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Jan 2, 2008

Michael Moore on the top Dem candidates

Well, I'm pretty sure the message on Edwards, Obama, and Clinton from Michael Moore is not what has Mike Huckabee on his knees before the Iowa caucus, but how we can be sure?

What's Hucka Boom been asking his Maker anyway? Please let me troll the halls of earthly power while ruling the world, oh Lord?

What is wrong with this (Christian) picture? Didn't our forebears supposedly leave Europe to avoid such things as the double whammy of church + state?

Today I'm looking at the chart for sunrise in Des Moines Thursday: with Pluto still at 29Sag+ and conjunct Nemesis (the unbeatable opponent--also at 29 degr) near Jupiter 3Cap36 and all three in behind-the-scenes 12th house (sunrise 7:46:35 am CST) it seems certain that big doins' are afoot--or ahoof, as I like to think of those darned plutocrats.

Jupiter = the Rs, as you know; Saturn = the Ds.

Saturn 8Vir22 Rx is in 8th house as is the Moon's South Node, a Saturnian point which may indicate a Dem from the past--which could be Hillary-of-the-90s, or John Edwards from his previous prez bid. And their being in 8th house of high finance points to Clinton or to Edwards as well--her for suckling so greedily from the corporate t*t, he for vowing to fight against corporatism with FDR's inherited big stick.

Sunrise in Des Moines, Jan 3, 2008 brings "13Cap" rising, "A fire worshiper" which has an interesting keyword: MAGIC...

pos: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

At MC (Aspirations; Goals) is 7Sco58--with Sigma, keywords: good judgment; moral sanity leading to moderation; self-control; temperance; restraint.

In 10th house of Career is the Moon 17Sco53 (the people; the public) indicating publicity but also fluctuations, and I think that Sigma's keywords and concepts more likely describe the people themselves than this gaggle of say-anything politicians. Unless it's...John Edwards' and his exalt-the-people populist stance.

Yet all that Scorpionic energy at top of the chart connects closely with Hillary Clinton's natal chart...and Moon = a woman. Hmm.

Perhaps John Edwards is sincere about loosening the corporate noose about our government's and our own necks. And if he gets to the White House and tries, he'll have little time for anything else--and may find himself in mortal danger as well.

Both Lincoln and Kennedy were taken out and both had spoken as president about reforming the world banking system, y'know. Now it's 2008 and the world banking system is teeteringly unstable, if you believe their PR. But we know that massive amounts of money are in process of being shifted in a final coup, it is to be feared.

Those Campaign Politics, she said:

Of course, if you've ever read my ravings much you know that I see the whole political rigamarole as theater, dahling--part of the selection process but the actual selection isn't up to the voters in this our one-party system. Campaigns are designed to sustain the illusion of democracy and keep the masses busy and at bay.

Plus, most Americans might agree that campaign rhetoric most often turns out to be hogwashery once the power is attained and the puppeteers make things crytal clear to the new "boss" in the Oval Office--yet, in a semi-fit of dwindling hope, I must agree with the conclusions of Michael Moore in his letter linked above.

So if you haven't read it, I hope you will take a moment to do so.

And now the ruthless, loyal-to-the-cause Sun Cap-Moon Sco Images for Integration for Jan 3, 2008:

A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Sounds like victory for Jupiter-the-General-or-Preacher...the one who's used TV ads most effectively! I watched in amazement last Sunday as Huckabee denied that his tv ad was meant to suggest the Christian CROSS behind him as the camera panned to bring the "bookshelf" more into focus...who does he think he's zoomin'?

"Onward Christian soldiers" indeed. One warmonger was put into the White House in 2000 and evangelicals rejoiced. My heartfelt prayer is that we forego making the same mistake again. Let's make a different one this time.

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