A Saturnian YOD, a Selfish Republican Ploy, and a Merry Christmas! to Us
by Jude Cowell
After hours of watching political pundits and reporters talking on TV about how Speaker John Boehner will put up his 'Plan B' for a House vote today, I've been waiting to hear them answer their own queries: Why is Mr. Boehner wasting time (and our money) proposing Plan B when it won't pass the Democratic Senate?What is he up to?
If any pundits have mentioned or written about the reason for Plan B, I've missed it and believe the answer to the Mystery of Plan B is found in Boehner's remarks: that if Plan B isn't agreed to by President Obama, then HE will be the one who is "responsible" for the biggest tax increase" on the American people in US history...not Republicans who, it has been often said since the November re-election of Barack Obama, will be held responsible for driving our nation off the (artificially engineered) 'fiscal cliff' if the White House won't compromise.
He said it himself! So can Boehner's cynical political ploy be any clearer? Won't any political expert on my TV state the obvious? Does the good of the country figure into the deal for the GOP at all?
Well, I wanted to get that said before I popped but have little time today for Political Astrology blogging so I'll simply add a few notes: no matter what occurs in Washington DC today, all day the Sun (leadership) remains at 29Sag+ (29 = a crisis degree), with its Sabian Symbol for '30Sag': "The Pope Blessing the Faithful." Now I don't even want to go there. Where? Where the Vatican might have any say in America's budget/fiscal negotiations of 2012. You can't make me (!) but you might imagine for yourself.
And with the Moon (We the People; publicity) in Mars-ruled Aries today, tempers may flair. Plus, the Sun-Moon blend of energies may lend a smidgeon of flavor to whatever occurs this December 20, 2012:
Sun Sag-Moon Ari (double Fire = volatile, hot, dramatic) tends toward a dislike for details (maybe ALEC can write something for our bought-off 'lawmakers'--again), a neurotic need to be affirmed as "the biggest and best" (politics!), insensitivity when listening to others (if they listen at all), impatience, courage, and falling into black moods when things don't go their way.
And with a temporary YOD pattern between Moon-Jupiter-Saturn joining the current Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter Rx YOD, the planet on the 'hotseat' (YOD's apex) is constricting Saturn which happens to be conjoining President Obama's natal Neptune in Scorpio.
Now Alan Oken gives a Moon-Jupiter sextile as the 'ray of hope' aspect (I know, because there's one in my natal chart and he consulted with me on it)--and I believe I've heard that phrase used by pundits this week already though it seems impossible that Plan B is that hope--especially since the Moon-Jupiter sextile is the base of a YOD pointing to Saturn and to the president's natal Neptune.
The midpoint pictures the temporary YOD pattern creates may be quite revealing--see what you think:
Moon-Jupiter = Saturn: interference through outside restrictions; becoming distant from important emotions.
Moon-Jupiter = BHO's n Neptune: losing focus of objectives; success feels like its leaving one's grasp.
Well, I hope that President Obama doesn't 'lose the plot' and succumb to the GOP 'Plan B' attempt to make the White House the scape goat for America going off the 'fiscal cliff' come 12:00 am New Year's Day 2013. Besides, the public knows who's most to blame and their initials are GOP.
Oh, and the Harveys give two 'Images for Integration' in their Sun Sign-Moon Sign book to describe the Sun Sag-Moon Ari combo so I'll close with them and with two quotes from someone who shares the blend natally:
"He who would be King postpones the coronation for a trek through the Himalayas...A mature student discovers her political convictions and debating talents through confronting the corruption of academia." (Then she's got a lot of debating to do!)
"There was things which he stretched but mainly he told the truth."
"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
--Mark Twain (known for his black moods.)