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Feb 14, 2009

Is Neptune behind the Economic Crisis?

Have I found a great article - using an astrological lens to investigate the current financial crisis - for you! Paul Wright's article is a fine example of the excellent writing in The Mountain Astrologer Magazine, as you probably know.

Neptune and Economic Turmoil goes into detail on Neptune's 164 year cycle, phases, and implications, its ongoing transit opposite the UK's natal Saturn (which opposes n Venus-Pluto in the *UK chart; therefore, n Venus-Pluto = tr Neptune: immorality; a sense of tragedy), transit Saturn's current effects on America's n Neptune, and Neptune's return to Discovery degree (23AQ; Sep 23, 1846; Return 2008 - 2009.)

As you know, Venus and Pluto relate to money, banking, and high finance through the signs they rule, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity - and thus possibly to bankruptcies.

Mr. Wright, a gifted and experienced astrologer of 30 years, says that with all the current Saturn and Neptune action involving the US and UK charts, we have the opportunity now to gain clarity and "set (our) houses in order" for it is the "unrealistic price of housing underpinning the crisis."

And as he further states, "Even the ancients warned against usury. There has to be a better way."

No argument here! I only hope the ruling class has that as its ultimate objective.


*UK chart: May 12, 1707 (NS); 00:00 LMT; Westminster, England

US chart: July 4, 1776 (NS); 5:10 pm LMT; Philadelphia, PA
('Sibly' chart)

Also used in article: Bank of Scotland: July 17, 1695 (OS); noon; Edinburgh, Scotland; data from historical record, Act of Parliament.

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