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Showing posts with label 1 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 North. Show all posts

Aug 25, 2024

Project 2025 Ideas Have Failed Before!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

An op-ed in the L.A. Times by Joel Edward Goza concerns The ideas in Project 2025? Reagan tried them, and the nation suffered. Now SO'W is no stranger to complaining about the Reagan presidency and the "Decade of Greed" that he and his cronies promoted and used to their advantage.

An example is our discussion of the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981: A Turning Point for America (chart shown, below). For as Mr. Goza mentions, Ronald Reagan signed his first budget on August 13, 1981, just after the 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse manifested on July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 with themes that include: "information is distorted and possibly false" (B. Brady).

And as The Cosmos would have it, 1 North also happens to be the Saros Series of the Total "Mother of All Eclipses" of August 11, 1999 @18Leo21, the one that Nostradamus pointed toward from centuries ago with its difficult Fixed Grand Cross at the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). These degrees are described in The Book of Revelation by the oxen-lion-eagle-angel points, for the reader who may be interested in Biblical prophecy.

So below is an image of the 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse of July 30, 1981 @7Leo51 set for the White House, Washington DC. Yes, the chart is overloaded with my study notes, but I'm showing it to you anyway. As you see, Mr. Reagans's first natal planet to rise is his Saturn @00Tau49, and his natal Midheaven of Goals and Public Status is crowned by the Eclipse's Pluto @21Libra, planet of power, Plutocracy, and extreme wealth. Meanwhile, 3rd house Mars @8Can34 leads a Locomotive shape of ruthless determination to further his interests, having recently visited US 1776 Jupiter at the "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" degree:

Then considering the relationships, alleged or genuine, between Mr. Reagan and members of the evangelical community of his day, we might expect that they must have recognized the Eclipse-Scriptural connection (being Bible readers and all - and the Reagans used Astrology) and would naturally want to treat its energies carefully for best results in aid of the common good. But did they? Well, my guess is no, unless financial chicanery is a plus in society. Instead, suffering and tragedy followed for the American people, and the US is only now turning from Neoliberalism's bogus "trickle-down theory" of Reaganomics, thanks to President Biden. It's been 40 years of mistakes, and about time!

Now in closing, there's an example of a well known tragic event that was manipulated to occur under the influence of a 1 North Eclipse: the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The 1 North Eclipse of 1963 manifested in late Cancer opposite US 1776 Pluto (Rx @27Cap33) which implicates the murder of our popular president via a reversion in US society to Plutonian primal violence and animalism - which is precisely what the Project 2025 purge agenda intends to perpetrate if it can successfully manipulate Election 2024.

However, 40 years have passed since the Decade of Greed and We the People are "on to them." And so I ask you, dear reader, have the correct lessons been learned?

May 31, 2024

July 2024: Trump Sentenced - then RNC 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

By now everyone has heard that yesterday, May 30, 2024, Trump was convicted of all charges (guilty on 34 counts) by a jury of his peers in the Manhattan, NY courtroom of Judge Juan Merchan who then announced that the sentencing of "C.F. Trump" is scheduled for July 11, 2024 at 10:00 am edt.

Above you see a bi-wheel of horoscopes: Trump Sentenced (inner) and the first day Horoscope of RNC 2024 four days later (outer), a political event which we've previously discussed here.

Saturn: The Old Man of Karma

Naturally, there are multiple factors worth noting in the charts (exs: RNC 2024 Sun conjunct Herr T's natal Saturn with issues of authority and reliability. As you know, Saturn is the planet of karma, legalities, limits, flaws. Asteroid Justicia conjuncts his natal Mercury, and Justice-bringer Astraea conjuncts his natal Mars.

Mars-Uranus: Risk and Danger

However, my main focus in this post, due to his nibs' propensity for instructing his thugs and cult menbers toward committing violent acts, is the Mars-Uranus duo conjunct enraged star, Algol which twinkles upon the Midheaven of CFT's 1946 natal chart - how furious he must be - and how saturated with plans for taking revenge upon anyone who opposes him or stands in his way. And yes, this is a deadly situation particularly if he manages to coup the White House in November.

Then as you know, Inauguration Day 2021 saw a Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 (3:38 pm est). Notably, in the above charts we find a disturbing midpoint picture: Mars-Uranus = his natal MC with potentials for: taking drastic measures; a pistol to the head; violence; injury (R. Ebertin).

Reaping the Consequences

So both July events fall under the influence of the 8 North ("dreams and visions"-- B. Brady) Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded Chiron (also @19Ari24). Then is C.F. Trump wounded? Yes. But so is America, thanks to our nation's enemies, foreign and domestic, working against democracy under the gnatzie-style leadership of a man now known as Convicted Felon Trump. Also, both events have the same Syzygy Moon @14Cancer - conjunct starry Sirius, The Scorcher.

What I detest the most about this entire "Shakespearean" drama is that the degradation of old man Trump is simultaneously the degradation of every one of our three branches of government. In one way or another, he's managed to sabotage them all, much to our enemies' delight. And the treasonous plan of career criminals is ongoing.

And significantly, the previous Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, his first year playing POTUS, landed directly upon Trump's natal Ascendant @29Leo and rising Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) and you'll remember how he famously removed his safety glasses and looked directly up at the eclipsed Sun multiple times, future blindness be dam*ed. But I suppose when you're born with regal Regulus and Apollo "the sun god" rising along with your brash Mars in royal Leo, you brazenly assume that you can get away with a stupid stunt like that and, with regal aplomb, you'll never have to reap the consequences.

One of Many Related Posts: Midpoint Pictures of a Gangster On Trial (via transits and his Secondary Progressions).

Apr 1, 2024

Total Eclipse 2024 w/ Total Eclipse 2044: Why?

An Ongoing Struggle for Control

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Details regarding the 8 North Total Eclipse coming up on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 are available at USA Today along with information concerning the next Total Solar Eclipse visible across Greenland, Canada, and the US occurring on August 22, 2044 @00Vir34:11 in the 10 South Saros Series. This will stir up themes from the August 21, 2017 Eclipse ("unexpected events; fatigue; information is distorted and possibly false" - B. Brady).

Now as previously discussed, the visionary 8 North of April 8, 2024 conjuncts Chiron, also @19Ari24 and near America's 1776 Chiron (@20Ari08), with 8 North visible across the center of the US from Texas to Maine. And as you know, it's the third Great American Eclipse of 2024 with the second one occurring on August 21, 2017 @29Leo (as noted, above) conjunct Regulus and Trump's natal Ascendant in the 1 North Series. Allegedly making America "great" then, and now, with Election 2024 on the horizon, making America "great" again - by way of a shady political slogan, that is. Of course, you know what the racists mean: making America white again.

And so the next visible Total Eclipse in the US will be the 10 South Solar Eclipse of August 22, 2044, and it will be opposed by Pluto Rx @1Pis35. This opposition from transformative Pluto indicates a choice between two courses: either the highest spiritual level is attained, or reversion into the basest animalism is the case. Yes, we're mired within such circumstances now, culminating with the 2024 Election to decide on either the relatively free society we're accustomed to vs a tyrannical gnatzie-style regime of strong-man barbarism profanely blended with holier-than-thou legislated theocracy. Most folks by now have heard of the draconian plan known as "Project 2025" set to explode on Inauguration Day 2025 if a fascist coups the White House in November.

Note: if you're unfamiliar with the SACR organization of Christian Nationalists and Christian Marriage promoters ("domination in the home" easily becomes S'n'M practices when mishandled - as they will be), check out The Guardian's coverage. I am informed that "SACR" is pronounced "sacker."

And yet a sextile from Mars @3Sco18 to the 2044 Eclipse helps moderate the baser energies although backsliding is possible, especially with lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio.

Not So Fast, 2044!

Yet we should mention that an additional 10 South Eclipse occurs between now and the Eclipse of August 22, 2044. Actually, it manifests quite soon on August 12, 2026 @20Leo01 and is featured in the dual image, shown below. In Leo, an eclipse spotlights the need for expressing the positive qualities of Leo rather than pompousness, self-glorification, boasting, and egocentricity which stymies positive karmic growth and problem solving.

One thinks of the toxic narcicissism in the spotlight today: politicians and CEOs so desperate for total control of the US government, US finances and resources, and societal standards while pushing regressive policies existing as far back as the 1800s (or even further as with Alito's repeal of Roe v Wade). But as everyone knows, "time travel" is not a thing so irrationality is a basic feature of their paternalistic ideologies, not a glitch.

Leo (Aquarius) Then Virgo (Pisces)

Now with an eclipse in modest Virgo as in 2044, qualities such as hard work, dedication, discernment, and perceptive analysis are required for best results, with criticism kept to a minimum. Plus, @00Virgo, the 2044 Eclipse conjuncts royal star Regulus with its caution: success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all gains will be taken away (as Regulus-rising Trump is fighting against now). As you know, an eclipse conjunct a fixed star strengthens both their influences.

For 10 South themes see Eclipses: 2024 Through 2026.

Set for Washington DC, above is a dual image of the 2026 and 2044 Horoscopes of 10 South Total Eclipses. The 2044 manifestation will be visible in Greenland, Canada, and the US with its path of Totality racing over Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The 2026 Eclipse will pass over the Arctic, Greenland, Iceland, the Atlantic Ocean, and Northern Spain. Naturally, one thinks of melting ice and other water events, but also the fire element can be involved with an Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo.

Cosmic time links exist between both these eclipses and with previous eclipses such as the "Nostradamus" Eclipse of August 11, 1999 in the 1 North Saros Series (repeated in August 2017) with 1999's rigid Fixed Grand Cross of planets. These time links may be topics of future posts.

Then for a broader view, the cosmic lens through which all subsequent manifestations of 10 South Eclipses may be viewed is the initial Eclipse in the Series, its sign, house and aspects. The first 10 South Eclipse occurred on March 10, 1179 (OS) @26Pis01 (transit Neptune's Zodiacal swimming pool in late Pisces). Then since Pisces is associated with cloudiness, I'd suggest Pisces as a spiritual lens along with Collective Unconscious implications since many of the events of 1179 involved The Crusades and other battles for control, both spiritual and temporal. And yet we know that with shady Pisces, secrecy, mystery, confusion, and/or crime cannot be ruled out.

So this is my overview of two Total Eclipses Over America: 8 North on April 8, 2024 and 10 South of August 22, 2044. If you find any value in this post, dear reader, please pass it along since few readers ever share my SO'W posts (discouraging!) yet it is much appreciated when a share occasionally happens.

A related post: The Very First Great American Eclipse of 1878.

Nov 21, 2023

The Assassination Eclipse of JFK

--"--to ensure the survival and success of liberty--" - JFK Inaugural Address January 20, 1961 Capitol Building Washington DC

Our Karmic Loss Echoes Through the Decades

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Today, in November 2023, the American people are engaged in a fight for democracy and the liberty that comes along with it. Our complete rejection of Fascism and Nazism is necessary in every possible way including Voting Blue in Election 2024 - otherwise all our democratic geese will be cooked and swallowed by barbarians.

Now if you've visited SO'W before, you may know that in previous posts I have referred to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy as, The Day America Died. Obviously, the restless Uranus-Pluto Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s strongly influenced events with the planetary duo's 'old order collapses, construction of the new order' (R. Ebertin) implication as a major suspect in the crime although their conjunction was yet to become exact in mid-Virgo (3x in 1965/66).

Now below with my study notes intact is a view of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of 1963 @27Can24 in 9th house when the chart is set for Dallas, TX; when a solar eclipse manifests in Moon-ruled Cancer, emotional extremes hinder karmic progress (ex: the election of a Catholic president ruffled the feathers of many Americans). As you see, 1 North themes of 'distorted or false information, unexpected events, and/or health problems, fatigue' (Brady) are written across the top of the chart and are highlighted in orange; JFK's natal positions (b. May 29, 1917) are penned around the chart and highlighted in turquoise:

Of course, a variety of cosmic influences were in force as well, and a basic one running in the background of society is the eclipse cycle during which the Assassination of JFK occurred. As noted, that would be the 1 North Eclipse of July 20, 1963 @27Can24. Tellingly, this Total eclipse in the 1 North series ("The Mother of All Eclipses" being numero uno) opposed US 1776 Pluto (Rx @27Cap33) and this contact reveals that the tragic murder of President Kennedy was perpetrated at a critical point in America's karmic evolution.

So we know that in 1963, We the People and the US government which was created to represent our interests, were striving for higher attainment on the evolutionary or spiritual scale (his election was very uplifting for our country, as I remember!); otherwise we would revert to animalism, primal violence, and brutality (Pluto). How different our society could have been!

And so I'm saddened to say that animalism - purposefully chosen to change our national direction and to wound and hamper the American people - was the choice of the enemies of JFK and his administration because his and RFK's reforms were unacceptable to certain people of a criminal persuasion - those who will do whatever it takes to reach their objectives (exs: mobsters; certain wealthy elites). And yes, we're now mired within a cycle of animalism as I type, with violent acts regularly threatened by Herr Trump, his comrades foreign and domestic, and his gullible cult followers - bashing against the US Justice System.

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards of the Universe

Simultaneously, another 1963 contact, this one to JFK's natal Saturn, is quite instructive because the 1 North Eclipse @27Can24 landed directly upon his Saturn (27Can09) indicating that he was the president of the hour with the responsibility, know-how, and the discipline to carry out society's required directives. This contact also suggests that JFK was well equipped to handle the duties of office, and that he took a serious view of his karmic obligations (R. Lineman) - exactly what the office of the presidency requires.

Yet as you know, eclipses disrupt events on Earth and can lead humanity into an entirely new direction similarly to the action of the erratic planet of chaos, Uranus, with Total eclipses being especially strong.

As for assassination stopping him in his tracks, JFK's natal Saturn is the apex planet of his Sun-Moon midpoint of vitality, but on a mundane level, this trio can denote 'smears on the national reputation' (Munkasey) which is indicated with the solar eclipse (Sun-Moon) conjunct JFK's natal Saturn. Yet on a personal level, his midpoint picture thus created indicates 'addressing problems' positively, but negatively suggests 'a weakened system' (his health issues are well known, but governmental systems are also involved since karmically speaking, how goes a president, so goes the nation). A potential for Saturnian 'separation' (R. Ebertin) is also suggested and, as it turned out, was the tragic outcome for the Kennedy family and for our nation.

And so this sorriness of grief and loss is how the 1 North Eclipse of July 20, 1963 affected President Kennedy's natal Saturn (at Midheaven and fully visible to the world), his planet of sober leadership, duty, responsibility, and karma on The Day America Died. Meanwhile, manipulative Pluto, the assassin, via its 1776 position, was opposed by the 1 North while Eclipse Saturn formed an obstructive sesqui-square of complexity to President Kennedy's natal Pluto at this, his Nodal Half Return of destiny.

Previously appearing on SO'W: DC Horoscope JFK Inauguration 1961 with his natal planets surrounding and Inauguration Saturn in Capricorn aligning in opposition to JFK's natal Saturn in Cancer.

And you may wish to read about the eternal flame that Jacqueline Kennedy requested for her husband's grave in Arlington National Cemetery.

1 North Eclipses also manifested in the years 1909, 1927, 1945 (Trinity Test), {1963}, 1981 (as the Reaganomics Eclipse),1999 (as the 'Fixed Grand Cross Eclipse' found in The Book of Revelation which Nostradamus warned against due to its 'terror' implications), 2017 (as The Great American Eclipse conjunct royal star Regulus and Herr Trump's natal Ascendant).

Meanwhile, the next 1 North Eclipse occurs on September 2, 2035 @9Virgo, and the very first occurrence of a 1 North manifested on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 which means that all subsequent 1 Norths may be more clearly viewed through a Saturnian lens which can add themes of avariciousness, selfishness, and greed to the proceedings, or, on a higher level, can indicate 'old souls' teaching others to walk the sober, responsible, and conscientious path that leads to karmic progress.

Can Debunking JFK Conspiracy Myths Shed Light On 60 Year Old Assassination? - Thom Hartmann

In case you missed it, check out this recent segment from Thom Hartmann and author-historian Lamar Waldron:


Astrology Weighs In

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

JFK Assassination Horoscope Nov 22, 1963 12:30 pm CST Dallas, TX:

And here is a Synastry Grid displaying JFK natal planets (horizontal) with Assassination Planets (vertical); a few potentials of the transits-to-natal contacts are penned on the grid but represent only a sampling of possibilities that existed on The Day America Died:

John Fitzgerald Kennedy born May 29, 1917 3:00 pm EST (RR:A) Brookline, Massachusetts: Sun 7Gem51; Moon 17Vir13; ASC 20Libra; Chiron 29Pis25; 8th house Vertex of Fate 17Tau57 conj Mars 18Tau25; MC 23Can46 conj Saturn 27Can09 with Neptune 2Leo40; 9th house Pluto 3Can16 near South Node 11Can14 and you'll note that JFK's death occurred during his Nodal Half Return, a transit which times breaks in relationships that are no longer useful or positive, and when 'difficult' meetings may occur.

Oct 22, 2023

The Fixed Grand Cross Eclipse of the 3rd Millennium

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Manifesting in Sun-ruled Leo, sign of the lion, the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 is sometimes referred to as the Nostradamus Eclipse because through it, the seer pointed humanity toward future difficulties as we faced the New Millennium. Yes, the eclipse occurred somewhat prior to the actual start of the Millennium (in January 2001, not 2000) but its strength as a Total eclipse should not be denied, plus, much depends upon the version of the seer's quatrains for not all of analyses of his work are alike.

That the 1999 Eclipse contained planets upon the rigid Fixed Grand Cross of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius imparts a prophetic glow due to mention in the Book of Revelation of the associated animals (oxen, lion, eagle) plus, the Angel Point of Aquarius pouring out to the world the water of the spirit. All planets are at or near the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs.

Astrologically, my point is that the 1 North Eclipse of 1999 is cosmically imprinted upon the third Millennium and upon humankind, and that keeping up with planetary transits to the 1 North Horoscope of August 11, 1999 remains a worthwhile endeavor for those curious about the unfolding of time and the existential concerns so many people have these days. Apparently, even Nostradamus was understandably concerned.

At Its Worst: Angels Loosed Winds of War and Strife

Now as you know, the August 1999 1 North Eclipse sports another disturbing label: the "King of Alarm (or Terror) Eclipse" as the herald of a more violent period on Earth as most people would agree, especially once negative events and crime really got underway with the WTC attacks and America's unfortunate mishandling of the situation (aka, "Dubya's Revenge" on Poppy Bush's behalf). That's some 'mishandling' to hurtle the mighty US military in the wrong direction, isn't it? And so many lies were necessary in order to fool the country into supporting his and Dick Cheney's recklessness and plundering goals. As it turned out, their arrogant "Project for a New American Century" (PNAC) was a major dud that caused the deaths of millions of people. The phrase "war crimes" is often tossed around yet nothing is done.

Republican Party Now a De*th Cult?

Then fast forward to nowadays in the not-so-New Millennium, and we're experiencing the increase of terrorism via extremist politicians in league with global and domestic thugs who are actively attempting to make violence an accepted way of life in America. But are you buying it? Purchasing violence for your children you are? Vote Republican in 2024 and you vote for more of the strong-armed paternalism that brought our country the Catholic SCOTUS decisions against women and against voting rights with additional travesties of justice due to belch from The Bench any time now.

Neptune-Pluto: Organized Criminals with Social influence

Two major transits to America's 1776 planets that undergird these risky times are the US Pluto Return (plutocratic manipulation from wealthy so-and-sos, foreign and domestic), and transit Neptune in Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo heralding a period of persecution in various sections of society and occurring across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces (fact vs fiction, too). One obvious difference: in 1776, plutocrats and their associates created America, now those animated by the destructive spirit are determined to tear it down on behalf of Russia, China, and V_____ City. Obviously, despotic autocrats and willful bullies are highly allergic to democracy!

You may wish to see The Grand Cross in Astrology.

So see what you can make of the bi-wheel; plenty of notes are penned on; for reading, enlarge the image if you must:

Okay, I'll hush my fussin' and simply add the bi-wheel you see, above, which shows a recent, significant example of planetary transits contacting the 1999 1 North Eclipse Horoscope in a negative way: the Lunar Eclipse of the 2022 Midterms @16Taurus+ - conjunct radical disruptor Uranus, planet of chaos, shocks, anarchy, and assaults - and Geminian Trump's guiding planet.

And so the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse creates a cosmic time link between the 'King of Terror' Eclipse (imprinted upon the New Millennium) and the violence-adjacent, Trump-supporting 'maga' politicians somehow elected at the 2022 Midterms, and who now work to sabotage the US House of Representatives - and with "Senator" Tuberville doing his Trumpish part to weaken the US military.

You know, if I were a Democrat elected to the House, there's no way I'd feel safe sitting near any one of sore loser Trump's loose cannon *maga*s proudly sporting their AR-15 lapel pins. Would you?

Previously, on SO'W: The New Millennium in Year 2024 (displaying the New Millennium Horoscope of January 1, 2001, and its Progressed New Moon which perfects on May 4, 2024 @4AQ36.)

Oct 9, 2023

RFK Jr now running as an Independent

Independent? How Totally Unsurprising

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Dual Images: 8 North Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024; natal chart of Robert F. Kennedy Jr set for a suggested birth hour of 5:32 pm:

Recently we considered the natal horoscope of 2024 candidate RFK Jr and the 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024, another Total solar eclipse that will be visible across the US as was the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series - in fact, their paths will cross in the center of the country in an X marks the spot pattern.

You remember how the 1 North in 2017 landed directly upon Herr Trump's natal Ascendant (@29Leo conjunct Regulus) with Mars rising. As things have turned out, this cosmic synchronicity is what a total eclipse in centuries past was considered to be: a bad omen.

As for the presidential bid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, transit Pluto (wealth, stealth, power, control, manipulation, transformation) is retrograde today @27Cap53 where Mr. Underworld continues aiding and/or abetting Mr. Kennedy's natal Sun and Mercury (27-30Cap), and of course 27Cap+ is the position in Capricorn of America's 1776 Pluto so Mr. Kennedy has that connection of power that is at least partially related to the assassinations of his father and uncle as they served America. Notably, one of Pluto's many roles is the assassin.

Now I don't know about you, but it seems amazing to me that Robert Jr would dare enter US politics at the highest level - unless he has the 'highest level' of protection or is promised such, and I don't mean US Secret Service agents.

And so the current transit of Pluto marks a time of Sun-Pluto and Mercury-Pluto energies for RFK Jr, energies with potentials for power-craving, convincing oration, fraudulent representation, exhibitionism, demagoguery, and/or zealotry (R. Ebertin). Any, all, or none may apply.

Then with his natal Chiron and Venus-North-Node conjunction in Capricorn already visited by Pluto (22-25Cap), it's proving to be an extended period of Plutonian influences for him. In fact, major ego expansion may be one result, with identity change a possibility. A secret handshake with Plutocracy (Pluto-Chiron) could have occurred as well which to me suggests major campaign funding from the transnational crowd of societal meddlers.

Yet despite it all, we know that transit Pluto soon creeps out of Capricorn and lumbers into Aquarius for a years-long stay, so its powerful influences on Capricorn planets, permanent as they are, will begin to wane.

So, dear reader, if you haven't yet, you may wish to check out details concerning the 8 North of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 (conjunct centaur Chiron, the wounded healer, says Astrology) here including the fact that the largest US city entirely within 8 North's path in April 2024 will be Dallas, Texas. Is your city or region on the list?

A Related Post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

Feb 8, 2023

Biden SOTU 2023 and the first SOTU 1790

America's very First State of the Union Address was delivered by President George Washington on January 8, 1790 at Federal Hall, NYC. Follow the link to read the transcript in which he focused on topics such as defense, foeign policy, economics, education, and immigration.

For the sake of comparison, here's the transcript of President Biden's SOTU Address 2023 in which the multitude of accomplishments of the Biden administration were mentioned, even through the rude catcalls and shouts by maga far-righters such as the Greene woman. During his Address to Congress, Mr. Biden brilliantly finagled Republicans in the chamber to stand up and applaud for social programs that several of their party have threatened to decrease or delete, despite the misery and suffering such actions would cause within our society, and the resulting damage to the US economy. For as everyone with a brain knows, the majority of Social Security benefits are spent right back into the US economy!

Yet grabbing benefits away from the people who paid into the programs has been the plan of Republican royalists ever since a bee called FDR's New Deal got under their entitled bonnets. If GOP plans were transparent, they'd openly declare, "raid the funds and hand them over to Wall Street"! Which is curious since that's the location where George Washington delivered the first SOTU (1790 horoscope shown with astro-notes), plus, Wall Street is where Washington was Inaugurated in 1789 (horoscope shown) as he created the presidential archetype for future 'commanders-in-chief' to follow.

So! Above you see a bi-wheel of SOTU 1790 (center; no exact time located, set for 12:00 pm LMT) surrounded by the 2023 SOTU Horoscope set for 9:00 pm est, the official time of last night's SOTU, very ably delivered by President "Finish the Job!" Biden.

The most prominent planetary link from 1790 to 2023 (aka, a cosmic time link) is circled in orange and blue and that's the 'formidable' Sun-Pluto connection, which we saw demonstrated and utilized by President Joe Biden last evening as the power of the presidency, long ago modeled by President George Washington. And this, after a 4-year deviation from the archetypal model of decency and competence.

Now also noted on the image is a dynamic T-Square between last evening's Moon-Venus opposition (frustrated MAGA malcontents who just couldn't contain their strong 'sore-loser' emotions - especially with TV cameras trained on them) with testy Mars in duplicitous, mouthy Gemini at apex - transit Mars still strong, hot, and brash at perigee until March 16th, if memory serves.

A Cosmic Link Note: Washington's SOTU Address 1790 fell within the 8 North Saros Series (25Sco16) of 'prophetic dreams, visions, hunches' (Brady), and an 8 North eclipse will repeat on April 8, 2024 as another Great American Eclipse, the third of three. Here's a previous post concerning all three eclipses, with each falling within a different Saros Series, Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, 2024 (6 South, 1 North, 8 North).

Dec 6, 2022

Brian Kemp: floating for the Presidency

Brian Kemp (R-GA): Scorpio and an Eclipse in Cancer

by Jude Cowell

On the Wikipedia page of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, we find that he was born on November 2, 1963 in Athens, Georgia (my hometown: sorry!), but the main reason Mr. Kemp is mentioned today on SO'W is because he's chomping at the bit to rise even higher from state to national politics. Well, so far he's exercised effective cheating chops in and around elections which only recommends him to the Republican Party of win-at-any-cost comrades for whom truth is only relative, if it shows up at all.

And although I'm not at liberty to reveal my sources back in Georgia, suffice to say that Mr. Kemp has long been known in the state for acting below board in business dealings and shiftily in politics. For one example, see how in 2019 Kemp quietly settled a lawsuit over a bad business loan. Now some folks might agree with me that "bad" often substitutes for the word corrupt. And most everyone has heard before now of how Kemp cheated his way into the governor's office by counting the votes himself as Georgia's Secretary of State against Democrat Stacey Abrams (December 9, 1973) whose freely available natal chart is rated AA for accuracy. Besides, can you image Secretary of State Brian Kemp honorably counting votes in favor of Stacey Abrams when he could use his official position to "win" the governorship he now enjoys?

Anyway, having found no example of a natal chart for Brian Kemp to link you to, dear reader, here is an unmarked 'noon' horoscope set for November 2, 1963 in Athens, Georgia (in case it should come in handy one day):

To add to the Kemp picture, here are a few notes concerning his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which does not depend upon having an accurate birth hour, only a person's date of birth:

Little Brian Kemp (who I should confess is my 17th cousin via my Strickland line) was born into the 1 North Saros Series via a Total Solar Eclipse which manifested on July 20, 1963 @27Can24:09 with themes of:

"Unexpected events involving friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large as the eclipse affects the chart; make no hasty decisions for information is distorted or possibly false; attached is an essence of tiredness or health problems" (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Since 1963, 1 North Eclipses have occurred in the years 1981 (as 'The Reaganomics Eclipse'), 1999 (as the New Millennium's 'Nostradamus Eclipse' of alarm), and in August 2017 as 'The Great American Eclipse' which, you'll remember, raced across and split America from Oregon to South Carolina, and by degree, landed directly upon Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant-Regulus trio. (Who can forget how Dunald removed his safety glasses and looked directly up at the eclipse? Doh! Rather squinty looking now, isn't he?)

So we might suspect that 1 North eclipses time difficulties and turmoil on planet Earth as the 'wild card' they clearly are. Well, good news: the next 1 North eclipse won't occur until September 2, 2035 @9Virgo so at least we have that goin' for us.

Then when one's PE lands in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, we can assume that there are connections to psychic ability, to karmic family ties, and to emotional extremes that can cause blockages to karmic development, and result in a lack of personal growth. A tendency to hide in an emotional shell (like a crab on the beach) as a child might do in an attempt to avoid dealing directly with issues may be noticed, or its opposite: being too involved emotionally to see clearly the issues brought by the eclipse. To me this resonates with 1 North Eclipse themes, noted above, such as avoiding decision-making while under pressure, and which possibly involve family members. Or perhaps not dealing with issues at all.

Now besides Brian Kemp, names of other Republicans are being "floated" for the party's 2024 presidential nomination. Two of them have been discussed here previously, one of which is Ron DeSantis, and another (hope you're sitting down!) is John Bolton whose natal planets were compared in a post with those of Herr Tr*mp way back in 2018 when their love was young.

Aug 2, 2022

Great American Eclipses: 1878, 2017, 2024

August 2, 2022

Karmic Signposts via 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

by Jude Cowell

Many moons ago in August 2018, we discussed the three Total Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, and 2024 and now I'm finally getting around to writing a brief overview of the three eclipses in relation to America, primarily via the signs of the Zodiac in which the three 'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses (aka, 'Wild Cards of the Universe') have and will manifest, plus, any contacts or cosmic time links with planets, points, or stars that may be 'eclipsed'.

Since the three paths of totality cutting cross our country have been previously mentioned in various posts, I won't repeat my notes here, but you're invited to scroll down the sidebar of SO'W and type 'Eclipses' or another label into the Search field such as the Saros Series of the three which are: 6 South, 1 North, and 8 North. Of course, employing a search engine of your choice can also turn up path of totality information using dates of the eclipses listed, below.

Now as you know, the significance of the three eclipses that directly affect America is in relation to historical events occurring under the influence that a disruptive Uranian eclipse can engender for 6 months or more after manifestation, and often for up to two weeks prior while the earlier eclipse themes remain in force, but are weakening.

Sensitive and critical degrees can factor in, and obviously, other cosmic conditions and earthly events during their particular years of occurrence are worth considering for a more comprehensive view which, in this case, means years 1878, 2017, and 2024. Meanwhile, Total eclipses have the strongest effects of all particularly in locations directly in one's path of totality. However, my use of eclipses tends to be mainly degree-based, and notably, New Moons and Full Moons sometimes behave in Uranian fashion similar to Solar and Lunar Eclipses. One way to tell if this happens is when a mere lunation such as a Full Moon reveals inconvenient facts and/or activates a change of course in earthly events!

Leo, Leo, then Aries: Major Sun-Mars Vibrations

6 South Solar Eclipse July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 and 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52: both are Leo Solar Eclipses spotlighting Leonine issues of leadership and authority. Difficulties must be approached with resolve for half-hearted solutions gain little or nothing. Ruled by the Sun, positive traits of the sign of Leo suggests self-confidence, vigor, and natural leadership ability, however, negative traits such as self-centeredness, egocentricity, pomposity, vanity, ostentation, and overblown pride create stumbling blocks to karmic progress (R. Lineman).

In addition, Leo Eclipses denote karmic relationships with father figures and/or offspring, so I'll let you decide, dear reader, who these negative Leonine traits describe and who has blocked America's progress, particularly since 2017. Hint: an entire overweening political party is involved, plus, their figurehead.

Eclipse Contacts and Cosmic Links

Of note is that the 6 South Eclipse of 1878 conjoined US 1776 North Node of future direction, while the 1 North Eclipse of 2017 conjoined royal Regulus with its 'success if revenge is avoided' caution - conjunct the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange seditionist (who foolishly gazed directly at the eclipse without safety glasses). Significantly, 1 North is the "Mother of All Eclipses" Saros Series which heralded the New Millennium, and can be called the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' which manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo with its Fixed Grand Cross of prophetic difficulties (affecting the entire world, not just the US with terror and alarm). Also with Leo, child abuse issues and anti-child-abuse campaigns are also be indicated (as they have been), along with laws concerning these issues with dramatic Leo also being a sign associated with lawyers and legal affairs. Then we might also add misogyny against women and abortion rights to the issues since Leo is the sign of 'romance' and the pregnancies that can result, and affected by several other cosmic factors that are beyond the scope of this post.

So! Next up will be the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 precisely conjunct centaur Chiron (@19Ari24). The presence of wounded healer (or, blindspot) Chiron at that degree suggests several possibilities for America, not the least of which is due to the nearness of our nation's Chiron Return (@20Ari08, a three-fer), a period when moral values and higher ethics may resurface due to Chiron's association with roots, or even 'priesthood' - and in Mars-ruled Aries, Chiron suggests damage to our nation's sense of self-identity. So for me, if Enlightenment principles of 1776 are part of the resurfacing picture, so be it! Because it seems promising that 8 North themes include 'new-found inspiration, inventiveness, insights, visions, and vivid dreams' (B. Brady). Of course, how practical such solutions may be must remain to be seen.

Now another factor in today's overview is this: that, because there are three Total eclipses, it's possible to think of them as facets within an ongoing process similar to the direct-retrograde-direct phases of planets in their orbits - you know, the denial-acceptance-solution model. But this concept I'll leave for you, dear reader, to engage with on that level or not, as you wish.

The good news is that if this solution-based model applies, year 2024 may turn out better for our nation than many folks now fear due to recent stresses in society such as the activities of saboteurs and seditionists, both foreign and domestic. For if We The People make it through the period affected by the 2024 Great American Eclipse and its effects, a measure of relief can ease the stresses and strains our nation has been victimized and exploited by for decades, even centuries (since America has had enemies from the start), and our democratic Republic, tattered as it may or may not be, will live on.

Yet realistically, we know that first we must deal with the fact that 2024 is a Presidential Election year in the US, and cheaters, election-riggers, and lying propagandists are hard at work determined to sway outcomes their way, no matter how and at any cost. Why, it's almost as if the Republicans' favorite idols, psychopath Ayn Rand with her child murdering 'ideal man' complex, and the perverted racist Herr Adolf are on the ballot because they hope that sadistic, paternalistic authoritarianism will "win" the day, thereby tossing America's Enlightenment principles of 1776 into the trash bin of history.

But there's an intriguing factoid to remember about America: there are a lot more of us than there are of them!

Now in closing, here's a view of the 8 North Eclipse of 2024 horoscope set for Washington DC including details. And we should mention that the 8 North Eclipse of 2024, listed above, is not the Solar Eclipse that will directly influence the 2024 Election, 8 South is.

Jul 8, 2022

The 2024 Presidential Election's Eclipse

In 2022, with Midterm Elections and a Lunar Eclipse coming this November, few Americans can continue ignoring the fact that our nation and our Perpetual Union Horoscope of 1781 will be 'going through some things' in upcoming years with the idea of perpetual union under threat by seditionists and saboteurs harboring fascist, neo-nazi, authoritarian, and/or oligarchic visions and plans for the US government which do not include a perpetually democratic Republic.

Concerning such a difficult topic, it's entirely possible that this particular Political Astrology post will bring no comfort to many readers, if any. Yet being aware of 2023-2025 cosmic events can add to our understanding and prepare us for effective ways to meet titanic challenges mounted by those working hard to cancel America as we've known her. Therefore, monitoring underlying causes and motivations through the lens of astrology is an excellent idea when malicious bad faith actors are manipulating people and events to their advantage, and this is an organized global movement of paternalism that the forces of democracy are facing. May I suggest ye olde chastity belt as the regressive GOP's logo?

Eclipse Cycles Echo Historical Cycles: See the List Below

Now as you know, eclipses have a reputation for disruption, often to the point of a complete change of course for Earthly events as inconvenient secrets are revealed and scandals may result. Two nicknames for eclipses are self-explanatory: wild cards of the Universe and cosmic blinks, and they're often referred to as 'Uranian' due to their similarity in behavior to chaos planet of diruption, anarchy, and zealotry - Uranus. Perhaps you'll remember how Donald Trump was born with a 10th house (Career) Uranus @18Gemini, his oriental planet (rising just before his Sun) which means that erratic Uranus is his guiding planet, and in Mercury-ruled Gemini, made him a convincing orator (for some, for a while). However, Gemini is the sign of duplicity, which helped a majority of Americans see through his overblown rhetoric full of lies.

So when it comes to the US Presidential Election of 2024, the Solar Eclipse Series in which its 2024 manifestation falls, plus its Themes, are significant for our nation, and that's the 8 South Saros Series with themes of 'loss, separation, partings, sadness, overstrain, and/or injury' (B. Brady). And even though solar eclipses occurring in Venus-ruled Libra relate to issues of fairplay, cooperation, and causes that promote world justice, 8 South themes of loss prior to the upcoming presidential election may refer to a political party's loss, or to the tragic loss of American democracy unless US voters turn out at the polls and Vote Blue en masse.

Can this be any more obvious? Because we're told that a certain party is now rigging Electoral College Electors in various states to ignore the popular vote in a more aggressive and outrageous way than ever before. They hope it will be the conclusion and fulfillment of their January 6, 2021 coup attempt.

So for your consideration (if you have yet to do so), check out the Horoscope of 2024 Election's 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 with details by following the link provided, above.

And in case the following is useful for someone, here's a list of all Solar and Lunar Eclipses from 2023 to 2025 w/ brief descriptions of solar Themes:

Additionally, here's a previous post concerning the three US-splitting, Total Great American Eclipses of 1878 (6 South: repeats in October 2022 @2Sco), 2017 (1 North @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus), and 2024 (8 North, as noted, and partile conjunct Chiron) Obviously, a political and social 'splitting' of our country is a distinct possibility as symbolized by 2024's 8 North Eclipse path of totality stretching from Texas to Maine and beyond into Canada and Newfoundland.

For basic information try the Wikipedia page of the 2024 US Presidential Election.

And be ready to participant in our democratic Republic, so we can keep it!

Oct 18, 2021

Tyranny, Violence, Exploitation: the Pluto-Chiron duo

Monday October 18, 29021: Please note that today came the news that Colin Powell has died from Covid. He is mentioned in the post below, written years ago and here re-printed for its Pluto-Chiron and eclipse content. And note that 2021 Saturn in early Aquarius is a return to its 1639 degree mentioned in this post. jc

On the Tyranny of Plutocrats and Eagles That Crow

A reprint by Jude Cowell, with a few edits for clarity

One of the astrological signatures I think of first when it comes to tyranny, plutocracy, and governments is the Pluto-Chiron duo of oppression, primal violence, exploitation, corporatism, (predatory) capitalism, fascism, communism, zionism, Marxism, and other anti-societal -isms the world constantly faces via dark forces.

The cycle of Pluto and Chiron is approximately 60 years in duration and they last conjoined by degree (as seen from planet Earth) on December 30, 1999 and acted as one of the heralds of the New Millennium along with the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' in the 1 North Saros series as what some call the 'King of Terror' Eclipse prognosticated by seer and astrologer Nostradamus.

Conjoining at '12 Sagittarius', Pluto-Chiron's Sabian Symbol is descriptive:

"A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows"; "Keyword = ADJUSTMENT; positive expression: successful establishment through genuine self-expression; negative (shadow side/unconscious--jc) expression: idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.) Few can disagree that the bogus lead-up to the Bush-Cheney invasion of Iraq (and really, Afghanistan, too) was predicated on "unsubstantiated claims" and fakery. Even Colin Powell acted his part in the game of persuasion which he performed at the complicit UN.

The 1 North series originated on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 if you'd care to take a look at the societal conditions and historical events of that year for deeper insight into 1N eclipse themes which include: 'unexpected events add pressure to personal or group relationships; making hasty decisions is cautioned against because information is distorted and possibly false. There is also an essence of health concerns attached' to the 1N series' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Here's an early post I wrote about 'The King of Alarm Eclipse' Horoscope with a few details; please note that no edits have improved the following post.

Three Prominent Eclipse Factors:

1. The initial eclipse in a series permanently imprints upon each future manifestation of all eclipses in the series; for 1 North, this adds a Saturn-ruled Capricorn vibration to its Solar Leonine influences.

2. Eclipses are often called the 'wild cards' of the Universe due to their Uranian ability to reflect unexpected events and to reveal secrets and hidden causes. Changes of direction often occur.

3. New and Full Moons can act in similar Uranian fashion to Solar (New Moon) and Lunar (Full Moon) eclipses especially when they fall upon sensitive degrees, particular planets, nodes, and/or angles. Disruption and revelations may occur as with eclipses, the 'wild cards of the Universe'. Plus, New and Full lunations retain their 'seeding of a new cycle' and 'culmination phase' timings.

So as you see, the initial eclipse degree of 13 Capricorn opposes US natal Sun (leadership) which links its potentials to the US government, plus, another factor from 1N's manifestation in 1639 is that restrictive, depressive Saturn @6AQ22 conjoins America's natal South Node (of 1776) which adds potentials for limitation, isolation, separation, and ambitions that are out of harmony with prevailing societal attitudes and practices You know--like a vision of Global Domination aided by a false flag operation to emotionally manipulate the American people into waging preemptive war, the one we'll never on this Earth be able to wash off our collective conscience thanks to warmongering 'rulers'.

Ancient as the Hills: East vs West

Now if we consider the attacks of 9/11/01 as issuing from the 'King of Terror' (or, 'Alarm') Eclipse of August 11, 1999 @18Leo and thus as another of the heralding events of the New Millennium, we note that on 9/11/01, transit Neptune, signature planet of Islam, conjoined US natal South Node (6AQ) which adds elements of intrigue and misfortune that are out of control of its victims. A sense of fate or karma was prominent on 9/11/01 as Islam (Neptune) conjoined America's SN (fate; inheritance) with the American public reaping what had been sown (karma) for Washington's past (SN) hastily performed actions and betrayals. We might even say that certain past actors (SN) participated in the deceptive ruse (Neptune).

Then unsurprisingly, the attacks of 9/11 were used to justify the already planned implementation of tyrannical laws (ex: the US 'Patriot' Act) which undermine the very nature and principles of America--against what the American people thought we were--as our country was labeled by Osama bin Laden the 'great satan' -- but to me that was a perfect example of the devil calling the devil 'devil'!

As we look ahead, please note that a Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeats on August 21, 2017 @29Leo as the second of three Great American Eclipses. 'Information is distorted and possibly false' indeed.

Aug 25, 2021

1 North Saros Series: The Mother of All Eclipses!

The Total Solar Eclipse of June 29, 1927 @6Can31 which perfected in the 1 North Saros Series inspired this cool poster touting London as a great location for the thrill-of-a-lifetime viewing of the eeriest cosmic event of 1927:

Readers of SO'W will remember the astrological portents of all 1 North solar eclipses and 1 North's *themes (listed, below) because we've previously discussed a few of the significant historical events which have occurred under the influence of this series in that cyclic history-rhymes sort of way which (Uranian) 'wild card' eclipses tend to provide via disruption and sudden changes in the course of earthly events. 'Cosmic blinks' as they're sometimes called. Revelations may also appear, sometimes leading to scandals and crises for the naughtier among us. For politicians? Oh yes, most definitely for politicians.

Why 'The Mother of All Eclipses'? Because it's the One North, numero uno!

The initial 1 North Eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 (opposite what would become America's Sun on July 4, 1776), a year during which several significant Events Transpired in locations such as early Virginia and Connecticut. Note that all subsequent 1 North eclipses in their particular signs should be viewed through a Capricorn or Saturnian lens; one way to do this is bwo the angular relationship between their signs (ex: 2017's Leo inconjunct 1639's Capricorn with Sun-Saturn flavors).

Now in our era, 1 North eclipses have manifested in the years:

1909 @20Sagittarius (in Britain MI5 and MI6 are founded; in the US the NAACP is founded), 1927 @6Can31 as noted, above (2nd volume of Mein Kampf is published), 1945 @17Cancer (the tragic Atomic Bombings of Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki), 1963 @27Cancer oppposite US natal Pluto in Capricorn (JFK assassination), 1981 @8Leo (aka, the Reaganomics Eclipse), 1999 @18Leo (aka, the prophetic 'Nostradamus', or, 'King of Terror' Eclipse which heralded the New Millennium with its Fixed Grand Cross as described in The Book of Revelation), 2017 @29Leo as linked, below. The next 1 North Solar Eclipse manifests in 2035 @9Virgo.

Related posts include: the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017. For historical context, please see the NBC News video The 10 News Stories That Defined 2017. I doubt you'll like it much but watch it anyway.

*1 North themes: 'unexpected events place great pressure on personal relationships and groups; issues loom large so make no hasty decisions until influences pass; information is distorted or possibly false; fatigue and/or health problems' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady #ad).

Jul 18, 2021

A Cosmic Event in 2024 plus a Presidential Election!

6 South, 8 North, 8 South Eclipses: 'Cosmic Blinks' and Universal 'Wild Cards'

by Jude Cowell; Sunday July 18, 2021

By now most all have heard that another Total "Great American Eclipse" is due on April 8, 2024 (@19Ari24), an even longer-lasting Total Solar Eclipse than the one that occurred on August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series @29Leo - a critical 29th degree conjunct royal Regulus and the Ascendant and Mars rising of 'comrade' Trump. So you see, the Election isn't the only significant 2024 event in America, one being earthly, the other cosmic - in fact, a Universal 'wild card' as they're known because eclipses often disrupt and change directions of earthly events much as erratic planet Uranus can do. And as you know, such energies are most potent when a total eclipse occurs especially in the Path of Totality.

Q: Will a 'cosmic link' from the 8 North cosmic blink of an eclipse form? Read on!

Note: for practical details on where and how the April 2024 Path of Totality will rush across the country from Southwest to Northeast, one resource is the WordPress blog National Eclipse. The 2024 eclipse will enter the US from Mexico into Texas, swipe across several major cities (more cities than 1 North in 2017), and leave the US from the state of Maine. The longest duration of totality will be 4m 28S compared with 2m 40s in 2017 and will occur in Mexico.

Of historic interest, the last 4-minute Total Eclipse to occur over our present-day contiguous states was over 200 years ago on June 16, 1806 @24Gem44 so this one in 2024 will be a big deal and well attended unless the unpredictable, frosty weather of early April interferes, especially in the Northern states and over various lakes such as Lakes Erie and Ontario. Crazily, the eclipse's 24Gem44 position conjuncts that of Trump's June 16, 2015 'Prez Bid' New Moon ('25Gemini' = "A Man Trimming Palms.") Who can forget his escalator descent that morning and the bigoted rhetoric delivered to a paid-to-attend audience and, of course, to TV cameras? Therefore, this creates a cosmic link - by degree. Plus you know that if potent enough, New Moons can behave similarly to solar eclipses.

6 South Eclipse Themes Affected Events of 1806

Now the 1806 eclipse is aka, Tecumseh's Eclipse and fell into the 6 South Saros Series. I believe its themes resonate with Shawnee Chief Tecumseh's travails and conflicts with the ever-increasing number of European settlers with 6 South's themes of: 'manic energy; being forceful, taking power; sudden events; great strength or force in relationships; huge efforts in group activities' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady; #ad).

However, we should note that the The Great American Eclipse of 2024 falls into the 8 North Saros Series with themes of 'flashes of genius; vivid dreams' but it is not the Prenatal Eclipse of Election Day 2024. That honor belongs to the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra03 with its difficult themes of 'separation; partings; loss; completion; over-strain with a potential for physical injury' (Brady). You may remember that the last 8 South occurred on September 22, 2006 @29Virgo during the wrong-headed Bush-Cheney neocon regime. Check out historical events of 2006 for more information.

Prior to The Great American Eclipse of 2024 Other Eclipses Will Manifest

So as we've previously discussed on SO'W, a Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series will manifest soon on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (DC Horoscope shown) and had done so multiple times before since the initial eclipse of March 6, 1049 @21Pis55. And notably, a 6 South eclipse manifested prominently as what I call the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse on August 31, 1932 @8Vir09.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a previous SO'W post which also concerns The Great American Eclipse of 2024.

And here in closing is the question: Will a Herr Trump candidacy and 'presidency' 'eclipse' America once again in 2024 as he did in 2017 with "MAGA" madness (aka, white supremacy) or some other political slogan intended to deceive? Well, that would create an unfortunate cosmic link from the 2024 8 North Eclipse to the next presidential election, wouldn't it?

Related posts: DC Horoscope: The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 (also shows the horoscope of 1 North's initial manifestation in 1639); and Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say?.

Eclipse and Castle image, above: attribution unknown.

Apr 18, 2021

Another Great American Eclipse coming in April 2024

On April 8, 2024 Another Great American Eclipse Zooms Across the Country

by Jude Cowell

Sorry about this post of forewarning, folks!

On the topic of prominent solar eclipses, you'll remember the most recent Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 in the 1 North Saros Series which was visible in 48 states and 'split' the US from Oregon to South Carolina. It tied in closely to the former guy in the White House at that time - divisive as he was and is - and echoed his 'MAGA' propaganda slogan. Needless to say, Leonine pride, arrogance, and vanity were not avoided and difficult karma was created as a result.

The next such Total eclipse visible in the US will occur in Mars-ruled Aries (@19:24 conjunct Chiron 19:24!) so that the eclipse's expression involves issues of courage, enthusiasm, and daring. Bold confrontation of circumstances, plus, leadership and initiative will be on society's menu with our problems viewed as challenges. Competition will be highly charged (ex: US presidential race 2024) by overly aggressive, headstrong individuals quick to anger. Note that Chiron @19Ari24 nears its position in America's July 4 1776 chart/s ("21Aries" = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring.")

A Few 2024 Eclipse Details and the NMSZ

As for the path of totality of the Total Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 in the 8 North Saros Series ('dreams and visions'), it will enter the US from Mexico at the Texas border and speed into Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. However, its maximum duration of 4M29S will be experienced near the city of Nazon, Durango, Mexico. Here's the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC:

Now from eclipse lore of years past, we might be tempted to expect dire consequences from a Total Solar Eclipse especially when made more concerning by an accompanying natural event such as a strong earthquake. Regretfully I must inform you, if you've not noticed before now, that this could possibly be the case but only if the New Madrid Fault finally erupts with a quake as has been predicted over the years. Check it out for yourself if you wish because some of the same states are on the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) list that appear on the eclipse list, above:

Damage from a New Madrid Earthquake, if one occurs, threatens parts of several states - alphabetically they are: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Tennessee.

So as I've typed here multiple times through the years, America is my only nag in the race, so my hope and prayer is that our country dodges the worst effects, if any, of such a cosmic synchronicity.

Jan 28, 2021

Depopulation Foretold: the Georgia Guidestones

Is Pandemic Depopulation Following the Advice of the Georgia Guidestones?

by Jude Cowell

January 28, 2021: During Election Year 2016, a post and horoscope were published to my Two Hours blog entitled A Georgia Guidestones Horoscope and the Hopi Prophecy of a New Age. The ceremonial unveiling of the Guidestones was held in the morning of March 20, 1980. In lieu of an exact hour, the horoscope is set for 11:00 am est with Moon @21Gem48 rising opposite transit Neptune @22Sag40. This suggests that the proceedings were tinged with Moon-Neptune vibrations, a mystical, delusional influence which can deeply stir feelings and disturbances from within the Collective Unconscious. Additionlly, the Gemini Moon conjuncts US natal Mars in Gemini while Neptune @22Sag40 squares US natal Neptune (22Vir25), opposes US natal Mars, and receives a visit from 1980 Saturn Rx @22Vir58.

Read the carved inscription on the Stones here.

Now as you know, Saturn-to-Neptune is the grim face of reality transit that can also bring disillusionment, a sense of unreality, and/or financial troubles with it. Such conditions can be recognized in the "trickle down" "supply side" Reaganomics policies which began implementation during his presidency (Inauguration January 20, 1981 - by trickery).

Why, there's even a 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse to mark the GOP's delusional, corrupt policies under which we continue to struggle! And you'll remember that a nation-splitting solar eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeated on August 21, 2017 (Tr*mp's first year) as The Great American Eclipse, with the word "great" a part of the main Tr*mp campaign slogan. So basically, America's natal Mars-Neptune square, famous for its tendency toward misdirected motivations/activities and 'fog of war' potentials, was activated by the transits we see in the Georgia Guidestones Horoscope. There are other important contacts between the 1776 and 1980 charts, of course, and if inspired, I hope you'll find them and leave your on-topic observations with this post:

Now it's only my personal opinion but you'll see penned at the bottom of the chart a notation that the 11:00 am Midheaven @5Pis35 on March 22, 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia points toward the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 (@5Pis28) in the 7 North Saros Series. And readers of SO'W may as well know that this post will likely reappear as a feature in a series of posts I'm planning that concern America's current struggle with authoritarian influences and entities now attempting to break down our democracy and toss America into the dust bin of History.

But please take heart, my friends, because A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before!

Now here is recent commentary by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann on How To Stop Fascism.

Sep 16, 2020

Bamboozlers-in-Chief: 1981 and 2017--2020

Must We Still Be Bamboozled by Reaganism?

by Jude Cowell

Back in the olden days of November 2019, I published the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in a post titled, Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America. Now naturally there have been various turning points through the years but for pure cussedness on an epic scale, the "Reagan Revolution" takes the cake on several levels, not the least of which are financial and political (The Gipper's cutesy "government is the problem" for example). And while it's true that shrinking the size of the US government wasn't such a bad idea in 1981, we now see the steroids upon which Trump and his enablers have us which makes the current pandemic vastly more difficult to deal with. Some folks even say that Covid-19 has uncovered just how weakened and inefficient our systems and institutions have become and with this I must agree. How could it not?

Besides, it's almost as if the fabled glow around Reagan's saintly noggin has suddenly faded thanks to Covid and revealed the selfish, greedy monster underneath an ill-deserved halo! Not for every Republican, of course, but for the rest of us for we more clearly see the monster who bedeviled, hypnotized, charmed, and stole from the American people through the years - as his policies continue to do.

So now, since 2017, we have another bamboozler-in-chief of the 'Republic Party' persuasion who had lots of experience cheating 'suckers' even before he and his network of comrades moved into the Oval Office. And with a large backing of pro-nazi corporate enablers surrounding him, propping him up, instructing him, and manipulating certain strings (exs: Election 2020; corporate media who are 'in on the scam'), our entire society is being threatened with collapse - is, in fact, collapsing under the enormous weight and vile undertones of Herr Spanky and The Saboteurs.

Of course, this collapse is supported, aggravated by several general factors such as 'All empires must fall", and America's Pluto Return/s in 2022, and I suspect that those who understand these cosmic conditions are taking advantage of them to promote a major power grab. Yes, fascists have learned a lot since their efforts in 1933. Now that would have been a turning point unsuitable for lovers of democracy, and a change of course for sure. As we see in 2020, bad actors continue to work for what I would call an unrecognizable America so we must be even more determined to stop them.

Meanwhile, we face a December 21, 2020 shift brought to us by the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn from Earth to Air, plus, we're in the midst of the three conjunctions (all through 2020) of a favorite planetary pair of plutocrats everywhere, Jupiter and Pluto. Yes, someone's plans are 'coming together' as 2020 morphs into 2021 and 2022 as old orders collapse and new orders rush in. The upcoming paradigm shifts are scheduled for us by the Universe but their results can be more on the positive side or the negative. In such weighty matters, motive is everything.

So again, here's the Reaganomics Eclipse Horoscope (chart details linked, above); note that its 8th house Neptune will be 'eclipsed' by the financially difficult December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 which also affects Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition and his (karmic) Nodal Axis:

Now to me it seems significant that cosmic time links exist between 1981 and 2020. For one thing, the 1 North Solar Eclipse of 1981 (Reagan) repeated as The Great American Eclipse of 2017 (Trump). Plus, in 1981, planets Jupiter and Saturn blended their energies in early Libra: their third of three conjunctions occurred on July 24, 1981 (@4Libra56--conjunct Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Neptune--he was a 35-yo playboy and soon-to-be serial bankrupt) and they will again meet on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun: Trump). Then, as in 1981 (once @24Lib53), money planets Jupiter and Pluto, which have been tangoing all through 2020, will make their final pas de deux on November 12, 2020 @22Cap52 which karmically conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51.

And so, dear reader, we have a case of American history rhyming with similar vibes in 1981 and 2020 - or, 2021 if you prefer to compare US Inaugurations of two arch bamboozlers.

Aug 18, 2020

August 24, 2020 Louis DeJoy to Defend USPS Sabotage

Expectations for a Controversial Proceeding

by Jude Cowell

August 18, 2020: By now everyone has heard that US Postal Service saboteur Louis DeJoy has agreed to testify before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Monday August 24, 2020 which happens to be the opening day of the Republican National Convention this year. Enshrined within the US Constitution, Americans are taking the sabotage of the USPS (which therefore amounts to an undermining of our Constitution) very badly indeed. Even a few Republicans have given what may be only lip service to the outrageousness of Trump's USPS assault which threatens to further break down the fabric of society.

Astrologically, several planetary aspects form on the 24th but the 'star of the show' must be the Mars-Saturn square which perfects at 2:19 pm edt and imprints its difficult energies upon the day's events. That Mr. DeJoy is a large donor to Trump and to the RNC serves to spotlight his sabotage of the USPS as a selfish, corrupt pursuit of greed and profit as well as his soul-less attempt to keep career-criminal Trump in power.

Of course, this square is part of the current Mars-Saturn cycle which began with their conjunction on March 31, 2020 @00AQ29 (2:31 pm edt) - conjunct US Inaugural Sun (Trump). This created a midpoint picture of a POTUS (Sun) 'breaking down under stress' and who 'could not meet all demands or master all situations'. An illness-and-death factor was added as well so naturally we think of the expanding corona virus contagion and Trump's selfish attempt to ignore its overwhelming implications for him personally.

March Leads to August

So now, with both malevolent planets strong in their own signs (Aries-Capricorn: Cardinal and initiating), the obstacle-laden square between them threatens harsh, angry, even dangerous proceedings. A callous atmosphere will be on display between DeJoy and his questioners (Mars vs Saturn) who obviously won't be getting along very well during his proposed testimony especially with sharp questions from Rep. Katy Porter. Hers may be what we all want to hear DeJoy answer or try to evade! Expectably, sullen anger may be shown by someone on Monday and I'm going to take a not-so-wild guess and say that this would be Mr. DeJoy whose actions and motives (Mars) are under scrutiny (Saturn: authority, lawmakers, the law, lawyers in Congress). For as you know, the distrustful, dishonest Mars-Saturn duo signifies destructive, harmful energies which DeJoy has demonstrably perpetrated against our much beloved US Postal Service (serving us brilliantly since 1775!).

Plus, if it occurs, "postmaster general" DeJoy's appearance on Capitol Hill on Monday will spotlight a test of wills between Trump comrade DeJoy (with his own financial fish to fry) vs House Democrats. Actually, Trump's strong, often irrational will is one of the targets of the show, isn't it? That, and the Trump-DeJoy determination to sabotage the 2020 Election by preventing voters from mailing in their ballots (while staying safely at home) which could stage a massive Blue Landslide - a Tsunami - against a potential second term of Trump the mad mobster, born under the brutal death-dealing midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto.

Now as you know, Reinhold Ebertin describes Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' so we must hope that any death involved on Monday will apply to DeJoy's and Trump's underhanded efforts to destroy the US Postal Service (which would result in the service being privatized, they hope) and not to the USPS itself.

Holding angular sway at the Midheaven of recent US Inauguration Horoscopes (MC: '26/27 Capricorn' conjunct US natal Pluto) we see Saturn Rx @27Capricorn on Monday during DeJoy's House testimony as the taskmaster planet blends his karmic energies with US natal Pluto, always a difficult transit containing 'issues of power and control' and/or 'abuse of power' implications.

As for the August 24th Mars-Saturn square, testy Mars can be a vicious activist, malcontent, and flame-thrower particularly when in Aries but in a flurry of hope I'm weighting the day's outcome, and pinning my hopes, on Saturn's strength and demand for accountability in governmental Capricorn! Starkly revealing of this crisis, the Mars-Saturn square forms a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) pattern that points toward testifying Mercury @9Virgo in the 9th house of Legal Affairs! Is August 24's Mercury (with his magician's wand) casting a spotlight on Election 2016's and Inauguration 2017's Prenatal Eclipse in the 19 North Saros Series with its themes of 'realism, coming down to earth with a bump, recognizing a situation for what it really is', and 'tackling the truth'? (Brady). You'll remember that 19 North's themes were completely undermined by transit Neptune @9Pisces directly opposing the eclipse, a cosmic condition that has stained the entire term of Trump in the White House with Neptunian fantasy, corruption, fraud, deceit, loss, theft, scandals, and Trump's 24/7 fight against the truth. Can Louis DeJoy successfully defend Trump's inglorious leadership and his constant deceit? Will he try with deceit of his own?

Defend Trump or not, at Winter Solstice 2020, the game-changing Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, with its 'checks and balances', 'change in government' and 'leniency vs harshness' vibes lands directly upon US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) which suggests a 'new order' that requires fresh and competent leadership full of innovative ideas and plans for solving America's old problems. And for handling solutions for our future problems and difficulties.

Louis DeJoy June 20, 1957 Brooklyn, NY (no hour known) with Sun in late Gemini, Moon in either Pisces or Aries, Mercury in mid-Gemini, Jupiter @23Virgo (conjunct US natal Neptune), and Saturn, planet of accountability, retrograde @9Sagittarius conjunct warring Antares. Perhaps his temper will flare! But without a timed natal chart, what interests me most about DeJoy are the themes of his 13 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which manifested on April 19, 1957 @8Tau22 (now being activated off and on by transit Uranus!) Paraphrasing Brady, 13 South themes are: 'expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavor; the urge to expand contains frustration, inhibitions, loss, or separation; striving for group endeavors positively or negatively', and may involve issues of 'constitutional crisis' (USPS enshrined!).

So it will be engaging on Monday August 24, 2020, to see if the sinister energies within the activities of Trump and DeJoy, as they attempt to continue undermining the US Constitution while destroying our right to vote, are expressed by Mercury the Messenger testifying while in its own sign of discriminating Virgo, sign of The Critic. Especially since DeJoy's natal Pluto conjuncts royal Regulus and thus powerfully connects with Trump's natal Ascendant and ropes in Donnie's rising Mars. And should we add that August 24th is the day of DeJoy's 2020 Venus Return (16Cancer+) which happens to conjunct the natal Nemesis of Donald Trump?

p.s. Confession: I'm not sure which of these two sidewinding varmints is the larger underworld figure!

Related Posts include: Midpoint Pictures of Inauguration 2021 and the good-for-about-12-years Horoscope of America's current Jupiter Return which occurred in 2013 with We The People's Jupiter Return Moon @25Capricorn (!) in the Return 6th house of Health and Service. And considering society's current troubles and turmoil, you may agree that it will be tres interesting to see what America's next Jupiter Return (Horoscope) has in store!

UPDATE August 19, 2020: This Friday, August 21, 2020, Louis DeJoy is scheduled to attend a hearing in the Republican-led Senate. Soft-ball questions are expected by yours truly as transit Venus @13Cancer conjuncts US Sun (July 4, 1776) - grandstanding and acting will occur - plus, dog star Sirius (The Scorcher) while the August 21st Sun returns to and activates its Great American Eclipse degree of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, The Mother of All Eclipses series. 1 North themes: 'unexpected events concerning friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large, information is distorted and possibly false; hasty decisions are unwise; tiredness or heath problems may be involved' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). You'll remember how Trump removed safety glasses and stared up at the eclipse multiple times as the 'cosmic blink' perfected upon his natal Ascendant ('29Leo').