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Showing posts with label Hygeia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hygeia. Show all posts

Mar 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023

With CPAC 2023 going on as I type, have a glance at a horoscope set for CPAC 2023 Washington DC, Saturday March 4 at 5:25 pm. Yes, his nibs tends to run late but 5:25 pm est is the scheduled time for Donald Trump to take the podium and speak his Geminian mind, and the planets may be of interest to a reader or two.

However, it's weekend and I do not care to waste many more minutes on Herr T's combative rhetoric or his dreams of regaining power, so please check out my notes penned messily upon the following bi-wheel. Inner is Saturday night's 5:25 pm est speech horoscope with Trump's natal chart surrounding it (outer).

As you see, the bi-wheel shows that his aggressive, me-first Mars in Leo has already risen prior to 5:25 pm, and his deceptive 2nd house Neptune Rx in Libra will be next to rise, dragging his deceptive Neptune square Mercury, planet of rhetoric, in tow so that we know that misconceptions and fantasies are on his to-do list. As always:

Notable is that CPAC 2023 is being held under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with its 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force or strength in relationships' and 'huge efforts in a group activities' themes (paraphrasing B. Brady).

This describes a "group activity" like CPAC, a 'conservative' organization in which the current leader of the 'Republican Party' in the polls continues to be the rash, brash, belligerent orange blighter whose combative rhetoric may hit, or mention, a brick wall (or border wall?) thanks to CPAC 2023's Mars @20Gem42 conjunct his natal 10th house North Node of public contact and which is sandwiched between his uniquely individualistic Sun-Uranus duo.

Meanwhile, Trump's CPAC 2023 speech's Midheaven ('MC'= the Goal) sports an incendiary midpoint: Mars-Uranus. See lower left corner for potentials of this dangerous combination.

And to powerful wealth hoarder Pluto conjunct Hygeia and leading a ruthless Locomotive pattern, add
CPAC 2023's Sun = Mercury-Neptune midpoint picture with its 'acting or pretending; fantasy; deception; moodiness' potentials penned at the bottom of the image and there we have a Donald Trump, purveyor of hatred and discontent.

A closely related SO'W post and horoscope: Trump Regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.

Aug 31, 2022

Sept 1, 2022: Joe Biden Talks Democracy

Astro-Notes on The Health of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday September 1, 2022, a prime time address is scheduled to be delivered by President Biden concerning the state of American Democracy. The hour cited is 8:00 pm edt from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as you see in the horoscope, below.

Descriptively, President Biden's natal Ceres, asteroid of democracy, rises at 8:00 pm edt along with asteroids Juno Rx (nation-state; protection thereof), Astraea Rx (justice), plus, planet Neptune Rx in Pisces which I assume this placement in relation to the president's Address represents compassion for the masses. This resonates with Joe Biden's 'efforts to bring help to those in need' (Sun-Pluto = Moon); Sun-Pluto (Biden) is opposed by radical, zealous Uranus Rx = potentials for 'rebellion, sudden changes, powerful ideas, and/or arrest' (R. Ebertin; Tyl). Of course, mass media, subterfuge, and deception are also in the realms of Neptune. Will Trump's theft of official documents be mentioned?

Then underneath it all - besides America's ongoing Pluto Return of transformation - transit Neptune continues a titanic opposition to US Neptune in Virgo, a period of generational ideals and beliefs clashing, along with various forms of persecution (racism, misogyny, civil rights, exploitation, scams):

Scorpio: Sign of Health and Regeneration

As you see, in 2nd house the health asteroid Hygeia @17Sco15 conjuncts the Moon (17Sco08) so the Health of Democracy, even if the phrase isn't spoken, may be a basic feature of Biden's address along with medical concerns. Meanwhile, the Uranus-North-Node ('NN') duo in Taurus widens yet its 'radical politics' signature retains influence along with the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28, also in 2nd house, and thematically bringing society 'relationship to authority' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady) - at least until the power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 manifests @2Scorpio with manic energy that will influence our 2022 Midterms.

To close, I direct your attention to the bottom right corner and the excitable Moon-Uranus opposition which perfects at 11:06 pm edt (reactions to President Biden's remarks, one supposes) and, above the horoscope, to the dynamic T-Square pattern their opposition forms with karmic Saturn Rx @20AQ34 in the hidden 12th house which can also denote large institutions such as the US Congress, and which contains potentials for 'self-will; sudden damage; and/or striving for independence' (R. Ebertin).

Yet with America's Pluto Return ongoing we mustn't leave out a midpoint picture formed in this chart with apex Pluto (11th house) - and that's Moon-Jupiter: 'major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear'(N. Tyl).

Perhaps we can agree that America under President Joe Biden would be happy for even more good news!

Jul 3, 2022

DC Horoscopes: July 2022 Lunations

DC Horoscopes of the Two July 2022 Lunations

by Jude Cowell

Dual Images: lower left is the July 13, 2022 Full Moon @21Cap21 (in the super-sensitized zone of Capricorn where Pluto lurks) and with the Moon out-of-bounds of the earthly plane (as is Mercury @17Can42; detached? estranged?). Yet Luna leads a BOWL shape of planets (having a mission to fulfill or a cause for which to advocate) and on a mundane level can represent women, families, the public, publicity, and fluctuations and changes. Her sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn suggests that the public mood is sober, serious, and focused on business, law, and government. The July Full Moon represents the culmination phase issuing from the New Moon of June 28, 2022 @7Can23 (showing a continuance of the June 2022 hearings) and this spotlights the natal Mercury of Donald Trump @8Cancer (a gossip, who likes to "hide the hand that flings the stone").

Then upper right is a new cycle of activity when seeds are planted and plans are made at the New Moon of July 28, 2022 @5Leo38 (conjunct US 1776 North Node) to be harvested or fulfilled at the next Full Moon (August 12, 2022 @19AQ21; chart not shown):

Health asteroid Hygeia is prominent in both charts rising at both Ascendants in Scorpio, a sign associated with surgery such as abortions, and with death such as those predicted to be the fate of many women in the US thanks to the regressive loose cannon decision by Catholic Supreme Court 'justices' gone rogue.

Thing is, I'd intended to publish these two lunar charts for the month of July 2022 based on the announcement that additional J6 Public Hearings would be held in July after the July 4th holiday but as you see, Hygeia and other chart factors have more or less taken over the focus of this post. Still, there are several suggestive study notes penned on the images for those curious enough to check them out. We should note that both lunations fall under the auspices of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady), so all of July 2022 (until the 6 South Eclipse of October) remains under 6 North influences.

And of course, all solar eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus bring issues of perseverance, patience, reliability, and endurance. And on a pragmatic level, Taurus suggests economic concerns and growth potential, plus, a need to avoid bullheadedness if karmic progress is to be made.

So with the cosmic blink emphasis on Taurus, planet Venus becomes important to these and other matters and problems arriving with the eclipse, and we might think of Cassidy Hutchinson (no birth date found so far!) and her recent "smoking gun" testimony to the J6 Committee Hearing that, if any fairness is left in our country and legal system, will result in an indictment of the first-ever US president to attempt to overturn the Electoral Vote Certification in Congress, with a willful determination to establish himself as a dictator in the White House, democracy be da*ned.

Now as you see, Venus is in talkative Gemini (Cassidy Hutchinson? surely not the reluctant Ginni Thomas!) at the July 13th Full Moon but by the New Moon of July 28th, Luna has floated well into Moon-ruled Cancer (reflecting America's 1776 planets in Cancer) where she prefers security, protection, home, and family. Expectably, the far right's undermining of Miss Hutchinson's reputation will probably continue, and she will continue to need defending on physical, legal, and other levels.

Then also in the New Moon chart, we might wonder about Mercury @18Leo22, planet of Communications, Testifying, and Commerce, but also of children and babies for The Messenger planet reminds us of The Tower Eclipse of August 11, 2018, back when Herr Trump's damage to democracy was in full swing, and a 'collapse and rebuild' theme was spotlighted by the 2 New North Solar Eclipse.

Suggestively, Mercury is atop the New Moon chart at the visible Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope which relates to Career and Public Status. Speedy Mercury is traveling with Toro, an asteroid associated with power including nuclear power.

Meanwhile, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer (conjunct the July 2022 Full Moon's Sun = a culmination of full awareness: more secrets revealed) in the 2 Old North series manifested on July 13, 2018. And 2 Old North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series ('PE') of one Donald Trump (who was playing president then) with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news concerning relationships or friendships; dealing with separations; things look glum but fast action can bring positive outcomes' (B. Brady). My assumption is that the July 13, 2022 Full Moon will uncover issues in relation to 2 Old North themes - specifically for Donald Trump since his PE is re-activated by the July 13th Full Moon, he's the primary focus of the J6 proceedings, and, in a starring role - is the scofflaw perpetrator of extremely bad presidentin'.

And incidentally, do you know that for America's first-ever Independence Day, the month of July 1777 was replete with both a Lunar and a Solar Eclipse? An example is the Lunar Eclipse of July 20, 1777 @27Cap59 conjunct then-Pluto's position and our 1776 Pluto. And of course, the intense Moon-Pluto combination of energies relates to multiple things, one being criminal activities such as those we must deal with now - during America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x in 2022). It's all totally karmic after all, is it not?

Meanwhile, we know that the sign of Taurus can also indicate intolerance and greed, yet it's capable of expressing a good measure of patience. However, most Americans are tired of waiting for karma to catch up with the orange saboteur. Still, I must continue to wonder: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? with the star's 'ruination if revenge is taken' caution. After all, the grudge-holder's violent coup attempt on January 6, 2021 was certainly a form of taking revenge, was it not?

So then, at the very end of July 2022, a Conjunction suggesting radical reactionary politics, Utopian zealotry, and reforms takes place when transit Uranus Meets North Node on July 31st, exact at 4:05 pm edt @18Tau41. Rounded up, we have "19Taurus": "A Newly Formed Continent" = ORIGINALITY; positive expression: "a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe"; negative expression (shadow side/unconscious - jc): "a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset" (M. E. Jones).

In closing, I feel compelled to add that this is the sign and degree of George Washington's natal Ascendant, and that, whatever reforms social meddlers have scheduled for America, I pray that they're in keeping with the first principles and freedoms that President Washington and other Founders set up for us to follow instead of the 'futile turmoil and persistent upset' that seditionists and saboteurs of our nation have long-planned in their fevered and malevolent minds.

Apr 19, 2022

Winter Solstice 2022: Don't Tred On Me

Security Minded Cancer-Capricorn: Home and Career

by Jude Cowell

April 19, 2022

Below is a marked-up look ahead at the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope; please enlarge the image for there are astro-notes squooshed upon the chart for the curious to read. And note that in Washington DC, Winter Solstice 2022's Goal Point (MC/Midheaven) @8Pis51 receives the dynamic energies of the Moon-Mars opposition which contains "Don't Tred On Me" vibes according to Alan Oken. Plus, the 6th house Moon @8Sag51 (conjunct The Fed's 1910 New Moon during its secretive Jekyll Island planning session) is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') as are Mars, Mercury, and Venus which sounds like a lot of detachment or estrangement from the Collective going on. Meanwhile, Saturn (in blue) is unaspected with asteroid Orpheus the melancholy tagging along (see bottom center of chart for Saturn influences).

Then with the Cardinal World Point of manifestation rising (ASC 00Can50), the fluctuating Moon rules the chart and the 2nd hou$e; see lower left for Luna's applying opposition to testosterone-driven Mars Rx (conjunct greedy Midas and with Gemini-Sagittarius intercepted across the 6/12 axis). With wealthy Pluto in the corporate 8th house, and Moon reflecting The Fed New Moon, finances and investment are naturally on the national agenda as 2022 fades into 2023. Well, of course they are. America's first-ever Pluto Return is ongoing all through 2022. And this is the same position and house occupied by subversive, transformative Pluto in the US Solar Return 2022 Horoscope.

Then as you see, the Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 (leadership) has just sunk from 7th into 6th house along with asteroid Hygeia so obviously, health and medical issues continue to interfere with America's progress - and possibly with the health of a political leader or two as well as with Covid patients. Of course, military, police, and civil service matters, plus, our daily routines are also suggested whenever the 6th house is involved.

Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter (in green, 10th house) sits upon the Aries Point along with the Mercury-Mars midpoint (see upper right), while Luna leads a BOWL shape of the planets indicating advocacy of a cause or a leader or leaders of a mission.

Notably, Winter Solstice 2022 occurs under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - it's notated on the chart in 5th house as 'PE'. A 6 South Eclipse also occurred on August 31, 1932 as what I've termed the Nazi Rise To Power Eclipse (Berlin horoscope shown) so repetition of a 6 South Eclipse in 2022, considering the current authoritarian energies of a global movement determined again to extinguish democracy and establish world domination, is extremely disturbing, I agree, but such possibilities must be faced - apathy will not rescue democracy.

Therefore, we should note that 6 South's 1932 degree of 8 Virgo conjuncts the IC (the HOW? Point; The Basis or Foundation; Domestic Scene) of the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope shown here and this further spotlights the manic 6 South themes marked upon the chart (5th house).

So see what you think, dear reader, perhaps make your own astro-notes, and share your thoughts via on-topic comments:

Jan 18, 2022

February 2022: New Moon @12AQ19

Lunations Spotlight the Leo-Aquarius Self-Will Axis

by Jude Cowell

January 18, 2022

DC Horoscope: New Moon @12AQ19:55 February 1, 2022 12:45:51 am est; Washington DC

Rising is 10Sco44 which brings up asteroid Hygeia (health and cleanliness issues) along with Sigma, the lone wolf - both opposed by radical, disruptive Uranus @10Tau53 ('The Witness'). At Midheaven ('MC') is Cupido Rx signaling objectives that involve Corporatism, The Network (criminal or otherwise), The Family ('religious' or otherwise), and/or Culture, Social Events, and the Arts:

Chart-ruler Mars is buttressed by higher octave planet (or is it lower? certainly deeper, more intense) Pluto, the stealthy and wealthy. There are three applying aspects by warrior-activist, even arsonist, Mars listed, lower left, which suggest how things will proceed from the February 2022 New Moon:

1. Mars sextile 4th house Jupiter @7Pis16 (1A39): a period of opportunities for advancement in areas of political aims, international travel, intellectual endeavors, intel acquiring; physical efforts tend to be successful, and professional status may improve; risks may be taken; plus, military actions and/or troop movements may also be indicated.

2. Mars square 5th house Chiron @9Ari16 (3A40): direct dealing is required concerning aggression and sexuality issues and concerns if progress is to be made.

3. Mars trine Uranus @10Tau53 (5A17) and setting: unpredictable or unexpected outcomes to efforts; unusual actions are taken or new methods and procedures may be implemented, often with favorable results; group organizations may be favored.

Plus, you'll note karmic Saturn @15AQ30 conjuncts IC (Endings? Domestic Security? Real Estate? Mining?) of the chart, and restrictive Saturn, planet of Government, Law, and Business is apex planet of a symbolic T-Square pattern with Uranus-ASC at its base: 'quick responses; upsets; excitement' (R. Ebertin); also at apex is the New Moon herself. Upper right you see listed a few potentials of the T-Square when read as a midpoint picture - and I'd be remiss not to mention that danger may be part of the environment around the time of the New Moon and afterwards (unsurprising, I know).

More lunation details may be gleaned through the Sabian Symbol of the February 2022 New Moon's rounded-up degree of "13Aquarius" = "A Barometer: Keyword = INDICATION; positive expression: unusual keenness of observation and exceptional competence in judgment; negative expression: superficial uncertainty and a continual trimming to passing events" (M.E. Jones).

This reminds me of the June 16, 2015 Gemini New Moon's Sabian Symbol ("A Man Trimming Palms") which perfected on the very morning of Tr*mp's freakish escalator ride downward to announce to a paid-for audience what I tend to call his lamentable, bigoted 'prez bid'.

Then for unconscious information we can check the Illumination Point opposite the New Moon - "13Leo" = "An Old Sea Captain Rocking": Keyword = RETROSPECT; positive: each person's unlimited capacity for calling up afresh the powers he has gained in his struggle for self-fulfillment; negative: insensibility to present reality in a full surrender to the past" (M.E.J.). Perhaps this reminds us both of fantasy-based Herr Tr*mp, put out to pasture and golfing by the sea as he plots a return to power with grudges festering inside - and of a regressive 'Republican Party' venerating bygone days of what they consider "glory" in a racist, hate-filled country the white power structure controlled. And they intend to take control again.

Now let's close with a further look ahead at February 2022 for we know that seeds and plans are laid and tend to take root at a New Moon and culminate with the next Full Moon which in this case perfects on February 16, 2022 @27Leo60 at 11:56 am est - fully revealing the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange menace whose testy Mars happens to oppose US natal Moon (We The People) with apoplectic rage and malevolent aggression toward anyone in the populace who disagrees with him or who stands in his way.

Well, like a huge wad of gum stuck on the bottom of humanity's shoe, we both knew that his orangeness would have to show up somewhere in this post.

Sep 13, 2021

2023--2024: Extremely Rare Outer Planet Astronomical Square - The Scottish Astrologer

September 13, 2021: Shapes of Things To Come

Here on SO'W in April 2021 we discussed the third 'Great American Eclipse' which perfects on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 precisely conjunct Chiron @19Ari24 (the wounded healer). Follow the link to view the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC and if you wish, re-locate the chart to see where the eclipse spotlight @19Ari24 lands for you in your location.

Washington DC as an Astro-Signifier for America

On April 8, 2024 in Washington DC, 16Leo27 rises (2:20:38 pm EDT) so the eclipsing Sun (vitality; leadership) is ruler and its Midheaven ('MC': The Goal Point)) = @7Tau59 is ruled by Venus, also in Aries and conjunct asteroid Hygeia suggesting women's health. The North Node points toward Aesculapia, another health indicator, plus, via the Mars-Saturn midpoint (13Pis45) in 8th house, we find the GOP's 1854 Neptune, a picture which denotes epidemics or poisons. Sabian Symbols for these degrees are worth a look if you can and I will add the eclipse's Symbol ('20Aries'), below. Plus, for your convenience, I'll republish the April 8, 2024 eclipse horoscope again, as you see; its 8 North themes are listed on the chart and include 'visions, vivid dreams, insights, good ideas, inventiveness, and/or flashes of genius' (B. Brady). Please note that this image of the 8 North Eclipse of 2024 is not the same version previously published and linked, above:

And if you follow the link, you'll note my expressed concern over the New Madrid faultline and a possible repeat event - plus, The Scottish Astrologer in his video notes concern over San Andreas fault possibilities. This eclipse over America enters bwo Texas and leaves the continental US from the state of Maine and effectively 'splits' our country South to North and may trigger or activate volatile seismic or volcanic energies which, if so, we will wish could remain untriggered. Yellowstone National Park? Don't go there in 2024, just in case.

Meanwhile, in US Politics, the cosmic synchronicity of yet another Total visible-across-the-US Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3) occurring during the year of a highly risky (and perhaps our final) presidential election on November 5, 2024 is significant to US society on the usual eclipse level of 'changes of direction, disruptive events, and/or the uncovering of inconvenient facts or secrets' which may result in scandals.

This in addition to the rare planetary alignment of Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Pluto as noted in the video below suggests an earth-shifting amount of social changes and difficulties along with political conflicts which will be further spotlighted by the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on April 20, 2024.

However, positive vibes of their conjunction will hopefully apply such as optimism, scientific breakthroughs, original ideas, 'labor-saving' inventions, and for some, a release from tension and strain with the Jupiter-Uranus duo aka, the "Thank God" pair!

Yet in the US in particular, we should be aware of, and prepared for, any negative potentials such as our legal system continuing to 'stifle justice for the common people' and/or the possibility that strikes, wars, or revolution could break out due to intolerable pressures that build up. (M. Munkasey).

Where There's Life There's Hope

Yet several positive indications within 8 North themes (penned at the top of the chart) could 'save the day' or at the very least create a mixed bag of welcomed solutions, good ideas, and helpful insights into problems or disruptions that appear or are uncovered by the 'wild card of the Universe' influences of the April 2024 Solar Eclipse. As are all eclipses, this is a 'cosmic blink' from Above and, as usual, how we react to whatever may come will determine results and outcomes, whether positive or negative.

Now in the past I have posted videos by The Scottish Astrologer on my Jude Cowell Astrology blog of general astrological topics but perhaps you'll agree that the following insightful video presentation concerning this particular topic is of much interest to all of humanity and as such, belongs right here on SO'W:

April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: "20 Aries" = "A Young Girl Feeding Birds in Winter": "Keyword: HOSPITALITY; positive expression: naive genius in the administration of both the powers of nature and the potentialities of selfhood; negative expression" (or, unconscious/shadow side--jc): an overzealous and wasteful use of the self's resources in an effort to win approval by bread alone" (Jones).

Among other things, this symbol sounds to me as if disruptions of food supply chains may continue to be possible, 'hospitality' adds questions and concerns over refugees, immigrants, and caring for them perhaps made more difficult in cold weather (volcanic winter?), 'young girl' is an obvious reference to our children, and mention of 'birds' tends to denote spiritual forces that the wise among us may depend upon.

And finally, I would feel remiss if I didn't mention that the infiltration and gaslighting of our country by zealous anarchists and saboteurs continues to act as an albatross around America's neck.

Oct 21, 2020

October 22, 2020 Biden-Trump to Debate in Nashville

October 21, 2020: Debate a risk for Trump, Biden doesn't need it

by Jude Cowell

If it occurs, Nashville, TN is to be the scene of the 'final' Biden-Trump debate on Thursday evening (October 22, 2020) so looking at planetary conditions during the debate seems a necessity whether we want to or not.

First, the Saturnian Elephant in the Room (image: 'Blue Saturn')

On the evening of October 22nd, the Capricorn Trio (19-26Cap) will be joined by the Moon (We The People; the public mood) which creates a few midpoint pictures full of potential with Moon as apex receiving the heavyweight Saturnian energies. As you know, Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business. A Capricorn Moon signifies that the current public mood is a sober, serious one with ambition and strategy on our minds along with business, professional, investment, and practical concerns of family and career. Issues of responsibility are high on the lunar menu of this debate and our underlying sense of melancholia is revealed by the Saturn-ruled Moon showing that we feel oppressed, suppressed, and restricted due to quarantine demands of the pandemic and by dire societal conditions in general. Any or all of these matters should turn up during the debate.

Here are the debate's midpoint picture potentials:

Jupiter-Saturn = Moon: mood changes; easy upsets; emotional conviction; a hypersensitive ego position.

Saturn-Pluto = Moon: renunciation; cold feelings; giving up giving; melancholy; a tragic destiny.

Also in effect: Sun-Mars = Moon: a feminine influence; confrontation is avoided via indecision. (Will this debate be canceled, too? Surely not!)

(Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey).

Obviously, our current hardship conditions in US society under the Trump regime are on the minds of We The People and must be considered at the polls - and have been for the millions of us who've already voted in this existential life-or-death struggle for the future of America. There are two possible 'new world orders' - one dystopian/authoritarian, one less so. If you're reading Stars Over Washington, I suspect you realize which is which in the Trump vs Biden competition. Yet we know that the current hardship conditions of restrictive Saturn-Pluto are karmic and have been a long-time coming. It's Trump's mishandling and neglect of our problems that have caused more difficulties than there had to be, compliments of Trump The Undutiful.

As for Pluto in Capricorn (= 'the dictator' - R. Ebertin) it has been noted in various SO'W posts over the last four years, that (now-debating) Pluto @22Cap34 - conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters while opposing his natal 11th house Saturn in Cancer (authority challenged, transformed, or destroyed). And perhaps you remember that the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 'hit' his natal Vertex (22:51) as well. So besides difficulties and obstacles 'meeting' (VX) Trump (and thus America) in 2020, such harsh planetary conditions may be seen to represent the current opposition from powerful political and financial figures, even corporations (Pluto) and Republicans, to Trump's management of the pandemic, to his leadership in general (his Saturn in watery, tribal, nationalistic Cancer), and to the idea of 'four more years' of Trumpian chaos, propaganda, and primal violence.

Meanwhile, Thursday's debate Hygeia @10Leo19, asteroid of health, conjuncts Trump's natal Pluto (10:02) in his 12th house of hospitals, hidden enemies, self-undoing, and karma. Assess this health implication as you will especially since Trump's natal Pluto is apex of his destructive Mars-Saturn midpoint (the 'death axis'--R. Ebertin), all in his Underworld 12th house - and with Trump, that's Pluto the saboteur and thief.

Debate Mars Rx in Aries Has His Say

Adding to the Saturn-Pluto challenges for Trump is debate Mars Rx @18Ari21 opposing his natal 2nd house Jupiter (17Lib27 S) denoting an unfavorable time for competition (exs: a debate; an election), a tendency toward taking unwise actions (I know--always the case with his nibs), and vastly overinflating his personal capabilities - also a regular feature of his narcissistic personality. Plus, the words grandstanding and fanaticism come easily to mind when Mars opposes natal Jupiter. Of course, Mars represents males in general (approximately ages 25 to 35, give or take a year) but more specifically, police officers and military men, those with careers and activities ruled by Mars. Even surgeons and barbers with sharp instruments (Mars) may be implicated here as opposing and/or acting against another four years trying to breathe under the bulk of Trump. Plus, activists are also indicated by Mars.

Now there are plenty of other planetary factors worth mentioning that are in force for the October 22nd debate and I trust that you, dear reader, may be inspired to discover them if you haven't already. And as always, your on-topic comments are invited! jc

Posting this again! Absolutely NO comments will be published from 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown' so don't even bother! If you're sassy enough to troll the common-good politics and/or the Astrology of SO'W, you'll have to be sassy enough to identify yourself. Be bwave little trolls. Oh! And thanks for confirming that my posts have ruffled your Trumpian feathers. Ha! Jude the Moderator

May 2, 2020

National Nurses Day 2020: Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale; reproduction; Library of Congress/Public domain

In 2020 Her Lamp Burns Brightly

May 12, 2020 is the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, founder of the nursing profession as we know it today. Born May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy, she served selflessly during the Crimean War (1854--1856) and became known as The Lady With the Lamp. By her constant insistence on hygienic practices such as hand washing as she cared for wounded soldiers, the war's death rate was reduced from 42% to 2%. If this isn't a lesson for our virus-ridden times, I don't know what is!

Now in the US, Monday May 4th begins the annual National Nurses Week and Wednesday May 6th is the main day of celebration. Many businesses are already engaging in discounts and give-aways to health care workers but this week many others will join the cause in tribute to our heroic nurses, first responders, and other service workers. Here's a brief Video Tribute to Nurses, practitioners of "the gentle art of caring." Actually the entire month of May 2020 will be devoted to those devoted to caring despite the danger of contagion.

Florence Nightingale: Hygeia Conjunct Isis!

We find the lady's reputation for strict hygiene and gentle health care within the Hygeia archetype combined with her goddess-like fame of the Isis archetype, both placed @12Cancer on May 12, 1820. And if we consult the Sabian Symbols we find that the positive expression of '12 Cancer' fits her well: "a gift for bringing the more Godlike resources or superior powers of self to a point of real community service"! And of course, Moon-ruled Cancer is the sign of The Mother and thus of nurturance, care, and self-sacrifice.

If you wish, have a look at Florence Nightingale's Natal Horoscope (RR:DD) and you'll see her New Moon personality, a practical double Earth blend of Sun Taurus-Moon Taurus which inspired her toward an unflappable calmness, a supportive demeanor, and a desire to change the world so strong that she could deny her own feelings and needs. And perhaps you'll agree that it's significant that her Sun @22Taurus and Moon @24Taurus conjoined Vesta, asteroid and archetype of dedicated service.

Living in the here-and-now, her double Taurus personality blend wanted to lay foundations, define things, and get down to basics. Stable and sane, Lady Nightingale was a rock of support and reliability for her patients and probably came to be treated as an Atlas figure. Consistently neglecting her own needs and typical of this blend, Florence Nightingale retreated into illness and spent the last five decades of her life as an invalid due to a fever contracted during the war. Tragedy then, tragedy now for some of our modern-day health care workers are themselves contracting the current contagion from the patients they tend and treat with dedication. You know of the tragedies so I won't list them here.

Nightingale's inherent desire for order demanded that she attempt to keep the dark side of life under control and most would admit that with such talents, she was more successful than anyone else could have been. Passing away on August 13, 1910 in London, The Lady with the Lamp fell asleep around noon and left this mortal coil at 2:30 pm LMT with Sun in Leo, Moon in health-related Scorpio, blend of a hard worker and natural leader. Tellingly, the Moon and South Node were conjunct, a lunar timing device on that day and a cosmic picture of separation from Mother. At her death, health asteroid Aesculapia @27Cap20 Rx was in process of returning to her natal Aesculapia position of 29Cap04 and, being retrograde, perhaps already had. Also at her hour of death, a midpoint picture had formed of illness and loss of health: Sun-Saturn = Pluto.

And so in 1910 the realism and practical skills of Florence Nightingale were laid to rest, may she R.I.P.

Yet now in 2020 we have major reasons to celebrate her life and achievements for they live on in the daily rounds and tasks of our nurses and other workers in hospitals across the land - and for their selfless service and care it's impossible to thank them enough.

This meager post is meant as my small tribute to every one of them and to their example, The Lady With the Lamp whose caring light continues to burn so brightly.

For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, and The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones.

Mar 30, 2020

Asteroids in the Spotlight: Koronis and Wuhan

Four Asteroid Archetypes of a World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Since what was apparently the first case of the 'novel' Coronavirus came to light in Wuhan, China on November 17, 2019, the world has increasingly been gripped by a contagion difficult to vanquish. Most astrologers and astrology novices (like yours truly) have long appreciated the masterful work of Demetra George, an expert on asteroids and their archetypes which often 'come to light' when their expressions within the public discourse are spotlighted during related events, illnesses, and/or societal conditions, places, or persons associated with them.

Within the ongoing, crisis-laden global pandemic there are at least four asteroids that relate directly to timely medical issues of health, wellness, and illness: Aesculapia (#1027), Hygeia (#10), Wuhan (#3206), and Koronis (#158).

For the sake of comparison, here is a list of where in the Zodiac the four asteroids were located on November 17, 2019 (EST) and where each of them are as I type on March 30, 2020 (EDT):

11/17/2019: Hygeia @5Gem35 Rx; Aesculapia @9Can40 Rx conjunct transit North Node (future direction; destiny); Wuhan @11Sag16 conjunct US natal Ascendant; Koronis @26Cap50 in the vicinity of karmic Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and directly conjunct Inauguration 2017's Midheaven, the Goal Point, where US natal Pluto now lurks in the wings and rehearses for his starring role in America's first-ever Pluto Return--exact three times in 2022 (27Cap32).

03/30/2020: Hygeia @7Gem46 conjunct US natal Uranus; Aesculapia @3Can11 conjunct transit North Node and US natal Venus; Wuhan @26Cap14--still in Saturn-Pluto territory and joined by transit Mars and Jupiter--so Wuhan has now conjoined 2019 Koronis; meanwhile Koronis, now @18Pis41, conjuncts infectious Neptune (19Pis13) as transit Mercury @13Pis42 (who knows quite a lot about spreading things around including germs and gossip), conjoins a fixed star of crisis, Achernar, and is symbolized by the Caduceus, now applies to conjunction with deceptive fantasist Neptune (@19:22 9:14 pm edt) in secretive Pisces on April 3rd which suggests a certain wooliness of thought and expression, even lies, illusions, delusions, and confusion, as propagandist Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square continues influencing, seducing, and gaslighting the Collective Mind. Note that data is being adjusted, distorted, and in many cases, just plain falsified.

In closing we may wish to note that Asclepius was the son of Apollo (the sun god of healing, truth, and prophecy) and his mother was the nymph Coronis. And as everyone knows, what hides in shadows tends to fester while the best disinfectant is sunlight!

Oct 21, 2019

April through October 2019: the Sun-Uranus Cycle

by Jude Cowell

April 22, 2019 Easter Egg Roll; The White House from Washington, DC [Public domain]; wikicommons

October 21, 2019: With the Sun in late Libra about to oppose erratic Uranus in early Taurus by transit on October 28th (4:15:10 am edt), a consideration of the Sun-Uranus cycle seems appropriate especially since the fellow now playing the POTUS role, Donald Trump, is a Uranian chaos-creator with his natal 10th house Uranus oriental in Mutable, changeable Gemini behaving as his whimsical, disruptive guiding planet. And of course, Trump is an original, a Sun-Uranus person with only his Gemini North Node snugged between them which partially explains his ability to excite (Sun-Uranus) the public (North Node) with rallies and disrupt with tweets--with Sun representing a leader and his ego thereof.

The Sun-Uranus Cycle in 2019

The cycle began on April 22, 2019 when the Sun and Uranus conjoined energies @2Tau31:40 along with transiting health asteroid, Hygeia (2Tau42) so in this post, we'll take a look at US events on and within a couple of days of April 22, 2019. As you see in the photo, above, the annual White House Easter Egg Roll was held on April 22nd with a costumed Easter Bunny big as life (on the right, not center) in attendance. We can only hope that the fantasy-prone Mr. Trump wasn't fooled into believing that one of his imaginings had come to life like Jimmy Stewart's 6-foot rabbit Harvey. "Six-foot-three-and-a-half-inches--let's stick to the facts," says Stewart's character, Elwood P. Dowd. If only Dowdy Donald would!

Now as you know, all planetary conjunctions are like New Moons which time the beginning of a new phase of activity, and their oppositions, like Full Moons, represent the culmination, awareness, and fulfillment stage. So for the Sun-Uranus cycle of 2019, April 22 to October 28 encompasses the current cycle from 'New to Full'. This indicates that something Solar-Uranian begun in April will come to fruition or end in late October so a search for US and global events of April 2019 would be fruitful for the curious while keeping in mind current events and those over the next few days of October 2019--and until late April 2020 when a new Sun-Uranus cycle begins. (Primarily this post refers to US events which are on-the-boil just now, not that others aren't.)

Another related event occurred on April 22, 2019--the announcement that new cases of measles were reported, amounting to the 2nd worst outbreak in the US in nearly 20 years with 22 states affected. Of course, "nearly 20 years" points toward the Jupiter-Saturn cycle and perhaps the Nodal Cycle of 18.6 years so their involvement could be notable. And as mentioned, health asteroid Hygeia was spotlighted by the April 22nd Sun-Uranus conjunction with astrological Uranus often representing the 'new' or the 'novel' and the goal-oriented Sun activating public announcements and events.

In addition, two other events around April 22nd were: the redacted Mueller Report was released on April 18, 2019, and on April 23rd, it was reported that 156 people across 10 states were hospitalized due to consuming E. Coli in ground beef, another Sun-Uranus-Hygeia event. (I'll mention here that the health of Donald Trump is a constant topic of discussion and a deep concern to us all but you already know this!)

As for Politics or Business, let's consider the willful, unpredictable Sun-Uranus pair within those realms; here are the pair's potentials as quoted from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of The (Your) Planets which helpfully provides the Hegelian form of analysis:

Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits.

Now I'm not emphasizing any of these potentials as 'what we're now dealing with' in Politics and Business because I'm certain that you, dear reader, can ascertain them for yourself and have opinions of your own. But I will add that in the physical realms, Sun-Uranus relates to 'blood pressure abnormalities' such as an overweight man can trigger within himself while furiously raging against those who stand in his way, who defy him, who testify against him, and/or who inhibit his life-or-death need to follow Putin's agenda to sabotage and collapse the United States of America. (Note that to Sun-Uranus, Ebertin adds, "heart neurosis.") As for the House's current impeachment investigations of Donald Trump, some amount of information in the Mueller Report has been recently mentioned within the public discourse and could certainly come up again as depositions are given to various committees.

Video (6m40s): The phone call that could get Trump impeached.

Now naturally, other planetary factors are in process of influencing conditions and events within the April to October 2019 time frame, either in support of Sun-Uranus potentials, or against them. One obvious cosmic factor of influence is the unpredictable Scorpio New Moon of October 27, 2019 @4Sco25 opposed by erratic 'wild card' planet Uranus Rx--for New Moons can influence events and reveal inconvenient facts in similar fashion to 'wild card' solar eclipses. So this particular Solar-Lunar cycle begins with the seeding of new ideas and plans just as a Sun-Uranus cycle culminates and unpredictable events 'led' by Trump continue to affect and influence the Collective--and the rest of the world--as his authority and integrity are challenged by the powers that be.

Therefore, we may expect that some measure of fulfillment, full awareness, and/or culmination will occur under the revealing rays of the Taurus Full Moon (19Tau52) of November 12, 2019 which perfects within Trump's 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legalities and, looking ahead, we find that a new Sun-Uranus cycle begins during the last week of April 2020 in the 6-to-7-degree range of Venus-ruled Taurus.

A Related Cosmic Event: 2019 Halloween: Mercury Rx Is King of the Fairies; plus, in review there's Uranus to Taurus: Nature's Revolution.

Nov 8, 2009

House passes Health Bill with Hygeia rising

Last evening at 11:07 pm est when the required 218 votes clocked in on the House as shown on C-SPAN, I was watching an animated chart of the scene. When Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the 15-minute vote had passed the bill, it was 11:15 pm.

At 11:15 pm est in the Capitol Building, 15Leo21 - the Heart of the Lion - was on the Ascendant with rising asteroid Hygeia 20Leo31, an appropriate picture of the proceedings. Eagle Point (15Leo) rising, transiting Saturn at a World Point of prominence 00Lib59 (just gone into 2nd house) conjunct US natal Mc in our 'Sibly' chart.

And at 11:07 pm President Obama's natal Sun was rising indicating a definite point scored for him. Saturn (the Democrats) continues his sit-in upon US natal Mc in the 'Sibly' chart - legislative (Saturn) success at the pinnacle (Mc) for the Dems - but hold on, Myrtle, there's that nasty square from transiting Pluto to consider.

Yet helpfully, string-pulling power-broker Pluto is making an applying aspect of opportunity with Lady Venus, a sextile (60 degr), so it's all good...for now.

Chart-ruler Sun 15Sco53 (the Eagle Point) has voting Mercury 17Sco37 nearby in 4th house. Mars 10Leo12 has just arisen and hides in 12th house (the lone Republican who voted for the bill?) Mars is loosely opposing Jupiter 18AQ17 on the Desc; Jupiter is finally off his Direct Station degree of Oct 14 (17AQ10.)

Since changing direction, Jupiterian issues have moved forward - ideals, expansion, and money.

This forms a T-Square of Mars/Jupiter pointing to an apex Sun...

Mars/Jup = Sun: organizational talent; leadership; success; resolving to correct errors of judgment; receiving respect; strong determination about life's objectives. (Munkasey; Tyl.)

Now this T-square indicates a waning (separating) square to the Sun (the lone Republican's blockage to bill's passage removed?) and an applying/waxing square from Jupiter, the planet that represents the GOP in a national chart. The Senate (Jup) has its role to play in stymieing positive reform on behalf of the American people, and at 2A23, it should be in the first part of the upcoming week that we hear of it - beginning on Monday, Nov 9 and probably bright and early, too.

And of course with moneybags Jupiter, costs will be all important. I can imagine that some senators are chomping at the bit to begin making their undermining statements and promoting more confusions for the Neptunian cameras. They must be furiously finalizing their talking points this very Sunday so they'll be loaded for donkey come time to spout.

In fact, the Aquarian trio traveling in tandem these days, Jupiter, Chiron (the healer), and Neptune are all squaring the Sun and Mercury in last evening's chart by sign if not degree, along with tr *Pandora whose action is expansive in similar fashion to Jupiter's abundane which can soon become over-abundance with Pandora's influence.

Moon (the people) is in 12th house @ 26Can23 but passed beyond the separative South Node. Perhpas we-the-people weren't paying as much attention as we might have been (12th house, the house of Hospitals) to last evening's vote. Venus has just entered Scorpio, sign of surgeries and big business...which brings me to my main beef about the 'House passes Health Bill' situation of Nov 7:

The Sun arose on Nov 7, 2009 with a Fixed Star that relates to social reforms and social justice...Zuben Eschemali which has a twin Star, Zuben Elgenubi.

Z. Eschemali's interest in social reform is the more mercenary side of the picture with highly idealistic changes being made for personal gain with strong power motives. (Brady's Fixed Stars.) Z. Elgenubi's influence would indicate selflessness (but we are talking about self-serving politicians, after all.)

Z. Eschemali is the Beta Star of Libra, Z. Elgenubi is the Alpha Star. Here we have the Beta Star active, the mercenary side of the deal.

Uranus 22Pis56 Rx is in 8th house of Debt, Insurance, Credit, Shared Resources, Transformation, Death, so disruption and the unexpected may be expected concerning this legislation particularly with money matters.

Yet quirky, progressive Uranus trines the House bill's Sun (7A03) and Mercury (5A19) and federal funding for abortion may be the Death matter shown in the chart, waiting for the Senate to take it up. Last evening's Sun/Mercury/Uranus trines may show the Ds working out terms on abortion funding with the Vatican.

With tr Neptune conjunct US natal Moon these days, not much is as it seems, and of course Neptune is associated with mass media and propaganda as well as representing the masses, aka the collective. But it's for certain that Neptunian loss, theft, and veiling of true motives are part of the environment now...especially in the Capitol Hill corridors of power.

And I do think that Astrology has just uncovered Capitol Hillers' motives of the Zuben Eschemali kind.


*The Pandora/Jupiter pair has been covered in an excellent article in Dell Horoscope Magazine in 2004 by Julie Demboski and if you have copies from 2004 about the place, Julie's article is well worth looking up for Pandora/Jupiter don't observe boundaries very carefully, if at all. In the case of Capitol Hill, just get the Fed to print more money and spend it beyond all reason.

Jul 21, 2009

Astrology of Health Care Reform: 1994 vs 2009

Following my own thread of interest from my previous post on surveillance of the eye of Horus and Health Care Reform, I was lead to a page in Alan Meece's book, Horoscope For the New Millennium, which states that, "On Jan 11, 1994, virtually all of the planets aligned with a New Moon in conservative Capricorn. It fell in the 6th house (Health; Work; Service) in Washington, representing Clinton's massive effort to reform health care that year."(paperback, p. 245.)

Meece continues, "It failed due to pressure by the health care insurance industry, and served only to rally the 'opposition to big government' led by talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, whose birthday is January 11. In November 1994 (right after a Solar Eclipse), Republicans took control of Congress in a surprise victory, and genuine reform was over--at least for the moment.

The New Moon of January 11, 1994 seemed to shake up the world in other ways: six days later a huge earthquake struck Los Angeles, leading to the largest relief effort in US history (6h house.)" Largest up to that time, of course.

The 1994 stellium in Capricorn included: Mars, Venus, Neptune, Moon, Sun, Uranus, and Mercury...woo! Missing are the societal planets, Jupiter (Sco) and Saturn (AQ), and transpersonal Pluto (Scorpio.) If you'd like to set up this chart, the New Moon 21Cap30:51 was exact over the Capitol Building at 6:10:20 pm est with asteroid, Hygeia (health), conjunct the transiting midpoint of the plutocratic pair of oppression and corporatism, Pluto/Chiron.

Apparently, Hygeia was hidden away in Pluto/Chiron's back pocket!

Pluto relates to surgery, of course, and Chiron, associated with health through its 'wounded healer' fame, is in 2nd house of Values, Self-Worth, Money and Earning Ability, and is Rx at 8Vir56. The Sabian Symbol for '9Vir' is: "A Man Making a Futuristic Drawing" and one supposes that he did, for it's 2009 and America still have no health plan that makes treatment affordable and available to all her citizens.

Then when I Googled 'January 11, 1994' this turned up on the Superhighway Summit of Jan 11, 1994, held at UCLA, presided over by then-VP Al Gore, and shown live on C-SPAN.

Lily Tomlin's Ernestine character made a surprise cameo at the summit and was assured by Mr. Gore of the coming ease and availability of the 'information superhighway' for all Americans. That America's web and internet development falls far behind many countries of the world in these matters is now well-known, but in 1994, all seemed possible and was easily promised.

Except, as it turned out, health care reform for Americans, who are forced by an imperialist government to spend all our tax monies, not for our own needs or care, but on policing the world through perpetual wars that have bankrupted our nation.

Now lest you think I'm deluded by the 'R vs D' nonsense on the health care reform issue (or on any other), I assure you I am sufficiently suspicious of DC politicians to envision Clinton and the Dems of 1994 as only pretending to work for massive improvements while protecting the insurance and med industries, and using the GOP take-over of Congress as a shield to hide its own lack of support for health care reform.

Then, as now, Democrats take money from health industries, too, and who knows which stocks are held in whose portfolios?

But that's Pluto/Chiron for you: class warfare of the power elite vs the common man and woman.

As for the elite, we'll see if 2009 and President Obama's current health care initiatives turn out to be more of same as in 1994 - and the proof will be in the ultimate results for the health care of the American people.

Jul 12, 2008

Cheney's heart tune-up 7.12.08

Here are Dick Cheney's natal chart (center) and the transits for this morning when Cheney was reported to have a check-up or, as I'm calling it, a heart tune-up.

Time is set for 9:30:10 am edt, Washington DC, when the transiting cusps are same as his natal cusps since I don't know what time he arrived or the hour of treatment or procedure. It's a Mars Hour (fevers; attacks; surgical procedures; sharp instruments.)

What I do know is that the secretive vp was on board Nov 26, 2007 for what was reported as a 'heart shock'...and if you click to enlarge the current chart, you'll see my notation for Uranus to natal Moon (physical body; emotions - marked in green) as possible emotional changes - or a 'shock' of some kind.

Anxiety is present which may be in part from the threat of legal walls closing in on his political and world domination activities for even Mr. Darkside must have some emotions and feelings rumbling around inside that barrel chest.

Yet our congressional overseers' legal efforts have so far yielded little fair justice for Cheney's actions and duplicities that I can see. But perhaps legal threats are enough to stress a man with a weak heart (but a man with state-of-the-art medical care, as we know.) Or perhaps it's nearing time for the piper's paying.

~:~The outstanding signature between today's chart and his natal ASC ('physical body' as well) is marked in green - and from this we get a midpoint picture with Mars (energy) and Saturn (restriction) full it's...

Mars/ASC = Saturn: anxiety comes from feeling controlled somehow; defeat or dispute; sharing of worries; frustration and rebellion; others don't cooperate as they should; inhibitions; suffering; mourning with others (Tyl; Ebertin.)

You see I've marked his natal Pluto/Chiron in Leo with "wounded heart?" by which I mean the possibility of an inherited heart condition. Venus has recently plowed through this conj and she is today at a crisis/critical 29th degree (clarification: Pluto in Leo, Chiron in Cancer.)

Two asteroids (besides Chiron) which relate to health, Aesculapia and Hygeia, are near Midheaven (The Goal or Objective) and the Aquarian trio of North Node (meetings; encounters; destiny), Chiron (the wound or blindspot), and nebulous Neptune are in his natal 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Rounds, so Neptune has been causing dissolution in these areas of Cheney's life for some time.

Neptune traveling through 6th house also indicates secretive work and activities which cause people to wonder just what it is you do for a living - which is one expression of this transit. However, healthwise, diagnoses and treatment may be difficult when Neptune is in 6th house.

Also mysterious Neptune is in orb of natal Mercury, a time of confusion, deception, and lack of clear thinking. Higher inspirations are possible but more likely Neptune to Mercury inspires misunderstandings, obsessiveness, paranoia, and a fuzzy grasp of reality.

Pluto, also at a 29th degree, is focal planet in a T-square formed by Cheney's natal Moon/Neptune/NN opposition so we have a few pictures to consider...

Moon/Neptune = Pluto: high sensitivity; an emotional shock (physical shock?) or upheaval.

Moon/NN = Pluto: separation through a higher power; powerful forces affect interpersonal relationships.

And replacing natal Moon with transiting Uranus...

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: abandonment of resistance; remaining at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances; the necessity to give in; losses; calamities; the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed- very little option to do otherwise.

Uranus/NN = Pluto: the need to be influential; rocking the boat and people approving the motion; coming under the spell of other people (like doctors or surgeons?); upsetting experiences shared with others.

Well, Blogger is about to poop out on me so I'll mosey while the moseying's good.

Perhaps this astrological blurb spotlights Dick Cheney's current health climate for you - in case you should care a fig about this mountebank/scalliwag/varmint/wheeler dealer of a political thespian.

Sunday Update: the story they've put out is that all went well, Cheney is simply peachy keen, so it seems I fretted for no good reason. And yet, as they say, every puppy has his day - no matter how snarly he may be!