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Mar 13, 2018

Capricorn Mike Pompeo named new Secretary of State

March 13, 2018: CIA Director Mike Pompeo Nominated for Secretary of State, Tillerson ousted

An accurately timed natal horoscope of newly named Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo is available for viewing with a Rodden Rating of AA. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (March 23, 1952) has been fired by Donald Trump and goodness knows theirs was a rocky relationship all along. Mr. Pompeo may be an easier fit for quirky Uranian Trump but we'll see if Mr. Pompeo's Syzygy Moon @8Can01 conjoining Trump's natal Mercury allows for comfort between them or conflict as they pursue plans for fulfillment (Sun-Moon = Mercury) which may or may not be sympatico. Since Mr. Trump has a stated preference for conflict in all things White House their ability or inability to work together will become apparent as the months (weeks, days, hours) proceed.

Michael Richard Pompeo December 30, 1963 1:32 pm pst Orange, California

And when we look at the planets of the March 13, 2018 announcement we find multiple connections to Pompeo's natal planets. Examples in no particular order: authority planet Saturn to natal Sun (senior officials demand their due, responsibilities and/or rewards given, lack of ego-satisfaction); powerful Pluto to Pompeo's strongly opinionated Mercury-Mars conjunction in governmental Capricorn (greater personal power and control, karmic relationships especially with men; potential for sexual escapades; karmic conditions); Mercury to natal Jupiter (international concerns and more travel); Neptune opposite natal Pluto (power structures under threat, power is eroded); and Moon spotlights Pompeo's natal Venus @8AQ47 in natal 10th house of Career and Public Status (favorable publicity). Plus, transit Neptune has been within orb of opposing his natal Uranus for some time indicating a period when ideals conflict with freedom of thought and with societal institutions. Well, Pompeo (R-CA) bats for the Republican team after all.

Mike Pompeo's Earth-Air Sun Cap-Moon AQ blend identifies him as progressive yet conservative, thoughtful and skeptical, and a dedicated and purposeful idealist with a practical streak. Up front and friendly, yet a private person, Mr. Pompeo wants to reform the world which certainly includes every branch of the US government, and his independent mind and spirit may not be loyal enough to suit Donald Trump whose indiscretions and crimes demand loyalty from his underlings in order to stay covered up and keep the Trump Train chugging onward.

Born near a Full Moon, Pompeo's Moon-North Node conjunction and Sun-South Node conjunction across the Cancer-Capricorn axis is the nodal opposite of Trump's Gemini-Sagittarius condition with Sun-NN and Moon-SN. Cosmically this relationship involving the Nodal axis of both men can either aid or separate them as their relationship proceeds with Pompeo's personality blend of professionalism suggesting that he does not suffer fools gladly. So how easy can it be for Pompeo to work with Trump?!?

And it's interesting that Mike Pompeo's Prenatal Solar Eclipse manifested on July 20, 1963 @27Cancer (opposing US natal Pluto) in the 1 North Saros Series which repeated as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 with its themes of 'information is distorted and possibly false' (Brady). Yet perhaps I fret over the Pompeo-Trump relationship for nothing since Pompeo's natal Sun-Jupiter square doesn't mind bending the truth to achieve results and may bite off more than he can chew--both tendencies of Donald Trump. Today transit Venus, planet of diplomacy as in the State Department, squares Pompeo's natal Sun (8Cap28 in corporate 8th house) so modest reactions are advised if/when offered a higher position of authority, plus, some 'agree to disagree' necessities will be in order as Pompeo attempts to serve Donald Trump from within the all-important Department of State.

1 comment:

john grove said...

Uranus conj Pluto in 5 th being the apex of a projection figure. Whew so how does he handle power? He projects his self expressions with deep interest in self and you better not question his knowledge or he will attack you. This man would have a hard time given high position with limitation admitting. Result: ego inflation.