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Dec 2, 2019

Astro-Notes and the Eclipse of Rep. Adam Schiff

The best course for anyone interested in the natal horoscope and planets of Rep. Adam Schiff is to visit Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe for The Unflappable Adam Schiff which includes details and a view of Schiff's natal chart with its 12th house Sun-Venus conjunction at Cardinal World Point 00Cancer. As you know, the 12th is the house of Politics, Large Institutions, and Karma and along with several other factors makes for a very interesting Moon-ruled horoscope and politician of the Democratic persuasion.

So here I shall add a trio of cosmic factors:

That Adam Schiff has recently experienced two major planetary returns in 2019, one a three-fer. In order of occurrence they are: Saturn Return/s (16Cap12:03) 3 times: February 12, July 23, and November 11, 2019. Responsibilities! Then on November 25th a Jupiter Return (28Sag26:15) perfected--the "Jupiter Reward Cycle" as Noel Tyl has termed it--which is especially apt since the tension between Jupiter and Saturn (expansion vs retraction) keeps the planets in their courses ('the flywheel of the Universe') and traditionally, the pair relates in Politics to our fabled checks'n'balances system of government which Rep. Schiff and congressional Democrats are working to honor by attempting to hold Trump accountable for his anti-constitutional overreach and lawlessness. (Note that Schiff's Saturn returning before Jupiter suggests that his hard work is being rewarded.)

Now this is where the US Congress as a co-equal branch of government comes in with its oversight function designed by the Founders to keep presidents from behaving as monarchs acting as if they're above the law. And of course, SCOTUS oversight must be included in the deal as well as the third branch of government.

Therefore, a Masonic lodge the White House may be but a king's castle it is not.

Plus, in Mundane Astrology Jupiter and Saturn relate to our two political parties, or, as I often tend to think of them, our two political factions (because they exploit us as the 'ruling class' vs We The People). Periodically switching roles or hats between generosity and austerity, the Two Santa Claus Theory of Jude Wanniski and popularized by Thom Hartmann can be described in terms of Jupiter the Generous vs Saturn the Scrooge.

The final cosmic factor I shall mention here is Adam Schiff's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') and its themes. Born June 22, 1960 at 6:13 am edt in Framingham, Massachusetts (RR: AA) into the 16 South Saros Series (March 27, 1960 @6Ari38), Mr. Schiff's eclipse themes involve issues of wasted energy and misdirected motivation especially in groups, and sudden inspiration that is potentially unfulfilling (Brady's Predictive Astrology). If your PE is in Mars-ruled Aries, issues of leadership and treating problems as challenges will feature in your life. 16 South last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus and will next occur on May 9, 2032 @19Taurus.

But Aries issues aside, perhaps you agree that 16 South is not one of your more positive Saros Series to be born into though hopefully while it 'runs in the background' of Schiff's life, no negative influences will be felt during this critical period of time. Yet it's possible that his participation in the group now staging impeachment proceedings against Trump may turn out to be "unfulfilling."

For it does seem significant that during the 3rd day of the inquiry proceedings this week with Rep. Nadler wielding the gavel, on Friday December 6, 2019, transit Jupiter opposes both Schiff's Venus then Sun which suggests a lack of cooperation from others, overblown or unkept promises, and wounded pride--and Jupiter may represent Jupiterian Trump in cosmic disguise challenging Adam Schiff's integrity, values, and his democratic perspectives which threaten to interfere with the 'kingship' and plutonian mobsterism of Donald Trump as he and his comrades continue hollowing out the US government to a more manageable size.

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