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Showing posts with label Denebola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denebola. Show all posts

May 7, 2024

On the Eclipse of NBC TV

Herr T's Bullhorn for Subversion

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

In recent posts yours truly has been known to fuss over how The Apprentice TV show (2004) gave NY playboy Donald a major opportunity to promote the rumor that he was a "successful businessman." If you still believe this absurd fallacy, then reading Stars Over Washington may not be for you! This is your cue to skedaddle away for best results.

Because for one thing, the good people of New York City knew then and know now that Donald was a mobbed-up "contractor" and a deadbeat in the success and finance departments. Unless we count his experience with money laundering for various entities.

Yes, it was NBC's "reality" TV show that ultimately led to Donald's 2016 campaign for the presidency and, aided by Russia, wealthy corporatists, and a hype-believing public, Donald managed to coup the White House as if he'd won the 2016 Election. And you know the rest.

NBC: A Subsidiary of Comcast

My point is that these twisted political conditions have angered me into a snit of miffdom ever since the orange blighter rode the escalator on the morning of June 16, 2015 at the Gemini New Moon and had someone pay a casting-call audience below to listen to his bigoted swill. Therefore, I must consider The Apprentice's creator Mark Burnett (follow the link, above) partially responsible for the anti-democracy campaign against America and the American people, while a large amount of blame for our predicament must also fall upon NBC, nowadays a subsidiary of Comcast.

Therefore, above is a Horoscope of the 13 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the April 19, 1939 founding of NBC TV. (NBC Radio was founded earlier on June 19, 1926 under the influence of an 18 South Eclipse of endings, partings, grief), but it's the TV division of NBC now starring in this fussy post. Of course, you notice that 1939 is the year that World War Two began when Naz* Herr Adolf invaded Poland.

Now as you can see, 13 South themes are listed on the chart, compliments of Bernadette Brady, and include some sinister energy underneath. Plus, there's a revealing square from Pluto (opposing US 1776 Pluto in Capricorn which also squares the eclipse); potentials are listed on the chart. Activist Mars @15Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets (the ruthless executive), and don't miss Saturn in Aries at Midheaven, too (see upper right corner). The two planets (actors) were possibly a team since they're in friendly Mutual Reception with one another, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn.

Then there's mass media planet Neptune Rx @21Vir01 conjunct Denebola (going against society) so basically Neptune is in process of performing a US Neptune Return (@22Vir25 in 1776) which suggests a confusing period when ideals can shift or be shifted by propaganda and/or advertising, and the mass employment situation wasn't going well as WWII was brewing abroad and the Great Depression was ruining lives.

Now in addition, the 13 South Eclipse of 1939 @28Ari43 conjoined fixed star Mirach ("girdle" of the Princess in the Andromeda Constellation with its restrictive Saturnian nature and Venusuian flavor: the ladies). Then to me, the Uranus-Midas conjunction (see below) suggests the network's (and other media outlets) tendency to create massive fortunes thanks to the radical activities of Uranus the zealous chaos-creator (ex: the J6 coup attempt, ongoing; and the old "if it bleeds, it leads" mantra of news outlets) while simultaneously taking advantage of the quirky planet's novel, innovative creative content that entertains, surprises, and delights the public - or, stirs up the masses, positively or negatively.

Plus, you also notice the Earth Grand Trine in the 13 South horoscope, a protective, creative closed circuit of energies beween Mars-Uranus-Neptune with radical planet Uranus @16Taurus conjunct gold-loving Midas, as noted, and pointing ahead toward the position of radical reactionary Uranus @16Taurus conjunct the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse when rabid Maga-ites managed to infest the US House of Representatives, spouting their Russian talking points and sporting AR-15 lapel pins. Certain corporations have financially supported this - see corporate Cupido in 4th house,.

Then perhaps you remember that a German Media Baron supported the rise of Hitl*r who thought he should rule the world. Oh the compensating absurdity of some men's massive egos.

In closing, you've probably seen ProPublica's updated list of corporations that vowed to suspend their financial support of J6 politicians just after the 2021 attack yet a number of them have continued supporting election denial after all. You'll easily spy Comcast at number 5.

Well, that's enough fussing for today, so if you've managed to read this far, my thanks and kudos to you! jc

Aug 7, 2023

The 1st Republican Debate Aug 23, 2023

As you've heard, Mr. Trump has said it would be "foolish" for him to attend the first Republican debate scheduled for August 23, 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Of course, the quixotic candidate may only be flirting with the issue to see who, if anyone, cares, but his attendance at the first debate will be whatever it is.

Even so, for your consideration, here's a speculatively timed First Republican Debate Horoscope of the 2024 campaign season - and please pardon, the chart printed a bit on the wonky side:

As you see, debate planet Mercury @21Vir51 is Station Rx having changed directions 5 hours previously, is emphasized and strengthened, and conjuncts fixed star, Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream). So with Denebola active in the natal chart of President Biden, we can expect that his name and policies are certain to be time-worn topics in the debate. Besides, which candidate can neglect a mention or three of Biden's son, Hunter?

You'll note that at 8:00 pm in Milwaukee, the fighting Mars-ASC midpoint is at MC denoting "comrades in arms" and with Mr. Trump's natal Moon there as well, we may expect his performance to include anger and provocative behavior - if he shows. Moon-Mars = North Node reveals 'vigorous cooperation' so perhaps Trump's coy show/no-show drama is pre-agreed upon by the VP-craving candidates, his comrades. In other words, the usual political theater is suggested and intended to increase public interest.

Their talking points and trigger words are sure to fly!

Now admittedly, there are multiple contacts between the planets shown, above, and the natal planets of Mr. Trump (exs: Regulus @00Virgo, formerly @29Leo+, is a biggie conjunct his natal Ascendant, plus, Trump's natal Moon-SN and Sun-NN conjunct the MC-IC axis at 8:00 pm, and disruptive Uranus @23Tau03 is all but conjunct his natal MC (24:18) as the radical planet of anarchy lurches to meet his Career Point - and here operates as the tail of a Kite pattern of high-flying success.

Yet we know that the first debate may be rescheduled or postponed and if so, the horoscope you see here will become irrelevant even while current and future transits continue their influences. Obviously, a new horoscope will be necessary.

Meanwhile, former Gov. Christie's planets contact the debate chart, too, so you may wish to check out the AA-rated natal chart of Chris Christie born September 6, 1962 12:23 pm est Newark, New Jersey with Sun 13Vir35, Moon 6Sag40, ASC 22Sco36, and MC @5Vir01. His Sun-Moon blend suggests reality + optimism, with a preference for "reasonable" answers (The Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign #ad), even if they're argued for effect. Then oddly enough, this personality blend is shared natally by Trump's former White House staffer, Stephen Miller (his Sun 00Virgo conjunct Regulus, so the debate falls on his birthday; yippee).

So in closing, here's a link to a recent SO'W post which may be of some interest to the curious reader: Let's Moon-Track RNC 2024!

Mar 9, 2022

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2022

Morals, Ethics, Spies, Gossip, and Finances

March 9, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Today just a quick look ahead at the Autumn Equinox 2022 Horoscope of September 22, 2022 with Venus in Virgo in her role as chart-ruler - conjunct US 1776 Neptune and reminding us of the ongoing Neptune-oppo-US-Neptune transit (clashing ideals; persecution), and conjunct fixed star Denebola ('to go against society; against the mainstream'). A few notes are penned on the chart for the curious but with events and upsets occurring thick and fast these days, it's too soon to make very much of the planets' activities six months from now. But for you I'll try.

Because after all, Midterms 2022 with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse will occur during the Autumn season - and the Eclipse rises in the Autumn Equinox 2022 chart seen here.

Autumn Equinox 2022 in DC: General Indications

Sun 00Lib00:00 at 9:03:31 pm edt: Hour of Jupiter Rx.

Morals and ethics are in the Venusian spotlight, shabby wealth is suggested when US Neptune is added to Venus-Neptune, and Venus opposing Neptune indicates illuions-delusions, spreading vicious gossip, shameless exploitation, and/or empty diplomacy. Yet Venus in Virgo is intercepted in 5th house (Placidus House System; opposite, Pisces and Neptune are intercepted in 11th house along with the Syzygy Full Moon @17Pis41) so for those who use them, this suggests karmic conditions that must be dealt with such as problems which have been passed down from previous actors, and possibly festering. Of course, currency devaluation may be one of those problems with petro-dollar issues in question. And don't look now, but hiding under a Neptunian veil is Nemesis Rx @23Pis26, the position of the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction, the speculation, inflation, and grand spirit pair. There are spies lurking in America's financial branches, cyber and otherwise, while corporations raise prices because they can.

Then, Venus trining Pluto denotes those who can read body language and use it to their advantage, plus, the possibility of turning the tables on the past; major financial matters are also suggested by the Venus-Pluto duo (exs: 'private wealth in hidden places' along with 'attracting elements of organized crime' - Munkasey; additionally, the planetary duo may also link to bankruptcy).

We should note that the Leo Moon is unaspected (detached, estranged) yet Luna reflects her waning light upon two asteroids Ceres ('democacy'; security; oil and gas production; family; motherhood, nuturance) and Kassandra (a prophetess no one believes). Sadly, separated parents and children may be implied here, along with a continuation of the potentials for fluctuating food shortages and empty shelves. The world is ill on multiple levels.

Meanwhile, the Sun @00Lib00:00 conjoins Mercury Rx in the Sun's natural 5th house of Children, Speculation, and Creative Pursuits, and 2nd hou$e Mars @17Gem04 conjoins Herr T's natal 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, rebellion, and disruption (obviously here, money is involved). Then as you see, radical Uranus Rx @18Tau34 rises with the North Node (@14Tau17 - conjunct Menkar and US Inauguration Ascendant) suggesting focuses on saying what needs to be said, plus, changing the world, new contacts, and a need for feedback.

Powerful, subversive Pluto Rx @26Cap10 has crossed Midheaven (in DC - also conjuncts US Inauguration MC) while leading a ruthlessly determined executive focused on success pattern, a Locomotive shape of planets; Autumn 2022 begins during a Balsamic phase of the Moon, a dark phase when things go bump in the night, and forecasters like Kassandra make their predictions. Or read their scripts.

Then there's 10th house Saturn Rx @19AQ19 conjunct the generally accepted position of Herr Putin's natal North Node suggesting isolation and teamwork becoming more difficult as time goes on. Also karmic Saturn rises with Alpheratz, a cosmic combo that reduces the star's usual gifts of independence, freedom, honors, and riches, and hints at darker potentials such miserliness, decreasing popularity, and fatal tumors.

So! As always, you're invited to leave your on-topic, name-tagged comment (no ads or personal insults) with this post if you like. Don't be shy! jc

A Related Post: Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect 2022 Midterms.

Jan 5, 2022

J6 Committee spotlighting Sean Hannity

Several moons ago I placed the natal horoscope of Fox TV's Sean Hannity into my files but never did much with it. Turns out, Hannity's natal planets are now significant due to the Jan 6th Select Committee investigation into Hannity's communications with Tr*mp and Mark Meadows now in the investigation's headlights.

Admittedly, I 'like that journey' for Sean Patrick who is not legally protected by the Fox 'News' department (which allegedly involves journalism). No, Hannity's show falls instead within the network's 'entertainment' department. He'd better not try it! Although it could result in delay, one of Tr*mp's favorite tactics.

Well, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post (sans edits) concerning Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in vain Leo:

"Sean Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series is the 18 North. Prior to Sean Patrick's birth, 18N manifested on August 11, 1961 @19Leo, solar sign of leadership, ego, and pride. But his life isn't all sunflowers because 18N themes include: a high stress level; a taxing of strength; a large expenditure of effort; physical concern such as an illness or accident (Brady). 18N has also occurred in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, (1961), 1979, 1997, and last occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10 -- conjunct fixed star Denebola (keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream). 18N's initial eclipse manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34 so its modern-day influence should be viewed through an Aquarian lens."

And here's a 2017 post with a few astro-notes about the blighter.

Above photo: Sean Hannity in younger days.

Dec 8, 2021

DC Horoscope: Gemini Full Moon Dec 18, 2021

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday December 8, 2021

Just a quick posting of the Gemini Full Moon of December 18, 2021 @27Gem28 in the totally visible 10th house when the chart is set for Washington DC. The Full Moon's Sabian Symbol: "28Gemini" = "Bankruptcy" doesn't have to be taken in a financial sense but perhaps it should be with various TV pundits prognosticating an eventual economic crash. I leave it to you, dear reader, to enlarge the image (if curiosity overtakes you) and check out other financial indications in the horoscope, or read them on whatever level you wish.

Financial potentials include 4th house chart-ruler Mercury (highlighted in blue, lower left), also ruler of the 10th house of Public Status, applying to a trine with technology planet Uranus Rx @11Tau12 (unusual sources of money when in Taurus, also planet of radicals, zealots, and disruption) in the Corporate 8th house of Credit and Debt and denoting potentials for ideas, info, and actions to deal with larger social concerns, air travel, and/or international finance. Of course, Mercury in 4th house suggests Real Estate conditions or possibly Mining, among other issues which may relate to Young People (ex: Home Schooling) and/or Journalism in the US.

Note that Full Moons can behave much as Lunar Eclipses do with the Uranian ability to disrupt, reveal or leak inconvenient facts or secrets which often lead to scandals breaking open with total awareness, a sense of culmination or fulfillment, or involving relationships; in Politics, alliances may be affected.

As you see, in 3rd house is activist and warrior planet Mars @4Sag02 conjunct South Node of the Moon which can signify dangerous or violent conditions (possibly those in the recent past). Then opposite, in 9th house of Foreign Lands, you see gold-loving asteroid Midas Rx @11Gem55; also note that starry Denebola rises, suggesting those who "go against society" with the star squaring Midheaven ('MC', the Goal Point) which holds fixed star Bellatrix ("success through the shadow").

Also Angular and thus prominent is America's problematic, cloudy Mars-Neptune square of July 1776, plus, transit Neptune @20Pis29 still triggers instances of persecution and conflicting ideals while the planet of fraud, deception, contagion, paranoia, and gaslighting continues to oppose US natal Neptune in Virgo, rising here while Neptune in Pisces simultaneously squares US natal Mars in Gemini (actions undermined and/or confused, hidden, or misunderstood; infections, epidemics).

Admittedly, there's a possible mystical quality involved with a Mars-Neptune-with-more-Neptune alignment but such implications are far beyond the scope of this limited post:

That the planetary factors shown in this Gemini Full Moon Horoscope relate to budgetary and financial issues playing out on Capitol Hill as 2021 comes to a close seems a certainty yet hopefully Christmas celebrations and New Year's 2022 will escape being overly affected by the political machinations, manipulations, and underhanded tactics of those who "go against society" and do their worst under cover of the shadows of Bellatrix.

Yet how awesome is it that through the lens of Astrology we can investigate the past, present, and future simultaneously! - such as when we consider the three Great American Eclipses and the historical cycles and events associated with them.

Oct 15, 2021

When Jupiter reaches Shadow Degree January 2022

by Jude Cowell

Update Sunday October 17, 2021: A look back about 12 years ago when transit Jupiter was @2Pis11:03 on January 27, 2010 (12:21:13 pm est) may be informative. Rising 29Tau27 with 2022 North Node @00Gem31 rising there; MC @7AQ43 (The Goal Point), is 2021 Saturn's favorite spot in the Zodiac to tarry these days. Meanwhile, 2010 Jupiter @2Pis11:03 is fresh off his Great Conjunction/s with dreamy Neptune (3 times in 2009 in the range of 24-27AQ), there's a difficult Saturn-Pluto square (0A14), but the breakthrough pair Jupiter and Uranus have yet to conjunct at Aries Point in June. Additionally, an unaspected 2010 Uranus @24Pis01 (of spurtlike activity) is where the 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction takes place = 'decisions based on odd or unusual theories' (our current condition thanks to bad faith actors, aka, saboteurs). Plus, Moon @2Can01 opposes Pluto (4Cap13) and forms a dynamic T-Square with 5th house Saturn Rx @4Lib28 suggesting 'realism concerning gloomy thoughts, constraining forces', and 'pressure to regroup forces and plan anew' (Tyl). The Prenatal Solar Eclipse series is the 12 North which speaks of 'accepting new responsibilities and commitments' (B. Brady) via the Solar Eclipse of January 15, 2010 @25Capricorn which is, as you well know, a highly sensitized area of the Zodiac these days and is very near US 1776 Pluto which returns to natal degree multiple times in 2022, a major first-ever transit.

Of course, you'll recognize the 2010 time period as an Obama administration year in which 'Obamacare' (ACA) was successfully passed in March but as a cosmic time link, the T-Square also involves the orange menace (or blighter as I often think of him) because 2010 Saturn conjuncts his natal 2nd house Neptune so that other potentials are suggested by the intense Moon-Pluto opposition of 2010 such as 'seeking miracles as rescue from immediate problems' and a 'lack of emotional clarity' (Munkasey). And while he probably sought miracles in 2010 with the Saturn-to-Neptune "grim face of a reality" transit in effect, he certainly excels with his ridiculous notions and fantasies now.

Original post begins here:

Friday October 15, 2021: Below is the DC Horoscope showing the moment on January 8, 2022 that transit Jupiter reaches, then surpasses, his own 'Shadow Degree' of 2Pis11:03 (10:12:31 pm est Washington DC with fixed star Denebola rising (to go against society; out of the mainstream). As you can see, starry Bellatrix (success through the shadow) sparkles at Midheaven (MC = The Goal/Aspirations/Public Status). But the fly in this Jupiterian ointment is the Mutable Grand Cross (highlighted in lavender) formed with the Ascendant and MC - but there are US natal Neptune conjunct ASC, and US natal Mars conjunct MC - making America's problematic square visible to the world, and is perhaps a suggestion of the US acting on the World Stage:

Now as we see, transit Neptune @20Pisces49 remains in process of opposing US Neptune in Virgo (sign of health) with racial and other persecutions denoted along with a clash of ideals - while this Mars @18Sag54 (conjunct IC) soon opposes US natal Mars (22Gemini), a 'head-against-brick-wall' transit. Thus the 2022 Mars-Neptune square activates or triggers the energies of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and confused motivations with its tragic 'fog of war' implications. However, positively inspired action is certainly a potential but only if reality is directly and honestly faced (see chart-ruler Mercury's applying aspects, lower left corner).

And of course, facing Saturnian reality is only possible with Joe Biden in the White House and was never even considered by the orange menace (the great privaricator, the grand fantacist), then or now. Crazily, as I type his acolytes and financial enablers continue to advance his outright lies while making underhanded arrangements to steal elections in 2022 and 2024, because cheating is the only way the GOP can 'win'.

Even so, with his very survival at stake, reckon the orange menace cavorts upon The Edge of Petrified Forest? Well deserved if so, yet extreme caution is necessary since everyone knows that snakes are most dangerous when cornered:

So with stationing Jupiter @3Pisces ("A Petrified Forest" = 'SURVIVAL'), Jupiter in the above chart may represent on one level the Jupiterian Tr*mp fighting for his life. And as you see, Jupiter is posited in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, plus, Health and Employment, so Yes, a weakening of someone's health may be indicated with contagious Neptune in 6th house, too.

More positively, the Covid situation in the US and across the globe will hopefully improve in 2022 as protective Jupiter moves ahead beginning in January, and/or political impasses may begin to resolve more beneficially in the US, or at least ease in some way or other. After all, Year 2022 starts under the cosmic imprint of the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 and with its joyful theme of benefits seems a positive way to start. And basically, once Jupiter turns Direct many projects can move ahead as 2022 proceeds. Also note the strong Venus-Sun-Pluto trio at 5th cusp of Risk-Taking with the predictive Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior, and was the first of 2021 on January 13th) of Joe Biden's Inauguration 2021 also conjoining the 5th cusp. Prominently, the 2021 Capricorn lunation @23Cap13 conjoined Inauguration 2021's Midheaven suggesting a seeding of new plans by the Biden administration.

Jupiter of Multiple Talents

Of course, gaseous Jupiter is also a corporate indicator as well and he loves the freedom to range beyond limitations and boundaries, but I don't care to guess at this early date what may improve for the corporate class unless we're talking about pro-democracy CEOs who pay their taxes and favor improvements within US society for the American people (often their customers! For after all, when the US government provides resources for the American people, We The People spend it back into the economy which aids the common good).

Now Jupiter may also represent bankers, financiers, investors, economists, military Generals, broadcasters, propagandists, professors, foreigners, and/or public relations gurus.

And we also know that generous Jupiter expands or increases everything he touches, positively or negatively, and sadly on June 24, 2021, with Jupiter at Station degree and apex planet of the difficult Saturn-Neptune midpoint (deceptive practices), Florida's Surfside Condominium Collapsed killing 98 people.

So whether or not the Jupiter at Station you see in the January 22nd chart signifies the wide-girthed orange menace, the functions of mundane Jupiter in Pisces will be set free at last and will move forward on many levels and in many realms of life since the Great Benefic turned retrograde on June 20, 2021 @2Pis11:03, the day of Summer Solstice 2021 (DC Horoscope shown: Jupiter at Station rises in DC!). Meanwhile, Washington's financial stalemates and heated legislative conflicts broiled on Jupiterian Capitol Hill, and it was a record-hot summer of heat waves in the US of A.

But wait! Mundane Jupiter the Hierphant can be religious yet he often wears a political cap so the planet 'entering fresh territory' in January 2022 will hopefully be helpful as the 2022 Midterms approach (day of a Lunar Eclipse!). Or at least, campaign donations will be huge - the same as they ever were.

Jan 25, 2021

The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022

Tricky Legalisms, Political Conflicts, Grand Schemes, and Bubbles

by Jude Cowell

January 25, 2021: Here's a lightly edited (for clarity) excerpt written in 2016 which concerns the frothy planetary pair of Jupiter and Neptune and their Great Conjunction/s of 2009:

"Now those readers who were reading Stars Over Washington in 2009 and before know that I have typed a large amount of words concerning Jupiter and Neptune as a pair of energies that represent potentials for 'the grand spirit, visions, big promises, flowery religious sentiments, subversion, surveillance, get-rich-quick schemes, fraud, waste, speculation, hypocrisy (Ebertin)--and irresponsible, abusive, or reckless financial mismanagement. Political conflicts are also within the realms of Jupiter-Neptune (ex: Republicans vowing failure for President Obama since Day One). Such readers may be familiar with astrological principles and if so, they have not missed the significant synchronicity of the three 2009 conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune perfecting upon the US Moon in late Aquarius as seen on July 4, 1776: mundane US Moon = We the People.

The blend of this grand influence of the societal planet of expansion (Jupiter) and urge-to-merge Neptune (often a leader in fraud, falsehood, deception, smoke screens, masks, veils, loss, failure, theft, dissolution, contagion, mysticism, crime, and planet of The Masses, The Media, and propaganda) induced us in 2009+ to be exploited by our dreaminess, by falling into a swoon, having little sense of reality, becoming involved in speculation and fraud, losing ourselves in plans which brought waste, loss, and instability for a majority of the public (ex: the housing crisis). That America's natal Neptune @22Virgo conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society) obscures Barack Obama's natal Mars @22Virgo allowed the effective use of Jupiter-Neptune = natal Moon; meanwhile, those who were aware of the significance of such cosmic occurrences noticed that they timed and chimed with our newly elected "rock star" president (Mars-Neptune). This also relates to McConnell casting Neptunian shade over President Obama's natal Mars (motive, energy, action) to undermine him as every opportunity."

And with nebulous Neptune, as with Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, the seductive, deceptive influences were karmic or fated for the American people (US Moon). And actually, those same influences have been operative through the hypnotic appeal of Donald Trump - for those who have been susceptible to his "charms." He's a real pied piper, y'know? However, the fumes of 2009's Jupiter-Neptune = Moon energies will dissipate by the next Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 yet some effects may linger in the breeze since the 2022 conjunction perfects in mystical, shady, secretive, and perhaps compassionate Pisces, ruled, and some would say, co-ruled, by Neptune.

So below you see a dual chart of the third of three conjunctions of 2009 (lower left) along with the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis58 (upper right) which occurs under the Biden-Harris administration. Study notes are squished upon both charts if you care to enlarge the image and make them out; Solar Eclipses are penned on as well: 11 South (2009) and 5 New South (2022):

Any thoughts?

Sep 10, 2019

Sept 12, 2019 Democratic Debate: All About The Biden?

Joseph Biden; official portrait; United States Senate. [Public domain]

First, a few bio details concerning the Biden family. Next a glance at the natal horoscope of Joseph Biden if needed where you'll see the 2020 Democratic candidate's Midheaven, the Goal and Career Point, @19Vir54, suggesting a debate performance Thursday night during which Joe will shine in some way because the debate Sun @19Vir53 spotlights his Goal and Career Point in a positive way and allows his objectives and goals to be visible to all. Plus, with the debate held in Houston, Texas, Joe's natal Ascendant (self; physical body) @3Sag11 will rise as the debate begins, again an indicator of being placed in the spotlight, featured, and/or favored in some way. (By voters would be good! I'm for anyone but Spanky!)

However, all is not harmony and light for Joe Biden for there are a few cosmic flies in the political ointment on debate night and thereafter although they may be kept in a jar behind the curtain, yet perhaps they're worth mentioning. For one thing, Biden's natal Midheaven has always bothered me because a certain fixed star shines there--Denebola with key potentials: to go against society; against the mainstream. Years ago I put down the first potential as his membership in secretive groups of societal meddlers like the CFR and the Bilderberg Group promoting their own agendas which to me makes him a behind-the-scenes mover-and-shaker up to sneaky stuff, and its hidden facets make me fussy. The second potential I could only explain as his reputed habit during years of serving in Washington DC but riding a train home every night to his family. Actually, with this habit security concerns come to mind due to his past tragedy with wife and daughter (see bio link, above, if you don't know the sad story). Anyway, the former VP should be lauded for such familial devotion especially in a craven city like Washington DC (my former city of residence--and I despise what's been done to the place).

Then there's hidden hand Pluto @20Capricorn now trining Joe's natal Midheaven and supporting his ambitions and power potential while simultaneously sextiling his natal Mercury, an advantageous transit for political activities and for molding or transforming public perceptions. Mr. Biden does seem to be the Establishment's favored 2020 candidate, doesn't he?

Now the final 'fly' I shall mention is a major transiting influence upon Biden's natal chart and it is the other half of the transiting Sun-Neptune opposition which will be in force for all the debaters Thursday night (but without accurate birth times for them all it's impossible to say with confidence whether they'll be as affected as Joe--see links, below). For Biden it's nebulous Neptune @17Pisces in 3rd house conjunct his natal IC @19Pis54 (Basis; Endings; Roots; Domestic Scene, etc). Yes, Neptune is rapping softly on the door and about to float into Joe's natal 4th house. Yes, gas leaks and/or water damage are possibilities yet, while this transit hints at potentials for inspiration, it also suggests such things as confusion, deception, loss, disappointment or dissolution, if not now then later on. Plus, scandals, mysteries, and/or secrets may come to light during Campaign 2020 probably in relation to the Biden family or to Joe himself.

One situation we know of already is that his son Hunter recently married suddenly and in secret (apparently Joe learned about it by phone afterwards) so that should be no problem for now, right? And perhaps Hunter's secret wedding is exactly what transit Neptune at the Foundation Point of his dad's chart means, and only that.

After all, it was way back in June just passed that the Washington Post reported on Hunter Biden's "messy personal life" and wondered in print, Will it cause political headaches for his dad?. Well, I don't know about that but I do know that Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has a lot more nebulous work to do concerning the public and private life of 2020 candidate Joe Biden for the urge-to-merge planet is just getting started--moving in mysterious ways and rapping at the door. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents The Media and The Masses and politically has much to do with propaganda and/or mass social movements, but also with spirituality and the Divine Source if Neptune's compassionate energies are positively channeled.

As for the other debate participants Thursday night, the current transiting Sun-Neptune opposition, though fading, may provide a similar scandalous vibe to their candidacies and/or debate performances, suggesting a chameleon-like quality, or, it may uplift their rhetoric in the idealism-hopes-and-dreams department barring any glaring gaffes or fibs, while suggesting the possibility that a public image may be tarnished or undermined via deception by fellow debaters, or by Republican opponents determined upon Democratic losses no matter how many lies and insulting tweets it takes.

Ah well, such is politics, that "organized system of hatreds." (H.B. Adams).

Now here are three previous astro-posts concerning other Democratic debaters: Elizabeth Warren (her natal Chiron Rx @4Sag12 will rise in Houston while her Sun-Uranus conjunction @00Cancer, a Cardinal World point, will always stand out in an original and unique way); Kamala Harris (Thursday's debate Sun near her natal Venus in Virgo but debate Neptune opposes it, an undermining influence particularly in regard to relationships and/or allies); Cory Booker whose natal Sun in Taurus has been energized of late by transiting Uranus which may cause him to stand out from the crowd!

And if you wish, check out my previous 'Moon Talk' post concerning the September 12, 2019 Democratic Debate.

Aug 29, 2018

Sept 24, 2018 Paul Manafort Trial Washington DC

August 29, 2018: When last we discussed the second trial of convicted felon Paul Manafort set for September 17, 2018, I published an 8:00 am edt horoscope for the trial but expressed misgivings about whether the date would hold. Basically it didn't so later a post update was added to reflect that jury selection will proceed on September 17th but the attorneys' opening statements are postponed a week until September 24th. The following post is a meager attempt to update the second Manafort trial's planets but without displaying a second horoscope.

However, today my comments will be based on a chart set for September 24, 2018 '8:00 am edt' in Washington DC (aka the 'new trial') and hopefully the date will be the final re-set by Judge Jackson although other disruptions could occur (plea deals, illness, -?-). Authoritative Saturn @2Cap48 is in the 3rd house of Communications so a witness may be inhibited, prevented, or delayed from testifying, or perhaps a lawyer will come down with strep throat or be smooched by a dangerous kissing bug--who can say since this trial involves the unpredictable world of Donald Trump! Plus, kissing bugs never ask permission, they just smooch.

Now as we would expect, the fastest moving body from September 17th to the 24th is the Moon which reaches 24Pis14 conjunct fixed star Markab, the star of sorrow with themes of legal problems, emotional issues, tragedies to loved ones, and/or accidents (A. Louis). Luna's September 17th conjunction with Saturn Rx is left behind, plus, the Moon will have sailed beyond the net of deceptive Neptune (@14Pis37 and still in process of the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return/s with the the final of five conjunctions coming on December 29, 2018). Fixed star Achernar (risk of rapid endings; crisis at the end of the river) remains ensnared within Neptune's gauzy veils during this period of the GOP's identity and core values morphing into those of the bigoted 'Trump Party'. That transit Neptune now floats through its own watery realms of Pisces only makes things more confused, weakened, undermined, paranoid, fearful, and conspiratorial.

See 'The Conspiracy Party' and Its Neptune in Pisces (December 29, 2018 horoscope shown).

So the Sun @1Lib23 on September 24th has passed its Libra Ingress degree and topped the natal Midheaven (Goal Point) of the Sagittarius Rising natal chart of America (12Sag ASC; MC 00Lib47--a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Renown). This blend of conscious-unconscious energies provides a different cosmic weather for the day and trial: Sun Libra-Moon Pisces (Air-Water = ethereal, misty)--different from September 17th's earthy, pragmatic Sun Virgo-Moon Capricorn. Actually the new trial Moon @24Pis14 forms a Full Moon of sorts with the September 17th Sun (24Vir33) signifying a culmination or fulfillment of some sort.

The new trial's Sun Libra-Moon Pisces combination suggests actors, detectives, psychologists, and/or those with perceptive intellects and a potential for "vacillation at crucial crossroads." Hmm...could this describe Mr. Manafort (Sun) plus the jurors (Moon) on this day? Mercury @4Lib12 in 12th house is likely to signify those who testify and we should note that Mercury is no longer the oriental planet of the chart and trial (last to rise before the Sun)--now the oriental planet is way across the chart--quirky Uranus @1Tau41 Rx in 7th house. Curiously, Mr. Trump is a Uranus oriental figure leading the country in his disruptive, unpredictable, chaotic style.

Now a factor in an 8:00 am edt chart set for September 24th which was not true at 8:00 am edt on September 17th is that 13Lib05 rises which precisely brings up the natal Neptune Rx of Paul Manafort (13:52) along with fixed star Algorab with its Mars-Saturn influences and its difficult themes of loss, lies, greed, injury ('in' jury), accidents, and/or a potential for suicide (A. Louis). Manipulator Pluto @18Cap46 Rx stalks the IC, or Foundation of the chart and trial, while acting again as apex planet of the Mars-Saturn midpoint = 'rage, fury, brutality, intervention of a higher power, bodily injury or harm, murder, death of many people'--Ebertin). And as noted in previous posts, this particular midpoint picture belongs to the natal chart of Donald Trump so by transit it's a 'natal echo'. So it seems that Mr. Trump is at the basis of the matter although no one needs Astrology to confirm this for we hear his underworld 12th house Pluto threats every day (which are attended by his 12th house Mars).

At Midheaven (14Can57) are two major stars of the firmament: 'Dog Star' Sirius (ambition, fame, pride, occult interests, dog bites) which is aka, The Scorcher. Nearby in degrees is Canopus, the star of old age and signifying potentials for scandals, a quick temper, and violence (A. Louis). No longer is Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) precisely on the 8:00 am Midheaven for all to see as it was on September 17th!

On September 24th 'The Tower Eclipse' of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 remains the 'collapsing' Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the trial as on September 17th along with the same Syzygy Moon (last lunation) which is the New Moon of September 9th @17Virgo, ruled by Mercury, now moved into Venus-ruled Libra. This sign for communicating Mercury indicates a sense of justice, teamwork, and tactful mediation (Ebertin), plus, Mercury will have left its September 17th conjunction with fixed star Denebola (21Virgo; to go against society--and conjunct US natal Neptune).

The Jupiterian North Node @4Leo27 (public contact; future direction) is in the very public 10th house so of course media coverage will dominate to whatever extent it can yet its opposite, the Saturnian 'Tail of the Dragon' South Node @4AQ27 is closer to transit Mars than the week before for Mars is now posited @3AQ34 in 4th house which presents a picture of a loner who disregards the opinions of others when making decisions. Out of harmony with society, Mars-SN can also describe law enforcers and/or someone who tends to antagonize others by lashing out in anger or frustration. Wonder who Mars could be?

As for Jupiter, he'll have moved off '19Scorpio', the 'accursed degree of the accursed sign whose malefic influence never weakens' (A. Louis) and on to 20Sco53 in the trial's 2nd house of Money and Values. Next degree is '21Scorpio', a critical or crisis degree. Perhaps Jupiter's rounded-up SAbian Symbol is helpful here: "21Scorpio" = A Soldier Derelict in His Duty"...DEVIATION. Positive expression: "effective responsibility to the inner stirrings of self and a willingness to face the consequence of true self-assertion; negative: complete faithlessness to the common welfare" (Jones). Thing is, Venus in Scorpio is at a critical degree as well and both planets are 'money planets'.

Valuable Vengeful Venus @8Sco33 in 1st house Also Rules the Corporate 8th

Now I've saved for last chart-ruler Venus (same as on September 17th) which will apply once--to a pleasant trine aspect with deceptive if creative Neptune (6A04). This is the aspect of a master of disguise! A chameleon, as it were and one fond of charades and other game-playing which this trial could turn out to be--especially if Donald 'thespian' Trump dabbles in it. For after all, Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter-Neptune planets and their midpoint rise with his wounded Chiron in the 8:00 am chart on September 24th which suggests great hopes and speculation by one who lives in an unreal world and acts according to an emotionally rationalized agenda.

Okay, dear reader, that's it for me on the second trial of Paul Manafort. If the court schedule changes yet again or the trial is moved from DC, send me a link because it'll be your turn!

Recommended for further details: The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady, Horary Astrology Plain & Simple by Anthony Louis, Solar Arcs by Noel Tyl, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones, and Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey. The above Tarot card 'The Moon' is from Amy Zerner's The Enchanted Tarot deck. Perhaps you recall that we came across 'The Moon' card recently when we consulted the Tarot with a question regarding Mr. Trump and Mr. Mueller!

Apr 11, 2018

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising

April 11, 2018: once the New York FBI raided the home, office, and NY hotel room of Trump attorney/fixer, Michael Cohen on Monday (April 9, 2018), it seemed the time to post the natal horoscope of Trump 'amor' "Stormy Daniels" (nee Stephanie Clifford) so here's her horoscope with my typical messy notes, plus a few Trump natal planets and angles marked in red around her chart; as you see, sexy Sappho rises:

Added to the chart are two lunations--her Prenatal Solar Eclipse @7Pis29 in the 17 South Saros Series with themes of good news and success in relationship matters (Brady) and her Syzygy Moon @22Vir41 conjunct fixed star Denebola (out of the mainstream; to go against society) in 9th house and this is supported by natal Moon @4Sco56 as apex planet of her Neptune-NN midpoint (lack of community spirit; disappointment in relationships--Ebertin). Another picture, Uranus-Pluto = Moon gives her a sense of restlessness, plus, determined ambition, intuition, and emotional conviction (Tyl).

Trump, Daniels, and Cohen

One implication of the current Cohen-Trump turmoil over sex and hush money is seen via Trump's natal Jupiter conjunct Miss Clifford's natal 10th house Pluto (18Lis26 Rx), plus, natal Sun @26Pis05 conjoins asteroid Demeter (Greek goddess of nurturing which in Roman Mythology is Ceres) and asteroid of retaliation, Tisiphone. Note that in a Jupiter-Pluto hook-up, astrological Pluto, as always, holds the cards.

Three aspects to her chart-ruler Jupiter (at critical degree in 8th house of sex) are listed, lower left and she is in process of a three-fer Mercury Return with dates listed, lower right--Mercury's next exact hit occurs April 24, 2018, and as you know, Mercury rules negotiations, deals, and agreements including Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA).

Jupiter Exalts in Moon-ruled Cancer

The lady's last/current Jupiter Return (29Can07) perfected on July 12, 2014 with natal 8th house rising and transit Neptune @7Pis19 conjunct her PE, a Total eclipse which manifested on February 26, 1979. The last 17 South Eclipse occurred March 20, 2015 conjunct Scheat, a difficult star of extreme misfortune. This 17 South solar manifestation was the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse of 'sneaks, leaks, and veils' which heralded the prez-bid announcement of Donald Trump (with Stormy's hush money paid just before the 2016 Election). Also note that Stormy's essence is seen via the closest applying aspect to natal Sun and in her case, it's a Sun-Jupiter trine (3A01), an aspect of good luck and success which makes it easy for her to gain the cooperation of others.

And if we progress Miss Daniels' natal chart, we find that she symbolically entered a Balsamic Lunar Phase of endings, partings, and/or hidden activities on January 24, 2016 with SP Moon @17Pis24 conjunct SP South Node, a separative influence. Approaching for her is a new stage in life, an SP New Moon @5Tau42 which perfects on June 17, 2019. Mr. Trump, a Moon-SN kind of guy, was elected during a Balsamic phase and he remains in it until an SP New Moon @3Virgo perfects on September 16, 2019.

For now that's all I wish to type concerning Stormy Daniels' natal horoscope so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbles. And also note that the lady's natal chart and a few biographical details are available at (RR: A) so get thee hence, if you so wish.

Stephanie Clifford natal data: March 17, 1979 1:10 am CST Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with the hour of birth tweeted by the lady herself.

Mar 1, 2018

Manafort Trial Reset for September 17, 2018

By DonkeyHotey (Paul Manafort - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Of Kingpins and Squealers

by Jude Cowell

March 1, 2018: since yesterday, word is that the Paul Manafort trial has been reset for Monday September 17, 2018. It had been scheduled for March 15, 2018, a date of cosmic occurrences such as a seed-planting New Moon @24Taurus36--conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, and the day transit Uranus enters Taurus, sign of The Bull, though the disruptive planet of chaos will back into Aries once again in November 2018 and re-enter Venus-ruled Taurus for good in March 2019.

A glance at the general transits of September 17, 2018 show an excitable if not explosive and dangerous Mars-Uranus square, tr Mercury (planet of testimonies, deals, and such) @21Virgo and conjoining fixed star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), and a sobering or depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in very early Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And since world events tend to occur when Cardinal World Points of Manifestation (00Ari/Lib and 00Can/Cap) are triggered, we find wounded-wounding Chiron at Aries Point on that day and conjunct difficult fixed star Scheat with its potentials for malevolence of sublime scope, imprisonment, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide (A. Louis, N. DeVore, Ebertin-Hoffmann).

Additionally, transit Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, sits upon the disturbing degree of 19Scorpio (traditionally an 'evil degree'--Devore, who also says it's a crucial point of Ego vs Supreme Will) so Jupiter may not show the protection usually afforded especially since two malevolent stars inhabit the degree: North Scale with potentials for hasty words that cause problems, tragedy, and violence, and Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) with vibes of tragedy, misfortune, immorality, accidents, and/or danger of poison. Wonder of Mr. Manafort should use the services of a royal taste tester?!

Also of interest is the fact that moving Mr. Manafort's trial to September places the proceedings into the more difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 2 New North, with themes of The Tower that collapses (Brady). This includes plans and lifestyles collapsing and of course, Trump Tower comes easily to mind and although a complete financial and political collapse may be indicated for America (2 New North is the PE of Midterm Elections 2018--and as a POTUS goes, so goes America). However, it's Donald Trump who is closely linked to towers, even imprinting his name on them. Now this cosmic condition may very possibly bode ill for the Trump White House and for all he has gained so far in life because he regularly tends to ignore the karmic caution of his rising star, royal Regulus: success if revenge is avoided. And if it isn't avoided, at some point all that has been gained will be taken away.

Yet if total collapse is on the kingpin-in-chief's karmic agenda, would his Libran Jupiter's motto of "it's not fair!" agree that even a self-exalted, ego-based Mr. Trump must eventually reap what he's sown?

Related Posts include: A Noon Horoscope for Robert Mueller; Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull; and Chiron to Aries Point (3x--and please note that on the tri-wheel horoscopes I mislabeled the first conjunction as '2019' though the horoscope shown (April 2018) is correct.

May 1, 2017

More Astro-Notes: Sean Hannity Part 2

In Part One of my astro-peek at FOX News anchor Sean Hannity we discussed a few basic chart factors and I linked you to a view of his natal horoscope. Today let's consider his Sun-Moon blend and the personality these conscious-unconscious energies describe along with his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series and its themes.

Born December 30, 1961 (see Part One for more details), Mr. Hannity's natal Sun is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and his Moon is in Venus-ruled Libra, an Earth-Air blend which provides the capacity to be down-to-earth yet up-in-the-air simultaneously as rationality and abstract ideas combine. Here is a practical idealist who plans, then acts. However, losing touch with emotions is a caution for this liberal + conservative personality.

A fighter for causes, Mr. Hannity is courageous, socially aware, clear headed, opportunistic, and 'cunningly capable'. His dry wit can win friends and influence others with his gift for communication yet ignorance can unsettle him. A crusading temperament is in evidence along with a tendency to search for truth which no doubt aids his career in the news business. He does not hesitate to join battles he deems worthy, and a leaning toward always doing what's expected of him suggests that an occasional impulsive act could ease that 'stiff upper lip' of his and perhaps soften the edge of his considerable intellect.

In their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys give three Images for Integration to describe the Sun Cap-Moon Libra blend, any or all of which may be appropriate for Sean Hannity:

"In time an oyster turns irritating grit into a beautiful pearl...A beautiful walled garden...A visionary statesman fights a duel to see justice done."

Sean Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series is the 18 North. Prior to Sean Patrick's birth, 18N manifested on August 11, 1961 @19Leo, solar sign of leadership, ego, and pride. But his life isn't all sunflowers because 18N themes include: a high stress level; a taxing of strength; a large expenditure of effort; physical concern such as an illness or accident (Brady). 18N has also occurred in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, (1961), 1979, 1997, and last occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10--conjunct fixed star Denebola (keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream). 18N's initial eclipse manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34 so its modern-day influence should be viewed through an Aquarian lens.

Jul 30, 2016

August 23, 2016 Horoscope: Mars-Saturn-Antares conjoin

August 2016 Lunations, a Mutable Grand Cross, and a Triple Conjunction

Well, it's an ugly situation but here it is, the horoscope of Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct royal star Antares at a moment no one but the violent have been waiting for. The chart is set for the White House (to represent our nation as well as our capital city) on August 24, 2016 at 7:26:09 am edt Washington DC. It's an Hour of Mercury posited in its own sign of Virgo in the first house and lined up with North Node, Venus, and Jupiter--aggressive Mars @9Sag52 conjoins Saturn and the IC and is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane. Read on if you dare...(and please pardon my typo in this post's title..if corrected the link won't work!)

First, let's list the August 2016 Lunations:

August 2 New Moon @10Leo57 4:44:30 pm edt White House; New Moon in 8th house trined by a 12th house Saturn Rx (9Sag52); Hour of Venus which is at the end of Leo (26:35, also in 8th house); ASC 17Sag13 makes Jupiter chart-ruler from its own 9th house @22Vir24 conjunct US natal Neptune suggesting inspiration, but negatively hinting at unwise speculation, paranoia, fanaticism, inflation, and scandal. This Jupiter also conjoins the natal Mars of President Obama which can cause overestimation of strength, having a large part to play in proceedings, and/or success if moderation and caution are used. The midpoint of Jupiter and Neptune rise in this chart so the potentials for speculation and lack of realism are increased.

August 18 Full Moon @25AQ51 (conjunct US natal Moon/We the People) 5:26:30 am edt White House; Full Moon in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies so the 1/7 polarity is emphasized between Self and Others with the Sun rising @25Leo51;ASC 13Leo23 conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Sun, and the Virgo line-up is in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earning Ability, and Values; Jupiter and Neptune rule the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, Shared Resources, Legacies, Transformation, (Death, and the Occult) so there's a money/wealth emphasis across the 2/8 axis--and fraudulent Neptune @10Pis02 Rx is in the 8th house as is Wounded Healer Chiron @24Pis08 Rx (suggesting a mentor or mentors); Neptune and the Saturnian South Node are conjoined (1 degree 41 min orb) in 8th so the implications of loss through fraud or through weather disasters such as floods and storms are increased. Gas, oil, and toxic fumes are also possibilities as are catastrophes related to drugs, poisons, contagion or epidemics, and/or to soil erosion or upheaval (see Antares, below).

As for the horoscope you see here with its Mars-Saturn-Antares flavors at the Ending or HOW? Point of the chart, their conjunction adds to the likelihood of natural disasters, quarrels, suspicion, belligerence, military action, violence, fires, explosions, shipwrecks, tectonic shifts, and/or other natural or man made catastrophes. Not a pretty picture at all, is it? Well, Mars-Saturn is often said to be the 'death axis' in a horoscope and as malevolents, one or both planets tend to be active during times of extremism and violent measures especially when Angular as they are here in Washington DC.

Add Antares (alpha Scorpii; Watcher of the West) to the brew and the negative tendencies of Mars-Saturn with its frustrating stop-go energies can be invigorated toward destruction (including self-destruction), obsessive behavior, and dramatic turns of events. Murder (or worse, mass murder) and executions cannot be ruled out with such a turbulent trio which could very well affect masses of people. Plus, miners and laborers may be in the spotlight since the trio is in the 4th house.

Two Royal Stars in a Mutable Grand Cross

Opposite Antares is royal star Aldebaran (alpha Tauri; Watcher of the West; success through integrity; in Arabian Astrology, 'the one who follows the Pleiades') at the very visible Midheaven would seem to be related to The Goal (the WHY? Point of the chart) so there we have two royal stars completing a Mutable Grand Cross that expresses at the Public angle at MC. Please enlarge the chart for more details such as the actors in the Grand Cross: Mars/Saturn/IC/Antares, Neptune/SN/Descendant, MC/Aldebaran, and the Ascendant/NN conjunction. Also note the Seesaw shape of the planets weighted on the Virgo side which denotes the capability for major achievement while working under contrasting and antagonistic polarities (Jones).

Obviously a few T-Squares are formed via the Grand Cross planets and points and these can be read as midpoint pictures which contain a variety of positive and negative potentials such as: recognition, success, bringing ideas to fruition at all costs, muddled aspirations, corruption, failure, wrong arrangements, peculiar circumstances, disappointment, depression, mayhem, suffering, mourning, a lack of clarity, links to others via unfortunate conditions and...a love of humanity. (I prefer the last potential, don't you?)

Not included in the Grand Cross pattern are an unaspected Sun and Uranus (Rx). Unaspected, each planet tends to work within its own sphere of interests--the Sun in the karmic 12th house of Politics and Back Room Deals, and Uranus, anarchistic in Aries and possibly causing turns of fortune or fate in the 8th house realms already mentioned, above. Other actors (planets) don't moderate or affect the solar and Uranian energies in this chart so that they are expressed without the support or interference of others.

A Moon Exalted in Taurus

Aided by three applying trines, the Moon @22Tau45 is in the 9th house and signifies the populace in a Mundane chart. Practical Earth trines to the Moon coming from the 1st house trio of Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Virgo suggest that commodities markets, cyclical ups and downs, and legal matters are involved, and that fluctuations are being planned for. Taurus looks for preservation of values, increased development and growth, comfort, luxury, and possessions and these are the reigning needs of a Taurus Moon. (btw: 22Taurus is just beyond a Lunar Return for former president Bill Clinton whose natal Moon position is @20Taurus+.) Actually, a Taurus Moon in 9th house trined by two money planets (Venus and Jupiter) and the planet of negotiations and trade (Mercury) brings a hint of lawsuits with favorable outcomes to mind.

Also not part of the Mutable Grand Cross is wealthy, powerful manipulative Pluto @15Cap11 Rx which precisely conjoins the 5th cusp, the house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Speculation, and Creative Ventures. However, Pluto is connected to the Mutable Cross since it is disposited by major player Saturn via Capricorn, planet of structure, authority, control, government, law, and business. Of interest is the fixed star that Pluto conjoins, lovely Vega (alpha Lyrae) which provides such potentials as: good fortune in Politics, wealth via dealing with the government, double dealing, fleeting fame, and mother problems (A. Louis). Hmmm. Seems likely to me it might just as often indicate father problems with Saturn-ruled Capricorn involved!

2016 Solar Eclipses Spotlight the Virgo-Pisces Victim-Savior Axis

Now running in the background in August is the current Solar Eclipse (18 South) which manifested on March 9, 2016 @18Pis55 with its themes of endings, separations, and partings (Brady). Sadly, such themes support rather well the more difficult Mars-Saturn-Antares energies of August, don't they? And we've already seen 18 South manifested in both the Republican and the Democratic campaigns as staffers and officials have been let go or stepped down (ex: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz). Yet 18 South includes a ray of hope for positive outcomes may result from the new conditions created under the influence of the eclipse.

However, since August 23rd is within 2 weeks of the next Solar Eclipse (September 1st @9Virgo), its 19 North themes may affect the harsh trio conditions as well. Plus, a conjunction on an Angle such as we see here in DC can act disruptively itself in similar fashion to an eclipse or to the planet Uranus. In other words, these are 'wild card' energies being discussed here and the potentials may or may not express at all, one of the qualities of quirky Uranus which can act as a catalyst early, on time, late...or never! Plus, we can never reliably predict what Uranus is up to, can we? Especially when The Isolationist planet is further detached by being unaspected!

The Saturn-Neptune Square Links 2016 with 1989

And yes, the off-on Saturn-Neptune square applies again (1A00) which links back to their last Great Conjunction/s all through 1989--3 times from 10Cap22 (#3) to 11Cap14 and 11:55 where transit Pluto crept for the last few years leading to deep fears of loss and/or a feeling of being downtrodden--which is more than a feeling thanks to draconian measures taken by governments across the globe and to the degradation of moral standards in society (imho). My feeling is that repressive governments with hidden agendas are the main problem, not the people! For without racketeering governments and their enablers, war would not exist. Meanwhile, profiteering 'leaders' provide mere lip service to the cause of peace!

Now perhaps you remember that for the first time since the late 15th century, the year 1989 saw a triple conjunction of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, thus thickening the planetary plot beyond the scope of this post although we should note that workers' and civil rights and a fair and just society were obvious areas of interest then and are on society's front burner again, often as 'income inequality' issues. You know, lowering the IQ score for entering police academies hasn't improved society at all for it represents degraded standards.

As for hotheaded Mars, the confrontational warrior planet applies to nebulous Neptune (1A00) in murky Pisces, an aspect that echoes America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misguided or misdirected energies, confused motivations, though occasionally inspired actions. However, we may expect this square to blow the fog of war up our apathetic (noses) as usual. Tragically for humanity, perpetual war is a primary goal of the power elite. And corporate planet Jupiter conjunct starry Denebola in 1st house tells the tale: to go against society.

Okay, I'll hush for now and hope that this downer post serves to inspire moderation, a strengthening of our community spirit, and perhaps thoughts for safety precautions during the month of August 2016 into September. After all, we have the September 1st Solar Eclipse of realism and tackling the truth approaching as we each ruminate upon which of two sub-par presidential candidates we'll vote for on November 8th--so please do not stay home!


FYI: the last Mars-Saturn conjunction I remember is the one in late August 2014 @17Sco41; there was a Quarter Moon @24Taurus on August 17th reflecting a cycle of rigid, stubborn Fixed energies. jc

May 29, 2016

We the People: Moon-Tracking RNC and DNC 2016

Horoscopes: RNC and DNC July 2016

by Jude Cowell, your Common Good political astrologer

As always, my only nag in the race is America and as you know, in Mundane Astrology the Moon represents The Public whose favor and approval can fluctuate in the blink of an eye. So with the fast approaching Republican and Democratic National Conventions in July 2016, let's track the Moon through her zodiacal signs during the party nomination processes searching for lunar clues concerning public mood, sentiment, and popular trends in relation to Campaign 2016 and the presidential nominees who, here in late May, seem to be pre-selected.

For both events you see expansive Jupiter conjoining fixed star Denebola (21Virgo) with key words: out of the mainstream; to go against society which shows 'the outsider' quality of this election, a requirement of Venus as Evening Star, and one which can be satisfied by a victory for Hillary Clinton (a female), Bernie Sanders (a Democratic Socialist and Independent), or Donald Trump (a self-declared non-politician).

First up are the Republicans: RNC July 18--21, 2016 (Cleveland, Ohio). (For the DNC July 25--28, 2016 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, see below). Besides the Capricorn Full Moon of Tuesday July 19th, a few other lunar events and aspects will be briefly mentioned as we sail through the signs with Luna, the astrological significator of emotions, feelings, needs, trends, publicity, and popularity. For the time frame, we're symbolically using the first day of each convention at 12:00 am until the last day of each convention at 11:59 pm--to represent each event in its entirety and to cover all possible signs of the Moon from start to finish. The 'last day' 11:00 pm charts are shown, below.

Note that the Sun remains in Cancer during the RNC and in Leo during the DNC, with Cancer ruled by the Moon, Leo ruled by the Sun; brief notes on the changing Sun-Moon blends are included as well as the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (18 South) which influences both conventions with 'separations, endings, partings' vibes.

RNC 2016: Monday July 18th 12:00 am: the Moon begins @4Cap28 (Sun 25Can57) giving the public at home and in the audience a serious tone of ambition and practicality with duties taken seriously (Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business; tribal Cancer denotes home but also business); a Moon-Saturn tone indicates that some frigidity of feeling may be in evidence, if not onstage or in the audience, then behind the curtain. Monday July 18th also contains a Moon-Pluto flavor as the Moon conjoins transit Pluto at 9:24 pm (15Cap56). In Politics, a Moon-Pluto signature describes potentials for the misuse of resources in business and/or political activities, and/or campaign promises concerning the use of the military and/or police, plus, underworld criminal elements such as mobsters, fraud, waste, women's issues, and/or hidden wealth (Munkasey); (Cowell).

Actually, across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis, a doubling of Moon-Pluto vibes occurs on July 19th for a Full Moon @27Cap40 perfects and conjoins US natal Pluto (27Cap33) suggesting potentials for military and/or police involvement during the convention (or rhetoric about such topics), violence and/or criminal behavior, terrorism, paid protesters disrupting events, intense emotions such as rage or jealousy, hurled insults, hidden string-pulling, mass media and a very large amount of publicity. (Moon-Pluto = public relations; mass propaganda; a need for power.) Plus, with Moon-Pluto, a 'demanding tyrant' may be on the scene. This is supported by transit Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn which can express as The Dictator (Ebertin).

That the Full Moon's Sun opposes US natal Pluto @27Cap33 (and US SP Pluto @29Cap, a critical degree) hints at what we know to be the case: major power plays are in progress. The July 19th Full Moon may potentially reveal secrets much as a Lunar Eclipse can do and may involve the Pentagon and/or may place plutocrats (Pluto) in the public spotlight, and highlight misogyny, point to abortion issues, and/or uncover past abuses of women. Simultaneously, transit Pluto squares US natal Saturn (14Lib48), a time when motives must be aboveboard, and restriction and criticism occur due to our government's ruthless abuse of power and authority.

RNC 2016: Two Sun-Moon Blends

So RNC 2016 opens with a pragmatic, muddy Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of the progressive traditionalist who knows how to appeal to the masses and can drive a hard bargain. Shrewd in business, smoothing the way for others is one this blend's aims along with following established protocol while looking toward the future. That Donald Trump can fit into such 'established protocol' remains to be seen but he has assured us that he can morph into something 'presidential'--spoken like a true thespian of the shape-shifting Gemini persuasion, one who is full of Mars-Rising self-confidence (on the outside, at least.)

Once the Moon enters Aquarius on July 19th (11:10 pm edt), convention vibes morph into a misty Water-Air blend of Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius, a more visionary combination of energies. Yet heart and head may be at odds with this blend along with an urge to 'upset the apple cart', as they say. Yet there is warmth of feeling here along with interests in home, family, and ancestral heritage, plus, an ability to practice Politics by what can be described as "a people person" (Harveys). Reaching out to the public and the forceful communication of ideas with passion and conviction are notable. Gregarious yet private, this blend allows a continual redefining of the personality and integrity along with a talent for creating magic for or upon the public.

By July 21st, the last night of RNC 2016, the Sun reaches the critical 29th degree of Cancer (+45m) spotlighting its interesting Sabian Symbol (when rounded up to '30Cancer'): "A Daughter of the American Revolution" = GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST (Rudhyar). The Republican Party certainly is determined on that even though it's an irrational head-against-brick-wall effort since the Great Cosmic Clock cannot be turned back to the 1850s or the 1950s! However, Mr. Trump's slogan, Make America Great Again, implies a link to our country's past and fits this symbol quite well. Of course, I assume that the RNC will not 'steal' the nomination from him by July!

Additionally on the evening of July 21st, America experiences a Lunar Return @27AQ at 11:36:19 pm edt which underscores our natal lunar aspects of July 4, 1776 (past history!) and the Thor's Hammer pattern (aka, a Fist of God) in our natal chart (I use 5:09 pm LMT with 12Sag rising, Jupiter ruling) with the Sun-Saturn square at its base (Cancer to Libra) pointing toward our natal Moon (We the People). My reading is that the Sun-Saturn square represents the three branches of government: Sun = the president, Saturn = lawmakers (Congress) and law interpreters (SCOTUS) with the power of the executive branch restricted (square = blockage) by the other branches--and vice versa. That's our founding checks'n'balances tradition, at least, before anti-government infiltrators meddled and the White House under Bush-Cheney wrongly engaged in preemptive war, among other unlawful things. In some cases, President Obama may have overstepped his bounds, too.

So! RNC 2016 is cosmically emphasized by a Capricorn Full Moon and a US Lunar Return, its dates possibly chosen for these planetary reasons. And it seems significant that Donald Trump announced his presidential bid on June 16, 2015 under the auspices of a New Moon @25Gemini07 (a new cycle of activity for him) and his political endeavor may culminate or pay off under the RNC Full Moon in Capricorn with the RNC's intense Moon-Pluto flavors of passion and possibly of violence. Now the Gemini-to-Capricorn lunations may be only a quixotic notion of his (or of mine!) but his 'Announcement New Moon' of The Messenger, Gemini (sign of his natal Sun, North Node, and Uranus), certainly seems about to bear Oval Office fruit--or at least provide the Big Opportunity for Mr. Trump's enlarged ego to pick a ripe one with his very own tiny little hands.

History of The Republican Party.

Here are both last-night horoscopes set for 11:00 pm edt (around the time when nominees' names are usually announced--or they've given their acceptance speeches): lower left = RNC Thursday July 21, 2016 11:00 pm edt; upper right = DNC Thursday July 28, 2016 11:00 pm edt; as you see, the current Solar Eclipse @18Pis55 rises in the RNC chart and is intercepted in the 12th house of Politics in the DNC chart which suggests the possibility of some sort of fated separation or parting taking place behind closed doors:

Now we mosey to Philadelphia where DNC 2016 begins Monday July 25th (12:00 am edt through Thursday July 28th 11:59 pm edt) with the Sun in early Leo (conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury--he will speak at DNC, of course) and the ever-changing Moon @9Aries02. Note that Aries is Bernie Sanders' natal Moon sign though it could possibly be Hillary Clinton's Moon sign, too, if her birth time is later than advertised. Interesting that the Moon will soon contact '11 Aries' which in Sabian Symbols is, "The Ruler of a Nation" (Rudhyar) or "The President of the Country" (Jones). For public sentiment, Moon in Mars-ruled Aries indicates an eager mood of impulsive or stirred up emotions and excited women. And we may hear Hillary bring up the "I am one of you with my modest beginnings" assertion though to me it sounds more sincere coming from Brooklyn-ite Bernie Sanders.

Tuesday July 26th: at 11:37 am, the Moon leaves Aries and enters Venus-ruled Taurus, its sign of exaltation, then on Wednesday July 27th at 9:55 pm, Luna will return to natal degree of former President Bill Clinton (20Tau18), a Lunar Return--with Jupiter trining his Moon along with Pluto so that a practical Earth Grand Trine is formed indicating a comforting power of attraction. This trine is a closed circuit of energies and hints at 'powerful builders' on the material plane, those who can consolidate vast resources until solid gains are made (Tierney).

Yet the course of the Moon (reigning need - Tyl) has obstacles in its path via two squares from Mercury @25Leo44 (5A26) and Venus @10Leo28 (0A49) indicating conflicting opinions (Mercury) and a need to adopt another's perspectives (Venus) which I read as Hillary's adoption (in her rhetoric, at least) of the more progressive views of Senator Bernie Sanders.

To hear very clearly another candidate's perspectives which political pundits say are causing Hillary to lean Left, check out the rousing speech of Bernie Sanders at his Bakersfield, California rally on May 28, 2016.

And of course, Mercury represents young people (such as Millennial voters who prefer Senator Sanders in great numbers) and/or students of student loan fame. Lady Venus on one level may represent women or people involved in professions such as entertainment or the beauty industry, or who work in financial and/or teaching fields. 'If' Hillary is the nominee, she'll need to make some adjustments in her campaign promises which is supported or triggered by the chart's Moon phase of 3rd quarter, the crisis in consciousness phase.

Now here are brief notes on the three Sun-Moon blends that form during DNC 2016:

Monday July 25th: Sun Leo-Moon Aries (Fire-Fire): passionate, ambitious, dictatorial, a social conscience yet self-centered; adventurous, extroverted, a daring gambler, wants to improve things and takes charge. Cautions are to avoid grandiosity, rashness, and recklessness. (This blend may describe the environment on the first day and/or someone who takes charge of the proceedings, possibly DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz).

Tuesday July 26th -- Wednesday July 27th: Sun Leo-Moon Taurus (Fire-Earth): a showman, regal, dictatorial, loyal yet self-seeking, magnetic, generous, powerseeking, a good administrator, intensely stubborn, self-confident with a "splashy personality," reliable, sincere and courageous, shrewdly commercial, a big thinker. Cautions are vanity, inflexibility, subjectivity, and a lack of cooperation.

Thursday July 28th: Sun Leo-Moon Gemini (Fire-Air): humorous, analytical, restless, sociable, organizing skills, youthful, purposeful yet playful, ambitious, adaptable, a quick learner, intuitive, friendly, quick witted, perennial student, persuasive communicator with a social conscience, an optimistic opportunist. Cautions are restlessness, emotional fickleness, and a tendency to over-rationalize.

Mask off! For Sun Leo-Moon Gemini is the natal personality blend of Barack Obama! And he has a Moon Return (3Gemini) during the last day of DNC 2016.

Now you see in the DNC chart a 'YOD pattern' as long as we're willing to count the Midheaven (MC, the Goal/Career Point @6Cap27) as the place where the Sun-Moon sextile (60 degr) at its base can express (in Career). At the Sun-Moon midpoint conjunct the IC, I wrote, "Sun-Moon = Hill and Bill?" because I think it does represent them and their marriage, a partnership of power. Also at IC is US natal Jupiter @6Cancer with its telling Sabian Symbol, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests", a word picture from 1776 speaks for itself, agreed? Say what you will about the Clintons returning to the White House with all their tiresome baggage (that the GOP will never shut up about), since leaving the White House in January 2001, their speaking careers and the Clinton Foundation have been very lucrative for them and their family.

Now on the right side of the chart you see my scribbles of "YOD: Sun-Moon = MC: husband and wife, and Sun-Moon = US natal Jupiter: joint success" (Ebertin), with a YOD denoting 'a special task, turning point, or crossroads' within this midpoint picture. Return of the Power Couple is apparently the Clintons' goal. The question of a crime syndicate coming along with them is beyond the scope of this post--besides the US is infested with criminal syndicates already. However, I consider the two political parties as factions of a ruling elite with each group determined to control the American branch of Global Government, and it will probably make little if any difference to the fate of the American people whether a Republican or a Democrat is selected by higher-ups to steer our sinking ship, the military arm of said Government.

As for the upcoming transfer of power, a clue is found via the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint (26Cap+) now conjoining US natal Pluto which sits atop the Inauguration 2017 horoscope with potentials for feeling downtrodden (Tyl), and denials of guilt from responsible parties (Munkasey).

Now there are two societal conditions that need serious addressing but will the new boss be same as the old? Yes, unless it's President Bernie Sanders. But how many sold-out politicians do you think would cooperate with him?

In closing, I want to say that whoever moves into the Venusian Oval Office on January 20, 2017, the opposite party should consider one thing--that all their sore-loser criticisms and undermining of the presidency simultaneously undermines the United States of America. So as was not done during the presidency of Barack Obama, please think thrice before you determine upon our national failure because your treason is showing.

History of The Democratic Party.


Related posts: a few brief astro-notes concerning RNC Chairman Reince Priebus; Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper; The Venus Cycle and US Presidential Election 2016; and 19 North Solar Eclipse Affects Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017.

Note: you may wish to check back later for this post may be updated with timely info as July approaches! jc