On August 26, 2017, an article by Jason Wilson appeared in The Guardian Ruby Ridge, 1992: the day the American militia movement was born.
At the time of the Ruby Ridge vs FBI Standoff, George H.W. Bush was in the White House (Jan 20, 1989 - Jan 20, 1993) but in November would be ousted by Bill Clinton in the 1992 election. If you dare, check out the link, below, to GHWB's chilling 'NWO' speech.
Boiling on America's Hob in 1992: White Nationalism
A few miles from the Weaver home atop the mountain near Naples, Idaho was the Aryan Headquarters (or compound?) and the Weavers, Randy and family, had made friends there although Weaver's allegiance to the organization is iffy if it existed at all. Some sources say the FBI wanted Randy Weaver to act as an informant, one assumes against the anti-government militia types in the area which may or not be true, and naturally there's a long history of violent groups such as the Klan but that's beyond the scope of this post. (Follow the link to view a noon horoscope of the KKK.)
Ruby Ridge August 21-31, 1992
And so, 6 marshals (Mars in Gemini: ready for action) showed up to serve a bench warrant on Mr. Weaver for weapons charges, as I've read. I remember this happening and watching the disturbing event's TV coverage which stretched on for 11 days, beginning on August 21, 1992. Playing into white nationalist hands, Vicki Weaver was shot and killed on August 22, 1992 when an FBI sniper shot family friend Kevin Harris who was ducking into the door of the Weaver home and sadly Vicki Weaver, the mother of the family, was also hit and killed; Mr. Harris survived his wounds.
Now few details of the tragedy are in this post since a quick Google will turn up a myriad of articles, videos, and TV presentations concerning the tragedy. Yet there is a 56-minute presentation I can recommend to you by American Experience if you're so inclined. Noted is that 6 marshals "made their way up to the mountaintop home" shortly before dawn on August 21, 1992 which shows the Moon @00Gem09 conjunct fixed star Alcyone with keywords: 'something to cry about'. Definitely that.
Along with the Moon (publicity; also family and security) is weapon-wielding Mars @16Gem55 in the publicly visible 10th house: was sending a warning to other malcontents part of the FBI's objectives? Maybe. After all, mass media coverage of the intense standoff seemed to begin rather quickly.
And note that the August 21st Moon @00Gem09 reveals a forward-looking cosmic time link to the 13 South Solar Eclipse of May 21, 1993, also conjunct Alcyone. 13 South themes: 'striving for group endeavors, positively or negatively' (B. Brady). And 1993 was a watershed year for global government.
Standoff Saturn and the Stars of Mid-Aquarius
Note that legal planet Saturn Rx @14AQ conjuncts fixed star Armus with implications just as it sounds: combative, contentious, disagreeable, and destructive. Nearby is Dorsum, an unfortunate indicator with Jupiter-Saturn resonance, and other stars in the Aquarius constellation suggest duplicity and a love of hunting and sports. Maybe we can agree that the stand-off between the Weavers and the US government was on the unbalanced side (totally against Jupiter-Saturn standards).
Plus, afterwards daughter Sara Weaver has said that she had felt "hunted." Note the Descendant @28AQ42 sports a certain asteroid, Diana, the huntress. Perhaps Diana is a minor factor in the chart and during the event, but there she is opposing the rising Sun:
And so to see what was reflected from Above upon the Earth at the time, the above 'Ruby Ridge Horoscope' (inner) is set for August 21, 1992 Naples, Idaho for "shortly before dawn" which I translate as Sun @28Leo42 /Ascendant 28Leo42 conjunct Regulus (the star's caution: 'success if revenge is avoided'). Midheaven @19Tau27, the Goal Point, places the deadly planet of overwhelming power, Pluto @20Sco16, conjunct the IC, the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, aka, the HOW? Point of Endings and Roots.
Surrounding the Sunrise chart in the bi-wheel are the August 31, 1992 12:00 noon PDT planets (so we can see how conditions and actors proceeded), the day the stand-off ended (exact timing unknown by yours truly), when white separatist Randy Weaver and his remaining children held hands and came down the mountain to surrender. For as you know, son Sam ('Sammy') had been shot and killed as had Vicki Weaver while standing next to her 16-yo daughter Sara. (Last I heard, Sara has a family and lives in Montana: good for her!)
For further details, we might set a chart for the speculative time of 10:00 am PDT (as events progressed) that first morning, with 13Lib46 rising along with US 1776 Saturn (14:46), the 'legal eagle' planet of karma, limitation, restriction, and endings. In the 10:00 am chart, it seems telling that at its Foundation Point ('IC') of the chart is the rounded-up degree of 18Capricorn, the Zodiacal location of 1993's Great Conjunction/s of Uranus-Neptune, the 'new world order' pair. POLITICAL POWER is the theme of this degree of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, and I would suggest is at the basis of such standoffs of power and control.
And the negative expression of "18Cap" = "smug or strong-armed paternalism" (Jones) which fits perfectly with a forceful government determined to have its way with the disagreeable Mr. Weaver. After the standoff concluded, it's reported that Randy Weaver's neighbors in the white nationalist compound of 'Aryans' seemed happy with the deathly results and show of force by the FBI - for their own propaganda purposes, of course. Meanwhile, strong-armed paternalism with its handmaiden, misogyny, is precisely what we're dealing with now as seen by the overturning of Roe v Wade by a compromised SCOTUS and other bossy Republican paternalistic legislative efforts and underhanded political tricks of persecution (with Neptune in Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune) - inspired by their fascist leanings barely hiding neo-nazism in a fight against American democracy.
Oh! And we must mention Trump's militia-minded thugs, of course, acting out on the biggest stage they've ever had, thanks to him ("stand back and stand by", etc.) and perpetrating their initial insurrection attempt on January 6, 2021 after white nationalists had marched with tiki torches in Charlotteville in August 2017. Note that we have "swords vs torches" battle conditions coming up at the 2022 Midterms via the Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus, the zealot, that very day @17Taurus - two degrees from the Midheaven of August 21, 1992, as you see.
My point being that, way back in 1992, insurrection was a malcontent's fever dream - to go up against the NWO - but with cloudy prospects, at best. And this can be seen in the horoscope/s, above: that stealthy Pluto won the day - in Scorpio where the power planet can activate the sort of fanaticism that leads to tragic events such as Ruby Ridge. Pluto's symbol: "A Soldier Derelict in His Duty" which may describe Mr. Weaver and/or one or more of the FBI agents, perhaps the sniper (who stood trial but was acquitted).
One way the Weavers and others might've gotten such virulent anti-government ideas
Perhaps you remember that G.H.W. Bush called his 'Operation Desert Storm' invasion of Kuwait (January 16, 1991) a "triumph of the New World Order." So for the daring reader, here's a vintage SO'W post from 2009 containing the video of the creepy Bush Sr speech promising (threatening) a 'new world order' - coming from a US president - and dated September 11, 1991. Yes, I remember watching his speech on TV, and if you've seen it before you've probably never been able to forget it either.
So my conclusion is that the 1990s were full of strong-armed paternalism trying to squash all challenges to government power, or, as opponents styled it, they were anti-NWO (aka, One World Government, or globalism). Why, the decade closed with the Pluto-Chiron conjunction, a 60-year cycle, on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22 - and the anti-WTO protests against globalism that the press sensationally dubbed the Battle in Seattle. As you know, Pluto-Chiron is the Plutocracy pair of exploitation, primal violence, racism, Capitalism, and other -isms.
So! After the Standoff at Ruby Ridge, the FBI showed up to stage another violent standoff at the Siege of Waco (February 28--April 19, 1993: 51 days), the very year of the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s, exact on February 2, 1993, August 20, 1993, and October 24, 1993. And few if any Americans can forget the horrific Oklahoma City Bombing of April 19, 1995 with US 1776 Uranus rising. And it's very sad to say, but there's no reason whatsoever to think that such seditious events are over.
Now in closing this dreary post (and kudos to You if you made it through!), here's another cosmic time link found in a previous post and horoscope FBI search brings Far-Right calls for War where you'll see Moon conjunct Midheaven which conjuncts the North Node of future direction in the above Ruby Ridge Horoscope/s of August 21-31, 1992.
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