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Sep 8, 2018

2018: A Three-Fer Jupiter Return for Barron Trump

Just a brief post to say that Donald Trump's son Barron is having quite a cosmic year thanks in part to the transits of Jupiter and Neptune. Plus, the planetary pair rules his natal Ascendant in dreamy, creative yet secretive Pisces.

So naturally at twelve years old, it's time for a Jupiter Return (or, Reward Cycle) so you may wish to check out his natal horoscope (RR: A) if you haven't: Barron Trump born March 20, 2006 5:30 am edt New York, New York with Sun @29Pis40 (conjunct Aries Point--and starry Scheat), Moon @00Sag57, and 15Pisces02 rising along with natal Mercury 14:30 Rx and Uranus 11:47. As you see, transit Neptune in Pisces has been messing around with his natal ASC, Mercury, and Uranus of late, plus, the young man is in the midst of his first Jupiter Return, a 'three-fer'. The third of three returns to Jupiter's natal degree (@18Sco28 Rx natal 8th house) perfects this Sunday, September 9, 2018 with the first conjunction occurring on January 10, 2018 and the second on May 7, 2018.

Of course, each return (conjunction) repeats the several aspects that Jupiter forms in his natal chart but it's after midnight when for me typing is not such a good idea so I'll simply close by wishing Barron well!

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