Lunations Spotlight the Leo-Aquarius Self-Will Axis
by Jude Cowell
January 18, 2022
DC Horoscope: New Moon @12AQ19:55 February 1, 2022 12:45:51 am est; Washington DC
Rising is 10Sco44 which brings up asteroid Hygeia (health and cleanliness issues) along with Sigma, the lone wolf - both opposed by radical, disruptive Uranus @10Tau53 ('The Witness'). At Midheaven ('MC') is Cupido Rx signaling objectives that involve Corporatism, The Network (criminal or otherwise), The Family ('religious' or otherwise), and/or Culture, Social Events, and the Arts:
Chart-ruler Mars is buttressed by higher octave planet (or is it lower? certainly deeper, more intense) Pluto, the stealthy and wealthy. There are three applying aspects by warrior-activist, even arsonist, Mars listed, lower left, which suggest how things will proceed from the February 2022 New Moon:
1. Mars sextile 4th house Jupiter @7Pis16 (1A39): a period of opportunities for advancement in areas of political aims, international travel, intellectual endeavors, intel acquiring; physical efforts tend to be successful, and professional status may improve; risks may be taken; plus, military actions and/or troop movements may also be indicated.
2. Mars square 5th house Chiron @9Ari16 (3A40): direct dealing is required concerning aggression and sexuality issues and concerns if progress is to be made.
3. Mars trine Uranus @10Tau53 (5A17) and setting: unpredictable or unexpected outcomes to efforts; unusual actions are taken or new methods and procedures may be implemented, often with favorable results; group organizations may be favored.
Plus, you'll note karmic Saturn @15AQ30 conjuncts IC (Endings? Domestic Security? Real Estate? Mining?) of the chart, and restrictive Saturn, planet of Government, Law, and Business is apex planet of a symbolic T-Square pattern with Uranus-ASC at its base: 'quick responses; upsets; excitement' (R. Ebertin); also at apex is the New Moon herself. Upper right you see listed a few potentials of the T-Square when read as a midpoint picture - and I'd be remiss not to mention that danger may be part of the environment around the time of the New Moon and afterwards (unsurprising, I know).
More lunation details may be gleaned through the Sabian Symbol of the February 2022 New Moon's rounded-up degree of "13Aquarius" = "A Barometer: Keyword = INDICATION; positive expression: unusual keenness of observation and exceptional competence in judgment; negative expression: superficial uncertainty and a continual trimming to passing events" (M.E. Jones).
This reminds me of the June 16, 2015 Gemini New Moon's Sabian Symbol ("A Man Trimming Palms") which perfected on the very morning of Tr*mp's freakish escalator ride downward to announce to a paid-for audience what I tend to call his lamentable, bigoted 'prez bid'.
Then for unconscious information we can check the Illumination Point opposite the New Moon - "13Leo" = "An Old Sea Captain Rocking": Keyword = RETROSPECT; positive: each person's unlimited capacity for calling up afresh the powers he has gained in his struggle for self-fulfillment; negative: insensibility to present reality in a full surrender to the past" (M.E.J.). Perhaps this reminds us both of fantasy-based Herr Tr*mp, put out to pasture and golfing by the sea as he plots a return to power with grudges festering inside - and of a regressive 'Republican Party' venerating bygone days of what they consider "glory" in a racist, hate-filled country the white power structure controlled. And they intend to take control again.
Now let's close with a further look ahead at February 2022 for we know that seeds and plans are laid and tend to take root at a New Moon and culminate with the next Full Moon which in this case perfects on February 16, 2022 @27Leo60 at 11:56 am est - fully revealing the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange menace whose testy Mars happens to oppose US natal Moon (We The People) with apoplectic rage and malevolent aggression toward anyone in the populace who disagrees with him or who stands in his way.
Well, like a huge wad of gum stuck on the bottom of humanity's shoe, we both knew that his orangeness would have to show up somewhere in this post.
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