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Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Nov 4, 2024

America's Chiron Return: The First and the Current

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As you may know, Election 2024 is occurring during America's current Chiron Return, a three-fer series that began April 20, 2024 (DC Horoscope shown, other dates listed).

Well, as the Cosmos has it - and since history tends to rhyme - America's very first Chiron Return/s (also a three-fer due to retrogradation) occurred in 1825 into 1826 @20Ari08 (as in 1776). The rounded-up degree's Sabian Symbol for "21 Aries" is "A Pugilist Entering the Ring." This word picture sounds like a contentious political campaign and subsequent election of a president, doesn't it? Or, make that selection.

Back in 1776, the pugilism obviously referred in large part to the then-ongoing American Revolution, what scofflaw Utopian anarchists are aiming to foment again - except that this time around, the 'maga' anarchists and their enablers represent economic royalists, aka, corporatists and wealthy elitists, and are not American patriots as some of them pretend to be.

So, considering that tomorrow is the very pivotal Election Day 2024, you may wish to read about the political events of 1825 and 1826 when the House of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams for the role. Why? Because no candidate received a majority of Electoral College Votes, a situation that may resemble conditions we face now in 2024, thanks to the current crop of Utopian anarchists who are fascistic and determined to complete the drive for world domination that their idol Herr Ad*lf began decades ago. The little dictator so wanted to coup America!

Well, in case a reader may wish to check out the horoscopes of America's very first Chiron Return/s of the wounded healer centaur, here's a tri-wheel of them so that the dates are readily available. For America's Horoscope, I've used the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA data (with Aries Point conjunct IC) but use whichever data you choose with mildly varying results from what you see here; Symbol information is penned on - negative expression because of the crude bullies our nation is currently infested with:

In closing, here are two additional factors to consider:

1. As with planetary returns, the July 4, 1776 aspects to Chiron repeat whenever Chiron returns to its 1776 degree. They are: squares from Sun and Mercury, a sextile from Mars, and an opposition from Saturn which is the more problematic aspect since it reveals issues with authority (monarchical) and with authenticity - you know, like we have now with bullies and crooks trying to take over leadership of our Ship of State and toss out the US Constitution We the People depend on.

2. If we relocate these first-ever Chiron Return charts for Washington DC, we find a few critical 29th degrees involved which will resonate with the current 29th degree condition of transit Pluto in governmental Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, planet of the law and order and our court system which the anarchists want to entirely dispense with and return America to some sort of a "wild west" free-for-all, with guns ablazin'.

Apr 9, 2024

Is History on Russia's Side?

From Khrushchev's Lips to Trump's Wide Girth

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When speaking about capitalist states in a speech at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956, Russian de facto leader Nikita Khrushchev famously said, "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you." Since then, the correct translation of his words has been in doubt in various quarters, as noted on the phrase's Wikpedia page.

Later, on August 24, 1963 in a speech he delivered in Yugoslavia, Khrushchev confided, "I once said, 'We will bury you', and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you." This refers to the Marxist saying, The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism (a quote from The Communist Manifesto).

Q: Are the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists being described here? We know their sedition campaign to collapse The Establishment, what they call the deep (Neptune) state (Saturn) is ongoing with more to come, so what do you think?

Now I'm pretty certain that if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment you know that the Saturn-Neptune duo can represent multiple concepts such as Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Marxism, and other -isms in political realms along with social safety net programs, ill and poor people, suffering, renunciation, and ascetism. I would add, a strugggle between idealism and materialism, secret government, and the pair's midpoint as the illness axis. (Notably, Trump was born with Saturn-Neptune = Ascendant: oppressive family circumstances.)

To Saturn-Neptune's Probable Manifestations, Reinhold Ebertin adds,

"+ Methodical execution of plans, slow attainment of success through intense activity and great painstaking effort.

- Painful or tormenting emotional inhibitions, undermining circumstances leading to a state of illness, neuroses or diseases with causes difficult to ascertain." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin #ad)

And so for your consideration, here's a bi-wheel of America July 4, 1776 5:09 m LMT Philadelphia (inner) surrounded by the next Great Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune on February 20, 2026 conjunct the Aries Point/IC with potentials for illness, wrong thinking, hysteria, and perhaps social safety net program issues which relate, of course, to the old grump about America as a socialist nation taking care of her needy citizens:

Now it's true that not all astrologers use a late afternoon July 4, 1776 Horoscope for America (which at the least symbolizes the date of the Declaration of Independence though not its first vote), but I've found the chart useful through the years with its Cardinal World Points of Global Events conjunct the MC-IC Angles of Why? and How?. So the chart I use in the bi-wheel, above, is set for Philadelphia at 5:09 pm LMT which places the highly significant Aries Point on the Foundation Point (IC).

Penned on the chart is the IC's Sabian Symbol: "A Woman Has Arisen From the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her." Naturally, e pluribus unum and America's Great Seal are suggested - at the Founding of our nation.

Plus, the inner horoscope also shows America's 1776 Saturn and Neptune straddling the Goal, Aspiration, Public Status Point ('MC'; @00Lib47) in the 9th and 10th houses, so the 2026 Conjunction symbolically opposes 1776 Saturn and Neptune, something of a Full Moon phase of culmination, full awareness, and/or fulfillment, if we wish to consider it as such.

And yes, astrologically it's all on the messy side, inexact to be exact, but as "they" always say, the proof will be in the pudding - once or before the next Great Conjunction of Saturn-Neptune rolls around.

For more financial and political details, here's an informative video, Marxism vs Communism, a Thom Hartmann interview with economist Richard Wolff from May 2019.

Aug 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump J6 Arraignment

August 3, 2024: It's Trump J6 Arraignment Day, a sad day in America but a happy day for democracy and the rule of law. Here's an unadorned horoscope set for today at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the hour scheduled for the arraignment in court of Donald J. Trump as per the August 1, 2023 indictment on four counts against him for his actions (not his words) leading up to and including the coup attempt against the US Congress on January 6, 2021 when, despite his lies, he knew he had lost the 2020 Presidential Election:

As you see, 5th house Jupiter in Taurus rules the 4:00 pm Ascendant and thus the arraignment in the Great Benefic's legal role as judge. Jupiter applies only to conjunction with 6th house Uranus, also in Taurus, suggesting that freedom is on the docket today so apparently, Trump will continue to roam free.

Then perhaps the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on April 20, 2024 @21Tau49, very near his natal Midheaven, will bring Trump another get-out-of-jail-free card, especially since his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine has always helped him skate away from trouble. Perhaps his mobster pals will help (the organized crime pair, Neptune-Pluto sextile). Still, nervousness, fatigue, uncertainty, and neurosis are part of the picture with the Uranus-Pluto trine bracketing subversive Neptune at IC, the Basis of the matter.

Another consideration is Trump's first natal planet to rise in the 4:00 pm chart, and that's his 4th house Moon in Sagittarius with its estranged conjunction to his South Node. Often, bad timing and fluctuating popularity are indicated by Moon-SN. No, Mommy didn't care for him and that's a very large emotional hole to fill using his brighter Sun-NN conjunction in natal 10th house of Career with his radical Uranus in Gemini, the chatty sign of duplicity and multiplicity.

Now there are other planetary factors of note, of course, but I leave it for you, dear reader, to decide for yourself from this 'keepsake' horoscope of first-evers!

Mar 28, 2022

America, Jupiter-Saturn, Pluto, 00AQ00

Is The Great Eye of Horus Still Watching Over America?

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've noticed that America's July 4, 1776 Jupiter-Saturn Square from Cancer to Libra is a major cosmic condition established during our nation's founding era. So when societal planets Jupiter and Saturn form a prominent aspect by transit, our country's Jupiter-Saturn Square tends to mitigate such temporary transiting influences, positively or negatively.

Clues are contained within the square between the two planets for they indicate potentials for:

Beginning new endeavors before completing previous ones; fluctuation between consolidation (Saturn) of previous achievements and the expansion (Jupiter) of energy into new areas; restlessness. On the intellectual plane, their square implies inner moral conflicts (A. Oken) or a clashing of Jupiterian ideals and ideologies with Saturnian principles and laws which should be an attempt to find balance (expansion vs restriction).

Other possibilities of the square include financial, business, and professional difficulties due to unfortunate circumstances, faulty planning, poor judgment, or through a lack of opportunity. Plus, bad timing and feelings of oppression may occur, especially during times when the square, US Jupiter @6Cancer, or US Saturn @15Libra, are activated by transit and/or progression.

Yet since astrological Jupiter, acting so often in his role as the Great Benefic, can sometimes 'grease the skids' toward negative outcomes, perhaps it isn't always such a negative cosmic condition that Americans have had to deal with since our nation's founding, for the square's blocking function can apply much needed brakes to an overly optimistic proposal or situation!

Jupiter-Saturn Cycle: A New Societal Order

Now as you know, the current (appr 20-year) Jupiter-Saturn Cycle began on December 21, 2020 with their Conjunction @00AQ29 and happened to conjunct US Inaugural Sun, therefore, a midpoint picture formed, as we've previously discussed. This cosmic synchronicity directly 'ties in' the US Presidency to the beginning of this particular new societal order until the next Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on October 31, 2040 @17Lib56.

Coming Soon: April 4, 2022 Mars-Saturn Conjunct in Aquarius

So on April 4, 2022 (in a few days), comes a Mars-Saturn Conjunction @22AQ24. Round up for "23AQ" and we have "A Big Bear Sitting Down And Waving All Its Paws," a cosmic word picture for Russia, and Mars-Saturn noted for its connection to the 'death axis' of destruction (R. Ebertin) - obviously a reflection of Putin's war against Ukraine. Curiously, the previous Mars-Saturn Conjunction perfected on March 31, 2020 - @00AQ39. This is yet another cosmic condition during Year 2020 which was chocked full of great difficulties for America and the world, not the least of which is the fact that the year began with the Great Conjunction of the harsh, compressive, warmongering, health-destroying duo of Saturn-Pluto, a meeting which occurs approximately every 33 years.

The Jupiter-Saturn Duo in Government

Checks and balances; changes in governmental religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; the serious side of law and justice; too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems; and/or pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers' (Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad).

The Tower Tarot Card #16; Enchanted Tarot Deck

Meanwhile, if we look toward a past Solar Eclipse, the one I've termed The Tower Eclipse of 2018 for its 'collapse and rebuild' theme, what do we find but activist malcontent planet Mars, the warrior, @00AQ19! So that's a Mars-to-POTUS-Sun transit with you-know-who, the 'builder of towers', in the Oval Office at that time. This transit represents a surge of machismo along with increased anger and possibly feverish conditions. Temper temper, little man!

Then looking forward, we have little if any option to avoid considering a major Universal shift of energies when transit Pluto Conjuncts 00AQ00 in 2023 and 2024 and the tranformative effects of such a shift, having last occurred in 1777, and possibly relating to the ending of 'The New Order of the Ages' that America's founders set up. However, there's a Caution: The midpoint picture shown in the post contains difficult potentials so only the bravest of daring readers should follow the link.


From Back in the Olden Days Comes a Previously Published Historical Horoscope of The Founding of the Federal City 1791.

Mar 16, 2022

Zelenskyy to US Congress: Midpoint Pix

March 16, 2022

As you know, and perhaps watched, this morning at 9:00 am edt (began @9:06 am edt), Ukraine's President Zelenskyy virtually addressed the US Congress and the Ameircan people from an undisclosed location in Kiev, Ukraine. He mentioned, as previously reported, that Ukraine will not be joining NATO but asked that a no-fly zone over Ukraine be established (President Biden says, no, this would mean all-out war between Russia and the US), and for more weapnonry and aide. More military and humanitarian aide he is and will be receiving, and President Biden will speak shortly before noon today, last I heard.

Now today my real life environment is busy but I felt compelled to prepare a page displaying the midpoint pictures and a few astro-notes for you of 9:06 am edt and 9:23 am edt on Capitol Hill, Washington DC. Hopefully, you will be able to read them, below. If not, please enlarge the image or print it.

A stand-out is a midpoint picture with Neptune, planet of the masses and of mass media, which veils the incendiary Mars-Uranus midpoint and suggests potentials for "pushing for change" (M. Munkasey), and "people with bad intentions; overtaxed strength" (R. Ebertin). Sounds correct to me.

Another midpoint picture listed on the chart (apex Jupiter highlighted in green) is Mercury-Neptune = Jupiter: 'harboring great hopes; an actor or poet' (Ebertin). Perhaps we can agree that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the speaker, is playing the role of thespian Jupiter on such a level. Meanwhile, planet of oration and negotiation, Mercury @10Pis33/37, remains in the 11th house and happily, Mercury is Direct - as is the money bags planet of politicians, corporatists, and broadcasters, generous Jupiter in compassionate Pisces. Thus we see the outpouring of aide and support for the Ukrainain people.

Now as you see, while President Zelenskyy spoke, radical Uranus, planet of war, revolt, and upheaval, arose as the Ascendant morphed from 7Tau35 to 13Tau37, and to me this suggests the Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on US Inauguration Day 2021. Conjunct US Inauguration Ascendant (@14Taurus = Oath of Office), unpredictable, upsetting, inflammatory, and/or unusual or erratic events are and have been the case for the Biden presidency. And with starry Menkar rising, we find that all presidents are expected to 'say what needs to be said'. And yet with Uranus rising, there's a potential for great coping ability!

As for House changes, there are two: Sun in Pisces moved from the hidden 12th house to the 11th house of Groups and Wishes, and Saturn - conjunct Nemesis - moved from 11th house to the more visible 10th house of Public Status and the World Stage. At this moment, I'll venture no speculation on what this entails.

But I will add that the rising position of Uranus in Taurus opposes what is generally considered to be the natal Venus in Scorpio of Mr. Putin and this transit at least partially describes the unexpected reactions and criticisms Putin garnered for his cruel invasion of Ukraine. This transit marks a period when agreements made are broken, and joint ventures are subject to change and separation. Vlad thought a take-over would be easy but the Ukrainian people proved him wrong!

Okay, so I'll hush for now with the hope that the following information may be useful to you, or that it is at least somewhat interesting:

Feb 27, 2022

A Lost Atlantis: Archetype of America

The Lost City of Atlantis; public domain image

Is America Lost? Or Only Preparing to Rise?

by Jude Cowell

Everyone knows the story of the Myth of the Island of Atlantis, its abuse, misuse, and overuse of power, sinking disastrously into the ocean, and at some glorious future point rising like a mythological phoenix from the ashes. So what do you think? Was the phoenix archetype played out on and after the attacks of 9/11? Did 'The Tower' Eclipse of 2018 add to the cosmic picture of a smoldering America, struggling to rise, with her rebuilding now hindered by adversarial authoritarians following a peculiar agenda?

Well, I must say that if 500 years is the measure of a mythological phoenix crashing, burning, and rising, then America at 256 years old in 2022 is only a little over halfway there!

Now astronomically, Atlantis #1198 was first discovered at the Heidelberg Observatory by astronomer Karl Reinmuth on September 7, 1931 with minor planet Atlantis Rx @27Pis52 and parallel science-oriented Uranus, planet of futurism and technology, then in Aries, and aka, the 'Sky God' in olden days. A parallel compares to a strong conjunction, as you know.

Plus, we've discussed Atlantis before on SO'W way back in 2017, the first year that Tr*mp was refusing to understand or honor the limits of his presidential power, breaking rules, traditions, and laws at every turn. Unrepentent, he got worse, as you know, and now refuses to keep his gob shut although a deposition or two may come along for him soon. If so, he'll probably clam up and hide behind the 5th Amendment. Someone should show him the mash-up videos of his multitude of criticisms of folks who plead the 5th Amendment - they're "mobsters," he said. Well, yes. So he will reveal himself to be, if he "pleads the 5th".

So! If Atlantis, Archetype of America is a topic that interests you, a previous post might do so as well for it contains links to the natal chart of Sir Francis Bacon, author of the book, The New Atlantis, and one of the prime puppeteers behind the funding and setting up of the 'New World' here in America, the controversial mystery of Queen Elizabeth I possibly being Sir Bacon's Mummy (crazy!), and other related goodies:

A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Now let's close with the rounded-up degree and Sabian Symbol of Atlantis's discovery degree, plus, the Symbol for its Zodiacal position as I type, both from Marc Edmund Jones:

Atlantis Discovery September 7, 1939: "28Pisces": "A Fertile Garden Under a Full Moon": Keyword - ULTIMACY; positive expression: high reward in worldly goods and exceptional integrity in using them; negative expression: irritating pride of possession."

Atlantis Today February 27, 2022: "18Sagittarius": "Tiny Children in Sunbonnets" - Keyword: INNOCENCE; positive expression: a continual and complete protection of self through its exploration of its own potentials and exploitation of its oppotunities; negative expression: witless retreat to a wholly infantile self-assertiveness."

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones #ad

Jan 27, 2022

The US Perpetual Union Horoscope 1781

Our Perpetual Union Horoscope with Stars and Asteroids

by Jude Cowell

Because the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were ratified on February 2, 1781, it is constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union. Should someone remind fasc*st Republican sore heads and the neo-naz*s who now try to destroy America's Perpetual Union of this fact? Not that they would care. They prefer to float through a fantasy world of their own design.

However, yours truly prefers realism which includes Saturnian Astrology, so here goes:

A few months ago we discussed the February 2, 1781 US Perpetual Union Horoscope set for a speculative 5:00 pm LMT Annapolis, Maryland, an hour I found online. Tonight I'm happily publishing a more accurately timed horoscope, same date and location, set for 2:37 pm LMT as provided by historian-astrologer Gary Lorentzen (see his vimeo link, below). Planetary contacts with fixed stars are notated on the chart along with a few positions of asteroids on that historic day.

So on February 2, 1781 at 2:37 pm in Annapolis, 15Can51 arose and you'll find the three applying Ptolemaic aspects of chart-ruler Moon listed, lower left corner (in money sign Taurus), plus, a few details concerning the Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend of conscious and unconscious energies are penned on, upper right; note that Adlai Stevenson was born under this blend so his famous quote is added: "A hungry man is not a free man":

As you see, The Goal Point ('MC' = Midheaven) has gold-loving MIDAS atop it @26Pis17, while a Sun-Saturn sextile indicates leaders (Sun) who are good managers (Saturn) of resources. A YOD pattern (crisis; crossroads; special purpose) with the Sun-Saturn sextile forming its base is marked but not listed as such since technically it has no third planet, only the 1781 Ascendant (@15Can51 which turned out to be the 1942 Ascendant of our money pit of a Pentagon, and also the position of US Jupiter Rx by progression). Anyway, as a midpoint picure, I've listed "caution" as a primary potential for Sun-Saturn = ASC. A streak of Saturnian conservatism is indicated.

Spotlighted in green, is financier and politician Jupiter, the Great Benefic, @25Sco12, as apex of the Venus-Neptune midpoint, with the picture's deceptive potentials penned on the chart, lower right. Now as you know, like Taurus, Scorpio is also a money sign of Big Business (and spying!) and the Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests that secrets were afoot. The Syzygy Moon of this event @5AQ00 conjoined wealth-hoarder (or even spymaster) Pluto (New Moon exact on January 24, 1781) so a critical time of development is suggested.

So in closing, perhaps a reader or two may be interested in leaving an on-topic, name-tagged observation concerning this 1781 Historical Horoscope, or the event the planets describe, and this would be an encouraging development for the continuance of Stars Over Washington! jc

A Recommended Presentation is the US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 by Gary Lorentzen.

Jan 24, 2022

2023 to 2027 and Washington DC

Focusing on June 2023

by Jude Cowell

Since creating Stars Over Washington in 2005, I've always considered transits, progressions, and planetary returns affecting our nation by using one or more of the various 1776 horoscopes for America but the the 12:00 am LMT Washington DC Horoscope of May 3, 1802 reveals a significant transit as an example of upcoming issues and concerns.

Naturally, rather than a mere post, an e-book would have to be written and published in order to contain and discuss all the upcoming transits of note over the next few years, for as the Cosmos would have it, a mixture of both positive and negative transits and contacts are and will be indicated. Well, I can't do this so what you see displayed is a bi-wheel horoscope of one major transit with the outer transit chart set for June 5, 2023 (exact at 12:37:03 pm edt) showing transit Uranus @20Tau27 opposing DC's 1802 Neptune @20Sco27 Rx in 10th house at 12:00 am LMT.

Now as you know, Uranus = Science, and Neptune = Faith and Ideals and these energies may play out in general terms in light of the reciprocal transit in 2026 into 2027 when transit Neptune opposes DC's 1802 Uranus. This reveals a time frame (2023 --2027) and a wider view that we should keep in mind as major shifts, changes, and reforms occur in the USA, or are proposed and rebuffed. Yet we must be aware that a longterm plan by China and Russia is now in pain sight and intends to topple America from global leadership, thus forming a 'new world order' of authoritarianism, as Russia threatens to invade Ukraine territory again.

Astrologically in the US, transit Pluto @00AQ05 Rx on June 5, 2023 has finally reached the January 20th degree of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS Oath of Office) - which is also the December 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn so here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning this topic which may be of a timely interest:

Years 2023 and 2024: Reform and Rebellion

Possibilities for 2020 Jupiter-Saturn = 2023/2024 Pluto include: 'a total reversal of plans; extreme changes; intense business activity; violent changes/reforms; restriction; separation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; fearlessness; control of the situation' (N. Tyl; R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey). Ebertin adds a footnote to this picture that it can lead to "enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered." Oh yes, it certainly does have to be considered.

Reinhold Ebertin also identifies the Jupiter-Saturn duo as possibly representing entities such as, "professors and teachers of law, clergymen, politicians, government officials, civil servants of the administration, relatives, and/or fellow tenants." Biological Correspondences: "organic defects (ex: tuberculosis), a chronic disease; functions of the gall and the liver." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; #ad.)

Related: Horoscope: Putin's First Inauguration of 2000.

Dec 18, 2021

Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion

by Jude Cowell

Saturday December 18, 2021

With a chunk of the US population suffering from the negative effects of what Dr. Carl Jung termed, "delusional ideas," a look at certain astrological implications might reveal what lurks beneath and within the veil. For this I'm using a US Horoscope, a July 4, 1776 version, which I may never have published here before but there's a reason: the Moon falls @23AQ12 which moves the mundane Moon (We The People) closer than in most other July 4th charts to an inconjunct with nebulous Neptune (@22Vir24). Plus, Neptune is rising at 10:36 am LMT, (as you see, below) which places US Mars @21Gem11 conjunct Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal, our warrior selves), making our national Mars-Neptune square Angular, thus prominent and active.

Now as you remember, America's natal Mars-Neptune square is well known for causing problems domestically and abroad, not the least of which involve the Neptunian realms of The Unconscious which tend toward inspiration on a good day - the Divine Source - but may often bring delusion, deception, confusion, corruption, misunderstanding, weakness, erosion, loss, and/or disappointment. Plus, misguided actions, misdirected energy, self-destructive motivation, and 'the fog of war' can so easily result from the mishandling of a Mars-Neptune square. And has. After all, refusing to deal with reality makes eventual self-destruction almost a certainty - unless we pull out of it. So let's look at --

A Moon-Neptune Veil Within and Surrounding America

"Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of 'unreal' thoughts." - Dr. Carl Jung, speaking about America which he identified as prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" and this is where we find ourselves today - with enemies who take advantage of our weakened condition, purposefully made worse by saboteurs.

But We The People do not have to accept this even though the erosion began years ago, much of it with the 1981 Inauguration of Reagan. But it's only now that a greater number of citizens recognize the significance of our psychological/emotional problems and the practical issues that illusion and delusion impact in 'the real world' - delusions such as 'Neoliberalism', financial scam that it is. For as you know, facing our monsters realistically in the light of day is the only way to vanquish them, otherwise they grow and multiply. Which means that we have approximately 2/3 of the US population able and willing (?!) to engage!

Now you've probably read articles about this topic such as Salon's December 14, 2021 piece by Nicole Karlis tentatively entitled, Is America experiencing mass psychosis? to which I must answer, Yes - too many of us are, about one third. And transit Neptune - floating through its own sign of shady Pisces since 2012 - and within orb of opposing US Neptune in Virgo since 2019 - has not helped psychological conditions or the health of the Neptunian Collective Unconscious at all. And of course, contagious Neptune in Pisces is a cosmic signature attributed to the Republican Party of 1854.

In addition, astrological Neptune is known as the planet of the masses and of mass media whose members so often promote the deceptive propaganda and the gaslighting that corrupt politicians and their enablers depend upon for waging political campaigns, staying in office, and lining their pockets, perhaps by fraudulent schemes. You know how they do.

So for this particular study of mass delusion, aka, mass psychosis or "delusional ideas" of folks living in fantasyland, let's consider the duo of Moon (the people, the public, public mood, public trends) and Neptune (the masses, delusion, deception, creativity, inspiration, spirituality, the urge to merge). Of course, the Moon-Pluto pair ('public; psychology/ manipulation') is also involved but for brevity's sake, let's focus this post on Moon-Neptune which also relates to the current state in the US of Evangelicals and other religious types longing for Theocracy in America, but that's a Neptunian topic quite beyond the scope of this post.

Horoscope: America (via Zip Dobyns) set for July 4, 1776 10:36 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

Highlighted in green is a YOD pattern ('Finger of God': a special task, turning point, crisis, karmic opportunity, and/or health issues); the YOD/s are penned, upper right, and notated with a few midpoint picture potentials within the YOD/s which involve 'deception of the people, misguided imaginations, and/or erroneous judgments based on feelings'. Naturally, taking action based on 'gut feelings' is implied while logic and reason are bypassed. Such tendencies in the American character have been taken advantage of for decades (or centuries!) but the current crop of politicians and political operatives in the US have taken such exploitation to a higher (lower) level, a 'professional' level for those who take Moon-Neptune conditions as having anything to reveal about mass delusion, fantasy worlds, and erroneous judgments based on incorrect perceptions and assumptions.

Plus, when the Moon is apex planet in a YOD pattern, faulty assimilation of impressions is a major issue and out-of-tune reactions are typical. But with the Moon's traditional role as a timing device (as is a YOD), we can hope that Luna's fluctuating nature helps lead to a destined change at just the right moment so that freedom from the negative images of the past can occur and the basic needs of the populace allows nurturing so that the interests of the weaker among us are uplifted. I believe the Moon's positive course is what our Democratic president represents because with 'the old guy', we'd still be stuck at the crossroads of the YOD, unsure which path to take while fearing that destructive 'solutions' and events were America's only possibilities. We can leave the orange menace behind - unless a well-deserved mugshot turns up!

Now as you see, the horoscope's ruler is the 10th house Mercury Rx (Rx because Mercury, planet of signing, documents, negotiations, oration, and planning) signifies that the Founders actually completed signing the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776 with Mercury direct, a better cosmic condition than a retrograde Mercury. Therefore, the August 2nd signing was in a sense a "do-over" (Rx).

So it's the sextile between Mercury and Neptune that forms the base of the YOD pattern/s (Mercury also sextiles the Virgo Ascendant which is not technically a YOD but the midpoint picture of 'Mercury-ASC = Moon' still applies). See lower left, for brief notes on the Mercury-Neptune sextile involving tendencies toward obfuscation, fantasy-infused thinking vs practicality or pragmatism, and denotes those with a 'talent for hypnosis'. You'll remember the troubles We The People have - are having - with fantasy-prone, truth-challenged Herr Tr*mp's natal Mercury-Neptune square making things even worse than they have to be. Of course, he's known for his controversial rhetoric filled with lies, misperceptions, and the ability to instigate angry people into taking action. That's people who have soaked up his negative emotions - with little if any thought for the consequences.

Then if we progress this chart to Election Day 2024, we find a Moon-Neptune opposition which suggests veils of illusion, clouds of delusion, misguided perception, foggy thinking, falsehoods, and gullible folk who accept whatever tall tales they're told.

Because basically, Moon-Neptune denotes potentials for subconscious phenomena, refined, feelings, over-sensitivity, faulty assimilation, strange notions, fanciful imaginings, exploitation, disturbed awareness or consciousness, vivid dream experiences, but also sympathy (R. Ebertin). Yet separating real from unreal is a difficulty for those heavily influenced by this planetary pair, and self-confidence tends to be either lacking or may express in an off-and-on manner.

Then a glance at the planets on Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th, 8:00 am est; notated lower right) and - what are the chances? - a transiting Moon-Neptune square turns up (28Sag/27Pisces) as voting begins (at 8:00 am in most locations) which suggests potentials for: 'hallucinations, misinformation-disinformation' (campaign propaganda and promises), 'misplaced blame, misunderstandings, falsehoods, mistakes, peculiar dreams, cloudy perception, deception toward society, and confused emotions'. Yes, media disinformation is suggested as well with the square, broadcasts that we all may hear but don't have to act upon, and there's a potential for large numbers of voters not turning up - or, for a large (Neptune) blue wave (Moon) to block (square) Republicans' 'success-at-any-cost' tactics and dirty tricks (the party's Neptune in Pisces).

As for the 1776 inconjunct (or, quincunx) it's possible that activist Mars @21Gemini conjunct MC aids the Moon-Neptune inconjunct by trining the Moon. This can indicate that not every American is prone or gullible to such mass delusion (ex: crazy conspiracy theories), a very good thing you'll agree. Or at least, reason and logic still can have a chance with them! Meanwhile, 'imaginary patriotism' may shelter underneath the Moon-Neptune umbrella as well and we've certainly seen evidence of it expressed plentifully by our fantasy-led crowd of insurgents and the pretenders of the political class who gaslight them - and gaslight all of us if we allow it.

So in closing, it would be remiss not to add for you the Moon-Neptune duo in Politics and Business as listed by master astrologer Michael Munkasey in Hegelian Dialectic form in his book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad). You'll note that Luna's traditional connection with food, nutrition, and sustenance plays a part:

"Thesis: Production of chemicals, oil, food, or manufactured goods; dreams about agricultural produce, production, or policy; a leadership which heeds the opinions and emotional climate of its constituents" (in order to manipulate them or better serve them? - jc).

"Antithesis: Delusion about the popular support for current policies; an inability to utilize information about the moods of the people when setting the courses of actions; scandals involving production or other quotas."

So do check out the Moon-Neptune combo of energies in any version of the US chart you prefer. For one, the 'Powell Horoscope" of July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA shows no YOD but does show a Moon-Neptune trine (7A05) from Moon @15Cap16 in 1st house to 8th house Neptune Rx @20Vir22 (ASC 6Cap07) suggesting the possibility of feminine influences upon the proceedings, and positive benefits from the spiritual realms for those receptive to such higher vibrations, and these are cosmically supported by America's Neptune-Pluto trine of 1776.

Aug 15, 2021

Will the Authoritarians & Their Useful Idiots Win? - Thom Hartmann

Sunday August 15, 2021: Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann on Why do Conservatives want America to fail?

This disturbing topic always brings to mind Grover Norquist and his urge to 'shrink the US government so small it can be drowned in a bath tub' - which was an urge and a promise! Because: is America drowning now? For decades the GOP and its wealthy backers and enablers have been quite successful 'hollowing out' our country so that such a question must now be asked. However, I suspect that few if any people in Grover's day realized how deeply the white-supremacist-neo-fascist crowd would be involved, as we now see so starkly. Or maybe they did but they weren't telling.

So here's another Thom Hartmann segment that was shared here way back in 2016: The Republican Plan: Destroy America, Let Corporations Rule which follows the Republican model of: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And although Benito Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in the 1930s, his promotion of the link between corporatism and fascism can be disputed.

Even so, the accuracy of the equation has certainly turned out to be the case.

Links of interest may include:

Authoritarianism and Useful Idiot. And here's a previous post concerning Mussolini's fascist party seen through the 'cosmic blinks' of an Eclipse Timeline.

And we may as well add a little something about the socialism that Republicans pretend to dread even though it's been with us all along:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism." - Chief Justice Earl Warren

Don't they though?

Also see: Hey America: You Already Have Democratic Socialist Programs - and the list is long!

Jul 2, 2021

How Dark Money Defeated America (w/ Prof. Richard Wolff) - Thom Hartmann (plus, US Solar Return 2021)

An Under-Seige America but We Squeaked By Another Year!

Friday July 2, 2021: This week as I work on a Forensic Astrology topic and its horoscopes for my patreon subscribers, not a lot of Political Astrology is happening. With the July 4th holiday upcoming I wish all Americans a Happy Independence Day 2021! and point readers toward a previous post US Solar Return 2021 showing two YOD patterns of karmic opportunity and We The People's natal Moon in independence-loving Aquarius rising!


Image: Why not Celebrate! our country squeaking by?; pencil on paper.

And as always, you're invited to drop by my portfolio of drawings @Jude Cowell Art.

Jun 19, 2021

August 2027 Solar Eclipse: System Failure

Saturday June 19, 2021: It's a brand new National Holiday today, America's first in 40 years! Yet a GOP congress member is grousing about it. Expectable, yes, but shamefully begrudging nonetheless. Apparently his fragile white ego feels somehow lessened by the recognition!

Another Issue: the 11 South Solar Eclipse of 2027

With company coming this weekend, my typing time today must be brief so I'll simply post the following Solar Eclipse Horoscope of August 2, 2027 with my study notes penned on and a mention of my primary fret: that its 11 South themes of 'old ideas and methods fail, new systems are needed to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' suggest a failure of govermental, financial, and/or social systems in America, and perhaps around the globe. Because you see, such difficult results could be consequences of current and recent events as finagled by opponents and enemies of the United States and spearheaded by the anti-democratic Republican Party:

(11 South themes: Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. #ad)

Nov 2, 2020

US Moon-Pluto Cycle: zealous fanatics fighting evil!

A Cosmic Clock of Karma: Crisis-Ridden America's Moon-Pluto Cycle

by Jude Cowell

In Summer 1776, our Declaration of Independence was the prominent event when America's Moon-Pluto Cycle began with their real-time Conjunction @27Cap35:44 on July 2, 1776 (3:55:44 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). This planetary pairing describes intense events of the day such as battling for control of the country against a dictatorial British monarch, the king's intolerable restrictions and laws, and the imposition of occupying troops leading to brutal acts. Intense responses of men and women who came to be called Patriots ensued, also under Moon-Pluto influences in the governmental, legal, and business sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn which, along with other difficult influences, rendered depressive Moon-Pluto-Saturn vibes of loss and grief to the American Revolutionary era and often the need to 'regroup forces and plan anew' (Tyl).

Now last I heard, that cosmic clock still ticks so we might expect related conditions and events to exist in our era most noticeably when activated into expression by the various aspects within the Moon-Pluto Cycle, with conjunctions, squares, quincunxes, and oppositions to 27Cap35 suggesting periods of manifestation in the physical world. Plus, as you know, Secondary Progressions (particularly of the SP Moon) are a good timing method for gaining evolutionary information for whatever date we choose and today I choose the event-filled month of October 2020 based on America's Secondary Progressed ('SP') Conjunction of Moon-Pluto @29Cap20, a critical-crisis 29th degree. Sabian Symbol for '30Capricorn' = "A Secret Business Conference": "OPPORTUNITY" (Jones); EXECUTIVE POWER (Rudhyar). Its Illumination Point (opposite degree/unconscious) is: '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution": INHERITANCE (Jones); GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST (Rudhyar).

Potential expressions of the intense Moon-Pluto pairing are listed, below, and here you can view or re-view a DC Horoscope of America's SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction which perfected on October 15, 2020. Note that the SP chart I've used issues from America's July 4, 1776 horoscope set for 5:09 pm LMT with Aries Point conjunct IC, its foundation point. Of course, progressing other US charts would give slightly different timings but I'll leave that up to you, dear reader.

For real-world context, here's a handy Timeline of Trump Events for October 2020, many if not all of which show Moon-Pluto (Saturn) influences. And, speaking of our SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction, you'll remember that Trump backed out of the second debate with Joe Biden - scheduled for October 15th! I'll go ahead and say that Moon-Pluto-Saturn concerns were heavily involved with the virus-infected Trump's turn-tail behavior along with his typically short-sighted political considerations of the moment. And curiously enough, the very moment of the SP Conjunction on October 15th (see horocope linked, above), transits shows karmic Saturn @25Cap+ leading the Capricorn Trio and approaching the Moon-Pluto duo (29Cap20) which echoes the Moon-Pluto-Saturn trio of influences (off and on starting in 1776) and denotes emotional and mental suffering, and grave inhibitions. So perhaps even hotheaded Trump recognized a need to 'regroup forces and plan anew'. After his disastrous performance in the first debate, he was afraid of defeat so he chose retreat.

So here are some of the positive and negative cosmic influences of the Moon-Pluto pair (with Saturnian undertones chocked full of karma) that relate to our Revolutionary era and to current conditions and events.

Potentials of the Moon-Pluto Cycle in Politics, Business, Biology (in no particular order):

Feeling that evil must be fought no matter how drastically living conditions must be altered in order to do so; fanatical zeal; a craving for power and control; a highly creative pairing with a tranformative or regenerative quality; powerful women; intense emotional feelings and/or outbursts (ex: rage); clinging to destructive relationships or conditions, or, a tendency to let the past die; drastic mood variations; expressing sterile sentiments; obsessions that lead to a misuse of resources (exs: a border wall; expensive golfing trips); popular promises such as ending war or waste; public opinions on war, crime, and/or internal secrecy; panic, ungrounded or free-floating fears, hysteria; people from broken homes; babies born out of wedlock; rituals of purification; offended vanity or conceit; rash actions; risky behavior; jealousy; anger; making or enforcing drastic changes or reforms; overbearing conduct with women; reversals; alterations in the domestic sphere; doubts about how to control criminal or terrorist activities; life-after-death interests; hoarding trash; touchy emotions about how others evaluate degraded practices; compassion for victims of immoral practices or criminal elements. (Munkasey; Tyl; R. Ebertin; JC.)

Biologically the duo relates to the metabolism, blood disease, toxemia, fluid retention, and cancer.

Feel free to add more Moon-Pluto potentials in a comment if you're so inclined!

Above Image: NASA's portrait of planet Pluto.

Oct 9, 2020

DC Horoscope: US Ceres Return December 2020

October 9, 2020: Below is the DC Horoscope of America's Ceres Return of December 20, 2020. As you know, in Astrology asteroid-archetype Ceres is associated with food supplies, grains, milk, nurturing, The Mother (including Earth), and, as I often use it here, democracy. December 20, 2020 is actually the third of three exact returns to natal degree (8Pis41--see chart, upper, for the dates) of US Ceres which also happened (on July 4, 1776) to have been conjunct the transiting midoint of Plutocracy, Pluto-Chiron (8Pis20). Visions of control and exploitation come to mind, and as you see in the center of the horoscope, the forceful often brutal Mars-Pluto midpoint conjuncts our Ceres on December 20th suggesting toxins in our food supply. In the realms of biology and health, Mars-Pluto relates to potentials for organ replacement, toxemia, high fevers, an overactive pituitary gland, cell regeneration, and/or tumors (Ebertin). And to me it seems that food additives continue to be in the spotlight and democracy is under seige (Mars-Pluto = Ceres) as we already know that it is.

Ceres in 11th house suggests humanitarianism so food shortages and supply chain difficulties may continue to be in the news and cause trouble within the sphere of our country's social safety net. Childen go hungry in America yet as you know, Pisces is the sign of compassion but can also suggest shady goings-on and/or disapppointment.

To close, I'll paraphrase from Emma Belle Donath's book Asteroids in the Birth Chart (revised) concerning Chiron in Pisces and end with a quote:

Philosophical and religious issues are narrowed to the core of their meaning and applied to everyday lives. The essence of information is distilled, intuition is used in a practical way, and all experiences are analyzed impersonally. "This may esoterically be called the sorrow before the spring."

Image: US Ceres Return #3 of 3; December 20, 2020 @2:44:24 pm est Washington DC; Hour of an out-of-bounds Mercury at a critical 29th degree conjunct the Sun; Venus leads the tilt of a BOWL shape from 7th house and as chart-ruler (ASC: Taurus) makes only (irritating) minor applying aspects (health; money; relationships); Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused by illness; religious and social fanaticism' (Ebertin):

Sep 21, 2020

Will Donald Trump Destroy America? (w/ Sarah Kendzior) - Thom Hartmann

With deep regret as a Child of the Revolution, I must admit that the orange saboteur and his comrades are in process of destroying America as I type:
My best advice: Resist Nazism and its evils in America and #VoteBlue2020
And please keep in mind that the Nazi Rise to Power Solar Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros series with themes that include: "being forcful and taking power" and "huge effort in some group activity" (Brady). May the huge effort be ours.
My thanks to Thom Hartmann for his years of excellent work.

Mar 10, 2020

Is America on Edge of Recession? (w/ Richard Wolff)

March 10, 2020: here's an insightful discussion of the US economy and its current challenges between economics Professor Richard Wolff and the always informative Thom Hartmann:

Neptune in Astrology: Contagion, Erosion, Corruption, Deception, and Secrets

Now I don't know about you, but I'm ready to give urge-to-merge Neptune floating through contagious Pisces some very loud boos. Besides, you know that Pisces is also the sign of fragile health and of course seniors and folks with underlying medical conditions are most at risk of succumbing to Covid-19. Our financial prospects are being undermined now as well and recessive conditions are a mark of Neptunian activities. Other planets are doing damage, too, but it's Neptune in Pisces I'm fussin' about at the moment.

So when can we look forward to transit Neptune leaving its own sign of watery Pisces and entering fiery Aries? Not until the very end of March 2025 for about 6 months or so. Then the Gaseous Giant meanders back into Pisces the third week of October 2025 and makes her final crossing of the Aries Point during the last week of January 2026 where she'll laze about in Aries, to-ing and fro-ing, until 2039.

Besides contagion, infection, fear, and paranoia, Neptune in Pisces has brought to the Collective surface interests in mysticism, psychism, ghosts, seances, UFOs, divine inspirations, perceptions from higher realms, Astrology, cravings of all sorts (particularly for drugs), loss, vagueness, ocean changes, floods and mega-storms, bubbles (including economic ones), deceptions, delusions, illusions, disappointments, pathological tendencies, hypersensitivity, and/or pessimism--to name a few.

Considering Neptune's 164-year cycle, it feels as if long-term karma has left its calling card for humanity.

However, with Neptune in Aries we may expect a continuation of hypersensitivity, and for some, a love of humanity will blossom. There may be longings for far distances, remote viewing could become more of 'a thing', expressions of rich feelings could be heard more often, confusion may reign off and on, insane ideas will astound, while some folks are prone to feeling a sense of aimlessness or nervousness. Yet from some gifted people will come dreams and plans that benefit the social welfare and make a real difference in society!

Apr 26, 2019

America's Birthplace 2019: A UNESCO World Heritage Site of Global Culture and Interdependence - clip

April 24, 2019: Does the founding of America no longer belong to We The People? Here's an interesting presentation from Truthstream Media:

My personal opinion is that my Revolutionary ancestors who risked their lives and fortunes to help set up the place would not appreciate this 're-branding' of our nation at all. What do you think?

Apr 6, 2019

Not only Was America Not Christian but Founders Invented a Goddess

Now as a Christian myself, I know that this recent segment from Thom Hartmann may ruffle a few feathers in the realms of "America Was Founded as a Christian Nation" (incorrect as that is! the US is more of a Utopian Uranus-Neptune trine affair!) but what Thom says is true: our Founding Fathers set up America as the 'New Atlantis' via principles of The Enlightenment which were secular (based on reason, the Uranian half of the equation) and they 'invented' the goddess Columbia to watch over our nation--our 'totem goddess' we might say (see Capitol Building dome!).

Please allow Thom to explain if you haven't run across the following segment already:

Looks as if Columbia Wants You!


On similar topics, a probably related SO'W post of the previous persuasion: A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Plus, Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the eagle says Yes!

And in case you missed it try Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election.

As you know, founders Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are known to have been deists so What Is Deism?

Mar 26, 2019

Trump with Regulus Rising: Revenge Time!

Now that AG Bill Barr has covered for him so that Mr. Trump's 'exoneration spin' can swing into full force and he's threatening revenge against all his critics, it occurs to me that this particular phase of retaliation by Donald Trump may be a telling part of the Regulus caution he lives under.

For as you know, royal Regulus rises in Trump's natal chart (assuming its 10:54 am timing is accurate with ASC 29Leo55) so the 'kingmaker' star's caution is especially critical for Mr. Trump: 'success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away'.

So if you wish, see a previous post Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? for more details and a link to Trump's natal horoscope. Plus, for an extra 'punch' of revenge and grudge-holding in his character, it's interesting that Trump's natal Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, is positioned @22Sag24 which opposes his natal Sun (22Gem55) and thus conjoins his natal Moon (21Sag12) - on his (fated, karmic) Nodal Axis! Now with Regulus at Ascendant, Tisiphone on Nodal Axis with Sun and Moon - the man embodies retaliation and revenge. And that is one of, if not his primary, Achilles Heels (which is not so say that he hasn't others).

Therefore, it seems possible to me that the Great Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 (January 12, 2020) conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters will bring him his just desserts after all due to the many ongoing investigations now being pursued around the country, NY in particular (thanks to Mr. Mueller's 'farming them out').

Guess we'll have to see how Trump and America fares as 2019 closes, won't we? And as always, America is my only nag in the race!