, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Aug 25, 2008

Hillary Clinton touts Biden, points delegates

Hillary Clinton, in a pre-Convention flurry to boost the Dem ticket, is apparently about to chuck over her delegates to Obama at a special reception she's throwing in Denver for the chosen few.

She's also admitted knowing Joe Bidden very well and credits him with a years-long fight for social justice (perhaps accurately.)

Yet somehow Biden's sacred-warrior fight appears to be more shadow boxing around social issues without getting much done in the way of progress on behalf of the American people - especially considering that Washington is giving more billions to Pakistan (July 15) in a bill supported by Senator Joseph.

This evening the film Kill Bill was showing on TV.

But it seems as if the only kind of bill Capitol Hill kills are the ones which might actually do some common good for the people whose tax monies are needed at home.

Yes, they'll be speaking lilting words to rouse the masses in Denver this week including VP speaker Joseph Biden. Let's hope that something useful actually comes from it before all is said and done.

Because even the lamest accountant would know that if you send more billions to other countries than are being retained for the upkeep of your own litter box you'll soon have let the put-upon cat out the cash-strapped American bag.


Anonymous said...

Yes, they'll be speaking lilting words to rouse the masses in Denver this week including VP speaker Joseph Biden.

If they picked him for an attack dog, I'd really prefer he killed and ate a Republican on live national TV.

['That's probably be illegal; but he could pretend!']

Jude Cowell said...

lol any candidates for supper? i know you can think of several who would be appetizing for Fido...

Yes, Sirius the Dog Star announces/barks the annointed...I just hope nothing untoward occurs with the backgraound influence of violent Mars/Uranus = Pluto, the saboteur. :(

Thanks for the diverting comment, max! jc