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Nov 14, 2023

Is Stephen Miller a Bulldozer?

So What If Miller Comes 'Round Again?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Is this the Wikipedia page of Stephen Miller's second-great grandfather Dov Ber Cheinman, an illustrious figure and teacher in Jewish history? Yes, Mr. Miller is Jewish and was architect of Trump's ripping children from the arms of their parents at the Southern border, even though his ancestral heritage includes asylum seekers fleeing anti-semitic progroms. How's that for an example of pulling up the ladder behind you? Hypocrisy much? Well, if you wish, read about controversial flame-thrower Stephen Miller here and expect more of him if Trump manages to grab the White House again.

As for Miller's natal planets, here's an excerpt from a previous post containing a few astro-notes concerning Trump's hardcore reich-wing speech writer Stephen Miller with mild edits for clarity:

Stephen Miller August 23, 1985 4:53 pm PDT Santa Monica, California (RR: AA). Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes) with his Sagittarian Moon out-of-bounds (faulty or estranged relationship with Mother); Moon conjunct Uranus @Station Direct (intuitive, seeks emotional excitement, erratic mood changes, extreme emotions, often cranky, irritable, moody) and suggesting further separation issues with Mum and his entire family. Tellingly, his Sun in Virgo (@00:46) conjuncts royal Regulus in 8th house of the Occult, and other metaphysical factors are shown elsewhere in his natal chart and in his family heritage (Kabbalah: see the horoscope's lower left corner, below). Paradoxically, a Virgo Sun placement suggests a mother-ruled child but it may involve a lost or missing quality.

Meanwhile, Sun sextile Pluto {} denotes those whose deep desire is to control the world; they're self-reliant, competitive, and base their lives on winning vs losing (like Trump); plus, with Pluto conjunct MC, Miller's main objective is to gain power and control; father issues are possible with Pluto-MC and bullying is a potential.

Additionally, Mr. Miller's Earth-Fire personality blend is known as a 'bulldozer' which tends to push moral certitude upon others (ex: "scorched earth" policies). Often dictatorial and insensitive to other people, Mr. Miller values rationality over human suffering while shoving through his preferred political policies (Sun Sign-Moon, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Now here's the rest of the post which contains a link to Stephen Miller's accurately timed natal horoscope, sans my usual scribbles.

And to close, here's a bi-wheel for your consideration:

Stephen Miller natal surrounds the genesis of Trump's "American Carn*ge" Party (Horoscope) (inner) based on Trump's threatening inaugural address of January 20, 2017 and which, hopefully, will be the only such diatribe We the People will ever have to endure whether Mr. Miller pens it or not:

Note: the January 20, 2017 horoscope is worth keeping our eyes on for transits such as relentless Pluto's power-mad conjunction to inaugural Midheaven and to US inaugural Sun, a cosmic marker for those who crave power and control. And with the Trump crowd of comrades, not in a good way. However, the better news is that Pluto will finally leave Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the placement a cosmic marker for The Dictator (R. Ebertin) so in Aquarius there could be a less dystopian-Utopian quality to our national leadership going forward with the rule of law still part of the deal--as long as we convict him while we can!

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