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Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto. Show all posts

Aug 12, 2024

Election 2024: Sobering Stakes

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Just as during the 1964 presidential campaign between Lyndon B. Johnson and Barry Goldwater, America again faces in 2024 the prospect of a loose cannon POTUS with an itchy "finger on The Button."

Factoring in the sketchy loyalities and betraying nature of felon candidate Trump inspires a consideration of the famous "Daisy Ad" that ran on NBC only once (at appr 9:50 pm edt) and is now described as "a turning point in political and advertising history." The ad successfully turned voters away from candidate Barry Goldwater who was considered in some quarters to be "mentally unfit" for the presidency. Well, history does tend to rhyme, yes?

Now according to Wikipedia, the little blonde girl shown picking daisy petals in the ad was played by child model Monique Corzilius (m. Manuel Luis) who was born May 3, 1961 and raised in Pine Beach, NJ.

Here's a link to the Daisy Ad's Wikipedia page which includes a video of the brief TV ad itself.

So below you see a Horoscope of the Daisy Ad set for its one air date of September 7, 1964 9:50 pm est Washington DC - DC because the chart's Angles echo those of US Inauguration ceremonies. The chart is unmarked so use it as you wish. You'll note that in 1st house is Jupiter @26Tau03, a degree regularly activated these days particularly by radical zealot Uranus which conjuncts Algol of Medusa fame, a star of rage, destruction, and fanaticism:

Yet if set for NYC (because NBC), the Daisy Ad Horoscope shows 18Tau46 rising (George Washington's natal ASC), and 28Cap32 at MC which places US 1776 Pluto Rx upon the chart's Midheaven ('MC'), the Aspiration Point of public visibility; plus as you know, Pluto is the planet of nuclear power and plutonium. Meanwhile, US 1776 Mercury Rx conjuncts the ad's IC of Endings and is descriptively conjoined by 1964 Mars. This qualifies as a Mars-opposite-US-Pluto transit denoting a contest of wills, a period when attempting to change the status quo is ill-advised. As we both know, President Johnson remained in office.

Also noteworthy is that the Eclipse Series into which the 1964 campaign ad aired on TV is the 2 New North, aka, "The Tower Eclipse" (@17Can16). As it happens, this is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") Saros Series of VP Kamala Harris born October 20, 1964 and now the Democratic candidate for president. You may remember that a 2 New North Eclipse repeated on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 with Uranium's totem planet, Uranus, conjunct MC when the Eclipse chart is set for Washington DC.

So whether or not The Button in 2024 is in danger of reckless activation by one prospective candidate or another, my studies tell me that the rebuilding found within the themes of all The Tower Eclipses (2 New North) is far more assured by a Kamala Harris victory on November 5, 2024 than by a manipulated "win" by a destructive, vengeful loose cannon like Mr. Trump who acts under the influence of America's enemies, and whose health seems to be failing right before our eyes.

Related Posts include: The Eclipse of NBC TV, the Second Inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson on January 20, 1965, and the 2024 Jupiter Return of VP Kamala Harris.

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny." - Barry Goldwater

Well said, Senator Goldwater. May both you and President Johnson R.I.P.

Aug 6, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz Apr 6, 1964

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

UPDATE August 6, 2024: Tim Walz is the VP choice of VP Kamala Harris! So the North Node of future direction pointing today toward Gov. Walz's natal Mars in Aries tells the tale!

Original post begins here:

Here's an image of the natal horoscope set for noon of Tim Walz born April 6, 1964 in West Point, Nebraska; notably, transit North Node @7Aries today points toward the governor's natal Mars:

And here's the Wikipedia page of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

And here are bio details on Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro born June 20, 1973 in Kansas City, Missouri, with a Mars-Pluto opposition and transit Neptune @29Pisces now conjunct his natal Mars and soon to oppose his natal Pluto.

Jul 11, 2024

Solar and Lunar Eclipses Pre-Election 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

You'll find quite a few astro-notes penned on the dual image, below, of the 8 South Solar Eclipse which will influence America's Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025. The themes of 8 South are listed on the chart (upper right). Then lower left is the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of September 17, 2024 (the US Constitution's anniversary date) @25Pis40 with nebulous Neptune hanging nearby, always ready to confuse, hide, misplace, gaslight, project, and/or obfuscate issues:

Now as you know, every Solar Eclipse is a New Moon, a time of seeding plans for new beginnings - but with a disruptive factor of 'wild card of the Universe' energy added; then the culmination stage arrives with the next Full Moon. In the case of the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024, the culminating-fulfillment-awareness Full Moon perfects @24Ari35 on October 17, 2024 across the Aries-Libra axis of Relationships, Alliances, War and Diplomacy.

And as you see, in Washington DC the Aries Full Moon is Angular at sunrise so its lunar effects may be nearly instant. Then prominently, Sun and Moon are part of a Cardinal Grand Cross pattern that includes the forceful Mars-Pluto opposition, a "win at any cost" configuration of heavy-handed energies with a potential for ill-tempers to be shown. Military or police action may also be involved with Mars-Pluto so seditious militiamen come to mind.

Plus, when a Cardinal Grand Cross forms, impatience is baked into situations and oppositional challenges, yet it's cooperation and consideration of others that are the key elements if progress is to be made - if progress is wanted.

Astro-Notes are penned on the horoscope for your consideration:

Another lunation worth noting is the Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024 which perfects on November 1, 2024 in Scorpio, a mere 4 days before Election Day.

Previously on SO'W: America's Mars-Pluto Cycle began in Capricorn.

Jun 4, 2024

Which Nazis Took Power in 2022?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Prior to our Midterms 2022 Elections when "MAGA" seditionists somehow managed to take over the US House of Representatives where their antics continue to underwhelm and thus help them avoid actually governing (at least until the 119th Congress swears in), we discussed disturbing topics such as The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024. The comparison remains worth keeping in mind as the November 2024 Elections approach.

In the post, the 1933 Horoscope of the Nazi Regime is displayed if you'd care for a look-see, and mention is made of the Eclipse Saros Series in which the monstrosity of blood lust took control in Germany, along with the fact that the same Series, 6 South, repeated on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (landing upon the Ascendant of NATO, btw), and our 2022 Midterm Elections occurred within the time frame, bringing Maga-ites into the powerful halls of Congress.

6 South themes are descriptive of events in 1933 and in 2022: "being forceful and taking power; manic energy; sudden events," and "huge efforts in group activities" (B. Brady). As you know, Nazis used violence as a tool to force their ideology upon society, and nowadays old man Trump favors that idea - of using violence against his "fellow Americans." These are "obsolete ideas," as the 1933 horoscope shows via venal Venus in Capricorn opposing primal Pluto in Cancer, and the planetary duo in opposition is associated with violence, envy, jealousy, and the mishandling of money and resources. In fact, bankruptcy can follow.

So for me, if not for you, these particular Venus-Pluto potentials sound like things that Herr Trump, a Uranian reptilian, has been intimately accustomed to, been motivated by, and has used to his advantage for decades.

Speaking of Magas, if you're curious, here's a noon natal horoscope of perhaps the leading Maga troublemaker in the House, Marjorie T. Greene, aka, "MTG". Feast your eyes!

For the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel of the initial 6 South Eclipse of March 6, 1049 @21Pis55 conjunct Venus, showing a forceful Mars-Pluto opposition, and karmic Saturn @27Cap19 conjunct US 1776 Pluto (abuse of power issues), surrounded by the 6 South repetition of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio, the Eclipse that influenced Midterms 2022 when Maga-ites gained a claw-hold in Congress:

Now as everyone knows, forewarned is forearmed, so here's the revealing J6 Solar Return Horoscope for January 2025 showing the brutal "win at any cost" Mars-Pluto opposition that our government fails to prepare for with more-than-equal force at our nation's peril.

And here's The Eclipse of the GOP's Project 2025, their dystopian plan for effecting the total ruination of America as we know it. An imperfect nation are we, yes, but who in their right minds can't do a better job at the helm than hate-filled Trump with his carnage, concentration camps, sadism, and loss of freedom?

Apr 26, 2024

SC Cons Ride the "Furious Storm"

Wash DC: "The Seat of Criminal Activity"?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Yesterday's oral arguments at the Supreme Court for and against "absolute immunity" for presidents took strange turns thanks to the "conservative" justices, the "Cons" as I'll term them in this post. Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson stood out for their attempts to protect our nation's traditional understanding of what all presidents know as they enter the White House: that crimes can be prosecuted once they're out of office. After all, what was the Nixon pardon about?

Even Con Justice Barrett had a few words to offer; however, she might be symbolized in the 2024 chart, below, by the Scorpio Moon leading a BOWL shape, an advocate for a cause which could be little more than sustaining an attachment to comforts and special privileges. And on another level for the paternalistic theocracy now forcing second class citizenship and handmaidism upon the women of America and infesting state legislatures across the land. (See the description of SO'W written in 2005! It's under the title.)

So from yesterday's Mercurial arguments, it's apparent that the Cons believe, or are pretending to believe, that, "When a president does it, it isn't illegal," as crooked Nixon famously informed interviewer David Frost. I say pretend to believe because they seem to me to be acting under pressure of some kind, if only to protect their personal comforts and the "gifts" they enjoy for their anti-democratic services. Check the chart below for Neptune-Pluto = Mercury (upper center) and Neptune-Pluto conjunct 2024 MC (lower right corner) with the titanic pair symbolizing criminal elements and/or organized crime. Their figurehead of the moment: the long-mobbed-up Herr Trump.

And of course all this shows that Cons intend to dismiss the principles of the great Magna Carta from America! Brazenly arrogant, aren't they?

White Power-Aryanism-'MAGA'

So from whence comes the "furious storm" that Con justices and other Trumpists ride? That would be the 6 South Eclipse of July 1860 with its seditious energies of domination by strong-armed paternalism as their goal. Significantly, 6 South Eclipses repeated in October 2022 @2Scorpio (PE of Midterms 2022 when seditious 'Maga's grabbed control of the House of Reps--and look how they've worked to damage it) and in August 1932 @8Virgo as what I've termed the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse for obvious reasons. So you see where the Cons are determined to go with this, as if you didn't already know!

Bi-Wheel: SCOTUS 1790 with Mercury Direct April 25, 2024 (Orals):

Now naturally, I had a glance back at the SCOTUS 1st Session 1790 Horoscope (inner), a topic which has been discussed here on previous occasions. Of note is that the current 8 North Solar Eclipse, the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded Chiron, is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series in which the 1st session of the Supreme Court was held! Are the Court's dreams and visions today the same as those of 1790? What do you think? Well, today it appears that they dream of fascism in America.

So yesterday's oral arguing planets made a few contacts with the 1790 1st session planets as you see above, and I've used the very moment that Mercury turned Direct as a transit chart. In fact, a rather stark cosmic spotlight is cast upon 1790 Mercury @00Pis46 in 12th house. And there's an obvious emphasis on the Venus-Mars duo which spotlights yesterday's male vs female justices and their questions as the ladies brought reality to fantasy (Neptune-MC = Saturn). A few other notes are penned on the bi-wheel but you'll spy several other important factors, I'm certain, because frankly, this post would have to be an e-book to cover them all!

Previously on SO'W: A disturbing question re: the future of democracy in America, May-June 2024: A Lucky Donald Trump? And please be forewarned by: Pushy Mars-Pluto and Election 2024.

Feb 20, 2024

Pushy Mars-Pluto and US Election 2024

Feb 2024 Saboteurs in the US: Win At Any Cost

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As multiple astrologers have mentioned, at Election 2024 - or rather two days prior to the November 5th Election on November 3 2024 - an opposition forms in the heavens between warrior planet Mars and wealthy, deadly Pluto across the Security Axis of Cancer-Capricorn. Depending on how these powerful energies are utilized, this transit times a dangerous period surrounding America's Election 2024.

Now this is not news, even to non-astrologers, but my post today is meant as a study of the 2024 Mars-Pluto Cycle with a cosmic nod to the US Mars-Pluto Cycle which began for America with the planetary pair's Conjunction on December 24, 1775 @25Cap35 in a sensitized and governmental area of the Zodiac. We might also add the energies of the forceful duo to America's Inauguration Midheaven in late Capricorn for a picture of ambition, advancement, and/or extreme measures for increasing power and status. Obviously, this resonates as a description of Election Year 2024 and Inauguration 2025.

Then you may remember that corporate fascists (exs: bankers) attempted a "businessman's coup" of America in 1933 but it failed. Incomplete preparation, one imagines, plus, they approached the wrong military general to lead it. Meanwhile, FDR proceeded to establish his New Deal programs despite strong opposition from the "economic royalists" of his day. Now in 2024, monarchists continue to threaten the destruction of our social safety net programs which would help induce the collapse of America, their longterm dream, and would gift taxpayer funds to Wall Street gentry.

Facing reality, we know that these sinister energies have simmered under the surface of global societies ever since, and in the US (the bellweather nation for democracy) saboteurs retain their clawhold via the unfortunate streak of racist Aryanism, a moral failing which our opponents have long known is America's deepest flaw from our country's earliest days. Add to this sore loser Republicans' promotion of Never Surrender, for this is the concept which must be the case for democratic forces as well - if we hope for victory over the global criminal network.

Our Challenge 2024: Democracy vs Fascism - Again

This time around, since 1933 (and including nazi efforts in the 1940s), fascists and neo-gnatzies have been loading up key positions in the US with anti-democracy thugs and enablers with skewed perspectives, while finagling the charismatic agent orange as their flawed figurehead. So if forewarned is forearmed, please read on if you wish an overview of 2024 Mars-Pluto potentials as We the People march down an uncertain trail toward Election 2024. The two horoscopes are suitable for study by the curious!

Now sigificantly, the Mars-Pluto pairing is associated with potentials for brutal force, primal violence, barbarism, military action and/or weapons, war, crime, attacks, cruelty, sadism, forceful intervention, deviant behavior, violent people, people disabled in war, and/or a military police state (Munkasey), just to name a few. Additionally, success through excessive effort may be positive or negative depending on the motives of those involved.

February 14, 2024 -- November 3, 2024

Above is a dual image of the current Mars-Pluto Cycle (upper right) which began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun so obviously the office of the presidency is involved along with Election 2024), and the Mars-Pluto Opposition (lower left) @29:45 Cancer-Capricorn of November 3, 2024. So the point of this post is that these two 2024 horoscopes encase and envision an entire Mars-Pluto Cycle affecting America during this pivotal election year as we look forward toward the future of our country - and work to defend a better kind of world for our descendants to inherit.

In closing, here are the Sabian Symbols for the November 3, 2024 positions of Mars and Pluto with their exact oppositional degrees being reciprocal Illumination Points, one of the other:

Mars "30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" - Keyword: INHERITANCE; positive expression: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit; negative expression: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.

Pluto "30 Capricorn" = A Secret Business Conference" - Keyword: OPPORTUNITY; positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.(M.E. Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology #ad)

Please Note: the term "gnatzies" - pronounced like "gnats" - issues from a recent David Feldman podcast episode.

Nov 16, 2023

Spring Equinox 2024 with a Thales Planet

An Intense DC Horoscope for Spring Equinox 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you know, all Spring Equinox Horoscopes are "good for" the entire year its planets describe with the Sun conjunct the Aries Point. Therefore, the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope remains in force until the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope with Scorpio rising takes effect (chart shown below). As noted in the previous post, the March 2023 Horoscope reveals planetary potentials for simmering debt ceiling issues, illusions, deceptions, misunderstandings, undermining of associations, plus, a Mars-Pluto inconjunct of anger, persistence, and diehard competitors who refuse to accept defeat. If these potentials don't describe current actors and events in America (and elsewhere), I don't know what does.

Then if the March 4, 2024 J6 Trial of Mr. Trump holds on to its date via Judge Chutkan--the day prior to Primary Day 2024--the trial also will be 'covered' by the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope but proceedings may easily last long enough to 'stray' into 2024 territory. One consideration is that the J6 Trial falls within the 7 South Eclipse Series which contains energies of a Mars-Pluto square from 7 South's initial eclipse (June 22, 1248 @8Can03--conjunct Herr T's natal Mercury).

For more details see Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump particularly in Gemini's 22-degree range.

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox March 19, 2024 11:06:22 pm edt Washington DC; ASC @16Sco10 ruled by Mars with co-ruler Pluto; MC @25Leo26 (sporting Trump's natal Mars) with transit Mars @27AQ46 conjunct the foundational IC of Endings. And with Mars opposing his natal Mars, he may experience a period of fruitless head banging as others challenge his actions with an equal or more intense use of force, a possibility which sounds promising for the rule of law:

2024: Thales Planet a Saving Grace For Heated Emotions

For a namesake, you may wish to see Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher credited with the famous saying, "Know Thyself." Of course, current-day politicians who complain against Americans being "woke" don't care at all for ancient Thales, or for his teachings! And many Republicans show an embarrassing lack of self awareness.

Yet as you see, a ruffled-up Moon-Pluto opposition falls across the self-will axis of Leo-AQ, so aggressive quarrels will continue--and we don't need Astrology to realize this! In fact, this aspect is termed The Devastator by Alan Oken and symbolizes people determined to gain complete control of others. But the good news? There's a Thales Planet that, if utilized, can ease the negative potentials of the manipulative Moon-Pluto opposition. The Thales Planet in the chart is Neptune in its own sign of compassionate Pisces, with the placement a marker for peace:

Neptune trines Luna, a positive and creative aspect, and sextiles Pluto, a transiting aspect in effect for quite a while now and denotes those who are responsive to the uplifting vibrations of the planetary pair in the higher realms as the consciousness of the masses continues to awaken and then sees things more clearly. The sextile-trine condition suggests that diplomacy may be in the offing, in Washington DC, and in foreign conflicts.

As for the Sun-Pluto sextile, those who control information and are adept at winning arguments through this control are indicated. Since ultimate power is involved via Pluto along with leadership (Sun), this may be a picture of powerful legal experts and court officials attempting to hold scofflaw Trump accountable to the rule of law, and/or to the wealthy folk who are on the side of democracy rather than cheering and financing brutal animalism against the American people and the entire world population.

Now here's a previous post which may be of interest, The Thales Eclipse and the Peacock of Venus.

Well, this is my initial assessment of Spring Equinox 2024 conditions although more consideration may be necessary as the Vernal Equinox of Election Year 2024 approaches and further events occur.

Now in closing, as a tribute to the Spring Season, here's one of my favorite pencil drawings, Hidden Garden:

Thanks a bunch for reading! Jude

Oct 27, 2023

Democratic and Republican Primaries 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Check out the Democratic and Republican Primary Schedule 2024, dates subject to change, of course. So far, the first Democratic Primary of 2024 is scheduled for February 3, 2024 which apparently may include a challenger to President Biden by the name of Dean Phillips. Or perhaps not.

Meanwhile, the 2024 Republican Primary in South Carolina is set for February 24, 2024. Here are both primaries' noon horoscopes as the dates stand now. One factor that doesn't change is that both primaries occur under the auspices of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 so its themes, listed below, will influence both primaries for Democrats and Republicans:

The following excerpt detailing 7 South themes appeared in a previous SO'W post:

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the initial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear, or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Notably, the recent Republican Speaker of the House theatrics (which may not be over if evangelical 'maga' politician Mike Johnson can't manage to hang on to the gavel of power; for instance, his paternalistic 'women are breeders' stance will not go over well with any American woman I know, plus, he's one of Tr*mp's lying election deniers), and his election as Speaker occurred under the influence of 7 South themes so it may be that 'a huge obstacle suddenly cleared' but crises remain on the Republican agenda.

Oct 8, 2023

Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

When we discussed the transit of heavyweight if subversive planet Pluto to 00AQ00 in 2023 and into 2024, midpoint picture potentials were included due to the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of 2020 @00AQ29 and its transformative meeting with transit Pluto. These energies will intensify all through 2024 leading up to Inauguration 2025 as transit Pluto reaches 00AQ29 and a midpoint picture perfects between the karmic trio of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto.

The Plutonian midpoint picture becomes exact on:

1. February 4, 2024; 2. August 8, 2024; and 3. December 11, 2024, with the November 5, 2024 Election sandwiched between numbers 2 and 3. Of course, we can expect that it will be at least December 2024 before elections results are known and there are no certainties about the outcome of the 2024 Electoral College Vote, a tradition that Trump and comrades diluted along with the entire election process itself, as ordered from abroad.

Then as we know, every Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction marks a new social order beginning of approximately 20-years' duration. Actually, the entire election year in the US will be cosmically imprinted by these energies, along with the April 2024 Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, and the third of three Great American Eclipses, also in April (see links, below). (Please note that not all lunations and other cosmic events of 2024 can be listed in one post.)

Meanwhile, here you see a bi-wheel of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (inner) and, because it occurs prior to Election 2024 in November, the chart of the second direct transit of Pluto (August 8, 2024) surrounds the 2020 Conjunction. Plus, here are previously published details if you're curious.

Of note is that the deadline for resolving election disputes is set for December 10, 2024 (one day prior to December 11th!), and the meeting of the electors is scheduled for December 16, 2024; as in 2021, congressional certification of Electors' votes is intended to be held on January 6, 2025:

Potentials of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (M. Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (R. Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (N. Tyl).

Additionally, the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction landed upon US Inaugural Sun (Trump in Dec 2020) with potentials for: 'boasting a lot; increased self-pride; inconstancy; moodiness (disturbed liver function); change of residence; taking destiny in one's own (tiny) hands; major changes according to plan, or if nothing is prepared, having to make the best of things' (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl).

Jupiter Expansion-Saturn Restriction in Politics

Now as you know, Jupiter and Saturn are often used to signify America's two political parties although the symbolism tends to alternate, depending on which party is actng the Santa Claus role of generosity (Jupiter), and which tries to limit, restrict, and hold them back (Saturn) - or simply ends or seeks to end, benefits for regular folk. Generally, it seems to me that these are permanent assignations since the Democratic Party is more motherly and protective (as is democracy!) with a big tent for all, while the economic royalists of the Republican Party are more "fatherly" and conservative - with conditions (as in, conditional love).

The party's 'conditions' these days include a huge taboo for GOP politicians who dare "reach across the aisle." Why, that coud lead to improvements in society - the opposite of what Republicans want for the American people, so cooperation is a no-no. Right now, even the NYSE has its panties in a bunch because employment in the US is way up, thanks to President Biden, and finagling a financial crash is what the GOP needs in time to skew Election 2024 toward the fasc*st GOP.

Because it isn't as if Republicans can win elections by promoting aloud their Saturnian policies of austerity and loss. Yet some folks are catching on and my hope is that all voters will realize that voting for more of the extremist GOP's "trickle down" economics is self-destructive and harmful for our families and our nation.

Of course, by tradition the checks'n'balances of the Jupiter-Saturn duo kept the US government simmering along on a more or less even keel but the GOP is working harder than ever to keep the imbalance going, and worsening. They can't even run the House of Representatives without shutting down the government, leaving the House leaderless, and causing the US a credit downgrade (they hope). Maga-types are not politicians, they're chaos agents parroting their Uranian idol Trump.

Astrologically, this points toward rebellious anarchist Uranus lurching this way and that, ruling on a whim and a notion, with major disruption, even revolution, the goal. To Uranus add the Neptune-Pluto duo of underworld crime and we have precisely the crooks and circumstances we see before our very eyes and in our court rooms.

As for the (purposefully) leaderless House of Representatives, if Trump steps in "temporarily" as Speaker, his 10th house Uranus in chatty Gemini, duplicitous and transactional as it may be, will only cause more chaos which, after all, is Trump's way of doing business. But it's probably all talk though since Trump has endorsed loose cannon Jim Jordan for the Speaker position. Or perhaps Steve Scalise will grab the gavel! We'll have to see how things go next week as the maga/freedom caucus performers continue their clown show. And we'll see if secret-seller Trump, agent orange as I've called him for years, is brave enough to set a toe back in Washington DC without fear of being detained as the traitor he is. So if he shows up, will the District be big enough for agent orange and Jack Smith?

Other Prominent Cosmic Events of 2024 Include:

The Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 (DC Horoscope shown).

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of April 20, 2024.

The New Millennium Horoscope and Its Progressed New Moon May 4, 2024 (both DC Horoscopes shown).

The 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2024 influences Election 2024.

Then on November 1, 2024 comes the predictive New Moon Prior to the 2024 Election @9Sco35 with a belligerent Mars-Pluto opposition at critical 29th degrees across the security-minded Cancer-Capricorn axis.

Related is America's Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in December 1775.

Election Year 2024: Will Pluto Step From The Shadows?

Underworld planet Pluto prefers to manipulate from the shadows, aka, from behind the curtain, from abroad, and/or from his hidden lair where his hoard of gold is secreted. Even a dark alley can suffice! Meanwhile, between 2022's US Pluto Return and transit Pluto leaving Capricorn and creeping into Aquarius, a variety of conditions are shifting across the globe and everyone is feeling it, Earth changes included.

So if the venerable lens of Astrology can add a measure of understanding to the proceedings, then the purpose of writing pro-democracy posts on Stars Over Washington is satisfied. To me it seems to be the very least I can do to honor the sacrifices of my Revolutionary War ancestors - and yours, too, if you have them!

Then if you, dear reader, should find SO'W content useful or informative, please spread the word if not a post or two. Thanks a Bunch! jc

Previously on SO'W: Remember when Jupiter and Uranus were in opposition at Winter Solstice 2016 and formed a major T-Square with Pluto? That's Pluto @16Capricorn, the position of the Sun during Trump's Maga Coup Attempt, with Sun-Pluto relating to a craving for power and the need to take control.

Sep 25, 2023

Oct 23, 2023: Chesebro-Powell J6 Trial

For your consideration!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Two images today, a total of three horoscopes, sans my study notes. The first image displays dual horoscopes of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 - upper right set for Washington DC, lower left set for Atlanta, Georgia where the J6 trial of two conspirators, Kenneth Chesebro and Sydney "Kraken" Powell will commence with first-day jury selection:

Then below is a 10:00 am edt (speculative hour) horoscope of the Chesebro-Powell J6 Trial set for Atlanta, Georgia; if you set up the horoscope, adjust the timing of your chart according to the trial's opening hour as it's known. And for comparison, note that if the October 23rd Trial Horoscope is set for Washington DC, the Midheaven (Goal Point) becomes 13Vir23 conjunct Venus @13Vir29 with Venus in Virgo relating to morality and ethics, and the sign of Mercury-ruled Virgo preferring the facts; perhaps Venus in Virgo represents prosecuting DA Fani Willis:

Plus, 29Sco43 rises ("30Sco": "A Halloween Jester"), then there's a potential for (activist) Mars @7Sco45 in 12th house in the J6 Trial Chart and decision-making Mercury @2Sco09 conjunct the Trial's 10:00 am 12th cusp to signify the forcing of a hung jury for one or both defendants due to one or more bribed jurors (Jupiter Rx in Tauru$ opposing Mars). Of course, ideological and/or political motivations (Merury-Mars conjunct = political opinions) will also be involved no matter how this, or any other J6 trial, proceeds:

For a view of a notated 7 South Eclipse DC Horoscope with 7 South themes penned on, mosey over to a previous SO'W post.

Aug 24, 2023

Scofflaw Trump to Atlanta: Mars trine Pluto

Atlanta Airport Restricted 6:45 pm--9:00 pm edt; Mars Trump Bows to Pluto's Power

by Jude Cowell

With cooperation in his cards, this evening, August 24, 2023, Mars-rising Trump flies into Atlanta and says he'll surrender for arrest at the Rice Street jail, Atlanta, Georgia a la DA Fani Willis - and he'll do so in "prime time." Naturally, the reality TV guy wants to create a ratings-grabbing media circus out of his current disgraceful arrest.

Well, powering through the shame (he refuses to feel or admit) despite the intervention of a higher power is a potential since at 8:23 pm edt in Atlanta, Georgia, a power-laden Mars-Pluto trine perfects and forms a protective Earth Grand Trine with zealous, radical Uranus the chaos-creator which happens to conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) of Goals and Objectives. A high-flying Kite pattern of success results if we add 1st house Neptune Rx @26Pis56 to the Mars-Pluto-Uranus trine. Yet a caution of a Grand Trine is that mismanaging its energies can turn out more negatively than positively.

Meanwhile, legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @4Pisces, Lord of Karma, is rising at 8:23 pm suggesting to me that Saturnian accountability comes first, then comes Trump's spin of the event (orating Mercury trine Jupiter, the broadcaster), an arrest for which he's said he's "proud." Translation: he expects more donations to pour in from his gullible cult members - and indictment number 4 adds to his "martyr" mystique and fuels the skewed rhetoric he will be employing.

Freedom-Lover Uranus, Planet of Chaos and Fanaticism

Then at 8:23 pm edt, Trump's first natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem55) dragging with it his natal North Node and Gemini Sun. Also along for the ride is his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine which seems to be continuing the lucky breaks that here suggest the villain will be allowed to walk away tonight from the Rice Street jail. No one expects him to be detained, of course, I'm only saying that the Cosmos supports this. For now, at least:

Now several other astro-factors of note are penned upon the above horoscope for those who are curious, yet many factors are not listed.

Therefore, if you read but one or two of my study notes, check out the Earth Grand Trine info, lower right corner highlighted in yellow, and the midpoint picture potentials of Mars-Saturn = MC, upper right corner, while keeping in mind Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture of death, destruction, and fury buried deep within his 12th house of the Unconscious - plus, of note tonight is another potential of this picture--the intervention of a higher power, as noted above.

A related post: America's Mars-Pluto Cycle (conjunct @25Cap35).

And in case you missed it, check out Keith Olbermann's current Countdown podcast episode, Trump is Romping Because DeSantis Is a Hologram with Keith's commentary re: last night's Republican debate.

Also see: Ron DeSantis' Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius.

Jun 19, 2023

October 2023 Solar Eclipse sweeps from Oregon to Texas

Handily, the Great American Eclipse website has all the astronomical information you might want concerning the annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 with its path of annularity sweeping from Oregon beginning at 9:13 am pdt and ending in Texas at 12:03 pm cdt - near the US-Mexico border. Central and South America will then be visited as well. Follow the link for a visual of the 2023 Eclipse path crossing with the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024, which, as you know, is the third of three Great American Eclipses.

On the astrological and political sides, mentions of the October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse in the 7 South Saros Series may be found for the curious. One way to find such topics is to scroll down a bit and type "7 South" into the SO'W sidebar Search field for a sampling of posts to select from.

Meanwhile, here's a previously published set of horoscopes of the October 14, 2023 7 South Eclipse set for Washington DC along with the horoscope of a certain despot's Secondary Progressed New Moon (SP Moon makes an excellent timing device) for the real time event and the symbolic event will meet in October at the same degree in Libra, sign of The Scales of Justice:

Additionally, below is an excerpt from an October 2022 post in which we looked ahead to the 7 South manifestation of October 14, 2023 while noting that the creation of Stars Over Washington occurred on October 16, 2005 under the auspices of the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005.

{And yes} the October 2005 manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse that inspired Stars Over Washington, meaning that under its themes, yours truly felt compelled to create the 'personal weblog' you're reading right now - because of my anger against "what politicians were doing to the place," aka, America (exs: preemptive war; "Homeland" Security; The "Patriot" Act). And so I can tell you, dear reader, that 7 South themes contain a deeper meaning for me now than in 2005. How could they not?

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the intial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now as you may or may not know, Mars-Pluto square energies are formidable and on a mundane (political) level suggest power struggles, jealousy, destructive anger, and the urge to take revenge. Well, we know who in the political realm this sounds like so his name shall not be mentioned in this post, not this time.

So in closing, mention should be made of the next manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse for it is soon-coming and occurs @21Lib07:33 on October 14, 2023. It isn't a Total eclipse, only Annular so its potency will be somewhat muted, thankfully, since all 7 South eclipses carry the forcefulness of a Mars-Pluto square within them. However, the eclipse in October 2023 will fall between the planetary pair of strong political opinions, Mercury and Mars - and Jupiter @13Taurus during the eclipse conjuncts the North Node of destiny in the SR 2022 Horoscope...which suggests religious groups interfering in legal processes, and closed legal societies (M. Munkasey).

So perhaps we can agree that these potentials are already underway with America's tradition of separation of church and state underfire by bossy theocrats, ideologues, and mafia-esque criminal types determined to take total control of our country. Therefore, we must out-determine them and use the Mars-Pluto energies ourselves toward positive outcomes!

Eclipses: 'Wild Cards' of the Universe and Cosmic Blinks From Above

Well, there it is for your consideration, folks, two significant solar eclipses coming soon to a Cosmos near us all, and full of unpredictable possibilities for disruptive changes of course. We should add that the Mars-Pluto duo also relates to war and to people disabled in war (R. Ebertin) which suggests the US military and possible events involving the ongoing war in Ukraine, but hopefully to no other conflagrations.

Jun 13, 2023

Rachel Maddow's Deja News podcast

A 7 South Eclipse Repeats October 14, 2023 @21Lib07

by Jude Cowell

By now you've heard that yesterday the intrepid Rachel Maddow and her longtime producer Isaac-Davy Aronson debuted a new podcast Deja News which asks, "Has anything like this ever happened before?"

Deja News Episode 1: Riot at the Gates (Again)

Now if you've ever read many posts here on SO'W you know that Rachel's new podcast is right up the alley of my eclipse and 'cosmic time link' posts published here since historical cycles and eclipse cycles tend to resonate with similar, aka, rhyming, events and conditions.

Episode 1 opens with the fascist plot against FDR proposed to General Smedley Butler in 1933, and Deja News goes on to compare it with the coup attempt by sore loser Donald Trump and his maga acolytes and henchmen on January 6, 2021 when anarchists breached the US Capitol Building as a peaceful transfer of power was taking place in Congress. Rachel's opening point: that the J6 plotters had seen such a coup happen before - successfully against the Parliament in Paris, France, as a peaceful transfer of power was in progress on February 6, 1934.

And similar to the way we use "Jan6" as shorthand for Trump's failed coup, in France the assault by a violent mob in 1934 is shorthanded as "Feb6" and is 'honored' each year by authoritarians. Now by 1934, fascist dictator Mussolini had been in power for a few years and authoritarianism was on the rise in Europe where certain people promoted the idea that liberal democracy "had run its course." Sounds tres familiar, oui? For we have anti-democracy saboteurs at work in the US.

Okay, so here's the point in this post where I hush about historical events that Rachel Maddow's Deja News will inform you about much better than I can, so the question in this post becomes, Is there a cosmic time link that resonates between our time and the coup of 1934? Why, yes!

That would be the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Croix de Feu (Crosses of Iron) coup occurred, the 7 South of August 21, 1933 @27Leo42 (shown, below). And yes, that's the degree of Trump's natal Mars rising with royal star Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - but he doesn't, so 'all that's been gained will be taken away' which is the effort now in progress). You'll note that the 7 South Eclipse affecting the Croix de Feu coup of 1934 conjuncts Regulus and manifested in August 1933:

Dual Horoscopes above: 7 South Prenatal Eclipse of the Croix de Feu coup (lower left) and a noon Horoscope of the Croix de Feu Coup of February 6, 1934. Study notes are penned on including 7 South themes of "power, anger, force" (via the initial 7 South Eclipse's Mars-Pluto Square); "huge obstacles clear," or--"sudden crisis" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Plus, as you know, signs of eclipses should be read through the signs of their initial eclipses, and here that would be Cancer, sign of nationalism and tribalism.

Further cosmic time links exist and include the initial 7 South @8Can03 conjunct Trump's natal Mercury (8Can01), and conjunct the Syzygy Moon of his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021.

For further reading, here's a seriously related post: In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse.

Final Note: The second episode of Deja News next Monday will concern events in Florida so Ron DeSantis may want to have himself a listen!

Jun 9, 2023

Trump indicted: Sun and Mars tell a tale!

Who's There? That's Karma Knocking

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday June 8, 2023, Donald Trump was indicted by a Florida grand jury and is facing 7 counts of espionage, conspiracy, lying, and more, stemming from Jack Smith's investigation of Trump's purloining, hiding, keeping, and lying about documents he nabbed during his time in the White House.

In a timestamped message he posted to his "Truth" Social venue on June 8th he responded to his indictment citing his usual grievances, denials, boasts, and deflections using one of pal Putin's favorite tactics, whataboutism. He labeled it the "Boxes Hoax."

Since it's Friday and going on 3:00 am here, I have very few astro-notes to add at this point but below is a horoscope of his timestamped messsage of denials (June 8th 7:21 am) surrounding Trump's natal chart for those who'd like a view. Now I've heard he's at his Bedminster golf resort for the summer so the horoscope is set there for 7:21 pm ET (as per timestamp); please note that currently there are multiple transits to his natal planets, Sun to Uranus and the fateful Mars to Pluto are only two of them:

As you see, I've penned on Sabian Symbols for 18 Gemini (Sun-to-Uranus: spotlight on his alien relationships, radical tendencies, lack of loyalty issues, aka, betrayal), and for 11 Leo and 12 Leo (Mars-to-Pluto: intense, purposeful activities, vengeful actions bring perilous results, a male leads the way as karma comes to call).

Now through all of the legal proceedings, my primary concern will be for the safety of America and for my fellow Americans. It seems obvious to me that the rejected orange albatross isn't done bringing We the People misery and now he'll have grudges on steroids to fuel his rising Mars in Leo opposing and targeting America's 1776 Moon in Aquarius.

Mar 25, 2023

In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse

Trump's Progressed Moon Plays a Role in 2023 Events

by Jude Cowell

Back in January 2023 on SO'W, we discussed the fact that the 7 South October 14, 2023 Eclipse 'hits' Trump's Progressed Moon ('SP') at its 'crisis in action' Cresent Phase degree of May 24, 2023, or in other words, the two cosmic occurrences - one in real time, the other symbolic - will conjunct @21Libra and some odd minutes when the October 2023 Eclipse perfects upon his SP Crescent Moon degree which times the beginning of a new life cycle for him. Additionally of interest with Moon in Libra, is that a suggestion of destiny is involved, and of course, all eclipses are known as karmic 'wild cards of the Universe'.

Now in this instance, I'm using his SP Luna as a timing agent via its degree. And it's possible, say TV pundits, that no significant legal action such as indictment will be taken against the orange albatross until May although this time link suggests to me that late September into October 2023 should be an important time period for Trump and his woes which will be affected by plenty of other transits and progressions mitigating or otherwise influencing the proceedings on into 2024, the year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (his pair in beneficial trine aspect of luck and protection) @21Taurus in Trump's 9th house of Legal Affairs and near his natal Midheaven of Public Status.

Then will "Teflon Don" manage to escape accountability once again? Perhaps, but let's not forget the caution of his royal Regulus rising with belligerent Mars, and the trouble that taking revenge can bring: a loss of all that's been gained.

As for his SP Moon/7 North Eclipse connection, this real time + symbolic cosmic time link reveals a Sun-Moon-Moon signature which suggests bringing protection on some level for self or others, and/or a need for relief, possibly supplied by a woman or other family member. And naturally, with the Sun-Moon combination denoting marriage partners, it's tempting to think of his current wife Melania although another woman or women could be involved as well. Could this indicate Stormy? Well, her natal Pluto does conjunct Trump's stationary Jupiter at the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree!

Also tempting is a consideration of the themes of 7 South Solar Eclipses in relation to Trump's SP Moon with its Venusian-Libran vibes (until his SP Moon symbolically advances into Scorpio in early 2024, adding Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto vibrations to his emotional landscape - and his SP Ascendant has also entered Scorpio). Plus, it may be significant in some way for Trump that 7 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') into which son Barron Trump was born! Then was anger Melania's midwife? Well, Trump's 'Stormy Night' did occur while Barron was only a few months old so I suppose the faithless cad of a husband's testosterone-driven Mars rising in lusty Leo is rashness personified, no matter the consequences.

Now Themes of 7 South Eclipses include the tremendous anger, power, and force of a Mars-Pluto square due to the one in effect during the initial 7 South Eclipse of June 22, 1248 with Sun-Moon @8Can03 (conjunct Trump's gossip-mongering Mercury squared by deceitful Neptune). 7 South possibilities are for huge obstacles to "suddenly clear" or, "a pending potential crisis will move through the life very rapidly" (B. Brady).

Undoubtedly, we think of the multiple lawsuits and potential indictments that this man, 'overshadowed by shadows' faces as I type. And admittedly, my personal hope is that if huge obstacles suddenly clear for this career criminal, his pathway will open toward a prison cell door. And I'm certain you've noticed that Trump's recent behavior posting a mocked-up photo of his tiny hands brandishing a baseball bat next to a photo of NY AG Alvin Bragg has obvious Mars-Pluto square implications. Yes, the image was deleted later but the deadly message was successfully sent to Herr Trump's receptive comrades.

So let's consider a paraphrasing of what Alan Oken has written about a Mars-Pluto square as it potentially affects individuals such as the cantankerous narcisist and wanna-be dictator, Donald J. Trump:

People with extremely violent tempers who let nothing stand in their way, they make devastating enemies who can act like a b*mb clearing the way by wiping out what has already been established; The Annihilator. As most anyone may agree, this is definitely the mood that he and his nazi comrades are in as they strive to take fascist control of our country.

So! Despair and giving up are never options in the cause of Justice, my dear pro-democracy reader, yet these are some of the current influences upon old man Donald Trump whose 12th house midpoint picture, Pluto = Mars-Saturn (the death axis) while apex Pluto, the underworld figure, spy, and assassin, just keeps on expressing its harmful energies against humanity in the form of: "brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (death of many people)," according to Reinhold Ebertin.

And these sinister energies support, among other planetary factors in his natal chart and psyche, his Goal Point (Midheaven) with enraged demon star Algol upon it, a star quite often found twinkling prominently in the natal horoscopes and psyches of serial m*rderers.

A Closely Related Post: Spring Equinox 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power. Resonating with all the "bombshell" news stories of late, the 2023 Spring Equinox Midheaven in Washington DC, the Goal Point = "5 Gemini": "A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page."

Also Related: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in the Saturn-ruled sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn.

Note: 'SP' = Secondary Progressed, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope to see how things will evolve. Also we should note that "21 Libra" falls within a degree range that once was termed the Via Combusta, the Burning Way, and with transit Mars now in sensitive Cancer, this vintage astrological condition may relate to Trump's arsonist tendencies which are another indication of the potential harm and acts of revenge he obsessively aims at the entire world.

Feb 4, 2023

China Horoscope: Mars-Pluto in spotlight

Audacity and Daring Deflated!

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday we discussed the Chinese spy balloon being navigated in recent days over the US along with President Biden's SOTU 2023 Address to Congress scheduled for the evening of Tuesday February 7, 2023 (DC Horoscope shown). Personally, I'd prefer that SOTU 2023 be 'zoomed' in to the chamber due to the AR-15 pins now being sported in place of US flag pins on the lapels of far-right House members, a clear visual signal of "don't shoot me, I'm one of you" in case violence breaks out, one supposes.

And it's unimaginable that any US president would be placed in such a perilous situation now that Republicans have had metal detectors removed from the Capitol Building, another sinister signal. It's disturbing enough that congressional Democrats have to hang out with maga insurrectionists, even sitting next to the blighters and passing them in the halls of power. Yet certainly President Biden travels with his own security detail and one imagines that safety precautions for SOTU 2023 will be in place.

Anyhow, below is the October 1, 1949 Horoscope of China (Campion chart #061; also thanks to Jamie Partridge of Astrology King fame). In the chart we see that tomorrow's Full Moon @16Leo40 conjunct China's 7th house Mars-Pluto conjunction (14Leo53 and 17Leo 39) so that the Leo Moon will illuminate the conjunction (like a reflective spy balloon that favors Earth's moon!) with the planetary pair's forceful, even warlike, energies. Now as you know, the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius which is associated with Communism, and full moons may behave in a similar Uranian fashion as lunar eclipses do - uncovering inconvenient truths and secrets which may be leaked, thereby providing fuller awareness to earthly events. Is this a description of the balloon's data collecting mission? Well, its arrival definitely caught the public's attention and has taken over the news cycle as any purposeful distraction would.

Then as it turns out this Saturday afternoon, China's balloon was shot down over Surfside Beach, South Carolina so basically, debris fell safely into the Atlantic Ocean as Mars-Pluto action was taken by the US. Watch the video which shows the spunky balloon's fall of deflation!

Accordingly, a few midpoint pictures form from tomorrow's Sun-Moon opposition with the country's Mars-Pluto midpoint which contains multiple potentials such as provocation, conducting clandestine operations (but this one was high-in-the-sky), chaos, mayhem, brutality, and/or atomic power (which relates to questions about surveillance by the balloon of US military venues and involves realms of the Pentagon).

Astrologically today's military action by the US falls into the "violent measures; injury; shock through the intervention of a higher power" categories as decribed by Reinhold Ebertin (The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad) who adds, "audacity and daring" to the cosmic picture. What no one with common sense wants is an escalation into a US-China war which would necessarily be of global proportions.

Then there was another major transit which occurred for China on January 12 2020 when the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 landed directly upon China's 1949 Jupiter (22Cap35) in the behind-the-scenes/governmental 12th house. Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter potentials include "difficulties caused through illness" (Covid-19 in 2020 which has now spiked in China) but also "social and religious fanaticism" (R.E.)

So apparently due to the shoot down, today's Mars-Pluto action means that whatever data China's balloon may have collected is now lost under the sea, but if any of it can be retrieved via technology or otherwise, the American public will most likely never know of it, nor will the good people of China.

May the spinning for political purproses begin!

Jan 30, 2023

Oct 2023 Eclipse hits Trump's Progressed Moon

A 2023 Cosmic Spotcheck on Trump via an Eclipsed Moon

by Jude Cowell

Just a quick posting tonight of two horoscopes: the October 14, 2023 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Lib07 (themes are penned on, upper left) and the Secondary Progressed Lunar Crescent horoscope ('SP') of Donald Trump which perfects on May 24, 2023 @21Lib33. So a new life phase or passage begins in May, then in October along comes the 7 South Eclipse (October 14, 2023) to conjunct or 'eclipse' his symbolic SP Moon with the 7 South's forceful Mars-Pluto energies so the question is: will he be able to use these cosmic energies or will they blight his course soon after he enters a Crescent phase of life?

Note: The rounded-up Sabian Symbol for "22 Libra" = "A Child Giving Birds a Drink at a Fountain = Keyword: SOLICITUDE; positive expression: creative concern for others by which an individual comes to experience his own immortality; negative" (unconscious/shadow side - jc) "expression: superficial effort for transient popularity" (M. E. Jones). The negative expression sounds exactly like the superficial Gemini to me as he desperately attempts to regain power by hook or crook. Besides, I suspect that the orange oldster doesn't believe he'll ever pass away! Well, isn't that going to be quite a surprise?

Now of course, everyone knows that Trump is determined to 'rise from difficult circumstances with tenacity' (see SP Saturn-Pluto = SP Midheaven) and he has seemed to be gifted with much endurance along with his severe, one-sided outlook. But will the old "Trump magic" manage to keep his mojo on course for the duration, despite all those who wish he'd simply shut his gob and fade away? Well, small actions can have tremendous consequences during a 'crisis in action' crescent phase of the Moon, the lunar phase that comes next after his Progressed New Moon of September 18, 2019 (@3Virgo) when he was still crouching in the White House, robbing us blind, and betraying our country to the highest bidders.

Yet admittedly, Trump's life must have been tres boring since Joe Biden took the reins of power and Trump, craving excitement, is itching to get back in position to fulfill his agent orange duties against America and the American people (his Leonine Mars opposes US Moon in Aquarius for those who use such a July 4, 1776 horoscope: we're targets).

So besides all this, let's get to the point of publishing the two horoscopes shown, above: so you can see how Uranus, planet of anarchy, zealotry, and fanaticism, affects the October 2023 7 South Eclipse, and how his SP Uranus relates or effects Trump's Crescent Moon at the same degree but in quite a different way. One is by trine, the other by inconjunct.

For him, SP Uranus @21Gemini conjuncts his SP North Node (indicating radical politics and unorthodox associations) and his SP Uranus trines his SP Crescent Moon (providing help and support from colleagues and groups - see the center of his SP chart).

However, in the real time 7 South Eclipse chart, Uranus Rx @22Tau13 forms an inconjunct (150 degrees) to the Libra Solar Eclipse, and this shows descriptive implications (see upper right corner) of fanaticism and points toward people who hold spiritually incorrect social attitudes such as anarchists who revolt in order to destroy. As we've seen, destruction of American Democracy is their - and their masters' - goal. So these are the barbarians that America is dealing with now, just as Germany and the US did in 1933 when a 7 South Eclipse occurred @28Leo.

Now I may not have explained my meaning very well, but to me these cosmic circumstances and time links from 2023 to 1933 suggest a foreshadowing of the birth of Herr Trump with his natal Mars @27Leo rising with Regulus, a royal star of worldly success as long as taking revenge is avoided, for if not, all that has been gained will be taken away. And no one deserves such a fate more than you-know-who.

Jan 2, 2023

2023 Eclipses yet a bit of Cosmic Relief

As Above, So Below: Year 2023

by Jude Cowell

As astrologers know, upon occasion, a year is devoid of Great Conjunctions between planets Jupiter through Pluto so that current planetary cycles and energies can carry on as-is, at least affording societies a sense of stabilization, however minor or temporary. This doesn't mean that during a conjunction-free year all conditions are positive, of course, and variations still alternate and morph into new conditions, but there is some sense of relief from new cycles of combined planetary energies suddenly adjusting our lives with their strong influences.

Such a year is 2023

Previously, the Great Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction perfected @23Pis59 on April 12, 2022 with all the speculation, grand schemes, bubbles, and fraudulent or fantastic tales the pair can bring - and in shady Pisces, sign of contagion, confusion, creativity, dreams - and spirituality. Negatively, hypocrisy has become a go-to for many operatives of the political class, while scandals, losses, deception, and political conflicts have only increased. Significantly, visions may have positive or negative implications for society and for me, fascist and nazi "visions" are ill winds of brutality and violence which must be redirected away from the shores and institutions of our democratic Republic, America.

For a political focus on 2022 see Why 2022 Was a Major Legislative Year for the Democrats although some opportunities were missed and others were simply dropped or neglected. And of course, Midterms 2022 brought a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus (16Tau+) along with more voters in favor of democracy and preferring a moderate path for our country, but with one major exception: Republicans managed to finagle a measure of control of the 118th Congress via the House of Representatives. Therefore, major wastes of time, money, and energy will begin in Congress on January 3, 2023 as congressional J6 conspirators attempt to shield their treasonous culpability and justify their anti-constitutional intentions. Foolish legal situations will continue to be used by the guilty as delaying tactics against justice.

Then the next Great Conjunction will occur between Jupiter and Uranus @21Tau50 on April 21, 2024 with its breakthrough energies containing potentials in the realms of science, health, technology, even finances. Look for opportunities, inventions, changes of destiny, optimistic outlooks, and successful speculation, but there are also chances for new or revised religious and/or philosophical conflicts, zealotry, and stubborn adherence to one-sided views. No change there! Still, a visionary Great American Eclipse occurs April 8, 2024 @20Aries with its path of totality splitting our country from the Southwest to the Northeast. For details see Why the 2024 Eclipse Will Transcend the 2017 Eclipse with more cities in 2024 'eclipsed' or affected by its energies.

Meanwhile, another cosmic factor enters the 2023 picture: solar and lunar eclipses with their disruptive, Uranian ability to trigger changes of course, and scandals due to sudden revelations of inconvenient facts coming to light. For as you know, no year on Earth can escape effects from the Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' so here's a list of all 2023 eclipses in order of occurrence:

1. April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 in the 7 North Saros Series, which on February 24, 1933 manifested as the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' @5Pis29. This I have labeled as a "blood lust" eclipse due to its theme of deep passion (B. Brady) and current events of barbarism, brutality, and thuggery now sweeping the globe and assaulting democracy. Note that transit Saturn will hit this degree in late April and early May 2023, and into early 2024, signifying people who are capable of carrying out the themes of the 7 North Eclipse - or attempting to.

Notably, Saturn in Pisces implies struggles with opponents (R. Ebertin), and additionally, in 2023 this eclipse forms a cosmic time link with warrior planet Mars' position during the MAGA insurrection/coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which adds to the need for close scrutiny of militant white nationalist groups during early 2023 and beyond. Hopefully, our protective agencies are better prepared for armed uprisings, just in case - especially since this repetition of a 7 North eclipse qualifies as a 'birthday eclipse' for Herr Adolf - and people who now "work toward the take-over goals of Herr Adolf" are aware of this. In fact, time-keeper Saturn conjunct the 7N eclipse of 1933 is a cosmic signpost for those who care to read it.

2. May 5, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @14Sco58: more uncoverings and leaks! Meanwhile, we must continue keeping an eye on the radical planet of anarchy, Uranus in Taurus, and the upheavals, shifts, separations (Uranus) and intolerance (Taurus) it reflects within the financial, technological, earthly and environmental realms.

3. October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse @21Libra in the 7 South Saros Series; 7 South eclipse themes include forceful Mars-Pluto square energies, plus, potentials for 'pending crises' to rush through our lives, yet obstacles can suddenly clear (B. Brady). Results are unpredictable.

4. October 28, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @5Taurus closes the list of 2023 eclipses by spotlighting potentials for the positive and negative traits of Venus-ruled Taurus such as steadiness, growth, durability, and reliability; negatively, traits such as bullheadedness, intolerance, and greed will continue to be expressed by the anti-societal folk for whom the common good means nothing.

So there it is. Hopefully, this first post of 2023 will be handy in some way for those who prefer democracy over tyranny!

Dec 4, 2022

Election 2024, DeSantis, and Vatican II

by Jude Cowell

If you've read the Wikipedia page concerning Ron DeSantis you know quite a few details about the 2024 presidential hopeful. Having posted previously that the Election 2024 planets weren't all that encouraging for him, this post is intended to somewhat amend that opinion. One major transit that gave me pause about a victory for DeSantis is tr Pluto opposing his natal Jupiter (@1Le043), not always a beneficial condition for political or financial activities due to powerful external challenges. However, November 2024 Mars in Leo, sign of natural leadership, will conjunct his Jupiter suggesting an expanded or exaggerated part to play in events.

In other words, Election Day 2024's forceful, even brutal, Mars-Pluto opposition contains the natal Jupiter of Ron DeSantis which obviously can have military implications (or militia?), and/or suggests potentials such as: good outcomes when using extreme measures (M. Munkasey), and/or usual success (R. Ebertin). Not potentials I had hoped for previously, but there it is.

So below you see a bi-wheel of horoscopes:

Inner is the November 5, Election Day 2024 chart, timed by the day's Moon reaching 00Cap00:00 (Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business) at 10:17:17 am EST, surrounded by a 'noon' natal chart for Ron DeSantis, born 14th of September 1978 in Jacksonville, Florida. Prominent planetary contacts are circled, plus two significant natal midpoints are Angular in the November 2024 Lunar-timed horocope of the presidential election: n Mars-Pluto = MC, and his n Moon-Venus = Ascendant (these midpoint pictures are only speculative so consider them gingerly).

Also note that in his natal chart, DeSantis' Pluto @15Lib36 conjuncts one of the power asteroids, Hidalgo (the social climber), and as you see, his Pluto conjuncts 2024 Midheaven ('MC" = The Goal: power, control, wealth). Meanwhile, 2024 Sun conjuncts his Uranus (@13Scorpio, and ruthless in Scorpio) and, as noted, 2024 Mars @00Leo29 conjuncts his natal Jupiter which opposes US Inaugural Sun (@00AQ+ with transit Pluto conjunct it: dictatorship?). This planetary pile-up makes for a powerful Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Pluto connection for a politician I suspect is a social climber determined to rule the roost (see 'Sun Sco-Moon Cap' notes penned on the chart, upper left, which include Puritanism). Other planetary contacts are noteworthy but I must depend on you, dear reader, to find them.

Now previously, we've discussed the Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius personality blend of Ron DeSantis, if you'd care for a look. This pragmatic combination of conscious-unconscious energies tends to turn "dry as dust" and become stuck in cost-effective mode, you know (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Now since no accurate birth hour for Governor DeSantis is known, you may also wish to check out a page concerning Ron DeSantis' time of birth with Libra rising. His chart has been rectified via events such as his marriage and past election wins, plus, the deaths of his grandparents. No, I've not gone through these timings myself, but I link to the page of persuasive potentials for the curious reader.

Now in closing, below is another bi-wheel of Horoscopes with Vatican II (October 13, 1962, historically timed) inside surrounded by an 8:00 am est Election Day 2024 chart (which could also be set for Rome, Italy if you prefer). However, the outer Election Day chart is set for the US since Election 2024 will happen here - but with possible foreign interference. And no, I don't know if Ron DeSantis is of the Roman Catholic persuasion because that info seems to be missing from his online biographical details. If anyone has that tidbit about him, please let me know in a comment left with this post.

As you see, multiple study notes are penned on the charts so please enlarge and/or print the image for easier viewing, if need be: