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Aug 7, 2023

The 1st Republican Debate Aug 23, 2023

As you've heard, Mr. Trump has said it would be "foolish" for him to attend the first Republican debate scheduled for August 23, 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Of course, the quixotic candidate may only be flirting with the issue to see who, if anyone, cares, but his attendance at the first debate will be whatever it is.

Even so, for your consideration, here's a speculatively timed First Republican Debate Horoscope of the 2024 campaign season - and please pardon, the chart printed a bit on the wonky side:

As you see, debate planet Mercury @21Vir51 is Station Rx having changed directions 5 hours previously, is emphasized and strengthened, and conjuncts fixed star, Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream). So with Denebola active in the natal chart of President Biden, we can expect that his name and policies are certain to be time-worn topics in the debate. Besides, which candidate can neglect a mention or three of Biden's son, Hunter?

You'll note that at 8:00 pm in Milwaukee, the fighting Mars-ASC midpoint is at MC denoting "comrades in arms" and with Mr. Trump's natal Moon there as well, we may expect his performance to include anger and provocative behavior - if he shows. Moon-Mars = North Node reveals 'vigorous cooperation' so perhaps Trump's coy show/no-show drama is pre-agreed upon by the VP-craving candidates, his comrades. In other words, the usual political theater is suggested and intended to increase public interest.

Their talking points and trigger words are sure to fly!

Now admittedly, there are multiple contacts between the planets shown, above, and the natal planets of Mr. Trump (exs: Regulus @00Virgo, formerly @29Leo+, is a biggie conjunct his natal Ascendant, plus, Trump's natal Moon-SN and Sun-NN conjunct the MC-IC axis at 8:00 pm, and disruptive Uranus @23Tau03 is all but conjunct his natal MC (24:18) as the radical planet of anarchy lurches to meet his Career Point - and here operates as the tail of a Kite pattern of high-flying success.

Yet we know that the first debate may be rescheduled or postponed and if so, the horoscope you see here will become irrelevant even while current and future transits continue their influences. Obviously, a new horoscope will be necessary.

Meanwhile, former Gov. Christie's planets contact the debate chart, too, so you may wish to check out the AA-rated natal chart of Chris Christie born September 6, 1962 12:23 pm est Newark, New Jersey with Sun 13Vir35, Moon 6Sag40, ASC 22Sco36, and MC @5Vir01. His Sun-Moon blend suggests reality + optimism, with a preference for "reasonable" answers (The Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign #ad), even if they're argued for effect. Then oddly enough, this personality blend is shared natally by Trump's former White House staffer, Stephen Miller (his Sun 00Virgo conjunct Regulus, so the debate falls on his birthday; yippee).

So in closing, here's a link to a recent SO'W post which may be of some interest to the curious reader: Let's Moon-Track RNC 2024!

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