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Feb 25, 2021

DC Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2021 w Jupiter Rising

Summer 2021: Karma and Tension Yet Jupiterian Optimism

by Jude Cowell

February 25, 2021: Below you see the DC Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2021 set for the moment on June 20th 11:32:23 pm edt that the Sun reaches 00Cancer00:00 in our hemisphere. As you see, the 2021 Summer Solstice Moon @9Sco26 falls into the 9th house when the chart is set for Washington DC, Sun is in the 5th house, and together the two luminaries create a Double Water blend of energies. Rising in 1st house is stationing Jupiter @2Pis11 which turned retrograde 12 hours 27 minutes ago, followed by Neptune:

Chart-ruler and co-ruler, Saturn and Uranus, retain their disagreeable square relationship, here from 12th house to 3rd house but separating, suggests a continuation in Summer 2021 of conflicts between the status quo, or The Establishment, vs th radical, disruptive forces of zealotry and anarchy. Plus, in futuristc Aquarius, karmic Saturn in Politics tends toward progressive policies which angers radical reactionaries even more in their quest for control. All in all, tremendous tension and frustration simmer and erupt when stirred off and on by bad faith actors as we've seen over and over again with the January 6th Mob Attack a crescendo - and a 'dry-run' for more.

Meanwhile, whatever financial aid and improvements the Biden administration intends to put in place to help the beleagured American people, and whatever level of optimism exists within the Sun-Jupiter trine, funding of various kinds may recede, and opportunities may be withdrawn since financier-corporatist-politician-guru planet Jupiter retrogrades in June. For as you know, periods of Jupiter Rx are always significant to political proceedings as well as financial matters and conditions. Plus, religious concerns and military issues will also be affected (Jupiter The Hierophant, and The General).

However, with Stationing Jupiter, altruistic in its traditional sign of compassionate Pisces, we may hope the Great Benefic's favors will extend for a while, then pick up once Jupiter turns Direct in mid-October 2021 @22AQ19. It seems significant that the only applying aspect to the Solstice 2021 Sun - and the closest - is the trine with Jupiter! Perhaps the protective function of Jupiter plus, the protective Fire Grand Trine of spontaneity and confidence will defend many lives and lift conditions above the bad-loser vibes of the 'previous guy' and his hate-filled comrades. For violent implications, check the chart, lower left, for the T-Squares and their midpoint potentials, plus, lower right, is a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) between the Moon-Mars square with its anger issues and lack of empathy, and deceptive Neptune in Pisces.

That both Jupiter and Neptune in 1st house are in the intercepted sign of Pisces identifies some of the karmic conditions we face across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces (exs: income inequality; minimum wage increase), plus, large events involving water and other liquids are indicated which suggests natural disasters and may suggest issues that concern the Green New Deal (Jupiter, the 'Jolly Green Giant'?). Additionally, Jupiter-Neptune's tendencies toward fraud, inflation, and other speculative financial schemes will be on the rise and must be dealt with. And tiresomely, the Jupiter-Neptune duo also indicates political conflicts and possibly the wrong diagnosis (Ebertin).

Meanwhile, for our domestic scene oncerns, we may wish to add the North-Node-conjunct-IC factor to our protective, good fortune list of benefits! And there in 4th house is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Summer Solstice 2021 with its 5 North themes of 'visions, hunches, prophetic dreams, and inspired insights' (Brady) in Mercury-ruled Gemini, the sign of good news!

Now I realize that it's quite foolhardy to publish this post and horoscope so far in advance of the Summer 2021 season (for much will transpire between now and then) so the rest of the chart's karmic conditions and other planetary factors and implications I'll leave for a future post. This may give you, dear reader, time to prepare for Summer Solstice 2021 and perhaps in the mean time may spur an interest in studying the horoscope for yourself! Then as always, your on-topic comments, observations, and/or conclusions are invited with cordiality expected and - no exceptions - your name attached. Jude

A related post: Astoundingly, the chart angles of the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope are the same as those in the chart, above!

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