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Showing posts with label natal astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natal astrology. Show all posts

Jan 13, 2025

Pam Bondi November 17, 1965

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

From her Wikipedia page we see that Pam Bondi, Mr. T's choice for US Attorney General, entered the earthly flux on November 17, 1965 in Tampa, Florida under the influences of Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo, a blend of narrowed outlook and a strong sense of duty (The Harveys). Actually, Bondi and Republican Darrell Issa are likely to share political interests and attitudes since Mr. Issa was born with the very same personality blend.

So, here's a noon natal horoscope for Pam Bondi in case it becomes useful to you at some point:

Born during the mid-1960s, Pam Bondi can't help it - she's one of those anarchy-adjacent individuals and not adverse to violent destruction, thanks to her Uranus-Pluto Conjunction. Plus, a Sun-Neptune Conjunction (5-degree orb) identifies her as possibly scandal-prone and self-deluding. What more could the Project 2025 admistration want to figurehead America's tattered legal system? Impressionability is another feature of the Sun-Neptune pairing which spotlights a fantasy component as well.

Then we see Bondi's retrograde Jupiter at a critical 29th degree of Mercury-ruled Gemini, a sign often known for its propensity toward duplicity (ex: the $25,000 campaign donation via a check written by Mr. T - but she defended herself on this matter concerning her office's failure to investigate complaints about Tr*mp "University" and the fraud therein).

Of course, Gemini is also the sign of communications, rhetoric, commerce, trade, meetings, multiplicity, and/or tricksterism. Bondi shares a natal Gemini North Node with Mr. T, potentially denoting many contacts but also inviting superficial contacts of short duration (R. Ebertin). Then with her Capricorn Mars opposing Jupiter, we might expect religious and/or ideological conflicts to surface in public.

Such conflicts could surface this very week because confirmation hearings for Cabinet nominees begin tomorrow. Here's the schedule of hearings so far.

In closing, there's another interesting factoid about Pam Bondi's natal Jupiter - that her next Jupiter Return (aka, 12-year reward cycle) arrives on or about June 9, 2025 which may likely aid her with her bid to join Mr. T's administration as US Attorney General.

But one more thing: a Jupiter Return may provide a similar cosmic boost for health nut RFK Jr whose current Jupiter Return period arrived in August 2024, the first of a three-fer (which didn't help him with his "prez bid") yet there's Jupiterian energy ongoing for him since his third of three returns perfects on April 9, 2025.

A Note to SO'W readers: please share if you care - and my Thanks to those who do! jc

Jan 5, 2025

Senate Majority Leader John Thune

As the 119th Congress opened on January 3, 2025, Republican John Thune assumed the office of Senate Majority Leader, the Mitch McConnell era having ended, as will the Biden era at noon on January 20, 2025.

Nostalgically, see Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell.

Now the US Congress will be a Thune-Tr*mp affair full of seditionists and malcontents - you know the ones. Clunkers into the works of Congress are already being lobbed by the Orange Uranian who is said to be hugely miffed that flags will be at half-mast on Inauguration Day due to the recent death of President Jimmy Carter at age 100. Plus, he's extremely sour over his January 10th sentencing by Judge Merchan.

And so with the Thune era now begun, I have two horoscopes for you. Both belong to John Thune: the first chart has my study notes squooshed on and includes the aspect grid, and the second is free of scribbles. Both charts are set for noon in lieu of a known birth hour for Baby John.

Obviously, it's too soon to know if the Saturnian Senator Thune has adjusted his conservative attitude and preference for logic enough to get along with his quirky Uranian overlord, so we'll have to see as their relationshp "blossoms". Optimistically, John Thune says he'll help Trump understand what's "realistic in the Senate"! As if the woolly-headed Mr. T's Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and delusion has any interest in reality!

Yet despite their differences, they do share a mission for gaining as much wealth as possible:

John Thune: Uranus Opposes Chiron

In closing here's a post from way back in 2005 describing Chiron-Uranus Types in Government that you may find useful. Written during the neocon Bush-Cheney era of bad decisions, I believe that its potentials apply now more than ever. After all, it took many years of bad decisions in Washington to bring America to this hazardous point and, as we now see, the overthrow of a government is a decades-long endeavor, is it not?

And as we look ahead, there's a glimmer of hope for our wounded country via the November 3, 2026 Midterms (DC Horoscope/s shown for the daring and the curious!) Because a determined focus on the Midterm Elections of 2026 provides us with a chance to make it through the haze of kleptocratic oligarchy and put a crimp in their fasc*st anti-American style of non-governance.

Oct 17, 2024

Astrology: VP Kamala Harris and Fox's Bret Baier

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Needing excuses for his performance during his Fox News interview of Vice President Harris last evening, Bret Baier says Kamala Harris "caught him off-guard which sounds to me like Baier's roughshod overtalking and pushy, rude behavior toward the Vice President didn't come across quite as he and his bosses expected. Was Tr*mp pleased with Baier's rudeness? Perhaps, but VP Harris held her own despite Mr. Baier's efforts to interrupt her every answer to the questions he posed. The lady, as they say, pushed back.

So why not treat yourself to this clip of Tim Miller of The Bulwark podcast The Moment Kamala Put Fox News in its Place!

Then if you want to view the A-rated natal horoscope of Fox News anchor Bret Baier it's available. Plus, below you see a bi-wheel of natal horoscopes: Kamala Harris (inner) surrounded by that of Bret Baier. As for publicity and public contact via the interview, Baier's North Node @2Pis48 of karma points directly at VP Harris' Midheaven, the Career Point of Public Status in any horoscope!

Considering that both individuals were born during Mars Hours, the challenging, contentious nature of their meeting (interview) is understandable given their differing political views and objectives. Apparently, part of Mr. Baier's mission (his Taurean Saturn leads a BOWL shape of planets = advocacy of a cause - with his Saturn conjunct her natal Jupiter Rx in Taurus: to limit her expansiveness?). Well, here are a few astro-notes concerning their personality blends based on Sun-Moon combinations:

VP Kamala Harris' Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries: peace-making crusader; diplomatic with a sense of justice and commitment to defend the underdog; entertaining; brave; convivial; controversial. This natal blend is shared by John Coltrane (her favorite!) and Enrico Fermi.

Bret Baier's Fire-Earth Sun Leo-Moon Virgo: articulate; choosy; critical; analytical; sense of noblesse oblige; temperamental; discriminating; a chronic nit-picker; a recluse; devoted to personal goals and to duty; restrained charm; hides insecurities under a pushy, defiant exterior; sulks when feeling slighted. This natal blend is shared by Emperor Claudius (!) and Madonna.

Aug 6, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz Apr 6, 1964

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

UPDATE August 6, 2024: Tim Walz is the VP choice of VP Kamala Harris! So the North Node of future direction pointing today toward Gov. Walz's natal Mars in Aries tells the tale!

Original post begins here:

Here's an image of the natal horoscope set for noon of Tim Walz born April 6, 1964 in West Point, Nebraska; notably, transit North Node @7Aries today points toward the governor's natal Mars:

And here's the Wikipedia page of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

And here are bio details on Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro born June 20, 1973 in Kansas City, Missouri, with a Mars-Pluto opposition and transit Neptune @29Pisces now conjunct his natal Mars and soon to oppose his natal Pluto.

Jul 18, 2024

Peter Thiel October 11, 1967

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The most useful information I've found so far concerning newbie politician and VP pick of GOP nominee Trump, JD Vance, is the following segment by Rachel Maddow exposing the real reason why Vance was VP pick:

video link

Actually, this post is intended to display a noon natal horoscope for Peter Thiel, born in Germany on October 11, 1967, grew up in the US, and takes on the role of a wealthy behind-the-scenes meddler in US politics. Perhaps you remember that Thiel's RNC 2016 speech was somewhat unusual but so was the Republican conference with its Russian influences and Capricorn Full Moon conjunct US 1776 Pluto.

Added below Thiel's noon chart are a few notes concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') into which Baby Thiel was born:

Mercury with Mars = Politics

Planetary details from the horoscope, above, include a midpoint picture that was operative no matter the hour of birth: Sun = Mercury-Pluto making Thiel a keen observer with a need for recognition. Yet his Mercury @12Sco30 is unaspected which suggests a lack of self-reflection, independent thinking, and a strong ability to concentrate on objectives; a one-sided approach is a potential.

Then notably, Thiel's Mercury conjuncts the unaspected Mars of President Biden which similarly indicates a concentrated focus on matters at hand; the contact indicates verbal combat. Plus, Biden's Mars @13Scorpio, you'll remember, was opposed by transit Mars @13Taurus during the Biden-Trump debate in June 2024 which denotes Biden's head cold along with the aggressive Taurean forces aligned against him (Mars vs Mars).

The opposition also suggests a lamentable lack of an astrologer for the timing of Biden's events because no competent astrologer would ever suggest such a Mars-infused date for a confrontation, political or otherwise.

Last 5 North: June 10, 2021 @20Gemini Conjunct Trump's Natal Uranus-NN-Sun

Meanwhile, Peter Theil's birth on October 11, 1967 falls under the auspices of the 5 North Eclipse which manifested for him on May 9, 1967 @18Taurus with themes of sudden flashes of ideas from the unconscious; hunches, visions, prophetic dreams; a highly creative series (paraphrasing B. Brady). For some folks, 5 North themes are being ruffled or inspired into activity by the current 8 North Eclipse, the third Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron of wounding fame with 8N's "vivid dreams, visions, intuition" themes.

Taurean Venus Can Be Greedy, Envious, and Vindictive

Now when solar eclipses are in Venus-ruled Taurus, emphasized are determination, endurance, reliability, and persistence yet negatively may denote Taurean traits such as intractability, bullheadedness, intolerance, indolence, extravagance, possessiveness, and greed. This eclipse suggests an inherent attraction to economic causes and policies which tallies perfectly with the super-sized appetite of the Republican Party, now morphed into the authoritarian "Trump Death Cult Party" with its proposed fascist Project 2025 agenda intended to hobble the US economy, embezzle from the National Treasury, devalue the US dollar to boost crypto-currencies, take over the US government, gut the ranks of Civil Service employees who make things run on time, collapse American society, and steal from our social safety net funds, paid into by US taxpayers.

So anyone who reads the GOP agenda for 2025 can see that misery, suffering, and loss are what they offer - and their lawless dystopia may be brought to us all by Americans who are self-destructive or careless enough to vote Republican on November 5, 2024. It seems that a hardhearted Christian Nationalism has thrown deceptive sand in their eyes, as we know by the constant gaslighting from a power-mad authoritarian GOP determined to rule the US for decades. Not govern. Just rule like kings.

Meanwhile, planetary aspects to Peter Thiel's 5 North Eclipse of October 11, 1967 may be instructive:

Mercury conjunct shows a need for reasoning and logic, and may have health connotations (Mercury in sexy Scorpio, sign of surgery); Mars inconjunct denotes a family history which may include physical abuse (perhaps taken out on little Peter?); Neptune opposed denotes confusion, cloudiness, and chaos-creation within the realms of a truth vs fiction, reality vs fantasy atmosphere. Finally, his rebellious Uranus-Pluto conjunction trines his PE suggesting that friends, colleagues, and groups are assets for him and may be called upon for remedial action or regeneration (paraphrasing R. Lineman).

Was Thiel Behind Threat to Trump if Vance Not His VP Pick?

So being curious about the natal Pluto of this anti-democracy Plutonian figure Thiel - and knowing that two of the several caps manipulative control-freak Pluto, the dragon guarding the golden hoard, wears - the Pope and the assassin - I subtracted Pluto's orbit of 248 years from 1967 and got the year 1719. As it turns out - and it may mean something or nothing but it does at least partially rhyme with current events - on October 11, 1719 the Philippines' Governor-General Bastillo was assassinated. Therefore, the cosmic time link (1967 to 1719) is suggestive but not conclusive; however, Thiel's birth basically may be said to symbolize a Solar Return to the violent action of 1719 so you may wish to see Wikipedia's Events of 1719 for more potential correlations with our era.

Dear Reader: stay tuned to SO'W if you can for I'll be publishing soon on the proposed September 10, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate in case it happens yet we must note that it possibly could occur between different combatants. Also planned is a post re: the 1934 Eclipses repeating in 2024, a don't-miss.

Plus, available for my amazing Patreon subscribers is a recent post of a bi-wheel showing contacts between the US Constitution Horoscope of 1787 and the Project 2025 Horoscope, posted due to Trump's threat to toss out the US Constitution and its principles which the orange scofflaw finds hugely inconvenient for the implementation of Project 2025's purging agenda. Then as you can imagine, even a dollar a month subscription is encouraging for the continuance of this time-consuming Political Astrology work, and my Thanks So Much to all those who subscribe. Alternately, you could simply Buy Me a Coffee! jc

May 18, 2024

Rep Jasmine Crockett v Rep Marjorie T Greene

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Below you see two noon natal horoscopes in bi-wheel form of the two US Representatives who snarled at one another via personal insults at a House Oversight Committee hearing on the evening of May 16, 2024 with the Sun @26Taurus casting a spotlight on enraged star Algol. Then as they say, Rraowwrrr! This eruption between them may have to go down in political history as America's infamous Eyelashes vs Butch Body conflict, with a side order of an allegation of racism due to Greene's eyelashes remark.

Turning the hearing into chaos was achieved if that was the intent of Rep. Greene although order was eventually restored. And it may be no accident that Rep. Greene's star is said to be fading while Rep. Crockett's star is definitely rising.

For details see CNN's interview, Crockett speaks out about fight in Congress with Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Bi-Wheel shown above: Planetary contacts between Greene (1974: inner) and Crockett (1981: outer) are circled and include some heavyweight generational contacts relating to power and financial concerns, and all in Venus-ruled Libra. Meanwhile, 1981 Mercury in mid-Pisces contacts 1974's Jupiter in mid-Pisces which possibly indicates legal conflicts, there are reciprocal Venus-Pluto contacts suggesting that both ladies possess personal magnetism, an attraction to power and wealth, and a tendency toward fanatic beliefs and aims. Additionally, their authoritative Saturns square one another which denotes their different sets of values clashing and causing frustration: Saturn in watery Cancer vs Saturn in airy Libra, sign of the legal planet's exaltation. Saturn in Cancer tends toward discontent, while Saturn in Libra is known for a strong sense of duty.

To close, here's a previous offering concerning the noon natal chart of Marjorie Taylor Greene, displayed in all its splendor. And for the curious reader, Greene's 12 North eclipse themes are listed in the post.

Sep 22, 2023

Lachlan Murdoch: Pluto = Sun-Uranus

by Jude Cowell, on behalf of democracy and the common good

Yesterday the news broke of a major transition at the head of Fox and Fox News Corp, that Papa Rupert had anointed son Lachlan Murcdoch to carry on; however, Papa says he'll be "watching." Apparently, Lachlan has been "groomed" since birth to carry the Murdoch family torch - now, into an uncertain future. Word is that Laclan is more authoritarian than his father, but Laclan did, after all, have an experienced teacher. Notable is that yesterday into today, the Sun conjoins Lachlan's natal Pluto so his power potential (carrying his Sun-Uranus 'radical reformist' vibes) are in the spotlight, a global spotlight.

Below, see the aspect grid of multiple squares and oppositions within their dynamic relationship. Even their natal Suns are in opposite signs!

Born with a significant midpoint picture of power, rebellion, radical reforms, and a potential for tragedy (Pluto = Sun-Uranus), Mr. Murdoch the Younger is a radical reformer (R. Ebertin) so this is one spot in his psyche where authoritarianism can creep in. Apparently, Fox and Fox News Corp are in for additional changes and shifts which may have already begun. Let's watch for shake-ups!

Plutocrat Pluto: Power, Control, Manipulation, Exploitation, Extreme Wealth, The Underworld

So here's the natal horoscope of the 'new boss, same as the old boss':

Lachlan Murdoch born September 8, 1971 9:00 pm CET (RR: C) Wimbledon, UK; a sprinkling of study notes are added including a few details re: his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'), the 9 New South, which repeats on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo conjunct his natal Pluto (see lower right corner):

And here's an aspect grid between father and son:

And btw, do you know that a German Media Baron Aided the Rise of Hitl*r?

Related: Rupert Murdoch's natal chart and Prenatal Solar Eclipse (contains a link to a 2015 Business Insider article about Rupert "stepping down" and "handing the reins to his son" but Papa will still have a "voice." As we say, history does rhyme (and sometimes does repeat).

Jul 20, 2023

Robert Oppenheimer on the Silver Screen

"We're in a race against the Nazis and I know what it means if the Nazis have a bomb." ("Oppenheimer"; American premiere July 21, 2023).

Now there's a statement yours truly will never argue with.

A partial Astro-Portrait of Robert Oppenheimer follows, along with the July 18, 2023 horoscope of North Node trine his natal Uranus, out-of-bounds ('OOBs') and leading a Locomotive shape of 'ruthless determination toward success', plus, two images of the Trinity Test Horoscope of 1945.

First, here's a don't-miss video from BBC History's Storyville, The Trials of Oppenheimer which concerns the hearings in 1954 (McCarthyism), Washington DC, when the loyalty of America's primary atomic physicist was questioned--had been under suspicion for years, actually, and his security clearance was under threat although restored later on. Yet after those grueling hearings, Oppenheimer continued working but was never the same. How could he be after sacrificing so much for our country and being mistreated? Eventually, he received a Fermi Award as if in apology!

Then, perhaps you've seen the video (53 seconds) of Oppenheimer himself commenting on the day of the Trinity Test (July 16, 1945) and quoting Hinduism's Bhagavad-Gita, "Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds". Of note is that Robert Oppenheimer is said to have relied on the philosophy of Hinduism in an attempt to "make sense of his actions." He passed away from complications of throat cancer (after years of cigarette smoking) in Princeton, New Jersey on February 18, 1967, age 62.

So because of his Bhagavad-Gita quote and the nuclear bomb's tendency to cause unintended consequences--ex: death--I've penned on the chart his natal positions of asteroids Siva, the creater-destroyer archetype, and Pandora, archetype of unintended consequences; planetary contacts (2023 vs 1904) are circled:

Grab yourself a clear view of Robert Oppenheimer's natal chart set for 8:15 am EST, but note that the data is rated DD which means that his birth time is uncertain. Alternate times of birth include 12:00 pm (Ebertin), and 7:45 pm, plus, Starkman rectified the chart to 6:57:32 EST with ASC 7Gem08 (shown, below). Round up to "8 Gemini" and there's fixed star Albebaran, plus, America's 1776 Uranus. Now DeVore gives "7 Gemini" as a 'degree of cantankerous irritability' but considering Oppenheimer's high level of intelligence, placing "6 Gemini" on the Ascendant = 'A degree of brilliant intellectuality' (DeVore). You decide!

My personal opinion is that splitting the atom in 1942 qualifies as the abomination of desolation when the fabric of the life on Earth was rent in two. As always, feel free to disagree if you wish. You'll find the Trinity Test Horoscope, below, with Sun @23Cancer conjunct both Oppenheimer's natal Moon and transiting asteroid Siva (the creator-destroyer archetype). Here's a bit more regarding his natal chart:

J. Robert Oppenheimer, an introverted Earth-Water personality blend of practicality

Born under the influence of the Sun Taurus-Moon Cancer blend suggests that he tended to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, an Atlas figure, we might say. For example, see the quote at the top of this post. Using his impressive intellectual power, what a tremendous moral weight Oppenheimer took on in order to make certain that America got an atomic weapon instead of the Nazis. Above is the bi-wheel with his natal chart (center) and (outer) is a transit chart of July 18, 2023 (three days prior to the film's American premiere) when the transiting North Node of public contact @29Ari48 trines his natal Uranus, associated with nuclear power, and a symbol of the technology of an innovative new film.

And as you know, planet Uranus also relates to the title of the book that the film is based on: American Prometheus. And he was! In Astrology, electrical Uranus disrupts events on Earth and can bring along sudden change like a bolt of lightening. This alone describes the Trinity Test's successful results which were uncertain until The Bomb actually exploded. And they knew immediately that their success was world-changing, Oppenheimer said.

Nuclear physicist, "father of the atomic bomb", J. Robert Oppenheimer, was born April 22, 1904 8:15 am EST, New York, New York, with Sun 1Tau58 and Moon 23Can28--his Moon spotlighted by the July 17, 2023 New Moon @23Can56 (conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx opposed by US Pluto Rx in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, a duo concerned with secrets and deep research). The July 17, 2023 New Moon (which can act in a similar fashion as a solar eclipse) also conjoined the revelatory Sun-Siva conjunction in the Trinity Test Horoscope, and suggests the premiere of Christopher Nolan's excellent film with Luna as a timing device and publicity.

In the starring role of J. Robert Oppenheimer is a brilliant actor, Cillian Murphy, born May 25, 1976 in Douglas, Cork, Ireland. Cillian is well known for the series, Peaky Blinders. And in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, both Cillian and Robert were born into repetitions of the 14 South Saros Series with its deep thinking Mercury-Pluto content and themes of, "an obsessive idea is finally accepted followed by the success of Jupiter; a long-awaited breakthrough" (paraphrasing B. Brady). I'm going to suppose that Mr. Murphy's starring role as Robert Oppenheimer will be a major breakthrough for his career (see article linked below!). Furthermore, both men were born with three planets in the fixed, determined sign of Taurus.

Astrologically speaking in the realm of history-changing events, Robert Oppenheimer was born during an opposition phase of Uranus and Neptune, a planetary pair that relates to untapped energy sources, scientific breakthroughs, and mass social movements (positive or negative). And he was the man with the brain power to accomplish the deed.

Other videos of note include: The 'Oppenheimer' Cast on Filming the Trinity Test, Immersion in Their Characters, and more (29 mins) on the Fandango channel, and Watch This Before You See Oppenheimer.

Now, just for you, is a dual image of the rectified-by-Starkman version of Robert Oppenheimer's natal chart with 7Gem08 rising (lower left) along with an unmarked Horoscope of the Trinity Test (upper right):

Food for Thought: Another Potential Birth Time?

Meanwhile, here's another bi-wheel with Oppenheimer's natal chart set for 7:27:01 pm EST because then his Moon would enter Leo (vanity, pride, need for approval and applause) which would give him a much more charismatic, compelling, ambitious, and masterful Sun Taurus-Moon Leo personality blend of tenacious Fixed energies--and the timing shows a descriptive Sabian Symbol for the Ascendant @13Scorpio: "An Inventor Inventing"! Also this means that the Moon @00Leo00 exactly opposes his natal Chiron 00AQ00 (see lower right corner for the midpoint picture this creates with powerful Sun-Pluto). Surrounding the speculative Leo Moon natal chart is the Trinity Test Horoscope for the sake of comparison:

Now let's close with a news flash from The Irish Star, The reviews are in for Oppenheimer-- could Cillian Murphy bag his first Oscar nod? From what I've seen and know of the film, Cillian Murphy totally deserves, not just a nod from the film industry, but the golden statue itself!

May 30, 2023

Summer 2023: Saturn, Pluto, and Marjorie Taylor Greene

That Fussy Sedition Caucus on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Below is the 'noon' natal horoscope of maga woman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who behaves as a troublemaker (her Uranus in Libra); surrounding her chart are the planets of May 27, 2023, representing the weekend that "Debt Ceiling Deal" was brokered between President Biden and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, a manufactured crisis, as you know.

Joe Biden was actually negotiating the nation's budget, not the made-up debt ceiling crisis with America's budgetary year running from October 1 to Septmber 30 so now, magas are running around with their wigs on fire while members of the Progressive caucus of Democrats are criticizing the deal as well. Of course, the legislation must pass through both the House and Senate before it reaches the President's desk, so patience with the process will be a virtue for us all.

Currently, karmic Saturn, planet of laws and lawmakers, in early Pisces now squares Greene's Sun in early Gemini, suggesting obstacles to her goal/s, yet transit Pluto, here @00AQ12 Rx, trines her Sun, making her feel powerful and in control. We see this displayed when she's temporarily given the House gavel to bang, and I'm sure you saw House democrats burst into laughter a few days ago when she had the audacity to "remind" the House to abide by the "decorum" of the House while banging her little borrowed maga gavel. The phrase, she's one to talk comes quickly to mind.

So here's a 'noon' natal horoscope of the Greene woman with May 27, 2023 planets highlighted in green and penned around the chart. Note transit Saturn is hitting her Sun-Neptune midpoint (see bottom right corner), and across the noon ASC-DESC axis, the transiting Saturn-Pluto midpoint (18AQ31) opposes her natal Saturn-Pluto midpoint @19Leo05! You'll also spy other planetary contacts to her natals even without an accurate birth time for the maga troublemaker, and beneath the image I'll add notes on the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') she was born into, the 12 North which is not penned on the chart:

12 North occurred December 24, 1973 with Themes of "accepting greater responsibilities due to another person being unable to carry on" (Brady). Speaker McCarthy? Is that You, Kevin?


News Alert 2:07 pm edt: in his Live broadcast, Thom Hartmann just reported that Dan Bishop (R-NC) has cited the "option to remove McCarthy" from the Speakership. Thom asks if removing Kevin negates the deal and blows up the economy, will Biden still be blamed for the crash? Well, we know without a doubt that, based on their past behavior, guilty Republicans would try to deflect the blame as they've tried before! If House Republicans can scare up enough votes, that is.

May 23, 2023

Tim Scott (R-SC): his Saturn Return 2024

Announcing his 2024 prez bid yesterday, details concerning freshly minted 2024 candidate Tim Scott (R-SC) reveal his birth date to be September 19, 1965. His Moon is in Cancer for the 24-hour period, and is out-of-bounds suggesting a measure of estrangement from Mother, or an emotional loss of some kind.

Here's a current interview with Tim Scott who says God is involved with his political decision to run in 2024, see What God Told Tim Scott Before He Announced Presidential Run. Is he genuine? Well, Senator Scott says he's confident that God isn't finished with our country yet, and this Protestant can't disagree.

So in case the 2024 presidential campaign of Tim Scott becomes a thing instead of fading out to nothing (his current poll numbers are very low), here's a natal horoscope for Tim Scott, unmarked and suitable for saving and/or printing. A few notes are added, below.

Horoscope: Tim Scott September 19, 1965 "12:00 pm" EST North Charleston, SC

Focusing on Saturn @12Pis50 Rx with Senator Scott's next Saturn Return (3x) perfecting all through 2024. Will Saturn bring him new responsibilities or more lessons? Of course, without a timed natal chart we can't consider houses in his return chart/s but using the 12:00 pm timing, the three dates that transit Saturn returns to 12Pis50 are:

1. March 26, 2024 (Trump's criminal trial date now set for March 25, 2024, NYC);

2. November 2, 2024 Rx: 3 days prior to Election 2024, and with a helpful Sun-Saturn trine;

3. November 28, 2024.

Now as you know, karmic Saturn is an important planet for everyone but also for those who hold responsible positions in society, plus, Scott's Saturn is prominent as the handle of a Bucket pattern. Notably, he was born in 1965 as the 3 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus-Pluto were getting underway. Also significant is that Scott's natal Saturn (conjunct Chiron in Pisces: a mentor, likely a religious figure) opposes his Virgo trio of Uranus-Pluto-Mercury, with his Sun @26Vir31. A restless and resourceful individual is indicated, even a revolutionary (Uranus-Pluto). Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces denotes one who "struggles with oppponents" (R. Ebertin).

Then there are historical associations with the Uranus-Pluto cycle including the slave trade, black rights, and oppression. Well, perhaps you remember in his 2021 SOTU rebuttal, Tim Scott's controversial declaration that "America is not a racist country"!

As for Saturn Returns, they relate to professional security and provide individuals with a 28-to-30-year horoscope to keep an eye on. Of course, when any planet returns to its natal Zodiacal position, it repeats natal aspects, if any. In Tim Scott's case, those are: Saturn trine Moon-Venus-Neptune, and opposing Uranus and Pluto while squaring his Nodal Axis. Any personal idiosyncracies may turn up in 2024, and a zealous side may be noticed. Plus, the closest applying aspect to his natal Sun (ego; goal) is a square from expansive Jupiter (29Gem51) so we may expect that his financial capabilities should be considered or perhaps scrutinized.

Tim Scott's Personality Blend: Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer

His Earth (Virgo)/Water (Cancer) blend suggests pragmatism and viewpoints which may be somewhat limited. There are leanings toward anxiety and worry, and an oversensitivity that can lead to huffiness and misunderstandings. There is concern for social welfare, along with adaptability, and loyalty to family and friends. Prone to complaining, the Senator may like to rationalize away his idiosyncracies, can remain stuck in old habits, and may exhibit a suspicious attitude at times. Yet he's a very optimistic and conservative guy, which is a Jupiter-Saturn combination suggesting balanced energies.

Now there's one "Image for Integration" (conscious plus unconscious energies) which may apply to Tim Scott considering today's political climate of foreign interference in US elections, dark money financiers, and politicians with foreign bank accounts: "Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys) #ad).

This personality blend is shared by author Upton Sinclair so here's that famous quote of his:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

Yes, it's a Utopian dream that leads to the fallacy that no laws are needed. Chaos would result and this is what the current crop of Republicans want. However, 2024 candidate Tim Scott seems rather a mild Republican so far, but it's early days yet. And another factor should be noted: his Mars-Neptune conjunction indicates one who may be confused over his real goals, be indecisive and/or inconsistent with his efforts, and sports an interesting label provided by Alan Oken: "Here, there, everywhere, and nowhere". Perhaps the vacillating energies of this aspect will be noticed as his campaign goes on, or, it may play a part in his dropping out at some point. Then with the conjunction in secretive Scorpio, perhaps some sort of surreptious activities have or will occur. Of course, senators have secretive dealings and work with hidden facts all the time so maybe that's how his Scorpionic energies express. Nothing sinister, I hope!

Then on another level, Scott's Mars-Neptune midpoint has his Uranus at apex so that "reaching for pie-in-the-sky" is indicated, according to Noel Tyl. Curiously, planet Uranus is known as, 'the sky god', and Tim Scott says that his rise in life is an example of the American dream. Therefore, for Tim it sounds like it's apple pie in the sky, and perhaps a leaning toward the Great Beyond in the spiritual sense.

So let's close with the Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which Tim Scott was born: the 3 North which manifested on May 30, 1965 @9Gemini, which in the Mercurial sign indicates a focus on logic and fluency. 3 North themes include obsessive energies, "news that transforms a situation" and "large plans are wanted but don't get carried away" (B. Brady). Is mounting a 2024 campaign for the presidency getting carried away?

Then in 2001, 3 North is the Saros Series in which the WTC attacks of 9/11 occurred. But the last occurrence of a 3 North Eclipse happened under Tr*mp on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 among America's 1776 Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio, and possibly landed at or near Tim Scott's natal Moon which ranged from 5-to-20 Cancer on September 19, 1965; the Eclipse in 2019 may have increased his (lunar) intuitive ability with his Moon strong in her own sign of Cancer.

Dec 30, 2022

Mark Meadows: Saturn in Capricorn

Below is a view of the 'noon' natal chart of Trump's former White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows.

As you see, the December 23, 2022 New Moon @1Cap33 landed upon his natal Saturn Rx, planet of government, authority, responsibility, and accountability, and with New Moons often acting Uranian and disruptive like a solar eclipse, this suggests that Meadows is under scrutiny with inconvenient facts coming to light thanks to the J6 Committee investigation, and that he was in a position of authority with a responsibility to carry out the directives of his boss, the orange insurrectionist, whose plan to sabotage democracy Mr. Meadows fully supported:

Dec 5, 2022

Gavin Newsom and Election Day 2024

Re: Gavin Christopher Newsom October 10, 1967 5:13 am pdt San Francisco, California

by Jude Cowell

Anyone who has viewed the AA-rated natal horoscope of California Governor Gavin Newsom might have marveled at his Uranus-Pluto Conjunction in Virgo rising just underneath his natal Ascendant (21Vir14). Bascially, Uranus in Virgo suggests an urge to reform, and a good intellect, yet tactless frankness can be a negative. (Maturity and experience have mitigated such an off-putting tendency although gaffes remain possible.) Then his Pluto in Virgo hints at scientific interests, the inquisitive mind of a collector, and reveals one who achieves much with simple means (R. Ebertin).

Of course, the transformative Uranus-Pluto Conjunction peaked during the mid-1960s prior to the Governor's birth in 1967. Yet it's still influential upon him, no doubt, with its reformist energies, elevation of consciousness tendencies, inventiveness, and technical and mechanical skills which resonate well with his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in reliable Taurus in the 5 North Saros Series with themes of 'visions, hunches, and prophetic dreams' (B. Brady).

The last time a 5 North Eclipse manifested was on June 10, 2021 @20Gemini so 5 North themes will be re-activated and increased by a conjunction from Election 2024 Jupiter which denotes that ethics and moral values are involved, plus, issues relating back to Summer 2021 may resurface (not that they've entirely gone away). For context, you may wish to check out events of June 2021, a very busy and significant month across the globe.

Now just for the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel of charts with Gavin Newsom's natal horoscope (inner) and the Election Day 2024 Horoscope (outer) that I tend to use, set for Election 2024 Moon's entry into governmental Capricorn, the sign of Gavin Newsom's ambitious Moon as it happens, and suggesting that voters will be in a serious, no-nonsense mood on Election Day 2024 although some folks might entertain unusual perspectives (Venus out-of-bounds) or, will 'sit this one out':

Highlighted in green is beneficial Jupiter precisely conjunct his natal Midheaven ('MC'), the visible point of Career and Public Status, and in Gemini, signifying many contacts and communications with the public (MC). However, transit Jupiter simultaneously opposes Newsom's natal Mars (conjunct his IC), a transit that can disrupt the vibes of Jupiterian good fortune at MC. Perhaps his domestic scene will go less well than professional matters in 2024 which may or may not involve national politics. However, some hint of overblown or extravagant projects being 'too large to handle' could be involved, even collapse, at this time. Positive support from others could naturally help with any negative possibilities, yet we know that 'this too shall pass' as planetary transits and conditions always do.

Meanwhile, 2024 Venus @22Sag40 (sign of the outsider) crosses into his 4th house (home renovation?) where she finds natal Mars (20Sag53) which suggests meeting someone new, but may also indicate joint ventures with allies and/or partners. This transit will be favorable for political and/or financial activities along with the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, at Midheaven, aided by the fact that Governor Newsom's natal Jupiter @28Leo28 conjuncts royal Regulus (a promise of fame, recognition, and high position) and leads a Locomotive shape of his natal planets (followed by pleasant Venus) so that great determination toward success is indicated. These potentials should be the case for anyone wanting a successful career in politics, and theatrical talent is always a plus.

Then through our astrological lens, we see that Governor Gavin Newsom is an Air-Earth Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn personality combination of conscious-unconscious energies. Internal blockages via his Sun-Moon square suggest a need to focus on objectives, along with potentials for pragmatism, diplomacy, and the skillful management of people (what better for a politician?) In fact, this particular blend is "the just politician"! Newsom is formidable yet likeable, shrewd, fair, and a believer in law and order. Ambitious and determined to achieve, Governor Newsom prefers leading a team yet he also likes his solitude. Possessing high standards, he tends toward perfectionism, and may show a streak of snobbery upon occasion.

Now here's a quote from a political activist who also was born with the same Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn blend, Bobby Seale:

"We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

Now admittedly as an East Coaster, I personally know little of Gavin Newsom who began serving as governor of California in January 2019 just as his Wikipedia page informs us. And many folks know that until 2006, he and Kimberly Gilfoyle were married for five years before she became - whatever it is she's become. Note that Ms. Gilfoyle's natal horoscope (March 9, 1969 10:29 pm pst San Francisco, CA) is also rated AA for accuracy and reveals a steamy, even scalding Water-Fire Sun Pisces-Moon Sagittarius personality blend which can tend toward misplaced enthusiasms yet can show compassion and a very creative imagination. Then does it make any sense that Kimberly Gilfoyle shares her natal personality blend with none other than social meddler extraordinaire Rupert Murdoch?

Related: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (unmarked).

For more personality blend information, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad.

Oct 29, 2022

Jon Meacham on the Complexities and Conscience of Abraham Lincoln | Amanpour & Co clip

SO'W readers may wish to check out the Horoscope of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address with the speech's far-reaching results and 4th house Uranus Rx @24Gem05, the position of Tr*mp's 'Prez Bid' New Moon conjunct aggressive Mars on the morning of June 16, 2015 - and now being activated by transit Mars, perigee in Gemini.

Jul 21, 2022

Astro-Notes: the very tall Barron Trump

July 22, 2022

Shown above in 2019, Trump son Barron Trump is in the spotlight again due to attending the funeral of his father's mother Ivana Trump (and at 16 now "towers" over his parents and siblings in photographs), so why not a brief reconsideration of Barron's natal planets along with a prominent conjunction to his Pisces Sun?

The conjunction is Sun conjunct fixed star Scheat, a star which often indicates suffering, misfortune, and a potential for drowning. Yet there's a positive side, for Scheat can denote literary and artistic talents. This star is spotlighted by the Sun at Spring Equinox every year.

Hopefully, expressing such creative talents will be the way he'll express Scheat in his life, and with his Sun highlighting the star, recognition for his creative endeavors is possible. After all, Pisces is a very creative sign and Barron was born with Sun @29Pis40, Mercury @14Pis30 (literary!), and his Ascendant @15Pis01. His natal Moon is in very early Sagittarius (00Sag56), sign of the foreigner, which hints at his mother Melania's birth location and heritage, with Moon signifying Mother. And typical for a parent and child relationships, his tower-building father's natal Moon is also in Sagittarius (and conjuncts Barron's natal Midheaven!), and Donald Trump's mother was from Scotland, as you know.

So if you wish, check out a previous SO'W post from 2018 concerning the natal Jupiter Rx in Scorpio of the very tall Barron Trump for it was his first Jupiter Return and a three-fer return at that.

And if possible, don't miss tonight's prime time J6 Hearing at 8:00 pm edt, for as the 8:00 pm horoscope shows, transit Nemesis, asteroid of divine retribution, now conjuncts fixed star Scheat.

Jan 5, 2022

The Solar Eclipse of Thomas Jefferson,_1800.jpg

By "Solar Eclipse of Thomas Jefferson" I refer to the Solar Eclipse Saros Series during which his birth took place on April 2, 1743, and to his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') itself in the 15 South Saros Series, shown, below.

Here is an image of Mr. Jefferson's PE Horoscope with my study notes, plus, 15 South themes, penned on (via B. Brady; top center). The chart is set for his location of birth, Shadwell, Virginia and a link to his natal horoscope is added, below:

Now often a birth time of 1:53 am LMT is used for Jefferson's natal chart (with 18Cap17 rising and a 10th house Pluto Rx @16Sco04), however, other birth hours have been proposed here and there, some through rectification of life events. I tend to use the 1:53 am chart because I've read that it's close to early morning time from the notes his father wrote upon the occasion. (Any reader with more info, please leave a comment!)

So here's a link to the astrodatabank version (RR: X = date without time) which displays no house cusps, only planetary positions in Thomas Jefferson's Natal Horoscope.

And this is one reason I always check out the PE of a person or event especially ones without a known hour - because with eclipses, the Cosmos always gets the timing exactly right!

A Very Descriptive Sabian Symbol

Jefferson's PE @5Sag: "A Wise Old Owl Up In A Tree" which emphasizes his erudite studies, the then-rural Monticello countryside, and Jefferson's preference for solitude which is also a feature of Neptune-North-Node ('NN') = Midheaven. In addition, Neptune Rx in Moon-ruled Cancer (high sensitivity!) leads a Locomotive shape of his eclipse planets suggesting a ruthless determination toward success - a desire perhaps well-hidden since nebulous Neptune is the engine. As you know, this was the way desires to hold political offices (and generalships of an army!) were done back in the day. Now I know what you're thinking, dear reader: is there a Locomotive led by Neptune in Jefferson's natal chart? Nope. So without a consideration of his Prenatal Eclipse Horoscope, I'd not be mentioning the implications of a ruthless Locomotive for Mr. Jefferson who, after all, made it to the top as President of the USA.

Note: No, the "YODs" in this chart are not actually considered YODs because the third 'leg' is only an angle, the Midheaven, instead of a planet. Therefore, I've listed them as midpoint pictures (center) and inconjuncts (lower left).

Related is a rather curious post about dragons, rosy glows, and Utopianism in which the name of Thomas Jefferson prominently appears.

Nov 6, 2021

Dec 2021 When Venus Comes Back in Bounds

by Jude Cowell

Just as other personal planets in this condition, planet Venus Out-Of-Bounds ('OOBs' in my charts) of the Earthly plane displays some interesting traits, characteristics, and propensities when considered in a horoscope. Transit Venus (a money planet as is Jupiter) has been out-of-bounds for quite some time but will re-join the rest of the planetary panoply on December 7, 2021 - by my software's calculation - at 3:38 pm est with Venus @23Cap57:37 and approaching powerful Pluto (see lower left and right corners).

Note that December 7, 2021 is a day of a Lunar Return for Senator Kyrsten Sinema which perfects at 5:17:59 pm est (natal Moon @6AQ19 opposite natal Saturn; her natal Mercury @17Can09 conjunct natal MC - is OOBs = thinking 'out of the box'; 'unorthodox pespectives'). And note that Moon-ruled Cancer is a very private, subjective sign. Another thing about her natal Moon which seems unfortunate - Luna conjoins Nemesis, asteroid of foes and enemies. Could she have a 'reigning need' for enemies?

Now obviously, this Venusian OOBs condition has suggested the ongoing financial gridlock in Congress over President Biden's Build Back Better and Infrastructure Bills, so perhaps the return of Venus to 'playing along' in December could time much needed improvements on Capitol Hill for the benefit of the American people and in support of the beneficial themes of the December 4th 5 South Eclipse. Yet surely legislative passings can occur before December but we shall have to see, won't we? Delays and obstacles are tiresomely used tactics of the US Congress, as we know.

So below you see the last moment with Venus -23:27 after which Venus is technically back in bounds and will begin to engage with the rest of the celestial bodies (actors). Plus, a vibe of cooperation is also shown by the emphasized T-Square's midpoint pictures with apex Jupiter @26AQ21 in 10th house (highlighted in green; Venus in blue; 6th house Mars in his own sign of Scorpio leads a BOWL shape indicating 'advocacy of a cause' or 'having a mission' and may suggest militants or simply activists). And if this Jupiter conjoins (what some astrologers use as) US natal Moon (at apex), the T-Square indicates public anger and a potential for provocative behavior to continue although with a Jupiter-to-Moon transit happiness may be involved for at least some of us. Malcontents, not so much.

Plus, when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, Venus tends toward faithfulness, a sense of duty and responsibility (Moon-Saturn = MC concurs, upper right!), and a 'matter of fact' nature, but in some cases this placement can express negative traits such as distrust, jealousy, and old-fashioned or out-of-date views. And it seems somewhat paradoxical that the Sabian Symbol of returning Venus @24Capricorn = "A Woman Entering a Convent." Does lady Venus consider the US Congress to be like a "convent"? Maybe. And there is a seclusion factor with both entities and in the Senate serious deliberation supposedly remains an objective and a habit similar to the meditation that life in a convent entails. Dane Rudhyar explains this symbol as, "The final goal is the attainment of TRANSCENDENT SECURITY." Maybe Lady Venus tires of 'running wild' and scoffing at societal traditions out on her own!

So penned on the chart you see Venus in blue as apex of two midpoint pictures which denote 'appeasement' and 'idealized thinking': Mercury-Jupiter and Mars-Neptune. Yes, Venusian romance may be involved as well but that's beyond the scope of this post!

Additionally, this chart shows the Prenatal Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 ('PE', here in 7th house) in the 5 South Saros Series with 5S themes of 'benefits' and 'good news' (B. Brady). As you see, the Venusian horoscope is set for Washington DC where the November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @27Tau19 rises:

For the curious, here's a view of the natal horoscope of Kyrsten Sinema (RR: A).

Jun 22, 2021

Florida's Ron DeSantis: Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius

Brief Astro-Notes by Jude Cowell

US Representative Ron DeSantis; official portrait; 113th Congress

Tuesday June 22, 2021: Can Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ('noon' chart shown, thanks to Marjorie Orr) possibly become the GOP's 2024 candidate for the presidency? Well, his resume pre-politics is stellar with a history degree from Yale, a law degree from Harvard, serving as a Naval Reserve officer and JAG, attorney for Seal Team deployed to Iraq, former US Rep. Ron DeSantis is just about everything draft-dodger Trump never was. DeSantis has described himself as a "mini-Trump" yet with his current poll numbers higher than those of the exiled "Dick A L'Orange" (props to Steven Colbert!), the Trumpiness of DeSantis may or may not aid him in the next race for the White House. Yes, 40-something Gov. DeSantis may have baggage but it seems to be lighter than the steamer trunks that old 70-something Trump lugs around. Barring huge scandals of romantic or financial proportions, the Florida governor could become a political 'star' for the GOP.

So in case you missed it, here's a Morning Joe segment from earlier today discussing the potential presidential candidacy of Ron DeSantis. And below are a few astro-notes on his Sun-Moon personality blend which holds true no matter his birth time on September 14, 1978: he's an Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius sort of guy. Yet we should also mention his Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Mercury-ruled Virgo which obviously aided him in his studies toward higher degrees and in his legal work and suggests that plenty of hard work and concentration have been his primary way of reaching his objectives in life. Even so, DeSantis has gained a significant level of power within his sphere of influence through his organizational ability and by working within The System (ruled by Saturn). However, several planetary contacts of 2021 into 2022 are unfavorable for his plans but will lighten in time for political events of 2024 and 2025. More on that later if Ron DeSantis continues to be considered as a possible candidate.

Now his natal Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend of conscious and unconscious energies denotes a man of shrewd intelligence, one who is capable of impartial analysis. His (lawyerly) focus tends to be on "black and white facts" while dispassionately distancing himself from other people and from his own feelings. A bit of a people-watcher, he's a self-controlled fellow with a streak of perfectionism supplied by Virgo (the critic). Yet there is social concern, plus, a measure of friendliness via his Aquarian Moon. (Note that a candidate's natal placement in Aquarius can resonate well with the American people for a presidential hopeful!)

In closing, here is one of his Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (#ad), then a quote from a fellow also born under the influence of the Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend, author and broadcaster J.B. Priestley (1894--1984):

Image: "Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order."


"The real lost souls don't wear their hair long and play guitars. They have crewcuts, trained minds, sign on for research in biological warfare, and don't give their parents a moment's worry."- J.B. Priestley.

And some of those "trained minds" hold Yale and Harvard degrees.

Apr 23, 2021

A Natal Chart for Senator John Kennedy (R-LA)

April 23, 2021: If you're curious about the contrary Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) his Wikipedia bio page can supply a few details. Born John Neely Kennedy on November 21, 1951 in Centreville, Mississippi but raised in Zachary, Louisiana, Mr. Kennedy served as Treasurer of Louisiana from January 10, 2000 to January 3, 2017, the date he was sworn in to serve in the US Senate.

For your consideration, I've rustled up a 12:00 pm (CST) natal horoscope for Senator Kennedy which shows Sun in late Scorpio and Moon in late Leo (a Sun-Moon square = "Me Against Thee" - A. Oken). Yet if born on or after 4:35:30 pm CST, his Moon is in Virgo, sign of The Critic, which, considering his typical performances on Capitol Hill, just may be the case. However, if born earlier with Moon in dramatic Leo (he's a lawyer, politician, and show-off), the Sun-Moon personality of the two Fixed (rigid) signs makes more sense to me so I'm going with that. Besides, a Virgo Moon would give him a pragmatic, supportive Water-Earth blend of conscious and unconscious energies while Water-Fire suggests a steamy, volatile, intensely personal blend that cannot step back and see things from an impersonal viewpoint. And with a Watery Sun and Fiery Moon, this is the combo of the 'passionate crusader' so you can see why I suspect a Leo Moon for John Kennedy (- Charles and Suzi Harvey).

So! Below is a speculative Natal Horoscope for John Kennedy with many of my study notes penned on such as: Mercury out-of-bounds ('OOBs' = off-planet ideas?) and a Pisces North Node which can indicate secret meetings with odd people and/or associations which can harm the community. Now as you see, he was sworn in on January 3, 2017 (at his Nodal Half Return) with the Sun opposing his quirky Uranus Rx which happens to conjunct Sirius (the scorcher), so compromise with fellow senators was not on his agenda. Also note that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 7 South Saros Series contains a tremendous amount of anger, power, and force (belied by his 'lazy' southern accent when questioning those he considers beneath him) thanks to 7 South's initial eclipse with a Mars-Pluto square (from Leo to Scorpio! with Saturn involved!). A crisis-ridden 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra.

See lower right for a few notes on the intensely emotional Moon-Pluto pair. And it's possible that the senator may have grown up with one of those infamous "smother mothers"! And, deep inside, harbor a reigning need for power, leadership, and applause.

Meanwhile, Mr Kennedy's Sun-Moon square implies relationship troubles or frustrations (due to ego, pride, and stubbornness?), and suggests that he's hypersensitive to criticism so please treat the speculative chart gingerly! Because with a Venus-Saturn conjunction, Mr. Kennedy is a discontented, dissatisfied kind of guy whose Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo personality combo has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with him or stands in his way.

So in case you missed his recent 'grilling' concerning voter suppression in Georgia, see Senator John Kennedy Thought He Could Get the Best of Stacey Abrams (credit to MSNBC's The ReidOut); let's just say the senator fell short of his objective:

Lower left: Two natal midpoint pictures are in force for the entire 24 hours of his birth day no matter his time of birth: Mars-Uranus = Pluto and Mercury-Pluto = Neptune. A few of their potentials are listed although others, more dangerous, shocking, or draining, may apply as well. Also note that Mr. Kennedy's natal Uranus @13Can33 conjuncts US natal Sun so perhaps the non-traditional ideas and unorthodox methods he brought to Congress in 2017 have to do with the presidency of the United States and/or how leadership was established on July 4, 1776 in relation to the principles embedded within the Declaration of Independence.

Just a few thoughts. What do you think?

Dec 28, 2020

Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell

December 28, 2020: With their political match-up soon to express in 2021, my study notes are penned upon the dual image of the Natal Horoscopes of President-Elect Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ('noon' used due to no accurate birth hour for Mitch). Of course, Mitch's position in the Senate could be altered depending on the outcomes of the Georgia run-offs on January 5, 2021. Or not.

Hopefully, enlarging or magnifying the image will result in readability for the curious:

Natal Horoscopes

Lower left: Joseph R. Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, Pennsylvania (RR: A); Upper right: Mitch (Mitchell?) McConnell February 20, 1942 "12:00 pm" CWT Sheffield, Alabama.

The Prenatal Solar Eclipses ('PE') of both men fell into Mercury-ruled Virgo although in different Saros Series. That's because Baby McConnell was born early in 1942 and his PE actually manifested on September 21, 1941 while Baby Biden's PE manifested on September 10, 1942, almost one year apart, both in September's Virgo.

Themes of McConnell's 16 North Series are listed to the left of his chart while themes of Biden's 17 New North Series are listed, lower right.

Brief notes concerning Solar Eclipses in Virgo are there, center right, with both men having similar approaches to problems, a strong work ethic and sense of duty, attention to details, and a caution that Virgoan perfectionism tends to hinder karmic progress.

Speaker McConnell's PE @27Vir48 falls smack dab between his North Node and Neptune Rx, the pair that tends toward anti-social and anti-communal behavior and attitudes. And we don't need an accurate birth time to see this.

President-Elect Biden's PE @17Vir17 falls near his Midheaven (19Vir54) so that its themes such as 'sense of duty' are objectives within his career and describe how he is seen on the world stage (MC).

Meanwhile, both politicians are powerfully 'determined on success' due to a Locomotive shape of their planets -- Joe Biden's executive 'choo choo' is led by his creative 5th house Moon @00Tau59, and Mitch McConnell's executive 'choo choo' follows his Venus Rx @5AQ39 (house unknown) which conjuncts US natal South Node (July 4, 1776) relating to the public, a rather difficult Saturnian connection suggesting isolation, possible anti-social/anti-communal behavior (ditto!), a potential for unpopularity, feelings of inferiority hidden by a facade of superiority, plus, a negative karmic condition in which the deprivation of aid and/or affection for others can play a part.

And since Venus Rx leads his 'choo choo' we should also consider Mitch's Venus-Pluto opposition across the self-will axis of Leo-Aquarius with his Pluto Rx conjunct US natal North Node (the 'tiger by the tail' combo) and there's Mitch's Nemesis Rx (the unbeatable foe; divine retribution) conjunct his Pluto.

And where is Joe Biden's Nemesis? Conjunct US natal Saturn @15Lib43.

Related charts include: Mitch McConnell: Sun in Pisces which displays the same 'noon' horoscope you see, above, and also shows a Synasry Grid between McConnell and then-President Barack Obama (note that the post link contains an incorrect year of birth for Mitch!); and here's the horoscope for Joseph R. Biden (RR: A, as noted).

As usual, dear reader, your on-topic comments and observations are welcomed and Shares are much appreciated. jc

Oct 23, 2020

The Natal Saturns of Biden and Trump: Who to Hire?

Job Interview! Whose Saturn Fits the Bill?

by Jude Cowell

October 23, 2020: My deep suspicion is that pretty much everyone knows by now that astrological Saturn is the planet of responsibility, reliability, dependability, maturity, realism, Time, gravity, accountability, limitation, restriction, flaws and fears, efficiency, seriousness, concentrated thought, fulfilling (or neglecting) demands and commands, studiousness, learning/teaching lessons, work, laws, rules, regulations, policies, perseverance, endurance, and other such sobering, often difficult things. Plus, we know that karma, loss, and several physical characteristics also apply to multi-dimentional Saturn but let's not fret over it just now because this post is for comparing/contrasting the natal Saturns by sign and aspect condition of Donald Trump, the incumbent, and Joseph Biden, the challenger, opposing one another on November 3, 2020 as they vie for the job of US president.

Pretending this post is a job interview of the planet of responsibility and work (even though it's the Electoral College that decides the victor, not We The People), we know from the outset that Saturn functions well from mental Air signs but not as well from emotional Water signs and is, in fact, in his detriment in Cancer because it's the sign opposite Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Now perhaps you'll agree that the role of President of the United States ideally calls for the more sobering traits mentioned above, and some would say that such seriousness and maturity have been lacking for nearly four years now. Be that as it may be, let us proceed to consider the proclivities of former VP Biden's Saturn in Mercury-ruled Gemini vs the current figurehead, Donald Trump, and his Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer - the first suggesting a Mercury-Saturn signature, the second with Moon-Saturn on its resume.

That both men are of a Saturnin age must please the planet of old age! Or at least it's no disqualifier for political office as far as Saturn the senex is concerned:

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Gemini: a logical, practical mind; well-disciplined; dependable; honest (for the most part--Mr. Biden is a politician, after all); reasonable; organized; adaptable; objective; intellectual; can manage well within systems; interests in Math and Science; prefers that things be well-defined (ex: clarity in contracts); a resourceful finder of solutions; wisdom through duress; philosophical; possible speech impediment such as stuttering; the nervous system.

Joe Biden was born with a wide conjunction of Saturn (7th house) and Uranus (6th house) suggesting willpower and perseverance; an applying sextile between Saturn and Pluto denotes one who requires details before making decisions; control issues require positive channels for best expression; priorities are self-reliance and financial security; opportunities (sextile) in work and career matters (Saturn) are provided by higher (hidden, wealthy) powers (Pluto in the corporate 8th house).

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Cancer: early family environment results in emotional inhibitions that lead to estrangement from family members and/or others; the parental unit may have been cold and austere causing emotional scars, depression, and an inability to trust; extreme emotional sensitivity, a touchy ego, defensiveness; a protective emotional shell forms (Cancer the Crab scuttles sideways to avoid uncomfortable situations/loathes being challenged); a lack of warmth in relationships; security concerns (Saturn rules walls, fences, and borders!); a deep need for respect and approval from others; domestic strain and financial problems; a sluggish metabolism leads to excessive weight gain and water retention; an unusually strong materialism (heightened by a deep fear of poverty). The Moon-Saturn signature also relates to ambitious plans and strategizing often based on unconscious motivations and emotional needs.

Donald Trump was born with a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. Discontent in relationships can be an excuse for disloyalty and unfaithfulness; concerns with justice, fairplay, and loyalty are evident - for Trump this is supported by his Jupiter in Libra through which we hear his cry of, "It's not fair!".

So! If you were the one hiring, and considering the dire problems America now faces, which fellow do you think would more efficiently and responsibly handle such a difficult job at this moment in history?

Birth Data Used (assuming accuracy): Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA (RR: A); Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Jamaica, NY (RR: AA).