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Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

May 6, 2024

Between Two Horoscopes "The Cruelty Is the Point"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

A few days ago a controversial comparison of natal planets appeared here in the form of a question concerning two individuals who have been compared to one another in the press so I wondered what Astrology might have to say about them in bi-wheel form.

Today on SO'W comes another comparison between natal planets from 1946 to 1740, inspired by the obvious sadism now trying to make a comeback in American society and politics, and across the globe. And in the US it's lifted up by one political party in particular by strong-armed paternalism, misogyny, and holier-than-thou religious dominionism driving their anti-societal demands - in the minority though they are.

So undoubtedly, when it comes to the Republican Party (or what used to pass for it before "maga" took control), you've heard political pundits and others intone that the cruelty is the point. We can look directly at the GOP/Heritage Foundation plan to implement their Project 2025 agenda if a maga-lover should finagle the White House in November 2024 as a ready example of their cruel intentions which they've actually written down for all to read - as if their plan is inevitable! But it isn't.

Cruelty: The GOP War On Compassion

As you noticed years ago, the GOP's old "compassionate conservatism" was merely a political slogan used to gaslight voters into submission. Presently, the damage from SCOTUS' Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v Wade has led to cruel schemes, loss, and denial of medical care against American women and their pregnancies while threatening doctors and others with fines and prison terms for showing compassion and decency.

Meanwhile, the destructive energies and interference in people's medical decisions by paternalistic politicians grievously affect women and their family members but cold-hearted politicians and their backers don't care. And you know about the huge scandal of the moment which tells a sadistic tale: "bad*ss" Kristi Noem's easy execution of her dog, goat, and possibly other animals. Her chance at being selected for a VP run has apparently disintegrated - not because of the cruelty of her actions but because of the media storm it caused.

For after all, as we see via "30 Sagittarius," The Pope Blesses the Faithful, yes? So the order of the day is, control through cruelty, manipulate through fear: in a word, sadism:

Jupiter-Chiron Extremism Then and Now

So above you see a second planetary comparison between a certain two individuals, probably again on the controversial side. Therefore, one of the names has been disguised to protect the guilty, and study notes are penned on including Jupiter-Chiron conjunctions in both charts which indicate their shared extremism and zealotry, with taboo-breaking involved as well. Add to this various factors that suggest tendencies toward violence and anti-social behavior which appear around and between the natal horoscopes. Plus, 1740 Jupiter conjuncts 1946 Uranus, a contact which suggests a meeting of two minds!

Then as you see in the bi-wheel, the emphasis is on their shared Gemini and Cancer placements which include very close aspects both men have with Venus-Saturn conjunctions in Cancer, an aspect of discontent in relationships, although some measure of longevity in unions may also occur.

Now there are other planetary contacts from 1946 to 1740 too numerous to mention in this brief post so I'll leave them up to the curious reader. Suffice to say that cruelty is the point and man's inhumanity to man and woman has become 'the style' once again in this, The New Millenium.

Previously on SO'W a bi-wheel: Roe v Wade Decision 1973 and Roe v Wade Overturned 2022.

Dec 14, 2023

Women, the GOP, and the Comstock Act

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Seal: The New York Society for the Suppression of Vice

Perhaps you've read the Wikipedia page detailing the Comstock laws which tells of anti-vice crusader and Post Master General Anthony Comstock (March 7, 1844--September 21 1915) and the Comstock Act of 1873 which was passed by Congress on March 3, 1873. Naughty items sent through the mail became illegal, and certain books were burned, as shown in the above image. Sound familiar much?

Because now in 2023, biological and/or ideological spawn of Mr. Comstock and his fellow crusaders of 1873 are acting to conflate "vice" issues of their day with American women's healthcare in the realms of childbirth, birth control, sexual activity, and other private matters that are none of misogynist politicians' and SCOTUS justices' business.

Feeling control slipping away, strong-armed paternalists are desperate to rule the roost again as they propagandize and divide society with "cancel culture" and other 'culture war' tactics which, if nothing else, muddy public waters, waste time and money, and interfere with clear thinking concerning these important matters. Solutions remain unsought by the non-governing Republican Party, as with every other issue that We the People need addressed. Besides: ripping apart our social fabric and collapsing US society is the GOP's game. They're paid well for their sabotaging efforts, and no doubt, glowing promises have been made. Failing financial manipulation, threats can keep them in line.

Can Astrology uncover factors describing the current turmoil between genders?

Well, the fact that US 1776 Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006 is one such factor running in the background of society and the change of direction has been noted in previous posts. Still, it is significant that US Mars has symbolically progressed into Libra rather than staying in Gemini as in 1776 when men were 'ready for action' and easily able to accomplish two or more things at once. Perhaps we can agree that overstraining the US military in the Middle East is involved along with disabled soldiers returning home, but the topic is beyond the scope of today's post. Even so, with the warrior planet in Venus-ruled Libra, Mars loves teamwork but tends to be on the moody side, and its Rx condition suggests US Mars turning its aggressive energies upon US society (and women) by many of our male population - but thankfully not all! Then as you know, the Rx condition of US Mars doesn't 'cause' the changes, but it does help symbolize, time, and describe them.

Past Can Inform Present and Future

And an astrological lens is a great magnifier for any investigation:

Dual Charts: The Pilgrim Fathers of 1620 (lower left; Campion #362) and the 1620 Pilgrim Fathers' Solar Return ('SR') of 2023 (upper right):

Of note is transit Pluto (the rapist; the puppet master) in 2017, the year of Trump, reaching the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree of 1993 of (18 Capricorn: 'POLITICAL POWER; strong-armed paternalism'--Jones) with the potential of: "The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed; little option to do otherwise" (N. Tyl). For me this brings in the fake issue of "wokeness" (Uranus-Neptune), plus, the wealthy financiers and ideological meddlers who control US politicians such as Trump. His power potential is completely dependent upon their continued support propping him up, with mobsters and thugs coming along to do the dirty work - via Pluto of the Underworld, with a bit of bone s*w ass*ssin in the mix.

Is Religion Still the Opiate of the Masses?

Then of much significance concerning the suppression of US women of child-bearing age is the religious extremism of the Christian Nationalists and Dominionists (evangelicals) who now bedevil America and oppress American women, for their beliefs uncannily resemble a group of early immigrants to our shores known as the Pilgrim Fathers, as shown above. Actually, this post is intended as a small astro-check-up concerning their current condition via the 1620 group's Solar Return 2023 which perfects on December 22, 2023 based on the Sun's return to its 1620 position of 00Cap08, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation.

The study notes penned on both horoscopes include a few intricate factors for the curious reader with the Vatican making a small cameo appearance. However, a previous post displays the 1620 Horoscope unmarked and suitable for printing, if you prefer.

Now a major factor is the 1620 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Taurus, sign of intolerance, which cues us to the authoritarianism, bossy paternalism, and the objective of Plutocrats determined to grasp power, traits which current-day Republicans now exhibit against the fairer sex, no matter the tragic consequences for women, girls, their families, and society in general. Apparently, conflating these legitimate societal concerns with olden views of 'vice' means that scarlet letters are being embroidered as I type - and prison cells are being prepared.

And so if any of this information and commentary identifies certain strong-armed politicians as the 'spawn' and inheritors of the Pilgrim Fathers' paternalism, extremist religiosity, zealotry, and misogyny, so be it: for my work here is done.

Dec 7, 2023

Trump's Take-Over Plan Began Years Ago

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American democracy

In development for years, the tendency toward delusion and deception practiced by the Republican Party via their 2024 candidate Trump was at a crescendo with the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama. Financiers and other backers, our enemies both foreign and domestic, must have been quite put out with the GOP turning out to be a bunch of losers whose cheating tactics hadn't been up to snuff enough to ace the 2012 Election. Add to this, the racists who had their noses out of joint over a black man taking control of the White House--again! Not only that - a majority of Americans appreciated Mr. Obama!

Yes, paranoia over the oft-touted "browning of America" fueled fear as the old Confederate-style system of white-man-in-control faded before racist eyes and for bigots such progress had to be halted in favor of regression, oppression, and suppression. As you know, the GOP's regressive campaign continues unabated against US society - the GOP wants to shove the American people back to the 1920s. It's irrational, absurd, and intended to destroy our society while pretending to "save" it.

Actually, a "browning" population had been a fear of UK conservatives as well, as evidenced by an infamous speech delivered on April 20, 1968 by MP Enoch Powell in which he echoed a prophecy from Virgil's Aenid!

The Horns on the Negative Side of Mercury-Square-Neptune

So now in 2023, another presidential election soon arrives, and the Republican tactic of denial of reality has only expanded, these days in high gear thanks to their fantasy-prone figurehead Herr Trump whose natal Mercury-Neptune square keeps leading him (and America) astray as he gaslights and lies his way into 2024. Tragically, about one third of Americans keep going along on his demented fantasy ride and, as recently noted within the public discourse, the GOP is "sleepwalking" America into an authoritarian state of fascist control, sans democracy. See Amanda Marcotte's Salon Magazine article.

Isn't this where the GOP campaign against "wokeness" should take a bow for its reality-denying desperation?

Now I know it's been tiresome for years that Stars Over Washington has attempted to play the role of "A Girl Blowing a Bugle" (my natal Moon's Sabian Symbol), a bugle which turned out to represent a Trump-et. And no, in 2012 I did not realize the "coming of Trump" would signal the sabotage of our country, and the toppling of America from its global leadership role as a beacon of democracy. I knew that China and Russia salivated for our nation's downfall, but not the name of the saboteur who would lead the campaign. Significantly, we must note that 2023 into 2024 is definitely not the time to give up our warnings, watchfulness, and efforts prior to Election 2024.

For it's also worth mentioning that near the end of RNC 2024 in July, Herr T will experience a Lunar Return (he may be at a podium accepting the nomination then!). Here's the Horoscope of his July 18, 2024 Lunar Return set for Milwaukee, WI. The chart is full of orange highlights including the Saturn-square-natal-Moon transit for the orange blighter which suggests potentials for 'fear shaping opinions, his tiresome 'refusal to accept defeat', and/or those of a Saturnian, responsible, more mature nature (legal eagles? lawmakers? Electoral College voters?) who interfere (square) with the achievement of Trump's overweening emotional needs:

Notably, another possible saving grace for Election 2024 and democracy may be that for Trump, every Moon Return is also a Moon-conjunct-natal-South-Node transit with its lack of popularity and emotional alienation vibes. In astrology, the Moon is an excellent timing device, but it's his Sun-North-Node-Uranus conjunction in 10th house of Career that fuels his popularity with a faction of the public. But only a faction. However, his Moon-SN conjunction drags along behind him like a vestigial tail of karmic baggage and bad habits. He does enjoy separating (SN) people (Moon) from each other, yes? It's the old divide and conquer strategy that President Lincoln warned against.

For the GOP Fantasy IS 'Reality'!

Historically speaking, way back in 2012 a post was published here concerning the Secondary Progressions ('SP') of the Republican Party shown by the entity's July 6, 1854 Horoscope progressed to Election Day 2012 as, GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart. My posts of 2012 grabbed my eye this week due to the additional court filing by special counsel Jack Smith, protagonist of Donald Trump, and it asserts that Trump's January 6, 2021 attempted coup of the US government wasn't an organic event in response to his loss in November 2020, but had been planned, at least since 2012. One factor is that Republicans know that their future dystopian plans for America are extremely unpopular!

Meanwhile, perhaps you remember that on Election Day 2012, voting planet Mercury stationed retrograde and the delusional planet of deception and erosion, Neptune, was at the very beginning of its long sojourn through Pisces and had yet to perform the Republican Party's Neptune Return/s of 2017 and 2018 which spotlights "14 Pisces": "A Lady in Fox Fur" - and you know which entertainment network this word picture reveals.

Now there's a previous SO'W post concerning these disturbing topics: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which contains the quote by Dr. Carl Jung about America prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" as we now can starkly see. Well, most of us can.

Plus, here's another astro-note which applies to our topic: that in 2012, transit Neptune in Pisces reached 00:Pis33 conjunct the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") which had influenced the events of July 4, 1776, the 12 South Saros Series. As a result, the influence of deceptive Neptune in 2012 (with misperception and fantasy disinformation slowly building for years) activated the potential for a cult to form and/or spread, a cult leading to karmic stalemate rather than karmic progress (R. Lineman).

Of course, Neptunian energies used positively can result in divine inspiration for the highest good, my personal favorite. Then even if we delete the word "karmic" from the mix, we have the current GOP regression vs the progression promoted by President Biden and the Democratic Party, the political entity of members who appreciate the realistic fact that TIME marches on - into the future. Republican efforts to cripple time, as if it can be kept from forward movement, won't work.

So now, as the Republican cult of Trump reveals its true face as a brutal death cult of personality and violence (as was Nazism a death cult of personality), its effects are playing out before our very eyes via J6 and Campaign 2024, with We the People in the role of Herr T's target as we face the voting booth on November 5, 2024: so once again I type as sincerely as possible, Vote Blue in 2024!

A closely related post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

And highly recommended for a listen if you may is the current podcast episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, I've Got Biden's "Daisy" Ad - And Trump Is Disqualified - 12.7.23.

May 11, 2023

Midpoint pictures of a Neptunian GOP: Crossing the Great Water

Image: You May Cross the Great Water; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell Art 2006+

As you know, the Republican Party, founded in 1854 with Neptune in mid-Pisces, experienced its first-ever Neptune Return, a multiple affair occurring in 2017 into 2018 - the "Trump years." These days, a few pundits have noted that the party is circling the drain, a perfect metaphor describing the dissolution, loss, and ending of what was once an actual political party, now morphed into a Trumpish death cult of violence. These watery circumstances inspire my use of the above image with which to begin this post:

With messenger planet Mercury now retrograde, here's a review and a quote from a vintage SO'W post written and published way back in 2013 (sans edits) which then contained a video that's no longer available for viewing. Remaining, however, is a bit of Astrology concerning the 1854 horoscope and planets of origin of the Republican Party which may be of interest considering the current GOP/maga cult's extreme, seditious behavior against the Federal Government, and their vile threats and acts of violence against Americans who reject their fascist views on behalf of a democratic America:

As you may already know, there's an interesting midpoint picture in the GOP natal horoscope which to my way of thinking, applies closely and basically to their current modus operandi and it involves the 'confused, confusing, or hidden self image' duo of Sun and Neptune:

Sun-Neptune = Uranus: upsets caused by ignoring reality while dreaming; indifference toward others (M.M.).

Now feel free to disagree with me on this (as always!) but both potentials contained within this midpoint picture when added together undergird much of the anti-governing Republicans' lack of good faith behavior these days and in other days when things don't go their way enough to suit their massive egos.

After all, the party's current progressions show another descriptive midpoint picture: Saturn-Pluto = North Node (future direction): a destiny about holding or abusing power. (Michael Munkasey.) And what the Republican Party with their austerity measures has in mind for the future of the American people is found nestled within this midpoint picture's analysis by Reinhold Ebertin: the misery of the masses.

Of course in 2023, what conveniently muddies the waters for many Americans, too busy or apathetic to pay much if any attention to politics, is the fact that Republicans and Democrats 'switched' parties thanks to tricky Richard Nixon's and Barry Goldwater's campaign ploy called the Southern Strategy which turns up in a previous post concerning the The Dixiecrats of 1948. You'll find Tricky Dick's crabby claws involved with 1948's Dixiecrats linked directly to 1968's Southern Strategy.

And whether FDR actually said it or he didn't, my years residing in Washington DC and studying our blighted politics makes it clear to me that, to paraphrase the famous quote: Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happens you can can bet it was meant to happen. And I must add that timing is the primary ingredient for success, as DC astrologers well know. For only Astrology adds timing to an analysis.

So all this for me begs a question or two:

Are We the People mere pawns in what has essentially become only a One Party System of Politics with one side playing the devil's advocate role in order to create the appearance that our grievances are at least being heard? Is this why progressed policies that would improve our lives have become so difficult to pass into law because 'the fix is in', the ultimate result of the game already determined? Was this starkly revealed in 2017 when transit Pluto reached the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction (the 'nwo' duo of Enlightenment) with its potential for: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; little option to do otherwise"? (Noel Tyl.)

If this is even partially so, then tragically the GOP's current shove toward fascism and nazism can turn out to be a cosmic picture of America circling the drain, to be drowned in Grover Norquist's infamous bath tub, and it will include, to the world's sorrow, the drowning of democracy. Yet this will be made easier for them if we let Republicans win in 2024.

Besides, years ago Grover revealed the GOP's plan for America. Didn't you believe him?

Mar 14, 2023

Is the FBI Working for the Far Right? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann who poses a very timely question for the future of our country:

And here's a link to a previous post meant for any reader who may have missed Rachel Maddow's highly informative Ultra podcast concerning Nazis in America circa 1940s.

Plus, the fact that the FBI (1908) and the Republican Party (1854) were both hatched during the same 19 North Saros Series ('realism' and 'tackling the truth') denotes a cosmic time link between the two organizations. This is not conclusive, I agree, but there it is. For context, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post (with mild edits for clarity):

Dates and Degrees of 19 North include:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo (conjunct Republican Party's Mercury); July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter). 19 North is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962); and Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 of the truth-challenged Mr. Trump.

Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for certain politicians and their secret activities? Correlating the years of 19N eclipses with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative for although history doesn't repeat, it does tend to rhyme.

Jan 23, 2023

The Republican Revolution marches on

Dixiecrat Republicans Prance Through History

by Jude Cowell

With current congressional Republicans finagling their budgetary demands to virtually guarantee that yet another government shutdown will occur, harm Democrats, bring financial stress to US workers, and potentially cause a global economic crash, information concerning the Republican Party's Federal Government Shutdowns of 1995 and 1996, instigated by Newt Gingrich whose "Contract with (on) America" was a political power play against Democratic President Bill Clinton, may be a useful consideration of the strategic dynamics used in 1994/95/96 because a version of them may soon be repeated against President Papa Joe Biden.

Add to this the fact that history rhymes even if it doesn't precisely repeat, and with Astrology we have cyclical signals and timings that tell a recurring tale for anyone who deigns to listen and take heed.

Naturally, the most obvious cosmic signals that reoccur approximately every 18.6 years are Solar Eclipses which are capable of disrupting life on Earth, can reveal inconvenient facts or secrets thereby leading to scandal, can change the direction of events and/or plans, and qualify as Universal wild cards and cosmic blinks from Above. Of course, Lunar Eclipses are in the mix as well with their ability to leak and/or bring awareness to issues, favorably or unfavorably.

Was the April 2023 Eclipse Foreshadowed on 1/6/21?

So a prominent Solar Eclipse from the fascist era of 1933 (@5Pisces) fell within the difficult 7 North Saros Series as the aptly labeled "Fascism Rising" Eclipse, and a 7 North eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 (@29Ari50 conjunct MAGA coup Mars) with 7 North's 'sudden events; deeply passionate (blood) lust' themes again running in the background of society. These barbaric energies are already being taken advantage of by fascist saboteurs assaulting America to whatever extent they possibly can - and hoping that results turn out better for their sorry selves this time around.

Obviously, strong pushback is necessary to protect our society against radical 'warriors' and zealots of anarchy such as those active (Mars) on Jan 6th so realistically we must note that Eclipse-Mars contacts suggest rash actions and violent tendencies which can intensify support for 7 North's lustful themes.

Now if you dare, take a look at the upcoming 7 North Eclipse Horoscope set for Washington DC as the symbolic representative for America, and tell me what you see via an on-topic comment:

Sometimes this Capricorn gets a little fussy: don't you?

Of course, revolutions also tend to change the course of events, or at least are fomented with the objective of doing so. Significantly within this particular fuss, the November 8, 1994 Midterm Elections may be referred to as the Republican Revolution of 1994, and I don't have to mention to you, dear reader, that Trump's coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is part of the Republican Revolution instigated by the ruling class, as evidenced by the support of GOP congress members, and using 'MAGA' followers and militia groups as thuggish foot soldiers fighting for Herr Trump while some delusional insurrectionists believed themselves to be patriots fighting for their country.

So as they demonstrated this time around, strong-armed Republicans used violence to further their paternalistic aims. We saw another example of their overbearing paternalism, a form of sadism, when SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, and American women lost much of their access to healthcare - and their privacy rights with it.

Now to conclude this fussy post, my theory is that Republicans' government take-over efforts in 1994, 2021, and the 2022 Midterms are parts of an ongoing process - a longterm campaign with objectives of grasping total control of the US government, and completing the anti-societal dream and vision of their malajusted idol, the barbaric Herr Adolf, a freakish man some folks call the Austrian psychopath.

Therefore, with America's current crop of far-reich House Republicans tooling up their obsessions, promoting wacky conspiracy theories, and hoping to establish radical reforms to further hobble our country for the sake of their foreign and domestic paymasters, America is infested with psychopaths heiling their favorite historical psychopath - with or without the psychotic Herr Trump running in 2024.

A Related Post: How Nixon's Southern Strategy Led to Trump - Thom Hartmann: this is the infamous 'Dixiecrat' switcheroo of party identities. Don't be confused! Also see Saturn 2024 Conjuncts Fascism Rising Eclipse, suggesting karmic conditions that can be mitigated with preparation.

Jan 5, 2023

Vote for Speaker of the House Day 3

Planet Mars now Rx in Gemini: NASA photo

by Jude Cowell

As Kevin McCarthy has fallen short of the required number of votes to catapult him into the Speaker of the House position since Tuesday January 3, 2022, planets have continued along their courses. Today at noon the Republicans and Democrats will assemble once again on Capitol Hill and votes will be cast and tallied, perhaps with the very same outcomes as on Day 1 and Day 2, and no Speaker will be chosen. If so, no business can be conducted, no oaths of office will be sworn, and Republicans can congratulate themselves (and Tr*mp) that the Biden administration is somehow being hornswaggled in the GOP's "own the libs" kind of way.

Astrologically, there are several reflections of such studied incompetence in the sky over our heads but one that seems significant is that transit Mars, of late its perigee condition close to Earth, heated, and retrograde, continues its activation of US 1776 Uranus (8Gem55), America's totem planet of independence and revolution. The Mars-Uranus combination suggests unstable conditions such as anarchy, revolt, and incendiary potentials, and as you remember, their last real-time conjunction occurred on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44.

This cosmic time link directly reveals this week's political highjinks acted out by House Republicans (or 10% of them, the so-called "Freedom Caucus") as one of their motives against President Biden, as noted.

Meanwhile, political pundits are saying that this week's stalemate makes the GOP "look bad" (it does) yet it's the harm seditionists are doing to our country that's my primary concern. After all, the Republican Party already looked bad, and I consider this clown car exercise to be a continuation of their January 6th coup attempt. And unfortunately, misguided Midterm voters let the seditionists inside the House! This week's antics begin their beguine and it promises little if any better for the next two years the toddlers misrule and show their anti-governing, anti-democracy ideology.

Then if we look for Kevin McCarthy's travails more specifically in today's noon horoscope set for the Capitol Building, we might consider the applying inconjunct between the Moon @1Cancer (females like Boebert) in 3rd house of Communications (00Cancer = the world is watching!) and 10th house Venu$ in early Aquarius indicating someone making too many concesssions in an attempt to be liked and approved of. Thing is, bribes are involved as well as one motive behind such zealous activities; this suggests what McCarthy has promised his wayward members as well as money and favors paid to the Never Kevin voters - pay-offs from outside sources intended to undermine the legitimacy of the US Congress. Note that today's position of lawmaking planet Saturn @23AQ has a curious Sabian Symbol, "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws." And you know which country is represented by The Bear.

Another factor is Mercury, planet of speaking and voting. In governmental Capricorn, but retrograde, Mercury turns direct on January 18, 2023 @8Cap08 so surely a Speaker of the House will be elected around or by then!

Well, there are plenty more factors of interest in today's noon horoscope but with my real-world scene busy today, my typing time is brief so I'll leave it for the curious to investigate.

DC Horoscopes: 118th Congress January 3, 3023.

Dec 31, 2022

118th Congress: Jupiter and Algol Rise

by Jude Cowell

When the Republican Party formed in 1854, did the founders consider themselves a death cult in the making? Probably not, yet that's how far-right insurrection-leaning members and QAnon coup enthusiasts can be described these days especially after Tr*mp's attempted overthrow of the US government on January 6, 2021. Of course, the party's close financial-and-ideological relationship to the NRA resonates well with the Republicans' violence and drastic measures they take and advocate (the NRA, a 'death axis' Mars-Saturn affair - in Capricorn, no less).

So below you'll find a link to the 118th Congress' Horoscope/s of the new session gaveling in on January 3, 2023 with Republicans (mis)leading the House of Representatives. Well, members of death cults do not represent this particular American, in the House or anywhere else, how about you?

Now previously appearing on SO'W is the horoscope of the first public January 6th Select Committee Hearing where we find 1Ari26 conjunct IC, or the Foundation or Basis of the 8:00 pm edt Public Hearing (remember the hearing was held in "prime time"). Planet of politics, finance, and religion, Jupiter, was then @5Ari04 (4th house) with veiling, mystical Neptune @25Pis21 in 3rd house and conjunct the Pluto-North-Node midpoint (attaining power through force). A cosmic link to this 2021 Hearing horoscope and the Jupiter-Neptune pair of grand schemes, speculation, inflation, and fraud turn up in the 118th Congress Horoscope when we set it for January 3, 2023 at 11:27 am est.

Why 11:27 am on January 3rd?

For the symbolism of expansive Jupiter rising at that moment over Capitol Hill along with the malevolent, enraged, and violent fixed star Algol, asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe), and the Anti-Vertex (similar to an Ascendant, a What? point) - all at 1Aries+ this degree points toward the first public J6 hearing as the Basis of House Republicans' mad efforts to fight back against their own cupability - even though their sabotaging activities on January 6th were plain for all to see on TV. As you know, back in the day, 'fascism' and 'Nazism' were death cults as was the "America First" movement, and as is the regeneration of that movement now under figurehead Tr*mp whose star seems to be fading - or under the next cult leader the Republicans nominate for the 2024 campaign. And astrologically, it looks as if Florida's Ron DeSantis might carry off the golden goose for the GOP.

So if you have a chance, dear reader, set up a horoscope of this lamentable cosmic circumstance of increased (Jupiter) malevolent (Algol) enemies (Nemesis) as a symbolic Horoscope of the 118th Congress with revenge on the Republican House's menu and two years of a far-right (far-reich) political circus the American populace must struggle through while "the people's business" will be all but ignored, and has been made, it seems, a thing of the past if "own the libs" Republicans have their way. These barbaric totalitarians and saboteurs really are aiming directly at Election 2024, you know.

Now here's a previous post showing two versions of 118th Congress Horoscopes, one set for 9:00 am est, the other for 12 noon with contentious Mars as chart and session ruler.

Then there's one more curious cosmic synchronicity for those who prefer a 5:09/10 pm horoscope for America's founding (July 4, 1776): the January 3, 2023 pile-up of Jupiter-Algol-Nemesis-Anti-Vertex (rising or not) lands upon the IC/Foundation of the 1776 chart set for 5:09/10 pm LMT with IC @00Ari53 (conjunct the Aries Point of World Events), for when rounded up to "1Aries" the word picture provides a descriptive Sabian Symbol suitable for the basis of our nation's founding: "A Woman Has Arisen Out of the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her" (one from the many!).

And that, of course, refers to America's Great Seal with its esoteric symbols, mysterious reverse side - and the pyramid of power with the all-seeing eye. If America's ultimate destiny is of interest to anyone, that is.

Related Posts include: The Story of America's Great Seal. Plus, maybe we can agree that the Republican Party's recent five-fer Neptune Return really undermined their connection to reality and truth, didn't it? Purposefully, I think, by which I mean they've used it to their advantage via spreading misinformation, paranoia, rumors, and promoting mass delusion and wacky conspiracy theories. The party's behavior now makes me wonder what exactly they were up to in 1854 with fraudster Neptune in shady, secretive Pisces, besides the lead-up to the Civil War. Perhaps for the curious reader, a Timeline of the era's events would provide clues about some of the stuff the party's founders were involved with 164 years ago.

If you wish, check out Astrology King's info concerning Algol in late Taurus.

Dec 18, 2022

Re: Those Negative Nabobs of Neptune

by Jude Cowell

Since transit Neptune in shady Pisces remains within orb of opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo (22Vir25; clash of ideologies; plus, racial and other persecutions), I felt compelled to look back at the 1854 Republican Party's Neptune Return of December 29, 2018 (14Pis01; last return in a series due to the Gaseous Giant's retrograde periods), and marvelled at how much information can be found in the conspiratorial party's Neptune Return Horoscope, information that continues to apply today, and which will affect the very significant Election Day 2024 (basically, a Mars Return for Vatican II, a Neptunian endeavor in more ways than one).

So by the end of 2018 into 2019 (depending on which founding data you use for the R-party to calculate return charts) a one-hundred-sixty-four-year cycle completed and a new cycle of Neptunian enterprise and underhanded schemes began for the win-at-any-cost organization of saboteurs demanding control of the US government as they work under the imprint of fascism and nazism - against democracy and the US Constitution. Besides: we learned from frowny face Mussolini years ago that statism + corporatism = fascism, so basically, America is practically, if not formally, there.

And all getting a hoof-hold under Trumpism which has enabled the R-party to throw off any previous facade of courtesy or decency and reveal its true nature of violence, greed, misogyny, and malevolent bigotry. And they operate under the delusion that violent white "supremacy" is a step up on the evolutionary ladder of humanity (!) when it's actually the lowest of the low: primal violence and barbaric animalism. Can it be any more obvious that the destructive spirit roams the Earth?

So I'm guessing that the R-party's first-ever Neptune Return spotlights several of Neptune's realms and tricks such as masks and disguises so that the GOP's frilly underpants now show to an alarming degree. Euw.

Meanwhile, on December 19, 2018 we discussed here The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces which, as noted, has yet to come to a close, however lingering and drawn out its 'cease and desist' period may prove to be. But naturally, we can't expect that gas lighting Neptune's undermining effects of fraud and sabotage will end with a snap - but with more of a wimper and fade. Even so, if yours truly is around by then, I look forward to transit Neptune in Mars-ruled Aries, a period also containing confusion, but which may harbor greater concern for the social welfare of society, something long missing from the Republican Party's arsenal of austerity, objectivism, intolerance, and totalitarianism.

As we now see, all Republicans have to offer is what no one wants!

So we should note that transit Neptune first enters Aries at the very end of March 2025, then slips back into contagious, mystical Pisces in October until re-entering Aries in late January 2026.

Then will it possible with the urge-to-merge planet in action-oriented Aries that the common good could receive a boost from Neptune's compassionate side? We must hope so for the sake of all humanity.

A Related Post: DC Horoscope: 118th Congress Opens January 3, 2023 with 'The Conspiracy Party' in charge of the people's House and performing a master class in clownishness and non-governing from their sorry-bummed menu of mis-rule and showing their obssession over Hunter Biden with which they hope to gas light the American public into worrying about 'Hunter's laptop' more than the criminality of the GOP.

Above: NASA photo of planet Neptune.

Dec 6, 2022

Brian Kemp: floating for the Presidency

Brian Kemp (R-GA): Scorpio and an Eclipse in Cancer

by Jude Cowell

On the Wikipedia page of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, we find that he was born on November 2, 1963 in Athens, Georgia (my hometown: sorry!), but the main reason Mr. Kemp is mentioned today on SO'W is because he's chomping at the bit to rise even higher from state to national politics. Well, so far he's exercised effective cheating chops in and around elections which only recommends him to the Republican Party of win-at-any-cost comrades for whom truth is only relative, if it shows up at all.

And although I'm not at liberty to reveal my sources back in Georgia, suffice to say that Mr. Kemp has long been known in the state for acting below board in business dealings and shiftily in politics. For one example, see how in 2019 Kemp quietly settled a lawsuit over a bad business loan. Now some folks might agree with me that "bad" often substitutes for the word corrupt. And most everyone has heard before now of how Kemp cheated his way into the governor's office by counting the votes himself as Georgia's Secretary of State against Democrat Stacey Abrams (December 9, 1973) whose freely available natal chart is rated AA for accuracy. Besides, can you image Secretary of State Brian Kemp honorably counting votes in favor of Stacey Abrams when he could use his official position to "win" the governorship he now enjoys?

Anyway, having found no example of a natal chart for Brian Kemp to link you to, dear reader, here is an unmarked 'noon' horoscope set for November 2, 1963 in Athens, Georgia (in case it should come in handy one day):

To add to the Kemp picture, here are a few notes concerning his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which does not depend upon having an accurate birth hour, only a person's date of birth:

Little Brian Kemp (who I should confess is my 17th cousin via my Strickland line) was born into the 1 North Saros Series via a Total Solar Eclipse which manifested on July 20, 1963 @27Can24:09 with themes of:

"Unexpected events involving friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large as the eclipse affects the chart; make no hasty decisions for information is distorted or possibly false; attached is an essence of tiredness or health problems" (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Since 1963, 1 North Eclipses have occurred in the years 1981 (as 'The Reaganomics Eclipse'), 1999 (as the New Millennium's 'Nostradamus Eclipse' of alarm), and in August 2017 as 'The Great American Eclipse' which, you'll remember, raced across and split America from Oregon to South Carolina, and by degree, landed directly upon Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant-Regulus trio. (Who can forget how Dunald removed his safety glasses and looked directly up at the eclipse? Doh! Rather squinty looking now, isn't he?)

So we might suspect that 1 North eclipses time difficulties and turmoil on planet Earth as the 'wild card' they clearly are. Well, good news: the next 1 North eclipse won't occur until September 2, 2035 @9Virgo so at least we have that goin' for us.

Then when one's PE lands in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, we can assume that there are connections to psychic ability, to karmic family ties, and to emotional extremes that can cause blockages to karmic development, and result in a lack of personal growth. A tendency to hide in an emotional shell (like a crab on the beach) as a child might do in an attempt to avoid dealing directly with issues may be noticed, or its opposite: being too involved emotionally to see clearly the issues brought by the eclipse. To me this resonates with 1 North Eclipse themes, noted above, such as avoiding decision-making while under pressure, and which possibly involve family members. Or perhaps not dealing with issues at all.

Now besides Brian Kemp, names of other Republicans are being "floated" for the party's 2024 presidential nomination. Two of them have been discussed here previously, one of which is Ron DeSantis, and another (hope you're sitting down!) is John Bolton whose natal planets were compared in a post with those of Herr Tr*mp way back in 2018 when their love was young.

Scandals and Smears: On the Moon of Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden 2009; acaben, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Hunter Biden February 4, 1970 Wilmington, Delaware

by Jude Cowell

With December holidays quickly approaching and an abundance of political issues heating up daily news cycles, no time has been spent by yours truly writimg about the natal horoscope of Hunter Biden. The constant drip drip by Republicans to make a huge deal over the laptop of President Biden's son (which has amounted to nothing, last I heard), plus, other potential Republican dirty tricks intended to make President Biden "cry" on camera have yet to turn up on my draft list of SO'W posts-in-waiting so here's a link to the 'noon' natal horoscope of second son Hunter Biden, its accuracy rated only X (time unknown). We could say that his 'noon' natal chart reveals 'what we know so far'.

Then as regular readers may know, this Capricorn gets fussy if it seems necessary to write about an individual's natal chart when there's no birth time known, so there's another reason I've held back from posting about Hunter Biden and the GOP's dirty tricks being employed against him meant to harm his father, current president and a potential 2024 candidate. Why, Hunter's natal Moon has not one but two possible signs to add to his 15AQ Sun: either Capricorn or Aquarius which makes a consideration of his personality blend more complex.

For context: the BBC's Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president's son.

Capricorn Moon or Aquarius Moon?

So which lunar sign might it be for Hunter Biden, born on February 4, 1970? Due to the early loss of his mother and baby sister, I lean toward a Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon but let's consider a brief overview of the two lunar signs which reveal clues about a person's reigning emotional need:

Capricorn Moon potentials include a repressed emotional life, a sober, practical, and business-like outlook on life, patience, endurance, a sense of duty, and awareness of responsibility. Considering the tragedy in his childhood, resorting to negative escapism such as drug use would be an obvious go-to for most people dealing with such a deeply depressive loss, and perhaps with the aftershock effect of feeling responsible for what they're not responsible for, along with suffering from feelings of helplessness and deep melancholy.

Perhaps we can agree that heavy emotional baggage suits a Capricorn Moon.

Aquarius Moon potentials are somewhat lighter and provide good powers of observation, deep concern for other people's troubles, an understanding and sympathethic nature, readiness to help others, the ability to change, a love of independence, and an abundance of hopes and wishes. (My italics.)

Two other facts about Hunter Biden's natal Moon: it's out-of-bounds of the earthly plane as no other of his planets are which increases the potential for estrangement from or loss of his mother, and on his day of birth the Moon left Capricorn and entered Aquarius at 11:20 pm which gives him better odds of being born under the rays of a Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon.

For more Moon Sign details see The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad.)

Oct 12, 2022

How Republicans Conspire with Churches for Political & Social Control - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday October 12, 2022

Here's a segment from Tuesday's Thom Hartmann broadcast that touches on the realms of politics, religion as theocracy, government, and societal conditions - all of which the Republican Party wants complete control over even though a majority of Americans disagree. 'Consent of the governed' has no place in their future plans for America. Instead, tyranny is their jam.

Translated astrologically, we might ascribe such societal topics to the realms of two karmic planets: Saturn (control; restriction; limitation; law; government; The State) and Neptune (spirit; divine source; the masses; churchiness; panacea; contagion; paranoia), while as a planetary pair, Saturn-Neptune relates to social safety net programs (which Republicans loathe), socialism (ditto), plus, the ill, weak, and poor among us - which they also loathe:

In fact, as the haughty GOP makes abundantly clear these days, the party much prefers to model our nation upon Mussolini's formula: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with beastly Nazism waiting its turn in the wings. So I'll say it again, my fellow Americans:

Vote Blue in 2022 to save democracy in America.

Otherwise, degradation, loss, suffering, and brutality will be the fate of the American people. Because, yes. It really can happen here.

May 20, 2022

Michelle Goldberg on Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism - video

On July 24, 2007, yours truly purchased an insightful book authored by Michelle Goldberg concrning religious radicalism, bellicose fundamentalism, and "military retirees pledging to seize the nation in Christ's name, perfidious congressmen courting the confidence of neo-confederates and proponents of theocracy, and leaders of federally funded programs offering Jesus as the solution to the country's problems."

Through interviews and testimonies of the people behind the movement, the author "provides access into the hearts and minds of citizens who are striving to remake the secular Republic bequeathed by our Founders into a Christian nation run according to their interpretation of scripture." My italics because, as a Protestant myself, for me there lies a major part of their wrong-headedness, a major yet purposeful 'glitch' in their holier-than-thou plans, a sour note, really. Rationality tells us that morality cannot be legislated externally, it must come from within to be genuine!

But these are irrational forces challenging rationality, determined to merge State with their version of church, backed, funded, and encouraged by a wealthy corporate class ideologically distanced from the populace. This is, in fact, their particular recipe for fascism in America - but, unlike the 1930s, this time around the saboteurs are part of a global movement, a network of despots. And as in previous decades, primal violence is one of their strong-arm thuggery tactics along with the threat of it for intimidation purposes when bribes don't work.

So in addition, 'Kingdom Coming' also describes an "ever widening subversive stranglehold nationwide" as Enlightenment values "are threatened by a mystical nationalism" that claims "divine sanction."

Mystical nationalism! To me this sounds like bizarre Neptune-Pluto influences, and the vast planetary pair contains plenty of fermenting space for criminal elements in society - and for wacky fantasy worlds, too. Very much like men who play the lucrative role of POTUS but on the down-low are mobsters and foreign agents taking orders to sabotage America and destroy our social fabric.

So now as we watch this radical authoritarian movement full of evangelical far-righters, "conservatives", corrupt politicians, and militia-loving white "supremacists" attempt to take over America before our very eyes, I ask you, dear reader: could Michelle Goldberg have been anymore prescient?

Feb 22, 2022

That Time a GOP Gaggle Spent July 4th in Moscow

February 22, 2022

Republicans, Moscow, Neptune, & Furry Foxes Yapping

by Jude Cowell

Image: 'Journey to Neptune'; pencil on paper; by Jude Cowell

Mystical Neptune is the planet closely associated with Russia (its 'totem planet' as Uranus is America's 'totem planet'), and perhaps you remember how a group of Republican Congressmen Skulked over to Moscow for the 4th of July, 2018, but they weren't in Russia to complain about Putin aiding Tr*mp in the November 2016 Election, oh no. They were there to say, no criticism for You, comrades. What else they divulged, I don't know. Intel? A financial pay-off? Uncertain. Perhaps a scandal will reveal some secrets left over from the July 2018 Jupiter-Neptune square on or around April 12, 2022 when a new cycle of the frothy pair begins (see the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction link, below).

Now with Midterms 2022 arriving later this year on the very same day as a revealing Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, I freely admit to my culpability in 'renaming' the Republican Party with labels such as The Conspiracy Party, and worse. Well, to tell you the truth, it's been super easy to do because of their sorry behavior toward America, their disrespect for democracy and the US Constitution, their disdain for the American people, their neglect of the common good, their slavish adherence to figurehead Tr*mp - plus the fact that the political party of 1854 has now experienced its first-ever Neptune Return which has actually been a drawn-out five-fer of returns due to slow-moving planet Neptune's retrogradation periods. Follow the link to view the fifth of five returns which occurred on December 29, 2018 for it bookends the party's entire Return period begun in 2017, and includes the July 4th 2018 visit of the Republicans to Moscow (Senators Shelby, Johnson, Kennedy, Daines, Hoeven, Moran, and Thune, plus, Representative Kay Granger of Texas).

Cycle of Neptune = 164 Years: 1854 + 164 = 2018

Of course, the exact dates of the party's Neptune Return/s depend upon which founding data is used to calculate the party's horoscope. For this, I've used the March 20, 1854 chart set for Ripon, Wisconsin with Neptune @14Pis01, a degree that evokes the symbol of "A Lady In Fox Fur," an appropriate word picture for the Murdoch-supported GOP, imho, with "foxy" being another word for cunning and seductive.

Talking Points: 'The Neptune Party' Parrots Putin

So of course, urge-to-merge Neptune, positively representing the Divine Source and humanity's higher inspiration faculty, negatively tends to be associated in this old world with deception, the Big Lie, fraud, corruption, rottenness, malicious schemes, loss, conspiracies, gaslighting, scandals, unreality, fakery, propaganda, photography/film, camera ops and special effects, spiritualism, poisons, toxins, all liquids, gas, oil, fumes, heists and thefts, speculation, inflation, bubbles, disguises, illusions and delusions, instability, dissolution, disappointment, and undermining activities of subversion such as sabotage and treason. Of course, contagious infections are Neptunian as well - as transit Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces has tragically demonstrated.

And even now, with Putin's threat against Ukraine in the news and on the authoritarian's to-do list, Republicans and their talking heads in the far-right media are propagandizing that Putin can "smell" President Biden's "weakness," two more words inspired by Neptunian energies attempting to create instability and mistrust in society, in order to promote the GOP's ultimate goal of 'taking back' the House and Senate in November 2022, by all means necessary. A 'talking points' link between Putin and the GOP isn't difficult to imagine.

Now astrologically, you'll notice in the December 29, 2018 Horoscope linked, above, that the Sagittarian ASC is ruled by expansive boundary-breaker Jupiter, with 2018 Jupiter squaring Neptune - the Republican Party's Neptune. Astro-Notes concerning this transit are penned in the center of the chart and intended for the curious to read, if need be. Victimized by illusions is a pretty good description of the Jupiter-square-Neptune transit and of its results upon the party and its voters who believe - or pretend to believe - whatever conspiracy they like, no matter how outrageous. They imagine that there's a 'higher purpose' to all the deception and corruption they engage with and pass along, as if 'the ends justify the means'. But I say, this is fallacious.

So if you suspect that the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in secretive Pisces will be signficant for the Republican Party in its current Neptunian condition (and thus for America) as the new planetary cycle of the gaseous duo begins, then I'm glad to say we're on the same page, dear reader.

A Related Post: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which will be egged on by April's Jupiter-Neptune combination of expansive, misguided energies.

Feb 15, 2022

Does the GOP Have Any Future? - Thom Hartmann (plus, Uranus-Neptune)

February 15, 2022

Here in a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann program is a timely question from Thom that you and I may want to consider:


True Identity Uncertain: Neptune's Urge to Merge

1854 (party founded) + 164 years (Neptune's orbit) = 2018

Naturally as a novice astrologer, Thom's question causes me to think back to recent times when the Republican Party experienced its first-ever Neptune Return, an extended period due to planet Neptune's retrogradation habit with exact return dates dependent upon which founding horoscope for the party one uses. Was the dissolution function of Neptune, planet of deception, lies, and fraud, a cosmic signpost on the road to the GOP's current merging into whatever the Hades it's become, nazi or otherwise, under figure-head mobster Tr*mp, his thugs, and wealthy puppet masters, both foreign and domestic?

Meanwhile, as the Cosmos would have it, April 2021 timed the Republican Party's Uranus Return with radical Uranus, planet of rebellion, change, reform, upheaval, anarchy, technology, and - futurism - in rigid Taurus, often a sign of intolerance and greed. Check out astrologer Zeebling Monroe as he shares his views on the topic.

Well, I have to say that major changes of and by the outer planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune is no superficial matter. Together, Reinhold Ebertin gives the duo quite a curious list of Correspondences as potentials, and I quote:

Principle Elimination of the Waking Consciousness


+ The development and growth of subconscious powers or forces, inner vision, inner illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, an interest in spiritual subjects, religious problems, mysticism, art.

- Lack of control of the waking consciousness leads to want of clarity. Instability, lack of emotional balance, nervous sensitivity, wrong ideas, one-sidedness.

C (onjunction)

Extraordinary and unusual inclinations.


Mystics, people engaged in psychic research, mediums.

Probable Manifestations

+ Peculiar psychic states, inspiration, spiritual cognition and understanding. Long journeys. (Contacts with foreign countries.)

- Lack of stamina and vitality, confused psychic states, peculiar inclinations, losses.

Additionally, Ebertin also gives the planetary pair Biological Correspondences which include heart failure, paralysis of rhythmic processes, and/or apoplexy of the brain. (Perhaps an uncaring cold-heartedness belongs on the list.)

Then we should also note that Uranus and Neptune are the 'Enlightenment Planets' of the 1700s ('The Age of Reason'; Science vs Faith), and in our era are associated with the 'new world order', aka, 'One World Government', a long-term plan of craven social meddlers. As you know, the two planets met in Great Conjunction three times all through 1993 @18Capricorn (18 to 20 degrees, actually), the degree area of the Zodiac which transit Pluto transformed in 2017 (arriving with Herr Tr*mp and his handlers) because a major midpoint picture was formed by the trio, one that has been mentioned multiple times in previous SO'W posts when societal conditions were not as stark and down-to-the-wire as they now are shown to be:

Uranus-Neptune = transit Pluto: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl). Could that be a 'new world order' one supposes? A turn from democracy to authoritarianism? Here's my version of the 1993 NWO Horoscope set for October 24th Washington DC. Of interest is that the October 24th Sun in this chart will be eclipsed on October 25, 2022 with 6 South eclipse themes of 'being forceful, taking power' and 'exerting huge effort in group activity' (B. Brady). 6 South energy is known to be manic, so please be aware.

Well, an additional clue did appear when a new social order began when societal planets Jupiter and Saturn conjoined @00AQ29 on December 21, 2020 - conjunct US Inaugural Sun! Of course, a desperate Tr*mp was still playing at the role of POTUS then and Ebertin says the planetary trio's midpoint picture = change of residence and moodiness due to liver disturbance. But as you know, that's not all that disturbed the wide-girthed sore loser after the November 2020 presidential election and the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden on December 14th, the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 manifesting near Tr*mp's separative Moon-SN conjunction of unpopularity when negatively expressed (childhood estrangement from Mama can do difficult things to a person).

So now in closing, I must add that there's no solace in the Sabian Symbol for 18 Capricorn although its negative expression does precisely describe the authoritarian mindset of the plutonian 'Republican' Party and their enablers of various persuasions: "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Sound bossy enough for you?

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones. #ad

Sep 22, 2021

Can Dems Get a Handle on Crime? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a segment from Thom Hartmann posted September 21, 2021. Thom says that Republicans are already "licking their chops" over crime rates going way up this year after rates were down last year when everyone was safely snugged inside. And with the all-important Midterms 2022 on the calendar, Republicans won't be letting higher crime rates go (with many states having Democratic governors) considering the spiteful vow of the GOP to 'make President Biden fail':


Fretsomely for the future of our country, our Midterm Elections are scheduled for November 8, 2022, the very day of a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus when inconvenient secrets may be revealed, disruption could be on the menu of bad faith actors, and results could turn out unpredictably and/or inconclusively.

So did you say, all bets are off?

Sep 9, 2021

Gaseous Neptune in Pisces fuels the Big Lie Party

NASA image: gaseous giant Neptune, symbol of lies and fraud in astrology

Thursday September 9, 2021: So a year ago on Stars Over Washington, what used to be known as the Republican Party (b. 1854) was being re-named with various labels such as the Conspiracy Party and of course they've certainly earned the moniker.

But now in 2021, thanks to Donald Tr*mp's malicious ploys and antics in a desperate bid to regain power, a new au courant re-naming has occurred for they are now known as the Big Lie Party and the group's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces must be simply inflating and preening with pride. Why party members are positively bubbling with corruption, fraud, fantasy, pretense, and eagerness to kiss Herr Tr*mp's ring way down in Mar-a-Lago by oceanic Neptune's shores!

For as TV's Moira Rose might put it, GOP-ers seem to bombillate with anticipation!

And then, of course you know which fixed star twinkles mid-Pisces: Achernar, with key phrases that include: success in public office (for those with good morals) but also the risk of rapid endings and crisis at the end of the river. And the descriptive Sabian Symbol for "14 Pisces" (and the Big Lie Party's traditional promoters): "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my BOLD); negative expression: amoral opportunism (Jones). Oh dear! Sounds like a lack of good morals.

Now personally I wouldn't miss their rapid ending at all if such is the fate of the "Republican Party" since they, as an American political entity, don't actually govern the US but instead have opted for a well-paid Neptunian-Plutonian sabotage agenda for our country.

So in case you missed it you may wish to see Salon's Why the Republicans' 'Big Lie' works so well: A sociopathic party and a damaged country by Chauncey DeVega.

Yeah, and who has worked for years and years to effect such damage in preparation for a long-planned shift from democracy and the US Constitution to an authoritarian state modeled on naz*sm and brutality?

You know who--the Big Lie Party!

Aug 15, 2021

Will the Authoritarians & Their Useful Idiots Win? - Thom Hartmann

Sunday August 15, 2021: Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann on Why do Conservatives want America to fail?

This disturbing topic always brings to mind Grover Norquist and his urge to 'shrink the US government so small it can be drowned in a bath tub' - which was an urge and a promise! Because: is America drowning now? For decades the GOP and its wealthy backers and enablers have been quite successful 'hollowing out' our country so that such a question must now be asked. However, I suspect that few if any people in Grover's day realized how deeply the white-supremacist-neo-fascist crowd would be involved, as we now see so starkly. Or maybe they did but they weren't telling.

So here's another Thom Hartmann segment that was shared here way back in 2016: The Republican Plan: Destroy America, Let Corporations Rule which follows the Republican model of: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And although Benito Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in the 1930s, his promotion of the link between corporatism and fascism can be disputed.

Even so, the accuracy of the equation has certainly turned out to be the case.

Links of interest may include:

Authoritarianism and Useful Idiot. And here's a previous post concerning Mussolini's fascist party seen through the 'cosmic blinks' of an Eclipse Timeline.

And we may as well add a little something about the socialism that Republicans pretend to dread even though it's been with us all along:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism." - Chief Justice Earl Warren

Don't they though?

Also see: Hey America: You Already Have Democratic Socialist Programs - and the list is long!

Jul 6, 2021

Corporatism, Mobsterism, and the Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 6, 2021: On May 22, 2018, a horoscope was published here that concerned The Powell Memo: A Genesis of Corporatism in Control. Follow the link for a view of the horoscope set for 'noon' edt in absence of an accurate time, and shows 5Sco30 rising with asteroid of doom and/or abuse of power, Atlantis @9Sco37 - and right there is a small 'cosmic link' from 1971 Atlantis to the 2017 Inaugural Moon (@9Sco21) with Luna describing Scorpionic Tr*mp supporters on January 20, 2017 and going forward. As you know, many Scorpio types try to control everyone around them when it's actually themselves that need to be brought under control. (Consider 1/6 and subsequent arrests).

Additionally, it seems descriptive to me that transit Uranus (the zealous anarchist of chaos!) in Taurus has been opposing 2017 Inaugural Moon off and on of late, creating disruption, erratic behavior, domestic upheaval, and emotional turmoil (for and from Tr*mp supporters). Emotionally, 'drama queen' Tr*mp has been affected, too, particularly in relation to his inaugural 'status' (which expired - no, plummeted - on January 20, 2021!). Plus, we know that Tr*mp's 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption is his 10th house Uranus in Mercurial Gemini.

Now there's another small factor about the 'noon' chart of the Powell Memo that seems appropriate to societal conditions, then and now: that Cupido, a cosmic representative of Corporatism, The Family, The Global Syndicate (which includes Organized Crime/mobsterism, foreign and domestic), and various Networks in royal Leo sits atop the 1971 'Memo' horoscope at The Goal or Aspiration Point. For as you know, Lewis Powell sent a letter ('memo' as it's called) detailing how Republicans could take complete control of America via corporations. And as things have turned out, most US politicians are bought and paid for by various corporations and CEOs with large amounts of industry lobbyists cheering on the demise of our Republic as they make their profits. Meanwhile, the US Congress keeps laws in place that make it all possible - to make it all possible.

Later on, nominated by Richard 'The Crook' Nixon, Lewis Powell was gifted a seat on the SCOTUS bench for his efforts (all of which are not mentioned here) and served from January 7, 1972 to June 26, 1987. Justice Powell was born in Suffolk, Virginia on September 19, 1907 and died August 25, 1998, his work on Earth undermining his country done.

Related: Horoscopes: Clinton and Tr*mp Inaugurations revealing Sun-Moon Blends for both.

Jun 28, 2021

George Packer and the Recuperation of America

by Jude Cowell

"Equality and Self-Government are interconnected here," - George Packer

Monday June 28, 2021: As you might expect, my morning began with an informative interview posted to Al Franken's podcast of June 27th, George Packer on How It Got So Bad in America and How It Could Get Slightly Better which, in case you missed it, is a must-listen for those who care about our country and the direction the US is headed if we don't beneficially reform our ways. Suggestions for America's betterment are included.

In their wide-ranging interview, topics such as 'Newt Gingrich' ("It's Newt Gingrich," says George Packer: "There was nothing conservative about {him}, "He was a radical") which resonates perfectly with the subsequent radical reactionary Republican Party of our era, aka, the Tr*mp Party. As you know, in Political Astrology such terms describe chaotic planet Uranus, the Utopian zealot, anarchist, and radical reformer. And Tr*mp's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his 'guiding planet' (last planet to rise before his Sun; fyi mine is 4th house Jupiter in Capricorn).

George Packer's latest book Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal is now available via Kindle and the audio version. #ad

Plus, another astrological point worth mentioning is a certain cosmic link: that Newt and Donald share the same personality blend of 'Peter Pan' and 'The Pied Piper' as noted in a previous post about Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius, the zodiacal polarity of truth vs falsehood-- integrity vs immorality--fact vs fiction axis through which Tr*mp brought us "fake news" and "alternative facts," among other bizarre, misguided things. Obviously, this polarity's communication-propaganda-'religious' vibes have played a large part in the success and eventual disgrace of both men, and Mr. Packer asserts that Gingrich was "consumed by the fire he lit," and that at some point Tr*mp will also be consumed (by his own conflagration).

Now for a cosmic look ahead you may wish to try Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022 (both horoscopes shown). Note that as I type in June 2021 and until their next Great Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @23Pis59, society remains under the 'dreamy' influences of the third of their three conjunctions in 2009. Follow the link to view the 'current' 2009 (until April 12, 2022) Jupiter-Neptune horoscope with its scandals, hypocrisy, fraudulent schemes, inflationary bubbles, dreams, visions, and political conflicts galore. Why, you may even wish to credit Jupiter-Neptune influence with the abundance of "UFO" sightings which now seem to be worthy of notice by some sectors participating in the public discourse such as the US military, mainstream media, and Politics. Is an "alien landing" of manipulation and fear being planned by the elite class? What do you think? jc