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Showing posts with label 5 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 North. Show all posts

Jul 18, 2024

Peter Thiel October 11, 1967

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The most useful information I've found so far concerning newbie politician and VP pick of GOP nominee Trump, JD Vance, is the following segment by Rachel Maddow exposing the real reason why Vance was VP pick:

video link

Actually, this post is intended to display a noon natal horoscope for Peter Thiel, born in Germany on October 11, 1967, grew up in the US, and takes on the role of a wealthy behind-the-scenes meddler in US politics. Perhaps you remember that Thiel's RNC 2016 speech was somewhat unusual but so was the Republican conference with its Russian influences and Capricorn Full Moon conjunct US 1776 Pluto.

Added below Thiel's noon chart are a few notes concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') into which Baby Thiel was born:

Mercury with Mars = Politics

Planetary details from the horoscope, above, include a midpoint picture that was operative no matter the hour of birth: Sun = Mercury-Pluto making Thiel a keen observer with a need for recognition. Yet his Mercury @12Sco30 is unaspected which suggests a lack of self-reflection, independent thinking, and a strong ability to concentrate on objectives; a one-sided approach is a potential.

Then notably, Thiel's Mercury conjuncts the unaspected Mars of President Biden which similarly indicates a concentrated focus on matters at hand; the contact indicates verbal combat. Plus, Biden's Mars @13Scorpio, you'll remember, was opposed by transit Mars @13Taurus during the Biden-Trump debate in June 2024 which denotes Biden's head cold along with the aggressive Taurean forces aligned against him (Mars vs Mars).

The opposition also suggests a lamentable lack of an astrologer for the timing of Biden's events because no competent astrologer would ever suggest such a Mars-infused date for a confrontation, political or otherwise.

Last 5 North: June 10, 2021 @20Gemini Conjunct Trump's Natal Uranus-NN-Sun

Meanwhile, Peter Theil's birth on October 11, 1967 falls under the auspices of the 5 North Eclipse which manifested for him on May 9, 1967 @18Taurus with themes of sudden flashes of ideas from the unconscious; hunches, visions, prophetic dreams; a highly creative series (paraphrasing B. Brady). For some folks, 5 North themes are being ruffled or inspired into activity by the current 8 North Eclipse, the third Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron of wounding fame with 8N's "vivid dreams, visions, intuition" themes.

Taurean Venus Can Be Greedy, Envious, and Vindictive

Now when solar eclipses are in Venus-ruled Taurus, emphasized are determination, endurance, reliability, and persistence yet negatively may denote Taurean traits such as intractability, bullheadedness, intolerance, indolence, extravagance, possessiveness, and greed. This eclipse suggests an inherent attraction to economic causes and policies which tallies perfectly with the super-sized appetite of the Republican Party, now morphed into the authoritarian "Trump Death Cult Party" with its proposed fascist Project 2025 agenda intended to hobble the US economy, embezzle from the National Treasury, devalue the US dollar to boost crypto-currencies, take over the US government, gut the ranks of Civil Service employees who make things run on time, collapse American society, and steal from our social safety net funds, paid into by US taxpayers.

So anyone who reads the GOP agenda for 2025 can see that misery, suffering, and loss are what they offer - and their lawless dystopia may be brought to us all by Americans who are self-destructive or careless enough to vote Republican on November 5, 2024. It seems that a hardhearted Christian Nationalism has thrown deceptive sand in their eyes, as we know by the constant gaslighting from a power-mad authoritarian GOP determined to rule the US for decades. Not govern. Just rule like kings.

Meanwhile, planetary aspects to Peter Thiel's 5 North Eclipse of October 11, 1967 may be instructive:

Mercury conjunct shows a need for reasoning and logic, and may have health connotations (Mercury in sexy Scorpio, sign of surgery); Mars inconjunct denotes a family history which may include physical abuse (perhaps taken out on little Peter?); Neptune opposed denotes confusion, cloudiness, and chaos-creation within the realms of a truth vs fiction, reality vs fantasy atmosphere. Finally, his rebellious Uranus-Pluto conjunction trines his PE suggesting that friends, colleagues, and groups are assets for him and may be called upon for remedial action or regeneration (paraphrasing R. Lineman).

Was Thiel Behind Threat to Trump if Vance Not His VP Pick?

So being curious about the natal Pluto of this anti-democracy Plutonian figure Thiel - and knowing that two of the several caps manipulative control-freak Pluto, the dragon guarding the golden hoard, wears - the Pope and the assassin - I subtracted Pluto's orbit of 248 years from 1967 and got the year 1719. As it turns out - and it may mean something or nothing but it does at least partially rhyme with current events - on October 11, 1719 the Philippines' Governor-General Bastillo was assassinated. Therefore, the cosmic time link (1967 to 1719) is suggestive but not conclusive; however, Thiel's birth basically may be said to symbolize a Solar Return to the violent action of 1719 so you may wish to see Wikipedia's Events of 1719 for more potential correlations with our era.

Dear Reader: stay tuned to SO'W if you can for I'll be publishing soon on the proposed September 10, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate in case it happens yet we must note that it possibly could occur between different combatants. Also planned is a post re: the 1934 Eclipses repeating in 2024, a don't-miss.

Plus, available for my amazing Patreon subscribers is a recent post of a bi-wheel showing contacts between the US Constitution Horoscope of 1787 and the Project 2025 Horoscope, posted due to Trump's threat to toss out the US Constitution and its principles which the orange scofflaw finds hugely inconvenient for the implementation of Project 2025's purging agenda. Then as you can imagine, even a dollar a month subscription is encouraging for the continuance of this time-consuming Political Astrology work, and my Thanks So Much to all those who subscribe. Alternately, you could simply Buy Me a Coffee! jc

Jul 15, 2024

The Eclipse of Thomas M. Crooks

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The shooting of Donald Trump soon after he took the rally stage in Butler, PA on Saturday July 13, 2024 represents a complicated situation and complex astrological factors are involved in any attempt to describe or understand it. So in order to keep from writing an e-book about it, here are four horoscopes in bi-wheel form with my astro-notes penned on.

Instructive is a bi-wheel with a speculatively timed natal horoscope of T. M. Crooks born September 20, 2003 in Bethel Park, PA (inner) with the Trump Shot Horoscope set for 6:13 pm edt. Adjust the timing as you will, because hours that the first shot pinged past the stage from a distant AR-15-style rifle have appeared in a variety of sources from 6:00 pm to 6:15 pm edt. Yet as you see, with a birth time of 6:13 pm edt, Crooks' natal Moon @21Can36 was conjoined on July 13, 2024 (6:13 pm edt) by the Sun @21Can59, which suggests a measure of fulfillment or completion. Of the young man's life, as it tragically turned out. Plus, Cancer Moons are supersensitive and can be highly impressionable, you know.

The 5 North Eclipse of Thomas Crooks

Now there are multiple cosmic indications that the mother of Tom Crooks is somehow involved and according to his Wikipedia bio page, he lost his mother at age 7 (edit: this may not be accurate) so that deep anguish and emotional depression are givens. His classmates have described him as a loner (5N's Sun-Moon = Venus-Saturn marked on the Eclipse chart, below, which denotes a lonely life).

The bi-wheel showing the natal Eclipse Saros Series that young Crooks was born into, the 5 North (inner, and accurately timed) with its "prophetic dreams, visions, hunches" - basically he was psychic) - surrounded by the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of July 15, 2024 @26Tau19 that conjuncts the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, a dangerous cosmic factor that we discussed on July 5, 2024.

Now as you've heard, Tom Crooks was bullied every day at school, a condition often leading to vengfulness which we'e seen before - as in Columbine 1999. Yet we may never know exactly why Crooks, a registered Republican, acted against demagogue Trump. Yes, I have my inklings (to stop his election and the dystopian Project 2025 agenda? Some other Maga person would take over instead). You may find other implications of why? on the charts, but with this sensitive topic I must be careful not to even remotely cause harm. Plus, the families affected by Crooks' actions - one man killed, at least two people seriously injured - deserve attention and our concern if and as it's wanted. Besides, we know that Trump is dandy fine and is already in Milwaukee for RNC 2024. Accusations against Democrats are on steroids now!

Another bi-wheel shows the natal chart of Thomas M. Crooks who, as noted, was born into the 5 North with its themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, hunches" - basically he was psychic) surrounded, not by the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of July 15, 2024 @26Tau19 conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, a dangerous cosmic factor that we discussed on July 5, 2024, but by the Trump shot chart.

Now feel free to disagree with any of this, but there it is. Cautiously, I don't wish to type anymore about our current American Tragedy and although I disagree with everything Trump says, is, and does, that he remains alive is more of a positive than a negative thing for America, my only nag in the race.

May 29, 2024

Libertarians Pick Chase Oliver

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As most US voters may agree, third party presidential candidates tend to skew election results so now that 38-year-old Libertarian Chase Oliver has been selected as the party's 2024 nominee after 7 rounds of voting on Sunday (5/26/24), I suppose it could behoove us if the Trump-heckling Libertarian Party candidate receives a quick glance at his noon natal planets and the New Moon which perfected on the day of his birth.

However, if my luck holds, this may be the only mention of Mr. Oliver here on Stars Over Washington but we'll have to see as the November 2024 Elections approach like an oncoming train.

Chase Oliver August 16, 1985 Nashville, TN; hour unknown

So below you see a dual image of Oliver's speculative noon chart (lower left) and his New Moon horoscope (@23Leo28 at 5:05:32 am CDT August 16, 1985 Nashville, TN; upper right); his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE") is the 5 North and its visionary themes are penned on; also listed is the last 5 North which occurred @20Gemini on June 10, 2021:

Besides the New Moon in Leo, notable in the realm of politics is a Mercury-Mars Conjunction also in Leo, indicating a tendency toward holding strong political opinions which may be expressed (although his Mercury is Rx so perhaps he restrains himself), energized thinking, and perhaps an ability to put ideas into action.

As for the New Moon (if born after its perfection, then it's his Syzygy Moon), we might consider it to have similar influences as a Solar Eclipse and if so, the Saturn square to the New Moon suggests a late bloomer for whom a lack of discipline impedes progress unless and until he learns to take on responsibilities - and perhaps he has. Then a trine from Neptune hints that there are spiritual assets available to Chase Oliver, along with hints of his having metaphysical interests.

Meanwhile, Jupiter Rx in Aquarius and Pluto, strong in delving Scorpio, are Angular in both speculatively timed horoscopes in rigid Fixed signs and I suspect that this powerful duo will be worth keeping an eye as November nears - especially because of the fact that the New Moon @24Leo conjuncts the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy which may have some influence upon his apparent rise to some measure of power in 2024.

Feb 14, 2024

Netanyahu: Natal and Progressed 2024

by Jude Cowell

For current and future reference, here are the natal chart of Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu (lower left), along with his Secondary Progressed ('SP') Full Moon @13Can23 perfecting on October 25, 2024. We should add that "Bibi"s natal data is rated 'C' so there may be some discrepancy in his natal and SP charts causing the timing to be somewhat off:

5 North and The Nodal Axis of Destiny and Direction

Mr. Netanyahu was born into the 5 North Saros Series via his PE of April 28, 1949 @7Taurus42, a stubborn sign of rigidity even when cooperation is needed for karmic progress. A 5 North Eclipse last manifested on June 10, 2021 @20Gemini in the midst of Trump's 10th house trio of Uranus-NN-Sun; 5N themes include 'prophetic dreams, useful hunches, visions' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Meanwhile, some folks have observed that Netanyahu is "like Trump" which may have something to do with the fact that, among other connections, both men have their Mars @26Leo+, and Netanyahu's Libra planets and South Node land within Trump's 2nd house trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter. There are religious implications therein along with grand schemes aided by Mercury-Neptune fantasies and spins of the truth. Lies promoted for political reasons are suggested.

Now Netanyahu was born with a Neptune-South-Node conjunction (with his Libra Moon nearby) while Trump was born with a Moon-South-Node conjunction. Both these Nodal conjunctions indicate lack of popularity with the masses and fluctuating success. And with shady Neptune, intrigue and unfortunate circumstances are attached. With the Moon, emotional alienation or estrangement are denoted, and with both Nodal conjunctions, a tendency toward bad timing is indicated.

New Associations, Fresh Intrigue, More Theft

Curiously, Netanyahu will experience a Nodal Return (@16Ari41) on February 20, 2024 and this will cast a cosmic spotlight upon his Neptune-SN conjunction (SN = the "tail of the dragon") - conjunct transit Chiron @16Ari47 conjunct his Aries North Node - just as transit Neptune @26Pis23 precisely conjuncts Netanyahu's natal IC (also @26Pis23) of Endings, The Drain, and Domestic Scene. Somehow, an undermining influence is in store for him, perhaps with a 'spies enter the country' flavor. Yet we must add that the Neptune-to-IC transit is exact (26:23) as long as the birth time of his natal chart is accurate. Perhaps this transit will confirm it!

Dec 5, 2022

Gavin Newsom and Election Day 2024

Re: Gavin Christopher Newsom October 10, 1967 5:13 am pdt San Francisco, California

by Jude Cowell

Anyone who has viewed the AA-rated natal horoscope of California Governor Gavin Newsom might have marveled at his Uranus-Pluto Conjunction in Virgo rising just underneath his natal Ascendant (21Vir14). Bascially, Uranus in Virgo suggests an urge to reform, and a good intellect, yet tactless frankness can be a negative. (Maturity and experience have mitigated such an off-putting tendency although gaffes remain possible.) Then his Pluto in Virgo hints at scientific interests, the inquisitive mind of a collector, and reveals one who achieves much with simple means (R. Ebertin).

Of course, the transformative Uranus-Pluto Conjunction peaked during the mid-1960s prior to the Governor's birth in 1967. Yet it's still influential upon him, no doubt, with its reformist energies, elevation of consciousness tendencies, inventiveness, and technical and mechanical skills which resonate well with his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in reliable Taurus in the 5 North Saros Series with themes of 'visions, hunches, and prophetic dreams' (B. Brady).

The last time a 5 North Eclipse manifested was on June 10, 2021 @20Gemini so 5 North themes will be re-activated and increased by a conjunction from Election 2024 Jupiter which denotes that ethics and moral values are involved, plus, issues relating back to Summer 2021 may resurface (not that they've entirely gone away). For context, you may wish to check out events of June 2021, a very busy and significant month across the globe.

Now just for the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel of charts with Gavin Newsom's natal horoscope (inner) and the Election Day 2024 Horoscope (outer) that I tend to use, set for Election 2024 Moon's entry into governmental Capricorn, the sign of Gavin Newsom's ambitious Moon as it happens, and suggesting that voters will be in a serious, no-nonsense mood on Election Day 2024 although some folks might entertain unusual perspectives (Venus out-of-bounds) or, will 'sit this one out':

Highlighted in green is beneficial Jupiter precisely conjunct his natal Midheaven ('MC'), the visible point of Career and Public Status, and in Gemini, signifying many contacts and communications with the public (MC). However, transit Jupiter simultaneously opposes Newsom's natal Mars (conjunct his IC), a transit that can disrupt the vibes of Jupiterian good fortune at MC. Perhaps his domestic scene will go less well than professional matters in 2024 which may or may not involve national politics. However, some hint of overblown or extravagant projects being 'too large to handle' could be involved, even collapse, at this time. Positive support from others could naturally help with any negative possibilities, yet we know that 'this too shall pass' as planetary transits and conditions always do.

Meanwhile, 2024 Venus @22Sag40 (sign of the outsider) crosses into his 4th house (home renovation?) where she finds natal Mars (20Sag53) which suggests meeting someone new, but may also indicate joint ventures with allies and/or partners. This transit will be favorable for political and/or financial activities along with the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, at Midheaven, aided by the fact that Governor Newsom's natal Jupiter @28Leo28 conjuncts royal Regulus (a promise of fame, recognition, and high position) and leads a Locomotive shape of his natal planets (followed by pleasant Venus) so that great determination toward success is indicated. These potentials should be the case for anyone wanting a successful career in politics, and theatrical talent is always a plus.

Then through our astrological lens, we see that Governor Gavin Newsom is an Air-Earth Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn personality combination of conscious-unconscious energies. Internal blockages via his Sun-Moon square suggest a need to focus on objectives, along with potentials for pragmatism, diplomacy, and the skillful management of people (what better for a politician?) In fact, this particular blend is "the just politician"! Newsom is formidable yet likeable, shrewd, fair, and a believer in law and order. Ambitious and determined to achieve, Governor Newsom prefers leading a team yet he also likes his solitude. Possessing high standards, he tends toward perfectionism, and may show a streak of snobbery upon occasion.

Now here's a quote from a political activist who also was born with the same Sun Libra-Moon Capricorn blend, Bobby Seale:

"We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

Now admittedly as an East Coaster, I personally know little of Gavin Newsom who began serving as governor of California in January 2019 just as his Wikipedia page informs us. And many folks know that until 2006, he and Kimberly Gilfoyle were married for five years before she became - whatever it is she's become. Note that Ms. Gilfoyle's natal horoscope (March 9, 1969 10:29 pm pst San Francisco, CA) is also rated AA for accuracy and reveals a steamy, even scalding Water-Fire Sun Pisces-Moon Sagittarius personality blend which can tend toward misplaced enthusiasms yet can show compassion and a very creative imagination. Then does it make any sense that Kimberly Gilfoyle shares her natal personality blend with none other than social meddler extraordinaire Rupert Murdoch?

Related: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (unmarked).

For more personality blend information, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad.

Oct 14, 2021

October 20, 2021 Full Moon Ruffles a 1931 Solar Eclipse

The October 2021 Full Moon Times a Serious Cosmic Heads-Up

by Jude Cowell

October 14, 2021: A 5 North Solar Eclipse, one of which is now in effect since June 10, 2021 @19Gem47, also manifested on April 17, 1931 @27Ari02. Below is the April 1931 Eclipse Horoscope (inner) which by degree will be "ruffled" or somehow triggered by the Full Moon of October 20, 2021 @26Ari26 (outer); my study notes are penned on for the curious, and a few prominent chart factors are listed under the horoscope - you will find more factors, of course:

5 North Eclipse Themes are fairly positive ('hunches, visions, prophetic dreams' - plus, a potential for 'psychism' - B. Brady) yet any eclipse is a 'cosmic blink' from Above and represents a Uranian-style disruption which can force a change or shift of direction here on Earth. But that's not my fuss here. It's the correlation between Events of 1931 and what's going on now in the US and across the globe as authoritarianism heats up along with the weather, and a global (neo) nazi movement attempts to rise once again. This has been well established and anyone who hasn't noticed must pay attention now.

Jupiter in Aquarius: A Sense of Justice but Can Be Indecisive

Is it possible that protective Jupiter (@22AQ20) at IC, the Foundation Point of the 1931 chart, will be enough to mitigate our difficulties - or increase them? Hopefully mitigation will be achieved as the American people seek rescue (see 2021 rescue-seeking Circe conjunct 1931 MC). However, 2021 Jupiter opposes two of 1931's midpoints at 1931 Midheaven: Venus-Saturn (with Jupiter = 'unanticipated support'; and Mars-Neptune with expansive Jupiter: 'amplified dreams, visions, and the power to bring them into reality' - Munkasey). Of course, 'dreams and visions' are found within the themes of the 5 North Eclipse and can be positive or negative depending on the motivations of those involved. Plus, a mixture of both (probably alternating in effectiveness) may be possible as well - this is kind of like a row of cherries lining up on a gambling machine. Risk is in the air. Can you feel it?

Double the Harsh Saturn-Pluto Influences

So in relation to the draconian global movement on the upswing (as neo-fascists hope) and its cosmic reflections Above, you'll note the dynamic T-Square of tension penned on the chart between the Saturn-Pluto opposition (not exact in this eclipse chart but in 1931 their opposition did perfect - however, in the chart you see the death-dealing Mars-Saturn opposition - 1931 was a brutal year of fanaticism and included financial collapse in Central Europe - see Midas involvement, below) squaring the erratic Utopian zealot planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus @16Ari00 (conjunct the North Node of destiny and indicating radical reformers). Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: "brutal efforts to start a new order" (Tyl); 'sudden vio**nce' (R. Ebertin).

Well! There's a cosmic picture of the global neo-nazi movement, isn't it? And in the US, the predatory orange menace is riding the wave along with his Republican comrades - some of them blackmailed and/or under threat of criminal thuggery, or compelled by fear of being 'primaried' out of office. Yet some are actually fans of the hate-filled ideology. For as you know, underhandedness, threat, cheating, and primal vio**nce are the primary methods that authoritarians have always used to forcefully take control - and they're never openly honest about their true intentions to increase suffering and misery wherever they go, either in the 1930s, 1940s - or now. They are, in fact, the "be afraid" thugs and barbarians who've infiltrated the US government and who must be kicked out - by Blue Waves of voters in 2022 and 2024. Difficult as this may be, it simply must be accomplished.

Now naturally, there are other disturbing and more positive planetary factors in the 1931 and 2021 charts. One such is transit Saturn @6AQ57 in 3rd house opposing 1931 Mars (5Leo30 - which conjuncts 1931 Pluto-MC and indicates potentials for gridlock, bottlenecks (including ports and ships), anger, vio**nce, and/or resistance to authority). Now Pluto-MC is a power-craving midpoint (see details lower right corner: 'urge to dominate'!). Plus, we also find 2021 Pluto @24Cap21 conjunct 1931 Saturn (see bottom left corner for details such as 'abuse of authority confronted and corrected'; 'altered traditions') and generationally, there's the massive 2021 Pluto opposing 1931 Pluto (penned in the center of the bi-wheel = 'titanic power struggle' - which I say is a stark struggle between Democracy and the Rule of Law vs Fascism and neo-nazi Utopian zealots of anarchy forcing complete lawlessness upon civilized society.

Neptune-to-Venus/Nemesis, Mercury-with-Chiron x 2, and Uranus-to-Mercury

As you see, 2021 Neptune, planet of illusion, deception, gaslighting, and fraud, veils the 1931 Venus-Nemesis conjunction (@20Pisces) with potentials listed, upper right such as: 'unrealistic expectations; confusion; paranoia'. And just above that, you see listed 2021 Mercury @10Lib29 in 1931's 11th house, leading a Locomotive shape of the 2021 Full Moon planets suggesting a Mercurial person or persons such as a 'high-powered executive ruthlessly determined toward success'. And possibly a young-ish one, or, someone in the publishing, commerce, or trading and investment businesses. Even a high-powered person dealing in space travel may be indicated. The imagination fairly soars. Yet note that 2021 Uranus conjunct 1931 Mercury can suggest potentials for frazzled nerves, seeking freedom, disrupted thinking or travel, plus, restlessness and/or original ideas in relation to the 1931/2021 5 North Eclipse themes and certain underhanded plans that are being promoted once again in our day.

So now that you're all bummed out from reading this far (kudos!), let's close this fussy post with more details worth mentioning which relate to Thinking, Planning, and Communications - the 1931 Mercury-Chiron Conjunction in money sign Taurus conjunct 1931 Midas, the gold-hoarder - now activated or electrified by 2021 Uranus @13Tau24 Rx setting on 1931's Descendant/Partnership angle - and the fact that in the October 20, 2021 Full Moon Horoscope, Mercury and Chiron are in opposition which we could take as a timing device in a broader Mercury-Chiron cycle. This suggests: initiates, occultists, and promoters, popularizers, and guardians (R. Nolle; Clow) who share revelations they consider unique and transformative in society (repeated over and over: propaganda). So the 1931 conjunction denotes one or more persons who acted as channels, mediums, and mouthpieces, with their 2021 opposition possibly a timing device, as noted, for the spreading of transformative theories and ideas that were prevalent in 1931. At least, that's what I'm suggesting with this 'heads-up' post although, of course, as always you are welcome to disagree.

Related: 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Repeat from 1931.

Aug 25, 2021

January 6, 2021 Planets link to US 1776 Horoscope

Some Call This a Revolution

by Jude Cowell with Chart Data by Gary Lorentzen

If google would cooperate by uploading the image, below you could view a quick posting of America's 'Powell Horoscope' of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2:15 pm est 'Trump Mob Attack' horoscope of January 6, 2021 in bi-wheel form and showing the amazing number of planetary contacts between them which are listed below the image. However, as a work-around the bi-wheel image has been posted to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology so I hope you'll check out the bi-wheel there.

Meanwhile, here's a list of the several planetary contacts between the January 6, 2021 planets and America's Powell Horoscope and naturally you may discover even more! Of course, we might also wish to call these cosmic synchronicities (via the 1/6 transits) 'Tr*mp vs America':

Beginning with the 1776 Ascendant (6Cap07) and first house and moving counter-clockwise:

Sun conjuncts Moon; Pluto opposes Mercury; Mercury conjuncts Pluto (emphasizing an intense double Mercury-Pluto situation); Neptune opposes Neptune; warrior Mars conjunct IC (plus Uranus the zealous anarchist now in 4th house of Homeland and Domestic Scene: a violent pairing); Ascendant conjunct Uranus; North Node conjunct Mars (and points toward the visionary 5 North Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 - now of influence; Moon opposes Chiron; Venus opposes Venus.

The amazing abundance of cosmic time links between the January 2021 and July 1776 planets makes me wonder if the 1/6 violent insurrectionists and saboteurs sent by Donald Tr*mp to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden were acting under the influence of astrological guidance. Your thoughts?

A related post: Horoscope: US Syzygy Moon @10Cap11 which perfected on the morning of July 1, 1776.

Aug 20, 2021

Aug 24, 2021: a Mercury-Neptune w more Neptune affair

by Jude Cowell (Coh' wull!)

Friday August 20, 2021: As many folks know, the combination of Mercury with Neptune has in the past reflected many problems for America and the duo's deceptive influences haven't helped the misdirected, self-destructive energies of America's natal Mars-Neptune square one bit.

An example is the 'First Shot of the Civil War' with the Mercury-Neptune midpoint rising on the Ascendant with suggestions of being 'exploited, harmed', and/or 'deceived by others' (R. Ebertin). Then more recently there's the indiscriminate, fraud-promoting, hoax-loving, gossiping, scheming, fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square of old Donald Tr*mp which continues to bedevil, deceive, betray, and undermine us. And he, a fan of secessionists and white-power scofflaws of past and present. Birds of a Mercury-Neptune feather!

Of course, this planetary duo can be very creative and imaginative in a positive way depending on one's motives and on the way its energies are utilized. But as always on SO'W, we're talking primarily about Politics and politicians who don't always have the best interests of our country at heart. In fact, some never do.

Yet why mention the upcoming transit of the Mercury-Neptune opposition at all? Mainly because it perfects during the titanic Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo which spotlights the Virgo-Pisces/victim-savior axis (intercepted across the 6/12 houses in the DC Horoscope, below. This cosmic circumstance adds a heavier sense of karma at work with societal issues of persecution and shifting ideals which must be dealt with. Naturally, we all feel these difficult energies at play so it comes as no surprise to anyone, even without astrological input. And significantly, there's the cosmic fact that the opposition involves US natal Neptune in Virgo (22:25) which makes it what I call a Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune affair for our nation at this particular time in history:

August 24, 2021: Mercury-Neptune Opposition @9:13:20 pm edt Washington DC

As you can see, many of my study notes are penned upon the chart for readers who may wish to read them. And at least four different solar eclipses are spotlighted in this chart, highlighted in orange:

Prominent at Midheaven is the 'Covid Eclipse' of December 26, 2019 (4Cap06), the 5 South Eclipse @12Sag22 in December 2021 that conjuncts this 9th cusp ('good news, benefits'), and Election 2024's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @10Lib04 ('loss; separation') conjunct the August 21st position of election planet Venus (10Lib26). Meanwhile, as we know, all eclipses are karmic, Uranian, and can be direction-changing or shocking for they tend to uncover secrets and revelations, inconvenient or scandalous as they may be for those directly affected. Also note that rebellious Uranus @14Tau46 Rx continues its 'visit' to starry Menkar with its Jonah-and-the-Whale imperative to say what must be said. This star conjoins US Inaugural Ascendants (the Oath of Office), and I believe spotlights the US Presidency as 'bully pulpit' or mouthpiece. Of course, you may disagree, but there it is.

Now the fourth solar elipse is the series we're in now: 5 North which perfected on June 10, 2021 @19Gem47 ('dreams, insights, visions'), here in 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, Primary Schools, and mentally, the Lower Mind. This suggests that ethics, morals, standards, and integrity (Gem-Sag) are very much at stake as everyone knows - add these to our Virgo-Pisces health, service, and employment issues. Obviously, teaching and mask-wearing (or not) come easily to mind especially with the 'Covid Eclipse' at The Goal Point of this chart.

So now let's simply skip to the implications of Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune while noting that generally, the Mercury-Neptune combination of energies in Politics can suggest 'weak or artificial plans that must be rethought', and/or 'a legislature that controls the excesses and dreams of its leaders'.

Add US natal Neptune in Virgo to the mix and we have potentials for:

"Added dreaminess in thinking and reasoning; contrived ideas and solutions that may seem impractical at first, but which have an underlying basis for approaching problems in a new way" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey #ad; my italics).

And yes, we've considered Transit Neptune opposing US natal Neptune in a previous post if you care to view or review the May 1, 2021 horoscope.

Plus, please note in closing that the opposition's Syzygy Moon is the Full Moon of August 22, 2021 @29AQ37 conjunct the natal Descendant of old man Tr*mp at a critical-crisis 29th degree - as is his natal Ascendant (conjunct royal Regulus) which suggests that the malicious orange schemer and his enablers continue to be involved in our Neptunian affairs. But that's no surprise either.

Jul 21, 2021

2021-2025 an 'As Above So Below' Post Round-Up

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday July 21, 2021: If the former guy can be believed (!#!): Flight Risk to Run for POTUS in 2024! And if his wealthy enablers and white "supremacist" voters have their regressive way, he'll win by hook or crook, which is the only way a Republican can win these days with the general population due to the GOP's rubbish policies that harm We The People and delete millions of American voters from participation in US elections (as Rs intend).

Now you realize these remarks are being typed by a common-good American citizen, yes? So if this common-good post ruffles your political feathers, you must be reading in the wrong place! A quick skedaddling is very much recommended.

As for today, I'm providing a round-up of previous SO'W posts, in chronological order, concerning such political topics in case a casual or a purposeful reader may find them useful or informative in an As Above So Below sort of way:

American Civil War's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus blend

Horoscopes: July 27th's First 1/6 Hearing with Trump Mob Attack

A "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Trump the Grand Dragon!

December 2021's Solar Eclipse: Benefits!

Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say?

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope: Cowboys and Tyranny.

Agreed, this is not a jolly list of topics at all but reality must be faced, else we're behaving just as fantacist Tr*mp living inside his dream world where the rest of us are merely pawns in his game and screens upon which to project himself.

May 31, 2021

DC Horoscopes: July 2021 Lunations and such

America July 2021: New Plans Made, Then Culminating

by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2021: On the occasion of today, Memorial Day 2021, and as A Child of the Revolution, yours truly chooses to share the following post on behalf of a sovereign America and the common good. Below is a dual image of the two July 2021 Lunations set for Washington DC.

First, on July 9, 2021, comes a New Moon @18Can01 (lower left) exact at 9:16:29 pm edt in 6th house (DC). In the DC chart, Luna rules the 6th house of Work and Service while the Sun rules the 7th house of Partnerships. Rising is 1AQ03 which lifts America's Inaugural Sun (Joe Biden) and bold Altair the eagle with it but with its solar power snugged between karmic planets Pluto and Saturn, both retrograde ('Rx') which suggests that some measure of renunciation, even privation, may affect the presidency - unless Mr. Biden, his team, and his high-powered backers can turn the energy around and use it on behalf of democracy and the American people.

One thing we know - there exist anti-American entities who will attempt to create difficult conditions in order to undermine the agenda of President Biden. (See Nemesis the foe @28Scorpio in the New Moon's 10th house conjunct the President Biden's Scorpio planets.) In addition, can anyone disagree that uplifting the common good is simply not a (neo) fascist objective and never was? Obviously, seizing power and forcibly taking control of America is their current objective as it was on July 1, 1933 when they approached General Smedley Butler with their malicious take-over scheme against FDR and the democracy-preferring American people. Note that representatives for the era's big bankers were among the treasonous group in 1933. Do you think it's different this time around?

And you know that cosmic evidence exists! For 1933's anti-FDR fascists were influenced by the background energies of two solar eclipses, one in 1932 in the 6 South Saros Series, the other in 1933 in the 7 North series. And so as eclipse and historical cycles will have it, it will soon be time for 6 South and 7 North eclipses to manifest again on: October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and April 23, 2023 @30Aries. Wisely we should mark our calendars and be watchful before, during, and after these high-powered, 'cosmic blink' lunations of disruption and/or directional shifts just as many folk already are. For as progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann oftens reminds us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport"! Which means, be active, do what you can!

Now as for July 2021, the stage of culmination, fulfillment, and/or complete awareness is reached with the Full Moon of July 23, 2021 @1AQ26 (upper right chart), the very degree that rises in the New Moon horoscope so for this and other reasons we may expect in July a focus on President Biden, but more broadly on the White House and the Office of the Presidency, plus, July brings our nation's annual celebration of our hard-fought independence from overbearing monarchy, cosmically known as America's Solar Return 2021 which we discussed in February 2021 (horoscope shown).

Plus, previously we noted the June 24, 2021 Capricorn Full Moon as society's reaction to the June 10th Gemini Solar Eclipse which is a 5 North Solar Eclipse that precedes both July 2021 lunations. This June 24th Full Moon @3Cap27 floats society from the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of 'Mercury-Jupiter' and into the Cancer-Capricorn axis with its 'Moon-Saturn' influences that suggest potentials for security concerns, home-vs-career issues, ambition, strategy, direction, possible illness (chronic or acute) and/or depressive or serious conditions.

Note to SO'W Readers: If you appreciate the work and effort it takes to create Political Astrology content for Stars Over Washington, why not become a Patreon subscriber to encourage the continuance of SO'W? Even a donation of $1 per month helps with monthly expenses! So if you wish, just look for 'Jude Cowell' on patreon dot com and show your support if you can! jc

May 12, 2021

June 24, 2021 Cap Full Moon reacts to the June Eclipse

May 12, 2021: The June 24th Full Moon, seen below, suggests public reaction to the June 10, 2021 5 North Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the Unconscious" (Brady). However, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is about consolidation, facts, business, investment, law, and government so what dreams and insights should be brought into reality? What insights can be realistically used to benefit our social and political conditions?

Notably, transit Mercury the Messenger and negotiator, here @16Gem15, will speed on to conjunct and possibly activate 5 North eclipse themes on or about July 2, 2021. Many people's dreams around that time, if not before, should be quite fascinating and perhaps contain helpful solutions for what ails us. Of course, eclipse influences last for approximately 6 months until the next solar eclipse draws near with its themes, and overlapping has been known to occur.

Now here's a famous quote from a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn writer-dramatist:

"Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is." - Jean Anouilh (1910--1987; born in Bordeaux, France with Sun @00Cancer and Moon @2Can54 - and this is a post about a Full Moon spotlighting his words!)

DC Horoscope: June 24, 2021 Full Moon @3Cap27 oppo Sun @3Can27, across the 3/9 axis when the chart is set for Washington DC (a phase of culmination, fulfillment, full awareness, relationships); Hour of Jupiter Rx (in green). ASC 20Lib55 sports a few midpoint pictures (detailed on the chart) with Venus @27Can04 in blue as chart-ruler, however, Venus makes no applying aspects so her sign, degree, and house position are emphasized. Then as you see, angular Venus conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Career Point of the chart, while opposing Pluto (26Cap05) at 'IC', the Foundation of the chart (and within orb of the US Pluto Return/s, exact in 2022). Potentials of this opposition are penned on the chart (upper right in blue) including cut-throat competition, underhanded manipulation, and lack of trust undermines relationships.

Plus, we should be aware that an opposition between venal Venu$ vs powerful Pluto ($$) has been known to attract violence, and the pair suggests private wealth hidden in secret places. It also contains bankruptcy potential and can denote a breakdown in the social fabric which anti-democratic forces are attempting to hoist upon us now under cover of the pandemic and its resulting economic difficulties which President Biden is in process of easing - without any cooperation from congressional Republicans, the party of obstruction whenever it comes to the needs of the American people.

(Despite McConnell and the other sore losers, Joe Biden's vaccine roll-out has been the most successful project Washington politicians have aced, maybe ever!)

Significantly, the Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets which suggests people or high-powered executives who are ruthlessly determined on success. And with the Moon out-of-bounds, these may be socially detached folks, even those secluded within ivory towers, those who are emotionally estranged from society who only care about business endeavors, politics, and taking or retaining control.

So as you see, there are dynamic energies in the chart via a Mars-Saturn opposition (4A32; obstacles; delays; resentment or resistance of authority) and the squares to rebellious Uranus that are involved: Mars square Uranus (5A23; difficulties, delays, frustration, threats) and of course the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square (0S50; past vs future; generational clash between seniors and young folk; old order uncomfortably replaced by the new; violent people).

Obviously, contentiousness, obstacles, delays, and political stalemates continue, however, the Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies can be very perceptive, dutiful, and professional yet family-oriented.

Well, it seems to me as if pessimism is what 'they' want from us and I refuse to comply! (Moon-Neptune = Saturn). Plus, as you know, the Moon-Neptune duo suggests potentials for sympathy, receptiveness, strange influences, exploitation, and/or an intensely vivid dream life and the activity of the subconscious (with the last two resonating with 5 North eclipse themes). Solutions may be found in dreams!

So What About Protective Jupiter?

Significantly, with expansive, optimistic Jupiter recently entered into his retrograde phase (until mid-October 2021), there's a revealing midpoint picture with the Great Benefic at apex. Saturn-Neptune = Jupiter suggests potentials for 'religion conceals deceptive practices; a sense that reality is just a vision (which resonates with 5 North themes, incorrect as it is); fortunate answers, as noted on the chart; and optimistically, yours truly would add, funding (Jupiter) for social safety net programs (Saturn-Neptune, social programs and the illness axis; of course, other indications for this planetary trio are possible but I'll leave them to your imagination).

Now we should also mention that US natal Mercury Rx conjuncts the MC opposite US natal Pluto at IC and suggests that government surveillance, intelligence gathering, and propaganda are on this Full Moon's menu along with 'vulnerable roadways' (infrastructure), 'disruptive political talk', 'news of orbital weapons or space exploration', 'secrets concerning transportation' or 'satellites', and/or 'self-destructive impulses in business' (paraphrasing M. Munkasey).

Well, the Sun's "A Cat Arguing With a Mouse" and the Moon's "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" are revealed by the rays of the June 24, 2021 Full Moon as We the People react in Saturnine fashion to the energies and ideas reflected by the dreamy June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse so we may find ourselves or others 'interminably quarreling with the nature of things' (4Cancer) and demonstrating an 'inability to get along with anybody' (4Capricorn; Jones).

But if this doesn't describe you, dear reader, I'm glad!

Apr 7, 2021

Astrology of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

On August 6, 1965 the Voting Rights Act, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson ('LBJ'), came into effect so considering all the recent and current turmoil surrounding the suppression of voting rights in the US through Republican efforts to hobble voting rights as much as possible, a look at the 12:00 am horoscope of August 6, 1965 with a few current transits could be descriptive of forces that oppose the Act's provisions. Plus as you know, on June 25, 2013, SCOTUS delivered a 5-to-4 decision 'gutting' key provisions in the Act via Shelby County vs Holder. (That's Alabama, of course.) Yet 2013 was a Jupiter Return year for the Act! Perhaps this timed a change of beliefs, I suppose, at least for Chief Justice John Roberts and his fellow 'color blind' justices who decided the wrong way as if racism in the US was a thing of the past. Absurd!

Now you'll note among various contacts in the chart below, that the Act ('VRA') is in process as I type of a Nodal Return (cooperation; meetings), the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 eclipses the Voting Right Act's Moon (5Sag43 at 12:00 am edt so basically an eclipsed Lunar Return), the 5 North Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls snugly between 1965 and 2021 North Node in Gemini (NN conjunct Midas), and note that 1965 Jupiter @23Gem25 conjuncted US natal Mars, suggesting a fortunate period for taking action. Then as you know, 5 North themes = 'prophetic dreams and visions from the unconscious' (Brady) and 'wild card' eclipses usually offer society a major change of direction, plus, perhaps some interesting (or inconvenient) information may come to light. We shall see!

As usual, many factors are penned upon the chart which I hope you can read if you wish!

Now to me, multiple transits stand out which relate to the loss, erosion, weakening, or disintegration of the VRA's power, structure, and/or traditions to which I would include provisions in the law itself particularly since we know this has already occurred and may continue. You may spy more, but the earliest planetary contact I see in recent years (into 2023) is #3 of 3 hits by transit Neptune opposing 1965 Uranus (#3 exact February 18, 2018).

Then there are: transit Neptune opposing 1965 Pluto #3 of 3 (exact February 1, 2019), transit Neptune conjunct 1965 Saturn #5 of 5 (December 16, 2019), and soon transit Uranus in Taurus will oppose 1965 Neptune in Scorpio 3 times on: June 19, 2022, November 1, 2022, and April 9, 2023.

That's a lot of undermining energy with karmic implications, isn't it? And as you see, most of these influences have been 'under' the Republican administration of the 'former guy' but hopefully, the 'current guy' ("J'Biden") will manage to protect voting rights in America despite any ongoing attempts by the GOP to further skew the playing field in the 2022 Midterms and beyond for most folks agree that Republican policies, if revealed, can never win an election.

For a peek at the natal horoscope of LBJ go here where you can see that 1965 Midas @24Tau54 sits upon LBJ's natal Midheaven (conjunct passionate, enraged Algol!), assuming that President Johnson's birth data is accurate. Well, he did have a temper, or so I've always heard.

Finally, as always, leave your on-topic comments with this post if you dare, and please note that Google has updated Blogspot to the point that SO'W no longer shows up in Searches as before so your Shares of my posts are even more appreciated than before! Jude

Mar 24, 2021

America's initial Mars-Uranus Cycle began in June 1776

Mars-Uranus: Rebellion, Attack, Great Energy, Danger, Urge For Freedom, Struggle for Survival, Strife, Radical Military Movements, Test of Nerves

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Inauguration Day 2021 featured a combustible Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus (@6Tau44). And perhaps you remember that the entire violence-promoting Tr*mp "regime" was cosmically imprinted during its first Solar Eclipse by a Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries (@21Aries+). Therefore, a consideration of America's initial Mars-Uranus Cycle, which began with their conjunction on June 15, 1776, may be informative.

Plus, a list of the Historical Events of June 1776 mentions June 15, 1776 as the day that the Delaware General Assembly voted to suspend government under the British Crown, aka, Delaware Separation Day. Other events of June 1776 include: Richard Henry Lee's introduction to the Continental Congress of the Lee Resolution seconded by John Adams, and leading to the Declaration of Independence (June 7th); Continental Congress appoints the Committee of Five (June 11th) including Thomas Jefferson to draft the Declaration; and Continental soldier and one of George Washington's trusted bodyguards, Thomas Hickey, is hanged for mutiny and sedition (June 28th).

Now perhaps we can agree that the "wild" January 6, 2021 assault on the US Congress, an attempted coup of the US government by Tr*mp's "MAGA Mob", is a cosmic echo of the sedition of 1776 against General Washington with its 'suspend government' vibes, and both time frames contain disruptive influences, forceful energies, violent acts, and the tremendous tension of a Mars-Uranus kind. The tension? To hold together or to separate: traditional government of The Establishment vs radical government by upstarts. Well these days, the radical upstarts of 1776 look a lot like the traditionalists of 2021. Meanwhile, radical upstarts in 2021 are trying to use again these forceful energies to take control.

America's Mars-Uranus Cycle Begins

June 15, 1776: Mars Conjunct Uranus @7Gem51:35 at 3:43 am LMT (Philadelphia, PA); rising is 11 Gem27: "12 Gemini" = "A Black Slave Girl Demands Her Rights From Her Mistress" - seems appropriate for America then and now, yes? Below is the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of 1776, a planetary pair of energies excellent for fighting a Revolution but not an appropriate use of such explosive energies for those, such as yours truly, who are determined to keep an established Republic intact:

The disruptive conjunction's Sabian Symbol is interesting: "8 Gemini" "Around a Closed-Down Factory, Strikers Mill Defiantly" - PROTEST (Jones). We're pretty good at that, yes? (See upper right, highlighted in red.) You'll find more details penned on the chart such as (lower right) a Note on the chart's Sun-Moon midpoint @19Gem51 which will be stimulated on June 10, 2021 by a Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) in the 5 North Saros Series of 'prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the unconscious' (paraphrasing Brday's Predictive Astrology). #ad

Why, even this chart's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) @12Sag07 has a 5 South Solar Eclipse approaching on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22!

Eclipses across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis ('Mercury-Jupiter') suggests a karmic need to deal with issues involving communications, honesty and truth, logical approaches to problems, and moral and ethical concepts. Karmic progress is possible if false optimism, fake choices, scattering of energies, misplaced idealism, and misguided beliefs are avoided.

Tragically for America, on January 6th a certain misguided belief promoted by the former guy, aka, 'the big lie', was not avoided but was used to allegedly justify seditionist acts under the influence of Mars-Uranus.

Feb 26, 2021

US Solar Return 2021: YODs plus Karmic Progress

America July 2021 to July 2022: Career, Reputation, Illness, Home Care

by Jude Cowell

February 25, 2021: Based on a 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope, on July 4, 2021, the Sun returns to its position on July 4, 1776 @13Can19. Obviously, various founding horoscopes will give different results but this data is what I'm using for this particular Solar Return 2021 post. And as you see, using the MC (Midheaven = Career, Public Reputation, and/or Goal Point) allows two YOD patterns (dotted lines) to emerge for the year suggesting potentials for crises (which we already know we're in), turning points (or crossroads), and/or karmic opportunities for making evolutionary progress (or not, if solar energies are mishandled).

We should also consider that YODS can denote health issues but for the purposes of this post, let's allow 'home care' and 'nurturing' concerns to represent the balance of such potentials as the pandemic and vaccinations proceed.

Note: For background influences of the titanic conflicts between Saturn and Uranus this year, check out Mary Plumb's TMA article on the earlier Saturn and Uranus squares which includes links to other astrologers' posts. The last exact square perfects on December 23, 2021, and as you know, these squares issue from the 45-year Saturn-Uranus Cycle which began with their three conjunctions in late Sagittarius all through 1988 (along with Saturn Conjunct bubbly Neptune 3 times in 1989; 1988/89: major, sharp financial shifts). And now, with the squares, everyone is feeling their old order vs new order vibes while 'overcoming perilous conditions' is required and Democrats try to push through their Covid Relief Bill against Republican obstructionism. Do you see the GOP represented by restrictive Saturn blocking the progress proposed by Uranus via the Democrats? Then we agree.

Related: George Will's The Gifts of Greed (1992).

So for karmic progress on political, societal, and economic levels, it seems time for society to 'get over' the debilitating 'trickle down' economic policies of Ronald Reagan and his greedy ilk, so that America can advance by actually solving the societal problems of We the People. And I think the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope with its YODs and 'karmic opportunities for progress' agrees.

Because when a YOD points toward the Sun (leadership) as apex planet, the pressure is on to alter the way power and authority are utilized so that abuse of power is avoided. Ego-deflation may occur due to the quincunxes to the Sun (ego) yet if solar energies are properly channeled after years of preparation, one's full attention and inner strength will inform actions with the YOD/s acting as timing devices for the year described in the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope. Additionally, with powerful Pluto leading a Locomotive shape in the SR 2021 chart, a certain measure of ruthless determination will be necessary as our Ship of State chugs toward success. After all, the 'former guy' plans to continue his retaliation against Democrats, and, I would suggest, against the American people - see US natal Moon rising in the horoscope still (as always) opposed by Tr*mp's natal Mars in royal Leo!

(Note: in the US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776, there are no YOD patterns in the US SR 2021 chart that I can find.)

Now one erratic factor in the chart that may or may not be worrying is that SR 2021 Uranus @13Tau56 conjuncts Inauguration Ascendant 2021 which can indicate disruption, sudden reforms, upsets, unexpected events, and/or a change of leadership with major new start potential which may echo the YOD's 'turning point' implication. However, it's possible that Uranus-to-ASC simply suggests coping ability.

And considering the difficult issues facing my fellow Americans, plus, the fact that We The People need a major break from disruption and upsets (although reforms are needed), I'll be hoping for coping ability supported by the insightful, visionary solutions inspired by the 5 North Solar Eclipse in versatile Gemini, North Node conjunct IC and Aldebaran ('success through integrity'), thinking/planning Mercury the Messenger nearby in its own sign and conjunct starry Capella, Phact, and Bellatrix, plus, Cupido, asteroid of Corporatism, The Syndicate, and The Family.

Feb 25, 2021

DC Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2021 w Jupiter Rising

Summer 2021: Karma and Tension Yet Jupiterian Optimism

by Jude Cowell

February 25, 2021: Below you see the DC Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2021 set for the moment on June 20th 11:32:23 pm edt that the Sun reaches 00Cancer00:00 in our hemisphere. As you see, the 2021 Summer Solstice Moon @9Sco26 falls into the 9th house when the chart is set for Washington DC, Sun is in the 5th house, and together the two luminaries create a Double Water blend of energies. Rising in 1st house is stationing Jupiter @2Pis11 which turned retrograde 12 hours 27 minutes ago, followed by Neptune:

Chart-ruler and co-ruler, Saturn and Uranus, retain their disagreeable square relationship, here from 12th house to 3rd house but separating, suggests a continuation in Summer 2021 of conflicts between the status quo, or The Establishment, vs th radical, disruptive forces of zealotry and anarchy. Plus, in futuristc Aquarius, karmic Saturn in Politics tends toward progressive policies which angers radical reactionaries even more in their quest for control. All in all, tremendous tension and frustration simmer and erupt when stirred off and on by bad faith actors as we've seen over and over again with the January 6th Mob Attack a crescendo - and a 'dry-run' for more.

Meanwhile, whatever financial aid and improvements the Biden administration intends to put in place to help the beleagured American people, and whatever level of optimism exists within the Sun-Jupiter trine, funding of various kinds may recede, and opportunities may be withdrawn since financier-corporatist-politician-guru planet Jupiter retrogrades in June. For as you know, periods of Jupiter Rx are always significant to political proceedings as well as financial matters and conditions. Plus, religious concerns and military issues will also be affected (Jupiter The Hierophant, and The General).

However, with Stationing Jupiter, altruistic in its traditional sign of compassionate Pisces, we may hope the Great Benefic's favors will extend for a while, then pick up once Jupiter turns Direct in mid-October 2021 @22AQ19. It seems significant that the only applying aspect to the Solstice 2021 Sun - and the closest - is the trine with Jupiter! Perhaps the protective function of Jupiter plus, the protective Fire Grand Trine of spontaneity and confidence will defend many lives and lift conditions above the bad-loser vibes of the 'previous guy' and his hate-filled comrades. For violent implications, check the chart, lower left, for the T-Squares and their midpoint potentials, plus, lower right, is a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) between the Moon-Mars square with its anger issues and lack of empathy, and deceptive Neptune in Pisces.

That both Jupiter and Neptune in 1st house are in the intercepted sign of Pisces identifies some of the karmic conditions we face across the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces (exs: income inequality; minimum wage increase), plus, large events involving water and other liquids are indicated which suggests natural disasters and may suggest issues that concern the Green New Deal (Jupiter, the 'Jolly Green Giant'?). Additionally, Jupiter-Neptune's tendencies toward fraud, inflation, and other speculative financial schemes will be on the rise and must be dealt with. And tiresomely, the Jupiter-Neptune duo also indicates political conflicts and possibly the wrong diagnosis (Ebertin).

Meanwhile, for our domestic scene oncerns, we may wish to add the North-Node-conjunct-IC factor to our protective, good fortune list of benefits! And there in 4th house is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Summer Solstice 2021 with its 5 North themes of 'visions, hunches, prophetic dreams, and inspired insights' (Brady) in Mercury-ruled Gemini, the sign of good news!

Now I realize that it's quite foolhardy to publish this post and horoscope so far in advance of the Summer 2021 season (for much will transpire between now and then) so the rest of the chart's karmic conditions and other planetary factors and implications I'll leave for a future post. This may give you, dear reader, time to prepare for Summer Solstice 2021 and perhaps in the mean time may spur an interest in studying the horoscope for yourself! Then as always, your on-topic comments, observations, and/or conclusions are invited with cordiality expected and - no exceptions - your name attached. Jude

A related post: Astoundingly, the chart angles of the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope are the same as those in the chart, above!

Feb 4, 2021

2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Repeat from 1931

February 4, 2021: During his Live broadcast today, and speaking of the 'Republican Party', Thom Hartmann stated that,"--what we're seeing, much as in Germany in 1931, is a major political party turning fascist."

In relation to the rise of fascist militias under figurehead Tr*mp and their goal of seizing power, seen by all on January 6, 2021, the following are lists of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 1931 (top) and those of 2021 (bottom) in the 5 North and 5 South families of eclipses with basic themes of the Solar Eclipses added (top):

Now it's true that the themes of 5 North and 5 South sound quite mild but they are still disruptive 'wild cards of the Universe' in that Uranian way of all eclipses, with the power to reveal inconvenient secrets or facts that change directions of events and contain the possibility of scandal and disgrace.

Solar Eclipses in both the 5 North and 5 South Saros Series also occurred in the years 1913 (@16Ari/6Lib), 1949 (@8Tau/28Lib), 1967 (@18Tau/9Sco), 1985 (@29Tau/20Sco), 2003 (@9Gem/1Sag), (2021), and 2029 (@00Can/23Sag).

Jupiter-Pluto: The Plutocrat Pair

Historical events during these '5 North/5 South' years may serve as clues for potential events of 2021 into 2022. Also note that year 2021 holds no Great Conjunctions but 1931 was the year of a mighty Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction on May 27, 1931 @19Can16 (goosed by the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021?) as was year 2020 when Jupiter met Pluto three times: April 5, June 30, and November 12 in the sensitized degree range of 22 to 25 Capricorn and therefore conjunct US Inaugural Midheaven ('MC' @26/27Cap).

Jupiter to MC says that good fortune without accountability can be easily lost; Pluto to MC suggests the attainment of power but with regret if others are allowed to make decisions (which to me is a hint that wealthy manipulators, domestic and foreign, must not be allowed to take over and direct the presidential agenda. A vain hope?).

Related: Historical Events of 1931.

Also see Thom Hartmann's segment How To Stop Fascism.

Update 5:26 pm est: Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse will soon repeat.

Nov 20, 2020

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2021

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2021 (aka, Aries Ingress 2021)

by Jude Cowell

Below is my version of the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope set for Washington DC, March 20th 5:37:25 am edt with Ascendant @21AQ02 and Jupiter in Aquarius rising which inspired the chart's (and season's) title, "A Sense of Social Justice".

This particular entry to SO'W is sort of an 'early bird' post with only basic study notes penned upon the chart for those who may wish to enlarge the image and view them; this cosmic event falls into the 4 South Saros Series which manifests on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (this chart in 10th house), the Series or family of solr eclipses in effect until the next Solar Eclipse @20Gemini in the 5 North Series on June 10, 2021 (or up until about two weeks prior so its effects may begin to be felt in late May 2021):

Note: For this post your "pre-comments and observations" are welcome, or, perhaps wait until closer to the event when I'll add more text here or in a new post. However, note that NO Comments from "Anonymous" and/or "Unknown" (aka, trolls) will be published. This means Zero. Zilch. Nada. I had hoped by now not to have to add such a caution but mysterious commenters proud of their drive-by insults keep turning up for moderation by yours truly. All such bad-tempered gripes do is tell me which posts have hit a Trumper's nerve which is really rather amusing when you think about it. Or, alternate fact: they're on someone's pay-roll! ;)

Oct 28, 2020

Astro-Notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2021

America 2021: Treading a Fork'd Path under Four Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

October 28, 2020: We're mere days away from the November 3rd Presidential Election with everything hanging in the balance and the American people poised at a crossroads as we face a New Year, 2021. And since eclipses 'run in the background' of society (and affect history as it turns out!), a list of 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses with a few details might come in handy at some point.

Actually, Year 2021 begins with a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 which perfects on May 26th and significantly, is the cosmic 'bookend' of the previous Total Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 in the rather difficult 4 South Saros Series (potentials for: frustration, strong emotions over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships). With an eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius we can expect our ongoing searches for truth and our ethical and morals concerns to continue well into 2021. Perhaps you agree that gone-astray America has much repair work to do and a large amount of reality to face especially considering the misplaced idealism that has been ineffectively guiding of our nation off a cliff. That is, repair work if we wish to follow a better path toward karmic progress. Of course, deceptive Neptune floating through its own shady sign of Pisces hasn't aided many of us on the side of clarity, has it? Instead, contagion, disease, fear, paranoia, loss, confusion, disappointment, fraud, theft, and corruption have ruled a majority of our days.

Well, I say more of Neptune's talent for creative inspiration is due!

So the next eclipse of 2021 will be an annual Solar Eclipse (not as strong as a Total of course--unless it contacts something in your chart!) on June 10th @19Gem47 in the 5 North Saros Series (visions; prophetic dreams; good insights, inspiration, and ideas). The duration of this eclipse is 3:51 so its effects may endure for nearly 4 months or years, if you can believe it. Well, it isn't as if we don't need good ideas. And inspired solutions. But hopefully, 2021's prophetic dreams and visions are not a reference to this gnarly issue, something few people are ready for, if so.

As for the June 2021 Solar Eclipse, Mercury-ruled Gemini is the polar opposite of Sagittarius, between them a common-sense Mercury-Jupiter signature. And with quick-thinking Gemini, reasoning ability and logic will be most important if we are to have any chance of making karmic progress in 2021. To me this suggests a Biden administration of professionals who know how to govern although you are welcome to disagree. And yes, we should acknowledge that 19-20 Gemini conjuncts Trump's Gemini trio (Uranus-NN-Sun) so if he's still on the scene (and he will be, a hulk lurking somewhere) he will use his inherent capriciousness, duplicity, and superficiality to interfere with America's karmic progress (whether he's in the White House or not) bwo regressive, reactionary policies and conspiratorial propaganda.

However, for Trump this eclipse may imply a Geminian news network or a show of some kind for the old geezer in lieu of fours more years in the White House. (His natal Sun-Moon opposition will be eclipsed, after all.) Plus, I'm fairly certain that his loquacious Mercury in emotional Cancer would adore such an opportunity to whine in a new format where he can continue to 'show off' his own version of truth via the natal Mercury-Neptune square that misinforms his sneaky mind and inspires him to invent malicious schemes. A network or show if lock-up is avoided, that is.

Next up is a partial Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 on November 19th. This falls within the Pleiades Constellation, not my favorite area of the heavens for it contains nasty, violent Algol, in the Head of the Medusa, a star known for 'piled up corpses' in China. Trump's natal Midheaven (his life's goal: piled up corpses) is nearby the Taurus Eclipse which occurs in opposition to Biden's natal Sun and Venus in late Scorpio, plus, Biden's natal Mercury-ASC midpoint which suggests lots of meetings, discussions, and perhaps a search for a person who compliments his abilities in some way (eclipse in Biden's natal 7th house). For Trump the Taurus Eclipse manifests in his 10th house of Career so for best results he should concern himself with matters that involve his integrity (?) and how he serves the public. Not that service to others is one of his personal qualities, I'm just reading the eclipse placement here so obviously, to me if not to you, this relates to certain lacks in his character and his focus on materialism (Taurus, the builder). This could conceivably be a reference to financial legal matters for Trump particularly if he's out of office in January 2021 - and especially if Democrats keep the House and flip the Senate (admittedly a dream of mine--you caught me). For as you know, both Solar and Lunar Eclipses are similar to quirky planet Uranus and are 'wild cards of the Universe' that tend to uncover secrets and inconvenient facts.

Now, dear reader, my new printer-scanner should be arriving in Raleigh no later than November 3rd and if set-up proceeds as planned, a DC Horoscope of the significant, Total December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 South Saros Series will soon be published here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. As you may imagine, there's much to say about its portents, but for now, I'll add that 5 South themes involve potentials for good news, peak experiences of joy (!), and long-lasting benefits! (Sagittarian eclipse implications are mentioned, above with 2020's 4 South.)

For Joe Biden the December 2021 12Sag Eclipse falls within his natal 1st house which personalizes it for him, and for Trump it occurs in his natal 4th house of Domestic Scene, one of the psychological houses where his natal Sag Moon-South Node conjunction resides, a cosmic marker for emotional estrangement, bottomless emotional needs, and difficult relationships.

Well, it's to be Sag-to-Sag eclipses, so perhaps during 2021, karmic progress will be made after all! So make of this as you will, dear reader, and dare to leave an on-topic comment as you wish. Or, wait to comment on the 12Sag horoscope!

Note: no comments from You 'Anonymous' and 'Unknown', don't bother because No useless trolling will be published from you ever again. jc

A Related Post: January 2021 Lunations and the Testing of America.

Eclipse notes: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Which may be considered an #ad by Google, I really don't know. jc

Image: A Fork'd Path; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell

Aug 26, 2020

Davos World Economic Forum moves to Summer 2021

August 26, 2020: Citing Covid-19 concerns and the amount of global travel involved, it is reported that the date for World Economic Forum 2021 at Davos has been moved from January 2021 to Summer 2021. This effectively removes the Forum's Reset Agenda from underneath the influence of the difficult December 14, 2020 4 South Solar Eclipse to the more amenable 5 North Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 - as long as the Forum's yet-to-be-announced opening occurs within two weeks prior to June 10th (and of course, thereafter).

Therefore, if the Forum opens during the final week of May 2021, 5 North influences will be in play with themes of 'visions, prophetic dreams, and insights which can be acted upon' (Brady), solar-lunar energies which can be used positively or negatively. With this solar eclipse, Mercurial Geminian favors (trade, commerce, arriving at a crossroads) will be evident. And naturally, such a rescheduling of approximately 6 months makes my previous post concerning the 2021 World Economic Forum at least partially moot. However, the post does link to an article about the group's 2021 economic 'Reset Agenda' and displays the DC Horoscope of the final of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions which perfects on November 12, 2020. Now as you know, the Jupiter-Pluto pair relates closely to financial matters, corporations and Big Bankers such as the Houses of Rothchild and Morgan, plus, the Federal Reserve Banking System, speculation, huge projects, and Plutocracy.

Whether the tyranny of plutocracy will be one of the Forum's topics of discussion or be part of their 'reset agenda' goals to be furthered in the world must remain to be seen. For now it appears that fear of Covid-19 has them and their big-picture plans on the run.

Above image: the Rothschild coat of arms