)
Sounds like he's in the right profession and SO'W wishes him well in this massive save-America's-bacon task...just hope his overconfidence doesn't mirror that of George Bush.
Outside Petraeus' chart I have scribbled the transits for Jan 4, 2007, Sun conj Mc--when his commandership was announced and okayed by Bush. The operative midpoint of the day, however, was speculative, dreamy, philosophical Jupiter/Neptune....
Jup/Nep = Sun: speculation; irresponsibility; squadering of physical strength; the act of deceiving or being deceived; following a dream; potentially misguided states; feeling the spirit.
Jup/Nep = Mc: a visionary; a fortune-hunter; a speculator; a squaderer or spendthrift; harm or damage through thoughtlessness; potential for all kinds of self-indulgence.
(Note: there is some indication in his natal chart of alcoholism but hopefully that monkey resides the appropriate cage.)
Some of the above midpoint pictures may apply to Petraeus--or to those around him.)
Well, time is short today, m'peops, so I'll pick up later on Gen. Petraeus, plus, I'm sure you'll find more details on him in the blog entries of my esteemed colleagues!
There is, too, the SOTU address this evening...and the state of the union is deteriorating (whether Bush admits it or not--will he begin with the usual "strong" boast? Gerald Ford didn't!),...deteriorating just as bin Laden hoped it you ever wonder just which side Bush and pals are really on?
Midpoints pictures from: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; and Natal and Midpoint Directory, Dr. Noel Tyl.