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Showing posts with label Rachel Maddow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rachel Maddow. Show all posts

Jul 18, 2024

Peter Thiel October 11, 1967

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The most useful information I've found so far concerning newbie politician and VP pick of GOP nominee Trump, JD Vance, is the following segment by Rachel Maddow exposing the real reason why Vance was VP pick:

video link

Actually, this post is intended to display a noon natal horoscope for Peter Thiel, born in Germany on October 11, 1967, grew up in the US, and takes on the role of a wealthy behind-the-scenes meddler in US politics. Perhaps you remember that Thiel's RNC 2016 speech was somewhat unusual but so was the Republican conference with its Russian influences and Capricorn Full Moon conjunct US 1776 Pluto.

Added below Thiel's noon chart are a few notes concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') into which Baby Thiel was born:

Mercury with Mars = Politics

Planetary details from the horoscope, above, include a midpoint picture that was operative no matter the hour of birth: Sun = Mercury-Pluto making Thiel a keen observer with a need for recognition. Yet his Mercury @12Sco30 is unaspected which suggests a lack of self-reflection, independent thinking, and a strong ability to concentrate on objectives; a one-sided approach is a potential.

Then notably, Thiel's Mercury conjuncts the unaspected Mars of President Biden which similarly indicates a concentrated focus on matters at hand; the contact indicates verbal combat. Plus, Biden's Mars @13Scorpio, you'll remember, was opposed by transit Mars @13Taurus during the Biden-Trump debate in June 2024 which denotes Biden's head cold along with the aggressive Taurean forces aligned against him (Mars vs Mars).

The opposition also suggests a lamentable lack of an astrologer for the timing of Biden's events because no competent astrologer would ever suggest such a Mars-infused date for a confrontation, political or otherwise.

Last 5 North: June 10, 2021 @20Gemini Conjunct Trump's Natal Uranus-NN-Sun

Meanwhile, Peter Theil's birth on October 11, 1967 falls under the auspices of the 5 North Eclipse which manifested for him on May 9, 1967 @18Taurus with themes of sudden flashes of ideas from the unconscious; hunches, visions, prophetic dreams; a highly creative series (paraphrasing B. Brady). For some folks, 5 North themes are being ruffled or inspired into activity by the current 8 North Eclipse, the third Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron of wounding fame with 8N's "vivid dreams, visions, intuition" themes.

Taurean Venus Can Be Greedy, Envious, and Vindictive

Now when solar eclipses are in Venus-ruled Taurus, emphasized are determination, endurance, reliability, and persistence yet negatively may denote Taurean traits such as intractability, bullheadedness, intolerance, indolence, extravagance, possessiveness, and greed. This eclipse suggests an inherent attraction to economic causes and policies which tallies perfectly with the super-sized appetite of the Republican Party, now morphed into the authoritarian "Trump Death Cult Party" with its proposed fascist Project 2025 agenda intended to hobble the US economy, embezzle from the National Treasury, devalue the US dollar to boost crypto-currencies, take over the US government, gut the ranks of Civil Service employees who make things run on time, collapse American society, and steal from our social safety net funds, paid into by US taxpayers.

So anyone who reads the GOP agenda for 2025 can see that misery, suffering, and loss are what they offer - and their lawless dystopia may be brought to us all by Americans who are self-destructive or careless enough to vote Republican on November 5, 2024. It seems that a hardhearted Christian Nationalism has thrown deceptive sand in their eyes, as we know by the constant gaslighting from a power-mad authoritarian GOP determined to rule the US for decades. Not govern. Just rule like kings.

Meanwhile, planetary aspects to Peter Thiel's 5 North Eclipse of October 11, 1967 may be instructive:

Mercury conjunct shows a need for reasoning and logic, and may have health connotations (Mercury in sexy Scorpio, sign of surgery); Mars inconjunct denotes a family history which may include physical abuse (perhaps taken out on little Peter?); Neptune opposed denotes confusion, cloudiness, and chaos-creation within the realms of a truth vs fiction, reality vs fantasy atmosphere. Finally, his rebellious Uranus-Pluto conjunction trines his PE suggesting that friends, colleagues, and groups are assets for him and may be called upon for remedial action or regeneration (paraphrasing R. Lineman).

Was Thiel Behind Threat to Trump if Vance Not His VP Pick?

So being curious about the natal Pluto of this anti-democracy Plutonian figure Thiel - and knowing that two of the several caps manipulative control-freak Pluto, the dragon guarding the golden hoard, wears - the Pope and the assassin - I subtracted Pluto's orbit of 248 years from 1967 and got the year 1719. As it turns out - and it may mean something or nothing but it does at least partially rhyme with current events - on October 11, 1719 the Philippines' Governor-General Bastillo was assassinated. Therefore, the cosmic time link (1967 to 1719) is suggestive but not conclusive; however, Thiel's birth basically may be said to symbolize a Solar Return to the violent action of 1719 so you may wish to see Wikipedia's Events of 1719 for more potential correlations with our era.

Dear Reader: stay tuned to SO'W if you can for I'll be publishing soon on the proposed September 10, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate in case it happens yet we must note that it possibly could occur between different combatants. Also planned is a post re: the 1934 Eclipses repeating in 2024, a don't-miss.

Plus, available for my amazing Patreon subscribers is a recent post of a bi-wheel showing contacts between the US Constitution Horoscope of 1787 and the Project 2025 Horoscope, posted due to Trump's threat to toss out the US Constitution and its principles which the orange scofflaw finds hugely inconvenient for the implementation of Project 2025's purging agenda. Then as you can imagine, even a dollar a month subscription is encouraging for the continuance of this time-consuming Political Astrology work, and my Thanks So Much to all those who subscribe. Alternately, you could simply Buy Me a Coffee! jc

Apr 16, 2024

Old Trump Discovers He's Not a King!

No Thumb on the Scale But Ketchup On the Wall

by Jude Cowell

In the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Juan Marchan this week, Mr. Trump is finding it quite impossible to put his thumb on the Scales of Justice as he has always managed to do. Glowering, frowning, staring pointedly, and napping certainly haven't worked for his nibs. No jury member was seated yesterday but about 50 of them were excused.

A don't-miss report is Rachel Maddow Highlights April 15, 2024 with her commentary including Michael Cohen, set to testify in the Trump Election Interference Trial that began yesterday in Manhattan, Trump's interference in the Department of Justice to delete information on his involvement for which he's now on trial (yet Michael Cohen spent three years in prison for his part bribing Stormy Daniels), the "catch and kill" scheme with The National Enquirer's David Pecker (paramour Karen McDougal may also testify), and other topics.

You'll remember that back in the day the FBI raided Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen Born in the 1960s' Uranus-Pluto Era

Now with my printer-scanner out of working order since yesterday, I can't post the noon natal chart of Michael Cohen but I can mention the fact that the Eclipse Saros Series into which Michael was born on August 25, 1966 is the difficult 4 North of May 20, 1966 @29Taurus, a critical degree, with themes of "restriction, inhibition, restraint, separation, illusions; events block the individual and he's prone to misjudge strength or the situation" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

The last 4 North Eclipse occurred as the Summer Solstice June 21, 2020 @00Cancer (00:21), a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and global events. Based on its Solar and Lunar Eclipses, 1966 was a Taurus-Scorpio sort of year with Uranus-Pluto-in-Virgo undertones.

A current transit to Michael Cohen's natal planets include a three-fer visit from transit Neptune to his natal Saturn Rx @28Pis05 timing an extended period of clouds and confusion for him, but also a time to find new ways to approach his own sense of authority. However, the best way for anyway to handle this transit is to depend on spiritual assets, and the presence of priestly Chiron @24Pis55 in his natal chart, where transit Neptune has already tarried, underscores such a need - spiritualism over materialism. Michael testifying for the prosecution against Snoozy Don is part of this change.

Then with a natal Neptune-South-Node conjunction @19Scopio, Michael has experienced a life of intrigue and unfortunate circumstances, and now has an opportunity to act as a channel for the Collective to work out spiritual purposes under very difficult conditions. It seems obvious to me, if not to dear readers like you, that his Collective task involves outing the criminal conduct of his former employer, the highly materialistic Donald Trump.

Nov 27, 2023

The Untold Story Of The 1381 Peasants Revolt | Peasants Revolt | Timeline

Back during the feudal era, in May 1381 English peasants became fed up and thus established the tradition of revolt against their oppressors. The Peasants Revolt of 1381 is aka, Wat Tyler's Rebellion, and millions of people engaged from all over England to march upon London. Time Team's Tony Robinson recounts the story:

In case the Timeline (Time Team) video is removed, here's a link.

As for the Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') that inspired the archetypal revolt of 1381, that's the 14 South which more recently inspired the assassination of Senator Ernest Lundeen in a plane crash on August 31, 1940 ('Trip 19' horoscope shown) after Lundeen began having second thoughts about his involvement in the Nazi plot to take over America, which is ably revealed in Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast series.

Themes of all 14 South eclipses:

'An obsessive idea (Mercury-Pluto) is finally accepted which leads to the promised success of Jupiter; pushing for acceptance of ideas or methodologies may lead to long-awaited success' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady #ad). However, I would add that involvement from gaslighting Neptune suggests that the attained success may involve 'deception, omitting key facts, adjusting data', and/or 'working a situation into one's own format' (N. Tyl).

Just now checking with, I find that Wat (possibly 'Walter') Tyler and I have in-law connections with 26 relatives between us. And eleven of them are Tylers.

So as it turned out, the ultimate fate of Wat Tyler the Rebel was as tragic as any that can be imagined and included his execution by decapitation on June 15, 1381, age 40.

Jun 13, 2023

Rachel Maddow's Deja News podcast

A 7 South Eclipse Repeats October 14, 2023 @21Lib07

by Jude Cowell

By now you've heard that yesterday the intrepid Rachel Maddow and her longtime producer Isaac-Davy Aronson debuted a new podcast Deja News which asks, "Has anything like this ever happened before?"

Deja News Episode 1: Riot at the Gates (Again)

Now if you've ever read many posts here on SO'W you know that Rachel's new podcast is right up the alley of my eclipse and 'cosmic time link' posts published here since historical cycles and eclipse cycles tend to resonate with similar, aka, rhyming, events and conditions.

Episode 1 opens with the fascist plot against FDR proposed to General Smedley Butler in 1933, and Deja News goes on to compare it with the coup attempt by sore loser Donald Trump and his maga acolytes and henchmen on January 6, 2021 when anarchists breached the US Capitol Building as a peaceful transfer of power was taking place in Congress. Rachel's opening point: that the J6 plotters had seen such a coup happen before - successfully against the Parliament in Paris, France, as a peaceful transfer of power was in progress on February 6, 1934.

And similar to the way we use "Jan6" as shorthand for Trump's failed coup, in France the assault by a violent mob in 1934 is shorthanded as "Feb6" and is 'honored' each year by authoritarians. Now by 1934, fascist dictator Mussolini had been in power for a few years and authoritarianism was on the rise in Europe where certain people promoted the idea that liberal democracy "had run its course." Sounds tres familiar, oui? For we have anti-democracy saboteurs at work in the US.

Okay, so here's the point in this post where I hush about historical events that Rachel Maddow's Deja News will inform you about much better than I can, so the question in this post becomes, Is there a cosmic time link that resonates between our time and the coup of 1934? Why, yes!

That would be the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Croix de Feu (Crosses of Iron) coup occurred, the 7 South of August 21, 1933 @27Leo42 (shown, below). And yes, that's the degree of Trump's natal Mars rising with royal star Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - but he doesn't, so 'all that's been gained will be taken away' which is the effort now in progress). You'll note that the 7 South Eclipse affecting the Croix de Feu coup of 1934 conjuncts Regulus and manifested in August 1933:

Dual Horoscopes above: 7 South Prenatal Eclipse of the Croix de Feu coup (lower left) and a noon Horoscope of the Croix de Feu Coup of February 6, 1934. Study notes are penned on including 7 South themes of "power, anger, force" (via the initial 7 South Eclipse's Mars-Pluto Square); "huge obstacles clear," or--"sudden crisis" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Plus, as you know, signs of eclipses should be read through the signs of their initial eclipses, and here that would be Cancer, sign of nationalism and tribalism.

Further cosmic time links exist and include the initial 7 South @8Can03 conjunct Trump's natal Mercury (8Can01), and conjunct the Syzygy Moon of his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021.

For further reading, here's a seriously related post: In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse.

Final Note: The second episode of Deja News next Monday will concern events in Florida so Ron DeSantis may want to have himself a listen!

May 9, 2023

Maddow: Trump's anti-Semitic speakers welcomed to pro-Hitler Event May 12, 2023

Pro-Hitler forces in the US are continuing their "Reawaken America Tour" including a pro-Hitler event to be held this weekend at Trump's National Doral golf resort May 12 and 13, 2023. The event sports quite a line-up of Nazi supporters including Eric, and I suppose, Donald Trump. In fact, many of the maga crazies will participate.

So for pro-democracy voters who may not be certain who to avoid in the 2024 voting booth and who to stop sending money to, the list of the Doral event's speakers is a handy way of identifying the traitors to American Democracy, although the list may not contain every name.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reports:

So here's a question: if these anti-societal saboteurs who love Herrs Adolf and Trump "reawaken" America, then won't their followers be woke? Of course, their actual intention is to indoctrinate the masses with their bigoted brand of hatred and resentment against humanity!

And here's another question with cosmic implications:

Which planetary pair relates to concepts of awakeness, wokeness, awareness, or of the lack thereof? That would be The Enlightenment duo, Uranus-Neptune, which last met in Great Conjunction three times in 1993 in the 18-to-20-degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, traditionally the sign of government, law, and business. Since their cycle lasts 171 years, 1993 began their current cycle.

Then on a political level, the Uranus-Neptune duo indicates potentials for "changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future" along with "revolutions, strikes," and "subversion" (Munkasey) but I am compelled to add that the domination dreams of the Austrian psychopath of the 1930s and 1940s and his death cult are not 'new' at all but are as old as evil itself. Therefore, We the People must awaken to the fact that these fascist criminals are current-day Nazi lovers who consider themselves in line to continue Herr Adolf's barbaric mission to ethnically "cleanse" the world.

So for readers who dare to look at such difficult conditions, and in the spirit of Forewarned is Forearmed, please note that transit Saturn in early Pisces will join, even activate, the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 which suggests that Saturn in Pisces symbolizes, on a deep level, America's enemies who have taken on the responsibility of carrying forward Herr Adolf's mission of primal violence in an updated attempt to take control of America and thus destroy democracy from the face of the Earth.

So in closing, here's Thom Hartmann on another anti-America event: Trump's May 10, 2023 "townhall" on CNN, tomorrow night: my guess is that Trump will be wearing his best fascism cap!

Nov 22, 2022

Lessons From A World War II Scandal That Put The Justice Department To The Test - clip

Last evening, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow spotlighted the compelling connection between the DOJ's 1940s prosecution of the era's Nazis in America and the difficulties now faced by AG Merrick Garland's DOJ and his appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation along similar lines today, lines that one again include US congress members.

In the following segement, Rachel interviews one of the historians who contributed to her excellent Ultra podcast, Bradley W. Hart, whose book, Hitler's American Friends, proved "indispensible" to Maddow and her staff as they researched these unsettling events from America's past - events now haunting our democracy again:

Here's a link to the video segment in case it's removed from SO'W.

Oct 18, 2022

Alarm Bells Ring: Ultra-Right Threats to Democracy 2022: Vote Blue!

Ultra-Right Saboteurs Spotlighted by Rachel Maddow

Now that Episode 3 of Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast is available, I recommend it most highly. If only voters who don't know or care about the Nazi threat we now again face in America would listen and take its lessons to heart.

Or perhaps before the November 8th Midterms with its Taurus Lunar Eclipse, Republican leaning voters will run across the new ad premiered by Rep. Eric Swalwell, Lock Her Up which shows just what America would be like under a GOP Nazi-style rule with women arrested for making medical decisions, a fate that Republicans have made very plain. (No word yet on the role of pills such as 'viagra' have to do with anything.) Thing is, the GOP's regressive laws will necessarily include Republican women, and we know that the Republican Party's anti-abortion laws are not about saving life - they're about exercising power and control. It's as if the chastity belt industry is tooling up with giddy expectation, not to mention the prison industry.

And so we now must deal again with the themes of the 6 South Solar Eclipse manifesting in a few days on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. And with a disturbing flurry of 'history rhymes' implications, 6 South was the Saros Series that brought the world the Third Reich (January 30, 1933 Berlin, Germany), Herr Adolf's official take-over. The fight against Nazism and Fascism is enjoined again. Pass it around.

20 Aries: Overcoming Crisis With Compassion

Yet none of my comments above even touch upon the fact that a Republican take-over of House or Senate at Midterms 2022 would mean that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are set to be reduced and ultimately deleted from the fabric of our society. If accomplished, Republicans will realize their long-term vision to toss recipients onto the streets of America and at the mercy of the generosity of their family members. If such support there be. Basically, the total breakdown of American society is their goal - and that's when brutal dictatorships are easiest to implement.

Meanwhile, in closing here's a quirky little comparison of two horoscopes: lower left is Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon of June 16, 2015 along with the first of three Uranus Returns to the Third Reich Horoscope (upper right) which perfected on June 17, 2015 - the next day. But it must be merely a crazy coincidence, right?

Previously on SO'W: Eclipses of 2022 Hit Austrian Psychopath's Horoscope.

Oct 10, 2022

Maddow podcast Ultra Features Nazis in America 1940

Monday October 10, 2022

America Locked Again in a Battle of Wills with Nazism

by Jude Cowell

Although the catastrophe's Wikipedia page labels it as the Lovettsville Air Disaster, many folks know the event as the Trip 19 Plane Crash in which 25 passengers lost their lives during a lightening storm near Short Hill Mountain, Lovettsville, Virginia on August 31, 1940. Among the crash victims were Nazi sympathizer Senator Ernest Lundeen (R-Minn; born August 4, 1878 Dakota Territory) and (reputedly) a couple of FBI agents, along with other passengers and crew members on the ill-fated flight that left that afternoon from Washington DC heading for Detroit.

Nazis in America: FDR 1940 and the 'Trump Era'

So with the current anti-democracy campaign intended to Nazify America (and you know which orange figurehead and faithless political party this involves, as with Republican Senator Lundeen in 1940), Rachel Maddow's new podcast Ultra (which premiered today!) in Episode one, features Senator Lundeen, the plane crash, and more. Episode two, also available today (wherever you get your podcasts - I prefer TuneIn) is titled, The Brooklyn Boys. Now in this post I can't tell you all that ep 2 covers but it brings in religious involvement in the Nazi plot (dare I mention the word, Vatican?) via Father Coughlin, famous for anti-government bomb-making and for his radio broadcasts spewing anti-semitism. Note that Coughlin was for FDR's New Deal policies before he was against them.

Politics and Religion Always a Sinister Mix

So as Rachel Maddow ably reports, the FBI was watching and "decides to move on Coughlin's Christian Front," a group determined to overthrow the US government. 17 members of the Coughlin-founded Christian Front were arrested in New York and charged with sedition but unfortunately, the DOJ lost the case with J. Edgar Hoover, a known blackmailer and power abuser, then director of the FBI. Predictably, Coughlin claimed "patriotism" intended to "save" America. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Now of course, there are more details on such topics provided in the Ultra podcast, too numerous to repeat in a mere post by yours truly but I'd like to display an image of the August 31, 1940 horoscope, exact hour unknown so noon is used to set up the chart.

As the horoscope shows, there's lots of speech-writing Virgo energy contained therein with Mercury in Virgo the final dispositor, and one of the planets associated with air travel. Significantly, 1940 Mars in Virgo conjuncts Lundeen's natal Mercury indicating potentials for chaotic energies, verbal combat, aggressive meetings (a "scuffle" may have broken out on the plane, as Rachel notes), and physical injury. Well, certainly that.

But what really stands way out in the horoscope is Uranus in Taurus, considering that a lightening strike is the "probable" cause of the plane crash that killed Senator Lundeen (who was about to deliver a pro-Nazi speech written by a paid Nazi operative in Berlin, a copy of which was found at the crash site! See where you can read it, and more). Now radical, disruptive Uranus, the planet of lightening and bolts from the blue is prominent for as you see, Uranus @26Tau08 is at Direct Station, turning retrograde 11 hours later at the same degree, minute, and second.

And we know that a Stationing planet, here conjunct malevolent star Algol, binds and strengthens their energies, but there's more, for the pair conjuncts the asteroid of justice Astraea (law enforcement?), and conjuncts FDR's natal Pluto - and the natal Pluto of Senator Lundeen. The Uranus-to-Pluto transit suggests potentials for hidden fears, loss of control, and possible atomic concerns or activities; and as you know, FDR was soon taken out of public service and Harry Truman was installed in the White House with atomic bombing on the presidential agenda. Harry, as the saying of the day went, gave 'em h*ll.

Meanwhile, tenuous as they may or may not be, there are links between Nazi scientists and atomic research in Germany and in the US; one example: Why the US Government Brought Nazi Scientists to America After World War II in a desperate attempt to commandeer Germany's weapons research. But five years earlier, a question: was the 1940 plane crash and the death of Senator Lundeen linked to the creation of the atomic bomb? Perhaps Ultra will expound upon such a topic as its episodes go on. Certainly, the fact is mentioned that before, during, and after 1940, Herr H*tler ran Nazi operations on US soil. As his spawn and wanna-bes do today with many US politicians corrupted and disloyal to our country.

1940 Pluto in Taurus: Great Gain or Loss Influences Destiny

Curiously, a certain midpoint picture full of plutonian power seems significant to me, and in Ultra, Rachel Maddow mentions the FBI having a "tiger by the tail" in relation to the agency's investigation into the Trip 19 Plane Crash, for you see, Noel Tyl once mentioned to me that the Pluto-North-Node duo symbolizes, among other things, "tiger by the tail" conditions, so as many readers might expect, I looked for evidence of this combo in the horoscope. And here it is:

Pluto-NN = Mars: 'violence and brutality; the misfortune to be placed in somebody else's hand or power (ex: Lundeen); making someone amenable to one's wishes' (R. Ebertin); 'tyranny; exhibition of personal power' (N. Tyl); 'an urgent need for meetings; meeting with influential business people' (M. Munkasey). Wonder who Senator Lundeen expected to meet during his trip? Well, if we replace 1940 Mars in the equation with Lundeen's natal Mercury we have: 'feeling a shift of power or direction from others; conversing fluently with influential people' (M.M.); 'an ability to exercise a magnetic influence upon the public' (R.E.); 'thinking big' (N.T.). Add the Virgo Sun to Pluto-NN and we have a cosmic picture of ruthlessness and imposing one's will.

Plus, at its base, clandestine data or intel (Lundeen's speech?) is involved with the Pluto-NN duo as is a shared destiny such as a tragic plane crash. (If sabotage, I wonder if it was Lundeen's delivery of his Nazi-promoting speech that urgently had to be stopped - if so this seemingly does not implicate Nazis). Yet surely the copy of his speech wasn't planted at the scene!

So in closing, I'm interested to read what you think of the Plane Crash Horoscope (which may be an assassination horoscope) for there are multiple chart factors not mentioned in this text, so please leave your on-topic insights and comments here, if you wish (no trolls allowed) and it would be encouraging if you'd dare to share this post! You'll find 14 South solar eclipse info listed below the image:

The Trip 19 Plane Crash occurred during a 14 South manifestation (April 7, 1940 @17Ari51), a series that contains Mercury-Pluto content (secrets, spying, control of intel; and death by air travel?) issuing from its initial eclipse (August 29, 984 OS @10Sco59) with themes of:

'Obsessive ideas and methodologies are finally accepted, then a long-awaited breakthrough via the promised success of Jupiter' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

No Nazi ideas are acceptable in the US! Yet warningly, a 14 South Eclipse @20Taurus occurred in tandem with the Republican take-over of Congress in 1994, thanks to Republican Newt Gingrich who shares the same 'pied piper' personality blend as Herr Trump. Note that a 14 South last manifested on May 20, 2012 @00Gemini conjunct Alcyone; the next 14 South eclipse will occur June 1, 2030 @3Sagittarius.

Apr 30, 2022

US Mars Rx: Energy Turned Inward

by Jude Cowell

"An army turned inward can quickly become an instrument of tyranny."

So stated Elizabeth Goitein of the Brennan Center for Justice. One of her primary concerns: the Insurrection Act of 1807 and its easily abused presidential powers intended to quell protests, riots, assaults, and upheavals against the government or, to quash, harm, and discourage a dissenting population. So in case you missed it, check out Rachel Maddow's recent and insightful interview with Elizabeth Goitein concerning this and related topics.

America's Self-Destructive Cosmic Condition via Mars

Now beginning pre-2006, we can very much include the misbegotten Iraq War of 2003, 'thanks' to the Bush-Cheney regime using the Project for the New American Century neo-con think tank to help build support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq which was an efficient way to squander the US military, US resources, and America's reputation in the world (you warmongering plunderers, liars, and dunderheads - Jupiter the General was Rx = no victor, and a bottomless money pit). And of course, for various examples of a Mars turned self-destructive with Mars symbolizing males we can find many instances of martian energies turned inward against ourselves, too often with a Mars-ruled weapon in hand. Disabled soldiers returning home from war and homeless US veterans barely existing on our streets, are but two tragic examples of US Mars Rx.

Now once upon a time, our national Mars in Gemini was progressing in direct motion, 'ready for action', and capable of handling more than one thing at a time. Now we're told that the US military is infiltrated by those who prefer to undermine our country rather than support it. You may wish to see Amy Goodman's take on this. And you've heard that Florida Governor DeSantis has recently signed a bill creating an 'Election Police Force', no doubt intended to terrorize Florida voters which will surely scare a number of them away from the polls in time to sway the November Midterms 2022. Obviously, violence could occur. These sorts of forceful actions are known as the underhanded use of lies, fraud, and thuggery in order to gain undeserved advantages. But the thing is, everyone knows that cheating isn't genuine victory, it's theft.

Meanwhile, speaking of nazi-style tactics for grasping the reins of power, we know that this same progressed condition occurred with Germany's Mars and lasted (symbolically) for about 80 years. The time frame of America's SP Mars Rx is also 80 years which puts relief at or during year 2086, assuming that malevolent saboteurs haven't had their way with our country long before then. Of course, warrior planet Mars, along with karmic Time Lord Saturn of the adamant sickle, are considered malevolent planets and can do a great deal of damage whenever they turn a raptor's gaze toward a target without mitigation and protection from other planets and/or when less negative conditions exist in general. Yet as with most earthly things, Mars Rx, even symbolically by progression, tends to describe a mixed bag of positive and negative events and circumstances - simultaneously or alternately. And as often happens, impulsive Mars may actually benefit from restraint, partially due to a sense of uncertainty prior to rushing into action (where fools so often tread).

Perverted Anti-Societal Actions in October 2006

Then if we search for descriptive 'Mars Rx' type events in October 2006, the month that US Mars turned retrograde ('Rx') by secondary progression (here I'm progressing the July 4, 1776 11:08 am LMT Philadelphia, PA Horoscope - progressing other charts may give slightly different timings - ex: the US Powell Chart's Mars didn't turn Rx by progression until 2009), our memories are immediately cast back to yet another incidence of gun violence, this time against innocent Amish school girls. The West Nickel Mines School Shootings were perpetrated on October 2, 2006 in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by a 32-year-old milk man. (Note the lunar Cancerian symbolism of nurturance, family, and children; he left suicide notes identifying himself as a pedophile attempting to avoid committing such crimes again).

Horoscope: October 2, 2006 11:07 am edt Bart Township, PA:

So even though the effects of a natal or mundane planet changing direction by secondary progression ('SP') may be felt in the years leading up to the actual moment, the actual moment can represent a peak of influence within the cosmic flow of earthly events and as such, is symbolically displayed in the October 2, 2006 Horoscope, above. (For a timeline of events at the Amish Schoolhouse that horrific day, follow the West Nickel Mines link.)

Bi-Wheel: As you see, 'real-time' transits for the moment, date, and location that US Mars turned Rx by Progression on October 20, 2006 at 12:45 pm edt @18Lib42:20 (conjunct Herr T's 2nd house natal Jupiter Stationary @18:27) are outer, SP chart, inner. In the bi-wheel this may seem backwards but progressed charts are not descriptive for only a particular moment and, as noted, the influence of progressed planets turning direct or retrograde (aka, Stations), build up, peak, then wane or fade in strength depending on the orb you prefer to use.

Now in closing, you may have noticed that I've yet to mention the violent militia groups that formed since Tea Party days (2009), groups that were recently called into action by a certain saboteur then residing in the White House. This may be the strongest and most expressive form of US Mars Rx by progression yet, but we'll have to see how things develop as the next few months and years march on, jailings perhaps continue to occur, and the public airing of Jan 6th events takes place in June, last I heard.

A Related Post displays another event that occurred prior to 2006 but its societal significance was and continues to be a signpost on America's path to self-destruction which can be described in part by US SP Mars Rx: Violence in America and a School Massacre 1999.

And while we're at it, let's add a link to a horoscope that involves some of the largest rats in the martian woodpile: Horoscope of the NRA: Pan and the Trouble-Shooter.

A Further Note: Progressing America's Perpetual Union Horoscope of February 2, 1781 with Mars @00Sag56 may yield useful information concerning our 'energy turned inward against ourselves' topic. Recommended, if you have the time.

Apr 10, 2018

Horoscope: FBI Raids Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen

April 10, 2018: as you've undoubtedly heard by now, the NY FBI raided the Manhatttan office, home, and hotel room of Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen yesterday "just after 5:00 am" according to the New York Daily News. Confiscated are said to be emails (including communications between Cohen and Trump who 'doesn't email'), business records, documents, an iPad, a briefcase, and who-knows-what-else.

Here's last evening's Rachel Maddow report concerning the raid (21 mins). Also check out Fox News.

Below is a messily penned version of a horoscope set for Manhattan, NY April 9, 2018 at 5:07 am edt with deceptive Neptune in shady Pisces rising along with fixed star Achernar (crisis at the end of the river; risk of rapid endings). Note that Donald Trump's natal Sun-NN-Uranus is at IC (the Basis of the Matter) which publicly projects his Moon-SN conjunction at Midheaven (relationships and contacts), and of course MC is the WHY? or Goal Point of any chart. Transit Jupiter Rx in corporate Scorpio, sign of secrets, leads a BOWL shape of planets suggesting a 'scooping up' sort of situation while potentials of the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint at MC are penned on the right side of the chart. Note that transit Jupiter has been playing around Mr. Cohen's natal Neptune (19Scorpio) of late and investigating pretenses and deceptions--and will conjoin it precisely after moving Direct on July 10, 2018. The recent conjunction of harsh Mars and Saturn occurred near or perhaps conjunct Mr. Cohen's natal Moon in Capricorn though without a birth time for him his natal Moon could be in late Sagittarius (born August 25, 1966 Long Island, NY; noon Moon @2Cap17, latest Moon position could be 8Cap31--opposite Tramp natal Mercury @8Can51). The April 9 FBI raid's Chiron @29Pis33 conjoins Cohen's natal Saturn @28Pisces--and note that Scheat @29Pisces, a star with potentials for malevolence, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, and/or imprisonment (A. Louis), conjoins Chiron-to-natal-Saturn near the Aries Point of Fame, Fortune, and Recognition.

Plus, the Venus-Pluto midpoint also rises with fraudster Neptune hinting that concealed financial assets, deception, immorality, and seduction are involved (ex: $130,000 Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels for her silence--and the NDA now asserted to be null and void because Trump--as 'David Dennison'-- failed to sign it...on purpose is my suspicion, perhaps for the sake of 'plausible deniability'). You'll undoubtedly find more worthy chart factors if you have a chance to take a look!

So please enlarge the image for easier reading if you wish to check out my notes concerning this ongoing situation:

This horoscope is messy because it's what I do. But also because this is a very messy situation full of complex conditions, hidden events and furtive motives which are due to be uncovered, perhaps around the time of the upcoming Solar and Lunar Eclipses (which include a repetition of Trump's own Prenatal Solar Eclipse on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer) so that and other disruptive cosmic conditions for Mr. Trump during the rest of 2018 and very much through 2019 do not look very promising at all for the embattled kingpin-in-chief in the realms of politics, finances, and relationships.

Related Posts include: The Natal Mercury of Donald Trump and 2018 Saturn to Trump natal Mercury-Neptune Square which describes law-abiding Saturn in process of stressing out Trump's Mercury-Neptune square of deception, fantasy, falsehoods, disguises, sneaky schemes, indiscretions, and misconceptions. Plus, entering Trump's name in the SO'W sidebar Search box will yield a plethora of related and other posts.

Aug 14, 2015

Sen. Sanders' consistency - Rachel Maddow's 'Tale of the Tape' (her Sun Aries-Moon Pisces!)

Oh great! I was hoping a clip from MSNB's Rachel Maddow Show last evening would be available for sharing on Stars Over Washington! Last evening (August 13, 2015) she showed Democrats as they were before their 2016 presidential campaigns, or you could say, what lead up to their 2016 bids. Tonight Republican candidates will be featured in the segment, Tale of the Tape:

A Brief Astro-Peek at Rachel Maddow, My Personal 'Splainer-in-Chief for Complex Topics

News reporter Rachel Maddow was born on April 1, 1973 at 12:23 pm PST in Hayward, California (RR: AA, BC/BR in hand, collector: Taglilatelo.) This gives her a Sun Aries-Moon Pisces personality blend and a Moon-ruled Ascendant in late Cancer (she loves to fish and has a 4-degree orb between natal Moon @20Pis29 and Mercury (16Pis21). A Pisces Moon gives empathy and compassion for others, traits that are also seen in a dynamic T-Square pattern involving her Saturn-Neptune (weak, ill, poor people) opposition pointing to communicating Mercury, planet of journalists, reporters, speakers, and thought processes.

Natal Sun in Mars-ruled Aries, sign of 'the pioneer' along with her soft Pisces Moon is a Fire-Water live wire combo of one who lives at a fast pace and with a hint of moralism attached. This blend indicates that Rachel Maddow is a Utopian idealist and visionary (Harveys, see below) whom her Rockefeller colleagues and bosses use to good advantage (to make the public feel that someone cares about the Common Good?) A Rhodes Scholar, Ms. Maddow's Mercury in murky Pisces doesn't seem to have interfered much with her ability for clarity of thought and facility with language but supplied a broad vista for her talents--the 'big picture', as they say, with her reporting putting things into historical context really well.

The Sun Aries-Moon Pisces blend denotes one who can be a restless worrier, single-minded yet dreamy, a kind-hearted maverick, ambitious in career, and a romantic. Possessing an off-beat style, Rachel can be moody yet can act as 'a powerful force for good in the world'. Being intellectually and emotionally true to herself is of utmost importance.

Well, this is a very brief astro-portrait of a complex lady! For a fuller picture, check out her bio and natal horoscope here and catch her Tale of the Tape show tonight if you can!

Related: you may wish to review her presentation in 2013 of 'Hubris: The Selling of the Iraq War'; included are a few war astro-notes.

For more info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jul 18, 2015

Astro-Notes on VP Joe Biden with cameos by Cecil Rhodes, President Obama, and Rachel Maddow

Astro-Notes on Vice President Joe Biden: November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, Pennsylvania, Cecil Rhodes, and a Few More Things...

by Jude Cowell

"From memory" says the data source for the natal horoscope of VP Joe Biden and if we take his data as factual we find that VP Biden's natal Sun @27Sco34 conjoins the natal Midheaven (MC = Goals; Aspirations; Public Status) of President Barack Obama. How nifty for the pair of them, heads bent together in the White House, Biden a Council on Foreign Relations man, a group that began originally as The Round Table founded by British empiricist and "Diamond King" of South Africa, Cecil Rhodes.

Rabbit Holes of Power: Makes No Difference Who Plays the Role of US President

An overview of the entire Global Government scheme is available for the hardy to read so if that is you, please see Chapter 22, Cecil Rhodes and his Knights of the Round Table where the submerged role in the US government and the Obama White House of VP Joe Biden may be revealed to you in all its splendid subterfuge and ultimate Utopian distopianism (though some Democrats are said to prefer subtle persuasion and propaganda while Republicans go more for the brutal conquest-enforcement model of Global Governance; either way, chaos and subsequent rebuilding are on the purposefully engineered Plutonian political and financial agenda.) As you know, VP Biden is also a member of the Bilderberg Group of World Planners, not one of the more popular secret-cabal packs of so-and-sos and self-imagined 'overlords' using the Hegelian Dialect ruse upon the public where they create the chaos (Thesis), then 'save' us from it (Anti-Thesis) while merrily shredding the US Constitution as they go.

Now on this difficult topic there is another page I recommend if you dare titled, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Round Table Group. You probably know a bunch about the Rhodes Trust and Rhodes Scholarships that were established under Rhodes' will (1902) and administered by his pal, international banker Nathan Rothschild of the House of Rothschild, master manipulators of the Plutonian kind. Naturally, this firmly ties into the Great Scheme viathe British Empire and its central banking system with the US banking system ('the Fed') along with top scholars who get to study at the University at Oxford.

Why, even my political 'splainer-in-chief of complex topics, the very intelligent (Rockerfellerite) MSNBC news host Rachel Maddow is a former Rhodes Scholar. Tap the BuzzFeed link, then scroll down a bit if you wish to see a photo (#13, no less) of her tossing the sign of the goat, Satan's sign, at you. Wish she hadn't let herself be photographed doing that.

So if you're unfamiliar with the centuries-old 'Great Plan' for a New Millennium 'new world order' to replace the then-new order begun with the founding of America in 1776, why not try a previous post Astro-Notes and Famous Quotes on the New World Order and see if it fits what you see going on around you in 2015? Okay, the post may be a dud but you won't know if you don't try it and please Re-tweet any of my articles for I've spent quite a few years at this freebie blogging thing and an occasional Re-tweet would be mighty nice of you! @judecowell

Arghh! Once More the MSM Touts the Will Biden Run for President? Memo

Now let's step off the 'new world order' ledge long enough to take a detached peek at the Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus personality blend of Joe Biden and see if its potentials ring true based on the public persona that VP Biden has projected during these many years of political activity. If not, his Moon @00Tau59 may denote an earlier birth time with an "I AM the people" natal Moon in late Aries, ruled by activist Mars and denoting a workaholic crusader with a mission temperament when paired with the secretive, mystery-loving, hidden control, big business sign of Scorpio with its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes.

Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus describes one who is drawn to the joys of life and to death matters and has an interest in the corruption of innocence, and as a US senator, he is known for sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) with broad support in Congress. This blend contains the typical practical-and-supportive vibes of a Water-Earth combination though it may have a chauvinistic streak. Talents include a natural understanding of financial and economic realities, along with full dedication to loved ones.

Although stubbornness and a total blindness to the motivations of others may be noted, this blend's pragmatic wisdom is extremely valuable and may be noticed in its supportive role of a Vice President who may be something of a power-behind-the-throne actor in a similar mold as Dick Cheney to George W. was purported by pundits to be.

With Biden's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend, we find intense idealism which resonates with his CFR and Bilderberg leanings, plus, I heard him say to Bill Maher a few years ago that he's a Zionist though the clip seems to have disappeared (see video, below.) An ability to be a reliable touchstone for his friends is evident and it seems clear that President Obama leans on the rock that is VP Biden, a man who is, I believe, one of Mr. Obama's mentors as required by the president's natal 1st house Chiron in mystical Pisces. (Remember that the president experienced his 3-fer Chiron Return while in the White House.) Mr. Obama's natal Chiron opposes his 7th house Pluto (6 Virgo) denoting his ability to express such Pluto-Chiron themes of oppression and exploitation within the mass consciousness as he plays the White House mouthpiece, we might say, which is a primary role of the US presidency.

So! I just noticed while typing how easy it is to get off the topic of Joe Biden and onto other political actors! Well, maybe it's time to consider the Scorpio-Taurus Images for Integration provided so helpfully by Charles and Suzi Harvey in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign which is a visual method for sussing out the integration of one's Solar conscious mind with the Lunar unconscious which results in a whole and fully functioning personality:

"A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld."

Of course I know that you, dear reader, can freely associate these images with what you know of the life of VP Joe Biden--one such being that he underwent two brain surgeries in 1988 and wasn't given very good odds of being 'normal'. And this isn't counting his son Beau's recent and tragic death from a brain tumor at age 46.

Now on a Global Politics level, let's close today's astro-notes with a clip of Joe Biden avowing himself to be a Zionist which makes him part of the political movement called Zionism (which is not the same as Judaism):

Natal data for Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; BC/BR online.

Nov 23, 2013

Rachel Maddow with Senator Elizabeth Warren: Expand Social Security! (video)

Click to watch Rachel Maddow interview Senator Elizabeth Warren on how we need to expand Social Security benefits, not reduce them which would thereby increase poverty levels in America.

Unexpectedly I had to miss the original msnbc broadcast of this discussion so I'm embedding its link here. The page includes information on signing a pertinent petition recommended by Senator Warren along with a chance to donate to the cause, if you so wish, but viewing the video is a must, if you haven't seen or heard it yet. It's inspiring and seems to me to be issuing from the current November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse influence of Uranus-Neptune!

It all boils down to what sort of country we want America to be--one that puts seniors, the ill, the orphaned, and our vets out on the sidewalks of our cities and counties, or one that takes care of its own. Astrologically, I'd say that our 'community spirit' needs to be re-developed, wouldn't you?

And of course, it would be excellent for the US economy since the funds would be plowed back into local, state, and even national budgets causing businesses to flourish. To paraphrase what a wise economist recently stated recently about income inequality, The better-off would be better-off if more Americans were better off.

Or something along those lines.

Want an improving economy for America? Then while we're at it, let's raise the minimum wage!

For further reading concerning the Republican (echo chamber) game plan of talking points against "Obamacare" visit Robert Reich.

And here's an astrological snapshot of Robert Reich if you're curious.

Feb 14, 2013

Rachel Maddow documentary 'Hubris' (trailer) w War astro-notes

Lies will be probed Monday February 18, 2013 on MSNBC @9:00 pm est as Rachel Maddow's documentary Hubris: Selling the Iraq War is aired. The report is partly based on the Isikoff-Corn book Hubris and features new interviews:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Iraq War natal data: March 20, 2003 6:35 am BAT Baghdad, Iraq; Rodden Rating: A, from timed documented source and news sources.

ASC 8Ari16 (where techno Uranus transits now); Hour of Jupiter (conquest; expansion, advancement; the General); Mars is out-of- bounds and chart-ruler making no major applying aspects unless we count Mars to Chiron, the 'sacred warrior' pair; Full Moon phase +203:59; Syzygy Moon 27Vir25 opposite war's Mercury.

The war's PE (Solar Eclipse @11Sag58 conjunct US natal ASC in 'Sibly' chart and conjoining the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron 0n December 30, 1999, the disenfranchisement/primal violence/racism pair)--the PE's Saros Series = 4 South, key themes are: strong emotions about money and/or relationships, sense of fatedness as people are caught up in events beyond their control, emotions are blocked or frustrated--'avoid rash action until issues settle down' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Jupiter the General @8Leo25 (conjunct and expanding Dubya's natal ASC and Mercury in Leo and nearing his natal Pluto 10Leo35) is retrograde or weakened denoting the Iraq War has been a bottomless pit in the resources department from its start, and there is no clear victor especially with weakening Neptune opposite chest-thumping Jupiter in prideful Leo.

And though US war criminals will never see the inside of a prison cell as they should, it would be poetic justice if all who profited from this war whether in weaponry production, oil, gas, contract work, or antiquities had to pay back the billions of dollars that US tax payers were scammed into financing for this neocon quixotic money-making endeavor that has needlessly taken or maimed so many lives.

Plus, in the Iraq War's misty Water-Air blend of Sun Pisces-Moon Libra we find negative traits such as 'holding unrealistic ideals by which you live and evaluate others' and a 'tendency to rationalize and believe what is most pleasant and expedient' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

"Greeted as liberators"? (liar Cheney of the '1% Gang'); flowers in gun barrels?; "a cakewalk"? WMD? Puh!!!

And you may wish to check out what The Nation's Greg Mitchell has to say.

Cosmically on February 18, 2013 is Saturn's Station Retrograde @ 11Sco32...'12Sco' = "An Embassy Ball", it's Presidents' Day, and the Sun enters mystical Pisces (a sign of war as are Aries and Libra) at 7:02 am est.

Feb 10, 2011

Rachel Maddow on Reagan's 'Riganomics' (video)

Here in northeast Georgia we're digging out of about one inch of one the fluffiest snowfalls I've seen in years (scintillatingly beautiful!) and this video of Rachel Maddow reporting on the trickle down-supply side Riganomics of Ronald Reagan and its ultimate effects may fill the bill for those who still wonder what happened to America's middle class.

Reagan's TV speech shown here in "July 1981" links directly to the Reaganomics Solar Eclipse of July 31, 1981 @ 8 Leo in the 1 North Series that we spoke of a few days ago which is the same Series as the Nostradamus-predicted August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' (or 'King of Alarm') Eclipse ('information is distorted and possibly false' - Brady.)

You know, I've always thought it was telling how in his presidential nomination campaign against Reagan, Bush Sr called trickle down theory "voo doo economics" though as Reagan's VP, Bush joined in all the self-enriching fun which their policies provided with no visible qualms at all...our national debt tripled under Reagan.

(Well, the Sabian Symbol for our nation's natal Jupiter degree of '6 Cancer' is "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"!)

And Jupiterian comedian Rich Little at the time quipped that Reagan's economic theory with his increase in military spending, reduction of taxes on the rich, and pie-in-the-sky promise to balance the budget simultaneously would require keeping "two sets of books."

With the excessive growth of a shadow banking system and the results from "Riganomics" not being what was glowingly promised - then or now - we've seen that two sets of books may not be enough for such major slights of hand and our income inequality gap has only widened dramatically. Critics of Reaganomics were and are correct.

So hopefully you saw common-sense-promoter Rep. Dennis Kucinich on C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning in their 8:30 to 9:00 am time slot taking calls about our economy, etc. The video isn't on the website yet (last I checked) but here's a link to Washington Journal in case you want to listen to Rep. Kucinich's remarks when the program becomes available for viewing. Or perhaps you'll catch a rerun on your TV.

And here's something posted in 2008 at the height of the Bank Bailout mummery which was unsuccessfully railed against by Kucinich, Paul, Sanders, and Kaptur.

And now it's time for snow removal efforts and a motor into the city, y'all!


This heads-up video link was kindly sent in by Alex @ GOP Astrology.