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Showing posts with label RNC 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RNC 2024. Show all posts

Jul 15, 2024

The Eclipse of Thomas M. Crooks

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

The shooting of Donald Trump soon after he took the rally stage in Butler, PA on Saturday July 13, 2024 represents a complicated situation and complex astrological factors are involved in any attempt to describe or understand it. So in order to keep from writing an e-book about it, here are four horoscopes in bi-wheel form with my astro-notes penned on.

Instructive is a bi-wheel with a speculatively timed natal horoscope of T. M. Crooks born September 20, 2003 in Bethel Park, PA (inner) with the Trump Shot Horoscope set for 6:13 pm edt. Adjust the timing as you will, because hours that the first shot pinged past the stage from a distant AR-15-style rifle have appeared in a variety of sources from 6:00 pm to 6:15 pm edt. Yet as you see, with a birth time of 6:13 pm edt, Crooks' natal Moon @21Can36 was conjoined on July 13, 2024 (6:13 pm edt) by the Sun @21Can59, which suggests a measure of fulfillment or completion. Of the young man's life, as it tragically turned out. Plus, Cancer Moons are supersensitive and can be highly impressionable, you know.

The 5 North Eclipse of Thomas Crooks

Now there are multiple cosmic indications that the mother of Tom Crooks is somehow involved and according to his Wikipedia bio page, he lost his mother at age 7 (edit: this may not be accurate) so that deep anguish and emotional depression are givens. His classmates have described him as a loner (5N's Sun-Moon = Venus-Saturn marked on the Eclipse chart, below, which denotes a lonely life).

The bi-wheel showing the natal Eclipse Saros Series that young Crooks was born into, the 5 North (inner, and accurately timed) with its "prophetic dreams, visions, hunches" - basically he was psychic) - surrounded by the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of July 15, 2024 @26Tau19 that conjuncts the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, a dangerous cosmic factor that we discussed on July 5, 2024.

Now as you've heard, Tom Crooks was bullied every day at school, a condition often leading to vengfulness which we'e seen before - as in Columbine 1999. Yet we may never know exactly why Crooks, a registered Republican, acted against demagogue Trump. Yes, I have my inklings (to stop his election and the dystopian Project 2025 agenda? Some other Maga person would take over instead). You may find other implications of why? on the charts, but with this sensitive topic I must be careful not to even remotely cause harm. Plus, the families affected by Crooks' actions - one man killed, at least two people seriously injured - deserve attention and our concern if and as it's wanted. Besides, we know that Trump is dandy fine and is already in Milwaukee for RNC 2024. Accusations against Democrats are on steroids now!

Another bi-wheel shows the natal chart of Thomas M. Crooks who, as noted, was born into the 5 North with its themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, hunches" - basically he was psychic) surrounded, not by the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of July 15, 2024 @26Tau19 conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, a dangerous cosmic factor that we discussed on July 5, 2024, but by the Trump shot chart.

Now feel free to disagree with any of this, but there it is. Cautiously, I don't wish to type anymore about our current American Tragedy and although I disagree with everything Trump says, is, and does, that he remains alive is more of a positive than a negative thing for America, my only nag in the race.

May 31, 2024

July 2024: Trump Sentenced - then RNC 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

By now everyone has heard that yesterday, May 30, 2024, Trump was convicted of all charges (guilty on 34 counts) by a jury of his peers in the Manhattan, NY courtroom of Judge Juan Merchan who then announced that the sentencing of "C.F. Trump" is scheduled for July 11, 2024 at 10:00 am edt.

Above you see a bi-wheel of horoscopes: Trump Sentenced (inner) and the first day Horoscope of RNC 2024 four days later (outer), a political event which we've previously discussed here.

Saturn: The Old Man of Karma

Naturally, there are multiple factors worth noting in the charts (exs: RNC 2024 Sun conjunct Herr T's natal Saturn with issues of authority and reliability. As you know, Saturn is the planet of karma, legalities, limits, flaws. Asteroid Justicia conjuncts his natal Mercury, and Justice-bringer Astraea conjuncts his natal Mars.

Mars-Uranus: Risk and Danger

However, my main focus in this post, due to his nibs' propensity for instructing his thugs and cult menbers toward committing violent acts, is the Mars-Uranus duo conjunct enraged star, Algol which twinkles upon the Midheaven of CFT's 1946 natal chart - how furious he must be - and how saturated with plans for taking revenge upon anyone who opposes him or stands in his way. And yes, this is a deadly situation particularly if he manages to coup the White House in November.

Then as you know, Inauguration Day 2021 saw a Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 (3:38 pm est). Notably, in the above charts we find a disturbing midpoint picture: Mars-Uranus = his natal MC with potentials for: taking drastic measures; a pistol to the head; violence; injury (R. Ebertin).

Reaping the Consequences

So both July events fall under the influence of the 8 North ("dreams and visions"-- B. Brady) Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded Chiron (also @19Ari24). Then is C.F. Trump wounded? Yes. But so is America, thanks to our nation's enemies, foreign and domestic, working against democracy under the gnatzie-style leadership of a man now known as Convicted Felon Trump. Also, both events have the same Syzygy Moon @14Cancer - conjunct starry Sirius, The Scorcher.

What I detest the most about this entire "Shakespearean" drama is that the degradation of old man Trump is simultaneously the degradation of every one of our three branches of government. In one way or another, he's managed to sabotage them all, much to our enemies' delight. And the treasonous plan of career criminals is ongoing.

And significantly, the previous Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, his first year playing POTUS, landed directly upon Trump's natal Ascendant @29Leo and rising Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) and you'll remember how he famously removed his safety glasses and looked directly up at the eclipsed Sun multiple times, future blindness be dam*ed. But I suppose when you're born with regal Regulus and Apollo "the sun god" rising along with your brash Mars in royal Leo, you brazenly assume that you can get away with a stupid stunt like that and, with regal aplomb, you'll never have to reap the consequences.

One of Many Related Posts: Midpoint Pictures of a Gangster On Trial (via transits and his Secondary Progressions).

Apr 28, 2024

Re: The Project 2025 Transcript

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

From Media Matters, comes a Guide to the Heritage Foundation's extreme right-wing Project 2025 agenda that they hope will be implemented by the next Republican administration, whether it's Herr Trump or another.

And results of their psychosis? A total collapse of America and of our social safety net are the objectives of this fascist plot for brutality, revenge, lawlessness, misery of the masses, and even more income inequality that favors the wealthy class. If implemented, agent orange's mentor Putin and our country's other enemies, foreign and domestic, would be extremely pleased, their wishes for global domination fulfilled - which is a continuation of Herr Adolf's dream.

My plan? To Vote Blue in November 2024 as part of a Blue Tsunami for democracy!

Now here's a DC Horoscope of the Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024; see what you think:

Then with the Summer 2024 political conventions expected soon, this related post might be of interest: Let's Moon-Track RNC 2024.

Dec 7, 2023

Trump's Take-Over Plan Began Years Ago

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American democracy

In development for years, the tendency toward delusion and deception practiced by the Republican Party via their 2024 candidate Trump was at a crescendo with the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama. Financiers and other backers, our enemies both foreign and domestic, must have been quite put out with the GOP turning out to be a bunch of losers whose cheating tactics hadn't been up to snuff enough to ace the 2012 Election. Add to this, the racists who had their noses out of joint over a black man taking control of the White House--again! Not only that - a majority of Americans appreciated Mr. Obama!

Yes, paranoia over the oft-touted "browning of America" fueled fear as the old Confederate-style system of white-man-in-control faded before racist eyes and for bigots such progress had to be halted in favor of regression, oppression, and suppression. As you know, the GOP's regressive campaign continues unabated against US society - the GOP wants to shove the American people back to the 1920s. It's irrational, absurd, and intended to destroy our society while pretending to "save" it.

Actually, a "browning" population had been a fear of UK conservatives as well, as evidenced by an infamous speech delivered on April 20, 1968 by MP Enoch Powell in which he echoed a prophecy from Virgil's Aenid!

The Horns on the Negative Side of Mercury-Square-Neptune

So now in 2023, another presidential election soon arrives, and the Republican tactic of denial of reality has only expanded, these days in high gear thanks to their fantasy-prone figurehead Herr Trump whose natal Mercury-Neptune square keeps leading him (and America) astray as he gaslights and lies his way into 2024. Tragically, about one third of Americans keep going along on his demented fantasy ride and, as recently noted within the public discourse, the GOP is "sleepwalking" America into an authoritarian state of fascist control, sans democracy. See Amanda Marcotte's Salon Magazine article.

Isn't this where the GOP campaign against "wokeness" should take a bow for its reality-denying desperation?

Now I know it's been tiresome for years that Stars Over Washington has attempted to play the role of "A Girl Blowing a Bugle" (my natal Moon's Sabian Symbol), a bugle which turned out to represent a Trump-et. And no, in 2012 I did not realize the "coming of Trump" would signal the sabotage of our country, and the toppling of America from its global leadership role as a beacon of democracy. I knew that China and Russia salivated for our nation's downfall, but not the name of the saboteur who would lead the campaign. Significantly, we must note that 2023 into 2024 is definitely not the time to give up our warnings, watchfulness, and efforts prior to Election 2024.

For it's also worth mentioning that near the end of RNC 2024 in July, Herr T will experience a Lunar Return (he may be at a podium accepting the nomination then!). Here's the Horoscope of his July 18, 2024 Lunar Return set for Milwaukee, WI. The chart is full of orange highlights including the Saturn-square-natal-Moon transit for the orange blighter which suggests potentials for 'fear shaping opinions, his tiresome 'refusal to accept defeat', and/or those of a Saturnian, responsible, more mature nature (legal eagles? lawmakers? Electoral College voters?) who interfere (square) with the achievement of Trump's overweening emotional needs:

Notably, another possible saving grace for Election 2024 and democracy may be that for Trump, every Moon Return is also a Moon-conjunct-natal-South-Node transit with its lack of popularity and emotional alienation vibes. In astrology, the Moon is an excellent timing device, but it's his Sun-North-Node-Uranus conjunction in 10th house of Career that fuels his popularity with a faction of the public. But only a faction. However, his Moon-SN conjunction drags along behind him like a vestigial tail of karmic baggage and bad habits. He does enjoy separating (SN) people (Moon) from each other, yes? It's the old divide and conquer strategy that President Lincoln warned against.

For the GOP Fantasy IS 'Reality'!

Historically speaking, way back in 2012 a post was published here concerning the Secondary Progressions ('SP') of the Republican Party shown by the entity's July 6, 1854 Horoscope progressed to Election Day 2012 as, GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart. My posts of 2012 grabbed my eye this week due to the additional court filing by special counsel Jack Smith, protagonist of Donald Trump, and it asserts that Trump's January 6, 2021 attempted coup of the US government wasn't an organic event in response to his loss in November 2020, but had been planned, at least since 2012. One factor is that Republicans know that their future dystopian plans for America are extremely unpopular!

Meanwhile, perhaps you remember that on Election Day 2012, voting planet Mercury stationed retrograde and the delusional planet of deception and erosion, Neptune, was at the very beginning of its long sojourn through Pisces and had yet to perform the Republican Party's Neptune Return/s of 2017 and 2018 which spotlights "14 Pisces": "A Lady in Fox Fur" - and you know which entertainment network this word picture reveals.

Now there's a previous SO'W post concerning these disturbing topics: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which contains the quote by Dr. Carl Jung about America prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" as we now can starkly see. Well, most of us can.

Plus, here's another astro-note which applies to our topic: that in 2012, transit Neptune in Pisces reached 00:Pis33 conjunct the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") which had influenced the events of July 4, 1776, the 12 South Saros Series. As a result, the influence of deceptive Neptune in 2012 (with misperception and fantasy disinformation slowly building for years) activated the potential for a cult to form and/or spread, a cult leading to karmic stalemate rather than karmic progress (R. Lineman).

Of course, Neptunian energies used positively can result in divine inspiration for the highest good, my personal favorite. Then even if we delete the word "karmic" from the mix, we have the current GOP regression vs the progression promoted by President Biden and the Democratic Party, the political entity of members who appreciate the realistic fact that TIME marches on - into the future. Republican efforts to cripple time, as if it can be kept from forward movement, won't work.

So now, as the Republican cult of Trump reveals its true face as a brutal death cult of personality and violence (as was Nazism a death cult of personality), its effects are playing out before our very eyes via J6 and Campaign 2024, with We the People in the role of Herr T's target as we face the voting booth on November 5, 2024: so once again I type as sincerely as possible, Vote Blue in 2024!

A closely related post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

And highly recommended for a listen if you may is the current podcast episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, I've Got Biden's "Daisy" Ad - And Trump Is Disqualified - 12.7.23.

Aug 7, 2023

The 1st Republican Debate Aug 23, 2023

As you've heard, Mr. Trump has said it would be "foolish" for him to attend the first Republican debate scheduled for August 23, 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Of course, the quixotic candidate may only be flirting with the issue to see who, if anyone, cares, but his attendance at the first debate will be whatever it is.

Even so, for your consideration, here's a speculatively timed First Republican Debate Horoscope of the 2024 campaign season - and please pardon, the chart printed a bit on the wonky side:

As you see, debate planet Mercury @21Vir51 is Station Rx having changed directions 5 hours previously, is emphasized and strengthened, and conjuncts fixed star, Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream). So with Denebola active in the natal chart of President Biden, we can expect that his name and policies are certain to be time-worn topics in the debate. Besides, which candidate can neglect a mention or three of Biden's son, Hunter?

You'll note that at 8:00 pm in Milwaukee, the fighting Mars-ASC midpoint is at MC denoting "comrades in arms" and with Mr. Trump's natal Moon there as well, we may expect his performance to include anger and provocative behavior - if he shows. Moon-Mars = North Node reveals 'vigorous cooperation' so perhaps Trump's coy show/no-show drama is pre-agreed upon by the VP-craving candidates, his comrades. In other words, the usual political theater is suggested and intended to increase public interest.

Their talking points and trigger words are sure to fly!

Now admittedly, there are multiple contacts between the planets shown, above, and the natal planets of Mr. Trump (exs: Regulus @00Virgo, formerly @29Leo+, is a biggie conjunct his natal Ascendant, plus, Trump's natal Moon-SN and Sun-NN conjunct the MC-IC axis at 8:00 pm, and disruptive Uranus @23Tau03 is all but conjunct his natal MC (24:18) as the radical planet of anarchy lurches to meet his Career Point - and here operates as the tail of a Kite pattern of high-flying success.

Yet we know that the first debate may be rescheduled or postponed and if so, the horoscope you see here will become irrelevant even while current and future transits continue their influences. Obviously, a new horoscope will be necessary.

Meanwhile, former Gov. Christie's planets contact the debate chart, too, so you may wish to check out the AA-rated natal chart of Chris Christie born September 6, 1962 12:23 pm est Newark, New Jersey with Sun 13Vir35, Moon 6Sag40, ASC 22Sco36, and MC @5Vir01. His Sun-Moon blend suggests reality + optimism, with a preference for "reasonable" answers (The Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign #ad), even if they're argued for effect. Then oddly enough, this personality blend is shared natally by Trump's former White House staffer, Stephen Miller (his Sun 00Virgo conjunct Regulus, so the debate falls on his birthday; yippee).

So in closing, here's a link to a recent SO'W post which may be of some interest to the curious reader: Let's Moon-Track RNC 2024!

Jun 1, 2023

Let's Moon-Track RNC 2024!

Mundane Moon: Public Mood, Popular Trends, Emotions

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

Ready or not, word is that the 2024 Republican National Convention, aka, RNC 2024, will be held July 15--18, 2024 at the Fiserv Forum in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's too soon to consult a schedule of events for they're TBA, so for the sake of simplicity I've set up the following dual image of the opening day and closing day:

July 15, 2024 12:00 am CDT (lower left to symbolize the day itself and to begin tracking the Moon) and July 18, 2024 11:59 pm CDT (upper right) to capture the last dregs of the final day of whatever their sabotage agenda has in store for what I presume will be an audience of Trump fans and operatives who prefer sedition, anarchy, fascism, and Trump's promised "American carnage" rather than a peaceful democratic Republic replete with law and order and based on the US Constitution.

Of course, the question is: who will RNC 2024 nominate for 2024? Will it be Trump running openly as a vengeful fascist, or a candidate running to the right of Trump--which will have to be an out-and-out dictator because that's what their much-touted base insists upon whether most of them realize it or not. Yet by July 15, 2024, transit Pluto will be in very early Aquarius again, not back in governmental Capricorn, the sign from which Pluto symbolizes the dictator:

Moon-Tracking RNC 2024

With the mundane Moon ranging from 12Sco09 to 28Sag09 (and with a Trump Moon Return July 18, 2023 11:32:55 am CDT Milwaukee with his natal Neptune rising, and restrictive Saturn @19Pisces square his Moon as well), and the Sun from 23Can36 (conjunct Trump's natal Saturn, planet of authority) to 27Can01, we can surmise a few clues about RNC 2024's cosmic weather from the two Sun-Moon blends that form as Luna floats from a brooding Mars-Pluto sign to the Jupiter-ruled sign of the outsider:

Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio, a double Water combination of intense brooding emotions, secrecy, drama, and self-protection that dares face the darker issues of life with the instincts of a detective. This blend suggests those who cling to the past with fanatical prejudices and who exhibit an urge to reveal hidden realities.

Sun Cancer-Moon Sagittarius, a Water-Fire combination that can sterilize or scald, carries on the intense or volatile emotions through the entire conference, and loves "the good old days" as well. Moral certainty will be in evidence along with a reserved yet talkative nature, and a moody, sensitive demeanor. Careless with details, this blend suggests those with a need for privacy which keeps people guessing while making detached yet dramatic arguments to justify personal prejudices; sarcasm is used to hide vulnerability!

(For more Sun-Moon blend info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

So now that Summer 2023 is upon us, a peek at the YOD pattern in the US Solar Return 2023 Horoscope is appropriate for curious readers who prefer to face monsters in order to vanquish them! You'll note that the sextile at the base of the YOD is created by Neptune-Pluto, the underworld criminal network duo of organized crime (and/or a religious network--or both in league together) pointing toward Mars @27Leo which identifies a bi-annual Mars Return for racketeer Donald Trump, a new cycle of activity for the blighter.

As a midpoint picture, the trio is Neptune-Pluto = Mars with potentials for, "succumbing to external powers; used as a tool for other people's interests; lack of resistance and stamina; being utilized as a medium; lack of energy" (R. Ebertin).