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Showing posts with label 'Nazis Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Nazis Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse. Show all posts

Dec 20, 2023

Dec 2023 Transits to the Washington DC Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

With 2024 fast approaching, let's say Farewell to 2023 by considering the bi-wheel of horoscopes, below, to close out this year of Stars Over Washington posts. Through this year and previously, multiple 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts have been made here by yours truly due to current events and to objectionable rhetoric disenterred from old-timey Aryans of yore by orator Mango Mussolini, as some have understandable labeled him.

His parroting of certain phrases from the past are intended to activate within us fear, paranoia, and a feeling of inevitability to the development of dystopian conditions which are not at all inevitable in America's future. After all, a majority of the American people have seen and fought this kind of brutal onslaught before, or are descended from those who did - and we're good, thanks. If there was ever a been-there-done-that caution, 1930s and 1940s events in Europe is it.

Because even though the Fascism Rising and the Nazis Rise to Power Solar Eclipses have repeated in our day (2022 and 2023), and because historical cycles rhyme with eclipse cycles, We the People are Not going to accept Fascism or Nazism in America.

Shown above, are two horoscopes: the May 3, 1802 Horoscope of Washington DC (center), which may be viewed by its lonesome at (RR: X because no exact hour is known, therefore no houses--12:00 pm is used), and the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope (outer), operating as a transit chart for December 21, 2023. Planetary contacts are circled for you, plus, a few other factors are noted.

Previously on SO'W: DC Horoscopes of Autumn Equinox 2023 and Winter Solstice 2023. Also related: Nazism Then and Now: The Threat Is Real.

So, dear reader, unless an unusual event sparks a new post prior to 2024, I'm wishing All who celebrate, a Very Merry Holiday and a Happy New Year 2024! Jude

Feb 28, 2023

DC Horoscopes: March 2023 Lunations

Manic Force, Nazis, Aries Point, Spies, and Pluto

by Jude Cowell

As Thom Hartmann always says, despair is not an option! Besides, forewarnings of coming difficulties, cosmic warnings or otherwise, can be successfully heeded for better, if not best, results!

Below you see a marked-up dual chart image of the March 2023 Full and New Moons, aka, lunations, with charts set for Washington DC. Study notes are messily penned on and include interesting planetary factors such as the current Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series (6 South; 'PE' @2Scorpio) through which society and the March 2023 lunations must navigate with its manic, forceful, Nazi-like themes and influences, plus, a few midpoint pictures are listed for a fuller cosmic picture. Not shown are additional midpoint pictures which you may wish to consider.

Gemini Mars: Versatile, Quarrelsome, Ready for Action

Also added is the current US Mars Return, a three-fer with #3 occurring March 6, 2023 prior to the Full Moon, with Sun and Neptune squaring US 1776 Mars listed in the lower left corner. The squares to US Mars suggest a combination of potentials for anger, frustration, challenges, competition, undermined efforts, confusion, misguided actions, head injuries or fever - any, all, or none may apply. And of course, astrological Mars signifies males in general, pioneers, military folk, transport drivers, activists, and those who use weapons such as warriors and vigilantes (aka, 'warriors' in their own minds). You can think of more actors that Mars can represent, I'm certain.

Now for me, the squares' potentials pretty much sum up current events in the US as perpetrated by far-reich MAGAts and other bad actors and the foreign handlers who pay them for their extremist views and actions through which they seek to undermine and collapse our nation. For as noted, activated in the Mars Return chart of March 6, 2023 is America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of clouds, fog, paranoia, and contagion with subverted energies that remain an albatross around our country's neck - except for the times that the aspect's higher inspiration via divine Neptune is followed by positive actors on behalf of the common good:

And as mentioned multiple times in previous SO'W posts, New Moons can affect or disrupt events on Earth in similar Uranian fashion to Solar Eclipses while Full Moons can behave much as Lunar Eclipses that uncover or leak inconvenient facts, secrets, or scandals. Either 'cosmic blink'-style lunation may trigger startling, even shocking, effects, as you know. Significantly, zealous Uranus @16Tau18 in the New Moon Horoscope nears its anarchist conjunction with the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse (@17Taurus: "swords vs torches", a Nazi reference, as is the 6 South Eclipse). See 2022 Midterms Eclipse a Mars-Pluto Affair for additional details on such topics.

Of course, a major cosmic event every March is the Aries Ingress which times the beginning of each Spring Season. See the Spring Equinox 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power Horoscope in which the Sun's entry into tropical Aries occurs on March 20th this year when the Sun spotlights the Cardinal Aries Point of World Events and Recognition (5:24:48 pm edt Washington DC).

Then another chart factor worth mentioning in both March 2023 lunation charts, above, is power planet Pluto at a critical 29th degree, poised to enter progressive Aquarius and, on March 7th, leading a ruthless Locomotive pattern of extreme determination and executive ability; then on March 21st Pluto leads a BOWL shape as an advocate for a cause or a mission.

Significantly in 2022, America reached for the first time ever, her Pluto Return (27Cap33). Meanwhile, no matter his sign, astrological Pluto manipulates, even assassinates, from afar while hiding untold amounts of wealth and gold in hidden places - when 'he' isn't busy spying on everyone or hiring entities who will.

Toxic Pluto Coming to Your Town?

Another possibility at the March 2023 Full Moon is that Pluto as the engine of a Locomotive represents on one level, railroad executives responsible for train derailments that result in the toxic ruination of communities and the environmental damage expected to spread to other locations.

Please pardon my scribbles! Study notes are added for the curious reader but no one is required to read or appreciate them; please enlarge or print the image for easier viewing, as you wish. Or not. Your choice. jc

Oct 7, 2022

The GOP Wants Confederacy 1861 Back

But Nationwide This Time Around as They Try Try Again

by Jude Cowell

Earlier this week Thom Hartmann began his broadcast discussing what must be described as the Republican Party wanting to re-establish The Confederacy, those who are determined to take America back to the period of the 1830s-1860s when there was no democracy in The South, only top-down oligarchy, Thom says. And as you know, war broke out in April 1861, and it was brother against brother, child against parent, cousin against cousin. Even so, disease was the primary killer in this war.

So to my ears, when I hear Republicans say things like, "take our country back," this is a large part of what they mean along with taking over power and control of the US Congress, and in 2024, the presidency (tragically, they have a majority of the 'Supreme' Court already). But such potentials are precisely what the October 25, 2022 6 South Solar Eclipse themes suggest: 'being forceful, taking power; huge efforts in group activities' (paraphrasing B. Brady). I mention this once again because forewarned is forearmed, as you know, and a massive turn out of voters for democracy will be necessary at the November Midterms in order to rescue America from the clutches of totalitarians with fascist-nazi leanings - saboteurs who are 100% unAmerican.

And so, because Thom the Historian mentioned the 1830s-1860s period of US history, and knowing a little about Southernism as I do as a native of Georgia with CSA ancestors, I took a peek at all the Solar Eclipses of that era to see if a power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse manifested therein. And I found it.

Shown below are dual charts of two 6 South Solar Eclipses, both Total: lower left = July 18, 1860 @26Can05 conjunct Venus Rx, and upper right = October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - again conjunct Venus, but this time she's Direct in big-business Scorpio, a sign that can have issues with betrayal. And since the October 6 South is the 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse ('PE') of our 2022 Midterms, its themes add extra significance to our country's future direction (even non-astrologers are admitting this about Midterms 2022) - and cosmically enough, the 1860 Eclipse (26Can05) lands upon the Midheaven (26:54) of the 2022 Eclipse Horoscope which is the Goal Point of the October 2022 chart when set for Washington DC. Therefore, forcefully grabbing power is the point.

Additionally, the 27Cancer Eclipse opposes US 1776 Pluto (wealthy, stealthy 'Mr. Hades' of the Underworld in process of returning to his 1776 degree, three times in 2022, with exploitation and primal violence in tow). This opposition to the eclipse suggests a reversion to animalism (aka, violence) while value$ planet Venus conjuncts both Eclipses and denotes materialism unless fairplay is the motivation.

Then in the 1860 Horoscope, Mars Rx is out-of-bounds (up to who-knows-what: like insurrection?), leads a ruthless, success-at-all-costs Locomotive shape of the planets, and opposes the 1860 Eclipse which indicates resentment and tug-of-war conditions (R. Lineman):

Meanwhile, if we round-up the 1860 degree of warrior planet Mars to 25Capricorn (a sensitized degree area) we have: "An Oriental Rug Dealer." Crazily, this symbol could refer to a future Herr T since he's associated with the concept of 'the deal', has shady links to regions like Saudi Arabia (MBS), and sports chaotic planet Uranus in Mercurial, duplicitous Gemini, the orator and trader, as his 'oriental planet' (last to rise before his Gemini Sun = his guiding planet, in the visible 10th house of Career and Public Status). For as we all know, chaos is Donald's jam, along with his Mars rising belligerence and aggression. These traits are partially why in 2016 he was installed in the White House by enemies of America (and perhaps we can agree that NBC has much to answer for, thanks to the deceptive public image created about him in The Apprentice; he's the dark lord's apprentice, more like.)

And now that transit Pluto has hit 1860 Mars, US society is experiencing intense karma via warriors focused on an aggressive male figure (of an orange hue) and thinking they have a 'special mission' to accomplish. Their aggression and seditious behavior reveals to me, if not to you, that the "oath" some of the sore loser malcontents take is not to the US Constitution but to the Constitution of the Confederacy.

The GOP: Chaos-Disruption-Deception-Brutality-R-Us

Now looking again at the 1860 Eclipse Horoscope during the lead-up to the separative Civil War, we find rebellious anarchist and Utopian zealot Uranus @10Gem33 conjunct the Eclipse's Midheaven during a contentious period of time when US 1776 Uranus returned to natal degree (8Gem46/55) and Uranus is, as always, America's totem planet of upheaval, war, revolution, freedom and independence. (Note that the next US Uranus Return won't occur until 2027-2028.)

And with a measure of cosmic synchronicity, the 1860 Eclipse = The Goal of 2022 and this makes the 1860 Eclipse's rounded-up Sabian Symbol highly instructive in light of current events being driven by the control freak orange Uranian fanatic and his rabid thugs and zealous comrades who, on January 6, 2021, "stormed" the US Capitol building and the congress folk working inside; deaths occurred. And we know that the seditionists and saboteurs of America mean business and are not done yet:

'27Cancer' = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon", a symbol containing a negative potential for "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones).

So! When did a 6 South Solar Eclipse occur in the 1930s era of fascism and hitlerism, you ask? On August 31, 1932 @8Virgo as what I tend to label the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse. And that, I'd have to say, qualifies as a brutal and furious storm of destruction that today's thuggish criminals, on-the-take politicians, and their corporate backers want to enforce upon America.

But hold on a minute! Their sinister plot failed in 1933 against FDR and, though corporate-backed and thus much better funded now, it must be made to fail again.

Aug 16, 2022

America 1776: Enlightenment Principles not Religion and Joe Biden Signs a Bill!

Neptune Ascends by Jude Cowell

Admittedly, with the ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo, religious persecution is only one of the effects of the opposition along with a generational clash of ideals, ideologies, and beliefs. Oceanic Neptune, planet of inspiration, spirituality, and the Divine Source, is fancifully shown in the above pencil drawing rising or ascending and by this I attempt to symbolize in this post the rise of certain religious factions over America's tradition of secularism.

Yet as most Americans must know, this nation was founded upon Enlightenment Principles inspired by those of the European Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Enlightenment. Now one consequence of such rational, lofty principles was the American Revolution so how dumb is it that far-right politicians and their Jan 6th insurrectionists have used "1776" as a rallying cry while promoting their unBiblical brand of religion.

For we know that most of the Founding Fathers, as we like to call them, were not Christians but Deists with beliefs nothing like those of the current crop of power-mad 'Christian' Nationalists promoting authoritarian theocracy for America and pretending that the nation has always been what they call, Christian. In fact, though unfairly tarred with an anti-religiois brush, Founding Father Thomas Paine, author of The Age of Reason, was not against God at all,

"It is only by exercise of reason that man can discover God. Take away that reason, and he would be incapable of understanding anything." Right there we find irrational religionists with their highly emotional biases on behalf of some sort of bizarre religion-slash-politics and demonstrating a complete lack of reasoning ability.

Great News! At 4:02 pm edt I watched President Joe Biden sign his progressive Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a transformative piece of legislation on behalf of America. With Sagittarius rising in DC (19Sag33) and chart-ruler Jupiter Rx in Aries and making no applying aspects (no interference like a VOC Moon?), I hope things proceed well with this bill, although delays are suggested (Rx). However, Venus in Leo rules the Midheaven (The Goal), both Venus and Jupiter are money planets, and Venus makes a beneficial trine with Jupiter so we have that going for us! Meanwhile, the leader (Sun) is apex of a YOD pattern with the spiritually infused Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. Therefore, it was time for the President to act and bring resolution to the many crises in US society, in this, a "season of substance." And if we read the YOD trio as a midpoint picture, we find: "transforming life to alter or otherwise change existing patterns of personal growth" (M. Munkasey). As he said in his pre-signing remarks, Joe Biden believes in America and the American people!

Now back to my fuss:

So actually, these far-right seditionists are anarchists, more political than religious and yet are supported by the Christian Right. (In other words, they joined forces in order to grab power and control.) So you've probably noticed that the movement promotes a US government based on 1930s/1940s-style brutality, oppression, primal violence, and, in a word,nazism where might allegedly makes right. Of course, that's only if murder is "right," which it is not. A quick reading of the Ten Commandments tells anyone that.

Eclipse and Historical Cycles Echo One Another

Now some folks would have us believe that for these anti-societal criminals their 'time has come' but for America this was not the case in in the 1930s and it isn't written in stone now. However, on the level of timing, it's significant that a solar eclipse in the same Saros Series as the 'Nazis Rise To Power' Eclipse of 1932, the 6 South, will occur on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio conjunct Venus which I've titled, 'A House Raising'. This we have discussed on SO'W before and seems to relate to congressional House seats in particular, so it's notable that the October 2022 6 South Eclipse will directly influence our 2022 Midterms - as will a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus @16Taurus manifesting on that very day, and will 'eclipse' the Venus-Mars conjunction (16 Taurus) of a certain Austrian psychopath born long ago.

America Based on Enlightenment Principles not Religion

Meanwhile, on an astrological level, we can turn to Uranus for science and rationality and Neptune for faith and religion. Perhaps a quick consideration of the planetary pair of Uranus-Neptune may be interesting along with a note about their aspects back in 1776 when America was founded.

The Uranus-Neptune duo a la Michael Munkasey:

"Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; insight and invention; reforms with lofty ideals."

Now in each of the horoscopes for July 1 and July 4, 1776 that I considered for this post, I see that America enjoyed - enjoys - a Saturn-Uranus trine (ideals become reality; putting ideas into form) and a Neptune-Pluto trine (working for improved social reforms). Yet as you know, we've been under the sway of a transiting Saturn-Uranus square stirring up rebellion against authority which we've seen from riled up anarchists, seditionists, and saboteurs working against our country. And yes, these tumultuous activities have been interfering with progress (Uranus), of course, but somehow, on this very day, President Biden's signing of the Inflation Reduction Act has lifted up our 1776 Neptune-Pluto trine through the form of the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile of opportunity nestled at the base of a YOD pattern - a turning point - activating a concerned leader to take action via today's Sun in Leo.

So I agree with Joe B: never bet against America!

A Related Post: America's 1776 Neptune in Virgo Turned Retrograde by Progression - in 1953!.

Apr 19, 2022

Winter Solstice 2022: Don't Tred On Me

Security Minded Cancer-Capricorn: Home and Career

by Jude Cowell

April 19, 2022

Below is a marked-up look ahead at the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope; please enlarge the image for there are astro-notes squooshed upon the chart for the curious to read. And note that in Washington DC, Winter Solstice 2022's Goal Point (MC/Midheaven) @8Pis51 receives the dynamic energies of the Moon-Mars opposition which contains "Don't Tred On Me" vibes according to Alan Oken. Plus, the 6th house Moon @8Sag51 (conjunct The Fed's 1910 New Moon during its secretive Jekyll Island planning session) is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') as are Mars, Mercury, and Venus which sounds like a lot of detachment or estrangement from the Collective going on. Meanwhile, Saturn (in blue) is unaspected with asteroid Orpheus the melancholy tagging along (see bottom center of chart for Saturn influences).

Then with the Cardinal World Point of manifestation rising (ASC 00Can50), the fluctuating Moon rules the chart and the 2nd hou$e; see lower left for Luna's applying opposition to testosterone-driven Mars Rx (conjunct greedy Midas and with Gemini-Sagittarius intercepted across the 6/12 axis). With wealthy Pluto in the corporate 8th house, and Moon reflecting The Fed New Moon, finances and investment are naturally on the national agenda as 2022 fades into 2023. Well, of course they are. America's first-ever Pluto Return is ongoing all through 2022. And this is the same position and house occupied by subversive, transformative Pluto in the US Solar Return 2022 Horoscope.

Then as you see, the Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 (leadership) has just sunk from 7th into 6th house along with asteroid Hygeia so obviously, health and medical issues continue to interfere with America's progress - and possibly with the health of a political leader or two as well as with Covid patients. Of course, military, police, and civil service matters, plus, our daily routines are also suggested whenever the 6th house is involved.

Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter (in green, 10th house) sits upon the Aries Point along with the Mercury-Mars midpoint (see upper right), while Luna leads a BOWL shape of the planets indicating advocacy of a cause or a leader or leaders of a mission.

Notably, Winter Solstice 2022 occurs under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - it's notated on the chart in 5th house as 'PE'. A 6 South Eclipse also occurred on August 31, 1932 as what I've termed the Nazi Rise To Power Eclipse (Berlin horoscope shown) so repetition of a 6 South Eclipse in 2022, considering the current authoritarian energies of a global movement determined again to extinguish democracy and establish world domination, is extremely disturbing, I agree, but such possibilities must be faced - apathy will not rescue democracy.

Therefore, we should note that 6 South's 1932 degree of 8 Virgo conjuncts the IC (the HOW? Point; The Basis or Foundation; Domestic Scene) of the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope shown here and this further spotlights the manic 6 South themes marked upon the chart (5th house).

So see what you think, dear reader, perhaps make your own astro-notes, and share your thoughts via on-topic comments:

Feb 25, 2022

Feb 2022: Putin Takes Over the Chernobyl Reactor

Very few if any people are behind Vladimir Putin for sending soldiers into Ukraine on February 24, 2022 with a mission to - unbeknowst to the troops until they arrived there - kill their cousins. As part of mobster Putin's illegal war efforts, it has been reported that Russian troops have grabbed control of the non-operative Chernobyl reactor and this has caused a spike of radioactivity. See Radiation Spike at Chernobyl Site Seized by Russia for details.

Yet the accuracy of various news reports concerning this deranged nuclear situation will be difficult to sort out from false reports over the next days, weeks, months, but accuracy does appear in the dual horoscope image of the original Chernobyl Meltdown (upper right; April 26, 1986 1:23 am BADT; ASC 22Sag49 with accident-prone Uranus rising) and a Horoscope of the 6 North Solar Eclipse which perfected on April 9, 1986 @19Ari06 (lower left), its thematic energies running in the background of society as the Chernobyl reactor melted down. 6 North themes are listed below the image:

6 North themes: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented due to someone becoming unreliable or ill' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Now let's fast forward to 2022 in relation to Putin's ill-considered war against Ukraine (which has something like 15 other nuclear reactors around the country). A cosmic echo of historical events may be heard by sensitive ears because a 6 North Eclipse manifests once again on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus. If this suggests that similar events of 1986 may be 'spiked' by the repetition of 6 North themes in April 2022 and over the next few months, then unfortunately, this may be so. However, we should note that (KGB) Putin didn't take over Russia until May 2000.

Yet consideration must be given to the fact that as a cosmic blink from above, an eclipse is able to disrupt earthly events and cause changes of direction, as we know. And as a Universal wild card, an eclipse can have shocking effects similar to those of planet Uranus (with its link to Uranium), and with sudden accidents being one of the more prominent expressions, for as we see in the Meltdown Horoscope, unpredictable Uranus rises - and is also apex planet of the 'death axis' pair of Mars-Saturn, thus forming a midpoint picture which reveals potentials that we know were expressed: 'death; sudden accidents; a test of nervous strength; application of brute force' (R. Ebertin).

History Rhymes while Eclipses Repeat

Then if we look for guidance at past occurrences of 6 North solar eclipses (in order to be forewarned), we find that 6 North is the prenatal eclipse series ('PE') in which World War One began (horoscope shown) by a purposeful act of aggression, as is Putin's war against Ukraine. That Chernobyl radioactivity can threaten Europe and the world probably doesn't ruffle Putin's feathers in the least. For like his useful idiot Tr*mp, malevolent Vlad seems to be mad at the world.

Subsequently, we might also include the fact that a 6N eclipse manifested during the troubling times of the 1930s - specifically on March 7, 1932 @17Pisces. As it happened, the next solar eclipse to occur was in the 6 South Saros Series as what I have regretfully termed the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse, termed as such due to historical events and conditions of the era. Curiously, Putin has cited Nazis in Ukraine as one of his justifications for aggression but from what I hear that's only a limited number of people with that persuasion. Tragically, America has them, too, they control most members of the GOP, and have infiltrated the US military and joined many if not all of US police forces.

So let us face the fact, dear reader, that evil, destructive forces have risen again and are precisely what the world now struggles against - and at this very moment, Ukraine and Russia are 'on the front lines' as authoritarianism brazenly attacks democracy.

Feb 14, 2021

6 South Solar Eclipse October 2022: A House-Raising

by Jude Cowell

February 14, 2021: Yes, this is one those posts I've wished not to write. Yet here it is on Valentine's Day 2021 for your consideration. (Apologies for the synchronicity but I'll be under the weather due to dental work this next week so Sunday blogging it must be.) The following post is another of my 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts and if this can make it a Valentine Card of my devotion to the common good most ably expressed by American principles, then good. At least we can say that no other country has done it better so far.

Therefore, in consideration of Senate Republicans letting anti-democracy provocateur Trump off-the-hook again yesterday for inciting insurrection, let's look forward at what appears to be a signpost of similar troubles ahead. Not that it's the only one, not that there aren't mitigating cosmic and earthly factors galore, but the following October 2022 Eclipse happens to manifest within the 6 South Saros Series, the same family in which the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse occurred in August 1932.

Plus, on a related topic, we recently discussed how transit Pluto in Capricorn ("the dictator" - Ebertin) is Creeping Around 'Nazi Rising' Eclipse Planets, a Pluto-to-Saturn affair made weightier and more significant by the recent occurrence of the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, a harsh, compressive pair when working together for karmic reform - whether we're consciously ready for change or not. That vicious political opportunists seize such a time as this (they use Astrology, too) to make their moves seems obvious to me if not to you, dear reader. Vicious, because 'any means necessary' includes the use of physical violence as on January 6th. And all this while America is within orb of her first-ever Pluto Return - with 3 exact conjunctions to 1776 Pluto all through 2022!

And so below you see a DC Horoscope of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00:06, warts and all. Hopefully you can read my study notes scribbled upon it and you'll not miss the fact that power-craving Pluto conjuncts the IC, the Foundation of the Matter and The How? Point of all horoscopes - here at the "A Mountain Pilgrimmage" degree which suggests America's Great Seal sporting an image of the "Pyramid of Power" and its 13 steps, shown above. (In symbolism, Pyramid = Mountain; the US Great Seal is based on the 1776 Illuminati Seal). Legend is, a switch from obverse to reverse of The Great Seal is intended to be a symbol of a great shift in consciousness which is now supported by the Great Conjunction (or Mutation from Earth to Air) of Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets. Their December 2020 conjunction times 'new social, political, financial, and religious orders' in 20-year segments as part of their expansion vs restriction dynamics.

And what about the unfinished capstone with the All-Seeing Eye? Perhaps a turning will be timed by 2022's US Pluto Return/s. Or not. Either way, there's Pluto conjunct The How? Point ('IC') in the 6 South Eclipse Horoscope and the creepy karmic planet has had a long, arduous climb to the top of US Inauguration horoscopes, too. Also angular is the US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 'all-seeing' surveillance - here, Mercury conjunct 2022 Eclipse MC but at IC in our Inauguration charts with powerful Pluto at Midheaven. Yes, the American people have long been over a surveillance barrel, as you well know, made more draconian after the attacks of 9/11/01. Notice that archetypal Pluto is aka, 'The Dragon' (Draco).

Now at the top of the Eclipse Horoscope my scanner cut off these words: "MC = The Goal" which is the Sabian Symbol for "27Cancer": A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" - on one level a hint of more natural disasters to come which are also suggested by 6 South's initial eclipse (the first-ever in the series) with its Mars-Pluto opposition energies ('might makes right'; 'win at any cost'; 'violent storms') which will always be expressed within or carried by 6 South Solar Eclipses. Note that the 6 South Series began in watery Pisces in 1049, a year of Viking-Irish raids and the crowning of a new Pope. Obviously, political storms and military actions are also indicated.

Then in the 2022 eclipse chart, you see there's a Mars-Pluto inconjunct detailed, bottom right, from Gemini to Pisces (and Mars just past a US Mars Return which reiterates our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misdirected motivations, actions, and 'the fog of war'). So that's two negative aspects between two malefic planets of brutality - karmic Pluto suggesting evolutionary trends and universal forces, and Mars acting on behalf of selfish personal desires for conquest and control:

Now I reluctantly assert that difficult contacts between Mars and Pluto, the opposition and the inconjunct, suggest a continuation of criminality, thievery, and violence already in motion as on January 6, 2021 when the Executive Branch of the US Government attacked the Legislative Branch - along with the validity of the US Constitution - and all but seven senate Republicans said, okee dokee with us, we're complicit with Herr Spanky, our cult leader. However, the fact that the inconjunct of 2022 occurs after the opposition of 1049 hints that corrective actions and adjustments can be successful but only after much effort and determination as we directly face the Mars-Pluto monsters that assail us. This must and will be done!

Also in the horoscope, along with a Mercury-Neptune inconjunct (details, upper right) we note that warrior Mars @25Gem25 in 9th house of Foreign Lands is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') of the Earthly plane - off doing who-knows-what, and needing adjustment (inconjunct) with the evolutionary forces of hidden manipulator Pluto, the saboteur. Plus, we should note that the Symbol for the October 2022 Eclipse ("3Scorpio") is "A House-Raising" which to me seems applicable to the Trump Mob Attack of January 6th, a type of assault which, common sense says, will now be emboldened to continue in the future. After all, Scorpio is the sign of the fight for survival and 'Mars-Pluto' rule and co-rule the sign's brooding intensity and power, with Scorpio's Eagle a symbol of America or is it the Phoenix and/or the Scorpion?. So as we know, with Trump's second acquittal yesterday, the zealous anarchists he acts as figurehead for believe they've won the skirmish and are busy regrouping to fight another day. Plus, this also means that Trumpers believe that the White House is up for grabs! It's a Trumpian fantasy emboldened by yesterday's acquittal! But we know that Scofflaw Trump Has Multiple Lawsuits Yet to Go.

And perhaps there is at least one saving grace for our nation which may appear in the form of Republicans who are not complicit with a fascist overthrow of the US government. Those such as renowned GOP attorney Ted Olson who lays out the case very clearly for those interested in hearing his argument on behalf of the United States of America.

Now here's a Futuristic Post displaying The Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

On-topic thoughts and insights? You're invited to leave them in a comment as long as your name is attached and you leave your insults at home. Courtesy is required! jc