Wednesday June 23, 2021: As you've heard, yesterday all Senate Republicans voted No on a motion to merely debate Voting Rights issues that now challenge the very continuance of our democracy. Unsurprising of course, yet yesterday's political tableau is said to have been performed for the benefit of Democratic Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Arizona's Kyrsten Sinema, to make clear to them the complete lack of cooperation of the Republican Party to anything the Biden administration wants to accomplish on behalf of the American people.
In looking at the horoscope of yesterday's vote, said to have begun at 5:30 pm edt on Capitol Hill, rising is 23Sco23 bringing along the natal IC of Donald Tr*mp. But there's a another factor that jumps out of the chart in relation to the proceedings - that yesterday's Venus @24Can47 (conjunct US natal Mercury Rx, a lovely transit for matters that require cooperation - by the willing) opposes Pluto in the horoscope of this, the 117th Congress (January 3, 2021 12:00 pm est; see horoscope, below). As you know, Venus is a money planet (actor, personage, archetype, lady) that can become enraged, venal, and vengeful when scorned (as the still-smarting, grudge-holding Herr Tr*mp has been).
A few astro-notes on the Venus-Pluto combination of energies seem to me to describe in large part many of the factors undergirding yesterday's no-vote and, besides the transit itself, who better to put Venus-Pluto in perspective than Michael Munkasey with his Hegelian form of potentials in Politics and Business:
Thesis: Extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places; genetic alterations; model or beautiful waste processing or disposal systems; persons who wish to transform the natural beauty of a country.
Antithesis: attracting elements of organized crime; a breakdown within the fabric of society; volcanic activity deep within the earth which causes great destruction of financial or agricultural centers.
Transit Venus @24Can47 opposes 117th Congress' Pluto 24Cap16 across the 4/10 axis of Security and indicates a period of obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, cut-throat competition, and underhanded manipulation. Alliances, partnerships, and joint ventures undergo vicious power struggles and conflict while past slights seem to gain importance even though they may have nothing whatsoever to do with present circumstances (grudges). With passionate Venus-Pluto in the picture there are issues of fanaticism involved, plus, tremendous wealth, possible bankruptcy, a need to hide criminality, and/or destructive impulses to destroy or ruin people and/or things (ex: We The People's right to vote - as part of an anti-democracy campaign to establish the US as a fascist state run by a betraying GOP).
Above is the 117th Congress Horoscope with June 22, 2021 planets (5:30 pm edt) penned around the chart and highlighted in green. Voting planet Mercury is stationing Rx and turned Direct 29M 52S later @16Gem07:37 - conjunct royal star Rigel. ASC @23Sco23 = Saturn-MC (conjunct 117th's 8th cusp) indicating hindered development. This degree in Scorpio also sports the 117th Congress's Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, but also divine retribution.
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