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Dec 26, 2006

Blair's plane misses turn in Miami

Yes, it's tempting to think there's more to the story of Blair's Plane Overshoots Miami Runway.

Well it isn't polonium-210...and there were appr 343 other passengers onboard but assassins wouldn't care about that, would they?

The real temptation stems from having a gander at the chart for tonight, Miami, Florida, 6:15 pm est...

Asc 14Can17, conjunct US and Bush natal Sun, chart-ruler Moon 26Pis36 in 9th house of foreign travel, with Moon in applying square to the Mercury (air travel)/Pluto conjunction in 6th house along with the Sun at "6Cap":

"Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods" a man may reach a THRESHOLD where he may have to pause in order to safeguard his further advance (Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala.) The pilot paused...precisely.

(The Mercury/Pluto pair have to do with cunning, craftiness, overestimation of self, zeal, and propaganda.)

Recently I posted on the transiting planets which have been opposing Mr Blair's 12th house planets, and Jupiter--usually in evidence in cases of death--is still within orb of opposing his natal Mars. Blair's natal Jupiter is at the critical, crisis-ridden 29th degree, btw.

At 6:15 pm, Neptune was in 8th house of Death and Transformation (and Other People's Money! Did he have a stash with him? ho Ho HO) with Bush's natal Asc/Desc axis on the 2nd/8th axis of the 6:15 pm chart. And so tr Chiron 7AQ25 is conjunct Bush's Desc and the 8th cusp...but interestingly at the Medina degree.

North Node (NN) 19Pis 11 is in 9th house also at the "Table set for an evening meal" degree and the WHY Point--the MC--is "5Aries": "A triangle with wings."

Now when I see a Sabian Symbol that mentions a configuration such as a triangle, I look for one in the chart and the only one I'm seeing here is the Mercury/Pluto conj trine Saturn 24Leo40Rx...the isolated the 2nd house of Money and Values.

Merc/Pluto = Saturn: exposure to heavy and bitter attacks; scepticism; separation; unrelenting pressure; insistence on point of view; driven by fear of failure; needing control. (Sounds like the usual politico stuff with squirrelly monies tossed in, doesn't it?)

Speaking of TRINES:

Then there's the specter of the so-called Bermuda Triangle, a place where people tend to disappear--in aircraft usually. No one's confirming last I heard, but the Blairs tend to favor Bermuda getaways. Perhaps that's where the offshore accounts are, hmmm-m-m-m...?

So with Bush now hiding out at the ranch in Crawford--mulling over his next move, and with quarrelsome Mars at "15Sag", also in 6th house, we see "The groundhog looking for his shadow on Groundhog Day, Feb 2" so it may be instructive to see what's afoot for Feb 2, 2007...and to look back at Feb 2, 2006 for Blair/Bush info of note. Got any?


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