Announcing his 2024 prez bid yesterday, details concerning freshly minted 2024 candidate Tim Scott (R-SC) reveal his birth date to be September 19, 1965. His Moon is in Cancer for the 24-hour period, and is out-of-bounds suggesting a measure of estrangement from Mother, or an emotional loss of some kind.
Here's a current interview with Tim Scott who says God is involved with his political decision to run in 2024, see What God Told Tim Scott Before He Announced Presidential Run. Is he genuine? Well, Senator Scott says he's confident that God isn't finished with our country yet, and this Protestant can't disagree.
So in case the 2024 presidential campaign of Tim Scott becomes a thing instead of fading out to nothing (his current poll numbers are very low), here's a natal horoscope for Tim Scott, unmarked and suitable for saving and/or printing. A few notes are added, below.
Horoscope: Tim Scott September 19, 1965 "12:00 pm" EST North Charleston, SC
Focusing on Saturn @12Pis50 Rx with Senator Scott's next Saturn Return (3x) perfecting all through 2024. Will Saturn bring him new responsibilities or more lessons? Of course, without a timed natal chart we can't consider houses in his return chart/s but using the 12:00 pm timing, the three dates that transit Saturn returns to 12Pis50 are:
1. March 26, 2024 (Trump's criminal trial date now set for March 25, 2024, NYC);
2. November 2, 2024 Rx: 3 days prior to Election 2024, and with a helpful Sun-Saturn trine;
3. November 28, 2024.
Now as you know, karmic Saturn is an important planet for everyone but also for those who hold responsible positions in society, plus, Scott's Saturn is prominent as the handle of a Bucket pattern. Notably, he was born in 1965 as the 3 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus-Pluto were getting underway. Also significant is that Scott's natal Saturn (conjunct Chiron in Pisces: a mentor, likely a religious figure) opposes his Virgo trio of Uranus-Pluto-Mercury, with his Sun @26Vir31. A restless and resourceful individual is indicated, even a revolutionary (Uranus-Pluto). Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces denotes one who "struggles with oppponents" (R. Ebertin).
Then there are historical associations with the Uranus-Pluto cycle including the slave trade, black rights, and oppression. Well, perhaps you remember in his 2021 SOTU rebuttal, Tim Scott's controversial declaration that "America is not a racist country"!
As for Saturn Returns, they relate to professional security and provide individuals with a 28-to-30-year horoscope to keep an eye on. Of course, when any planet returns to its natal Zodiacal position, it repeats natal aspects, if any. In Tim Scott's case, those are: Saturn trine Moon-Venus-Neptune, and opposing Uranus and Pluto while squaring his Nodal Axis. Any personal idiosyncracies may turn up in 2024, and a zealous side may be noticed. Plus, the closest applying aspect to his natal Sun (ego; goal) is a square from expansive Jupiter (29Gem51) so we may expect that his financial capabilities should be considered or perhaps scrutinized.
Tim Scott's Personality Blend: Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer
His Earth (Virgo)/Water (Cancer) blend suggests pragmatism and viewpoints which may be somewhat limited. There are leanings toward anxiety and worry, and an oversensitivity that can lead to huffiness and misunderstandings. There is concern for social welfare, along with adaptability, and loyalty to family and friends. Prone to complaining, the Senator may like to rationalize away his idiosyncracies, can remain stuck in old habits, and may exhibit a suspicious attitude at times. Yet he's a very optimistic and conservative guy, which is a Jupiter-Saturn combination suggesting balanced energies.
Now there's one "Image for Integration" (conscious plus unconscious energies) which may apply to Tim Scott considering today's political climate of foreign interference in US elections, dark money financiers, and politicians with foreign bank accounts: "Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys) #ad).
This personality blend is shared by author Upton Sinclair so here's that famous quote of his:
"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?
Yes, it's a Utopian dream that leads to the fallacy that no laws are needed. Chaos would result and this is what the current crop of Republicans want. However, 2024 candidate Tim Scott seems rather a mild Republican so far, but it's early days yet. And another factor should be noted: his Mars-Neptune conjunction indicates one who may be confused over his real goals, be indecisive and/or inconsistent with his efforts, and sports an interesting label provided by Alan Oken: "Here, there, everywhere, and nowhere". Perhaps the vacillating energies of this aspect will be noticed as his campaign goes on, or, it may play a part in his dropping out at some point. Then with the conjunction in secretive Scorpio, perhaps some sort of surreptious activities have or will occur. Of course, senators have secretive dealings and work with hidden facts all the time so maybe that's how his Scorpionic energies express. Nothing sinister, I hope!
Then on another level, Scott's Mars-Neptune midpoint has his Uranus at apex so that
"reaching for pie-in-the-sky" is indicated, according to Noel Tyl. Curiously, planet Uranus is known as, 'the sky god', and Tim Scott says that his rise in life is an example of the American dream. Therefore, for Tim it sounds like it's apple pie in the sky, and perhaps a leaning toward the Great Beyond in the spiritual sense.
So let's close with the Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which Tim Scott was born: the 3 North which manifested on May 30, 1965 @9Gemini, which in the Mercurial sign indicates a focus on logic and fluency. 3 North themes include obsessive energies, "news that transforms a situation" and "large plans are wanted but don't get carried away" (B. Brady). Is mounting a 2024 campaign for the presidency getting carried away?
Then in 2001, 3 North is the Saros Series in which the WTC attacks of 9/11 occurred. But the last occurrence of a 3 North Eclipse happened under Tr*mp on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 among America's 1776 Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio, and possibly landed at or near Tim Scott's natal Moon which ranged from 5-to-20 Cancer on September 19, 1965; the Eclipse in 2019 may have increased his (lunar) intuitive ability with his Moon strong in her own sign of Cancer.