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Aug 16, 2022

America 1776: Enlightenment Principles not Religion and Joe Biden Signs a Bill!

Neptune Ascends by Jude Cowell

Admittedly, with the ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo, religious persecution is only one of the effects of the opposition along with a generational clash of ideals, ideologies, and beliefs. Oceanic Neptune, planet of inspiration, spirituality, and the Divine Source, is fancifully shown in the above pencil drawing rising or ascending and by this I attempt to symbolize in this post the rise of certain religious factions over America's tradition of secularism.

Yet as most Americans must know, this nation was founded upon Enlightenment Principles inspired by those of the European Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Enlightenment. Now one consequence of such rational, lofty principles was the American Revolution so how dumb is it that far-right politicians and their Jan 6th insurrectionists have used "1776" as a rallying cry while promoting their unBiblical brand of religion.

For we know that most of the Founding Fathers, as we like to call them, were not Christians but Deists with beliefs nothing like those of the current crop of power-mad 'Christian' Nationalists promoting authoritarian theocracy for America and pretending that the nation has always been what they call, Christian. In fact, though unfairly tarred with an anti-religiois brush, Founding Father Thomas Paine, author of The Age of Reason, was not against God at all,

"It is only by exercise of reason that man can discover God. Take away that reason, and he would be incapable of understanding anything." Right there we find irrational religionists with their highly emotional biases on behalf of some sort of bizarre religion-slash-politics and demonstrating a complete lack of reasoning ability.

Great News! At 4:02 pm edt I watched President Joe Biden sign his progressive Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a transformative piece of legislation on behalf of America. With Sagittarius rising in DC (19Sag33) and chart-ruler Jupiter Rx in Aries and making no applying aspects (no interference like a VOC Moon?), I hope things proceed well with this bill, although delays are suggested (Rx). However, Venus in Leo rules the Midheaven (The Goal), both Venus and Jupiter are money planets, and Venus makes a beneficial trine with Jupiter so we have that going for us! Meanwhile, the leader (Sun) is apex of a YOD pattern with the spiritually infused Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. Therefore, it was time for the President to act and bring resolution to the many crises in US society, in this, a "season of substance." And if we read the YOD trio as a midpoint picture, we find: "transforming life to alter or otherwise change existing patterns of personal growth" (M. Munkasey). As he said in his pre-signing remarks, Joe Biden believes in America and the American people!

Now back to my fuss:

So actually, these far-right seditionists are anarchists, more political than religious and yet are supported by the Christian Right. (In other words, they joined forces in order to grab power and control.) So you've probably noticed that the movement promotes a US government based on 1930s/1940s-style brutality, oppression, primal violence, and, in a word,nazism where might allegedly makes right. Of course, that's only if murder is "right," which it is not. A quick reading of the Ten Commandments tells anyone that.

Eclipse and Historical Cycles Echo One Another

Now some folks would have us believe that for these anti-societal criminals their 'time has come' but for America this was not the case in in the 1930s and it isn't written in stone now. However, on the level of timing, it's significant that a solar eclipse in the same Saros Series as the 'Nazis Rise To Power' Eclipse of 1932, the 6 South, will occur on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus which I've titled, 'A House Raising'. This we have discussed on SO'W before and seems to relate to congressional House seats in particular, so it's notable that the October 2022 6 South Eclipse will directly influence our 2022 Midterms - as will a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus @16Taurus manifesting on that very day, and will 'eclipse' the Venus-Mars conjunction (16 Taurus) of a certain Austrian psychopath born long ago.

America Based on Enlightenment Principles not Religion

Meanwhile, on an astrological level, we can turn to Uranus for science and rationality and Neptune for faith and religion. Perhaps a quick consideration of the planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune may be interesting along with a note about their aspects back in 1776 when America was founded.

The Uranus-Neptune duo a la Michael Munkasey:

"Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; insight and invention; reforms with lofty ideals."

Now in each of the horoscopes for July 1 and July 4, 1776 that I considered for this post, I see that America enjoyed - enjoys - a Saturn-Uranus trine (ideals become reality; putting ideas into form) and a Neptune-Pluto trine (working for improved social reforms). Yet as you know, we've been under the sway of a transiting Saturn-Uranus square stirring up rebellion against authority which we've seen from riled up anarchists, seditionists, and saboteurs working against our country. And yes, these tumultuous activities have been interfering with progress (Uranus), of course, but somehow, on this very day, President Biden's signing of the Inflation Reduction Act has lifted up our 1776 Neptune-Pluto trine through the form of the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile of opportunity nestled at the base of a YOD pattern - a turning point - activating a concerned leader to take action via today's Sun in Leo.

So I agree with Joe B: never bet against America!

A Related Post: America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo Turned Retrograde by Progression - in 1953!.

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