June 5, 2021: A 'Full Moon' phase for the Mars-Pluto Cycle
May 24, 2021 Monday: Previously we looked at a DC Horoscope of the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 (chart shown) and noted the soon-coming Mars-Pluto opposition - exact on June 5, 2021 (26Can27/26Cap27). Obviously, with transit Pluto within orb of US natal Pluto (27Cap33, in 1776 2nd house of our Sag rising charts = National Treasury, Values including Currency, and Possessions), this simultaneously spotlights a Mars opposition to US natal Pluto and this indicates potentials for: a contest of wills, attempts at manipulation, confronting hostile forces, interference in or disruption of the status quo, and/or efforts to gain control. However, Mars in Cancer can be moody, angry, impulsive, and exhibit a lack of perseverance so that sustained follow-through may be difficult. And as you know, the sign of Cancer is tribal, nationalistic, and patriotic but the patriotism may be only superficial.
Yet during periods influenced by Mars-Pluto, emotions run high, brutality remains a method intended to spark fear among the populace, issues of rape may be addressed, concerns over militarism are on the table, plus, forceful seizures and unscrupulous procedures continue to be used.
So for more information, a look back at the current Mars-Pluto cycle which began with their conjunction on March 23, 2020 @24Cap47 (exact at 1:20 am edt; ASC 15Sag40; MC 4Lib29 conjunct the former guy's natal Neptune at apex of a YOD with Mercury-Uranus as its base = nerve troubles; an irresponsible attitude; sloppy work habits), the 2nd house Mars-Pluto conjunction snugs between Jupiter 23Cap13 and Saturn 00AQ04 with karmic Saturn restricting America's Inaugural Sun of the former guy and occurring near the time our national quarantine began due to fears of Covid. (In government Jupiter-Saturn = checks-and-balances.)
So as we know, Saturnian accountability was demanded of that Sun in 2020 but you-know-who is very weak in the area of accepting responsibility for his actions with his natal Saturn in watery Cancer, sign of The Crab that scuttles sideways to avoid all confrontations. Hopefully, due to current criminal investigation, such options won't be available to his nibs for much longer although I've always thought of Herr Spanky as a major flight risk if there ever was one.
Anyway, a comparison of the Mars-Pluto conjunction horoscope (with Mars exalted and working efficiently in earthy Capricorn unlike Mr. Macho in watery Cancer) with that of the June 5, 2021 Mars-Pluto opposition horoscope shows much conflict, anger, fanaticism, and perhaps a suggestion of a police state (via the military). There's also a T-Square between Mars-Pluto square the Moon (25Ari02 in 7th house: mundane Moon = We The People) but the charts also show a determination toward diplomacy as 2021 Venus joins the 2020 North Node so let's support President Biden and his team all we can!
After all, on a diplomatic level, the Mars-Pluto opposition could very well represent Presidents Biden and Putin at the G-7 Summit in Geneva, Switzerland (June 15-16) with the White House and Kremlin pushing for a meeting between them if it can be arranged. If so, will their meeting be a 'hostile confrontation' or an oppositional culmination or fulfillment of some kind? Either way we'll soon find out, won't we?
Above image: NASA's portrait of planet Mars.
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